The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1904, PART FOUR, Page 44, Image 44

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Only a short space of time a few short days, then comes Christmas, and through these
days "Gevurtz's" will be distinctivley a Holiday Store of useful Household Necessities in
Furniture the best styles, best goods to be found on the Coast. We will make a grand exposition of artistic nov
' elties and of things that combine beauty with usefulness. Not a civilized country but has contributed to this aggregation of novelty wares appropriate to
the season. And this exhibit will interest the people of all degrees, It has been carefully prepared to be a Christmas store helpful alike to rich and poor.
Rich and exclusive treasures have been brought from all lands for those who may buy -without stint of price. For the greater numbers, who must plan the
expenditures, there are articles in the tens of thousands which combine beauty and utility articles which make most appropriate, desirable and lasting gifts,
and are at prices all can afford to pay. Will the people especially note that this brilliant, entertaining and instructive exhibition is as open and free to
sightseers as to buyers? This is everybody's store. Come, make your selections now. Deliveries made any time you request.
Knives and Forks
A hwidsome "box containing six
Knires and Forks, warranted 12
Dirt. $3.75.
67-Piece Dinner Set
Dressing Table
I m 2
Nev designs in 'birdseyo- maple, an
appropriate Xmas 'gift for the
wife, $29.00.
Music Cabinet
This handsomely decorated 67-piece
inner Set, only $7.50.
Morris Chair
In golden quartered oak, polished
just the thing for father or hus
band special $12.50. .
Parlor Cabinet
A swell Music Cabinet nothing
nicer or more appropriate for
Christmas; some as low as $6.00
Solid birch, and a beautiful Christ
mas present, $21.00.
Library Settees
Dining-room or Library Settees, in
golden oak, special, like cut,
New Dressers
We are showing a complete line of
Table Silverware. As a sample,
Cake Basket like above cut, war
ranted quadruple plate, only
Many new designs in mahogany
and oak; one like cut, special
Christmas price, $39.50.
Plate Rack
Reed Rockers
We are showing a swell line of new
Heed Rockers at lowest possible
Handsome Chair
We are showing a line embracing
many new and novel designs
some for as little as 75.
Eight-Day Clock
A good service Clock, warrants
for one year; special Christmas
price, $4.75.
Golden oak, birch or mahogany Re
ception Chair a special Christ
mas bargain, only $6.00.
A Handsome Dresser
Large swell Dresser, like cut, in
quartered oak, mahogany or birds
eye maple. Special Christmas
price, $40.00.
Rocking Chair
A handsome Christmas present
golden oak, hand polished; a
good, comfortable Chair, worth
double our clearance special
price, $8.75.
Christmas Shopping '
Made Easy at the
Little-at -a-Time Store
First and Yamhill
Shop for Christmas at
the Store
That "Sells It for Less"
Framed Pictures
We are closing out everything we
have in this line, and there are
many beautifully framed pictures.
All go at
One-Half Price
Oak case Clock, good timekeeper
special Christmas prico only
Reception Chair
.This beautiful hand-carved Eecap
tion Chair a beautiful Christmas
present, only $14.75.
Opie Read's Philosopher Discourses on the Subject of Country Doctors.
A NEIGHBOR had been lingering be
tween life and death, and the at
tending physician had Just given
his vague and guarded opinion, when Old
Lim Jucklln looked up from the box
where ho Teas sitting in front of the
grocery store and remarked: "Every
man that gets money "without stealing It,
earns it, I reckon; but I don't know of
anybody that comes nearer earnln' It
twice over than the country doctor. He
has to put forth all the skill he has and
then must lie to keep hopo alive. And
hope is the best medicine ever discov
ered, for it not only aids the sick, hut
helps the well to bear their burdens.
"I recollect once when old Dock Haines
practiced In this neighborhood, long be
fore the most of you werebom. Satchett
Smith was taken down with some sort of
new-fangled fever that was prowlln
around the neighborhood, and kept on
a-gettln worse. Finally one day his
neighbors came in to be present at his
death, and they were settln about a
waltin' for the dreaded end, when Dock
he came In spoke cheerfully to every
body. Joked with a gal about her beau
and Jollied a widow about an old feller
that was seen hangin' around on the out
skirts of her good graces. "Well, the wife
of the sick man she comes in. Just able J
to walk, she was so grief-stricken, and
puts' her arms about one of the women
and begins to cry; and well she might,
for Smith he was a good husband and
never found fault with a thing that was
ot 'was not on the table at meal time.
All of the .women folks thought it was
about time to cry and they cried, and
the men hemmed and hawed and Smith
he lay there a-fetchin of his breath the
best he could trader the circumstances.
Parson Blgloir went up to the bed and
asked. Smith how he felt, and Smith said
he wan't feellri' at his best, and no one
In the room disputed the assertion. But
Dock he demurred to the proceedln's; he
'lowed that it wan't meet and It wan't
fittin' to cross-question the patient in sich
a manner. Blglow turned about and
says, says he: 'I am a. preacher, sir,
and I have a right to talk to him about
his soul.-
" 'Yes,' says Dock, 'but not till after I
get through with his bods.'
"Blglow he was up In matters of re
tort, and he says, says he, 'and when
you -do get through with his body hla
soul will be gone,' and Smith he lay
there actln like he couldn't And another
breath. Then Dock he straightened up
and we all knowed that somethln' ex
traordinary was about to happen. If
anybody believes strong enough that
Smith here is goln to die, he's got a
chance to win some easy money, said he.
'Twenty dollars ain't picked tip every
minute, and I'll bet twenty dollars in
gold, and put up tho money right now
that Smith ain't goln' to die this season.
Any takers?"
"The preacher says, 'Yes.. undertakers,'
which showed to us that along with his
knowledge of divine things he was sorter
sarcastic A discussion might have fol
lowed, but up spoke "Slip Buckner. He
was the bettin'lst man probably that ever
lived, and If a .chance to bet ever got
by him It was in the night when -he 'was
In bed -and asleep. 'Well, he spoke' up
and says that he will take the bet, and
we all looked at him, but not with any
particular admiration, for he was bettln',
on a sure thing. He fished up his money
outen the seams of his clothes and his
wife she scolded him under her breath,
but he shook his head at her and pro
ceeded with the business In hand. 'Here's
my money,' says he, 'and I Just need
twenty more to complete the purchase of
a yoke of steers that Iyo had my eye
on for some time.' He looked at Dock,
and so did wo all, for we couldn't see
why he would throw away his twenty
dollars. But ho didn't wince. He took
out his goldplece and 'Squire Patterson
held the stakes, and after the excitement
of puttln up the money the wlmln re
turned to their cryln' and things were
putty much as they "were before, that Is,
except with Smith hjmself.
"Now, Smith he had traveled up and
down the Mississippi River in his
younger days, a-bctin' of everything
he had, and it had always held a sort
of charm for him. He had sorter sided
off with the church, but he couldn't
forget the excitement of a bet, and,
while he didn't indulge durln his later
life, he felt the thrill of It and would
hang round for hours- a-beggin' the
boys not to bet on hosses, but stayin'
till the last race was run. And now
he was Interested. It was the first
thin? that had claimed his entire mind
since the fever came along and spread
its heat over iVm. 'He'll be a-walkin
about in less than two weeks,' says
Dock, and Slip Buckner begins to
search himself. 'Somewhere about me
Tve- got twenty more that says he
won't,' he declared, and Dock he sorter
winced at this, but he was game, and
without sayin a word' he outs with
another gold piece, and Buckner he
covered it with silver and paper, and
the womenfolks 'lowed that the world
was gettln closer and closer akin to
old Satan every day
"For a long tlme'Dock he set there
swcarln' that ho was sure to win, and
Anally he says to Smith that he will
give him half the money. And Smith
laughed yes, sir, laughed, not a loud
haw-haw, it Is true, but a chuckle, and
the women cried afresh, for they
thought that Smith was goln Into
eternity a-laughln, which to them was
a mighty bad promise for the future.
Well, we sot about till cvenin' and
when the candles were lighted, the firo
on tho hearth began to sing: a low
sweel song-, imltatln the sound of
somebody walkin' through snow, and
we heard Smith breathin in a natural
sort of way, and we looked at him. and
he was asleep. "Well, to make a lonfr
story short, he was better the next
roornln', and within the time set he
was walkin about, and Dock not only
gave him half tho money but all he
had won. And Buckner well, some
time afterward when Smith was a can
didate fpr Jestlce-of-the-Pcace Buck
he "'lows 'I ain't goln to vote for him.
He done mo a bad turn once beat me
out of a lot of money.' Dock told me
that he expected to- lose the money,
but It was one chance In a thousand
that he might save Smith by excltin'
his mind.
"Yes, sir," the old man added, after
a few moments of meditation, "a doc
tor must know human nature as well
as medicine, and this knowledge mixed
with medicine is what makes one doc
tor better than another I've known
em to git out of their beds the cold
est nights that ever blowed and ride
ten miles to a doctor a man they
knowed wa'n't a-goln to pay a cent.
It takes great strength always to han
dle weakness; it takes a God-like pa
tience ,to deal with the fretful and not
be warped over to the side of continual
peevishness, and whenever I hear a
doctor a-laughin' I always rejoice with
him. Science in medicine travels slow.
It is true, for each human body Is an
individual machine, and every mornin
has a new way to go wrong". And I
have known men to be such liars that
they wouldn't tell a doctor the truth
as to how they felt, fearln that they
were givin him some little advantage.
Tho average doctor has a good sense
of humor and has stored up some of
the oldest Jokes I ever heard, and this
is in the direct line of his usefulness
for a sick man can't understand a new
Joke as well as an old one. The old
one may bring up the ' memory of a
former - laugh, and thereby do him
"The saddest time for a sick man is
not when the doctor is comin to see
him, but the time when the doctor's
bill begins to pay its -visits. It ought
not to be, but a doctor's bill is a
mighty hard thing- to pay. It is like
payln' for a January overcoat in July.
"When old Alf Bug was gettin' well
Just about the time the doctor pro
nounced him out of danger he said to
him: 'Doctor, you have been mighty
faithful, and I thank you. but I'm
sorry that I can't pay you nothin. If
I had died you would have got your
money, for my lite Is Insured, but as it
is, I can't give you a cent.'
"The doctor looked at him a minute
and says: 'Bug. I think you need Just
ono more dose of medicine.'
" Much obleeged to you,' replied
Bug-, 'but Tve got a plenty."
(Copyright, 1904.)
Pertinent Question.
Tacoma Ledger.
"Why did the Boer committee work so
hard to raise in this country a few
thousand dollars for the "widows and
orphans" of the gallant Boers when
"Oom"Paul Kruger had $4,000,000 salt
ed down? -
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