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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
4 THE. SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1.904. Putting Homeless Dogs to a Painless Death THIS IS THE SEASON AT THE PORTLAND ESTRAY POUND FOR THE REMOVAL OF VAGRANT CANINES O YOU Trant a dog? Do you tvant a setter, a spaniel, a. shepherd, a lap-dog. or a Tatch-dog, cr a common yellow cur? If you do, and are not particular about pedigrees, run out to f the- city estray pound, on Sixteenth street, near Madison, In Goose Hollow: There you will find ter riers and hounds, pug pups and mastiffs In mingled profusion. By paying the clfy license of ?2, you will not only get your pick of the dogs, but will thereby save the life of one of the unfortunate crea tures. ' . Just now there are 40 dogs of all breeds, varieties, temperament and Elzes awaiting cither an owner or death. One of the two must claim them. For they are vagrants just the same as the man who looks out from a set of bars In some? jail because he would -not earn a decent livelihood is a vagrant- The only -difference is that the law deals a little more severely -with the canine vagrant than, with the vagrant of the human species, who in many In stances, perhaps, Is much., less worthy of consideration. Of course, the distinction -Is -unavoidable, for ownerless dogs must not be allowed at large, nor can any' municipality So ex pected to support u lot, of valueless ca nines through a lifetime of- imprisonment, such sentiment as that would "be costly and Inane. Just the same as It would be if society should employ radical measures in extirpating its valueless members by process of hanging or asphyxiation. So the untaxed dog must go! -He must be gathered' in by-some alert dogcatcher, tossed In a cage' Wth dozens of others of his kind, ' kept ' through a short period of imprisonment and then blotted out of ex istence, without the formality of a. trial. As; air cad j- stated, -there are some 4Q victims of this arrangement now await ing their fate. Gaged a dozen to a cell, they await their Inevitable, unavoidable doom. Perhaps they understand it Per haps they do not. According to the hu man estimate of their intelligence, dogs cannot calculate of the future, being guided by Instincts alone. It is not so Improbable that these same instincts bring them forebodings of the calamity in store for them In a few days when they will be taken in batches to a big sealed tank where volumes of stifling gas will send them to the final sleep even while they play. A visit to the estray pound is a sadden ing experience, especially if it happens to be slaughtering day. "When I islted the place a few days ago, it was such an occasion. The dogs had ben given their breakfast, and some were taking a morn ing -siesta, while others were playfully biting at each other. f As I walked among the cages with the keeper, several of the animals pressed their noses against the bars and stared expectantly as if in hopes of recognizing a belated owner who had deserted them to this unwbolesomo company of dogs. There was one particularly fine Gordon setter, which was busy -wrestling with a big, balry cur of no breed as I came in. He left off his play at once and pressed hard against the bars until, seeing it was not any one known t him he turned away. Not to resume playing, though, but to' slinks 'dejectedly into a corner of ihs big cage and llo down. 5y different routes do the dogs arrive at i the unhappy "plight of imprisonment in the pound. Some are big, worthless' curs that grew up wild and are lucky that their existence was not cut short long ago. Others are dogs which have had good homes, but In the pctulancy of their old ages, when their owners could no longer keep them with safety, they have been turned Into the streets for tho dog catcher. Then there are the pathetic cases where poverty renders it Impossible for the owner to pay the yearly tax. The dog happens to come to the notice of the dog-catcher and Is. caught up. 1 3Iany pa thetic instances f this kind came tc the attention of the pound-keepers. Recently a poorly clad and dirty urchin appeared at the pound and asked for the keeper. "Mister, has you got Gyp in here?" he asked, timidly, but with great earnest ness and "anxiety, in his- tones. "Who's Gyp." asked the keeper. "He'3 my dorg, an he ain't been borne, not for a long time," said the boy, sor rowfully. "If Gyp is here, have you got $2 to pay to et him out?" asked the keeper in business-like tones. A shadow overspread the boyish coun tenance, and he stood twisting at his faded cap for some time before speaking. "Jfo. sir," he said Anally, vdth childish frankness. "Pa says he ain't got no money for dogs, but I wants Gyp back, because he ain't done nothla' wrong. Pleaso, can't I see If he's in here?" he added. Imploringly, and no one could have reslBted. "All right, you can see if be is here," said the keeper as he led the way among the cages of dogs. Suddenly a sharp burst of gleeful barking filled the corridor. An Ill-kept cur in one of the smaller cages had seen the boy. The barking was min gled with a gladsome expression from the. childish lips as a tiny hand went through the bars from one side and a long red tongue came through from the other. Tho keeper went outside for some fresh-air... .... Some time later a boy and a dog left the .estray pound together. It was hard to tell which was the 'happier. At 10 o'clock on the morning of my visit the keeper announced that the striking of tho hour was the death knell of 15 of the dogs. They had been in imprisonment a couple of weeks or more, had been advertised in the col umns of the press, .and since no claim ant had appeared to their rescue, the expense of feeding them could not be prolonged. Their death is arranged so as to be as painless, as possible and, in fact, the system entails very little suffering. Tho dogs are placed in a big tank. Adjoin ing this tank is a contrivance for crei-jt lug gas from charcoal. This gas Is made more stifling with a volume of burning sulphur. As soon as there Is a large quantity of this deadly mixture collected .in the storage tank a huge valve Is thrown open and the tank is filled with tho suffocating gas almost Instantly. Inside of three minutes the dogs are - no more. With -tho arrival of the fatal hour tho keeper approached ia cage In which were the doomed animals and opened the door to drive them to the execu tion tank. A sturdlly.rb.ullt hound with a kindly .sniffed at his executioner and waeired his tail affably. A.sleek spaniel walked out nest and repeated the performance. The other dbgs, of high and low de gree, took courage and followed the. leaders,, for an Invitation to get out side "of 'that narrow cage Into the free" TANK AT TIDE world they had been used to was not to be scoffed at. "Come on, doggie," said the keeper, pleasantly, snapping his fingers and leading the way towards the fatal tank. The good-natured hound followed at once and so did several of the others, although a few sniffed suspiciously about them and would not go until they were driven. Into the great tank they went, the M EW CjCRK GRAND OPERA SEASON OPENS Brilliant Performances of Aide and Parsifal Are Attended, by New York's Six Hundred N EW YORK, Nov. 28. (Special Corre spondence.) The opening of the opera season is perhaps tho most in teresting feature of the musical and. dra matic life in New York this week. It Is customary to make each season more Im portant than the one before when you talk about it; but In point of fact the audi ence that assembled on Monday night to witness "Alda" was perhaps the most dazzling that ever assembled on a first night in that House. It will be remem bered that this Is the second season of opera under Mr. Conried, and he is to be congratulated upon, the brilliancy undeS' which, berenters the spirit of the times as. well -as of the art. -The cast was Teally remarkablei and is herewith given: Alda., ...Mme. Emma. Same XHcr reappearance.) Anneria Miss Bdyth Walker Un Saocrdotesaa. ..Mist Josephine S chaffer Radfimts Mr. Caruso Ajnonasro ..Mr. Scott! Barons '. . Mr. Pol Flancon II Be Mr. Muehlmann "Un Mees&T&lero...-. Mr. GlonJaal ConductorC.i ...Mr. Arturo Vlffaa The reappearance of Emma Eames was naturally a great event, for this American woman holds a social position In New York as enviable as that held by Mme. Sembrlch. which la saying a good deal, Caruso, too, was the Idol of the hour, to say nothing of Plancon and ScottL Miss Walker, as Amnerls, scored a tremend ous success, and taking It altogether, it was one of the greatest productions of "Alda" that the patrons of the Metropol itan Opera-House have ever seen. Of the audience, there Is little that can be said, because, In order to give any idea of the glare, the glitter and the splendor, It would take columns, and it would Include the names of all of the Four Hundred and the additional few who have swelled the number to ' little less than GOO. The rest of the house was given over to such people as are 7ess known In financial circles, but quite as well, if not better, known in art. Among the notable people In the audience wero Miss Alice Roosevelt, who was the guest of Mrs. William Travcrs, In the William K. Vanderbllt box, and the Duchess of Manchester, who, with her husband, tho Duke, were among the guests of J. Henry Smith. A notable feature of the gowning of the women present would make it seem as though white were to "he the reigning color, as It was almost without exception the exclusive cholco of the leaders of fashion. After the production of "Alda" on the first night, the most exciting event was the "Parsifal" revival on Thursday hlght, with Nordlca as Kundry. It was a beauti ful performance, one In which all possible' care had been lavished upon the smallest; detail, and now we may be able to find out the' attitude of New Yorkers to tbe great Wagnerian music drama when tho fad side of It has become a thing of tho past. It may be some satisfaction to those who marveled at tho shortening or the season by Henry W. Savage to noto that $10 seats were being sold on tho side walk for S3 just beforo tbe rise of the curtain, and for 52 Immediately after. I will further state that there is a general reduction In the 510 seats to 57. This has been effected through the medium of the Brooklyn Institute, which has announced to its patrons that seats for the "Parsifal" production at tho Metropolitan House would be sold to members of that organ ization at 57, instead of 510, and a foot note stated that It was unnecessary to shovr members'' coupons to secure the re duction. . The production of Parsifal was a superb one and Nordlca's delineation of Kundry was one which will bear comparison with that of any ono who has ever attempted tho role since its first production. It may be remembered that tho character of Kundry represents woman In a state of utter uncouthnesa. savago and wild, after which she rlse3 to a creature of great beauty to tempt Parsifal and to awaken In him hla sense of manhood out of the "guileless fool" as which he Is first presented. There is no doubt that Nordlca has studied the character very closely for she shows as much thought "as dramatln ability, and vocally of -courso ahe Is superb, her voice being fresher and more beautiful than ever. She Is a tre mendous addition to the lorces of the bers of the cast were, the same as thosn who presented Parsifal last year, of, which the following will bo a reminder: Kundry - ... Stale. Nordlca Parsifal Mr. Bursstaller Amroctacw.,,....,.. ..Mr. Van Ropy Gurnemanz........ Mr. Bl&es CITY POUXD WHEBE DOG3 INHALE hound, the spaniel, the poodle, the mastiff, the shepherd, tho terrier. It was only a. matter of a few minutes now before It would not matter wheth- 1 er they were rescued from this prison or not. 1 When they were all inside; the gas ' valves w.ere thrown open and the hap- less creatures were in the presence of their death. The hound commenced chewing sportively at the mastiff's ear. Kllngaor Mr. Gorki TUurel Mr. Joumet FlMt EfQulre... Miss Moran Second Bsqulre .....Miss Bntendle Third Esaolre...... : ...Mr. Bls Fourth Esquire.... .....Mr, Albert First Knight of the Grail Mr. Bayer Second Knight of the Grail Mr. Muehlmann A Voice ...... .4. .-.Mme. tfacoby The Flower Maiden .". .Mt Lemon Among the audience .wero .tbe JPrlnce Prledrlch Karl and Prince Johann von Hohlenlohe-Oehrlngeiu. ' " ' - " It may be that some, will remember the mysterious death of Mrs. Ellen .Gore in Paris a 'few' months agof. That , this should have-been the ralson-detre- for' publishing her personal letter 'seems almost beyond sanity as well as bejfond decency. There IP nothing .to be .gained from Mra, Gore's letters and nothing that will throw any light upon the student life in Paris. As a monu ment to her memory it is a dismal fail ure, and the note of warning to tho public Is conspicuously absent. I have too often made manifest the danger of' rushing promiscuously to Europe, to New York or elsewhere for the purpose of study. The life of a student Is beset with Innumerable as well as unmentionable dangers, and when Mabel Wagenalls, who writes a preface to these letters, 1 says: "There was one final fact which, to those who knew, left no shadow of doubt as to Mrs. Gore's purity of life and purpose she was studying tht piano with Moszkowskl," It makes on marvel how a publishing house can exist on the tace of the earth that will publish such dribble. It would be Interesting to know whether Mr. Moszkowskl is responsible for the morals of everybody who studies with him. It would also Tie In teresting to know what degree of hero worship Miss Wagnalls Is sufferlhc; from to pin her faith so upon any man that this should goforth as guarantee fqr the morals of very woman who comes In contact with him. When pub Ushers accept twaddle of this kind It is not difficult to understand that they have no time and no money to waste upon such matters as appeal to people's common sense and which really . are rep resentative of time, study and understanding-. The volume "a called "Your IiovlngNell." and if anything is worse than tbe stuff it contains It Jn tho title. The tragedy of Mrs. Gore- ia worth telling. She was one -of hundreds of women who, craving notoriety and a- llfe of excitement this has 'no relation to morals sought It through the study of music It is probable ber friends feel that sho would have accomplished great things had she lived. It is just as likely, however, that she would ' have followed In the footsteps of thousands of men and women who go abroad for study and who cannot bat tle against tho hardships of study, to say nothing of the hardships of life. When people get away from the glamor of all this and get down to common sense they will understand that 99 out of every 100 who attempt to study should be kept out of it, and the chances for that ono are as much against him as In his favor. If this were not the case, the concert halls would be full of great artists; there would bo few in efficient teachers, and music would ex ist upon an entirely different plane No ono need bo told that those who are really great are. few and far between. It costs much moro than talent to achieve greatness. . A gem In a literary way has just fallen into my hands. It is a publication of Brentano'3. entitled "The Florentines," by Maurice V. Samuels, formerly of San Francisco. It Is small wonder that the writer succumbed to the charms of Bcn venuto Cellini, who has furnished many themes for both poetry and music This very Temarkable Florentine who lived In the early 15C0 has been Immortalized In verse Innumerable times, but It will be difficult to, find a more readable and more delightful presentation than the one by Mr. Samuels, whose talent for blank verse la quite on a par with his ability to embody In it atmosphere, color and all those subtleties which mako for literary excellence Perhaps it will be regarded as underrating the volume Itsolf to say that the writer's dedication la one of the strongest bits In the entire work. It is well worth the quotation: . To My Parents. To may parents: In those dark periods of self -distrust When Inspiration, sleeping, seems away. And Night refuses promise of the Day. Jf then we toll, 'tis only that, we must. And not because we know that All Is just. DEADLY GAS The spaniel lay down and curled up to go" to sleep. Suddenly tho hound's nose went up In the air as he sniffed the deadly gas. The terrier turned dizzily about and began to whine and the mastiff ran around the tank as if in search of an exit. At which point I went out In search of some or that fresh air. JOHN DOE. Or that the etrussllnp Self is more than clay. Ill-fitted and faint-hearted for the fray which offers, tho' we conquer, but LUe'a crust. What then recalls the courage thxt we miss? wntt holds our Faith all to acd girisui power To trample thicket and to wins abtes? Tls that eternal, never-wastlnc dotfer: The trust of those who love us. ' It Is this That turns our-empty time to fruitful hour. It would not be surprising if "Thfe Flor entines,", which Is written -In' the fdrm of a play, would- find Its way. to -thestage. as it is absolutely fitted for dramatic pro ductlon. - .r . ... ........ . There have been , tzZ .concert this week, which Is due as much to the':0pan ing of the opera.season as to the Thanks giving holiday breaking into the 'week. Bispham will give his last recital on Mon day, after which he will probably go c an extended tour. This series of song recitals has ben In a way the most artistic thing, which Mr. Bispham has. ever given us, which is say ing a good deal, as ho rarely makes an appearance of any sort wherein he is not of utmost benefit to those interested in music or in its study. I have often dwelt upon Mr. Bispham as an artist, but t never hear him without realizing what a tremendous value be is to those who org studying music, whether vocal or instru mental. If this remarkable man. were ut terly devoid of voice, he would still be one of tho greatest artists before the ptfb-? lie for his musical -delivery, his phrasing. his interpretation, his -understanding of the subtle context of. songs and -his keen, sense of adaptability make him of unique and Invaluable Importance. His voice Is In superb condition this season, and his programmes-have had the charm of ab solute originality. If I -mistake not, ho told-me that be was going-as far as Port land, Or., this season. On Sunday afternoon the concert an nounced by the New Y,ork Symphony Orchestra was withdrawn on account of the death of Mrs. Leopold Damrosch, tho mother of Walter Damrosch, the con ductor of that organization. Mrs. Dam rosch was a very remarkable woman and one who was Interested In musical life up to the very last moment. She was born In Germany. 1S35. and after fin ishlng her studies In Leipslc phe sang opera under direction of liiszt and gained much distinction in the Wagnerian roles. particularly In the part of Ortrud in "Lohengrin." She married Dr. Leopold Damrosch in 1S3S, and what his. life hasf ocen in connection witn inc musical nis-f torv of America need not be" retold. Sho was 'always interested in hia-work, a&Jj she. was later in the musical life of her I sons, Walter and Frank Damrosch.- Jit the funeral, which occurred on Sunday afternoon, the Oratorio Society, which 'is one of the largest organizations of this city, sang chorals from the Matthe-3 Passion Music of Bach. ... Another notable death was that or George J. Huss, who was one of the old est teachers and organists of New York. Mr. Huss was born In 1S2S In Bavaria, and he was a lineal descendant of- John Huss. Up to a few months ago Mr. Huas continued to teach and bo was regarded as one of tho greatest Instructors In the art of teaching that this country has ever knownl Among the family he leaves f7l CALIFORNIA L oABY&FJiQD DELICIOUS CORRECTIVE NUTRITIOUS ECOfVOMlSArH 75. $1.25, $3.06"Sfies AT DRUGGISTSi HOSPITALITY AT SMALL EXPENSE ; Entertainment tnat is. plersura to your suesl does not depend on the xnoaey you tpcBd. but on your own knowledge of how to receive and extend hospitality. Chltlae Tsrhuna Hetrtclc tells you all about It. Poit pold. SO cents. . J, CLODK. FablU&er, US fifth Are, Xvw Xerfc, is A Is Henry Holden Huss. who -la one of the foremost musicians and composers of this country. - , Beginning' with the Knelscl concert. which will occur on Tuesday night with Joaef Hofmann as soloist, -musical mat ters seem to take a new start, not only In New Tork, but air over, including tho I Pacific Coast, where Paderewskl will open his tour. Tsaye. who arrived In this country; accompanied by his wife, will give his first New York concert early In December.. Colonno will make his reap pearance with the Philharmonic Society riaay ana aaturday witn .Anton ueKKing as soloist. D Albert will arrive durlmj this month and he opens his tour early. In January. The first concert of the Oratorio Society will occur Thursday evening. December L when a German requiem by Brahms, and "Sleepers,, Wako, for Night Is Flying," by Bach. willy be sung. The soloists will be 3Ime. De Moct Jau, John . Young and David Bispham. Frank Damrosch Is the conductor of this society, which was founded 32 years ago 4by his father. Dr. Damrosch, and, by the wayv the title of doctor has been con- lerreo. upon franK jjamroscu ay xaie University, and thus he is a worthy suc cessor of his father In title as in musical ability. t At a recital given by-!Le Grand How- land at the Waldorf-Astoria, Miss Edna Gates and Miss Evelyn Hurley gave two numbers with Charming results. These young ladles have gained a great deal vocally, and are continuing to study seri ously. Miss Ruth. Hoyt, also from Port land, is studying with Mm& Eugenia Pappenhelm, one of the very well known vocal teachers of New York. Miss Hetta Hamilton, well known In Portland, Is due in New York on Sunday, where sire will visit Mrs. I. W. Rivers, who Is her cousin. A letter received from Mrs. Em ma B. Carroll from Paris contains the news that she is studying hard but de lightfully in that city of art. Mrs. Car roll has in her charge and under her In struction Celeste Moore, who is gaining remarkably from the concerts and the opera while she continues her studies with Mrs, Carroll. EMILJ.E PRANCES BAUER. Good Old Times" How Much Better Off We firs Today. Not until February of 1812 did the people ;of Kentucky know that Madison - was elected President In the previous Novem ber. In 1S24 one of the leading railroads ot the United States printed on Its time table: "The locomotive will leave the de pot every day at 10 o'clock. If the weather Is falrt" The first typewriter was received by the public with suspicion. It seemed sub versive of existing conditions, A reporter who took one Into a courtroom first proved Its .real worth. In England, some centuries ago. If an ordinary workman, without permission, moved from one parish to another in search of work or better wages, he was branded with a hot iron- When Benjamin Franklin first thought of starting a newspaper In Philadelphia many of his friends advised against Xr be cause there was ajaper published in Bos ton. Some of them doubted that the country would, be able to support .two newspapers. ' One hundred yoara ago the fastest land travel In the world was on the Great north, road. In England, after It had been put Into Ity best condition. There the .York mall coach toro along at the rate; of ninety miles a day. and many persons con fidently predicted Divine vengeance on such unseemly haste. When Thomas Jefferson "was elected President of the United States, on Febru ary 17, 1S01, after one of the most exciting political compalgns ln our history, the gratifying news did not-rtttch the success ful candidate for as many days as it now takes hours to transmit the result of a Presidential election to. the whole civilized. world. When 'In 1S09 Richard Trevlthlck uttered rthe following words there were many who considered him an Insane, dangerous per son: "The present generation . will use canal?, the next will prefer railroads with norses, but their moro enlightened suc cessors will employ steam carriages on railways as the perfection of the art ot conveyance. When Benjamin Franklin first took the coach from Philadelphia to New York ha spent four days on the journey. He tells us that, as the old driver jogged along, he spent his time knitting stockings. Two stage coaches and eight horses sufficed for all the commerce that was carried on be tween Boston and New York, and in Win ter th"e journey occupied a week. Napoleon, at tho height of his power, couM not command our every-day con veniences, such as steam heat, running water, bath and sanitary plumbing, gas. MISS DOROTHY CI.AKK, "130 Grenshnw St., CHICAGO. LITTLE whose photographappears herewith has ffiSSS3 ; nikTft T TooTTY u mL1 1 ma UhV SI" ""J most admirable head ot hair ever possessed by tSAi ? her age S the otr ladl6S whose Photographs are shown here are certainlv delighted with the results they are getting. Neither of them having hair that woufd reach to thekwaiste before begmS use of SriiS , as jr ruvMTiVE AMU PERMANENT IN SYS RESUITS. When applied to the scalp on either old or young, it makes the hair sprout and grow thick, long and beautiful, and there is no waiting around for weeks and months to see results, either. Any druggist will refund the price It does Trfot v P6Y.ery.reS?fc cIaim- HGW at aU three sizes, 25 events 50 cent? SP$ t .00 c bStff FREE Knoh7toaD FOR BALE AND GUARANTEED BX WOODARD- CLARKE & COIYlPAiNY. Scalp Humors, Blood H Complete External and Internal Treatment One Dollar WONDERFUL CU "I take the liberty to drop you a few lines to let you know; of my won derful cure by Cuticura. My head was one mass of scabs and my fore head was covered down almost to jay eyebrows. I had to wear my hat all the time. My legs, arms, and body were covered with spots in size from a pin-head to as large as a silver dollar. A white, crusty scab would form and itch, and words cannot express how I suffered for fifteen years. I tried many doctors and all kinds of treatments, but could get no help, and thought there was no hope for me. While in Michigan last summer a friend told me to get Cuticura. I got a cake of Cuticura Soap, and a box of Cuticura Ointment, and in three days my head was as clear as it ever was. I applied the ointment night and morning, also taTdng a hot bath three times a week, and using the ointment freely after the bath. After using one cake of soap and two boxes of ointment I was completely cured, without a mark on my head or body. I was so pleased I felt like tak ing my hat in my hand and running down the street to tell every one I met what Cuticura had done for me. I shall never use any other soap but Cuticura. If any one is in doubt about this, they may write to me. (Signed) H. B. FRANKUN, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, Pa." MS- Scad far " The Slcia Book," Potter Prag & Chemical Corporatfoa, Bostoa, U. S. A. ""S& electric light, railroads, steamboats, the telegraph, the telephone, the phonograph, dally, newspapers, jaagazine3, and a thou sand, other, blessings which are- now part of the vtally necessities of even manual laborers. When the first two tons of anthracite coal wore brought Into Philadelphia in 1S03 the good people of that j&ty, so the records state, "tried to burn the stuff, but at length, disgusted, they broke It up and made a walk of it." Fourteen years later' Colonel George Shoemaker sold eight or 10 wagonloads of It In the same city, but warrants were soon Issued ior his arrest for taking money under false pretenses. Success. Making, a Close Distinction. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Benevolent party Young man, I'm sorry to see you thus Idling away the golden hours of youth. Every time I look out of my parlor window I see you sitting on this fire hydrant.- The young man What's th matter with you? What are youlvln' me? I ain't Idle" when I'm doing nothing. I'm a sower Inspector. enne GREW THiS HAIR AND WE CAN RttGte from lb use are QUICK and PERMANENT. IRANCBS EIAKTE KNOWXTOJf, S Garfield Boulevard, Chicago, nO Age 4 Years. FRANCES' MARIE ' KM0WLT0M i a most beautiful head of golden hair, thicker than the crown of glory of mosV of thefloon The eorW hair Hair Humo ulnars Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUT ICURA OINTMENT to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA RESOLVENT PILLS to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET costing but ONE DOLLAR is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfigur ing skin, scalp, and blood humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physi cians and 'all other reme dies fail. !Y CUTICURA No Bre3.kf?Lsij Tafcia complete "without The Cream of Cocoas. The Most Nutritious and .Ecpnomic&L, Sherwood Sherwood, Pstlflo Coat Agent. Ar-ri? us cured to Stay Cursd. h I Hml ForFREETESTtreatmentpre- tlon of your case and names of two asthmatic sufferers. FRANK WHZTZEL, M.D., . Dost. 1 . American Express &Idg., Chloaaa. BUSS X.UOY 3IAY, 5036 Forest ill o Are,, . . CHICAGO. iinnmns