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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
6 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1904. RESCUED FAR AT SEA Survivors of Japanese ..Crew j Picked Up by the Garms. TEN DAYS ON SINKING HULK One by One Tney Succumb to Hunger and Thirst Captain Goes Insane and Jumps Into the Sea Before Help Comes. FORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. Dec S. After ten flays of hardship, privation and exposure, two Japanese were taken from a submerged hulk several hundred miles off the coast of Japan and brought here by the schooner W. F. Garms. arriving this morning after a S3 days' passage Irom Manila. The men were part of a crew of ten men who left Toshumura October 4 for two days' fishing In a 15 ton schooner called the Kouplna Maru. On the third day out the vessel struck a rock and filled to the rails. Prior to Failing, a heavy plank had been lashed to the after bitts and on this for ten days the men existed, with no nourishment hut a few fish which floated tip from the hold. One after another the unfortunate fellows succumbed, until October 16 but three remained, including the captain. That day a speck was sighted on the horizon, and believing it to bo land, the half-demented captain started to swim He soon gave up the battle and sank be neath the waves. The men soon recovered under the kind treatment of the Garms crew and made -themselves useful on the tempestuous voyage which followed the rescue. Every sail on the schooner was torn to shreds during the succession of gales which overtook her, and the rudder becoming disabled, temporary gear was necessitat ed, with which the vessel finally made the Straits. Thorough repairs will be made before venturing to sea again. HIGH LICENSE IS THE ISSUE. Albany Municipal Election Will Be Very Warm. A LB ANT, Or- Dec. 3. (Special.) Inter est In Albany centers In the annual city election to be held Monday next. There are three Councllmen to elect this year. The Mayor, Recorder and City Marshall hold over until next year. The question at Issue is closely allied to that which was settled at the resent Pres idential election, when the citizens of Albany and Linn County were given an opportunity to voice their sentiments on the liquor question. At that time the majority of the voters of the county reg istered themselves as favoring a "wet" county and every precinct In Albany gave a majority against prohibition. Now the Prohibitionists of Albany have brought out candidates in every ward in the city, and the question will be fought out along the lines on which municipal questions have been handled for years past. As two members of the Council are now roported to favor a dry town. It will be necessary for the Prohibitionists to suc r eed in but two wards lh order to have control of the Council. Liquordealers and those taxpayers who exerted them selves in opposition to prohibition a.t the recent election under the local option law realize that they have a hard fight before in em. Those candidates who have been brought out by the prohibition element state that as tho people of Albany have registered themselves in unmistakable terms In fa vor of licensed saloons, that they, the candidates, will, if elected, favor the maintenance of saloons with the proper license. On the other hand, the members of the resent Council who are up for re-election state that they will stand on their record; that they favor saloons with a license that is Just to both city and saloonmen, and allege that the uncer tainty of the statements of the high li cense candidates makes it possible for them to place the license so high as to bo prohibitive. Dannals, Dawson and Bowersox, in the First, Second and Third "Wards, respect ively, the retiring Councilmen, are In fa vor of a license somewhere near that now paid by the saloonmen. Tomliason Fo shap and Huston, from the First, Second and Third Wards, respectively, represent the element that Is desirous of a consid erable Increase In the license. Party lines ..ave been abandoned, and the fight will be. on the straight question of whether Albany shall have licensed saloons as at present, or not. WATER SUPPLY WAS CUT OFF Baker City Company Neglected to Comply With Government Rules. BAKER CITY, Or.. Dec. 3. (Sneelal Superintendent Terrell, of the Blue Moun tain forest reserve, has closed down tho Kock Creek power plant of the Baker City Gas & Electric Light Company. The power plant was closed bv order of the Interior Department, because the electric light company has violated the rules and regulations of the department in regard to forest reservations. The flume which . . " ""u iu nie power-house runs across a portion of the forest reserve for a distance of three fourths of a mile. The rules require that where it is necessarv tn nfminr w.v.j aiy por tion of the ground of a forest reserve for P",a r pudiic use, a formal applica tion, with plats and surveys of the ground occupied, must bo filed -Kith ment and approved by the Secretary of the Interior. This formality was neglect ed by the electric liarht it built Its pipe line across Uncle Sam's reserve. The comnanv wm Anlv nntmj r - wui4VA Ul i 13 violation of thn riil nnA wa to comply -with the regulations, but me mawer was neglected until Superin tendent Terrell received a peremptory or der to shut off the water. Fortunately the comnanv has stenm nlnnf in rhi city from which it is able to supply light and power, but the steam plant is scarcely equal to the demand. The result Is that both llf-hf 5inl rvin-.r urc a scarce article In Baker City just now. In the meantime the electric light onictais are Hustling to comply with the demands of thft .lenartment. Thn mM. sary maps and surveys have been hurried off to Washington. It is expected that the trouble -rill ho AHwjstprt i the maps arrive in Washington, and that nupennuenaent uerreu win De instructed in iqi xne water now across me rcserv to the power plant again. LAUTH IS TO BE HANGED. Oregon City Murderer Sentenced by Judge McBrlde. OREGON CITY. On. Dec 3. (Special.) George W. Lauth. who was last week convicted of murder In the first degree. was this afternoon sentenced to be hanged. Judge McBrlde. in passing sen tence, ordered that Lauth be kept in the care of the Sheriff of Clackamas County for 20 days, and then turned over to the Superintendent of the Oregon Pcnitcn tlary at Salem. Lauth received the sentence calmly. Ho is only 24 years of age. Last September he killed Mrs. Leonora Jones, the woman with whom he had been living in this city. because she refused to have anything more to do with him. There w&3 a qua What She Saw In The LookingGIass. SHE stood before her glass in the sitting-room. The girl she saw there had a well-rounded face and figure, expressive eyes, and her cheeks had the freshness of rose petals; her hair was wavy and beautiful. She looked well and strong. The reason for it is given in her own letter, as follows: nI am glad to be able to testify as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for the many ills that women suffer with," writes Miss Gertrude Mit chell (President Young Ladies' Christian Endeavor Society), 43 Columbia St, E., Detroit, Mich. "After many years of suffering and pain, I took yourmedicine, and in a short time began to feel stronger, became more regular and didn't have the bearing down pains -which had been my lot for so long. Continued its use until I was a well woman, and shall never cease to be very grate ful that it was brought to my notice. We guarantee that Dr. aiconoi, opium, ur any scientifically combined. Persons making false statements concerning its ingredients will be prosecuted. rel about the return of some property which he had given her, and, drawing a revolver, Lauth fired four shots into her body. She died the day following. The tragedy occurred at the home of the wom an's parents, where Lauth roomed. Today Lauth's attorneys filed a motion for a new trial on the ground that one of the Jury had committed perjury in swear ing that he had not talked about the case. hut the court overruled the motion and pronounced sentence. NEW OREGON INCORPORATIONS Articles Filed With the Secretary of State at Salem. SALEM, Or., Dec 3. (Special.) Art icles of incorporation were filed In the office of Secretary of State Dunbar this week as follows: -Bank of Bandon, Bandon, Coos County; 23,- 000; James Denham, T. P. Hanlcy. J. L. Kro- nenberg, Frank Flam, R. H. Mast, F. J. Fahy. Prospect Company, Pendleton; $3200; David A, Peebles, "W. R. Bitney, A. B. McCarthy. Gold Bug Syndicate. Portland; $500,000; John E. Altchljon. Otis F. Fry. B. D. Bushncll. TVeetarn Consolidated Mines Comnanv. Port land; SlO.OOd; G. E. Thrasher, M. S. Curtis. M. B. Bozarth. George S. Calhoun Company, Grant's Pass; $10,000; Oorge S. Calhoun, Ira A. Itoble, G. TV. Donnell. Bank of Helix, Helix, Umatilla County; $25,- 000; V. M. Scott. Charles A. McAlavy, Frank H. Richmond. Z. W. Lockwood. F L. Smith. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Company. Portland; $40,000; Charlea "Wright, M. C. Dickinson. J. Frank "Watson. Exposition Accommodation Bureau, Port land; $25,000; James Steel. Eugene D. White, John C. McLennan. Central Sash & Door Agency. Portland; $35,- 000; J. C. Grlpper. R. Jf. .Parks, "Wirt Minor. Rcaeburg Real Estate Company. Roseburg; $45,000; J. D. Hamilton. T. P.. Sheridan, A. Creason. The Senator. Portland; $3000; L. M. Curl. J. TV. Maloney. "V L. Bradshaw, TV. M. Cako, Turner Oliver and. others. Objects, to publish and distribute a Pythian paper. La Center Transportation Company, Port land; $5000; W. IL Marshall. Fred J. Brauer, J. Newt Graham. Lewis & Clark Observatory Company. Port- land; $9000; J. A. Brown, C E. Curry, Arthur Duchamp. Morgan Mercantile Company, Portland; $2500; C P. S. Van Alstlne, H. M. Van AlsUne, A. R. Morgan, M. B. Meacham. Sutherlln Valley Land Company, Oakland, Douglas County; $100,000; F. B. "Walte, Lynn Caton. A. E. Caton. Steel Bridge Fuel Company. Portland; $20.' 000; F. T. Llsco. Charles Lomerlne, A. M, Llsco. Carson Consolidated Hydraulic Mining Com pany. Los Angelas; $1,000,000; James R. Elov endorf, general agent. Presbyterian Missionary Conference. LA GRANDE, Or., Dec 3. (Special.) A missionary conference of the Presbyterian Churches of the Grand Ronde has Just convened in La Grande. A missionary society was organized for the Presbytery of Grand Rondo with the following offi cers: President, Mrs. J. H. Barton, Union; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. E. Blair, Enter prise; Mrs. N. C. Haskell, Baker City; Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, Elgin: recording secre tary, Mrs.' A. L. Fisher. Summervllle; cor responding secretary. Mrs. G. A. SciblrJ, Union: secretary for Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Lee C. Bell. Baker City: secretary for Junior Christian Endeavor and Mis sion Bands. Mrs. J. L. Boric. Elgin: sec retary of literature, Mrs. Herbert Hanna, La Grande. The next meeting of tho society will bo held In Sumpter, in April. . The Best Croup Cure. TS'hat is the best and most reliable rem edy for croup, Is a question of vital in terest to the mothers of small children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been in use for over 30 years, and has never been known to fail In any case. Mr. T. F. Compton, public weigher at Merkel. Texas, says of it: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy In severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say It always gives prompt relief." There is no danger in giving this remedy, as it contains no narmrui orujr. if or sale oy au arugguts. I have no pains, and feel much stronger generally." The above is a fair portrait of Miss Mitchell, in the looking-glass, although it by no means does her justice, as she is much handsomer than a mere picture like this can portray. The fact is a woman can't look beautiful "that is drag ged down with pains at regular inter vals, who suffers from headaches, back aches, or spine-aches, frequently. Such a woman soon acquires wrinkles, a sal low complexion, dark circles about the eyes, and a general feeling of weakness, which brings misery of mind and body. To keep one's good looks the body must be healthy the feminine functions must be regular. Woman was not intended to suffer, and there is no reason why she should. A healthy body will usually be a shapely body, and no means at hand will more quickly restore the womanly functions to a healthy state than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr. Pierce, during a long period of practice, found that this prescription made entirely of roots and herbs, with Pierce's Favorite Prescription does not contain nariujut uru a , World's ATTEMPT TO WRECK Idaho Man Puts Obstructions' on 0. R. & N. Track, ARRESTED, HE CONFESSES j Yfclc No Apparent Motive Than Vcious- ness in Placing a Rock, a Ra?l and a Telegraph Pole at Difffrent Points Before Trrns. 1 BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 3. (Special.) De tectives of the Oregon Short Line have arrested IV. B. Petrie, of Caldwell, for attempting to wreck a train on the night of November 25. He placed a large rock on the track at Lannan Spur, threw a steel rail over the track, two miles south, and put a telegraph polo across the rails near Not us. It appears the fellow was walking up the road late in the night. A freight train, eastbound, struck the rock and later struck the rail. The lat ter was resting on a bank at one end and was thus so elevated that the cow catcher struck it and knocked it aside. That train passed Petrie and he then placed the telegraph pole across the rails and It was struck by a westbound freight a little later. The man was arrested on tho Bolso River, where he was camped, hunting and trapping. When taken to Caldwell and sweated he confessed and told exactly how he had done it. There appears to have been no other motive than simply to cause a wreck. I Petrie walked all the way to Caldwell and was seen by the Ecctlon men In the early morning, the Information given by the latter furnishing the clew that led to the arrest. WALLA WALLA RAISING FUND Lack $2000 of Amount Promised Ce Illo Portage Road. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec. 3. (Spe cial.) Dr. N. G. Blalock, of tho Open stiver commission, left here this morn ing, in company with several prominent local farmers, for Dayton, to hold a mass meeting for raising the balance of Walla Walla County's $5000 on tho deficiency fund of the Celtlo portage road. A similar meeting will be held In Waltsburg to morrow. A. F. Alexander, the solicitor employed by tho Commercial Club, reports that $3000 has already been paid and pledged, and It Is felt here that there will bo no diffi culty In speedily raising the balance. SHOT TORE TOP OFF OF HEAD Man in Ambush Meets Death at Hands of Peace Officer. WOODLAND.. Cal.. Dec. 3. Louis Chyte, an old resident of this city, was shot tonight by Constable Parker, who acted In self-defense. Chyte Is still alive hut there is no hope for his re covery. The bullet from Parker's re volver tore off the top of his head. Chyte, it seems, was laying in wait for George Klnkle, an old enemy, at the latter's house, but had been Keen by Klnkle, who thought him a burglar. Kinklo found tho officers and reported the matter and they were after tho supposed thief. Constable Parker said that when he approached the house he stood near the fence. Hearing a noise in the yard, he directed Griffin's atention to ft, and the flatter flashed his lantern la that direc-Jjjers out the use of alcohol, was positive in its action. After using this remedy for many years in his private practice he put it up in a form that would make it easily procurable, and it can be had at any store -where medicines are handled. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. Although many people marry without reasoning about it, and do not know the word romance they feel it and act it all their lives and are content. There are unhappy married lives, but a large per centage 01 these unhappy homes are due to the illness of the Tvife, mother or daughter. The more civilized or. cul tured a race becomes, doing with less and less physical exercise in the out door air, and with the wearing of corsets and other modish customs, the more likely are the women to suffer from womanly ills. Every woman should know what right living is for perfect health and a fair complexion she should occasionally take a vegetable laxative such as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no ether remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, FemaleWeak ness, Prolapsus, or Falling of womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair land reasonable trial of their meansof cure. Could any test be more fair showing the faith of the makers t Do not listen to the arguments of the dealer that his own make is better. It means better profit to him, that's all. He insults your in telligence when he tries to make you change your mind, to take a substitute jfor the standard remedy -which has en joyed years of success and the testimony pf thousands in its favor. 1 Dr. Pierce by no means confines him self to prescribing his well-known medi cines. He tells you in the most common-sense way what ails you, what you ought to do, what line of treatment should be followed out in your particular case, and if your case does not indicate the need of his proprietary medicine, he tells you plainly and frankly what you do need, and the best possible method of improving your health. li you are a young woman just entering upon the duties oClife, you should have good med ical advice of a confidential nature. If you're a mother of children, you may want advice about yourself and how best to put your system in order that your children may be healthy. To sufferers from chronic diseases -which do not readily yield to treatment, or to people who are past the youthful stage of life and want confidential advice about their ailments or their physical condition, Dr. Pierce offers to carefully consider your case and give you the best medical advice within his power, free of cost to you. YOUNG MARRIED PEOPI should read the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pierce, M. D. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for this 1008-page book in paper covers, or .31 stamps for a cloth-bound copy. Dispensary Wtedica! Association, on. .Parker could just discern tne form of a man in a crouching: position with a black mask concealing- the lower portion of his face. Chyte had a shotgun loaded with buckshot, one shot of which tore a hole through the top of Parker's hat. Tho later fell, but regaining his feet crossed the street to await developments. In the meantime other officers arrived and the premises were searched. Chyte's body was found In the bushes near the house. LUMBER MARKET IS DEAD. Many Mills in Washington Are Clos Ing Down for a While. SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 3. (Special.) .Owing to a demoralization of the lumber and shingle markets, scores of wash lngton mills are closing to await better prices. Already a dozen of the larger mills have been shut down and others are joining in the movement, which may become general unless the market can be restored. Shingles are selling on the basis of 51.23 for stars and $1.50 for clears, prices which, with logs firm at $7.50, leave no margin, of profit. The slash In the association lumber price list Is Illustrated by the fact that No. 1 drop siding is selling at $16.o0, and No. 1 floorln- at $18.50. Cargo mills Hood ed with orders are getting higher prices, but complaining that even the better fig ures leave no profit, and many cargo mills are turning down orders. All reports from the East Indicate that stocks arc depleted and practically everything sold here has been shipped, leaving tho mar ket clean on tho Coast. In the circumstances mlllmen sec no rca son save a general demoralization and loss of nerve on account of existing prices. A big demand must come in the Spring, for Eastern railroads are order ing construction materials liberally and building Indications are good In farm and city communities. By closing the mills and readjusting conditions mlllmen hope to stop the sacrifice of standing Umber at an actual loss to the mills. VANCOUVER MUCH ROUSED. Alarmed by Alleged Attempt to Re duce River Appropriation. VANCOUVER , Wash., Dec 3. Special. From recent reports received by E, Crawford, president of the Commercial Club, of this city. It would seem that an attempt Is being made by tho Government officials at Washington to reduce the ap proprlatlon of $60.(00 which was recom mended by the Board of Engineers for im provement of the river channel below this city. In consideration of pome movement to thwart this action, a meeting of the Commercial .Club and citizens and prop erty-holders of this city was called meet at the Hotel Columbia. A large as semblage of business men was present. After a general discussion upon tho sub ject it was decided to learn tho exact status of affairs, and accordingly committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. G. Crawford, A B. Eastham Lloyd Du Bois. James P. Stapleton and Mayor L. B. Clough, with instructions to learn the facts of the case by telegraph! communication with Congressman Jones Though not fully decided upon, it was thought to be a feasible plan to nd representative of this city to Washington. PROFESSORS VOTE SOCIALIST Seattle Conservatives Given a Scare at School Election. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec 2.-(Special.) until the count began tonight, conserv ative Interests wero badly frightened by the vigorous fight made by the Socialists to capture the School Board of Seattle, The election showed practically the fi.ll Socialist strength was polled and in one precinct of the Ninth Ward the Social ists carried the preclnct. - This is the precinct in which the State "University vote Is ca3t, and many mem of the university faculty and severaI OVERCOAT SALE Copyright 1 904 by Hart Schaffiicr & Marx Sam'l school teachers voted with the Socialists. Owing to a difference in the character of tickets, their ballots were easily recog nized. J. EL Galbralth and John Schram. conservative candidates, were elected, the vote standing: Galbralth, 2393; Schram, 2622; Wlswell, Soc, 1124; McCorkle, . Soc. 1070. VICTIM OF MYSTERIOUS DISEASE Colfax Woman Could Not Be Relieved by Physicians. COLFAX, Wash., Dec. 3. (Special.) Mrs. Benton BInnard. one of the pio neers of Lewiston, Idaho, and a resi dent of Colfax for 20 years,, died in Spokane last night of a peculiar mal ady. A few days ago several small blood vessels In her body, arms and hands burst, -forming black spots under the skin. Her tongue began "bleeding and continued constantly, but she was not sick and went about her duties as usual, suffering no pain. Colfax physi cians could do nothing for her and she was sent to Spokane, where her death occurred last night. Mrs. BInnard leaves a husband, ono son and six daughters, all grown. She was about 55 years old. Mr. BInnard built the BInnard block and formerly conducted the Hotel BInnard In Col fax. The family Is widely known. NO SCORE AT SEATTLE. Clubmen Play Against Picked-Up Team From University. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec 3. (Special.) With only four of the 'varsity men in the game, the University of Washington played the Seattle Athletic Club to a sfandstill this afternoon. score being 0 to 0. The halves were both short, or the What Sulphur Does For the Human Body in Health and Disease. ' Tho mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the early days when our mothers' and grandmothers gave us our dally dose of sulphur and molasses every Spring and Fall. It was the universal Spring and Fall "blood purifier," tonic and cure-all. and mind vow. this old-fashioned remedv was not without merit. The Idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large quan tity had to be taken to get any effect. Nowadays wo get all the beneficial ef fects of sulphur In a palatable, concen trated form, so that a jingle grain is far more effective than a tablcspoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent years, research and experiment have proven that the best sulphur for medicinal use Is that obtained from Cal cium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold In drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are small chocolate-coated pellets and contain tho active medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concen trated, effective form. Few people are aware of the value cf this form of aulphur In restoring and maintaining bodily vigor and health; sul phur acts directly on the lier. and ex cretory organs and purifies and enriches the blood hy the prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when they cosed us with sulphur and molasses every Spring and Fall, but the crudity and im purity of ordinary flowers of sulphur were often worse than the disease, and cannot compare with the modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly the best and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure constipation and purify the blood In a way that often surprlpes patient and physician alike. Dr. R. M. Wilkins while experimenting with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other form. He says: "For liver, kidney and blood troubles, especially when re sulting from constipation or malaria, I have been surprised at the results ob tained from Stuart'.n Calcium Wafers. In patients suffering from boils and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have repeatedly seen them dry up and disap pear in four or Ave days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Cal cium Wafers Is a proprietary article, and sold b: druggists, and for that reason ta booed by many physicians, yet I know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipa tion, liver and kidney troubles and espe cially In all forms of skin disease as this remedy." At any rate -people who are-tired- of pills, cathartics and so-called blood "puri fiers." will find In Stuart's Calcium Waf ers a far safer, more palatable and effec- tive preparatlor A luxurious Overcoat may be worn by you this winter at moderate cost, if you'll buy one of our custom-tailored, ready-to-wear garments, which in fit, fabric and workmanship you'll find as satisfactory, or more so, than any that was ever made to. your order by an exclusive custom tailor. Here you will find a complete assortment of models of the most stylish Overcoats, such as will please you. This coming week we will make an OVERCOAT SPECIAL $18.00 and $20.00 garments at iiarinmrTn-irinaiirTn-Tnr: iTnTtiOTt-itwrr-' l"'"r"" The Makers' Guarantee is This Label. Rosenblatt collegians would have been able at least to have crossed the club's goal line in each 20 minutes of play. The ball was In the club's territory most of the time, and was carried either near to or over the line three times, but was called back on offside playing. Although the decisions made were a lit tle on the raw order, still the University boys took them in good spirit. The best of feeling prevailed between the two elev ens. It was very noticeable that the club men were not In condition. The last time that the ball went over tie S. A. C. lino the Washington quarter, Christy, Instead of taking the ball, took a penalty against his opponents, and thereby lost a touch down. Shaw and Pullen clearly were the stars of the day. MRS. BULLUS WANTS A DIVORCE Names Alice Hicks as the Cause of Her Domestic Infelicity. OREGON CITY. Or.. Dec. 3. (Special.) In a divorce suit hed today, E. M. Bullus charges W. J. Bullu3 with adultery and desertion. The parties were married In April, 1SD8. The plaintiff names Alice Hicks, of 7 Union avenue, Portland, as the one responsible for her disturbed do mestic relations. She also wants $25 a month for- the support of herself and minor child, and asks the court to re quire this contribution from the husband, who Is regularly employed at $75 per month. Claremount Woodworth Is charged with habitual and gross drunkenness in a di vorce suit that was filed against him to day by Dorita Woodworth, whom he mar ried in October, 1902. In the Circuit Court today, in the suit of Hermann Vorpahl vs. Lizzie Vorpahl, the divorce decree was modified to the extent that Lydas, a minor child, who was awarded to the mother, having developed into an incorrigible lad, was ordered com mitted to the Boys and Girls Aid Society at Portland. CAMPBELL IS FOR REFORM. Pledges Closing of Gambling in Ore gon City, If Elected, Mayor. OREGON CITY, Or.. Dec. 3. (Special.) Monday's city election In Oregon Clty will be the hottest In years. Thore are in ! the field threo candidates for Mayor: J. U. Campbell. Republican; Charles Albright, , Independent Citizen Taxpayers, and Dr. ' E. A. Sommer. Citizen. All three men are Republlcans and reside in the Second j Ward. Each has been waging a thorough campaign. Campbell . and faommers op- , pose the Southern Pacific perpetual fran- I chlse and favor the South End road. Al bright is known as the South End road I candidate, and will have the support of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Com- ' pany and the Southern Pacific Company. ! Mr. Campbell created a' stir in city politics this morning when he mailed to I even" voter in the city a personal letter defining his position and policy with refer- j ence to city affairs In event of his elec- ( tlon. He "pledges himself to suppress gambling and declares for the protection ; of the morals of the minors. BURIED ALIVE IN DITCH. Benton County Farmer Is Suffocated While at Work With His Son. ALBANY. Or.. Dec. 3. (Special.) B. B. j Barnes, a leading farmer resident of Ben ton County, six miles southwest of Al- bany. was killed last evening by being , caught In a cave-in in a ditch in which he was working. Barnes, with his son. i was placing a lino of tiling across his place, and in some places had dug the , ditch to a depth of ten feet. The banks of the ditch, without warning, caved In, covering Mr. Barnes to a depth of three feet with heavy, moist earth The son called for help and soon a number of neighbors were at work, but Barnes suf focated before the dirt could be removed. The deceased was about 60 years old and had long been a resident of Benton County. He Is survived by a wife and three grown sons. Governor the Principal Speaker. BAKER CITY, Or.. Dec. 3. (Special.) The Elks of this city have arranged an elaborate programme for the observance of the annual memorial service of the or der tomorrow at the Opera-House. The principal speaker will be Governor George E. Chamberlain, who will arrive from Portland at noon tomorrow. From here Governor Chamberlain goes to Wels where he participates in the formal open ing of the new interstate bridge across the Snake River Monday, together with Gov ernor Morrison, of Idaho. Complaint Against Fishtrappers. BELLINGHAM. Dec. 3. Copies of summons and complaint in the pro posed new action to be brought against The Makers5 Guarantee is This Label. & Co. subsidiary fishtrap companies of the Pacific American fisheries, were today filed at the office of the company in this city. Instead of Prosecuting At torney Healy, in whose name the for mer suit was brought. E. J. White, H. L. Greene and W. C. Berg appear as relators on behalf of the State of Washington. Dudley G. Wooten and James B. Reavls are attorneys for the company. They allege Irregularities in the formation of the trap companies, and ask that the locations held by the corporations be forfeited, and claim that by reason of the number of fish ing sites controlled by the defendants they have been unable to acquire lo cations. Burglars Are Scared Off. . WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Dec. 3. (Spe cial.) An attempt was. made last night to break open the safe of E. G. Cox, in hi3 office in the planing mill on Fourth street. The thieves did not get the safe open, and evidently left In a hurry, as a small blacksmith sledge and .cold chisel, with which they knocked the hinges and com bination dial off the safe, remained on the floor. Access to the office was gained by smashing a grass with the sledge. There was nothing in the safe but two dozen burglar alarms. Suspicion rests on some boys living in the neighborhood. The tools used were stolen earlier in the night from a blacksmith shop across the street. McMinnville's Best Team. M'MIXNVILLE COLLEGE, McMlnn Vllle. Or.. Dec. 3. (Special.) The colloge football team has disbanded. At the an nual election Floyd B. Patty, the captain of this season's team, was unanimously re-elected and will captain the 1905 team. This season has brought forth, under the guidance of Coach W. L. Thompson, the lightest, fastest and strongest team that ever represented the college. The team's goal line was not crossed by any team this year, while 54 points were placed on the side of the local players.. New Shipping Point for Coal Mine. COQUILLE. Or., Dec. 2.-(Special.) The Coqullle Coal & Lumber Company has rented part of the Be&.ver Hill bunker at Marshfield and is now shipping coal by rail to Coos Bay. where It goes to San Francisco. John Tawse, manager .for the company, is working a five-foot vein of coal of good quality. A large contract for machinery has been let. Delivery wil. occur in the Soring. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uni form cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the pro prietors and makers of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription j now feel fully warranted in of fering to pay $500 In legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. AH correspondence held sacredly confidential. If you require medical advicf don't fail to write Doctor R. V. Pierce who will giva you the best advice possible. Addreea Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a ladies' laxative. No other medicine equals them for gin tianess and thorouahntsa. '