29 THE SUNDAY OREGONIA23, POBTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1904. BUSINESS CHANviwS. JENNINGS & CO. Tel. Main 168. 332 Washington st. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS & CO. The Place To Buy Rooming-Houses And Business Chances Of All Kinds. Large List to Select From. "Wo Protect Our Clients. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL SIZED HOUSES. "WE ARE MAKING SALES Every day. Our list of bargains i exceeds anything we have ever had. Don't think of buying until you have seen us. we can save you monoy. . JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. TOP LINER. , , rood modem plumbing, tine furniture, right In business center of city, lease coyerslair, rennnnnhl rant rodiiiw) from $11,000 to $7750 JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. BT. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. IS rooms, modern, income S1300. cen tral $ 17,000 72 " 58 furnished, modern, large income 0.500 70 " all furnished, part boarding 0.000 CO " select board and room, lease 4. 500 CO " transient, lease, low rent.... 0,000 E5 elecantlv fur- modern, cen tral 19.000 60 " income 51200. clears $300 3.000 46 ' fine fur., lease. Income I50O 7.000 45 " N. 1st at., rent 5100 2,150 40 ' elegant fur., steam heat.... 7,600 40 " good location, clears $225.. 6,000 .58 " well furnished, good lease.. 0,000 36 transient and steady 'roomers 4,600 36 " rent only $100, lease 3,500 rjb " lodging-house, rent $S0, lease 3,000 35 ' eeems like a bargain at 550 34 " near Union Depot, lease.... 2,500 34 " fur. H. K.. rent only $120.. 5,100 30 " eelect brd., clears $300 6.5O0 30 " near Custom-House.. ...... 3,000 30 " Et S., clcara $50 1,200 28 " new fur., fine location...... 500 28 " rent $65, money-maker 2,400 25 " N. Sd, good buy s.ooo 24 " 11th, ne. Wash., big Income 3,500 24 " boarding and room, close in. 3,750 23 " all furnished, close P. O... 2,550 23 " 6th, nr. Main, fine H. Kpg.. 3,000 23 0th. nr. Oak, low rent 3.250 22 " centrally located. H. Kpg... 2,200 22 "" B. S-. prominent corner.... 050 20 ' Wash. st.. fine transient. In vestigate 8,000 10 " some H. Kde.. all fur. 1.800 10 " on Water st.. nr. S. Mills.. 1.500 13 " Park and Jefferson, rent $00 2.050 iu - fark. nr. Wash., rent $70.. 1,400 14 good fur., owner must well. 1,200 14 " 5th, near Grant st 1,050 14 " First and Col.. Dt. H. Knff. 050 12 " close to Union Xepot 1,400 it " very central. It. IS UN) 12 " 6 fur., board and room...... 400 11 " elegant fur, Ella st 1,275 li " lata. Alder, good money maker 1,200 11 " 6 fur., Montgomery st 400 11 " good fur., clears $50 - 3,130 10 " extra good fur, a bargain at 1,100 10 " flrst-olaes fur., central 1,400 10 " on Wash, et., 2 years' lease. 1,050 10 ' fine fur., fine location 1,100 iu " reduced from $1030 to 050 10 ' nr. City Hall, Income $35... 850 10 ' on Main st., good buy 050 10 " N. 0th et., good business.. COO 0 " well furnished, close in.... U30 9 " on Dth St.. rent only $30.... 900 v " on 4th, near Market 750 V nr. Library, grand fur..... 850 8 " on Taylor, rent only $17.50.. 000 8 fine fur., fine location 1,000 8 " 12th and Yamhll. rent $20.. 800 8 board and room, rent $20... 325 8 ' Park. nr. Montgomery 4 fur. 300 7 4th st., 1 year lease, rent $25 050 7 ' fino fur., very central W0 7 " now elegant fur. 1,100 7 good fur., rent $30 400 7 " modem lioue, elegant fur.. 600 7 " part fur.. Alder nr. 4th.... 250 0 " nr. new P. O., Investigate... 800 " modem flat, fine fur 550 S E. 8th, rent $16.50.......... 300 We have at least 00 other good bargains. LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS &L CO. Nearly all the above havo good leases and are wen located. We have a larr nmmint nf mnnr nn Vinnrt and will be glad to assist buyers at legal rate oi interest. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. FIRE INSURANCE. We have agency for one of the oldest and most rename Are insurance companies. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. .ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUTCHER SHOP In good Oregon town.$1500 DELICATESSEN and lunchroom 850 CIGAR, CANDY and fruit store 1000 GROCERY In fine location, will Invoice. 1700 SALOON on one of the best streets 4750 GROCERY with living-rooms 475 FAMILY LIQUOR STORE In this city. 3000 RESTAUR AN T, one of the best In town. 3250 GROCERY and feed store in suburbs... 1200 WORKING interest In good sawmill.... 1000 10 good saloon propositions and other good cnanccs not aavcrtisea. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. ROOMING-HOUSE SNAP. Bargain on prominent street. 20 rooms on one floor. Rent $75.00 with good lease. Price $1600.00. Deal with owner. Will accept $800.00 down. Easy terms on balance. House located Front and Morrison Over Pap's Restaurant. Call at house, 185 .Morrison. ACTIVE PARTNER WITH $750 REQUIRED ror nan-interest in old established whole sale business holdlnc valuable exclusive agencies for state and clearing over $250 roonwiy; investment tuny secured uy Block. This will bear close Investigation. J 15, uregonian. FOR BALE NICE, CLEAN" STOCK GEN- eral merchandise. In one of the best farm ing districts in Oregon; town of 800; stock mil invoice aoout 3ioo: comer store, light ed by gas: nice living rooms in connection: rent cheap; will sell right. Owner. J 11, Ore- goman. PARTNER WANTED $350 cash and services secures half interest In reputable and well-established real-estate business; experience unnecessary' beyond abil ity to list ana snow property, which Is easiij leamea. can 24 b stark st. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN NOW FISH AND poultry market with a fine line of grocer ies; best location In the city: small Invest ment and best of reasons for wanting to sen. A la. uregonian. A GOOD-PAYING FURNITURE AND HARD. "ware business with bulldlncB for sale: Port land residence property taken In part or email larm. Address D 1L Oregonlan. $1000 PARTNER WANTED; MONEY DOU- Diea in montns; oia established business; ruruiuiu uh.uk reierences given; open to tbor- ouga lavraugnuon. care uregonian. WANTED POSITION IN A GOOD. SUB- stanuai oouk or -wnoies&ie nousc. bv young man with $10,000; would buy some block it satisfactory. is, oregonlan. $500 FOR HALF-INTEREST IN GOOD PAY- ing business; must be sober and trust worthy man; $30 a week guaranteed; refer ences exenangea. a j, uregonian. FLAT 25 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN heart of city; lease over Fair; rent $75; a money-mauer; iuw. tsuv a own. uity uusi ness Chance Agency, -a 1st st. SALOON PARTNER WANTED This is a place where only a reliable, hon- eot man can buy; will require $500. Call 2486 Stark st. FOR SALE THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED mlUlnery business In city; successfully run ror is: years; on account sickness. P 18, uregonian. 10 ROOMS. FURNISHED. CLOSE IN. RENT $60, lease. Income $144 monthly; $1800. naaeiQ t emun. ltiuii 4th st. GOOD BARGAIN IN RESTAURANT. GOOD location ana doing good business, $050. nauieia c cimitn, i& tn st. HOTEL 83 ROOMS, LARGE DINING-ROOM, kitchen and office; rent $60; lease If wanted; .gooa investment; iw. 15-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; GOOD LOCA- tion; rent lease; cash, terms or trade. b 13, uregonian. FOR SALE A MILLINERY STOCK AND nxtures tn asnington st. H 12, Oregonlan. FOR SALE DELICATESSEN AND LUNCH- room or ouiai, au. x i4, care Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMING-HOUSE FOR RENT. v rooms, iu, care urcegnian. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE, LONG LEASE, cneap rent, inquire no oin si. $100 WELL LOCATED LUNCH COUNTER; WANTED FIRST-CLASS ROOMING-HOUSE. jn. tteatty, ovw jpenion mag. BUSINESS CKAXCES. O. C R. ELLIS. J. II. GIBSON. ELLIS & GIBSON. BUSINESS CHANCES, REAL ESTATE, LODGING-HOUSES A SPECIALTY Room 21, 264 Morrison, or 165 Third st. If you want to buy or sell a rooming- house or other business, call at this office. We keep up to date on all propositions m our line: can give you the benefit of eight years of experience in the rooming-house business; know every house In Portland thoroughly, and it you want to buy one. it certainly Is to your advantage to visit an office well established and fully familiar with all features of the business. You will find on our Jlst every desirable house that Is for sale, from G to 130 rooms. prices from $275 to $19,000: terms on any. BOTH BUYERS AND SELLERS WILL FIND THEIR INTERESTS CARED FOR IN EVERY DETAIL HERE. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES: CHOICE TRANSIENT HOUSE RIGHT DOWN TOWN-2S-room new brick flat, furnishings new and good; long lease, rent a snap. You can make a email fortune out of this during your term of lease. $3000. SWELL TRANSIENT HOUSE IB-room new brick, right in business center, new throughout and nice furniture, long lease, runt rl - nnv. fl(l a nnntli it CENTRAL BRICK 35 rooms, steam heat, lease to 1007. rent S160. one of the best buys at $5000. See it. FIRST CLASS In every way 35-room brick flat, business center, furnishings elab orate and the best; filled with best clas roomers, cneap rent, lease, a snap at ?iuuu. MODERN APARTMENTS 50 rooms, new building, -choice residence district, steam heat, gas, baths, xurnlshinga new and the very best; nothing on the market equals It. lease, low rent; income $000. $2300 cash down, balance easy. MONEY-MAKER 24-room new brick. steam heat and entirely modem throughout: new and nne furniture and carpets, eteam heat, water In every room: rent $110: lease. Price $4000. terms. Price, including saloon In connection, $5250. IF YOU WANT A SMALLER PLACE SEE THE FOLLOWING LIST: 32 rooms In housekeeping suites, fur nished good and new a year ago, rent $115, lease, for $2200. 25-room flat, good furniture, clears over $100 a month, rent only $85. lease. $2800. 10 rooms in dwelling, choice residence location, rooms always filled with cood class roomers, rent $C5, lease. $1300. 10 rooms, dwelling, rent 150. lease, snlen- did buy for $830; receipts $00. rooms, best location on 12 tn st.. cood furniture. $850. 20 rooms near Portland Hotel, entirely modern, furniture new and good, lease. $2300. 10-room brick flat, good location, rent $30. lease. $850. 10 rooms, good location, rent S30. lease: receipts $38. 5-530. o-room flat, nice residence location, .fur niture new and good, modern bouse, rent $27.50. $450. rooms, dwelllnir near this offloe. rent $80; receipts $60. $450. rooms, dwelling, near Custom-house. rent $35; receipts $30. $300. 14-room flat, well furnished, rent S30. lease: receipts $00. $1000. IB-room flat, rent 560. recelnts S130. leiLae. $1800. 22-room flat. new. (rood transient. 1ui Snap at $1700. :o-room brick flat, central, rent S40. lonnn. $1250. 15-room flat, central. Daver. rent $to. lease. $1300. 20-room flat, central, ront $30. $1200. 14-room flat, paying transient, rent S4K. new and good furnishings, lease. A fine buy at $1500. i-room flat, new furniture, new bulidinr. rent $50. lease. $1450. If you do not see anvthlnc attrneilvA in the above list, call, for we can suit you. Also havo some grocery store, cigar stores and restaurants -with attractive prices and cood locations. ELLIS & GIBSON. Room 21. 204 Morrison. SW. Cor. 3d st. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. 165 4th. Clay 53S. JOSEPH FORD. Manacer. GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMTVfS.wnTiKr.ti 00 Rooms Well furnished, close in. . . .$3500 lng , . $2100 20 Rooms Rent $G0: lease: central "inn 10 Rooms House very fine noo A good 10-room house R.v 11 Rooms Flat: very fine lioo A NEW. BRIGHT. CLEAN FISW ivn poultry market, together -with a small stock oi rancy groceries, cheap for cash If taken ai once, as otnor interests demand my at tention; nne city location, small Invest ment. Address Y 12, Oregonlan. PATENT ON ADJUSTABLE WINDOW. shade bracket for sale; self-adjusting, fits any width of curtain. Once nut nn it always ready for Instant use; patent issued tepu e. io. caij or address J. G. G.. 2C4 14th st., Portland, Or. A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS INVESTEn In our penny slot weighing scale will brine sure, steady Income. We manufacture best scaie in tne woria at lowest price. Write the Marehfleld Novelty Company. 25 3d st.. STOCK AND BOND ISSUE, REPUTABLE corporation, mining, industrial or railroad. wanted. Have every facility for selling same on oofmlsslon. Give particulars. P. o. Box 1463. New York City. GET A WEEKLY INCOMEYOUR DEPOSIT secured ana may be withdrawn on demand. Leading newspapers Indorse our plan. High est bank references. Address Barrett, Collins & Co., Chicago. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN WATER POW. er sawmill; well equipped; plenty of timber available: good reason for selling. Call or address Ev. L. Walker, Oregon. City, R. F. D. Two. Oregon. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS $1000 AND eervlces will secure interest that will pay you over $150 monthly and money Invested secured: duties easHy learned. Call 24S& Stark st, n CORPORATION CHARTERS CONGRESS law for District of Columbia; no taxes; lib eral; safe; cheap. U. S. Legal Corporation, Washington, D. C. Representing $1,225,000. 000. LODGING-HOUSE-15 ROOMS. IN BRICK building on good street; owner Instructs ua to take $800 for it; certainly the best bar gain in Portland today. Call 24Sa Stark st. FOR SALE 17-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE: central, well lurnisnea, 2-year lease; rent $25; terms and price to suit purchaser. Call Savage & Good's furniture store, S45 1st st. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE, GOOD Lo cation, -with 5 living rooms In rear, will in voice about $1000; with horse and wagon. Cheap rent. K 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A NICE CIGAR AND CONFEC- tlonery store, 729 Williams ave., Alblna. to be had at & reasonable price. Please call after 7 o'clock evenings. $300 PARTNER WANTED. LEGITIMATE business; tiuu monin guaranteea; invest ment secured; Immediate returns. K 1. Oregonlan. WANTED LOCATION FOR MEAT MARKET with grocery or fish and stand preferred; state rent and location. G 10, Oregonlan. FOR SALE NICE LITTLE MILLINERY business with good living rooms; for par ticulars address D 13, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE 2S ROOMS. BRICK building, rent $00. lease, $2100. Hatfield & Smith, room 32. 165 -4th st. GROCERY. CENTRAL, LEASE. LOW RENT. nrst ciass a gooa business, about $3000 re quired. S 11, Oregonlan. FOR SALE THE BEST-PAYING ROOM- Ing houses m city. Centrally located, steam heat. T 1L Oregonlan. MONEY-MAKING AND MONEY'-SAVING How it Is done, hook sent tree. Address R M. Osgoodby, Munlce, Ind. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE BUSINESS for sale; Invoice, with buildings, $7000. Ad dress F 12. Oregonlan. $200 INTEREST IN GOOD PAYING OF- nce business; must oe gooa reiiaoie man. B 15, Oregonlan. PARTNER LADY OR GENTLEMAN CAN make $10 to ia aay cicar. j. uiarK. 3 3d, Reyroan House. WANTED MILLINERY BUSINESS IN country town; write iuii particulars, e 11, Oregonlan. WILL PAY CASH FOR 12 OR 15-ROOM house, central, good condition, cheap. X 11, Oregonlan. FOR SALE COFFEE AND OYSTER HOUSE good location, a snap. Address X 14, Ore gonlan. . BLACKSMITH SHOP WITH TOOLS AND lot for sale at Barlow, Or. A. Pederson. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADUQARTERS. TAFT &. CO. 123-6 Ahington Block. Phone Main 156. We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, and have many of the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sals. Good locations are going fast. Note our partial list below of both large and small ones. If these don't suit, call In: 65 ROOMS Brick, steam heat, 2-year leas, rent $265 per month; right In the heart of the city. Now clearing above all expenses $500 per month; this is a good buy for $0000. CO ROOMS Steam heat. bath, sas and all modern improvements: cheap rent; all velvet carpets and solid oak furni ture. This place Is clearing above all expenses over $275 per month; $2000 cash will handle It. Lease. Price $6S0O. 50 ROOMS Hdtel, steam heat, new brick building, strictly modern and up to date; house full of good people; cheap ront and long lease: clearing now $250 per month; lease. Price $4175. 46 ROOMS Best part of Morrison st.; very cheap Tent and good long lease. If you want a good transient house and a money-maker, don't fall to see this. Price for this week only, $0000, part cash. 44 ROOMS Now. modern prcsied-brick building, exquisite furniture and car pets; steam heat: hot and cold water In all rooms; 3-year lease; rent only $175, Including heat. This house will pay 5 per cent a month on the in vestment, price, sauw. m nnnrs Tint location In the city; ele gantly furnished; rent only $200 per month: lease for two years; clearing now over $300 per month: steam heat and all modern conveniences; for a money-maker during the Fair this house cannot he beat. Our price, $7500. 40 ROOMS New brick, modern In every way, furnishings very good; all hair mattrctses; for a quick cell we havo reduced the pneo to o. 38 ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms: furnishings extra nne; cheaD rent: good long lease, making good big money. A real bargain for $5300. o RO',vrS Swellest place In the city; all Axmlnster carpets, golden oak and mahoeanv furniture: clearing over $200 per month; cheap rent and good long lease: bona nae reasons ror sen Ing; exclusively with us. Price for quick sale. $3000. 84 ROOMS Cheap rent, long lease, run ning water In all rooms, host location In the city, clearing $200 above all expenses. We have reduced the price for this week to $3050. 25 ROOMS Close In; furniture all good; steam beat; good lease. This is tip top proposition. $2250. 24 ROOMS New brick building, steam heat hot and cold water in every room; everything new and - in good condi tion; good lease: rent, $115; big money-maker, $3800. 20 ROOMS Furnishings fine: good, nice. clean house; 2 blocks Portland Hotel lease; rent right, $2130. ID ROOMS On Morrison St.. all on one floor; nicely furnished; rent low. $3500 11 ROOMS On 10th st.; rent $45: furniture good: has good income: 050. We have a nice furnished house on Al der st. that we will sell Monday for $C50, This la about hi what It Is worth. CIGAR STORE. The oldest established cigar store in the city. This place has made two men rich and will do the same for you. Rent only $30, with 2-year lease. Price $1300. CONFECTIONERY. One on First si. .$500 DELICATESSEN. One on Morrison st.; receipts, $20. .$800 RESTAURANT. Ono of the best In the city on prominent St.; owner Is sick in bed and It must go Monday regaraies or price; no reasonann offer refused if you are looking for a genu lnc bargain, don't fail to see this. WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL -3 GUARANTEED. BUYERS PnOTECTEIl AS WELL" AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. 106 Third St. SNAP-FLAT. 14 ROOMS. ELEGANTLY furnished, best In city; great sacrifice If taken this week: fine location: terms. 29 rooms, furnished, good location, all full easy payments, cneap rent, lease. 51500. 30 rooms, partly furnished, brick, lease, 24 rooms. 19 furnished, $050. 0 rooms on Park st., lease, rent $22.50 $450. terms. Largest list of lodging-houses in the city, EASTERN & PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO.. 263 Morrison et.. cor. 4th. PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE A good opportunity for physician, splen did medical practice, -worth $3700 per an num, with a fine modern house and of fice; large lot. well covered -with flowers, and fruits. In a thriving town; will sell for value of the real estate. For particulars address HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE STORE IN A GOOD GROWING mining and lumbering district and good agri cultural country tributary; stock of goods at Invoice price: good building; will be sold or rented at nominal figure: buildings and location well adapted to hotel busi ness; postoffice and hotel will alone py handsomely. For further Information ad dress E. Grimm, P. O. Box 030, Portland. Or. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES 50 rooms, central, rent $175, lease, $3500. 35 rooms, very central, lease, moderate rent. 19 rooms, well located, low rent, $050. 22 rooms, new furniture, new building, rent $50. lease, $650. 9 rooms, extra good furniture, rent $36, $450 OREGON EXCHANGE, 28S Washington. WANTED PRIVATE PARTIES. BANQUETS, weddings and all kinds of public -work; col ored cooks, waiters, porters and Janitors al ways on hand; help furnished free. Your patronage is solicited. Front 241. Address C. A. Johnson, caterer C. C. W. P. and J. Club. 8 N. 8th. CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR Busi ness, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale, send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, 312 C. Bank of Commerce building, Minneapolis, Minn. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, cood location, living rooms, clean stock, good trade, clears $80 month, selling only on ac count of Illness; Invoice. Pittenger, 245 Morrison. WANTED PARTY WITH $500 TO $3000 TO Invest In company controlling big paying concession for Lewis and Clark Exposition; gilt-edge security. F 15, Oregonlan. WBLL-ESTABLISHED GROCERY FOR sale: cood location: rent reasonable. Ad dress J. G 700 Vancouver ave. Phone Union 5628. city. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER; splendid location, doing good business; don't miss this chance; only $175. Gelser & Zlpf, 205 Morrison. S2000 BUYS RESIDENCE AND HALF-IN tcrest in good buslnoss in thriving suburb, or would exchange for farm. Addrees J 12, Oregonlan. QUARTER-INTEREST IN VALUABLE PAT- ent now paying minimum royalty 01 tw per annum; just on tne marnet. a 10. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY CIGAR STORE OR dellcatcreen otore and lunch room, centrally located, not to exceed $800. E 15, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE 20 ROOMS. RENT $00. paving $113 per month. $S00. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th ct. near Morrison. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSES. BUSINESS chances of all kinds and a farm for rent. Call Richard & Winters. 7 1st. A GENTLEMAN WITH A FEW HUNDRED dollars to take active partnersnip in lucra tlve business. B 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE IT ROOMS WELL FURNISHED. finest location in the city, lease, low rent: no agents. H 10, oregonlan. WANTED PARTY WITH $50 FOR GOOD paying proposition. clearing $100 per month. N 15, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CANDY AND CIGAR Fix tures, C-foot showcase. National cash regis ter. aiott, is isi st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT: GOOD LOCA tlon; doing good business; good reason to sell. 1 1. oregonian. WANTED PARTNER WITH $600; PAYS $600 per month: a rare business chance. 16. Oregonlan. LOST PURSE marked May. to 70 1st st. CONTAINING ARTICLES Keep money and return purse A GOOD, LEGITIMATE. CASH-PAYING business for $900. Call 272 Oak. st. BUSINESS CHANCES. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Room 9. Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5336. If you want A GOOD ROOMING-HOUSE. you -will get busy at once. We have a few cnoice ones lert. 30 ROOM6-e?Ine comer location, rent rea sonable, lease, over the Fair, no vacant rooms; price right. 10 ROOMS lo rooms, cood furniture and carpets, rent $45, Income $103. A good buy for $000. ' 11 ROOMS Boarding-house, all rooms full. good furniture and carpets; A GOOD BUY. This house Is on close-in comer and A GOUfl BUY. Price. $1250. 12 ROOMS lt4 years' lease at $45 per month, all new furniture, on Washington St.; a good chance; part cash. .Price, $850. 0 ROOMS 0th-t. location, rent $30, house modem, elegant furniture and carpets, rooms all full. Price, $900. 40 ROOMS Rent $100 .lease 2 years, extra good furniture, a chance seldom offered for a live party to make big money; part cash. Price. $2500. 10 ROOMS Rent $40. Income $35. house keeping, excellent furniture; A SNAP for $800. 16 ROOMS Thb BIGGEST SNAP on the market, good location, fair furniture and carpets, can be made to pay big by the right party; part cash. Price, $850. 17-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE Very cloee in, owner is sick and must sell at once, house full of boarders. Income is more than $400 a month; part cash, balance $30 per month. 20 ROOMS New carpeto, good furniture, 1 block from Hotel Portland, no vacant rooms, guaranteed profit of $100 a month; you can buy this for $1850. CANDY AND CIGAR STORE Washington st., nice stock, fine fixtures, low rent, lease, one of the best chances on the rnartet, ownct must sell at once. Price, $7000. J DELICATESSEN MORRISON ST.; $1000. JUST IN TIME FOR "AD.'" An elegantly furnished S-room flat on car line; this Hat was furnished three months ago; It Is for sale for less than cost. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Room 0. Chamber of Commerce. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE- cured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for illustrated guide book: contains 100 mechanical movements and list of Inven tions wanted; tells how to obtain and sell patents, etc Patents advertised for sale at our expense. Evans. Wllkcns & Co., Reg. Patent Attorneys. 615 F st., Wash ington, D. C. i LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Loans arranged by bond or mortgage Corporate stock or bond Issue sold. Life Insurance policies purchased. Send for booklet. "Capital: How to Secure It." ROBERT RUXTON, 32 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. AN ACTIVE AND THOROUGHLY POSTED dry goods man, commanding $3000 to $i000. can purchase an Interest or entire control of the dry goods department of an already large and steadily growing San Francisco department store. For a man of ability and push, this is an unusually good oppor tunity. Address 78 Geary st., San Francisco. A LARGE AND GROWING DEPARTMENT store in San Francisco offers to an active, energetic, well-posted clothing man, com manding $3000 to $0000, a splendid propo sition for either ah interest or control of its clothing department. Address 78 Geary st, San Francisco. WANTED PARTY TO TAKE AN INTEREST In a business that can be made to pay $oo to $100 per week; must have $500 to $1000, ac cording to arrangements. Call Sunday or Monday. 10 to 12 A. M.. or 1 ,to 4 P. M., room 2o6, .Imperial Hotel. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL, with lease till after Fair; rent 335; part cash, remainder on monthly payments to cult customer if taken at onctj sickness causa of selling: no agents. Pone Black 91L , SALOON SPECIAL V Must be sold Monday; partners are quarrel ing and wc are Instructed to accept best reasonable offer; long lease and low rent; this Is an opportunity seldom offered; about $1000 required. Call 248 Stark st. FOR RENT TO THOROUGHLY RESPONSI ble party, with ample capital, large store room, mort central and best located for cash trade; specially fitted for general merchan dise business. Address Box 344. Corvallls, Or. FOR SALE-CONTROLLING INTEREST IN tho Falls City Mercantile Co. etore (Incor porated); consists of general merchandise; about Si 000: this Is a good lumbering town: Address G. Sowers, manager, Falla City, Or. WE ARE ENNLARGING OUR BUSINESS and can use $30OO to $5000 additional capi tal; will pay liberal Interest and share of profits; secured by entire stock In trade. Address A 00. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED For store on one or the best streets; required; owner being Tired of hired help, -will guarantee purchaser $150 a month. Call 248 Stark et. FOR RENT LARGE HOTEL. GOOD CON- dltlon. centrally located In thriving col lege town; also the furniture therein for sale at a bargain. Address Box "344, Cor vallls, Or. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FIRST- class. paying restaurant and lunch-counter. Including a good lease; In Erickson's Concert HalL Inquire August Erickson, 2d and Burnslde. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING CONFEC- tlonery- ana cigar store, witn ngnt gro ceries; four living-rooms In rear; suitable business for woman. Q 7. Oregonlan. WANTED LADY TO TAKE HALF IN- terest in 5-room loaging-nouse. w:tn man fully experienced In the business; must have about $800 cosh. R 9, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH $400 CASH TO buy one-nai: interest in an cstaoiisnea. pay. ing grocery; must be a hustler; no experience necessary. P 9, Oregonlan. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies, wo nanaie unustea securities. Loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co., Elllcott Square. Buffalo. 10 ROOMS. FTRST-CLASS LOCATION. VERY central, well lurnisnea in nouseiceeping rooms; $50 above all expenses, rent cheap. Inquire of owner, 229 3th st. WANTEDANY ONB WITH $1000 TO IN- vest lit corporation; i. per cent interest on money invested; gilt-edge security. Address O 2, Oregonlan. WANTED BU8INESS MAN WITH $300 TO $1000 to invest in corporation and take active part: salary $1800 per annum. Adcress P 2, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING WITH PAY- mg business, well located. In St Johns. For further particulars address M 6, care Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL FOR SALE OR lease doing a splendid buslnes; newly fur nished and nicely located. S 10. Ore gonlan. 5-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED, -walking distance. $20; Hatfield & Smith, room 32. Russel bldg, 4th and Morrison. BARGAIN. Fine furniture of 0 rooms, full of roomers, long lease, terms to suit. 32S Main. $500 BUYS MILK BUSECESS PAYING $100 and expenses -monthly. Call 1212 Ellsworth. Richmond Addition, Portland. A ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A FIRST class hotel doing a nice business for sale. T 10, Oregonlan. FOR SALS CANDY AND CIGAR STORE cheap rent; must sell account sickness. Owner 305 1st. BEST GENERAL STORE IN SPOKANE CO. for sale; about $5000 required. Address A 7, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING ROOMLNG hoiuse of 45 rooms. Inquire 25 North 1st. BARBER HAS VALUABLE EYE PREPARA tlon; wishes partner to push same. 200 1st. FOR SALE $2750 BUYS NEW TWO-STORY store. St. Johns; fine trade K 7, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED. WELL-PAYING 10 room house for mlc 335 Clay St., cor. 7th. ROOMING HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS. WITH lease, for $750. 228 1st st. No agents. FOR SALE SALOON NEAR FAIR grounds, price $1200. P C. Oregonlan. GOOD PAYING LAUNDRY ROUTE. HORSE and wagon for sale. H 10, Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE. 0th st. INQUIRE 148 BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. 20 YEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE AND PROTECT BUYERS RIGHT. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 423 TAYLOR ST. How Is this for a bargain? House. 25 rooms, rent $100. two years' lease. 25 more new room3 to be added. Price. $2600. DB KEATER, 425 Taylor. Bargain Very fine house. 32 rooms, mod ern; this house can be sold Inside of two months ' for $4000 or more; for quick sale, $5000. DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. One of the best buys in city. 24 rooms; over $-600 monthly income, lease; price, $2500. I DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. 20 rooms very nicely furnished, always iuu, rent oa: lease, central: $'JhOO. DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. Finest furnished house In city, lease, very central, right price: investigate. DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. Several very nice boarding-houses," up-to-date, big Income. DB KEATER, 425 Taylor. House, 50 rooms, rent reasonable, central, big Income, only $3500. DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. Without any exception, most beautiful fur nished house In- city: $4500. $3000 or less will handle house, balance time, lease. DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. House, 9 rooms, new furniture, very fine, rh.nn ront- CCW r.,m,n . ' DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. & rooms, furnace heat, near Portland Hotel, rent $40, good Income: $950, part cash; ex clusive right to sell. DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. House, 13 rooms, fine housekeeping, rent $50. monthly Income about $120; for quick sale, $1050. DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. 7-room house, rent $27.50. fair furniture: only $300. n DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. I havo houses, all sizes, all prices, can lo cate you according to amount of mbney to lnvrst. DB KEATER, 425 Taylor. Fine grocery store, with bakery, cigar de partment, confectionery, etc.; rent $8; lease; doing nice business; living rooms attached; furniture, all. for $1100. DB KEATER. 425 Taylor. All kinds of business opportunities. Stran. gers In city call. I will direct you right. 20 years In Portland. ULLLVN DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. 210-214 Ablngton Bldg. 106 Third Street. PHONE MAIN 193. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. 50 rooms, elegantly furnished, ns.w and modem, $&S0O, terme. , 2S rooms, brick, low rent, $2000. 35 rooms, very central, nice comer, $4000. 70 rooms, transient house: $4000. 20 rooms, close in, nicely furnished, $1300. 75 rooms, corner, steam heat and modem conveniences; good lease; one of the best buyB on the market $6500. 40 rooms, central, steam heat, new furni ture; $5800. 00 rooms, brick comer, steam heated, pays well. $5000. 12 rooms, good bargain for $400. 14 rooms, select boarding and rooming; ele gant furnishings; house always fall $700 cosh down, balance easy terms. 40 rooms, comer, centrally located: very low rent $5500. 25 rooms on Washington st., only $2600. 40 rooms, brick, lease at $100 month only $3500. 40 rooms, very central, modern and well furnished. 20 rooms, close in, $1700. 10 rooms, partly furnished, lease; $550. 60 rooms, old established board and room ing; select patronage; positively tbo best buy on the market $4500. Several others. Terms on any. BUSINESS CHANCES. Market and grocery, very central, nice clean stock, for sale at invoice, about $830. Hardware and furniture stock In good town, about $2000. Grocery with living rooms, $700. Meat market and grocery, $050. Restaurant, old established, "bargain. Grocery, central location, sell at Invoice, about $2500. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. FOR SALE 18 ROOMS, FURNISHED; very centrally located; rent reasonable; -will sell very cheap If sold in the near future; no agents. S 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO 0-ROOM FLATS. WELL furnished, good location; price reasonable. E 17. Oregonlan. WANT NICE OFFICE ROOM FOR REAL estate. Lillian De Keater, 423 Taylor. tsPiXlAL OXlCS. ' Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TO LAY water pipe. Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the undersigned. City Clerk of the City of Aberdeen. Washington, up to 5 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, December 28, 1004, for the laying of 140 pieces, more or less, of 12-Inch cast-iron water pipe, from the north bank of the Chehnlls River, across to the south bank of said river. Said pipe being flanged, and to be laid so that when the pipe is in position tne top 01 tne flanges will be nothing less than 3 feet 0 Inches below the bottom of the river bed. Said pipe to be laid from about 325 feet east of the east line of Fairfield street across the said rivor to Columbus street In South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckle Joints, bolts and rubber pocking to be furnished by the city; the contractor to fur nish all appliances and labor, and to lay said pipe in a good and -workmanlike man ner, to the satisfaction of the City Coun cil or one -In Us behalf authorized Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City of Aberdeen, In the sum of $200. as a guarantee that the bidder will If successful promptly execute a satisfactory contract and bond, according to the laws of the State of Washington for the faithful performance of the work. Said -work to be paid for by warrants drawn on the water fund of said City of Aberdeen. The City Council reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Dated Aberdeen, Washington. Nov. 26, 1904. Attest: P. F. CLARK. City Clerk. BID3 WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO NOON. December 7. 1U04. for the construction or. cement steps, buttresses, etc., for steps be tween Liberal Arts' and Foreign Exhibits Buildings. Exposition grounds. Plans and specifications may be examined at room 5, Stearns building. Sixth and Morrison sts. Lewis and Clark Exposition Company. Mis ce&an oons. NOTICE. The' Farmers Flro Relief Assocltalon of Buttevllle, Or., has been doing business for nine yars. It has proven itself to bo one of the strongest, most reliable, fair and square, as well as the cheapest mutual operating in tnis state. 11 you are a member you cannot do better than remain. If you desire protection it will pay to In vestigate, this, the only strictly farmers' association in the state. We hereby notify the farmers of Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties that J. J. Kern Is no longer our agent; that wo will not be responsible for him In any way what ever. The secretary will be at Portland. Or., room 313. Allsky bldg.. Mondays and Tuesdays of each week In case you wish to see him personally. By order of the board of directors. Francis Feller, presi dent Henry L. Bents, secretary, Aurora. Or.. Route No. 3. LOST AND FOUND. T.OST FOX TERRIER DOG: MALE. SIX months old: white, with brown spots over each eye; is very lain and has been sick. Return to 28 N. 8th st. Liberal reward. RAN AWAY OCT. 8. WILLIE AND CECIL Murchlson. agea is ana 10. iniormation of their whereabouts would be rewarded by mother, Mrs. Barron, University Park. FOUND A PAIR OF GOLD-RIMMED EYE glaases. Owner can have same by paying for ad. and proving property. Call at Lowen gart & Co.. 02 Front st. LOST LADY'S SILK UMBRELLA. IVQRZ handle, silver mounter, silver chain, initials II. M. C Reward, return to n Ablngton bldg. LOST SATURDAY. NOV. 26. PHOTOGRAPH of Capt. R. P. Hobson. Return to A. O. Jones, First National Bank; receive liberal reward. LOST WEEK AGO SUNDAY. SMALL YEL low. long-haired dog; return The Dexter, 124 12th. Phone Green 48G. Reward. LOST FRIDAY. SMALL SILVER WATCH. No. 24525; Initials M. 1. inside of case Reward if returned to 6S0 Hancock. PARTY FINDING RING AT MEIER & Frank's store will phone Union 2S65; -will pay any reward asked. LOST FOX TERRIER PET DOG: 197. Return : 1091. Reward. North 22d. Phone Main FOUND SMALL BLACK HORSE. 200 Front et., cor. Columbia, INQUIRE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion i'lalling. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and plnklntr. Art. STUDIO OF PAINTING, PYROGRAPHY and designing. Order work a specialty. 720 Marquam blag. M, F. Woods. Art Furnishing. ANTIQUE Furniture, orders taken, repairing, carving; lessons. 344 Alder. Main 1033. Assurers anil Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 208 STARK ST. Prices: Gold. $1; copper. $1; Oliver. 50c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bougnt. 225 Stark st. Attorn eyat-at-Law. O'BRYON & O' BR YON, ATTORNEYS, 420 421 Commercial bldg. Phone Clay 465. Business Collects. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT Ins. famous budget bookkeeping, actual bust, niaa practice, positions found for graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Mala 513. Carpet denning. Sanitary carpet cleaning. Suction and com. pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on fioor without removal. Phone Main 55i4. Carpenters and Builders. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST Patrons can reiy on okuuui, kichuuc uxt menu Main 3311. 20 Raleigh bldg. W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting, mm stars. uiacK ai. GEO W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES, bouse built and repaired. 203 4 th. Clay 174. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY Si ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phono Main 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are lootung xor. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist, all instru ments serillzed. 702 Marquam. Black 2S56. N. Y. CHli.J -5TS ALL DISEASES OF the human foot, 310 Allshy bids. Red 30S6. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. 602 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining and gen. eral engineering. Clairvoyants. CLAIRVOYANT. 50c 00c 50c 50c 50c 50c THE VEILED PROPHETESS. BUDAH BERNIQUB. DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM, TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c "I TELL YOUR NAME." So positive am I of ms powers to tell the past, present and future and exactly what you want to know that I will make NO CHARGE! NO CHARGE! Unl4B you obtain perfect satisfaction and find me superior to all MEDIUMS. CLAIR VOYANTS and PALMISTS in this city. It may be of vital Interest to you to know the outcome of your present distress. Tho -haPPIness of your future life may de pend upon the right solution and proper advice. There are no mistakes In the predictions made by the great and wonderful Psychic. You may wish ta know if it Is advisable to make a change in busines, in love. In marriage. "Can I obtain my hopes; my wishes, my ambitions?" "Shall I ever enlor the luxuries of wealth r "Can I trust my friends?" "When shall I marry?" "How often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever be divorced 7" "Does another share the love that right fully belongs to me? "If so. whom?" "Am I loved In return-?" "Is there a rival in my love?" "When shall my lovo affair terminate in marriage?" "Whfn shall mv domestic troubles end? "How can I mako my life- and homo happy?" "When shall my absent friend return?" Why do I not recelva a letter?" TTOTmKlft TO S nAILT AND SUNDAY. PARLORS. 201 MORRISON, COR. 3TH. SAME FLOOR AS liOSTON UHlAli LORS. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, 813 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 6TH ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST. The Greatest Llvmc Adviser on the Continent. Established In Portland and Seattle for 7 Years The name Van Cortland a double guarantee. Rdtifvd Charires. 50c 50c This Week $15.00 Readings 50c 30J Satisfaction guaranteea or no tee acccptcu. At a glance, before you have a chance to ut ter one word, he will tell you your name what you came for, giving dates, facta and flgureo, names of absent and departed friends; he tells every wish of your life, how to gain success In loce, courtship, marriage divorce, whether you will be Huccesflful In business. Investments, etc; no matter what may be your fear, hope or ambition, call on this gifted man and find relief; his descriptions of your friends and ene mies are as real as though they stood before you. He tells whom and when you'll marry, settlea lovers" quarrels, positively mentioning youi sweetheart's full name, reunite the separated no matter how Inntr Htnndlntr: ha tells every thing," good or bad; you hear the truth and notning Dut tne truth. WONDERFUL POWERS. It Is universally conceded bv deeDest thinkers of the present age that Prof. Van Cortland has been endowed by nature with prophetic powers to a degree hitherto unknown; keenly conscious of his great responsibility, he has honestly en deavored to let his light shine that all who seek may find the truth as he sees It. Call and be convinced. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 WASHINGTON ST. Also Private Entrance on Sixth street. MM2. DR. HBRZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI tntlflo revealer. tells life from cradle to crave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad. vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy: locates burled treasure. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Coal Dealers. nrr.iT TVESTERN COAL CO.. 441 HOYT. cor. llth Washed sootlesa lump coal, $u per ton nut coai. , uscu iur umoenanu i. Castle Gate $8.60. Wholesale prices, free de livery. Phone iiain uio. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. PHONE Main 1018. Castle Gate coal, blacksmith coal, coke and cnarcoai. urnco 164 5th N. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers, best coals; founary ana emeiter cone, sy a s Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGEK. "UKCHASER OF hides pelts, xurs. wooi. mocair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front ot.. near .Main. Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments; TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHU? BROKERS and commission merchants, sneriock blag Portland, or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce roercntti." iim. tv viu .. x-or land. or. Dancing. tke MATTTNGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14th, cor. Jeff. Class or prlvato lessons. Dressmaking. MRS GRANT'S ADULT and children's classed. Western Academy. Morrison st.. cor. 2d. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec, 612-615 Marquam bldg. Dyeing and Cleaning. H W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 505 Jcrrenon., Tel. Main 2513. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLD sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5th at. ' Educational. Teacher In college preparatory branches; spe cialty languages. Suite 27, 187 17th. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WH OLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-SG 1st. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND MA cblnery. awmllls. etc 218 Grand ave. Lands. LAND SCRIP3. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlce. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldx. CUSXNis&b DIRECTORY. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF. HIDES. pelts; wool, xurs, taiiow. um ruuuc., uremia and sacks. 312 Front su Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Leather and turnings; siocmoa soie jeauier and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. boot and saoe uppers, nnatnga. snoe store supplies, leather of all kind:. 72-74 5th st. Marblo and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see weeas; no agents: per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Massage. YOUNG LADY, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. vapor, cabinet bams, magnetic treatment, alcohol rubs, .salt glows; good attention given to patrons. The Raleigh. Bth and Washing ton, parlors 15-16, first floor. PARLORS OF 110 4TH ST. CHANGED bands; flrst-clajs baths with magnetic treat ment and massage by young lady with young lady assistant. Will be pleased to sec old and new patrons. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 234 MOR rlMon st.. cor. 2d., rooms 3 and A Vapor and sponge baths, with maasage; also electric treatments; pleased to see ail old customers; also new ones. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS VAPOR bath and massage, try me; satisfaction guar anteed. 523 Gth and Washington sts., third floor Raleigh bldg. 2627. RHEUMATISM NEED NOT BE ENDURED: it can be cured: Persian massage recom mends Itself. The Frances, W. Park and Morrison sts. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. VAPOR MAS sage and magnetic treatments by experienced young lady. 351 Morrison at., rooms 11 and 12. JUST OPENED BY YOUNG LADY FROM the East, bath and massage parlors. Mar quam lodging-house, 145 Bth, room 25. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS- sage treatment. 'MS 5th st. Main 5936. Medical. DR. PAUL CK03lW.ii tne colored special ist, sanatorium l-i i.in, cor. ciison. con sult 1213 oia oocior ana ieara wcr.L your ail ment Is. Letters promptly answered. Naturopathy. DR. F. W. BLOHM. NATUROPATHIC PHYSI- clan, Touray mag., -a ana xayior, room 3im. Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON" STS. Call or seua stamp tor cteaitn jsook. Osteopotliy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. osteopathic pnyoiiiia. siuuuatea ji.irisviue. Mo. 400 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1212. Sani tarium 011 4th. Consultation free. 1 DRS. AD EC & KOBTHBUr, 416 DEXUM bldg. Phono iiain .hi. lamination free. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS. oils, glass, sasu ana aoors. uor. -a & Taylor. Patent Lawjera. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOR- elgn patents; lniringement cases. C04 Da kum. T. J. GEISLER. 630 CHAM. OF COM. U. S. and foreign patents a specialty. Rubber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. - Shoo Manufacturers. REID & HERTSCHB CO.. SHOE MANUFAC turers. 9 and 11 N. 1st. .Portland, or. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50c. COc, 50c. 50c. 00c, 50c, 50c. 50c. 00c. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 803 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. BTH. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM. PALMIST. READINGS REDUCED TO 50c FOR 7 DAYS MY $15 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS COc, ooc, sue. sue. ouc, ouc 1 DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make you no charge If I fall to call, you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to toll you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false, tell you how to gain the love of the one you most desire, even though miles away; how to succeed In business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the ono of your choice; how to re gain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil influence, cures drink habit; locates treasures, cures all nervous diseases. How cn I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my homo happy? How can I conquer my enemies? How can 1 marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can 1 marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propose? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? How can I remove bad Influences? How can I control any ono? How make distant ones think of ma? How can I settle my quarrel? How can I hold my husband's love? How can 1 keep my wlfo's love? SIR FRANCIS DRAKE tells all and never asks questions. POSITIVELY NO EQUAL ON EARTH IN HIS PROFESSION. HOURS DAILY, 10 TO 7. AND SUNDAY. 803 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. MRS WALLACE. 23 YEARS l'ORTLAND'3 most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 165 4th st., Ruaael bldg.: hours 9-5. MRS STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien tific palmist, 50c 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEE?. Clairvoyant proph etess. Readings dally. 81 7th. cor. Oak. MRS C. CORNELIUS, 305 Allsky bldg.. 3d end Morrison; sittings dally. Hood 403. 1 Safes. 8 SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES, prices ranging from $23 to $150; 3 good second-hand bank safes for sale. Call or writo 84 3d St.. Portland, Or. NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED; repairs. Dlebold Agency. J. E. Davis. 63 3d. Second-Hand Dealers. BUGARMAN & SONS. mGHESTPRICE I PAID 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 31 1 J Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR., 8th and Hoyt: branch Seattle. Wash. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 84S 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3I3S. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED Cure; send 50c; tablet form; mailed in plain package; has cured thousands. L. L. C. Co.. 417 Hay ward bldg.. S. F. Storage. WITH THE COMPLETION OF OUR NEW warehouse, we have every facility for prop erly storing at most reasonable terms. fln pianos and other high-class commodities, wrhich it may be neewsary to maintain In thoroughly dry and even temperature. Pi anos moved, packed and shipped by thor oughly experienced and competent men. Aw work guaranteed. Ellers Piano House. Phone Private Exchange 23. , i STORAGE! STORAGEI PLENTY OF ROOM, fireproof building, rates cheaper than the cheapest. 20 Union ave Phone Union 914. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped: alt work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 12S 1st C M- Olsen. Phone Main 547. C O PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 506. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahipmunt; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonablo prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO. 54 3D ST.. -wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coas,t Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesalo Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROC ry cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or i