The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 27, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Promoter 6oes to Jail
for Only 90 Days,
Judgment for Costs Amounts
to Over $10,000.
.Many People at Des Moines Are In
dlgnant Because Man Who Made
Fortune Out of Oregon Mine
Gets Off So Lightly.
Balllet Indicted November, 1900, for
Illegal use of malls.
Indicted on second charge Mar, 1901-
Flrat trial November, 1801, defended
by Governor Cummins.
Trial stopped by death of Juror Mcnke.
Second trial May. 1802; convicted.
First sentence, year In County 3 all
and fine of $500.
First judgment reversed by Circuit
Court of Appeals.
Fraud order issued against Balllet and
White Swan mlno, November 16, 1904.
Balllet pleaded -guilty on eve o trial,
November 26; sentenced to three months'
Imprisonment and fine of -$300.
DES MOINES. Ia.. Nov. 2G. fSoecIalA
Letson Balllet, tho Iowa Napoleon, of
Jlnance, -was sentenced by Judge Smith
McPherson this morning to three months
In prison and to pay a fine of. 3300. In
addition, any property he may at somo
future time acquire will be subject to
"Judgment for costs In the case amountin
to over J10.000.
Judge McPherson read the iudement-
He attributed the downfall of Balllet not
so much to criminal Instincts as to vanity
and his desire to" exploit himself. In pass
ing judgment, the court stated also that
Balllet could not be given a good defense
because under the statutes he was re
qulred'to deny the motion which had been
made that witnesses for the defense be
brought here at the expense of the Gov
ernment from California and Oregon.
The White Swan gold mine at Baker
City, Or., which was nothing more than
an abandoned shaft, was acquired by Bal
let for a mere song and constituted the
basis upon which he secured something
like 5250,000 by a get-rich-quick process.
The Judge In passing sentence said he
was convinced the mine was a worth'ess
holo in the ground. Much indignation is
expressed at the lightness of the sen
Great -Crowd Surrounds President's
Car at an Early Hour.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26. President Roose
velt and the members of his party were
early astir, preparing for their day of
record-breaking sightseeing. In the party
are President. Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt,
Miss Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Douglass
Robinson, . Secretary and Mrs. Loeb and
Surgeon-General Rlxey, U. S. N.
Breakfast was served in their car, which
was surrounded by a great crowd of
"World's Ealr visitors. Although kept
at a distance, they were able to see the
President, who sat in full view before
one of the windows during the morn
ing meaL He seemed as much inter
ested in the people as they were in
Shortly after breakfast had been
finished President Francis, -with Mayor
Wells and a committee of exposition
officials and directors, appeared at the
car to pay their respects to the Chief
Executive. The reception was very in
formal, the party walking through the
car and meeting the members of the
party. The party then proceeded to
the Liberal Arts building:, which was
the first of tho great exhibit palaces to
be seen.
Two battalions of the Eighth United
States Cavalry, from Jefferson Bar
racks, under command of Colonel An
derson, and a platoon of mounted po
lice, preceded the carriages. In the -first
carriage were President and Mrs.
Roosevelt and President D. R. Francis,
of the exposition. Mr. Douglas Robin
son, Miss Alice Roosevelt and Mayor
Rolla Wells occupied the second car
riage. The 20 or more carriages that
followed contained the other members
of the Presidential party, exposition of
ficial and Secret Service men. An
other platoon of mounted police
brought up the rear and kept back an
Immense crowd anxious to keep up with
tho party.
Kept Busy Responding to Cheers.
The route of the procession was
thronged with people, who gave the
President an ovation and kept him
busy responding1 to their cheers. , As
the party proceeded through the
grounds President Roosevelt repeated
ly lifted his hat to those on the right
and left.
Arriving at the Liberal Arts building,
which, with all the other exhibit pal
aces, was closed to the general public,
the Presidential party alighted from
their carriages and entered for a hasty
inspection of the exhibits. At the con
clusion of this inspection carriages
were again entered, at the other side of
the building, and the party proceeded
to the Government building, where, af
ter a short time spent in sightseeing.
President Roosevelt reviewed, the mili
tary. Among the bodies of troops in the
reviewing line -were the Sixteenth
United States Infantry, Ninth United
States Cavalry. Eighth United States
Cavalry and the Philippine scouts and
constabulary, headed by their respect
ive bands.
The thousands who thronged about the
Government building took advantage of
every projection on the surrounding struc
tures, the pedestals of numerous statues,
the lagoon bridges and other elevations to
enable them to see the President and the
While in the Government building a
numerous body of men and women desir
ous of meeting the President had carefully
blocked the aisle by which he was ex
pected to pass out. Ho was completely
trapped and made no attempt to escape.
Walking up. hat in hand, he met mem
bers of the board of lady managers, who
were there in a body, headed by the
president; Mrs. Daniel Manning; the
heads of the various departments of the
Exposition, and several individuals there
in an unofficial capacity. He met them all
with the same greeting-, -"So glad, so
glad." Before leaving the vicinity of thq
Government building the President was
escorted to that nearby, occupied by the
fisheries exhibit. Everything there pleased
mm immensely.
The party again took carriages, and as
the procession moved around the Mines
and Metallurgical building on its way to
the German building, eager crowds of en
thusiastic people were seen everywhere.
Arriving at the beautiful structure, which
is a replica of the f amouB Charlo ttenburg
palace, President Roosevelt was -met by
the German Commissioner-General to the
World's Fair. Theodore Lewald, who con-,
ducted him inside with the remainder of
the party.
The entry of the party was made to the
music of the chimes of the Belgian palace
and the strains of an orchestra. After
greeting President and Mrs. Roosevelt.
Commissioner-General Lewald turned to
Miss Alice Roosevelt, for whom he gave
an elaborate ball when she was here in
the Summer, and they met as old friends.
Walking quickly through the lower par
lors, the party climbed the -stairs to tho
upper floor, where an informal luncheon
was served. Commissioner Lewald pre
sented the President with a "pokal," a
massive metal goblet from Aachen. It
contained a liberal draught of wine, and
as the President sipped this, the donor
explained the history of the goblet and its
The party was driven west over the
summit of Festival Hill and down the
western slope to the main portion of the
exposition, affording the President a full
view of the principal lagoon basin, the
Cascade and the plaza of St. Louis. Con
tinuing west at a canter, the carriages
were drawn Into the French pavilion gar
dens. President and Mrs. Roosevelt and other
members of the party were Immediately
escorted Into the reception-room of the
French pavilion. Commissioner-General
George Gerald met the party and tendered
a warm greeting, speaking in French.
President Roosevelt responded by propos
ing a toast to President Loubct and the
republic of France.
When President Roosevelt had spoken
and the glasses of champagne had been
sipped in honor of the toast, a massive
bouquet of American Beauty roses were
presented to Mrs. Roosevelt by the French
Commissioner. Light refreshments were
partaken of, and the party passed through
and viewed the pavilion. Altogether not
over 20 minutes were spent here. The
party then proceeded to the pavilion of
While being shown through the Holland
building President Roosevelt noticed a
2-year-old child in the arms of its mother.
Stepping up he patted the baby on the
cheek, and then, turning with beaming
face, he called to Mrs. Roosevelt: "Oh,
Edith, come here; I want you to see a
genuine little Dutch girl."
Mrs. Roosevelt smilingly took the child
in her arms, and for a moment both the
President and his wife fondled the baby.
From the Holland building the party
proceeded to the pavilions of Austria and
Sweden, where but a few moments "were
ppent In each, and then proceeded to
visit rapidly the other different national
pavilions situated immediately east of
Administration terrace.
Eight minutes was the duration of time
spent In the building of Great Britain,
where President Roosevelt and his party
were greeted by Colonel Watson, the Eng
lish commissioner, and conducted through
the stately rooms. Visits were then made
to the pavilions of Cuba, Belgium, Aus
tria and Italy In rapid succession.
In the odd and picturesque Chinese pa
vilion President Roosevelt was presented
with a painting of an Oriental figure 300
years old. Mrs. Roosevelt was the re
cipient of a curiously carved and inlaid
box. In response to the felicitations of
the commissioner from China, Mr. Wong.
President Roosevelt proposed this toast:
"May prosperity and unity attend the
At the Brazilian building the party was
welcomed by Commissioner Agulrar, who
presented President Roosevelt with a
handsome saddle and sliver-mounted crop.
Mrs. Roosevelt' was given a bouquet of
roses, such as she. had been the recipient
of In every foreign pavilion.
A great crowd lined the roadway lead
ing to the Imperial Japanese gardens,
the next place visited by the party. As
the President's carriage came up oppo
site the crowd, among which were many
Japanese, he was greeted with cries of
He responded In kind with the Japanese
word "nitton." Proceeding to the tea
house in one corner of the garden the
party entered and partook of refresh
ments. As the President stood drinking
his tea in one of the balconies two noted
Japanese fencers indulged in a match for
his benefit. He expressed his pleasure at
the skill of the men. Later he examined
with Interest some" suits of ancient armor
and other Implements of war shown in
a building near-by.
Commissioner-General Tegu acknowl
edged the honors during the short stay
of the party in the gardens. They then
proceeded to the West Pavilion for lunch
con. Nearly an hour was consumed in visit
ing the extensive exhibits of cereals and
farm products and machinery In the vast
building, the largest structure of its kind
in tho world. Everything seemed to in
terest the indefatigable leader of the
President's party, to judge from "his fre
quent characteristic exclamations of
pleasure and surprise.
It was but a short trip to the Philippine
reservation, and as the party drove across
the bridge over the Arrow Lake into tht
"Walled City of Manila," they were
greeted with cheers from another great
crowd, composed in part of natives from
the various villages. Great interest was
shown by the President in the peoples of
the several villages which were visited in
turn. Tho Negritos, the smallest people
in the islands, the Igorrotes, with their
war dances and singing, and the repre
sentatives of numerous tribes of Moros
each tried to outdo the others in showing
off to please the President and his party.
The several exhibit buildings on tho
reservation, filled with the products of the
Islands and "work of the natives, were
taken in in turn, and the party then at
tended the evening parade of the Phlllpr
plne scouts and constabulary. After this
ceremony, at the conclusion of which the
troops passed In review before the Chief
Executive, tho troops gave a drill
To the music of their splendid band the
scouts and members of the constabulary
went through the manual of arms In per
fect time with merely a preparatory com
mand from their officers. Then, In open
order, the little brown soldiers executed
Intricate callsthentics with their rifles,
keeping time with the horns and the tap
of the drum. A special drill with bolos
After the drill, President Roosevelt
asked to have the band play "Garry
Owen." and when this was done he
showed his appreciation by clapping his
"That is tho greatest fighting tune in
the world." he said.
At the conclusion of the drill and pa
rade Major W. J. Johnson, in command
of the Filipino troops at the World's. Fair,
raised his hands and called for "three
cheers lor the President of the United
The soldiers, as well as all within the
lnclosure, joined in giving the cheers with
a Trill. The playing of "America," con
cluded the programme.
During the visit of the President to the
Philippine village visitors were excluded
from the reservation, a complete line of
pickets made up of men from the Six
teenth United States Infantry and Philip
pine police guarding every approach to
the the grounds.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 23. (Special) At the
banquet given to the President this eve
ning In St. Louis, Pommery "was selected
and served exclusively Xrom amongst all
the other brands of champagne, again
demonstrating tho-fact that Pommery is
thestandard for chain porno quality.
(Continued from Vlrst Page.)
happiness and prosperity, and I am
very glad to meet you on this side of
tho water." , .
Passing into the Morolllage adjoin
ing, the President was met by Datto
Facunda, who presented him with a
big knife, saying through an Inter
preter: "I give you my prla, which has. been
my own individual weapon and with
-which I have killed three enemies.
There will be no more fighting In my
country and I -will have no more use
for my- prla. I will give It to nobody
but you." v
The President accepted the knife and
expressed his thankfulness that war
was lit an end and that the disposal of
tho weapon was emblematic of peace.
In the Visayan village -the President
"was entertained In tho native theater
by dancing and singing. At the conclu
sion of the exercises Miss Teresa Ra
mloz -was introduced to the President
and presented to him a handsomely
carved cane. The President took the
cane and said:
His Message for Islands.
"In expressing my thanks for this
beautiful cane I desire to say that I
want you to go back toyour homes and
say that this Government will do all
that it can for' the mental and moral
welfare and the happiness and pros
perity of the Filipinos."
In the Bagabo villago a silver dish
was presented and the President spoke
briefly in excepting.
With Mra. Roosevelt and Miss Alice
trudging at his side the President hur
ried from place to place, stopping only
long enough to get a general idea of
tho exhibits, applauding the constabul
ary drill and expressing his pleasure
at all ho saw. Just as the- party was
crossing the Bridge of Spain over tho
moat bjefore the walled city in leaving
the Philippines reservation, President
Roosevelt suddenly halted in the mid
dle of tho brldgo and said to Major
William H. Johnston, .commandant of
the Philippines Scouts:
want to congratulate you upon
the remarkably clean and effective drill
of your battalion, which Is very fine
and Impressive."
"You have Secretary of War Taft to
thank, as we are all his proteges,'
quickly replied Major Johnston, smil
"Yes, I know," replied tho President
T see now how much good' Secretary
Taft did In the Philippines. I will
make an effort to have your battalion
attend the inaugural in Washington."
Major Johnston thanked the Presl
dent warmly, assuring him that all the
scouts would be glad to attend, as they
had seen a little of America and desired
to see more. The visitors then: entered
carriages and were driven to Machinery
Hall. The night had advanced and It
was decided to spend little time In Ma
chlnery Hall, as the President was to
attend a banquet later in the evening.
From Machinery Hall the visitors were
hurried into the Electricity building
and from the veranda they viewed the
special pyrotechnic display on Festival
Hill and the Illumination of the Cas
cades with red fire. The President was
greatly pleased with the beautiful ef
fects produced by tho varl-colored
lights and warmly expressed his appre
ciauon. .tnis ciosea tne aay s pro
gramme and the President, Mrs. Roose
velt and Miss Alice were driven to the
residence of Mr. Thompson, treasurer
of the Exposition, whose guests they
were during their stay, in St. Louis.
The other members of the party return
ed to the Buckingham Club, situated on
the edgo of Forest Park, overlooking
the Fair.
Tonight the Preside was the guest
of honor at a banquet tendered in the
grounds by the Exposition manage
Tomorrow will be spent quietly by tho
President, who expects to attend church
and then rest. In preparation for the re
turn trip to Washington, which will begin
at midnight.
President Declares Money Spent on
Exposition a Good Investment.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 25. The banquet given
in honor of President Roosevelt was
served in the main dlnlng-hall of the Alps,
at which 600 guests of prominence in the
social, business and political world sat
Among the guests, beside the President
and Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Alice, were
the Duke and Duchess of Winchester;
Mayor and Mrs. Wells; Governor
ery; Thomas H. Carter, of Montana; Governor-elects
Folk, of Missouri; Governor
Van Sant, of Minnesota; Robert McCor
mick, American Ambassador to Russia;
Governor and Mrs. Yates, of Illinois, and
At the conclusion of the banquet. Pres
ident Francis introduced President Roose
velt as the "typical American who typifies
the objects of American principles."
President Roosevelt made the only
speech of the evening. He said:
I count It Indeed a privilege to have bad the
chance ot visiting this marvelous exposition.
I cannot sufficiently express my appreciation
of Its wonder and Its beauty. It is the great
est exposition of its kind we have ever seen
in recorded history. As I walked today
through and among the buildings and saw
what they were; what they signified In the
way of achievement at home; what they sig
nified in, the way of achievement among t&ese
great arid friendly nations who are represented
here, I had but one regret, and that was a
deep regret the regret that these could not be
made permanent the regret that It la impos
sible to keep these buildings .as they are as a
permanent memorial of the greatness ot this
I think that the American who begrudges a
dollar that has been spent here is not so far
sighted as he should be It Is & credit to the
United States that this exposition should have
been carried to such a successful conclusion,
and, of course, it Is a credit to Missouri and to
St. Louis on behalf of all the people of the
country. For each man In the country had a
personal stake in the success of this exposition,
for Its success resected credit upon the entire
country, and therefore, on behalf of the Nation
I will have to express my deep appreciation
of -the far-elghtcd, tireless, intelligent, disin
terested work that has been done by all who
are responsible for this exposition, and more
than by all others, by you. President Francis.
The country Is under a great debt of obliga
tion to you and your associates, and I am glad
of this opportunity to express my sense of
this obligation.
It Is a great pleasure to me to come here to
see this great exposition, because of whit the
exposition was. I have always been greatly
Interested in Missouri, and during tho last
three weeks I have grown, to think of it, if
possible, even more highly than before. A
number of years ago I made a particular study
of one of the great men whom In tlpe past
Missouri has presented to the service of the
Nation old Tom Benton. I have felt that not
only I, but every American who .had the wel
fare ot the Nation at heart, xould find ery
much br which to profit la the career of Ben
ton and his fellows of the Jacksonl&n Democ
racy of that day. It Is a curious thing, how
as time " goes by, we are able to" see lh the
. lata, and In the sarties of tho put, features
ot t!io ut0t usefalaesr to the country, even
though at the tbse those rae-n or those parties
seemd aataxodstlc, and X wish to say that
any goc-A American of the present can find a
great amount from, which to learn, and by
which to profit, in the principles and the prac
tices alike at juuL.TOilg. , who followed the
lead of Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and of those
whom they regarded as 'then the chief foes of
those very "Whigs the Democrats who followed
the lead ot Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee; and
of Tom Benton, ot Missouri; and of Sam Hous
ton, ot Texas; and perhaps the chief psscn
to be learned from tho lives of all those men
Is the leescn of a broad Americanism, an
Americanism that should teach every true man
that' he. Is no true American unless the wel
fare of each ot his countrymen Is dear to him,
and that without the slightest regard as to
where that countryman lives.-.
Flagship cf Admiral Voeikersam Ex
changes Salutes With Britain.
SUEZ, Nov. 26. The Russian battle
ships, Stssol Vellky, flagship of Rear
Admiral Voeikersam, and the Nava
rln, arrived hero today from' Port Said.
The flagship exchanged salutes with
the British cruiser Hermione, while
tho band of the Navarin played tho
British anthem, followed by the Mar
seillaise and the Khedival hymn. The
rest of the division followed at short
Intervals and the whole of the division
is now anchored In the Suez roads.
The transit of the canal was effected
in -the most satisfactory manner and
without Incident. It is Admiral Voelk
ersam's present intention that the
whole division shall sail Sunday. In
the meanwhile seven torpedoboat-de-stroyers
have moved outside the ten
mile limit, the authorities having
warned them that their 24 hours ex
pired at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Tho Russian warships will be es
corted as far as Shadewan Island, at
the entrance jot the Red Sea, by the
Egyptian coasting guard cruisers, the
Abbess and Nour-el-Bahr, thus en
forcing Egypt's neutrality.
No coaling will be allowed here. Only
water and provisions can be taken on
Japanese Are Depending on Pocket
Stores- for Warmth.
KUROKI'S ARMY, Nov. 2S, via Fusan,
Nov. 26. A light snowstorm yesterday left
two Inches of snow on the ground. Along
the tops of the hills, which In many places
form' the advanced line of General Ku ro
w's army, tho snow Is deeper. The sol
diers are living In earthen burrows and
snug shelters, constructed of cornstalks,
and are able to keep warm through the
freezing nights. It Is impossible to build
campflres In the trenches and bivouacs
within sight of the enemy.For warmth
the soldiers depend on charcoal fires In
"shibachls"" (pocket stoves). Some sup
plies of charcoar were brought from
Japan, but most of It has been purchased
In Manchuria, The. army has employed
many coolies cutting trees and making
charcoal since early last Summer, fore
seeing the present need of 1L
Bombardment at Poutiloff Hill With-
out Result.
MUKDEN, Nov. 26. The Japanese No
vember 24 again made a preliminary bom
bardment of Poutiloff Hill, under the cover
of wlilch they attacked, but were re
pulsed. There were encounters at other
places along the front, but they were In
the nature of small brushes, and mostly
took place at night. Yesterday there was
a light fall of snow and the surrounding
country now has all the appearance of
Stoessel Reports That Hemas Again
Beaten Off Japanese.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 26. A dispatch
received from General Kuropatkln, dated
November 26, says:
"I have received today the following
dispatch from LJeutenant-General Stoes
sel: " 'The Japanese on November 21 made
a new attack on Port Arthur, but were
repulsed." "
Japanese Bring Up Old Guns.
SHAKE. Nov. 26. Since November 23
there have been light engagements day
and night- On November 24 Japanese ar
tillery began firing on Nodgorod Hill,
using old-style cast Iron shells, with cop
per bands. Scratches on these shells,
Russian artillerymen say, indicate that
they were fired from worn-out guns. It
Is evident the Japanese are exerting every
effort to increase the number of their
guns, and In view of their lack of qulck
flring artillery, they are bringing up guns
of old construction. This Is confirmed by
statements made by Chinese that" large
numbers of worn-out cannon are In Llao
Yang. On November 21 an artillery duel
took place. The Japanese bombarded
Lone Tree Hill, the Russians replying,
but not vigorously.
Russian Mutineers Wounded.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 26. Confir
mation has been received here of the
statement made In a private telegram
from Sevastopol on November 2i that a
portion of the crews of the Black Sea
fleet mutinied on(November 22, under the
Influence of the revolutionary propaganda,
and that the trouble was quelled by force
of arms, several of the mutineers being
Jews' Compliment to Ourousoff.
KISHINEF, Bassarabia. Nov. 23. The
Jews of Klshlnef and other parts of
Bessarabia tendered a reception In the
synagogue here today to Prince Ourousoff
on the occasion of the tatter's departure
to assume the Governorship of Tvor, and
presented him with an addrear and a Bi
ble. The Prince, who was greatly toucnea.
expressed deep respect for this mark of
sympathy .from the Jews.
Alexieff Is Decorated.
LONDON. Nov. 26. A dispatch to a
news agency from St. Petersburg says
that an imperial rescript has been issued
which relieves Admiral Alexieff from the
office of Viceroy in the Far East. The re-
scrlDt dwells on the Admiral's Tiast serv
ices and awards to him the decoration of
the Order of St. George, third degree.
French Attache Must Stay.
PARIS. Nov. 26. Colonel Sylvestre. tha
French military attache in Manchuria,
recently applied lor leave to return, say-
Inir that hostilities would be suspended
during the Winter. The Minister1 of War
telegraphed his refusal, owing to tne re
ceipt of official information that hostili
ties are likely to be: resumea snortiy.
Japanese Print Chinese Newspaper
CHEFOO, Nov. 26, The Japanese propa
ganda with the object of securing Chinese
sympathy developed here today lit the
initial publication unaer Japanese manage
ment of a biweekly newspaper printed In
Russian Ships Sail Today.
SUEZ. Nov. 36. The torpedo-boat de
stroyers iiave returned here, and have
coaled from transports. The division
will sail Sunday morning, at 4 o'clock.
"Warships Call -at French Port.
CHERBOURG. France, Nov. 26. Some
Russian transports and Jtwo torpcdoboat
destroyers from. Skaw. have anchored in
the roads bjere.
Takes Enewiiee cf Russia te.Task. ,
PARIS, Nov. Ix th Chamber of
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Thanking you for my complete recovery and
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Swamp-Root Is not recommended for
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Ineness of this offer 's guaranteed.
Deputies today Foreign Minister Delcasse
protested against the criticism of tho
Franco-Russian alliance in the report of
the committee on foreign budget, which
contains a number of allusions unfavor
able to Russia Referring to these, M.
Delcasse said:
"Never has the alliance been more bene
ficial. Never has there arisen a better
occasion for proclaiming France's un
wavering fidelity to the alliance which
has so .powerfully safeguarded the mutual
Interests of the two countries."
Bryan Not Working for Conference.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 26. William J.
Bryan spent a few hours In this city to
day on his way to Topeka.
"The story that I sent out letters to
prominent Democrats," he said, "Is un
true. I sent out no letters, and I have
not tried to have a conference. My plans
do not contemplate a conference of any
sort at least In the Immediate future."
Mr. Bryan met Moses C. Wetmore, of
St. Louis, while here by appointment to
arrange for a hunt In tho Ozarks later,
the party to Include Mr. Bryan, Mr. Wet
more and others.
Unable to Favor Colonial Products.
LONDON. Nov. 26. In a letter to the
West Indian Committee the Chancellor
ot the Exchequer states that it will not
be possible for the Alcohol Committee to
consider any proposals for giving colonial
spirits a preference over other imported
spirits nor would it be possible to adopt
Few People Know How It Is In Pre
serving Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier in nature, but few realize its
value when taken into tho human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal is a remedy that-the moro you
take of It the better; It Is not a drug at
all, but simply absorbs the gases and
Impurities always present In the stomach
and intestines and carries them out of
the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking; drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and improves
the" complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
sate cathartic
It absorbs the Injurious gases which
collect in the stomach and bowela; It dis
infects the mouth, and throat from the
poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form
or another, but probably the best char
coal and the most for the money Is In
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, they are
composed of the finest powdered Willow
charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics
in tablet form or rather in the form of
large, pleasant tasting lozenges the char
coal being mjzed with honey.
The daily use of these lozenges will"
soon tell In a--much improved condition
of the general health, -better complexion,
sweeter breath and purer blood, and $&
beauty of it Is. that no possible barm can
result from their continued use, but on
the contrary, great benefit.
A Buffalo physician in speaking of the
benefits ot charcoal, says: "I advise
Stuart's Charcoal Loaeages to all patients
suffering- from gas in stoB&acB and bowels,
and to clear the complexion and purify
the breath, mouth and throat; I also be
lieve the aver Is greatly benefited by the
dally use of them; tfa-ey cost but twenty
five cents-a. box at drugstores, and al
though in some sense, a, patent prepara
tion, yet I believe I get more and better
charcoal In Stuart's Charcot! LoaengM
than in any- of the rctiary charoi
are responsible for more sickness
permitted to continue, fatal results
they will help all the other organs to
of which are obliged to pas3 your water
frequently night and day, smarting or
irritation in passing, brlckdust or sedi
ment In the urine, headache, backache.
lame back, dizziness, poor digestion.
sleeplessness, nervousness, heart disturb
ance due to bad kidney trouble, skin erup
tions from Dad blood, neuralgia, rheu
matism, diabetes, bloating, irritability,
wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss
of flesh, sallow complexion, or Brlght's
If your water when allowed to remain
undisturbed in a. glass or bottle for
twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or
settling: or has a cloudy appearance, It Is
evidence that your kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and Is
for sale at drug stores the world over In
bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the
name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address. Bing
ham ton. N. Y., on every botUe.
of valuable Information, both sent abso
readers are advised to send for a sample
iuimer &. jo.. uingnamton. n. i., te sure to
Portland Sunday Oregonlan. The genu
such proposals if they were made. Mr.
Austin Chamberlain is of the opinion
that the question of the effect of the
surtax on spirits generally and the fa
cilities for the sale of Imported spirits
for industrial purposes, are covered by
the terms of the reference. The Chancel
lor of theExchequer also adds that he
is unable to add a colonial representative
to the committee.
Powdermaker Dupont.
WILMINGTON. Del.. Nov. 26. Alexis I.
Dupont. a member of the E. I. Dupont-
All this week our Dreas Goods Department must be a scene of activ
ity, as we axe showing new varieties in all the latest and new goods.
Much that is exclusive with this house and will be found only here.
Special offerings worth every woman's time to inspect:
52-inch Broadtail, all wool, for
children's coats, in tan, red
and blue; $2.50 grade, special,
yard ,.$1.97
58-inch Melton Suiting for suits,
jackets and separate skirts, in
tan, brown and gray; $2.00
grades, special, per yd. $1.29
52-inch Broadcloth, all wool, in
red, zn, brown and blue,
shrunk and sponged, extra fine
weave; $1.25 grade, special,
per yard $1.00
Balance of our 60c and 75c Silk
striped, special, yard
46-inch Fancy Melrose, was
$1.50, now $1.00
54-inch Black Venetian, was
$1.60, now $1.00
Scinch Black Zfbeline, was
$1.60, now $1.00
56-inch Black Broadtail effects,
were $2.00, now $1.29
I QcASrsl Cola Of the
I optXlal OalC Corset.
honors and received the highest award at the St. horns uxpeemo.
Every Corset sold on a positive guarantee, Itted asd warnutted.
Third and Merrlsea Streets
Dental Parlors
Opes Evealsgs and Sundays
Hours, 8:30 Ai M. until 8 P.M. For the con.
venience of those who cannot come durlnz the
day. we have decided to keep our offices opea
evenlncs. Having just finished equipping ami
remodeling with tne latest electrical appliance,
we can now complete all kinds' of operation
with crest skill and dispatch, evenings as welt
as daytimes. Our specialists of world renown,
will treat all who come with the courtesy and
care that the New York Dentists are so well
known by. We do not try to compete wlta
cheap dental work, hut do all kinds of first
class work at about half that charged by ott
ers. All operations are guaranteed pauJews.
You can have your teeth out In the morning
and go home with your. NEW TEETH "taat
St" the same day.
All work guaranteed, with a protected guar
antee for 10 years.
LUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scien
tific metnod applied to ue gums, no sleep
producing agents or cocaine.
These are tee only denuu parlors in Portland
dients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns
and porcelain crowns undetectable from nat
ural teeth. All work done by GRADUATED
DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years experience,
and each department In charge of a specialist.
Give us a call, and you will find us to do ex
actly as we advertise. We will tell you In ad
vance exactly what your work wlU cost, by a
SET TEETH . s. 95.M
New York Dental Parlors
Fourth and Morrison Streets. Portland. Or.
267 lbs. 180 lbs.
MRS. E. "WILLIAMS. 8S8 Elliott Sqre.
Buffalo. N. Y.
Jjost In weight 87 pounds
Lost In bust .'8 laches
Lost In waist 10 Inches
Lost in hips 20 laches
This picture gives' you an Idea, of my ap
pearance before and after mr reduction by
Dr. Snyder. My health is perfect. I never
enjoyed better health In my life, not a wrin
kle to be seen. Why carry your burden
longer, when relief is at hand?
Mrs. Charlotte Woodward.
Oregon City. Oregon.
Lost 63 pooBds.
Mrs. Jennie Stockton,
Sheridan. Oregon,
Lost 60 pouads.
Mrs. T. S. Brown,
Dallas, Oregon,
Lost fa pounds.
Dr. Snyder guarantees his treatment to be
perfectly harmless In every particular. No
exercise, no starving, no detention from busi
ness, no wrinkles or discomfort. Dr. Snyder
has been a specialist in the successful treat
ment of obesity for the past 23 ,years. and
has the unqualified endorsement o4 the med
ical fraternity. A booklet, telling all about
It. free. Write today.
O. W. F. SNYDER, X. D.,
611 Dekum bldg.. Third and -Washington sts..
No Breakfast Table
complete without
The Most Nutritious
and jteoaomic&L
Sherwood Sherwood, Pacific Coast Agents.
Denamours Company, died today' at bis
home near here.
42-inch checked and striped Eng
lish Suiting, hard-twisted mo
hair finish, for shirtwaist suits;
1.25. grade, spec., yd, $1.00
42-inch Novelty Suiting in
tweeds and zibelines, correct
weight for tailor-made suits,
all wool"; $1.00 grade, special,
yard 75
42-inch silk and wool Crepe de
Paris, just arrived in the new
shades of champagne, brown,
gray and Nile; $1.25 grade,
special, yard $1.00
and Wool Waist in gs, both plain and
45-inch Black Whipcord, waa
$1.85, aow :...$1.58
54-inch Black Splash Granite,
was $175, now $1.00-
Suit Fatterae Pebble Llama, waff
$28.00, new $18.50
54-inch Black Oravenette, was
$2.75, now $1.96
World - Pamous Thomson Glove-Pitting
The Dorset which carried oS. the
The Cream of ' Cocoas.