THE SU2sTDAT" OREGOtflA FOKTIAISU, DjSUlgaiBKK. II, 19Qg. CALLS IT ILLEGAL Breyman Asks to Have Indict ment Set Aside, PICKS -OUT FLAWS IN PAPER He Declares the Grand Jury Caused Him to Give Evidence Against Himself Without Giving Him the Proper Warning. A. H. Breyman. who is jointly indicted with his partner. John Sommerville. for leasing the Paris House property for Im moral purposes, yesterday, by his attor neys. Carey & Mays, filed a motion to set aside the indictment. It is alleged that the indictment is not found indorsed and presented as pre scribed in chapter 7, title 18 of the code; second, that the jury found an indict ment against tho defendant on his own testimony, which was Incompetent and Illegal, and third, that the constitutional right of the defendant was violated in that he was compelled to testify before the grand jury as a witness against himself. Files an Affidavit. In connection with the motion, Mr. Breyman has nled an affidavit which states: I was supbonaed before the grand jury on November 25, 1904. and re quired to bring with me the lease to my property mentioned in the Indictment. I was required to produce the lease and was Interrupted by members of the grand jury touching my ownership of the prop erty and was required to testify as a witness concerning the occupancy of the property, its use by the tenants under the lease and other matters relating to the character of tho place and pertain ing generally to the subject matter in the indictment. I did not attend to tes titfy voluntarily, but solely because I was required to. I was not informed 'of my rights nor permitted to seek the ad vice of counsel and was not advised by the grand jury that my testimony would "be used against me, nor was I told I need not answer the questions pro pounded to me. or that I could not bo required to testify against myself, and I did not know I could not be required to testify against myself. Tho indictment was based upon my testimony." WOULD SELL SEASIDE HOUSE Petition to That End Filed in County Court by Charles H. Carey. A petition to sell the Seaside House property, comprising a Summer resort hotel and several hundred acres of land at Clatsop Beach, was filed in the Coun ty Court yesterday by Charles H. Carey, administrator of the estate of Joseph Holladay, deceased, and tho property was appraised at 531.500, but the ad ministrator says this is too high a fig ure and that $20,000 is a reasonable valuation. The administrator reports that since the date of the last report the receipts of the estate have been $39,500, which Includes $19,000 received from the salo of Oregon Transfer Com pany stock and 519,000 balance due of the purchase price of property on Fourth street. There are a largo number of claims against the estate. There is one of I'nited States ex rel. E. Q. McKay, caused by Joseph Hblladay signing a bond for 515.000 on a lightship-building contract. The claim "was 515,078 In 1S9S. and there has been paid on it 511.379, leaving- a balance, including in terest, of 510,191 still due. J. C. Epper ly holds a claim for $4616, James Gleason for 52200, C H. Carey for 51873, Carey & Mays for 58951, Mary Hughes 51854; "Willamette Mills, $15. 041; Kelly, Dunne & Co., 57562'; Mary T. Strong, executrix -will of Fred R. Strong, deceased, fees due her late hus band for services rendered as executor -will Joseph Holladay and moneys ad vanced, 514,035. There are numerous other claims. The principal legatees are Mary S. Hughes, Jesse Holladay, Ben Holladay and Linda Holladay Dor sey". There -will be nothing left after the claims of creditors have been paid. TRUE BILL AGAINST GOODWIN Grand Jury Returns an Indictment Charging Him With Infidelity. An-, indictment- charging- Edward H. Goodwin with adultery on November 14, 1904, with Jane "Doe, whose true name is unknown, was returned by the grand jury yesterday. The witnesses "who appeared against Goodwin were his wife, Alice R. D. Goodwin, Mrs. J. Coyan, N." K. Clarke and Emma Shultz. Goodwin was ar rested several weeks ago on a warrant sworn to by his wife, who had been chasing him all over the country. He sent her to Nome to get rid of her, and when she found him here lie was living with another woman at the Portland Hotel. The parties are all prominent in New York society circles, and are well known in San Francisco. Mrs. Goodwin, who is an attractive woman, made the complaint against her hus band. SAID SHE WAS CLUMSY. Therefore, Gladys J. Shaw Got a Di vorce From Her Husband. "You are as handy as a bird they call an elephant; If I were as clumsy as you I would sell out. If I didn't have any bettor judgment about managing a house than you have,' "I would crawl into a hole." Gladys J. Shaw, who was granted a di vorce from her husband, James Shaw, by Judge George, yesterday, testified that Shaw addressed her in this way, and used epithets in addition. She said Doctors of the St SPECIALISTS IN practice in Portland prove that our methods of treat ment are safe and certain. The Master Special! Call at our offices or write, and If we find that you ef Portland, rcho core cannot be cured we will NOT accept your money mea ealy. who see under AN' CONDITIONS j and if we Und you are "5?. . fS?BuJr curable we will guarantee a SAFI3 AND POSITIVE established 1879. CURE In the shortest possible time, without injurious after effects. Our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious, skillful and successful service. Consult us before consenting to any surgical procedure upon Important blood vessels and organs. SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call writo us. Always In close ten 2-cent stamps for reply. OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.J SUNDAYS 10 to 3 ONVT. THE DR. KESSLEB St. Louis surgicc.liand Dispensary Cer. Second and Yamhill Streets, Pertlasd, Or. ho called her' a thief, a dirty old fool, and said that as she is of a very sensi tive disposition, all of this was very try ing to her nerves. Mrs. Shaw further testified that since their marriage, on April 9, 1903, at "Vancouver, "Wash., her husband bought for her but ono dress and a pair of shoes. Her mother pur chased all her clothinsr. Once when she was sweeping the side walk she let her glasses fall, she said, and they were broken. The defendant refused to buy-her another pair, and her mother was compelled to procure them for her. Shaw is employed by Dr. Giesy and receives 560 per month, but the plain tiff said he would not properly provide for her, although well able to do so. He brought his dogs into the kitchen just after she had scrubbed the floor, and told her if she did not like the dogs she could move out. The plaintiffs maiden name was Thorpe. Court Notes. Cecelia Kagi yesterday commenced suit in the State Circuit Court against Henry Kagi for a divorce because of desertion. The warrants for judges and clerks and other expenses of the November election are ready for delivery by the County Clerk. Mrs. William Stark, who was dissuaded from jumping Into tho river with her baby by neighbors, was brought . before the County Court yesterday, and the child, 5 years old, was adjudged an imbecile and will be sent to the Insane Asylum at Salem for treatment. The mother had be come almost a mental and physical wreck in her efforts to care for the child and work to provide for her own wants, her husband being often unable to find any thing to do. Mrs. Stark would not consent at first to part with her offspring, but finally consented to do so. In tho suits of George T. Myers and A. A. Kadderly and others' against fhe City of Portland Judge George" .yesterday dc cldedc that the city must answer the charges of fraud alleged by the plaintiffs on the part of the City Engineer and other officials In accepting defective asphalt pavement. The pavement complained of Is on Third street, from Yamhill to Glisan. This is tho Myers case. In the Kadderly case the improvement of East Burnside street is complained of. The demurrer to the complaint in the Myers case was over ruled, and in the Kadderly case it was sustained. Attorney R. TL Dunning gave notice of appeal of the latter case to the Supreme Court. "BOB" PATTERSON ARRESTED Is Taken Into Custody Because Minor Is Found in His Resort. His mother died three years ago, his father deserted her two years before death, and George Blake, aged 19 years, cared nothing as to where he went, what he did or what became of him. "Worn and weary from a tramp all the way from Oak Grove, he fetched up in Portland last night, and shortly afterwards was seated in a box of the Favorite saloon, drinking a bottle of beer with Bessie Krugcr. Policemen Baty and Burke, with Ser geant Hogeboom, descended on fhe dive, which i.s at Fourth and Couch streets, arrested "Bob" Patterson, one of tho pro prietors, took the boy and the woman and marched them to police headquarters and locked them all up. Patterson is charged with selling liquor to a minor, Bessie Kruger with vagrancy, and the boy is held as a witness. Patterson and the woman secured bail, he 5100 and she 550, and were released by Captain Moore, to appear tomorrow in the Municipal Court for trial. The officers also brought in J. B. Moore, the other proprietor of the dive, but when 6hown to the boy, tho latter could not positively identify him as the one who also sold him a bottle -of beer, and he was allowed to go. Moore is .already held on a charge, of allowing a minor girl to loiter in his establishment, and is under 5100 bonds, on that charge. The boy was 'ery drunk when found, and could riot clearly tell anything. He readily Identified Patterson, however, as the, man who old him the first bottle of beer'In the dlye. He.'hald been working on a ranch at Oak Grove, but lost his position yesterday mornlng, when, he left and started for this city. "UNCLE BETJBEFS CHRISTMAS "Now then, ma," said Uncle Reuben, "I have sold my crop of prunes; We've got carrots and potatoes That will last for many moons; And the hops has helped a little. So I've got a bit to spare; Now suppose we go to Portland Maybe Santa Claus is there." "Then." said ma to Uncle Reuben, "That Is jest what I would say. And I've got my chicken money Quite a nestegg laid away: And the girls need hats and ribbons, And the boys need socks and ties So we'll go next week to Portland And give them all a big surprise!" "Well, they came, but were bewildered At the many things they saw; Till they came to EILERS WINDOW. Then said Uncle Reube to ma: "S'pose we price them there planners If they're cheap enough for us. Then we'll take one in the wagon Won' t the children make a fuss?" "We won't buy no rings nor trinkets As we always went and done; They'll get lost, but this planner Will be theirs when we are irone." $1 Well, they bought one, and the salesman tooia tnem. too. a scarf and stool, v And the old folks were as happy As two kids just out of school! Then said ma to Undo Reuben, As they journeyed home that night (The piano in the wagon. Right behind them, strapped on tight) "Won't we have a good time singln' In the Winter evenia's now; Mandy, she can play like sixty. And the others can learn how." Now. this scheme of Uncle Reuben's Seems to me the thing to do; Eilers have the best pianos Can't they sell one soon to you? (Store 331 Washington street, corner r-arK, jroruanu. ur.j BPSDvESS ITEMS. If Baby la Cetttec Teeth. Be cure sad use that old and well-tried remedy. Mr. 'Wlnslow's Eoothlar Byrcp, for ehUdres teething. It soothes the child, softens the sum, Jlaya all sain, cure -wind collo and diarrhoea. Louis g; Dispensary DISEASES OF MEN VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KID NEY AND URINARY DISEASES and all diseases and weaknesses of men, due to In hentance, habits, excesses, or the result of spuctnc diseases. Every man who Is afflicted owes It to himself and his posterity to get cured saxely and positively, with out leaving any blight or weakness In his system. We make no misleading statements or unbusiness like propositions to the afflicted In order to secure their natronasru The many years of our sucnocftii Books, Toys, Games, Dolls All on grand display in our Basement Toy Department. More Dolls, Toys, Books and Games on display here than at any other store in the city. FIFTY TABLES stacked with bargains at prices that will make this a never-to-be-forgotten event. Come tomorrow. Don't wait another day. Buying now means the biggest kind of money saving for you. Big Sale of Dolls Monday and Tuesday Jointed Dolls, with curly wig and sleeping 'eyes, 15 Inches high; special 39 C Jointed Dolls, wlth flax hair and sleeping eyes, 18 Inches high, special 79c Rag Dolls, of every kind In a most pleasing asortment, you can't break them; special values from 4 10c IIP TO $1.37. Kid Body Doll, 15 inches high, with bisque head and sleeping eyes; shoes and 07r stockings; special at Kid Body Dolls, 19 inches high, -with fine bisque head and curly wig. sleeping eyes, shoes and stockings; special 59c Dress Dolls, the greatest variety shown any where, at prices Tanging from t 15e UP TO 5.00. Toys, Books and Games At Saving Prices 10c for Drnmit, 35c values. 30c for Drums, 50c values. , 18c for Trunks, 25c values. 37c for Trunks, 50c values. 15c for "Wooden Boats, 25c .values. 32c for "Wheelbarrows, 25c "values. 30c for "Wheelbarrows, 50c values. 60c for Shoofly, $1.00 values. . 07c for Rocking Horses, $1.25 values. f 1.13 for Rockinj? Horses, $1.50 values. $2&9 for Swinging; Horses, $3.50 values. $3.7S for Swinging: Horses, $4.50 values. CDc for Steel "Wagons. 75c values. 80c for Steel "Wagons, $1.25 values.- - $1.12 for Steel "Wagons, $1.50 values. BOOKS Assortments are the very best. Prices are the very lowest. G AMISS Presents suitable for, all and al ways very acceptable. This is the best of all times for selecting. Special Suit Values o'Sft Choice of "Women's Suits In all 'JU wool Cheviots and fanev mixtures. jacket or Tourist coat length, fitted or box styles, every new color, strictly man tailored. Regular 310-50 C-f n nft Over 100 Suits In great many new p I J.uu styles In Broadcloth. Cheviots and jaunty Scotch materials, fitted, box and TouriBt styles. Regular 518.50 values. Two Special Waist Bargains fil fl Choice of 200 Waists of fine grade J)sJjj Peau de Cygne or Taffeta Silk; colors brown, navy. red. cream, sine green and black. Very best $5.00 values. -f R( Pretty Waists of French Flannels. 4i.vJvr Brllliantine and Albatross; all the most desirable colors and every size from 32 to 42. Regular values -up to $2.25. Special Values in Walking Skirts CO Qfi Womed's Skirts of plain cloth or 4..C7j fancy mixtures, made slightly flar ing In kilted effects; great many colors to select from. Values up to $4.50 each. Cj. OR Fine grade Cheviot. Broadcloth .pt.v ana Scotch Cheviot Skirts; latest kilt effects, excellent quality and man tailored throughout. Values up to $5.00. Why Not a Glove Certificate for a Christmas Token ? A time-saver for you, and better for the re cipient, because the Gloves may be leisurely selected to suit her Individual taste, and then properly fitted when our fitters are not hur ried with Christmas selling. "We can make the certificates good for one pair or as many, as you wish. Christmas Gloves "We think of no popular-priced article for a woman's Christmas present so universally appropriate and acceptable as are neat and correctly-styled Kid Gloves. In selecting Kid Gloves from us, both thci makers' and our positive guarantee goes with every pair. All styles and shades at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 nnd $2.00. GIVERS OF BEST VALUES Portland's Fastest THIS IS DOLLDOM And surely there is not a little girl in Portland who does not know it. Who ever saw such a variety of doll beauty ? Can you grasp the extent of this display ? Thousands of dolls ! Some with real eyelashes some with long, natural hair all with moving eyes mostly dressed and handsomely, too; but many undressed, and they are the best of their kind. Nearly every doll we show is jointed, making them capable of occupying the most life-like position, and ALL ARE ABOUT HALF PRICE FASTER AND FASTER GROWS THE SELLING Roberts Bros. Santa Claun' Headquarter. Roberts Bros. Santa Claus' Headquarters. Our Pretty Neckwear For women is coming and going so constant ly that with cverj repeated visit you may bo sure of seeing new and desirable effects. All the latest ideas developed in all sorts of dainty washable material. This week we will show a large new line of embroidered Turnover Collars, also new Stocks, Jabots and Collars of the latest approyed materials and effects. Prices are all along from 15c, 25c to $1.00 each.. Sale of Children's 'Coats 2GO Children's Coats, ages 6 to 14 years, made of Kersey, fancy Zibelino and Melton, all nicely trimmed with fancy braids and but tons; some with capes, others military ef fect; regular $3.90 and $4.50 values; all colors, full length; Monday and &Q QST Tuesday qp.W Useful Holiday Goods Music Rolls in cowhide and suede, also burnt leathers. In fancy shapes, from 50c to $350. Leather Hand-Hags These are new shapes with riveted frame and fancy lining, fitted with a coin purse and card case, big as sortment to choose from; colors black, brown, tans, grays, from $1 to $7.50 each. Holiday Stationery makes a useful gift, put up in pretty boxes, from 25c to $1.50 box. Corsets' and Petticoats Good -values for correct styles. -New Models 1n straight-front R. & G. Cor sets, high bust, long hip, at 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Girdles and Short Corsets in drab, pink, blue and white, steel-boned through- cnP out at OVli. New Black Sateen Petticoats, full mercerized cloth, deep accordion-plait flounce, finish ed with small ruffles and straps; c-f nn regular $2.25 values, for p w Taffeta Silk Petticoats, black and col ors, made with accordion plait or Cc f( deep circular flounce JJJJ Choice of beautiful Silk Petticoats at $3.50, $7.50, $0.50 and $10.50. Children's Drescs. large variety of styles and materials. Prices always the lowest, ranging from 50c up to $4.50. Furs of all kinds at right prices, starting at $1.25 and all the way up to $15.00 each. Women's Shoes $1.00 "We recently closed a deal for a large quan tity of "Woiuch's Patent Corona Colt Lace Shoes which we place on sale Monday morn lag. These nre Shoes worth $3.00 for any purpose you may use them, for they nre guaranteed perfect In every way. "We gladly refund your money If they arc not all we claim. A Christmas present of this charac ter Is always acceptable nnd Is easily ob tained. 072 pairs Patent Leather Shoes. 1002 pairs fine Vlcl Kid Shoes. 8-40 pairs Box Calf Lace Shoes. 521 pairs Velour Calf Shoes. 3125 pairs In all at $1.00 pair breaking all previous price records, giving you an op portunity you will never get again; they can't last long. . Holiday Gifts for Men Men's Extra Good All-Silk IVeekwenr in Eng lish squares, a line of swell patterns, an elegant Christmas present; i I rrw $1.00 and 1 vV. Fancy Silk Suspenders Men's fancy Silk. Suspenders with fancy buckles, Sflf each pair in a box, special Men's Fine Silk Suspenders with silver or gold-plated buckles, one pair In a box; a very suitable Christmas pres- VSr enU Prices, $2.50 to ' Silk Handkerchiefs Fine hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs, with line embroidered in itial in corner, at 25c flr and OUt Men's fine Japanese or Twilled Silk I ff Handkerchiefs from 25c to I JJ Men's fancy Japanese Handkerchiefs with colored center or fancy "bor- SOr der at 25c and JJS- SHfc Mufflers Men's Silk Mufflers, In black or white with fine brocaded SOr figures, at Men's All-Silk Brocaded Mufflers, large size. In "white, black and fancy fig- o Tf ures, from 75c to uJ s Stylish Xeckwear Men's large shape Eng lish Squares, Four-in-Hands and Tecks. made of fine silks, in a beautiful line of ?atterns and colors; a very use- flr' ul Christmas present. Special OVr- - Growing Store Roberts Bros. Santa Claus' Headquarters. Roberts Bros. Santa Claus' Headquarters. 500 New Coats and Jackets At a Saving of One-Third Our New York buyer secured from over stocked makers some of the most extreme price concessions that good fortune has yet brought to Portland. Every garment is guaranteed fully up to the standard repre sented In these figures: $3 Z( "Womea's Kersey amd Cheviot Coats. 27 inches long, black, cas tor and Oxford, looso and tltted backs; regular $6.50 values. Ofi Kersey Coats, 26 inches long, box tJm-KJKJ plaited back with belt, double breasted front, tan. castor, brown, black; regular $9.50 values. 47 Sfk Fine Kersey Coats, 26 inches long; ps.vlr iooae back, belted styles or halt fitted; all the best colors. Regular $10.50 values. fcfi Of. Heavy or Medium-Weight Scotch J,JV Mixed Cloths, loose back, belted styles, medium colors, 42 Inches long; regular $10.00 values. $9 ;r Three New Styles in. Kersey and xJKJ fancy Scotch Tourist Coats. 42 inches long, fitted and box effects. Regu lar $14.00 values. IO "rt Fino quality of Fancy Scotch X.xJJ cloth Tourist Coats, loose belt ed styles, large, full sleeve. Regular $16.50 values. t I Ci f Cravenette Raelan Conts, full- I U.UU length, in pretty shade of Ox ford gray, box-plait back and belted. $15.00 values. New Mufflers Many Styles Muffler weather 13 with us. There is pleasing warmth and comfort and safety to health to be found in these little wearables. They are here in a nice assortment of Reef ers, square and made-up styles. Excellent values and styles at 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2. Silk Department Extra Values The near approach of the Holidays natur ally brings Into prominence the silks that are In greatest demand during this period. Silks for fancy work, silk for waists, kimo Bfls and dresses, presents suitable for nil and always very acceptable. Extra values in the best Jap Silks, all perfect nnd guaran teed In every respect. 20-In. Jap Silks, white and colors. 25c and 35c 27-in. Jap Silks, white and 35 different col ors - ....50c 23-ln., 85c quality Crepe de Chine, at 08c 20-In. Wash Taffetas, blaok and colors, ,50c Fancy Silks, large assortment, 30c up to S3c. The very latest weaves, in the newest col ors for full costumes and waists. We offer you choice of silks worth 25 per cent more than, prices quoted: Grand Values in Black Silks . 65c quality 21-Ia. Good Black Taffeta. .40c 75c quality 2-1-iu. Good Black Taffeta... CSc 85c quality 2-i-ln. Guaranteed Black Taf feta 77c $1.00 quality 27-in. Guaranteed . Black Taf feta -1 85c $1.25 quality 3$-ia. Guaranteed Black Taf feta OSc TTXTJSUAIj VALUES IN' CHRISTMAS RIB BONS 5-inch wide Dresden Ribbon, beau tiful patterns in French novelties, 7cr suitable for opera bags, yard w Ombre Ribbons, shading from dark to light colors, In all shades, yd Jv. 4-Inch wide, a splendid quality of I -Taffeta, In all colors, yard IOC Domestic Department In this busy department there is rapid comiag and going Nothing- grows old and shopworn- Xew things await you at every call. ISc and 25c Flannelettes, Persian design's, stripes and figures. Special this t cr week at 12c and 15c Flannelettes in pretty rj stripes and figures for l)c Flannelettes in pretty styles "7 x and colors for 2 10c Outing Flannel In stripes and TV checks at 75c French Flannels, beautiful styles at. .50c American Prints of all styles and colors at. 5c 10c Blenched Muslin, 36-in wide 12 yds for..$l 12&c Sllkollnes, 36-in. wide, good comfort patterns, at u y Jfyfez&j0 9 I : 4l OF Roberts Bros. Santa Claus Headquarters. Roberts Bros. Santa Claus' Headquarters. Aprons for Christmas Presents A large assortment of daiuty Tea Aprons, beautifully trimmed with fine embroideries nnd lace. 25c, 35c, 50c, G5c, 75c, S5c nnd $1. Lnrp;e Aprons with hemstitched tucks or plain hem. 25c, 35c and 50c, Maids' Aprons, made of sheer lawn, trimmed with embroidery, insertion or hemstitching, 50c, 65c, 75c and 05c. Blanket Department $2.00 Comforts, full size silkolinc -jitr covering, yarn tied for S.vJ $1.75 Comforts, full size, sateen cohering, fluffy white cotton filled ( $ 1 50 $1.40 Comforts, large size, silkoline cover ing, .yarn tied, cotton filled J JQ $35 Blankets, full size, pretty gray color, two-thirds wool, full weight, 2 QQ $-1.50 Blankets, 11-1 size, mostly all wool, medium gray color, splendid &i "7"? bargain at 3J. O $5.00 White Wool Blankets, large size, pretty color borders, fine fleece wool, 25 Black and Colored Dress Goods Our tables and shelves are overflowing with great values awaiting your inspection. Xmas shoppers will Hud it profitable to In spect our prices. Special on'erlngs for this week commencing December 12: 42-lnch Ijnnsdownc. Just received a full line of styles and colorings, consisting: of plain, check and shot effects. I on Reg. $1.50 value.. Special, yd 52-inch Broadcloth, dress weights, with, high, lustrous finish; colors, navy, royal, tan. gray,green, cardinal. Reg- OOr ular $1.40 value. Special, yard -U-JK, 50-In. Fancy Inana Something very stylish, plain colors, with fancy weaves, cardinal brown, tan, navy, green. ft"Co Regular $1.25 value, special, per yd.-'-4S-in. Pearl Cloths, lightweight suitings, especially suitable for evening wear; we are shqwing these in all col- I (f ors. Special for next week only.. 3' .VfVf 40-ln. Crepe Egyptla, materials in light weights, for shirtwaists and house gowns. We consider tho best fast colors; we han dle a full line of these. Regular "7Sf $1.00. special, per yard ov. Henrietta Cloths in all widths, weights and colors, all-wool materials, extra values, fm"?.1.1!..?. 50c to $ ! .00 Priestley's Cravenettes We will make to your measure a Craven ette Coat, any style, of Priestley's celebrated Cravenettes, guaranteed to fit and strictly waterproof, for one week at following prices: Regular $2.75 quality Coat to measure $17.00 Regular $2.50 quality Coat to measure. $1550 Regular $2.00 quality Coat to measure. $14.25 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER. 56-Inch Priestley's Black Cravenette, strictly water or rainproof. The only good plain, black waterproof cloth made. The trade mark is stamped on every yard (Priest ley's guaranteed Cravenette). Regular price $2.50, special Monday I Qrj Tuesday and Wednesday, yard... -J ovj 50-Inch Iron Frame SIcilllan. very lustrous finish. The kind that is used for the foun dation of drop skirts or petticoats. Th". black Is a perfect dye arid will not rub off. Regular value $1.25. special for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, fiXf" per yard viuv. 0-inoh plain, smooth finish Black Imported Xunsvclling, a very desirable cloth for shirtwaists or dresses, being a soft fabric, can be adapted to any style of making. Regular 75c value, special for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, per yard 52-Inch Cream Ocean Serge, shrunk and sponged, made from choice clean selected yarns; no flavs or black threads woven in It. One and a half yards makes - a full shirtwaist. Regular $1.25 value, special Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, A3- per yard ,VIU Women's All-Wool Cashmere Stockings Special Sale Monday Only Tomorrow your pick of any of our regular 50c or COc Wool Cashmere Stockings, at a large saving for you. Full fashioned, imported Hosiery, heavy or medium weights, double soles and t spliced heels, strictly all wool. Your Z. choice tomorrow, one day only, the pair. e - s MOHAWK BLDQ, Third and Morrison oeeteatsaetse