'PAGES lTOSi PAGES VOL. XXIII. NO. 49. PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNIN.G, t DECEMBER. 4,-1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ST Mist Hides Advance of Japanese. SURGE UP TO FORTS Lured on by Ruse of Russians. RAKED AT CLOSE QUARTERS Thousands Die in Flare of Searchlights. BATTLE RAGES IN STORM Thunder Vies With Artillery and Lightning With Searchlights as Focmen Meet in Hand-to-Hand Fight. "Written from personal observation and unseen by Yhe Japanese censor, the following Is the first authentic ac count of General Nogl's greatest as nault on Port Arthur. Mr. Barry was tho only Ainorlcan correspondent In the field with Nogl's army, none of the others being nearer the fortress than Chefoo, SO miles away across the Yellow Sea. From the beginning of August to November 8. Mr. Barry shared the hardships of the Japan ese soldiers, mingling -with them In the trenches and sleeping among the rocks. During that time he represented the San Francisco Chronicle and the Lon don Express. He Is the first corre upondent to arrive from the actual teen of fighting around Port Arthur, and his graphic story is the first au thentic account of the terrible strug gle around the beleaguered city. BY RICHARD BARRY. HO-O-ZAN (The Phoenix Mountain). Manchuria. Aug;. 2S. Ninety-six hours of almost incessant fighting from, sun to moon, from moon to searchlight and from Ecarchlight to dawn Is more than human endurance, backed though It be by Jap anese pluck, can stand, and there was nothing to do last night but rest. Only an occasional sentry pop or the roll off to tho right of a wheezy, cannon, -whose shot traveled on wheels' in need of grease, told us that the sublime panorama of mountains and valleys lying before us hid a hundred thousand armed and warring men. Until last nlght'the weather has been all pun and moonlight, with dawns and sun Fots tinted persimmon russet, and the val leys bright 20 hours out of the 24; fighting conditions Ideal for the defense, whose Frarchllghts and star bombs made the other four hours bright and left surprise as difficult as to a poker student playing with his back to a mirror. But mirror or no mirror, the Japanese attacked. NJght was day to them, and daytime hell, as they hurled themselves against that Iron chain of forts, only to break as the waves of the sea climb -ip to shatter upon the rocks. The rocks disintegrate; yes. Yet hard on the waves and slow. Losses? Officially It was admitted that more than 23,000 were done for. Not slnco Grant hurled his insufficient brigades on Cold Harbor has there been such a slaughter against a fortress. In tho Ninth Division, which lay in our Immediate front .nd which formed the center of the army. two regiments were entirely annihilated and a battalion and, a company of artillery put out of action to a man. For a week tho roads at the bases of our mountain dribbled stretchers loaded with masses of flesh, clothes and blood. The soldiers' "bandaging places" overflowed, and the living were so "busy helping others to live and still others to die there was no time to bury the dead. Thousands of Wounded Unaided. And all for nothing. Not a single per- mancnt fort had been taken, not a pris oner, not a gun from the enemy was in our hands. The opposing mountains, re pponslve with explosives to the touch. where no art of the engineer was lost, held before us as always, rim, monstrous and calm In mighty strength. On their underfeatures, between the opposing out posts, lay thousands whom no first aid dared reach, and other thousands whom no burial squad came near. The men of words argued long that week. They could not agree whether it was a reverse or a repulse. The anti-Japanese contended that wo had not gained our point, and that the action was a "recerse." The lenient were certain that as we had not been driven back, no one vain of military technique could call it more than a "re pulse." The 60,Ott Interested parents in Japan knew not if it was victory or de feat: presently they are to find that it Is .death. Reverse" or "repulse," the com mander cared not; he had disobeyed an Imperial order, for the instructions were to enter Port Arthur on the 21st of. August. And the caterers of the treaty porta what cared, they If "reverse" or "repulse"? Thi banquets had been or dered, the $5 tickets sold, the day flrr--works stored for the fall of the Eastern Gibraltar on this Pe-pffUiufd. 4&y, And, now the eggs were no longer strictly fresh, the vegetables were stale, the meats off-color, while the back of Port Arthur was still straight, game and careless in all that brilliant weather. With us to meet an officer was to see a face drawn and grave. Useless to utter sympathy, superfluous to express confi dence. They had underestimated, a great foe. miscalculated his strength, and were paying tho price a fearful one with the "2 o'clock in the morning courage" of desperately determined men. They did not waver or complain, but it was terrible to seo them, calm, patient, silent, suf fering, still resolute to go on, meeting each salutation .with a hollow smile, ghastly with ache. "What fine weather!" we say, wanting better speech. "For him yes; bad for us." "Him" Is the enemy, on whom tho sun shines gaily and for whom the new moon was a few hours off. Mist as Japanese Ally. Clouds came with last Evening. Slowly the houses on tho edge of the old town disappeared against the murky hills. Then the new town went. The huge cranes that marked the western harbor, whero lay tho hunted warships, evapo rated, the docks faded away, the stone quarry was lost. At length the tall fac tory chimney on the outskirts, which for days had heen our chief landmark, went out In the haze. That was the last wo saw of the complete Port Arthur, whose beleaguered, respected front had mocked us for eight desperate days. The moon had a hard time. She came up with a huge cigar In her face shock ing in a lady moon! which choked her till she spewed and sputtered and went out. She was a new moon and died gamely, filling tnc air with impudenco and bravado, so it was sometime after midnight before the rain pattered her off about her "business ' with that silly cigar behind the clouds, and filled the valley with mist. Thus the rain was our friend and we welcomed it, casting happy and fragrant remarks into the rising storm, singing the mountain to sleep with our lullaby of content, for we knew that his searchlights could do little, perhaps nothing, against our soldier boys, al ready sore and tried, but valiant down there in tho huge night Foiled in the light we looked for them to do. something In the dark. But even before that we knew that tho night was big with promise, for eight of ficers climbed up at dusk, and lay down with us. Wc lay at length under rubber blankets and rough, oiled paper used in Japan for cart covers, with our noses stuck between the .rocks scenting for ex citement as deer are fire-stalked in tho great woods. But before telling, faintly. of -a. sfffene as hellish to. the external view as that which startled the Inner vision of Tam O'Shanter on the brig of Ayr, as. sublimely monstrous as the one which confronted the gloomy conscience of Faust upon the Brockcn, let me sketch, briefly, the panorama before us. How the Land Lies. This mountain, the Phoenix, is directly in tho rear center of Nogl's army and about a mile from his advance posts. The line c hills ibeforo us shades half tho Rfmlshintr Valley "alone and beyond which lies the ten-mile front of the two armies. On three sides the sea is visible; to the rieht. through Pigeon Bay, to the left be yond Takushan, to the front beyond Port Arthur Harbor and the Tiger's Tall Into the ooen ocean, where lies Togo's fleet Bv circling the apex of the mountain you will find the sea as it curves at the back through Iyoulsa Bay, thus bringing water on four sides, for we are nearly in the center of a peninsula square jawed like an ass. Yet the Chinese call It the Re gent's sword, for that functionary Is fond of a curving weight to pull the metal as he strikes. To the tip of this sword our forces have driven the Russians, and the foe stands aqulver waiting for the final Dush to topple to the sea. Were we one leg of a compass tho other could describe an arc taking in the town of Port Arthur, the right and left wings of Nogl's army, and would fall half short of Dalny at the back. To the left of the dtv. as wo face it. are visible 12 perma ncnt land forts, the sea fortifications not being in sight; to the right sevon land and more sea forts; in between every Richard Barry, the only American correspondent present with Nogl's army at Port Arthur, is now on his way to San Francisco, having arrived at Seattle December 2. 21 o Is the first correspondent to reach the outer world from the besieging army, and his story conveys the first authentic pictures of the great assault of Au gust 28. From his thrco months' ex perience in the field the correspondent Is exceptionally well qualified to dis cuss the condition of the fortress. which he has done in an article ob- 7 talned by The Oregonlan from Mr. Barry on his way through Portland. elevation bristling with temporary bat teries; on the plain in front the hostile armies. All about the hills jut circular discs to the heavens, but none rise so high as wc, a fifth of a mile above the sea, crowned by igneous rock. Thus, with little danger, we command as grand a battlefield as the world has yet produced. From here we have seen, at the same time, exasperating as a three-ring circus, two infantry assaults, three artillery duels, and a naval engage ment. The human impetus we knew not until last night. We knew only the halt and thrill and plunge of battle, its sound and color, its wild glory. So we fell asleep, the rain pattering. Past midnight and only stray sentry shots have carried out that promise of something big. With difficulty we keep awake, yet the officers behind lie expect ant and the night Is young. The fresh rain dapples delicious coolness and filt ers mosquitoes tiger mosquitoes more terrible than war. I hear deep breathing then quiet and dreamland. Heavens Open Fire. Rain pelting In my face wakes me to greet a flash-of lightning. I tuck' 4n the rubber blanket, reach for my watch and by the aexl flash see the hands at seven minutes past three. I snuggle myself into a ball and crunch the rocks closer. An other flash behind -and I spasmodically close iny eyesbut open them In time to ICo&clttded pa Pe 1Z FQRMAGQM&IKE Hi Southeastern Washing ton Legislators Meet WILL VOTE Afr A UNIT United States Senatorship Dis cussed in Portland. LOOKS WELL FOR . SWEENY Ankeny Men Will Refuse to Take a Hand in the ,KIng and Pierce County FightWest Side Organized. WHAT COMBINE STANDS FOR. Organization of the Rouse. Railroad Commission. Irrigation measures. Open-river' legislation. United States Senatorship. "The Southeast Combine" would be an appropriate name for a very formid able organization of Washington Sena tors and Representatives "who met in Portland yesterday for the purpose, as one of the members expressed it, "of seeinf? that the Southeast got what was coming: to it" at the Legislative session next month. The object of this organization was to place the members from the south east counties a little nearer on even terms with the Pierce County and King- County delegations. The southeast counties individually send such small delegations to the Legislature that they cut but a sorry figure alongside of the "bigr- delegations from King- and Pierce, and there is corresponding; dif ficulty experienced in securing; recog nition on matters which in degree are as important to a small county as to a large one. -The meeting as. attended by- Sfin tors G. B. Wilson, of Whitman; A. S, Russel, of Garfleia, Asotin and- Colum biar F. M. Pauly, of Walla Walla; C. T. Hudsprt. of Franklin, and G. II. Baker, of "Klickitat; Representatives Peter McGregor, of Whitman; Dr. H. C. -FuJ-ton,, of Asotin; W M. Rudlo, E. B- Henderson, W. H. Weber, of . Walla Walla; F. Allen, of Franklin; Leo A.' Johnson, of Yakima; W. Coats, of Klickitat; J. M. Stevenson, of Skama nia, and G. W. Bassett, of Adams. In addition to these. Representative J. O. Long, of Garfield, and E. E. Smith, of Whitman, sent word of their willing ness to ahldc by any agreemcrit made by the men In attendance. The members of the( "Southeast Com bine" unanimously agreed to stand to srether andwork as a unit on the fol lowing measures: Organization of the House of Repre sentatives. Railroad Commission. Irrigation measures. Opon-rlver legislation. United States Senatorship. Other questions, affecting the good of j ' Photo by Richard Barry. Japancce soldiers about to go into action from the shelter of the front siege parallel opposite the center Keekwan battery. This trench la about 300 yards from 'Keekwan and 2000 from Port Arthur proper. The photograph gives an. excellent Idea of the labor entailed In making the vast scries cf parallels and zig-zags shown on the map which appears on another page. In one place IS miles of trenching was necessary to advance four miles, but the progress of tho Japanese sappers, however- slow, must eventually result In the capture of the fortress. the state as a. whole and Southeastern Washington in particular will also re ceive attention, - . To; look after the interests -of the combine a steering- committee, consist'- Ing of Senator George H. Baker, chair man, and Representatives McGregor, of Whitman, and Rudidr of . Walla Wallau was . appointed. -The.- meeting, was pre sided, over by Representative Lee A.'M Johnson, of Yakima, and in recognition' df-'hls" services-it was decided ' to . give him a complimentary vote, for Speaker of the House. No particular signifi cance Is attached to this action, as soma of the members, in attendance announced- that they had already; prom ised to support another candidate and accordingly k could" go no 'farther than the complimentary vote for Mr. 'John son. "While this organization was formed for tho. general purposes named. itfcis believed, that. the matter of elect ing a United States Senator favorable to the East Side -is - one- of the "main objects in view. West Side Organized. . King County, has" perfected an- organ ization and promises -to go down the line fighting" for a King County candi date. Pierce County is" in tho same po sition regarding Foster. Both of these organizations can .be so . handled at. Olympia as to make it difficult for the, smaller fry to secure their just dues.om either the Senatorial or other matters. hence the organization. The most in teresting feature of the "Southeast combine" lies in the fact that Its mem bers nearly all belong to what is known as the "Ankeny crowd." Baker, the chairman of the steering commit tee, was one of the leaders of the Ank eny forces two years ago, and voting with him from start to finish were Bas sett. Stevenson and Coats, all of whom have been re-elected to the coming Legislature. Pauly Is a strong Ankeny man and nearly all of the others are warm friends and supporters of the Senator from Walla Walla. When the .matter ot standing to gether in support of a Senatorial can didate was brought tip. no names were mentioned with the exception of one King County candidate, for whom three of the men present emphatically de clared they would never vote. Tales have been coming over from cast of the mountains to. the effect that Ankeny would -throw what strength he could to Charles Sweeny, and color I3 given to Iheso reports by the -fact that a number of tho men In tho Southeast combine are very friendly to Sweeny and will undoubtedly vote foHhlm If they have an opportunity. (The geo graphical location of Spokane, which is Sweeny's home, has been (used by the Puget Sound men as an argument against the Spokane man's securing Ankeny support. It has been figured out that tho East Side should mot have both Senators. To this objection sweeny and 111s mends uo not sub scribe, and with Ankeny men and. weehy neii meeting at a lovefeast, it seems highly, probably that' V Senator Ankerty has no objection to seding the Spokane man win out if he canj do so. Ankeny Favors Sweeny. It is stated by men who ;are very close to. Ankeny that he wduld much prefer to "see Sweeny elected 'now than to have himc defeated, to bob up ngaln as a contestant for the Ankeny scat four years hence. In this line of reas oning It will be observed that King and Pierce have been eliminated from the list of counties holding candidates elig ible for East Sido votes. This is made possible theoretically and perhaps with something more than theory be hind it because a King County man will not jjpte for Foster, and a Pierce County man will not vote for a King County candidate. An effort has been made by the Foster people to secure some support from Ankeny, but the refusal of Foster to come to Ankeny's assistance when he was badly needed two years ago Is still rankling in the minds of some of the best men in the (Concluded on Page SevenJ GOING INTO ACTION ALMQSTDQNE ; Land-Fraud- Case to Be Finished Tomorrow. MARIE'WARE TOBE FREED Order of. Acquittal Asked for in Her Payor, WALGAMOT CHANGES HIS PLEA At the Last Moment He Breaks Down and Tells Court and Jury-He Is Guilty of Attempt to Defraud the Government. . Yesterday was a day of surprises in the Federal Court. It saw the Government end Its casot just ten minutes after the opening of the session. It saw the defense rest Just 22 minutes later and announce that tbe case was ready for Argument by counsel. In the-afternoon, those who had come to listen to the words of John H. Hall, in stating the case of the Government to the jury. saw. Cla'udo Strahan, a new at torney engaged by Frank H. Walgamot, rise in his place before the court and withdraw his1 client's plea of not guilty and heard Wolgamot rise in answer to tho question of the court and admit that he was guilty of the crime which ho has been trying to hido all these long days before tho jury. Before .the courtroom had recovered from the surprise of the announcement. Francis J. Heney arose and asked that an order of acquittal be issued in the case of Marie Ware, on the ground that the prosecution did not believe that she had, according to the evidence, been guilty of aiding tho present conspiracy. though there was no doubt but that she had forced the name of Mattle S. Low ell. It was a day of sensations, but it was a day of results, and no one who had listened to the testimony and to the able. clear and powerful argument of M.r. Hall an argument at times pathetic, at others humorous and at all times strong and rorceful no one could go from the court room unconvinced of the guilt of the par ties defendant. f Few VitneMM Recalled. AC the -opening of the court. Ira P. Hower. of Eugene, was recalled for a short time to tell wherehe had kept the George A. Howe deeds transferred to him by McKlnley. The witness fcstlfled that he Is. in the habit of keeping nearly all of his papers in a bureau drawer, and had put the deeds there some time ago, but that they could not be found a few days ago when search was made for them L. E. Bean, of Eugene, took the stand at the request of the prosecution. He was the attorney for Mr. Hower and had made a search for the deeds, but was not able to find them. P. E. Snodgrass, the cashier of the First National Bank of Eugene, told of the transaction between McKlnley and Hower when the George A. Howe lands were given as security to Hower for money borrowed by McKlnley. Ho told of the conversations held between McKlnley, Hower and himself, in which McKlnley had stated the value of the lands and upon which valuation the money was al lowed to go by the bank. The Government had wished to put two other witnesses on the stand one, George Sorcnson, who could not be found and who was reported to be In the East; the other, Tom R. Wilson, the alleged witness on the Walgamot affidavits, who Is now employed at the penitentiary,- but who had been taken ill and . could not be present at this time. "The Government rests its case," an nounced Mr. Heney at 10:10 o'clock, after he had explained about the absence of the two witnesses. - "If if "please the court," said Judge O'Day. "I desire to make a statement at this time as regards myself." Miv Heney objected to this If it had anything to do with the testimony of Heldecke given the day previous in re gard to the visit to Judge O'Day's office. Mr. Herrey djd not wish to have the statement of the witness attacked unless Judge O'Day took the witness stand and said It from there. It Is desired by the defendants." said Judge' O'Day, "that I make 'an argument In this case. There is a rule which pre cludes my appearing as a witness and making an argument." The court held that he would, consider the circumstances In the case and allow tho defendants to select the attorneys to present their case, irrespective of whether or not Judge O'Day testified. I also wish to say a word for Mr. Hardy, who was charged by a witness here with having taken the George A. Howe abstract to the office for an erasure to be made. He wishes to be heard on that question, in justice to himself." Judge O'Day Takes. Stand. Judge O'Day was allowed to take the stand, and after being sworn, commenced: "I desire to say." he said, turning to the Jury, when he was Interrupted, by Mr. Heney. "I want .this examination conducted by question and answer." he said. "The question arose upon the request of Judge O'Day. I wanted It stopped, knowing that It was Incompetent and that It would have been ruled out upon objection, and now that they have not done this, they are bound, by it." Judge Pipes spoke In. defense of his col league. He thought that It would be proper to allow Judge O'Day to make a statement to clear himself of any Impu tation cast by the testimony of the wit ness. It was due- him as a delicate mat ter affecting his honor as a lawyer and injuring the case of the defendants In the eyes of the Jury. Judge Bellinger did -not see that the (Concluded on Paxe 13.) CONTENTS OP TODAY'S PAPEE The Weather. TODATS Fair; easterly winds. YESTERDAY'S Maximum, temperature. 48 dep.; minimum, 30. Precipitation, none. Russo-Japanese War. PORT ARTHUR Richard Barry. Just returned from Port Ar thur, gives The Oregonlan a special story on the memorable siege. Page 1. Armistice of six hours Is declared to permit burial of the dead. Page 3. MfKDEX Cossacks attack Japanese while they are sleeping, kill 15, wounded an equal num ber and capture eight guns. Page sr RcnnenkampfC continues 'to pursue the Jap anese. Page 3. Domestic. Forty-five people are injured in Missouri train wreck. Page 1. New York modis secures writ of attach- merUtscVt.. 51.137 claim against Mrs. ChaHwick.vPagi5 3. All of the -thousands of shots fired at Lelter mines are found to have gone wide. Page 7. National. Supervising architect will recommend appro priations df $100,000 and $85,000, respec tively, for Federal buildings at Oregon City and Baker City. Page 2, R. A. Gunnison, of Binghampton. Jv. Y., Is appointed to succeed Judge Brown in Alaska. Page 2. Political. Expert finds many of the ballots in Denver precinct illegal. Page C. Piatt says Odell promised not to fight Dopew; Black's partner says Odell will support ex Governor. Page - Foreign. German demand for champagne decreases i.0gi..000 buctle In six months, and 8.000. 000 fewer cigars were smoked. Page- 7. Czar will allow expelled Finns who are members of Diot to return and take part in Its deliberations. Page 5. Sports. "Willamette University wins listless' game from . Chemawa. 13-0. Page 14. Washington University team plays to no score with Seattle Athletic Club. Fage 14. KuUnomah defeats Astoria 21 to 0j rage 17. Nelson to give Britt hard battle. Page 17. Sporting review of the week. Page 17. Baseball franchise formally .transferred to Judge McCreedle. Pace 14. Pacific Coast. W. B. Petrie arrested for attempting to wreck O. R. fc N. trains In Idaho. Page tj. Survivors of wrecked Japanese vessel picked up at sen. Page 6. Lively municipal elections at Oregen City and Albany. Or.. Monday. Page 6. Commercial and Marine. Improved tone of hop market notwithstanding Inactivity. Page 13. Prune stocks in California decreasing. Page IS. Bullish news Influences wheat at Chteago Page 15. Further contraction hown by New York " bank etatement. Page 13. Untvcn "strength shown by Mocks. Page 15. Cotton market slumps oa Government report. Page 15. Survey steamer Arago launched. Page 11. German bark Anna chartered far lumber. Page 11. Portland and A'lclnlty. Eugene Dlazler indicted for perjury. Page 10. Frank Walgamot pleads guilty In land fraud trial; charge of conspiracy againnt Marie Ware dismissed. Page 1. Wrl: - jcl'lators hold secret meeting in Portland and form "southeast com bine." Pagf 1. Ordinance compelling saloons to have lights extinguished between 1 and 5 A. M. to be Introduced in the Council. Page po. Chapter of accidents during last two days. Page 10. Activity In the real estate market. Page 10. AH books of City Engineer's Department will be investigated. Page 10. Local option factions getting ready for the fray. Page 11. Oo.nruuRUin .oon to begin on portage road. Page 10. Features and Departments. Editorial. Pare 4. Church announcements. Page 25. Classified advertisements. Pages 25-29. Elisabeth In her Oregon home. Page 35. Alice Roosevelt and her many suitors. Page 32. Opportunities for young women. Page 35. Getting the capltol ready for Congress. Page 37. England's beautiful lake county. Page 40. Harriman's daughters as horsewomen. Page 33. Mr. Dooley'a. letter. Page 32. The Simple Life. Page 43. Work on, the Panama Canal. Page-34. Richest woratin in the world talks' about mak ing moaey. Page 37; Ola Lim JuckTin. Page 44. " Society. Pages 22-23. Dramatic. Pages 1S-19. ' Musical. Page 24. Household and fashions. Pages 3S-39. Youth's dsstxtment. Page 4 T HE KILLE Forty-Five People Are Hurt in Trainwreck. INJURIES OF TEN SERIOUS Broken Rail Causes Three Coaches to Leave Track. GO, DOWN BANK" INTO' STREAM Mbsouri Passenger Is Behind Time and Is Believed to Have Ignored Order to Slow Up on Bridge. HOLDEN. Ho., Dec. 3. Missouri Pacific passenger train, No. 1. westbound from St. Louis to Kansas City, due hejrc at 4 o'clock this afternoon, was wrecked at the water-works bridge, two miles east ot here, resulting in the injury of about 4- passengers, . ten seriously. The . accident was caused by a broken rail, which pro jected from the track, catching- the first coach behind the mail car, throwing It from the track down a 20-foot embank ment, and causing two other coaches, a, Pullman and the diner, to follow It. The broken rail was on the bridge, and the rear Pullman rolled off the brldg& Into the creek below, and. the passengers inside were all seriously injured. Two old ladies imprisoned in this car were taken out at the top after holes had been made with axes. 'fhe engine, two baggage cars and the mail car passed the bridge In safety and remained on the track, but all the remainder of tfie train was derailed. . There were SO members of the Warrens burg Lodge, Knights of Pythias, on the wrecked train, and few of", them escaped injur. v The wreck occurred 14- miles west ol Dead Man's Curve." where the "worst wreck In the history of the Missouri Pacific Bail way happened In October, when 30 persons lost their lives. Supposition has it that orders were.given the train crew at Center View today ta slow up at tho water-works bridge-. oh ac count of a broken rail there. It seems that the train was behind tho schedule .time, and this order-" was -not ' heeded. When the heavy passenger train, running at a -high rato of speed, struck this brldgp, striking the broken rail, which turned and projected from the ground, there was a tremendous crash, and three coaches, diner and sleeper were hurled down an embankmenL Shrieks and cries arose from mothers thinking of their children, and men lay under the debris, helpless to save their families. The scene was heart rending. Railroad physicians were summoned to the scene at once, and they worked for hours upon the wounded, who were taken to near-by houses. One country home was turned into a hospital. Following is a partial list of the Injured: L. H. Hickman. State Building &. Loan Company, ot Warrensburg. Mo., back hurt; Wallace Croesiey. Representative-elect from Johnson County Missouri, badly hurt: P. L. Ferguson, County Treasurer. Holden Mo.,' head cut; G. E. McDonald. Warrensburg". badly hurt; Mrs. C. Truase, Kremlin. Oklahoma, con tusion on head; Helen Truase. Kremlin, con tusion on head; John Fowler. Clarksburg. Mo., knee sprained: H. Claxton. St. Louis, will die; Mr. Eddy. Lincoln. Neb., hip sprained: E. D. Smith. St. Louis, head and face hurt; Mrs. Max Wolf. Kansas City, eye hurt and neck badly hurt; Mra. John Eberhart. Kansas City, shoulder and hand crushed; Mrs. M. C. Pelrce and baby, hurt about head: W. 11. Pierce, wife and daughter. Pueblo. Colo.j bruised, and Mrs. Pierce's hip seriously Injured; Mrs. Tom Oatcs. Warrensburg. Mo., head hurt; Miss Ora McCord. Denver, head lacerated; E. P, Priest. Warrensburg. neck wrenched and body bruteed; Tom Barrett. Barrett, Kan., head hurt: G. A. Lander, Warrensburg. head, cut and bruised; Mrs. J. P. Hubeaky. Pueblo, and four small sons, all bruised about head and bodies: Mrs. Gillette. New York, aged 70 years, badly hurt; Miss Minnie Gillette. New York, body bruised; H. A. Mosher. Warrens burg. scalp lacerated; James Butler, Holden. leg Injured: John Ros. Jefferson City, Mo., head cut; Mrs. George Well3, Salt Lake City, leg hurt: William Jamalson, Trinidad. Colo., head Injured; W. A. McBrlde, Warrensburg. leg sprained; Albert Thomay. St. Louis, serl ocr; M. J. Payne. St. LouK Pullman con ductor, rlba broken, knee fractured; Mrs. Wil liam Jamalson. Trinidad. Colo., collar bon! broken: Miss IornR Dollljue, Wichita, eye. de stroyed; H. Frankel. Kansas City, head badly eui: A- E. Cartwright. Louisville. K, limbs badly cut; George Austin. Warrensburg. ahoul der troien. Injured Arrive in Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Dec. 3. A. relief train which went from here to the scene of the wreck returned late tonight, bring ing many of the Injured to the Missouri Pacific Hospital and other hospitals In this city. APPROVES W0EK OF TAFT. Roosevelt Heartily Indorses the Agreement Reached With Panama. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The report ct Secretary Taft, special envoy of the United States to Panama, of his negotia tions with that government, has been re ceived here. It may be stated with authority that after careful consideration the President has given his entire ap proval to the same and has advised Secre tary Taft by cable to this effect. Panama Is Advised. PANAMA. Dec 3. Approval was re ceived from Washington this afternoon by Secretary of War Taft to conclude the agreement reported by him and officials of the Panama government looking to tho settlement of points in dispute regarding the government of the canal zone. The text of the agreement will be made public Monday. Secretary Taft will sail for tho "United States next Wednesday, but will stop at Kingston. Jamaica, to look Into the question of securing laborers thcra for work on the canal.