THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1904. 21 IK &rV mm v i A Christmas Store PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FOREMOST STORE A Christmas Store STORE MANAGERS' SALE. STOEE MANAGERS' SALE. I STORE MANAGERS' SALE. STORE MANAGERS SALE. STORE MANAGERS SALE. STORE MANAGERS' SALE. i i This Great Store Organization Establishment TURNS OVER THEIR ENTIRE TO THEIR DEPARTMENT MANAGERS JJNTH. CHRISTMAS-JUST THREE WEEKS! THE GREATEST SERIES OE BARGAIN SALES START TOMORROW EVER KNOWN ON THE PACIEIO SLOPE Prices that will create the most un precedented buying craze have "been made throughput every department, on every stock. Not a dollar's worth of old or out-of-season stock in all the vast offerings, but all the newest and brightest of Winter and Christmas goods. An unusual thing to do in December, we admit for 'tis a profit-making' time but this is an un usual store a "Different Store" and we pledge our word we do not 'expect to realize a penny profit this month! We're planning months ahead! EVERY DOL LAR YOU SPEND HERE EOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS WILL BRING YOU A QUARTER TO A HALE MORE IN VALUE THAJtf USUAL! Portland's Foremost, Busiest Toy Shop and Doll Store Is Here On Fourth Floor. "lis Aladdin. Land, this great Fourth-Floor Won der Shop. Mr. A. J. Lilburn has employed his long and expert experience in gathering here such a col lection of toys, dolls and games as never Portland store showed before. Our -wholesale business in these lines enables us to "buy in larger quantities to sell at lower prices than 'tis possible for any other local house to match. A steady patter of little feet was heard here all last week; 'twas almost like the week before Christmas. It's nice now. Mothers, bring in the youngsters when everyhody and every thing is in tune, bright and fresh. The toys look newer and jollier. Bring them or send them this week to make out a list of what they want. Eemem- ber, they're safe here. Mr. Lilburn offers some specially attractive prices, too among them: A. g. XXLBTJBK. SNARE DRUMS, WORTH 75c, TOR 49c Flat-head Snare Drums, metal rods, 10-inch head; our 75c value, for each 49 30c POR IOE BOXES, size 5x8x14 inches, our 50c value, for.3Q 19c FOR MUSICAL W H KRTi TOYS, our 35c value, for each,19 HANDSOME DOLLS 8Sc FOR JOINTED DOLLS, WORTH $1.50 Our "Baby Alice" Dolls, with moving bisque head, jointed body, long curly hair, sleeping eyes and lace trimmed chemise; our $L50 value, for each S3 29c TOR DRESSED DOLLS WORTH 50c Dolls with "bisque head and jointed body, dressed daintily in -gown trimmed with lace and braid, lace-trimmed hat; our 50c value, at each 29 THE GIRL IN RED 39c FOR DOLL WORTH 75c These dolls -have papier mache bodies, bisque heads, sleeping eyes and are dressed from head to feet in red red gown, red bon net, red slippers and red hose; our 75c value, at each - o9p THE AMERICAN GIRL 74c FOR BEAUTIFUL DOLLS, WORTH $1.25-r-This Doll has kid body, riveted joints at hip and knee, bisque head, sleeping eyes with eyelashes, sewed curly liair, both blonde and brunette types; wear shoes and stock ings; our $1.25 value, at each 74 TAPESTRY PORTIERES FOR $2.63 Silk-finish Persian-striped Tapestry Portieres, fringed both top and bottom; our $4.00 value, at the pair ...$ Other Fourth-Floor Stores Under Mr. Lilburn's directorate offer as extra specials in the competitive sale, as below: 9c FOR FANCY SILKOLINE, WORTH 15c 5000 yards of best quality Silkoline, floral desiras. 36 inches wide, for screens, curtains, draperies, comforter cover ings, etc; our 15c value at the yard 9 JAPANESE RUGS Pretty Japanese Rugs for bedrooms, bathrooms, etc., in bright colors, Oriental designs- Size 2x4 feet our $1.35 value, for each 75 Size 2x5 feet our $1.75 value, for each SI. OO Size 3x6 feet our $2.25 value, for each . $1.25 WOOL BLANKETS $4.75 FOR BLANKETS WORTH $7.00 White Oregon Wool Blankets with pmk or blue borders, large size; our $7.00 value; for each. 4.7o SALE OF WHITE ENAMELED BEDS Brass trimmed, in both and full-size Our $5.00 value for each.. S4.00 Our $ 8.50 value for each. .55.15 Our $6.50 value for each.. $4.25 Our $12.50 value for each.. S7.70 Our $7.50 value for each.. $4.70 Our $14.00 value for each. .$8.75 SPECIAL PRICES ON TOYS AND DOLLIES-ONLY 69c FOR TRIPLE METAL ACHORD Ebony, 25 keys, our $1.25 value, for each 69 35c FOR DOLL BEDS WORTH 65c White Enameled Doll Beds and Cradles, size 15x30 inches; our 65c value, for each 35 iv. ii. Auaar. Sale of Small Wares in Mr. Allen's Depts. First Floor. f9c INSTEAD OF 50c FOR PHOTO FRAMES Fancy French Gilt Photo Frames, in oval and round shapes; our 50c Values, for each.... 29 15c INSTEAD OF 33c FOR TRINKET BOXES Fancy hand-painted top Celluloid Trinket Boxes, satin lined, assorted colors and square shapes; our 33c values, for each X5 $ $1.00 FOR PHOTO ALBUMS WORTH $2.50-Fancy easel back celluloid Photo Albums, gilt-edge leaves; our $2.50 value for, each $1.00 PHOTO ALBUM WORTH $2.25 FOR $1.00 Fancy embossed celluloid Photo Albums, plush back, gilt edge leaves, large size; our $2.25 values for each .$1.00 ONLY 12c FOR AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS WORTH 25c Children's fancy celluloid and leatherette cover Autograph Albums; our 25c value for, each 12 SCRAP ALBUMS WORTH 29c FOR 15c Children's Scrap Albums, large size, fancy gilt decorated tops; our 29c value for, each 15 25c FOR INKSTANDS WORTH 50c Inkstands of fancy pressed glass, single stand on black or cherry-colored base; our 50c value for, each....... 25 65c FOR POCKETBOOKS WORTH $1.25 Ladies' Combination Pocketbooks and Card Cases in seal or walrus leather, in black, brown or tan; our j?l,25 value for, each - - 65 Same as above; our $L85 value for, each 98 JEWELRY $2.50 FOR HAND MIRRORS WORTH $5.69 Sterling Silver Hand Mirrors, extra heav3 fine bevel glass, fancy French gray back; our $5.69 value for, each $2.50 75c FOR BONNET BRUSHES WORTH $1.79 Sterling Silver 'Bonnet Brushes; our $L79 value for, each , 75 ONLY $2.00 FOR CLOTH BRUSHES WORTH $3.79 Sterling Silver Cloth Brushes, large size, fancy head design on top; our $3.79 value for, each $2.00 $1.00 FOR HAIR BRUSHES WORTH $2.19 Sterling Silver Hair Brushes, French gray finish, best bristles; our $2.19 value for, each . $1.00 ONLY $2.00 FOR HAIR BRUSHES WORTH $3.95 Large size Sterling Silver Hair Brushes, best bristles; our $3.95 value for, each $2.00 $3.00 FOR TOILET SETS WORTH $5.79 Sterling Silver Toilet Sets, brush, comb and hand mirror: our $5.79 value for. set 3.00 ONLY $1.90 FOR TOILET SETS WORTH $3.00 Ebony finish Toilet Sets, with fancy mounting, heavy bevel glass, hand mirror and fine extra quality hair brush ; our $3.00 value for. set $1.90 $1.75 FOR -SHAVING SET WORTH $2.89 Shaving Set in fine celluloid box, with brush, cup and ring handle hand mirror complete; our $2.S9 value for, set $175 Biggest "Sale" la the Bunch TL. I SATS. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. So says Harry Sale, in charge of the splendid Silk and Dress Goods Stores in Fifth-Street Annex. Harry is a Scotchman and may be depended on for gospel truth and bulldog determination. He's bound to win a prize, and starts for it this way tomorrow. The offer is for the week. $35,000 Worth of Silks and Dress Goods Slaughtered ATI new, this season's fabrics. Mr. Sale says all must go before Christmas. ' Silk specials are in four big lots: LOT 1 Consists of All-Silk Crepe de Chene, novelty Waist and Suit Silks and Im ported Figured Velvets and Panne Satins; sold regularly Silk up to $1.00; Velvets up to $2.25; special, yard 49 LOT 2 Novelty new swell Silks in all the wanted colors and patterns, values un equaled anywhere at less than $L25 per yard; special per yard 59 LOT S. Novelty Swell Suit Silks, sold regularly up to $L60 per yard; special, per yard 69 LOT 4 Novelty Silks for Suits, Waists and Fancy Work, also Milan Crepe; good color assortment; also Cheney Bros. Foulards; special per yard....i 89 Colored Dress Goods in Five Big Lots LOT 1 Novelty Mannish Tweeds, neat English Suiting, French Twine Voiles, swell Scotchy Suiting; a very large assortment of patterns and colors; regular $1.50, $1.25 and $L00 values; special per yard 59 LOT 2 Novelty Suiting in all this season's choice effects; the variety much too large to attempt description; regular $1.50 and $L25 values; special per yard....69 LOT 3 Novelty Suiting; regular $1.75 and $L50 values; special per yard 79 LOT 4 Novelty Suiting; regular $2.25 and $2.00 values; special per yard.... 89 LOT 5 Novelty Suiting; regular $2.50 and $2.25 values; special per yard.... 99 Black Dress Goods LOT 1 Consists of plain and nubbed Twine Voile, Crepe Voiles, Sangalines, Figured Albatross and Sacking; regular $L75, $L50 and $L25 values; special yard. . .59 LOT 2 Consists of Novelty Etamines, Striped Crepe London Twine, Canvas Cloths, Panamas and Chevrons: regular $2.00, $1.75 and $1.50; special per yard...79d LOT 3 Consists of Panama. Pebble Cheviota,Blind Pebble, Canvas Cloths, Craven- ette, Nubbed Zibeline; regular $2.50 and $2.0) values; special per yard.... 89 LOT 4 Consists of Panne Zibeline, Waterproof Worsted, Novelty Turkish Mohairs, Figured Ottoman Cloths, Novelty ffreiwh Etaloine; regular $4.25, $3.50 and $3.00 values; special per yard $1.59 W. TT. gQXEEBS. TIMELY AND SENSATIONAL SPECIALS "IN WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Knitwear and Hosiery Aisles First Floor. . Mr. W. W. Zollers, the always busy, hustling manager of the women's and children's Knitwear and Hosiery sections, has started clearance with a ven geance. He offers as his share in the competitive sale the strongest list of special values ever offered from this store. Among them WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. 95c for women's white and silver gray, fine ribbed Cashmere Vests and Pants; our $1.50 value for. each 95 $2.69 for women's white and blue, full-fashioned TJnion Suits, of fine, soft wool; our $4.00 value for suit $2.69 48c for women's white Jersey ribbed, fleece-lined Cotton Vests and Pants; our 75c value for, each 48 65c for women's cream-tinted Cotton TJnion Suits, half-open front; our $L00 value for, suit .- . ..65 25o for women's medium-weight cotton long-sleeve Vests; our 50c value, each 25 59c for women's flat-woven, natural wool Vests and Pants; our $1.00 value for, each 59c 75o for women's natural wool, flat-woven Vests and Pants; our $L25 value, each Top Only 33c for women's white and gray Jersey ribbed TJnion Suits; our 50c value for, suit 33 90c for women's natural wool, fine ribbed vests and Pants, extra sizes, 7, 8 and 9 our $L50 value for, each . 90 G $2.25 for Women's Munsing TJnion Suits, natural color, good weight; our $3.50 value for, the suit - S2.25 39c for women's white and silver gray cotton TJnion Suits, Winter weight; our 75c value for, the suit . 39c $1.19 for women's white Jersev ribbed wool Vests and Tights the Merode; our $1.75 value for, each I ; $1.19 Women's Hose 3c FOB. "WOMEN'S IMPORTED BLACK COTTOIff KUIilj FINISHED HOSE, With double white sole. Our 50c value, for, the pair 30c SSc FOR WOMEN'S VINTER-1VEIGHT BLACK LISLE HOSE, with spliced heel, double sole. Our 50c value, for, the pair SSc 27e FOR WOMEN'S BLACK, FINE RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE, seamless. Our 45c value, for, the pair 27c 18c FOR WOMEN'S BLACK O. K. COT TON HOSE, spliced heel, double sole. Our 35c value, for, the pair 19c iec FOR WOMEN'S BLACK COTTON HOSE, good weight, double sole. Our lTc yaiue. ror. tne pair ioc S1.19 FOR WOMEN'S BLACK SILK HOSE, lltrht. meJium and heavyweight. Our '51.75 value, for. the pair,.... 18c FOR INFANTS' CASH 31 ERE HOSE in black. blue. pink, or white. Our 25c value, for, the pair 18c 18c FOR CHILDREN'S FINE AND DOUBLE RIBBED BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, sizes 6 to 10. Our 25c. 30c. 35c and 40c values, for. the pair 10c 18c FOR MISSES' BLACK COTTON HOSE full finished foot, sizes 6 to 9. Our 25c value, for, the pair ISc bargains Absolutely Startling in Women's Furnishings The chief of the Women's "Toggery Shop" is certainly m for first money if he keeps up such a pace as he sets for Monday and the week. They are worthy of extra special mention, and will receive at tention at length in all tomorrow's papers. They include a .wonderful sale on Umbrellas, Ribbons Handkercmeis, Applique Trimmings, Laces, jmoroi deries and Insertions, Neckwear and Kid Gloves "Watch for special announcements in all of tomor row's papers. Get in early on Monday. "We print to day only ihe Kid Glove and Ribbon bargains. KID GLOVES. COc FOR KID GLOVES WORTH $1.50 A creat srather Ing of Kid Glove3 of odd lots and odd sizes all Tire .1 ,.Vni iViA Inm'ln " Vnoc'ir' "Dlvmnfft "Mentone" "Melba." "Hectors" etc in black, white and colors, sizes 5. 55i. 6. 63i 7, 7U. 7: our $1.25, 51.50 and $1.60 values, all at, the pair 50c RIBBONS. tr.i. por rtrboxs worth 30c A11-s!lk Taffeta and Milanese Ribbons, soft finish. 3 nnri 4 inches wide, soft silken ribbons, the kind that tie so easily and gracefully and have a luster that's perfect. Our. 30c value for, the y&rd 15e Satin and grros grain Ribbons for fane work. to 3 inches wide: our 6c Sc,9cl0c.t4c,l$c, 23c. 28c, 32c and 40c value, for, the yard, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6o, 7c, 8c, 12c, 14c, 15c aad 20c. r. p. touxo. Portland's I Largest Store 81 1 $ 1 00 in Gold as a New Year's Present to the Winners $50.00 to the First $30.00 to the Second $20.00 to the Third SEE MOXDAT OREGONIAN- for an other grist, of Monday Specials crowded out of two pases today. Special sale of Crockery, Sliver and Glassware, Lamps and House Furnishings Third Floor. This store offers the above as an extra incentive to its managers to increase their December sales over last year. Awards to be made New Year's Eve. To the store manager showing greatest percentage of increase, $50 ; to the next, $30 ; and to the third, $20. Every de partment manager has a list of bargains never before equalled by any "Western house. The firm has adopted the novel plan of permitting their department managers, otherwise known as buyers, to run the f 11 entire establishment as they would if each department were owned and controlled by themselves. In a large store like this every de partment stands upon its own merits. .Each is like a separate store in as far as the business is concerned, with an efficient manager at its head. In the run of regular business,the department managers must account to the general manager and the firm on matters per taining to stocks, management, sales, decorations, advertising, etc. For this sale all the superior officers step aside and give every depart ment manager free rein. He can decorate, advertise and manage as he sees fit. No one will dictate to him. We want to find out which of our buying organization would evince the greatest enthusiasm and ability to make. great strides if his (or her), department or de partments were owned by him (or hpr). THE SHOPPING PUBLIC WILL REAP THE BENEFIT OF THIS IDEA, AS GREAT EI VALRY WILL ARISE AMONG THE DEPARTMENT MAN AGERS TO MATTR THIS THE RECORD-SMASHING SALE OF HIS DEPARTMENT ! THE RECKONING COMES WITH THE NEW YEAR. Every one must beat his or her former records.. We give all free use of 6ut prices as tools. CHRISTMAS This Store and the Man What to Buy for "Him" JOELS V. COFFEY. .22 New Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. Mr. John Y. Coffey, the popular caterer to men's wants,. hereby notifies his friends that he's after that --fifty." "Pis bids are strong ones; many mean an actual loss to the house that's his privilege. These values should attract hundreds tomorrow who have Christmas buying for the menfolk in view. 79c FOE MEN'S SHIRTS, WORTH $1.25 AND $1.60 Men's Fancy Shirts, soft bosom style, sep arate cuffs, in materials of Oxfords and Madras, in very choice patterns; our best $1.25 and $1.50 values, for each 70 22c POR MEN'S SUSPENDERS WORTH 50c Christmas Suspenders, packed one pair in fancy box, white kid ends; our best 50c value, for pair MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS, WORTH 75c, FOR 45c Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, soft, fleecy, warm garments ; a guarantee of good, refreshing sleep for these chilly nights; our standard 75c value, for each '. 45 ONLY 98c FOR MEN'S WALKING GLOVES, WORTH $1.50-Men-s Glace Kid Walking Gloves, full pique sewed, best and most desirable street colors; our $1.50 value, for pair 98 p 92c FOR MEN'S UNDERWEAR WORTH $1.50 Men's fine natural wool Under shirts and Drawers, in silver gray, Winter weight, very fine stock; our $1.50 value, for each 92 60c FOR MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS WORTH $1.00-Men,s Christmas Handker chiefs with initials, put up one-half dozen in box; our $1.00 value, for box. .60 MEN'S NECKTIES WORTH 75c FOR 35c Men's Christmas Neckwear English Squares and Four-in-Hands, the richest silks and newest patterns ever offered at the price; our 75c value for each 35 16c INSTEAD OF 25c FOR MEN'S HOSE Men's Cashmere Hose, in natural sil ver gray or solid black, medium weight; our best 25c value, for pair 15 M. HAXSKy. In Royal Worcester Corset and Under- muslin Annex Second Floor Art Goods and Children's Dresses. Mr. Hansen offers vaJues sure to crowd his. de partments. More of them than are printed here. Another list will be. published in all of tomorrow's papers. Several styles of discontinued Royal Worcester corsets in short or long effects, colors, drab, black and white, sizes 18, 19, 23, 25 to 34 only; -regular price to $1.25 pair, special at, pair 29 Four styles of ladies' mercerized black sateen Petti coats, deep flounces, with knife plaiting and tuck ing, clusters of butterfly ruffles in Vandyke styles or deep, double flounce, with two 5-inch ruffles; regular price $3.50, special at $2.29 Children's wool dresses at one-half price. Our entire stock of children's wool dresses In plain or fancy materials, made In attractive styles, with yoke, revers, regulation Peter Thompson sailor, Gibson, Buster Brown and Russian blouse effect. Ladies' fine muslin Drawers, extra full 8-Inch lawn flounce, with four clusters of fine hemstitched tucks, 1-Inch hemstitched edge, or of same material 6-Inch flaring lawn flounce, one row of hemstitching cluster of three, fine tucks and 3-lnch blind embroid ery: regular price 75c, special 40c 4