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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1904. ISDN IN FAVOR TwoMoreCitiesMayG Federal Buildings, et ARGHITECT WILL SO URGE Will Recommend $100,000 Be Expended at Oregon City. $85,000 FOR BAKER CITY Fulton Calls on Quartermaster-General to Urge That Transport Be Sent to Portland to Convey Nineteenth Infantry. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, bee. 3. There Is considerable talk In Washington about the probability of the passage of an omnibus public build ing bill at the short session of Congress. "With a view to securing recognition for Oregon, Senator Fulton today called on Supervising Architect Taylor to as certain what amounts the Treasury De partment will recommend be appropriated for Oregon. He was told that the de partment will urge the appropriation of $100,000 for the purchase of a site and tho erection of a public building at Oregon City, and $S5;00D for the erection of a public building at Baker City, , on a site heretofore purchased. If tho omnibus bill Is framed, an effort will be made to have these appropriations Incorporated. Senator Fulton today called on Quartermaster-General Humphrey to urge that the transport Logan be sent to Portland to convey the Nineteenth Infantry from Vancouver Barracks to Manila and also to urge that the Logan on tho return trip bring to Portland the regiment that Is to replace the Nineteenth. The Quartermaster-General is inclined to send the troops via San Francisco, but has promised Senator Fulton to give fur ther consideration to Portland's claims. General Humphrey's principal objection to sending the transport Logan to Port land Is she draws 26 feet of water, and he fears she may have difficulty in crossing the bar. Senator Fulton replies to this that the ship will not draw over 23 feet when she sails with the regiment, and at this draft will experience no trouble at the mouth of the river. DELEGATION MUST SOON AGREE Otherwise Roosevelt Will Make tho Washington Appointments. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec 3. The Washington delega tion has several patronage wrangles on its hands, which must be settled during the Winter or the President will do as he has done in other states, take the matter into Jils own hands. Three important Post offices are to bo filled. Postmaster Crom well, at Tacoma, is seeking reappoint-4 rment. Unless the President intervenes, "his fate Is altogether In Senator Foster's hands, the other members of the delega tion having signified a "willingness to let him have fall sway in this appointment. Senator Ankeny and Representative Humphrey are Involved In a bitter con test over the Seattle Postmastershlp, Humphrey Indorsing Postmaster Stewart for reappointment, and Ankeny insisting upon the appointment of W. A. Carle. Senator Foster is taking no hand in this controversy, but unless the delegation THIS EVIDENCE IS TRUTHFUL AND CONVINCING. Wtn. Hennegher, No. Stratford, N. H., says: I saffcrcd from Dyspepsia and Indigestion for three years and I am pleased to sa7 your Bitters cured me. I feel like a new man." Ira Dew, Covington, Va., says: "I had Stomach trouble for years and was so weak and nervous I could hardly .sit up, but thanks to your Bitters I am now entirely cured." I THE GENUINE HAS OUR PRIVATE STAMP OVER NECK OF eventually agrees, the President will as sume the responsibility of, filling' this of- flee. At "Vancouver Representative Cushman has crossed swords with Senator Ankeny, Cushman making a flght for Dan Crowley for Postmaster, while Ankeny demands the place for C. G. Shaw. Both Senators will be. expected to take a hand In the recommendation of a sue cessor to Surveyor-General Kingsbury, who is a candidate for reappointment. The only other candidate to appear so far Is J. R. "Welty, who Is indorsed by Ankeny. The terms of -all these .officials have long since expired. ALASKAN JUDGE IS NAMED. R. A. Gunnison, of New York, Per sonal Choice of Roosevelt. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU,. Wash ington, Dec 3. Again President Roose velt has utterly -disregarded the recom mendations of Senators and Representa tives, and has appointed a man of Ills own choice to a responsible office. Royal A. Gunnison, of BInghamton, N. Y., was to day appointed United States Judge for the First Division In Alaska, to Bucceed Mel ville G Brown, whose resignation has been demanded. He was offered the place by the President several days ago because of Ills known fitness and high character. Since the place was tendered to him he has been Indorsed in highest terms by representatives of the' Judiciary in New York, and by President Schurman, of Cornell University. The only political in dorsement which Gunnison has Is that of Representative Dwlght, of New York. In selecting Gunnison, the President dis regarded the representations of many delegations. Oregon, for a whole year, has been indorsing Judge W. C. Hale, of Grant's Pass. The Wyoming, California, North Dakota and Minnesota delegations all had candidates with, strong Indorse ments. There is hope that one of these favorlties may be appointed to a Judge ship later on. In case Judge Moore Is re moved, or the ponding bill authorizing an additional Judge in Alaska should pass. There Is an understanding that Represent ative Lacey, of Iowa, who blocked the passage of this bill last session, has with drawn his objection. If this be true, there will probably be a new judicial district created this Winter. Mr. Gunnison graduated from the law school of the Cornell University in 1S96, and since that time has been practicing Jaw In BInghamton. In 1898, he was appointed referee in bankrupt cy for the district In which BIngham ton is situated, and in that position es tablished an enviable reputation for Industry, ability and a thorough understanding- of the bankruptcy law. He was afterward appointed by the faculty of the Cornell University law school as a non-resident lecturer on the subject of bankruptcy. Will Ignore Odell's Letter. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Dec 3. Secretary Hitchcock, after consultation with the President, has de cided to take no notice whatever of tho letter sent him by General W. H. Odell, of Salem, under date of November 10, in which the Secretary is upbraided and ac cused of robbing the State of Oregon of over $120,000 by reason of unjustifiable treatment of state school Indemnity se lections. President Roosevelt Intends to ignore entirely tho copy of the letter which was sent to him. Williamson and Ankeny Arrive. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Dec 3. Representative William son and family have arrived in Wash ington. Senator Ankeny reached Washington to. day. and has taken apartments at the Arlington Hotel. Troops to Leave Vancouver. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Dec. 3. Early In January one bat tery of the Eighth Artillery will leave "Vancouver Barracks . for Fort Russell, Wyoming. "Docs the baby take after Its father or its mother?" "If you look at Its head and eye brows you think it's a Japanese, and If you hear it trying to talk you think it's a. Rus sian." "Washington Star. If you ever doubted the ability of this cele brated family medicine to cure Stomach, Liver, or Bowel Disorders these letters will prove conclusively the many claims made for it. Hun dreds of doubting people have been restored to robust health by being persuaded to try HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Let us persuade you to follow their example, and good health will be your sure reward. The Bitters positively cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Flat ulency, Nausea, Poor Appetite, Costiveness, Vomiting Female Disorders or Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try it today. BALLOTS NOT LEGAL Nine .Men in Denver Prepared Fifty-Seven, EXPERT GIVES. TESTIMONY Attorneys Who Have Followed Con tempt Proceedings . Believe AH Questioned Returns Will Be . : Examined. "' 4 ' ' - ' : DENVER, Dec 3.-tarUIng develop velopments were made in the Supreme Court today In the trial of the six election officials of Ward Five, Precinct Nine, who are charged with contempt. George H. King, .handwriting expert, said that 57 of the ballots In the box had been written by nine different persons. The highest num ber written by one person was 19. Th lowest was two. Five Republican ballots were written by one person. The other 52 ballots on which the expert noted simi larity of handwriting were Democratic. It is the general belief among the attor neys who have followed the contempt pro ceedings closely that the result of the dis coveries made by the court will be to bring the ballot box of every precinct where contempt Is charged Into court for examination. There are six more pre cincts In which election officials are await ing trial for contempt. An adjournment was taken until Mon day tOSive the witness (King) an oppor tunity to complete the remainder of the ballots. Mortimer M. Hatch, an expert employed by the Democrats, will examine the writ ing on the ballots with Mr. King, The returns for the precinct gave a total of 272 votes, divided as follows: Demo cratic, 2S3; Republican, 79; Socialist, 4. There were found In the box when opened 323 votes, divided as follows: Straight Democratls, 169; straight Republican, 116; Socialist, 5; scratched, 25. Attorney Thomas Ward gave notice that action would be taken against the de fendants In this case, charging them with making false returns. District Judge John I. Mullins today ex tended the time for impaneling a grand Jury to investigate the election matters until next Monday. Republican managers are urging United States District Attorney Earl M. Cranston to call a special grand Jury to act In the case of Kratke and other election officials In .Ward Five, Precinct Eight, who were bound over by United States Commission er Capron yesterday for violation of tho Federal conspiracy statutes. The regular grand Jury does not meet until next April. Although Mr. Cranston has made no statement regarding the matter. It is un derstood he will ask for the special grand Jury when Judge Rlner alts in the local Federal Court December 17. It was learned from one of the Repub lican leaders today that District Attorney Cranston will bring about a score or more of alleged offenders before United States Commissioner Capron. The evi dence against the men is said to be simi lar to that against those already bound over. It Is understood that when "tho ap plication for the special grand Jury is made there will be between 20 and 30 of fenders bound over. John A. Martin. Democratic candidate for State Senator from Pueblo County, ar rived In Denver today armed with an In junctive order issued by Judge J. H. "Voor hes, of the District Court there, restrain ing Governor Peabody and the other mem-, bers of the State Canvassing Board from' accepting the certificates of election Issued to T. G. McCarthy by County Clerk Fair fax and Justice of the Peace McKIllIp. acting as members of the County Can vassing Board. Mr. Martin served the document on the state officers and and members of the State Canvassing Board at once. Mr. Martin secured the injunction on the ground that many of the votes cast for McCarthy were illegal, and that ho was credited with others that should have been counted for the Democratic candi date. The board will not reach the Pueblo Senatorial contest until next week. None of the returns from the county has been sent in. Will End Strike If Adams Goes In. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Dec. 3. It Is announced on authority of union men that the strike in this district, which was be gun IS months ago, will bo declared off e a o o BOTTLE. ALL DRUGGISTS el ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? v Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Susoect It. To Prove What ihe Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Oregonlan May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mall. It used to be considered that only urin ary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most Important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys aro weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected, and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Ropt, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. I cheerfully recommend and indorse the Great Remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, for kidney trouble and bad liver. I have used It and "derived great benefit from It. I believe It has cured me entirely of kld- ncy -and liver trouble, from which I suffer ed terribly. Most gratefully yours, A. R. REYNOLDS, Chief of Police, Columbus, Ga. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for many kinds of diseases, and if permitted to continue much suffering and fatal results are sure to follow. Kid ney trouble Irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the blad der, pain or dull ache In tho back, joints and muscles; make your head ache and back ache, cause indigestion, stomach and liver trouble; you get a sallow, yellow complexion, make you feel as though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles is Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical science.' How to Find Out If there Is any doubt in your mind as to your condition, take from your urine on rising about four ounces, place It in a glass or bottle and let it stand 24 hours. If on examination it is milky or cloudy, if thero is a brick-dust settling, or If small particles float about in it, your kidneys are in need of immediate attention. Swamp-Root is pleasant to tako and is used In tho leading hospitals, recommend ed by physicians in their private prac tice, and Is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize in It the greatest and most suc cesful remedy for kidney, liver and blad der troubles. rr, JT5, $2?fZi2aeee8fPa 13 Swamp-Root in promptly curing even the most distressing cases of kidney, liver or bladder troubles, that to provo its won derful merits you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers aro advised to send for a sample bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BInghamton N Y.. be sure tp say you read this generous off er In the Portland Sunday Oregonlan. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. by the Western Federation of Miners within one week after Governor-elect Alva Adams la Inaugurated. Should Governor Peabody pe given another term, it Is said, the Btrlke,will not bo called off, although leading federationlsts here admit the fight has bcen'iost. It is a&o learned from the same source that the) strike would have been called, off thregr days after the election had not Governor Peabody announced ho would contest Ams' election. WOULDlDISFRANCHISE NEGROES Senator pacon Favors Repeal of Flf- - teenth Amendment. MACON, Ga., Dec. 3. Congressman Hardwlck, of the Tenth Georgia District, a few days ago "wrote a letter to Senator Bacon asking his views upon the present political situation. Senator Bacon re plied at length. The Senator says there is an attempt to Republlcanize the South. Ho that white supremacy must, be main tained in the South and Southern pros perity is due to the white supremacy. He advocates the repeal of the fifteenth amendment to the United States Consti tution, and Insists that unless this shall be done the. people of the 'South will be forced to maintain their proposition of white supremacy. Rather than have negro rule. Senator Bacon is willing to accept a reduction of Southern representation in the Congress or uie unuea aiaies. xie uuas: xno repeal or tne nneenin amena ment, leaving to each state the power to regulate for itself the negro question, would destroy the sectional barrier which the South so greatly deplores and for the removal of which It know3 no other method." Hemenway Sure of Senatorship. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Representa tive James A. Hemenway, of Indiana, chairman of the House committee on appropriations, telegraphed Speaker Cannon today that all the candidates for Senator Fairbanks seat in Indiana had withdrawn, leaving him (Hemen way) a clear field in the Republican caucus. Official Vote In Maine. AUGUSTA, Me., Dec. 3. The. official ri turns for Presidential Electors was an nounced today as follows: Republicans, 6M37: Democratic. 27,630: Prohibition, 1510: Socialist. "2106; People's party, 33S. The total vote was 96,021, and the Republican plurality 36,807. . ODELL PROMISED TO KEEP OUT Piatt Says if He Can Defeat Depew It Is Time to Hang Up the Fiddle. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. "I know of only one reason why Governor Odell should not control the Legislature and tho election of a Senator to succeed Depew, and that Is that Odell promised positively, ten days before election, to Depew and myself, that he would not interfere." The foregoing statement was made by Senator Thomas C. Piatt, of New York, today, to newspapor men who called on him in his apartments at tho new Wllliard Hotel. Senator Piatt was asked If anything' new had transpired In regard to the Senatorship, and he replied there had been nothing of consequence, that he was sure Senator Depew would be re elected. "Everybody knows what I think about it," be said. When his attention was called to a published 'Interview with Representa tive Iilttauer. to the effect, that Gover nor Odell would control the Legisla ture and that ex-Governor Black would be elected, the Senator made the state ment quoted. Continuing he said: "I think there are enough conserva tives in New York to recognize that Depew has been a model Senator and insist upon his return. If Odell' and his machinery can defeat Depew at this time I think it is about time for us to hang up the fiddle." In a later intorview Mr. Gruber said: "Black will be elected. Odell is for him. Thore.isnp need for Black to make explanation of his candidacy. It 1 SWAMP-ROOT jl jKjj Kidney, Liver and Bladder ijfll jHf My tako one. tiro or tbre B iHrii aooa3onarerm lid hHfjf ChCdrealasftccordtocto if fLj H ijjBjlf Hsy corammco irlth rrll darts if A fl jBjlj and Increase to full dcio or more, !iM K 'JHjjj cstbocuaTrouUcccmtoitQCirc. if Hjl 111 I Cm' rmJy cores nil if Bin Ujfljj kidney. Urer, bladder and CrJo I I B jnB (I Add troaUcs ad dljorder due ' ' HQ 0r9 j to weak kMnejTi, tech ui catarrh ) iUHI bladder, graTel. rhauma- Uss, fcnnb&ffo and BHght's D!s jHC lH! ea 1rhtCl1 ront to E HM I DR.' KILMER & CO. jE jjj Sold by all Druggists. (Swamp-Root ta pleasant take.) If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, yon can purchase tho regular 50-cent and 51 size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't mako any mistake, but remember tho name, Swamp-Roqt, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, BIngham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Is all settled for him to be elected and he knows it." Ex-Lloutenant-Govcrnor Woodruff, after an Interview with Odell, said: "King County Is for Depew. The re port that I am a candidate Is absurd. I can Imagino no situation which would make mo a candidate." Odell Will Support Black. NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Ex-Governor Black's law partner, Abraham Gruber. in tho Fifth-Avenue Hotel today, made the announcement that Governor Odell and the members of the Legislature had de cided to elect Mr. Black as United States Senator. OVATION TO BLANCHE BATES Actress Is Overwhelmed With Flowers and Congratulatory Messages. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 3.-(Special.)-MIsa Blanche Bates, the Belasco star, received 743 congratulatory telegrams, was stormed with flowers, and shed tears of Joy at the completion of her phenomenal St. Louis run of 150 performances at the Imperial Theater tonight, with the presentation of a triple bill, including the third act of "Tho Darling of the Gods," "Madame Butterfly" and the comedietta, "My Aunt's Advice." When the complete box office statement of the engagement was added up. It was found that Miss Bates, during her entire engagement here, has played to 5182,604.75. The messages came from almost every town of Importance, fnn New York to San Francisco, while the flowers came from the parquet and boxes of the thea- STARYED TO DEATH. Our text today is the story of the miser who taught his ass to live on straw, of which he gave him a smaller portion every day. Just aa the miser had got him so trained as to eat one straw a day the poor ass died. He is an ass who starves himself to death as thousands are doing, misled by foolish teachers because their stomachs have become too weak, through neglect or disease, to Jo the work which Nature has provided for their stomachs to do. Because the engine is out of gear, would you consign it to the Junk heap? Why, no! Mend it! Commit slow suicide because your diges tive organs leak? Certainly not! Take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. One thing Is sure as shooting. You can never get a new stomach. You must mend It, or It will lead you a miserable existence. The only way to mend It is to take Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets.- This lia3 been practically and scien tifically demonstrated by the many thou sands whom Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have positively cured, after every othei treatment of medicine, mineral waters, pills and slow, suicidal starvation, had failed. These methods are all unscientific therefore false. Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets are scientific therefore true, and successful. Having cured so many thousands many of whom doubtless have suffered more than you do do we claim too much when we say that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will surely do good to you? Surely not. Especially when wo make it plain that no promise is made to cure more than one disease Dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for just this one disease. They are a pcientlfic combination of in gredients which rearch out the weak spots in all the digestive organs and make them strong and well. They have an immediate digestive action on -undigested food, and thus, while curing weak organs, they at the same time help them to do their work. They thus stand for all that Is good in the medical treatment of dyspepsia, and for nothing that Is bad. They are not a fad but a fact. They are safe, pleasant, certain and per manent, and can be taken by the most delicate invalids without fear of harmful results. to V "V Wanted at Once. 50 Cash Boys and Girls, must be over 14 years of age. Apply at 8 A. M. TOMORROW at Superintendent's Desk Olds, Wortman & Kins. Good wear in v Selz Royal Blue Shoes With some shoes most of the wear -is on the wearer. You pay your -money for them and you want to wear ; ; them out; they wear you out. Did you ever have that experience? You'll never have it again if you wear Selz shoes; they fit, and wear well. You'll pay $3.50 or $4 for them and be glad you spent the money every time you walk. Selz Royal Blue LION CLOTHING CO. Outfitters to Men and Boys 166-168 Third St. Mohawk B!dg. ter. At the close of the third act. where Miss Bates has her effective scene over the entrance to the torture chamber, be tween 40 and 50 men In evening dress, seemingly by preconcerted signal, rose In boxes and parquet and showered the beau tiful actress with roses, carnations and chrysanthemums until there was danger Miss Bates would be buried in a drift of petals. In response to cries of "Speech" from the house. Miss Bates walked down to the footlights, made a gesture of thanks, attempted to say something and cried in stead. As the tears ran down her cheeks she nervously motioned for the curtain to be lowered, amid a typhoon of applause from the sympathetic audience. Boughly computed, the congratulatory messages received by the Belasco star cost their senders over $500, and. though Miss Bates two maids have been open ing them ever since 7 o'clock,, there still remains a sealed stack. In achieving a St. Louis engagement of 150 performances. Miss Bates has estab lished anew theatrical record and proved "The Store Noted for the CHRIST Are smiling all over our store. Many are the new things here that will suggest to you what you want for some loved one. Many useful as well as ornamental presents. Especially are we strong on uits, Cloaks and Dress Good That we defy competition as to style, quality and prices. You'll find something here for Xmas. TOYLAIND 85 HERE Everything to please the children. New novelties, etc.; while our stock of dressed and undressed dolls is unequaled, and can be bought here for from one-fourth to one-half less than our com petitors are selling them. Country orders receive prompt attention. Mail or express. TD MORRISON STREETS - i. - -r - fir for you. have the SELZ Royal Blue Shoes to be one of the most important features incidental to the Louisiana Purchase Ex position. CITY OFFICIALS ENJOINED. Hearst Brings Suit to Show New York Is Paying Too Much for Gas. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. An injunction war granted today against Mayor McCIellan City Controller Grout and City Chamber lain Keenan to prevent them from paying city gas bills alleged to bo excessive. Jus tice Mareau, of the Superior Court, grant ed the writ upon the application of "W R. Hearst. During 1903 and a part of 1904 various gas companies furnished the city witb light without a contract. Their bills ag gregate $5,000,000 for that time, and Mr. Hearst maintains this is $1,200,000 mor than should have been charged. Argu ments to make the injunction permanent will be heard nest Friday. Best Goods at Lowest Prices." MAS SUGGESTIONS