The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1904, PART THREE, Image 17

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PAGES 1 7 TO 30
Clufcmen Make Four Touchdowns and Kick One Goal News and
Gossip in the "World of Sports
Easy Victory for
Atorla& Play a Plucky Game
But Are No Hatch for Clubmen.
IT was a scream- The press agent of a
musical comedy would have found In-,
cplratlon there. Eleven tall Multnomah
boys waded through as many from As
toria In a most excruciating way. They
made four touchdowns and. kicked one
goal score 21 to 0 and It was very funny
to see. But Astoria failed to find amuse
ment when the large lads bearing down
on the goal slammed them around.
The Astorians were up here onco be
fore this season and played very nice
football, holding down the clubbers to
one score, but this time they could not
do it. Multnomah had. some big mcnJ
and never feel it. There was one named!;
Stow, who played in the line and carried
the Dall very well, and a couple of half
backs, Corbett and Lonergan, pushed and
pulled along by Dolph, the fullback, who
were dandles and no mistake. That man
Lonergan is a pippin. Likewise he Is an
Irishman and the hardest man to stop
oh earth. He is as active as a roach and
will not stay down. An Astorian would
now and then hit him and hold on for
a second. Thereafter Lonergan would
turn three somersaults, execute a lizard
like movement from under a dozen legs
and Imitate the movements of a snake
till he got on his feet again, and then
pome other opponent would have to take
a try at him.
It was a very pleasant game to watch.
The players did not seem to take them
selves as seriously as usual and passed
a line of badinage with their friends on
the side lines. That Is, the clubbers did
this. The visitors were too busy. But
they had their friends, who did double
duty for them. It is unusual for an out
islde team to have the best of it in cheer
ing on Multnomah Field, but they did
yesterday. The clubmen on the side
lines seemed to be having a very nice
time watching the acrobatic movements
of Mr. Lonergan et al. i
' The game really did not amountjfto
much from a football standpoint. Astoria
did not seem to know much about tack
ling and such things, and got in the -'road
and got kicked in the head at wrong
times and was not there when the fellow
with the ball was scooting around some
where. But still it was very pleasant to
The kick-oft to Corbett was returned
by him to the middle of the field. So As
toria had the ball and In the first two
downs made yardage. Cries of "Encore"
from the Astorians on the shelves. But a
fumble regained and five yards of lost
ground, followed by a fake pass, which
was no fake, and Multnomah had a trial
at ground-gaining.
Lonorgan. it will be remembered, made
a fast fullback in the Oregon game, but
was a little shy on interference, as he
had had about one practice. Yesterday
he was where lie belonged at half and
he made a most excellent runner. He
could do anything. H) even made
ground through, right guard, the stoutest
place cn the Astoria line. Lonorgan- and
Corbett and Stow and Dolph all made
ground one way or another, it did not
really, make much difference where, till
Stow lifted his herculean shoulders out
of the bunch and ran 15 yards, with
Corbett bowling over all ambitious
Astorians who wanted to stop the
runner. But he was landed at last and
Johnson made a successful quarterback
run of olght yards, toppling over on the
one-yard line, held fast by the legs, so
he could not squltm. Lonorgan, putting
up about four times as much fight as was
necessary, made the touchdown. Then
Lonergan held the ball, while Stow did
not kick the goal.
It was something like that all the time
afterwards, Astoria showing an inclina
tion to misunderstand signals and go
amuck. Then there were some large men
like Grieve and Van Voorhees and Rln
toul and "Little Eva" Ross, who sort of
leaned ovor and pushed people out of
their way so they could get at the run
ner. They spoiled some very pretty runs
that way. And by the way. Just to give
the other fellows some credit, that cen
ter. Bays, of Astoria, did much more
than is usually expected of a center. Ho
was the best tackier Astoria had and if
the balls he passed were not always
caught, that was not his fault, he sent
them true enough.
Before the first half was ended, Corbett
. lifted himself out of the mess and ran
away down the field for the second touch
down. Stow kicked the goal this time.
And that was all there, was doing In the
first half that amounted to anything,
though It lasted quite a while afterward.
The second half was about a minute
old when Lonergan took It into his Irish
head that hf would like to make one of
thbpo sensational runs. So the quarter
back gave him the ball, and ho 'sprinted
off down the field all by himself, except
for a few others, who got In bis way, and
made him run fast and shake his head
till he had made the score stand 16 to 0.
Stow kicked the ball out to Lonergan
so as to havo it somewhere near where
ha could kick It from. But he kicked it
40 yards out, and when he tried to make
the goal, he found it much too hard to do.
Multnomah made some substitutions
here, and after a time there was another
touchdown made by Uoran.
The line-up:
M. A. A; C. Position. Astorias.
Jordan L. E. R Jones
Stow ,.L. T. R Sutton
Ross L. -G. R Gammal
Grve, Rlntoul C Bays
Van Vorhles....R. G. L Mlaard
Klrkley, G'ult..R. T. L Blair
Dowling (capt.),
Crosby R. E. L Hughes
Johnson, Murphy.. Q Stockton (capt.)
Corbett L. H. R Graham
Lonergan Ho-
ran : R. H. L Painter
Dolph F. Abercrombie
Portland Oarsmen Will Engage a
Coach Activity In Other Sports.
The new board of the Portland Row
ing Club is now beginning to take
active steps toward the development of
the club during the coming season. Sev
eral plans are on foot which are expected
to be of great advantage to the club and
to aid in its progress. The selection of a
professional coach has received consid
erable attention, and it has been decided
that such is almost a necessity. To this
end communication has been opened with
several of the Eastern cracks, and after a
full consideration it has been practically
decided to engage Dan Murphy. It is ex
pected that a contract will be dgned very
soon and that Murphy will be here in
time to engage In the early Spring work.
The Portland oarsmen are determined
to make this coming season the banner
year of their history, and tho enthusiasm
displayed at this early date augurs well
for their expectations.
The open handicap handball tournament
of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
has been postponed one week. The
doubles will be held on December 12 and
the singles on the ISth. The entry list
shows a keen Interest In this tourna
ment, and It will undoubtedly prove to bo
one of the most Interesting of this "Win
ter's athletic events.
Interest in basketball Is now increasing,
and although a little late in getting start
ed tho club boys will soon be ready to
meet all comers.; The only scheduled
game at present is that to be played by
tho second team with the Y. M. C. A. on
December 9. The first team has Just be
gun practice, but expects to get into good
playing shape within two weeks. Nego
tiations are now in progress for games
with Dallas, Salem and Monmouth. It is
the intention to get up as Interesting a
schedule as possible for this season, and
the team is open for games with any club.
The usual lull following a big event
was experienced in the Multnomah
Club's football matters last week. It
was a hard matter to get the boys out
to practice, and they turned out only
one night. It has been decided that
for the 'remainder of the season prac
tice will only be held twice each "week.
It Js felt that the players are all in
good shape now, and that the only
work really needed is signal practice.
Then the fact that tho team has al
ready gone through a hard season, and
still has four more games for this
month, makes It advisable that the
men should not be worked too hard.
It is rcgretablo that Murphy finds
himself unable to continue in his po
sition on the team. His absence -will
be keenly felt in the generalship on
the field, whllo it -will bo hard to find
a substitute for his punting abilities
and all-round playing. Murphy will
still coach tho team, however, and this
Is a matter of satisfaction. Ho has
worked like a Trojan this season, lit
erally whipping the men Into shape,
and too much credit cannot be given
for what ho has accomplished.
Arrangements are now being mado for
bringing to tho Lewis and Clark Fair the
complete exhibit of tho North American
Gymnastic Union, which has been on ex
hibition at the St. Louis Fair. The proj
ect Is in the hands of the local branch
of the Union, tho Portland Social Turn
Vercln. and if spaco can be secured there
is no doubt but what the exhibit will be
brought here, tho Portland society bear
ing all expenses Incurred in its removal.
The North American Gymnastic Union,
composed of a membership of tho various
Turn Vcrelns throughout tho United
States, maintains a National school of
physical culturo at Milwaukee. Wis., for
the purpose of training teachers for Its
various members. An exhibit In the form
of an educational feature was prepared
for the St. Louis Fair, and consists of a
miniature model gymnasium. Models of
every modern gymnastic appliance aro
also exhibited, together with many fea
ture photographs. The exhibit attracted
a great deal of attention In SL Louis,
and the Portland society has worked hard
to secure its appearance here. A space
of 34 feet by 31 feet Is needed, and If
this can bo secured tho exhibit will cer
tainly bo brought out.
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The Indoor Baseball
Season Opens
Schedule of Games That "Will
He Played at the Armory Tula
THE Indoor baseball season, which
opened at the Armory last night, has
a long run before it, all tho way to next
April. There was an attempt to cut It
down so that it would end tho last of
February, but as every company had to
play about every other company. It could
not be done. A few games wero shoved
neck and crop Into the middle of the week,
but Saturday night is the only real time
for indoor baseball in tho Armory, and
it was thought best not to interfere with
custom too greatly.
This game of the padded ball and broom
stick bat Is much In favor with militia
men, and year after year they get up their
league and hammer away with the broom
stick, and now they are at It again. It
Is worth any one's while who likes fun
to attend this scries of games. Those liv
ing within a block or so of the Armory
might as well go on the night of an ex
citing contest, for they will not bo able
to hear one another talk for tho noise
that will bo abroad, and they will be gain
ers by getting in on tho sport. Pessimists
are recommended tho entertainment espe
cially. They need only watch somo 15-ycar-old
girl rooting for the winning side,
or for the losing side, cither, for that
matter, and they will feel better for a
week till the next game Is due.
However the bystander may view It, tho
game Is taken In all seriousness by the
players and rooters and Is worth the
while. It is a sport for quick players.
The shortstops stand about ten feet from
the tip of the bat. The diamond is small.
Running bases Is a matter of fractions
of seconds. A Sfr-foot hit; is a good one.
It's a shifty game on an fsphalt floor.
When tho schedule which Is given be
low Is run out, there will, be a post-season
series of games. In which tho Y. M. C. A.
and tho Multnomah Club will take part,
and the championship of the city will be
played for. The Armory schedule follows:
Thursday, December S E. F.
Saturday, December 10 B. C.
Saturday, December 17 First Batterr, E.
Saturday, January 7 C, K.
Saturday. January 14 First Battery, F.
Saturday, January 21, C, H.
Saturday. February 4 B..K.
"Wednesday. February 8 F, K.
Saturday, February 11 B, E.
Saturday, February 18 First Battery, C.
Saturday, February 25 H, F.
Saturday, March 4 First Battery, K.
"Wednesday. March 8 B, H.
Saturday, March 11 B. F.
Saturday, March 18 First Battery, B.
Tuesday, March 21 F. C.
Saturday, March 25 E, K.
Umpires George Ottstedt, First Battery; X.
"Williams, Company B: Lieutenant Ormandy,
Company B; Fred "West, Company C; Captain
Doble. Company H; A. E Jenkins, Company
K; Glllnor, Company F.
Spit Ball Over-Rated.
The "spit ball," according to Doc New
ton, Is a much overrated delivers", and
one that will speedily put itself out of tho
game. Newton ought to know the truth
of what he says when he declares: "This
'spit ball' will ruin any man's arm who
makes a practice of throwing It. It Isn't
so much anyhow. Chesbro lost the pen
nant for the New York American League
Club with it- Tho man doesn't live that
con control a 'spit ball,' for the pitcher
himself doesn't know where or how it
will break. It is no such new thjng. Few
men will ever get It down fine enough so
that it will be any value to them, and
throwing It will always be taking a
chance of a wild pitch. Just watch how
long these 'spit ball' pitchers last, and
see if I'm right"
Nelson Hard Game
for Britt
If the Cnllforalaa Keeps HI
Head, the Dane Will Have a
Fierce Battle.
WHEN Battling Nelson and James Ed
ward Britt face each other on the
night of December 20, those .fight fans
who are lucky enough to havo a ringside
seat will say that it was one bright red
night. Britt saw the Chlcagoan wade
through one of tho best infighters in tho
game, big or little,' and James saw how
easily Nelson beat the Denverite at his
own game. It was undoubtedly this that
mado Britt say after. the fight that .the
Dane would glvo him tho hardest battle
of his career In caso they wero matched.
Manager James Coffroth, who makes the
battles for the Yosemlte Club, had hl3
eye on the winner, and lost no tlmo
bringing tho boys together. Coffroth la
one of tho few fight managers In tho
business who Is ever looking out to bring
tho best of the fighting talent together.
He knows a good fight when he sees one.
and being a man who Is in the fighting
game as much because he Hke3 it as for
the money thero Is in it, there Is never
any scandal connected with any of tho
mills that he puts on.
The Nclson-Brltt fight. If Britt will keep
his head, will bo a hard one to pick the
winner. It will almost be a case of take
your cholco and write your own ticket.
Nelson has made a host of friends dur
ing the short two years that he has been
before the public, and for that reason
Britt will hardly be a 2-to-l favorite over
the Dane, as was Corbett. The battle
between Corbett and Nelson was carded
as the featherweight championship, but
it was not such, owing to Britt's victory
over Corbett. At that Nelson must be
considered at the top of his division, for
"Britt went out of his class when he met
Gans, and because there Is a strong doubt
about Britt being able to fight below the
lightweight limit. The boys' fight, ac
cording to Coffroth's telegram to me. Is at
132 pounds, which Is a pound below the
lightweight limit and above the feather
weight. Technically, the boys will battle
for the feather-weight championship, but
neither one of them will be anywhere
near that mark.
Nelson's Meteoric March.
Nelson's meteoric march to the top of
the division of little scrappers has been
marvelous, to say the least. Two years
ago he was an unknown quantity beyond
the limits of Chicago, while right now,
on his victory over Corbett, he is hailed
as the best fighter at his weight In the
country. His defeat of "Spider" Welsh,
of San Francisco, brought him before the
"Western fight fans. He was not taken
seriously, however, until he tucked away
Martin Canole. When he beat Eddy Han
Ion so decisively, the pugilistic world gave
him the recognition that he had been
battling for. It also made It possible for
him to meet and defeat Young Corbett.
The Dane, since he began his upward
career, has not been averse to meeting
Britt, Corbett and even Gans, or any
other boy In his class. He was willing
to step out of his class to engage Gans,
and he told me that, on the negro's show
ing before' Britt, he, Nelson, could beat
him Inside of ten rounds.
Hard Fight to Forecast.
The result of the fight between Nelson
and Britt will be hard to forecast. Both
boys fight on about the same lines, which
Is to tear and slug for all that there Is In
them. Neither knows much about fancy
sparring. This Is a branch of the fight
ing, game they have not mastered, and
those who see the fight can rest assured
that they will see a battle pure and sim
ple. Tho weight 133 pounds, fits them
like a comfortable shoe, so neither will
have much of an advantage when they
meet. In gamencss and capacity for tak
ing punishment there is nothing to choose
between them. Neither has dissipated,
and the only thing that one has on the
other Is Nelson's coolness under fire. The
Dane refused to be muddled by Corbett's
kidding. The Denver boy tried his hand
at stalling, but he found the Chlcagoan
forever boring In. and then the Jig was
up. Britt Is notorious for losing his head.
He may havo learned a great lesson In the
last fight, one that should at least last
him as long as he fights. If Britt gets
stung by a few of Nelson's hard wallops
and loses his head, he will run second,
Just as sure as he lives.
Valley Pothunters Exterminate Game
in Closed Seasons.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To the Sporting
Editor.) In regard to Sunday's article
under tho head, "No Dogs for Chinese
Pheasants," may I venture a short reply
to "Valley Sportsman," who characterizes
Portland and city sportsmen a3 game hog3
and pothunters, describing how the city
man with his trained dog exterminates
the birds, but admits that most of the
birds are killed before the first of October.
thereby giving the city sportsmen a very
small chance at them. Ho now crios,
"Stop the use of dogs," so that the Val
ley sportsman can take pot shots at a
whole covey whenever he may choose to
do so. What sport! Valley sportsmen
sneak on a flock of ducks as they are
resting and feeding and empty the con
tents of their pumpguns at them. Re
sultthose left alive never come back to
those grounds, and Valley sportsmen say
Portland hunters aro to blame because
they put out feed and tako chances at
wing shots. The sportsman with a
trained dog enjoys seeing the dog work
and tramping the woods and fields as
much as killing birds. If Valley sports
men will let the birds go until the first of
October, they will be strong of wing and
fast sprinters, and need no protection that
the present law does not afford. Very
few sportsmen will object to the 51 hunt
ing license, If It will help protect tho birds
from the Valley sportsmon during the
closed season.
Dick Welles Has Retired.
Dick Welles may have made his last
appearance on the turf. J. B. Respcss
says he will breed ten of hl3 own mares
to Dick Welles next Spring, and permit
tho samo number of outside marcs to bo
mated to him.
Respcss Is making his Ohio farm a pre
tentious breeding plant. He has two
other stallions In service, Maceo and
Belle's Commoner, and upward of thirty
mares. Respcss hopes to be able after
two or three years to have a stable of
racers all of his own breeding. Ho says
public opinion Is against him In hl3 ef
forts to establish a successful breeding
farm in tho Buckeye state, but he Is go
ing to test the experiment, and if In two
or three years he finds no good results he
will transplant his establishment to the
blue grass and begin anew.
Sporting Comment
of the Week
Brief Opinions on Happening
la Athletics Oregon Takes
Football Defeat Gracefully.
IT was very gratifying to see the
sportsman like manner in which
Oregon took defeat from Multnomah in
the Thanksgiving football game, and
apparently the feeling of satisfaction,
of a good licking well taken, was com
mon to all the Oregon supporters. The
Eugene Register has published an edi
torial, complimenting the Multnomah
team on "the manner of their play, '
and saying theirs was a "gentleman's
game. These and a few other bouquets
scattered through a quarter of a col
umn of the Register show that since
this game, the feeling In the Valley
towards Multnomah has been much Im
proved and it is hoped that all the
Valley colleges will come in time to
realize that Portland's athletic club is
composed of gentlemen and not of ruf
fians. OUNG CORBETT'S defeat was a
terrific blow to his many admir
ers. The 'shock to them was as great
as his first victory over Terry McGov-
ern was to the "Terrible" one's friends.
It is hardly probable that Nelson will
listen to a return match with the Den
ver nugget until he has met Britt. Thjs
should make a great fight. If the match
13 made It should be a better betting
proposition than his fight with Corbett.
Corbett's defeat Is a double one, for he
has lost his position in the ranks of the
little fellows and Is not overburdened
with golden sheckels. He must fight
again and fight soon, for he must have
bet a chunk on himself to beat Nelson,
for he considered himself a l-to-20 shot
over the Dane. In view of the fact that
Corbett must fight soon, it would not be
surprising to see a match between Mc
Govern and the Denverite. This fight
will attract a great deal of attention,
for both are ex-champions.
PARKE WILSON, who tried to please
the fickle Seattle fans, it is an
nounced will bo manager of Uncle Hank
Harris' Seals next season. It was a fore
gone conclusion that Wilson would suc
ceed Charley Irwin as soon as It was
made known that Teddy Goodman had
traded Tommy Leahy and Pitcher Bar
ber for Wilson. Wilson, while he has
not said so, must have been very glad
to get out of Seattle. Wilson Is not a
good mixer, but he Is a corking good
catcher. Because he -would not mix and
peddle the hot air with the Sound City
fans. ho was despised, and iot even his
brilliant playing could make amends.
What Captain Irwin will do Is not known,
but he is too good a ballplayer to be out
of the game when the umpire says "play
THE newspapers of Baltimore wel
comed Al Herford, Gans manager,
on his return from San Francisco, and
the Jewish fight mogul had a whole lot
to say about the fight. Ho says ol
Britt that he is the best 133-poun5
man in the. world, barring Gans, and
In tho same breath ho tells how lucky
his dingy was in winning from the
Californlan. Tho best part of Her
ford's whole interview Is his statement
that he intends retiring from the fight
ing game on January 1. This bit oi
news seems too good to be true. Hcr
ford's retirement will be welcomed
whenever it comes, for be and his
negro have left an unsavory trail behind
them. Joe Gans himself was a great
fighter, and his queer lights were never
framed up by him. Tho fakes showed the
handiwork of Herford.
Indoor baseball and basketball are
the chief points of interest in the Y.
M. C. A.'s athletic work now, and their
season is well under way. Basketball
takes the lead, and the local Associa
tion Basketball League comprises
seven teams the Tigers, Leaders, 5:15
Class, Second 5:15 Class, Noon Class,
Evening Class and the I. B. C's. The
Tigers, who head the league, play an
exceedingly fine game of clean basket
ball. A schedule has been arranged for
this league so that two games are
played each week. Tho series will
continue to and include Christmas
week, when a carnival of games will
bo hold.
Tho "All Stars." the first team of the
association, are now practicing hard
each week and gradually rounding Into
good shape. Manager NelsOn is in cor
respondence with a number of teams,
and expects to have his Winter sched
ule arranged within a short time. As
at present planned tho team will take
a trip through British Columbia dur
ing the early part of January.