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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
43 THE STJNDAY PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1SD4. Chapted IV. The Simple TVord. SPEECH 1b the great organ which re veals the mind, the first -visible form that It gives Itself. As la the thought, an la the speech. To reform one's life In snse of simplicity one must watch rvcr word and pen. Let the word be simple, like the thought, and that It may rw sincere and that it may be sure, think 'cstly. speak frankly. , Social relations have for their base mu tual confidence, and this confidence Is nourished by the sincerity of each. As eocn aa sincerity diminishes, confidence Ganges, affinities suffer, and Insecurity Is born. This Is true both In the domain of material and spiritual interests. "With people whom we must ceaselessly distrust it Is as difficult to carry on commerce and IrduBtry as to seek a scientific truth or pursue a religious understanding or to realize justice. "When each one is obliged to control words and Intentions, and de part from the principle that all that is written and said has for aim to servo your Illusion In place of truth, llfo be comes strangely complicated. It -Is so for all of us. There arc too many malignant ones, diplomats who play an underhand came, and apply themselves to deceive each other, and that Is why each one takes so much pains to Inform himself ca the things the most simple, and yet which are of the greatest Import to mm nelf. Probably what I have Just said will suffice to indicate my thought and the experience of each one can bring forth an ample commentary with Illustrations to support it. But I am no less anxious to Insist on this .point, and to surround inyse'f with examples. In other times men had but small and Insufficient means of eommimieatlon between them. It was legitimate to suppose that In perfecting :d In multiplying the means of infor mation they would add to the light. Na tions learned to love each other in know ing each other better, the citizens of the Fame country felt themselves bound by a closer brotherhood, were better enlight ened on all things touching their common life. "When printed works were created they cried: Flat lux, and with greater reason yet when the habit of reading and the taste for newspapers spread. Why did they not reason thus: Two lights give more light than one, and several more than two? The more newspapers and books there are the better one will know what Is passing, and those who would write history after us will be fortunate they will have their hands full of docu ments. Nothing seemed more evident. Alas, they based their reasoning on the toc!s and calculated without the human clement which is everywhere the most im portant factor. So it happened that the sophists, the crafty, the calumniators, nil the men with the loosely-hung tongues who know how better than any .one to i-ggle with words and pen profited largely b all these means of multiplying and spreading thought. What Is the result? That our contemporaries have all the dlf f.c; !Ues in the world to know the truth about their own personal affairs and tholr owa times. For the few newspapers that cultivate International good feeling, by tn aig to teach their neighbors equitably ard to study them without hidden thoughts, how many there are that sow distrust and calumny! How many fictl tious and unhealthy currents are created n public opinion, with false stories, ma levolent Interpretations of facts or words! o are not much better Instructed on cur Internal affairs than on foreign coun-, nor on the Interests of commerce. Industry or agriculture, nor on the politi cal parties, nor the social tendencies, nor cf persons Occupied in public affairs, Is It easy to obtain disinterested Information. The more one reads the newspapers the less clearly one sees. There- are days when, after having read them and admit ting that one believes their word, the read er will see himself obliged to draw this conclusion: "Decidedly there are none but tarnished mon everywhere." There are r.o men of integrity but the chroniclers. But that last part of the conclusion will fall In Its turn. The chroniclers, in fact, eat each other. The reader would have before his eyes a spectacle analo gous to that represented in the carlca ture called the combat of the serpents. After having devoured everything around them the two reptiles attack eah other and begin to swallow each other so that there remain on the bat tlefleld but two tails. And, It is not the man of the people Rlone who Is .thus embarrassed; there are tho cultivated people, there are al most everybody. In politics, in finance, in business, even in science, the arts, literature and religion, there Is every where underhand work, plots and wire -pulling. There is one truth for ex portation and another for the initiated. It follows that all are deceived, for, though one may be of the kitchen he is never of them all, and the very ones who deceive others with the greatest address are deceived in their turn, when they have need to count upon the sincerity of another. The result of this kind of practice is tho degradation of human speech. It Is degraded first In the eyes of those who use it as & vile Instrument. There is no speech respected or tho debaters, the fault-finders, the sophists, and all those who are animated but by the rage of appearing to be in the right, or the pretention that their Interests alone ere respectable. Their chastisement Is to bo obliged to Judge others by the rule they follow themselves, which is: To say that which profits and not that which is true. They can no longer take any one se riously. A sad state of mind for such as write, speak and teach. How they must despise their hearers and their readers to go before them in such a state of mind! For one who has kept a foundation of honesty, nothing is more rovolting than the irony fallen from one of these acrobats of the pen, or of speech, who tries to add to the numbera few more gooi but too con fiding people. On one hand resignation. sincerity, the desire for enlightenment. and on the other tho profligacy that mocks the public But he does not Itjow, the liar, how far he deceives himself. The capital on which he lives is confidence, and nothing can equal the confidence of the -people unless it Is Its distrust as soon as it feels that It is be trayed Tne public may follow lor a time these exploiters of simplicity. But after that Its receptive humor changes to aversion; the doors that swung wide open now offer impenetrable wooden visages, ana ears once open are now closed. Alas! they close not only to the evil but to the good also. And it is there the crime of those who twist and degrade speech. They shake tho general 1 confidence. We consider the degrada- i tlon of money as a calamity, the fall In stocks the ruin of credit, but a greater misfortune than that is the loss of confidence, of this moral credit which honest people accord each other, and which makes a word circulate like au thentic money. Down with the coun terfeiters, the speculators, the wormy financiers, for they make us suspect i even the money of the realm! -Down! with the counterfeiters of the pen and of speech, for they do what has de stroyed confidence until no one be lieves anything or any one any more, and until the value of what they say or write resembles those banknotes of Saint Farce. It can be seen how von urgent it is that each one should watch over him self, guard his tongue, chastise his pen and aspire toward simplicity. No more changed meanings, fewer circumlocu tion, gxot T"nrv ratlcancaa and tar- "The Simple Life" By Charles Wagner giversatlons! They serve but to embroil us. Be men; have one word. One hour of sincerity does more for the welfare of the world than years of profligacy. A. word now of a National breadth. and which Is addressed to those who have the superstition of speech and the demonstrations of style. Certainly we must not blame those persons who enjoy an elegant word or a delicate lit erature. I am of the opinion that we can never say what we have to say too welL Bift it does not follow that the best said and best written things are prepared. Words should serve the Tact, and not substitute, and not cause one to lose slfuit of it In ornamentation. The greatest thinss are those which gain most in being told with simplic ity, because they show themselves as they are. Tou do not throw over them even the transparent veil of fine words, nor that shadow so fatal to truth which is called the vanity of the author or orator. Nothing- is .stronger, nothing more persuasive than simplicity. There are sacred emotions, cruel pains, great devotions, passionate enthusiasms that one look, one gesture, or one cry would show plainer than the most beautifully imvi TiiimB.!. Tii mnnf nrArini: nna. session in the heart of humiinitr nhows ! itself the most simply. To persuade, one must be true, and certain truths . are best understood if they come from simple lips, infirm odes even, ecs if they fell from mouths weary with talking, or proclaimed with th.e full force of the lungs. These rules are good for every one in the dally life. No one can Imagr lne what profit he can gain for his 1 moral life by the constant observation of this principle, to be true, sober, sim ple in expression of his sentiments .and his convictions. In private as in public never to exceed the measure, lo faith fully translate that which Is in us, and above all to remember. That Is the principal thing. For, the danger of fine words is that they live a clean life. They are the distinguished servitors who have guarded their titles and do not fulfill their functions as royal courts offer us examples. "You have spoken well; you have written well, is well and suffices." How many men there have been who were contented to speak, and who be lieved that that relieved them of the obligation of action. And those who have listened to them contented themselves in having listened to them. It thus hap pens that a llfo may consist after all. but In a few well-turned discourses, a few fine books, and some good plays. As to practicing what they so authorita tively display they rarely think of IL And if wo pass from the domain of men of talent to the lower regions which those hth Lesson in Manual Training (Instructor In woodworking and pattern-making; Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. Copyright. 1804, by Joseph B. Bowles. Tho interested read Is advised to clip this article for reference.) IT Is often necessary to chamfer or cut away the corner where two surfaces meet, as in fig. 49 the word chamfer being a carpenter's term which Includes beveling. A chamfer may be a flat bevel, as at A and B in fig. 49, or It may be In the form of a. groove or curve, as at C and D, while the term "beveled edge" always indicates a fiat surface made at any an gle to the two original surfaces. An example of beveling Is given in the hat hook strip, fig. 60. On nearly all work the bevel- may be made with u. plane and tested with tho bevel (fig. 29j set to the desired angle. It la sometimes necessary to use a chisel ito make tho bevel, as when the bevel is stopped off that Is. not contin ued through the entire length Qf the piece. In all such cases the chisel must not be held to cut across the fibers, as at A, fig. 51, or to cut up against the fibers, as F1G. 40. at B, but with the grain, and the chisel given side or lateral motion, as shown oy xne GOlteu uncs u.l i,, win til Mill ai ways cive a clean, smooth cut. When a plane Is used on the end of the piece it must be held so that the plane Iron will cut at an angle of about isae degrees, as shown by the line XT at E, and the plane, like the chisel, must be given a side wise and not a forward stroke. This will prevent splintering at the last or out-corner of the cut. Mortising. Before returning to the hat hook strip It will be necessary to give some instruc tions in mortising and in the use of the mortise chisel shown at A in fig. 52. These chisels are thicker and stronger than the firmer chisels, and are made in all sizes. The size used must always be of the ex act width of the required mortise, this in the case of the hat hook strip being 5-16 Inch. When preparing for the mortise, first mark out the length of the mortise, as shown by the cross lines for three mor- ill,. 50. tises on the piece A. fig. 53. The mortise gauge, shown at B in -fig. -52,, has two spurs, whose distance 5 apart is regulated by the screw in the end of the gauge XJ leas n 1 . , i JO. of mediocre gifts exploit: there in that obscure pell-mellT we will see In action all those who think we are on the earth to talk and to hear talking, the immense and despairing crowd of tajkers, of all the brawlers, who prattle or perorate, and after that find that they have not talked enough. They forget that those who make the least noise do the most work. A machine which expends its steam in whistling has no J more to turn its wheels. Therefore, cultivate silence. All that you retrench on the noise you 'will gain In force. These refleltlons lead us to a neighbor ing subject, very worthy, also to occupy our attention. I Artsh to speak of that which could be called exaggeration of language. When one studies the people of one country, one notices among them differences of temperament of which the. language bears traces. Here the popula tion Is rather phlegmatic and calm; It em ploys diminutives, and lengthened words. Elsewhere the temperatments . are well balanced; we hear the word exactly adapted to the thing. But farther effect of the sun. the air, the wine, perhaps a warmer blood flows in the veins; they have .their "heads close to their bonnets" and expression, runs to extrerries; super latives enamel the language, and to say the. most simple things they, use the strongest terms. If the manner of language yarics. ac cording to climates, It differs also ac cording -to the different epochs. Compare the language written and spoken in these times with that of certain other periods in our history. Under the ancient regime they spoke differently from tho time of the revolution, and we have not the same language used by men of 1S30, of 1S48, or the Second Empire. In general the lan guage has a simpler form now; we have no more wigs; we do not sit down to order laco cuffs; but one sign differen tiates us from almost all our ancestors, our nervousness, the source of our exag gerations. Under these excited nervous systems, a little sickly and God knows that to be nervous is no longer a privilege belonging to the aristocracy words do not produce the same effect as on the normal man. And. In inverse ratio, to the nervous man, the term simple does not suffice when he seeks to explain what he feels. In ordi nary life, in public life, In literature and in the theater the calm and sober language has given place to an excessive violence. The meanr which novelists and comedians have employed to galvanize public mind and force Its attention, finds Itself at the rudimentary state in our most ordinary conversations, in the epistolary style, and, above all. In the polemic. Our manners of language are to those of the calm and Imposing man what our writing Directions for Making Hat-Hook Strips; How Beveling Is Done; Mortising. stem, and is used to mark the two paral lel lines Showing the width of the mor tise, which in all cases must be the ex act width . of the mortlso chisel used. FIQ. 51. When mortising the position of the op erator mit always be at the end not at the side of tho work, thus enabling him to see that the chisel Is held perpen dicular to the surface being mortised. It FIG. 02. Is also the best position for prying out the shavings cut by the chisel. Clamp tho piece firmly to the bench, and with a wooden mallet drive the- chisel into the middle of the space marked off, as shown at B, but not so deep that It cannot be easily drawn out. Next set the chisel 1-16 inch back from the open ing thus mado and cut down a shaving to a still greater depth at C, and continue cutting down and increasing thedepth at FIG. W. each successive cut until the full depth of tho mortise is gained. Pry out the shavings and continue cut ting down the end cf the opening to the full depth each time, until the end of the mortise is reached, as at D. Reverse the front of the chisel, and in the same way cut the opposite end of the mortlso until completed, as shown at E Do not try to Blnk the mortise a lit- FIG. tri. tie at a time, but at every cut, after a full depth opening has been made, drive tho chisel to the bottom of the mortise. If the shavings are not removed from ttr.o to time, the Incomplete mortise will re semble tho enlarged view shown at F. In no case should a chisel be used whoso edge will not reach from line to line tno zuu wiatn ot tne mortise, as an par- Ing or trimming of the sides of tho mor tise should be avoided ag that will make K niwu ii j iL.y i iiujl. Jjj Jf fq JW -fori A'f i'"1 mjj ifi. tiL i i i ml 24 - f II IIHWI HUM II II ml I I V-f"-l 3L. is compared with that of our fathers. They blame it to steel pena. If that were only true! The geeae will save us then. But tne evil lies deeper and is in ourselves. We have the writings of perturbed and dis ordered ones, while the pens of our lore fathers traced over paper in surer and. more reposeful mariner. Hero we are fac ing one of the results of that modern Jure which Is so complex and which consumes our energy to such a terrible degree, it leaves us Impatient, breathless and in perpetual trepidation. Our literature, like. our language, feels it and betrays U3. From the effect let us return to tho source and understand tho warning thus given us. What good can come of that habit of exaggeration of one's language? Unfaith ful interpreters of our own impressions. we cannot .help but bend tho spirit of our fellow-men and our own by our exagger ations. JPeople who continually exagger ate cease to" understand each other. The result of Intemperate speech Is Irritation of dispositions.vViolent and sterile discus sions, precipitate Judgements without bounds and the gravest excesses in edu cation and social relations. Permit me in this appeal "for pimple J speech to formulate a wish' whose accom plishment would havo the happiest -result. I ask for a simple literature, not only as one of the best remedies for our worn-out souls, overdriven, wearied of eccentrici ties, but also as a gauge and jource of social uqlon. I ask also for a simple art. Our arts and our literature are re served to those privileged by fortune and education. But, let me be well under stood. I do not ask poets, novelists, nor artists, to descend from their heights to walk half way and content themselves with mediocrity, but on the contrary" to mount still higher. It 1 popular, not that which pleases a certain class: of society that is of common accord called popular. That Is popular which is com mon to all and which unites them. ho sources of the inspiration of which may bp born a simple art are in the depths' of the fieman heart; in the eternal realities of life before which all are equal. And the sources of popular language areVto be sought In the small number of simple and strong forms such as express the elementary Sentiments and the most powerful lines of human destiny. In that lie truth, grandeur and Immortality. Is there not in such an Ideal the means of Inflaming the young people, who, feeling the warmth of the beautiful and sacred fire, know pity and prefer to the disdain ful adage, "Odl profanum vulgus" that word otherwise human, "Misereor super turbam"? As to myself, I have no artistic authority, but among tho crowd where I live I have the right to lift my voice toward those who have talent and to say to them, "Work for those who are forgotten. Make yourself understood of the humble. Thus would you do a work of enfranchisement and pacification; tnus you will open again the sources where the masters of old drew their inspiration, those masters whose creations have de fied ages because they knew how to clothe their genius with slmpllcty." (Copyright 1904 by the J. S. Ogilvie Pub ashing Company, New York, .and printed : by arrangement with them.) the width below the surface uneven and irregular. Such trimming will bo en tlrely unnecessary It the operator care fully follows directions already given When the mortise 13 to bo cut through and through, as Is often the case, the cross lines shown at A, fig. 53, are con tinucd, using the try-square, across the edge of the piece and around on the op posite side, and the mortise gauge again used on the second side, as on the first. The mortise is then mado one-half way through from each side. In fig. 54 we show a working plan of the hat rack strip, with all sizes and dis tances marked. The mortises will be J 5-16 inch wide, and must bo made through I ana tnrougn in the 'way. directed above. After mortising it Is' next marked for beveling, as shown by the dotted lines 'rich In eacn direction. This marking must not be done with the spur of the gauge, which would cut and deface the work, but instead a lead pen cil is used m the following way: Bemovo the gauge head from the stem and tightly clamp ttho back end of the stem In tho bench vlso (to prevent split ting), and with a one-quarter-inch auger bit bore a hole through the stem near its nd. Bore with care, and as soon as the tcrew point of the bit begins to come through, remove the auger bit and finish boring tho hole from the opposite side. This will prevent the bit from splinter ing the gauge stem, as it would if forced through and through from the first side. The gauge head may now be replaced on the stem, and a small piece of lead pencil fitted into tho hole thus made. The gauge head can bo adjusted to any required distance from the pencil point, and used in the same way as with the spur point. This arrangement Is Illus trated In fig. 55. Always plane the bevel on the ends of the strip first, which will enable any splintering at the corners to fbe removed when beveling the sides. testing with the bevel set to an angle of 45 degrees. We are now ready for the hooks or pins, which are made as follows: Prepare a strip of wood 16 Inches long. i FIG. 65. seven-eighths of an inch wide and three quarters of an inch in thickness. After planing the strip to theso dimen sions, cut off three pieces, each four and three quarters inches long, and mark them off as shown at A in fig. 55. This marking must bo on the two opposite sides of each piece. Saw down the shoulders at A and at B with the back: saw, and with the saw first, and then, with the chisel cut away tho wood at X and V. Next plane off Iho wood at S, and with the dividers sot to a radius of inch. mark the upper curve for the head of the pin. and lastly change tho radius to inch, and from a point A on the first curve connect that curve with the edge at S. vrith a chisel and-a cabinet file (fig. 33) carefully cut away all wood outside of the curved lines, when the result will be as shown at B. Now taper off with the plane the two sides as shown at C. The two upper corners are next beveled with chisel and file, as shown In tho two views of the finished pin at D In fig. 50. At B jand E, fig. 56 are given two views of a I ! ) 4 V J' ! IL-i H TT slightly different form of head for the pin, which may be used in place of the first described. The radius for the upper end curve Is inch, all other dimensions being the same. In fig. C7 there Is shown tho same strip with the beveled edges stopped off op posite to each of the three pins. v There is a change in the position of the two end mortises only, and, aa will be read ily seen, the stopping off of he beveled edires will -tidd creatlv to the aDoearance of the strip. The angle at tho ends of tho stopped bevel is 45 degrees, and Is marked by us ing tho bevel (fig. 39) set to that angle. The work of beveling must be done by first stopping the bevels off square, as shown at A in fig. 57. Then, after hav ing finished the bevel true and smooth. tho angles are carefully pared off, as in- 34 FIG. ST dlcated on onp of the corners at C. We commend this form of hat hook strip to the beginner as being an excel lent exercise for chisel practice. Both should first be mado of pine for practice after which, if desired, they may be made of quartered oak or soma .other of the finer grained woods. Before insert ing the pins both strip and pin should be sandpapered smooth. If the wood is fine, first use No.-1, after ward finishing with No. 0 sandpaper. Should oak or other hard wood be used. No-1 first, then No. 0 will be needed. California at the 1905 Fair Fine Spirit of Co-Operation Pre vails Between the Golden Stats and Oregon. (By Rufua P; Jennings. executive officer of the California Promotion Committee, the Stat a Central Organization, la the Portland Chamber of Commerce Bulletin.) IT i3 most gratifying to me that the editor of this paper has requested me to say a few words as to what Cali fornia will do toward the Dewls and Clark Centennial Exposition. The request implies tho existence of a condition of mutual co-operation between the Pacific Coast states, and I am glad to say that the mutual feeling of the California pro motion committee and the commercial bodies of Oregon has already resulted In much good to both Oregon and California I believe that it will accomplish greater good m years to come, and that the fu turo will always see California. Oregon and Washington pulling together. The Interest which California is taking in the Lewis and Clark Exposition is largely, in my opinion, an evidence of the spirit of co-operation which prevails be tween Oregon and California. I do not think it is founded upon the purely com merclal desire to exploit our goods, but rather to pay a tribute to a great sister state, and give an earnest expression of our regard. The time was when there were many who assorted that the Inter ests of California, Oregon and Washlng- 4 ton were in a measure rival Interests. Now a broader, more liberal view has happily come to pass, and almost any fair-minded citizen of these states will be disposed to admit that-what is of benefit to one portion of the Pacific Coast is of benefit to all, and that should misfortune overtake any part of the Coast it would Inevitably be shared by the entire Coast. I feel that this spirit of co-operation has a most .important bearing upon the great Lewis and Clark Centennial. When was In Portland a few months ago as the guest of 2lr. Tom Richardson, of the Portland Commercial Club, and was en tertained In your beautiful Bose City, felt that though there was not ono sec tion on the Pacific Coast which would suit everybody, yet there was upon the Coast localities for every one. There's room for every one. What we want Is to get the population rolling west ward. We want more manufactories and more people. We want more men to cul tivate the soil and more wealth to de velop our natural resources. It is al most two years ago since President Roosevelt, appreciating our vast wealth in natural resources, said that the Pa clfic Ocean was destined to lead In car rying the world's commerce. It was not a prophecy; it was a statement of fact. Wo of California realize how greatly the Lewis and Clark Centennial will hasten our destiny, and the plans now laid be speak an enthusiastic co-operation on the part of Ouifornia In your great centen nial. which, in a way, belongs in part to us, because it is of the Pacific Coast. We must all pull together to rapidly increase. As lyet the total Imports of the Pacific Coast for the year ending June 30, ISOi, were $57,497,635, as against f779.237.lS3 for the Atlantic Coast ports, and that our exports wero $65,752,S16. as against $S97, 124,803 on the other side of the continent. That is the Atlantic Coast sends out and brings in about $12 worth of goods for every dollar on the Pacific. Tet there are those who confidently state that at no distant time tho Pacific Coast will lead I am glad to state at this time that Cal dfornlans generally will attend the Ex position. California will bo present on the open hing of tho Exposition. President Gooda I) has tendered tho California Promotion BREATHING SPOT OF A CROWDED ISLAND Continued From Page 40. would we not give- to have a history at taching to our "mountains, lakes and waterfalls, reaching back 2000 years. It Is the historic and literary associations which give their charm to the English lakes. One can look up at the High Street Range and picture Roman legions march Ing to battlo against the naked, or skin clad Picts and Scots. Ono can pass over the Dunmall Raise on the road from Windermere to Keswick and hear tho story of how Dunmall, the last British King of Cumbria, gathered all his forces in a last effort to drive out the Saxons, and of how ho was killed and his army almost exterminated. Ono can view the scenes which inspired the songs of somo of Em-land s sweetest slncrers. and vlo so from the very points where they looked upon them. The Pacific Coast States glory in nat ural beautien, with which those of tho English lakes and mountains are not to be compared, and are worthy to be sung by poets as great as any who ever dwelt in this fair land, but they lack tne his torio associations to fire the imagination I have traveled up Lake Chelan on steamer and craned my neck to seo the summit of Castle Mountain, 13,000 feet above the sea; I have stood on the sum' mlt of tho Cascades and seen a forest of snow-peaks around me. But there was nothing on Lake Chelan to tell of men who preceded those now living, except some rude paintings made by Indians on tho face of a cliff. White man's history in the Cascades related to prospectors and railroad engineers of this generation. The milder beauties of English scenery gain an added charm from tho fact that the Imagination can people It with those who enacted the stirring events Of bygone cen turics. -1. . IX. Committee, which represents the com mercial bodies of California, an invita tion to be present on this occasion. The .committee on behalf of tho State of Cali fornia, has acepted the invitation, and Is most "deeply appreciative of the courtesy. Tha leading organizations throughout California have indorsed this excursion to be given under the allspices of the committee. Several special trains will take representative business men of all parts of California to the Exposition. Our orators, the Governor of California, the presidents of our two leading universities. will be among those who take part. Pres ident David R, Francis, of tha Louisiana Purchase Exposition, will also be with us, well as editors of leading Eastern magazines, newspaper correspondents. and others. In fact, this excursion will be California's official call upon -the Ex position. It will be the largest and most representative excursion which has ever gone out of California, and. needless to say, will be conducted with that observ ance of etiquette requisite upon an occa sion of such importance; yet It will not bo lacking in that friendly warmth be tween those who have mutual respect and hold their alms in common. I have been very pleased to note that the exhibit which, will be made by Cali fornia will be fresh and original, so that those .who have this year visited the St. Louis Fair will see California differently exhibited In general at Portland. Most liberal sums have already been appropri ated in furtherance of special exhibits at tho Exposition. Many have taken very early action in this matter, and the work of the Lewis and Clark representatives who have been in California calling their further attention to the Exposition has been most fruitful in It3 Tesults. The press throughout California Is very gen erous In Its notice toward the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and has urged our -citizens generally to take a part. The State of California, It Is believed, will make a good appropriation. Governor Pardee, who has already visited Portland,, and conferred with President Goode, Is hear tily In favor of every possible co-cpera- tlon by California. The California Pro motion Committee and its affiliated or ganizations throughout the state will be active on behalf of the Lewis and Clark Centennial,, and while space in this arti cle does not permit me to enumerate all the details, I am glad to assure the men of Portland and Oregon that California will bo represented at their Exposition In manner in accordance with her tradi tlons. The California Promotion Committee has taken up with tha railroads the mat ter of having tickets for delegates to con ventions to be held In California in lOOo read so that they may be routed via Port land, either coming or going. The Trans continental Passenger Association, at Its October meeting, took favorable action upon this suggestion. Among the conven tions which will meet in California are those of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, the Christian Church Conven tion, the National Creamery ButtermaK ers Convention, ana otners. vve Deueve that many who visit Portland will return via California, and we feel that every courtesy In return will be apreclated, The California Promotion Committee, at Its headquarters in San Francisco, will be glad to distribute any literature per tainlng to the Portland Exposition, and we always say a good word to Inquirers about Oregon and Washington. In conclusion, California is planning an exposition in 1913. This will be the Pacific Ocean Exposition. It will com memorate the. discovery of the Pacific by Balboa 400 years before, and will signal ize the opening of the Panama Canal. As a Pacific Ocean Exposition it is fitting that all states and territories whose in terests are advanced by the development of the Pacific Ocean should make vigorous and united effort to make this celebra tlon successful. I know that the people of Oregon will assist in the Pacific Ocean Exposition. RUFUS P. JENNINGS BEAUTY, TO look well take care of your complexion. Do not allow un sightly plaples. blackheads, tan, or freckles to blemish your skin. Derma-Royale will resaove these like magic Cures Eczema and Tetter. Used with DERMA-ROVALB Soap, a perfect skht Is insured. SOLD BY DRJL'aOlSTS, or may be ordered direct. Dersut-Reyflle, $1 per bmtile, express paid. DenaaReyaIo Soap, 25 Ceats, by raail. Both la He packags, $1.25, express paid. ? octrois aad ttrttaenUli tent oa request. THE DERMA-ROYALE CO., CtaciiiatUO. BLOOD POISON F03 KrMTlTN TEAR I weaaveznadethacareof blood polsonsspoeialty FrfaMry, SsMmfery cr 73rtiary Qiaos' Polssn ! Permanently Corod. You can bo treated at i noma uncor same guaranty, uapital S500.G00. s We solicit tha most obstinate eases. We have 1 cored the wont cases in 15 to 85 days. If yon I have taken mercury, iodide potash and still 1 have aches and pains, Mnens Patches in g SpotsUkers on any part of the body. Hatror j eyebrow falling out, write for proofs of a sane, io?ag4 uoo jtrroo. G0OX REMEDY 00. 1539 USQ5I3 TSIPU, CMa?c, CL EN CURED Our Vacuum Organ Develop er will restore you without drugs or electricity. STRIC TURE and VARICOCELE permanently- cured In from 1 to 4 weeks; 90,000 In use; effect Immediate; not one failure; none returned. No C. O. X. fraud. If you don't feel and see tha Improvement the vary first day you use our DeveU oner, return It and we return your moneyTVlth the Vacuum Developer any man can euro himself at home. Send for ires book, sent sealed in plain envelope. Acme Mff. Co 557 Barclay Block, Dearer, Colo. MEN 0811 TACUL'S SEYELOPES rvvM rea without medlda at all weaknesses. raricootls and urethral obstructions. Mea are alekly restored to health asd strength. Bssd tamp for book staled to Vsaltb AspUancw O. O. Q Ssattle. Wmh. XBAVKLEKSr UCHME, COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY PORTLAND to THE DALLES Regulator Line Steamers HILT COCErT $DRDAT 7 A. H. Direct ltna for XoSetPs, 8c. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Conneatlns. at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River St Northern Ry. Co.. for Goldencals and Klickitat Valley roSata. Tir ic-ot of Alder street. Phohs jiala 814. &. M' DONALD. Ageau For South - Eastern Alaska LEAVES SEATTLE a A. M. TACOMA tt P. M., aay pr vlous, steamships ClTx" Oy SEATTLE, Nov. IB, a can. ins at ii-oiccman. jjoujflas, Juneau ana bxagway; ilijil IbOLDT. Nov. 11. 24, via. Vic toria; COTTAGE CITY. Nor. 7, VX. via. Vancouver, Sitka, and Kllllsnoo; ROMONA for Vancouver. Monday. Wtdnea. day and Friday. 1 . Eteers connect at San Fraclsco with com pany's steamers tor ports la California. Mex ico and Humboldt Baj. For further Inform, tlca obtain folder RlBht 1 1r.e'ry to Changs steamers or salting date. City of Seattle does not call at TVrangell or British Columbia ports. TICKET OFFICES. Port'a-d 2-19 Washington st. Sattle.. ,...113 James st, and Dock 6aa Ftunclsco ....10 Market sC C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Ast . rvi XJtAYXLXXS' GTJIDX. J!-m 0ISEGQH SliORJ UNE ax Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Tarouch Pullman standard and tourist sle Ins-cars dally to Omaha. Cblcaso. Spokaaej touxlat sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; throuxh Pullman tourist sleeplns-car person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining c&airx&rs (seats free) to the East dally. UNION DBPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:15 A. iL Dally. 5:25 P. it SPECIAL lor ins Kast Dally. ' via HuaUcrton. ilfOliAJii: JTLiVJOlt. U;13f. M. Sally. 3:CO A. U. Daily.. ; for astera Varurg ton. Walla Walla, lstoa, Coeur o'JUene and Gnat Nortatic polntfl. ATLANTIC EXPKKs. lor tha East via Hunt ;15 P. it. Datly. ;:15 A. AC Dally. laxton. IUVEIi SCHEDULE. FOR ASTOKIA and 8:00 P. AL Dally, except Sunaay. Saturday. 10:00 P. M. 6:ou E. ili itay points, connecting trim steamer lor IIwa- Dally. I except Sunday. and North Beach steamer Hassalo. Ash street deck (water per.) FOR DAYTON, Ore- 7:00 A. ii. Dally, except Suncay. . J:3o V. ii son City and xamnlll DUy. . except ' Sunday. Klver points steamers Modoc and Butli. Ana- street dock (water per.; FOR IiEWlSTON. l;tO A. iL Dally, except Saturday About except rlday. '. Idaho, and way points from Rlparla, Wash. steamers bpokans ana Lewlstoc TICKET OFFICE. Third and t ashlnstoa. Telephone llala 712. BUS FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. For San Francisco, every five days from Atnsworth dock S. S. Geo. W. Elder. Dec. 12; S. S. Columbia, ,Dc. 7, IT. Sailing from Alnsworth dock, 8 P. M. . PORTLAND & ASIATIC tj. S. COMPANY. For Yokohama ud Boss Kons. calllns at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers lor Manila. Port Ar thur and Vladivostok; S. S. Numactla. Tec. 8; S. S. Arabia. Dec 31. For freight and turtner particulars apply to . JAMES II. DEW SON. Agent. Tslephona llaln 388. Upnor Alaslu. Dock. AST SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND iJX- PRKba TRAINS lor balem, Rose- 7:25 A. burr. Ashland. &c- rameato. ugden. aaa irra&cisco. iiojavo, Los AcselcA El Paso. New Orleans ind the East. S:20A. M. Mom ins tram con. 7:10 P. X. nects at Woodbum (dally except bua cay. with train lor Mount Angel. bUlver- ion. Rrownavuie. gpringueia, wena Bins and Natron. saePtX. Albany passenger io:ia a. a connects at wood. turn with Mt. Angel and Slrvsrtoa local. 7:SO A. iL ll JM P. M. :30 P. Mi 118:25 A. M. Co ml 11 passenger. Ehencan passenger. Dally. U Dally, except aunaay. FORTXAND-OSWSCO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND TAMHILL DIVISION-. t, Portland dally tor Osweao t 7:30 A. M. 12:50. 2:05. 3:25. 5:20. 7:45, 10:10 P. m' Dally, except Sunday, 6:30. 6:30, S:a5, 105 A. M., '-W. 11:30 P. M. Sunday; ouly, 8 A. M. Rctumlnx from Oswego arrivs Portland dally fitSO K. i. 1:55, a:0o. 4:S5, 805. 7:35. 9:53, 11-10 "P H.' IaUy except- Sunday, 6:25, 75. B 30 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:25 AM. Sunday only. lO:0o A. M. Tva from same depot lor Dallas and later mdfaVto pXta dally ; except ounday. 4 P. M. Arriv Portland, 10:20 A. M. Tho Independence-Monmouth motor line oper tM daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with STP Co trains at Dallas and Independ- lrst-class fare from Portland to Sacramenca Eaa Francisco, 2p; berth, . Second SsSsfare J15; second-class berth. i50. . ckeuT to Eaotem points and Europe, Also r. Jvr, rhZn Honolulu and Australia. JCrrY ICKOT OFFIC& corner Third and WMhllistoa streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla. SouthBend and Gray's Harbor points ... 8:80 am 5:30 pss Korth Coast Limited lor Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, uBtteTst. Paul, New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 3:00 pa 7.-00 aa Twin City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane. Helena. St. Paul. Mlnne- Booton and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pm 7:00 pra pugot Sound-Kansas Clty- St. Louis Special, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kali saw City. St. Louis and all points East and Southeaat ....,. 8:30 am 7:00 am All trains dally, except on South Bend branch, A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas genser Agent, 255 Morrison St., corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia .River Railroad Co. ft Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. Ealiy. For May jf era, Rainier, -nail-. Clatskanle. Westport. Clifton. Astoria, War 3:04 A, M. renton. Flavei, Ham- uaoA-K. mono. Fort Stevens, Qearbaxt Park. Sea- side, Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. TrO P. M. Astoria Express. 9:40 p. if. Dally. J C. A. ETEWART. J. a MATO," Camm'l Ast.. 24S Alder f O E .& J A Phoos Main 806L City Ticket Office1, 122 3d st, Pheas Ms. 2 OVERLAND TRAMS DAILY The Flysr and the Fast Mali. 2 SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMFL0YZ5 Zer Tickets. Bates, Folders and full In formation, call on or address U. DICKSON, City Passenger and Ticket Act.. 132 Third street, Portland, Or. JAPAN-AMERICAN LINE S. S. IYO MARU for Japan, China and all Asiatic Porta, trill A wM ...I - - i .