THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, 1904. Adventures of Ben and Nancy CHAPTER VIIL WHEN" April finally came and the lake was clear of Ice, except here, and there a big cake floating' about, Ben and Nancy were ready for the fishing season. They had made two trips to the grounds and met with fair success, and were out on their third, when a schooner hove in sight flying a signal of distress. She was the only craft In sight on the waters, and alter looking at her for two or three minutes, Ben said: "That schooner has set that signal for us, Nancy. I can't say what's the matr ter with her, but we'll run down and see." The lines were taken in and the boat headed for the schooner, which was five miles away and hove to and waiting for them. As the wind was light it took the best part of an hour to reach the bigger craft, but the children had made out the cause of her trouble long before reaching her. She had run into a solid cake of ire and stove a great hole in her bows. Her crew had stuffed bedding into the hole, but were doing lively work at the pumps to keep the water down. Hollo the- boat!" called the. captain of the schooner as Ben and Nancy drew near. "Hello the schooner!" ' called Ben In reply. W- aro badly stove and must have help. Can you sail to Shelter Bay with a message for me? There Is a tug there, and I want her as soon as she can get here. This schooner has a cargo aboard worth 330.009." Ben sold he would take the message and get it along as fast as possible, though the dlstanco to the bay was al most SO miles, and It was then so late In the afturaoon that he could not hope to make it before dark. He was told to find a certain business men and tell him that the schooner Bed Bird was badly damaged and likely to go down, and the captain said a good reward would be paid for delivering the message. It would have been carried Just the same if nothing had been promised, as sailors and fishermen feel bound to aid each oth er in distress. "While the fishboat head ed for Shelter Bay the crew of the schoon er went back to the pumps, and both Ben and Nancy thought ihey would have hard work to keep her afloat until the tug arrived. The bay was not reached until after dark, and Ben lost no time in hunting up hie roan and delivering his message. KHES THEX CAST OTT AXJj MEN WAVED THETO CATS AND COT A - Word was at once sent to the tug to get up steam, and the services of half a doz en extra men were engaged, and after the children had been given time to eat per the tug started out. She took. Ben and Nancy aboard and their boat in tow, and the owner of the schooner said to them, as the tug swiftly made her way to where it was expected that the schoon er would be found: "How la it that two such young chil dren as you are allowed to be sailing about so far from shore? "Why didn't your father come along?" Then. Ben told him their story, and that both hud been fishing, sailing and hunting ever since they could remember, and that' they now had their living .to make that way. He also told him how much money they had In the bank, and what their hopes were for the future. "Well, I declare!" exclaimed the man as the story was finished. "I knew we had some pretty good people up here In the woods, but I never thought our boys and girls were so full of energy and cour age. "Why. my boy, you and your sister have got along better than most men and their wives. "Very few men have made as much money as you have for the last year, and very few children could have planned better. I am going to give you $250 for bringing me that message, for there is tho light of the schooner show ing that we are in time to save her, and If the time comes when you need a good friend, Just remember my name." The six extra men on the tug were put aboard the schooner to help the crew at the pumps, and the tug got out a stout rope to take the disabled croft in tow. "When she was ready to move off, the captain of the schooner shook hands with Ben and Nancy and said: "If you will come along to tho bay with us I will see that you have tho best rooms at tho hotel tonight, and the best breakfast the landlord can scare up in the morning. Mr. Budderman has told, me your story, and of the amount of money he has given you, and I want to tell you that JI am very grateful for your willing ness jand promptness. I am a poor man or I, should have handed you at least a hundred dollars tho minute you got back. I Iulvo no money to give, but you can couh,t me your friend and make my house your; homo as long as you will." m In' replying, tho children thankod him for Jils kind words and good wishes. They wore used to passing the night in the boat, having1 good warm blankets to cover them, and instead of returning to Shelter bay with the tug they would get Into their own craft and be ready to drop their lines over at the first signs of daylight. "When they cast oft- all the men waved their caps and cheered, and Mr. Rudder man, tho owner of the schooner, called after them: "Good luck go with you, and don't forget that I want to be your friend." "Tomorrow," said Ben, as they watched the lights of the tug and schooner mak ing up tho lake, "wo will go over to Glendale and bank our money and see if Mr. Scott has come back." (To Be Continued.) Thrilling Story of the Jaguar of the Temple Adventures With the Tiger of Yucatan, by Capt. R L, Spier. B NEATH my feet is a mat made of th skin of a jaguar, the largest and fiercest of America's wild beasts, with the possible exception of grizzly and polar boars. He Is to tho New World what the tiger i to India, and fears neither man nor last. I got my specimen in the forests f Honduras, where I went looking for htm. and. by the same token, "tho Jaguar was looking for me and nearly got me instead. Accompanied by a single guide. I had worked into a remote part of the little republic a region to which white men sel dom came, and whero tho forests were reputed to be warming with all sorts of game. Wc reached a native village in a Uraring and woro received with extrava gant Joy when it -was understood that I bad como to shoot Jaguars. It reminded me of my reception In a native village In India where I once went to shoot a man rating tiger which had been a terror of the neighborhood. A native boy of 12 begged to be allowed to accompany me on my hunt. Six months before, he said, a Jaguar had caught his brother on the outskirts of the clearing and killed him. He was eager for revenge and I took him along. Wo traveled two miles into the woods to the ruin of a great building of pro historic times. It had been a temple in lis day, but now lizards and wild beasts "kept Its courts" and trees of great age grew upon its crumbled terraces and bat tlements. We built a fire to keep off the animals, tethered our horses and camped for the night, taking turns in watching, for all about us the deep black forests resound ed with the cries and calls of wild crea tures. Toward morning I was awakened by a shout of terror from the boy Jose, and sprang to my feet to see a great Jaguar Jump upon my horse and bear him to the earth, while the steed actually shrieked with fear and pain. Of oourso I fired as soon as i could get my hands on my gun, but In the Aanrtng firelight I missed the Jaguar and only buried my bullet in the carcass of the horse. Again I fired, but the Jaguar had plunged into the near-by river, and the darkness was so dense on the opposite shore that the huge cat escaped me. Jose was in a state of Intense excite ment, and my guide was hardly less ex cited than the boy. "No to apuris tan to I Don't fret yourself so much," said L "There arc other Jaguars In the woods, taough, alas, no other horses. Jose shall yet have his revenge and I my Jaguar Ekin." After breakfast that morning I started to explore the old ruin. Broken flights of Fteps led to the platform on which the great building hod once stood In all its splendor, and as I reached the root of the incline, I looked up to see a great Jaguar slowly emerge from a richly sculptured doorway and stand, with lashing tall and bared and gleaming teeth, looking down at me from the top of the broken stairs. My rifle was at my shoulder in an In stant and the bullet sped. At the same instant the beast crouched for a spring and launched himself through the air with an angry snarl, changing into a look down- 1W vfcT my! J growl In which was mingled a note of pain. I knew that I had hit him. but not so as to cause death. As the beast launched himself toward me. I threw mvseJf to tho right, and his great body Just brushed me as It swept past. It was all done In an instant of time. It was quick work and a close call. Bruised from the stones of the ruined stairway, I tamed to see the Jaguar JOSH. TOO FARALYZED TO MOV.. iECEIVEI A SXiwOi -0B rolling on the ground in his death agony. I had shot him through the lungs, and another shot in tho" head at close range put an end to him. But there, not far from the dead beast, lay poor Jose, ap parently dead. The boy had been follow ing me when I started from the ruins, and when the Jaguar sprang and missed me, Jose, close behind and too paralyzed by terror to move, had received a stroke from a huge paw as tho beast fell to the earth. He had escaped death by a narrow margin. One arm was broken and half of. his scalp torn away. we carried the boy to his village and I tended him with my rudo surgery until he was well on the road to recovery. "When, after some more hunting In the neighborhood, I left tho village to return to the coast, I said: . "Jose, do you not want to leave this place of perils and come with me to a land where wild beasts do not kill?" "No, senor," he replied. "This Is my land. But, oh, senor, leave me one of the guns and teach mc how to use it. that I may keep tho village safe from the Jaguars. I will make long Journeys to the coast for ammunition when that you leave mo gives out." So I did as he desired and came away. I wonder if he has yet killed a Jaguar or has a Jaguar killed him? The chances are about even. Story of Pilot Boys of Norway $ ... . . .. . ........................ .. . . . . . . . . , . . when the Vessel approached he lights a plare-up. THE hardy Norseman takes to the Bea like a duck to a pond. He is almost amphibious. Tho young sters on the coast begin to work for their living at an early age, and It is astonishing what different phases of sea life tho boys fill to the satisfaction of their employers and themselves. The Norwegian pilot-boat, a clumsy-looking- craft of some 30 feet in length, is perhaps as seaworthy a' craft of her size as swims the sea. She has a large cruising ground. She carries a sprit sail of fair size and several Jibs to suit the weather. Caro fully handled, she will ride out the heavy gales which In the German ocean kick up a dangerous and choppy sea that calls for all the seaworthy qualities of a sailing vessel. The boat is manned by a pilot and his boy. Her cruising ground Is be tween" the Naze and the Skaw-r-proml-nent landmarks for vessels bound to Norwegian ports or harbors in the Bal tic or Gulf of Finland. The pilot-boat is run alongside the ship, thfr pilot Jumps aboard and the boy trims sheet and- steers for his home port, which' may be as far north as Stawanger. The sail Is loner and lonely, but the boy contrives to navigate thither, blow high or blow low. H seems to have the homing instinct of the pigeon as the only aid to navigation that he has Is a chart and a compass. An easterly sale often blows him far off his course. Some of these boys are only 13 or 14 years old. They are the youngest nav tcators on any sea. Flaxen of hair, with blue eyes and rosy cheeks, they are brave and sturdy sailors. Their diet is chiefly salt fish and sea biscuit when afloat, but sometimes the ves sel that takes the pilot will throw the youngster a chunk of cooked salt beef or salt pork, and sometimes a hunk of plum duff for his own private con sumption; but these cases are compar atively rare, and the boy generally has to depend .upon the narrow r& sources of his own larder. His little craft carries no side lights. "Whenever a vessel approaches him he lights a flare-up signal a torch of oakum soaked in tar or kerosene. On his solitary voyage to his home port he sleeps In the daytime, his boat steering herself. In this way he pre pares for the vigU of tho night. The dangers he encounters are many and great, but he takes them in a matter-of-fact i way highly creditable to him. It is strange that so few of these boats are lost. The truth is that their model 1b such as to withstand Just the sort of weather they meet. In their principal features they resemble the viking- ships of old, which in their adventurous voyages weathered the heaviest Atlantic gales and ravaged the British and Irish Sea coasts in many a hostile and bloody raid. The young Norwegian after his training In the pilot-boats or mackerel-boats mans trading; ships of every country. "Lars or Nils or has one ideal, and that Is to Bhlp aboard an Amarican yacht, preferably a steam craft, where he lives a happy life, well fed and well treated. He is a frugal, thrifty sailor, and his earnings, with but few deduc tions, are sent home to gladden many a Scandinavian fireside. ' ' He gets on an average ?30 a month on a yacht, an amount which looks very big to him In comparison with the scanty wages paid tp sailors under the Norwegian flag. A Future Magnate. Cub Run Cor. Har County News. Mr. Jesse Taylor says ho will buy all of the wasp nests he can get and pay a good price for them, to fill with molas ses and sell them for honey. THE CHAMBER OF EXECUTION Remarkable and Thrilling: Illusion That Can Easily Be Produced. iy-wNB of the most perfect and startling I illusions possible that can bo pro duccd with the most simple means is the illusion of tho execution chamber. It is always sure to make a hit. Tho spectators aro Introduced into a room, or they aro seated, before a curtain, which Is withdrawn suddenly. Immediate ly they behold a very realistic tableau of an o!d-tlmo execution. A headsman's block covered with black cloth supports the head of a living person stretched be fore them. A headsman stands over him The Misdeeds of pillydoll and Japlittle. No. IV GHANDPA Jack Springh&sg rpoa be came so. exerted that he leaped clean out of his house and began to teeter around on his long, thin, spiral legs. In stead of being sorry to see an old and venerable man. make such a show of him self. Dillydoll punched Japllttle in the ribs and said: "Grandpa Jack Is having fun with those policemen, isn't he?" So ho was. No doubt. Grandpa Jack Springbang, be ing a ven-er-a-ble and xespect-a-ble old party, only attacked tho two policemen with such in-tense and un-ex-am-pled fury and des-per-a-tion because he was highly excited. But the natural cast of his kind ly coun-ten-ance was so lovely that even in-his violence he looked deeply pleased. Bo old Tame Guddyguddygudd, who was walking by Just then, said to herself: "Ah I Now I can seo through that old villain. He has lived here In our midst for 71 years, four months and three days, and all that time he has acted so nice and kind that we all thought he was the best man a-llving. All but me. I always says. 'says I: 'Walt and see! "Walt and seel' I says that GO-year ago, when he was only 10-year old, and I says that only last week. And now we have it! Ixok at the bad, bad old man smiling like anything while he Is fighting! That shows how ho loves to fight!" You cannot see old Dame Guddyguddy gudd in the picture, because she Just SNEAKED past. That's why. Old Grandpa Jack Springbang did not really love to fight. But his thin, spiral legs seemed -to be full of life and he could 1 ' " I ......... ... ......... . ... , not help but feel excited, so he kept on bobbing up and down and this way and that way, and every time he bobbed, he would hit either Cllbclub or Clubcllb very hard on their beautiful and carefully made faces. Sometimes he would hit them both. One time Cllbclub would fall down and another time Clubcllb would fall down. It was a hor-ri-fy-lng scene. Yet It was not to be expected that Grandpa Jack Springbang could long defy the forces of law and order. The police were bound to rule In the end. So It was In this case. But Dillydoll and Japllttlo did not care whp won. All they wished was to seo everybody fight and get hurt. They even laughed like anything and more too when the ambulance came with a ding-dong and took poor little Blackerblack to the hospi tal whero the doctors snlpsnapped with scissors on his poor head and stitched and cross-stitched him. Yes. All the time, Dillydoll and Jap little Just laughed -Hahahahahahah! i Which of Them Was to Blame " r . . . , . , . . . . , THE PTVAfg CAT SAID NOT A WORD. I ', gg OHNNYS a good boy!" said the J green and red parrot from his perch. "Humph!" said the black cat. "Do you think It manners to be always praising yourself? Green and red feathers don't prove goodness." "Johnny's a good boy! Johnny's a pretty good boy!" "Conceited, stuck-up old bird! Fur Is better than feathers any -day. I'd be ashamed' to go around with an extra claw on the end of my nose. Don't bother mo any more with your virtues, my break fast's waiting." "Johnny -wants his breakfast!" "Well, don't you Interfere with mine. Stay on your perch and eat your old sun flower seeds," said this ill-natured black cat. "Johnny wants his. breakfast!" said the parrot, and down from his perch he went, head first, and scuttled toward the black cat's basin. "R-r-r-r-r-r-! st! st! st-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! Squawk!" There was a whirl, of fur ands feathers, black, red and green. Then the air cleared as the parrot screamed "Edna!" Edna!" In came their mistress flying to find Johnny back on his perch looking like the wake of a cyclone, while the black cat was humped like an Inch worm, and his tail was large and waving. "Oh, you baddies, why do you quarrel soZ" cried Edna. "Tell me now, which wa3 to blame?" and she looked straight into the black cat's guilty face. The black cat said not a word, 'but Johnny, gazing Innocently, out of his one open eye, said: "Johnny's a pretty good boy! Come back and kiss Johnny!" with a huge ax ready to do his offloe. A deep-toned bell Is tolling slowly, solemnly. An official in a long robe or cloak stands facing the headsman. He holds a hand kerchief. It Is raised above his head. As the bell ceases tolling he drops It. The headsman raises his ax swiftly and imme diately brings it down with a thud upon the neck of his victim. A moment elapses. All is still. All at once the decapitated man arises, and as7 he docs so all see the red circular section of his neck where the ax passed through It. He passes out of a door, leaving his head behind him. A cloth is thrown over the. head and the astonished and puzzled audience Is dismissed. Although under ordinary circumstances. It would be absurdly superfluous to use such a precaution, yet In this illusion the arfalr looks so real that it tnere are nervous women or girls among the au dience It 13 Just as well to assure them before the trick is performed that it Is a trick and not to be taken seriously. This la tho way It Is done: A boy with a high forehead and with rather long hair is selected for the victim. Ho lies down on his back full length upon the floor In order to allow himself to be "mado up." The young artist who makes him up is provided with a paint box of water colors, or at least with a cake of red and one of black paint, a brush or two, a red crayon or pencil, a glass of water and a bit of putty, and a little face powder. In lack of face powder flour will answer. He rasps, scrapes or flies enough of the red pencil Into the powder to make It pink. Then he paints black eyebrows upon his subject's face, at the same distance under the eyes as the real eyebrows are above the eyes. These painted eyebrows must be curved in the opposite direction from the real ones. Then with his putty he models a false nose upside down upon the subject's fore head, between the eyes and extending to ward the roots of the hair far enough to leave room between them and the nose to paint a mouth. Having done this, he uses his red paint to paint Hps in the space left between the hair and the nose. A pair of mus taches can be- made of black wool or of excelsior, or, better still, bought at a toy shop for a nickel, and pasted on with mucilage in the proper place. A part of the victim's face that has been treated nose and all has now to be well powdered. As the subject lies on the floor he seems now to have two faces, two noses, two mouths and two sets of eyebrows. Throw a piece of drapery over his body and over hl3 face below the eyes, and It looks as if you had before you- a head decorated with a mustache and beard, but lacking a body. Iet the boy subject He behind a curtain so that only this much of his face can be seen. Now let another boy put on a coat that Is a bit too large for him. Take hold of the lapel, of the coat, pull it up and but ton It above tho boy'3 head. It Is a trick boys often practice It makes a person look as If his shoulders sloped consid erably and as if he had no head at all! In the collar of the coat, flat upon the head of the boy Inside of it, fasten a cir cular piece of pasteboard painted red. This Is tho section of neck that shows as he rises after he hag, to all appearances, been decapitated. Lay tills boy down so that the collar of bis coat comes against that part of the other boy's head projecting from under the curtain. "When the blade of the ax. & NW WNNY N N CAN &EALLY -SAY 3UT1Y MAY PR?3)D?NT JW DAY L . - i which 13 made of pasteboard, comes down, the boy who holds the handkerchief and whom you may be sure no one is noticing particularly at that moment, gives a lit tle stamp with his foot. That is the thud of the ax. The deep-toned bell Is a poker hung up by a string and struck with a stick. - An Oriental Answer, liipplncott's. It was in a Maine Sunday school that a teacher recently asked a Chinese pupil she was teaching to read if he understood the meaning of the words "an old cow." "Been cow a long time," was the prompt answer. THE AXE COMES DOWN WITH. A THUD.