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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1904)
mama PART THREE PACiES 1 7 TO 30 vol. xxm. POKTLAM), OBEGON. SUNDAY MOBNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1901. NO. 48. The "Different Store" Kris Kringle's Kristmas Shops Are Open 'long The Fair-Way" PORTLAND'S LARGEST, FOREMOST STORE ARBITERS OF FASHION" AXD STANDARD SETTERS OP QUALITY. EXPONENTS OF QUALITY IN MERCHANDISE. Quality:- "A grace which no amount of artifice can ever hope to produce" Stedman. FOR ADDITIONAL AND SENSATIONAL SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK, SEE MONDAY MORNING AND EVENING PAPERS Hello Central! Give Me All Portland Hello Portland! This Is the Big Olds, Wortman & King Store Exchange 12 -Santa Claus Talking! Good Morning! Yes, I'm Here Again, Good Polk little early?" Oh! not so very, we've a lot to do, you and I, in the next 24 shopping days, and we'll have to stir our stumps right lively to get the loads of Christmas things all ready for the reindeer vans to deliver four weeks from today. You see we had to take off the runners and come along on wheels after we crossed the mountains, else I'd been here a day or two sooner. Yes, I picked out this store 'cause 'tis the best, we'll be all fixed out great tomorrow with Christmas things, we'll whirr-r-r whirr-r Hold on! Hold on there, central! Some one's butting in; suppose it's some o' those no 'count stores want to hear the news. Hold the wire a minute, Portland, till you get the news of the week. Go ahead, all right now, Portland. What's that, Portland? You were coming down tomorrow anyhow? "Always do on Mondays?" Well, it's a good practice. Bring along the Christmas lists with you! Now wait, I've a lot more to tell you, hold the wire till I'm thro'. There's a lot of important news to 'phone today ww w mm At- r I m mpjioi uive ne me u r ess i natters What's that? Oh, I want Jem all yes, home dressmakers and all. Hello, is this the dressmak ers of Portland? Yes? All right Say, ladies, I've got a lot of good bargains irl my pack for making up the gowns for Christmas and New Year's wear. Dress patterns make 'useful Xmas presents, too. Look at these unusual values: Dependable Black Silks Sole Portland agents for Bonnet's world-renowned Silks Imported Peau de Soie, Satin Mes- saline and Satin Duchess are tinequaled; there is nothing more acceptable and rich as a Bonnet Silk for Christmas gifts. Peau de Soies, 1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50. Satin Messaline, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75. Satin Duchesse, $1.25, $L50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50, Also Windham's American-made Black Silks, positively the best made in America, for which we are sole Portland agents Peau de Soies at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. Peau de Cygne at $1.25, $1.50. Satin Duchess at $1.00 to $2.50. We also call your attention to our beautiful as sortment of Evening Silks, Plaid Silks for Waists and Suiting Silks, in the largest assortment shown in the city. Black Dres3 Goods' suggestions for Christmas are Broadcloths from $L50 to $5.00 per yard. Crepe de Paris from $1.00 to $3.50 per yard. Poplin de Chine from $1.50 to $3.50 per yard. Also an immense assortment of every new down-to-date weave in black, cream and colored Dress Goods. HALF PRICE COLORED DRESS GOODS-$2, $L75 and $1.50 Black Goods for 98j Hello, John! Your Mistress Needs Sheets, Pillow Cases and Some .Flannel, eh! Well, you're a wise Chinaman and came to the right shop, "alio lightee." Special Sale of Best Sheets Domestic Aisle, First floor. Best reinforced Sheets, made specially heavy through the mid dle, -which greatly increases their wearing qualities. For durability and economy these Sheets have no equal. As in many other good things, we are sole agents in Portland for these Sheets: Size 2V vd. bv 21A Td- value 65c: special at. each. 55d Size "2 yd. by 2 yd., value 75c; special at, each lie FOR PILLOW CASES WORTH 15c Heavy round thread Pillow Cases, the kind that wear so well, size 36x45 inches, value 15c; special at, each 11 Handkerchief Linens We show the largest and finest stock of Hand kerchief Linens in Portland. Now is the time to prepare for your holiday wants, when the line is complete, and besides, Christmas is less than .five weeks away. Linens priced from 40 to $10 . the yard. Hello, Central! Give Me the Child World Hello, Children 1 Golly! what a lot of voices I Why, I met over 15,000 of you little folk here last year, and I reckon there's a lot of new voices talking now I never heard before that's fine! This must be a Roosevelt town no race suicide here, anyhow. Well, youngsters, I'm here again at- your best store, that Jias grown to be the biggest since the reindeers and I wpre here last year, and, Lor' sakes ! they've been to work and put in two? great big monster rooms that move up and dowi quick, like like magic "elevators," I think they call 'em: that makes three, and a hundred people, bier and little, can come Yes, we fill mail orders promptly and well. Send for the Christmas Book o' Joy," mailed FREE to any address upon request, by mail or phone. Call up or write the Mall Order Dept. up to my place on the fourth floor every minute. Well, we'll take care of you all, and you're perfectly safe as the building is fireproof and couldn't possibly burn if it wanted to; then the big sprinklers would drown out a firo while you winked. You. T -1 - -i i r ii . , . - . ... ji f f a m uee, x cuuse a sine store nere ior you as wen as a Dest one. What do you want m your stociangs uns year, jaaaiesi xoys, dolls Oh, my! but I've got so many kinds of both I couldn't begin to name 'em; drums arid horns, blocks and picture books, steam engines and automobiles, Happy Hooligans, Gloomy Guses and policemen, fire engines, truck ladders, tool chests, toy stoves, steam engines, and but what's the use? In a nutshell, I've brought to Olds, Wortman & Kings this year the biggest lot of toys and dolls Portland folk ever saw "out West." And such a lovely doll show! What's that? A doll party yes, every day now until Christmas, brown-eyed, blue-eyed and black-eved. blondes and brunettes; dolls all dressed for the party and dolls you'll have to dress before they go. But, as they say in the books, mdre anon," children, I've got to. talk a lot today to the big folks. Good-bye, see you tomorrow, good-bye. Click! Whir-r-r-r! Hello; Central! Yes, this, is Santa. Give me the mammas and the papas, please. All right. Hello, Big Folks! Tms is banta just want to tell you of a few things of "SPECIAL" interest in Toytown and Dollville for tomorrow, the children will tell you the rest. ,,'ihe TUfirrronf Rfftrn" rfiFoTo Ti,e ol. A MECHANICAL TRAIN FOR "TWO-BITS." Train has four-piece track, locomotive and tender, special at 25 ' DOLLS AND DOLL FURNITURE. Three lines of undressed dolls, with bisque heads, kid and jointed knees, pretty little "sleeping beauties " "flitifbeautiful curly locks in both blonde and brunette types. They wear real shoes and stockings 35o sizes Monday fpr 22 50c sizes Monday for.' ..33 65c sizes Monday for 48 30c sizes Monday for -. 21 40c sizes Monday for 31 PARLOR FURNITURE FOR DOLLTF.. Sets including table, chairs and' settees or divans, enameled in black or red with handsome coverings in blue or red colorings ; regular 35c value, special at 21 Different Store" offers this week 75c IRON PASSENGER TRAINS F0R-48. Train consists of engine, tender and three coaches. 75c FTRE-CH Kh'-IN-HIS-WAftPN g. He's skurrying along in answer to anlarm ofwffia wagon is brightly enameled in rodrfwd goIdancTa spirji'bllfck. horse is running as only fire horses can run. EXTRA SPECIAL. American-made mechanical train consisting of locomotive and tender, sleeping cars, nine pieces of track forming a double loop with crossing. Other toy shops advertise these as their $1.75 values. They're our regular $1.25 grade, but special this week for 25 p "LITTLE SWEETHEART DOLLIES FOR LESS." These handsome dolls from the land of the Tri color," the " Josephines'" and the "Napoleons," have curly locks in both blonde and brunette colors. They are of papier mache with' heads of bisque that turn as easily as yours, but never turn at flattery, else they'd be turned all the time; three special offerings in these famous "Little Sweetheart" dolls for Mon- The $1.29 size, special 89d The $2JB size, special $1.47 The $2.69 size, special r......$l.S9 Xmas Cards, 1 905 Calendars Ready You can't get by the gaily decorated booth on the Fair-Way, right at the junction of the- old and new buildings, without being held up by the mon ster display of pretty new Christmas cards and cal endars. Everything is hero, from the dainty lit tle 5c cards that would slip easily into a vest pocket up to the handsome poster sizes that range in price from 15c to -$1.50. Pen-sketches, water-colors, Chinese, burnt wood, Oregon, bachelor and a thousand and one other 1905 novelties, 5 to $3.00. Hello, Central! What's That? "Is. There a Suit Sale at the Store Tomorrow?" Well you may guess there is, and guess right not much room. to. tell you of them today for there's so much to talk of that'll be pjing on here Monday that we must be mighty sparing of space. We've enlarged the store and advertising space considerably lately and yet there's not room in either now to hold the good things and the people that come for 'em. If you didn't get in on the big: suit sale yesterday you can come tomorrow and select this way, $25.00 and $28.00 suits for $14.85 All the newest materials, trimming effects and superb workmanship. The smartest of the holiday season's tail ored suits, new arrivals and best actual $25.00 and $28.50 values in the city for $14.85 SENSATIONAL SALE OF EVENING COSTUMES AND THEATER GOWNS. YES, MADAM! We're going to sacrifice these beautiful creations, too. Must be kept out of the carpenter's and painter's way. You gain we lose. Beautiful gowns, $20.00 to $250 values in crepe de chines, etamines, veilings, albatross, laces, henriettas, fancy nets, spangled gowns, all-over laces, etc, in all the wanted, dainty fashionable shadings and colorings, all the newest of a later season's ideas. Blacks, whites, tints and colorings reduced as printed. $ 20.00 Gowns at - $ 14.85 $ 25.00 Gowns at "S 18.75 $ 35.00 Gowns at S 26.25 $ 45.00 Gowns at $ 33.75 $ 60.00 Gowns at $ 45.00 $ 75.00 Gowns at $.56.25 $100.00 Gowns at .,. S 75.00 $125.00 Gowns at $ 83.75 $150.00 Gowns at. $112.50 $175.00 Gowns at . S131.25 $250.00 Gowns at ..$187.50 And IS in-between values all at proportionate reductions. Furs? Why, certainly! Well include 'em in the sale COATS and NECKSCARFS THE COATS Electric seal, nutria or black marten trimmed. $25.00 Coats S19.8S $32.50 Coats $24.35 Handsome Neck Scarfs $35.00 Coats . $26.25 $45.00 Coats $33.75 Electric seals, black coney, sable and Isabella 'possum and black martens, lined with Siberian -squirrel, with silken cords, tassels and tails. Reduced as printed $ 7.50 values at S 5.00 $12.50 values at S 8.35 $18.50 values at. ... $122.35 $10.00 values at $6.85 $15.00 values at'. $10.45 $20.00 values at $13.25 "ma anwormondIF01" SALB Smart New Tailored Waists $3.50 values for - $1.98 $5.00 values for. . ; . .$2.45 Handsomely tailored flannels, alpacas and new granite cloths, reds, tans, navies, blacks, grays, blues and browns. Of exquisite work manship and finish. Styles both plaited and tucked. Very smart arid serviceable. HEIXO! .Tou didn't set a Petticoat at either of those other two big- sales, too toad! well, we u put on ptti inra installment ot a recent great pur chase of a thousand at a way-underpnee. But Tins sale will be for MONDAY pjiJuxs Handsome taffeta silks and chiffon taffetas. Petticoats are In srraduated accordion plaited beautiful with ruchlncs, walking and dress lengths, blacks, -whites, light blues, fects; best $10 and 512 values ever shown. Tomorrow only. 4s. Seo these splendid Skirts In a "Washlnffton-Street display window malted rallies, iuckoq iiounces ana accoraion. piaitea iiotmcinsrs navies, pinks, reds, browns, tans, helios. Tjolu and all the popular changeable ,ef- Flannels and Flannelettes at Special Prices Domestinc Aisle, First floor. Flannels, white silk-embroidered, newest pat terns, hemstitched and scalloped designs; very new and also very swell; they are specially priced at, the yard, 60 75, 85, $1 and $1.25. 1 1 c for Togo Flannels Worth 1 5c Togo Flannels, in rich, dark colorings, exact pat terns of fine wool goods; regular 15c value; special at, the yard llf I Oc for Flannelettes Worth 1 5c and 1 7c Fine quality printed Flannelettes, double width, 36 inches, dark and light colors, real values 15c and 17c the yard; special at, the yard...lO A Most Enticing Sole of Fine Wash Fabrics 8000 yards of Wash Goods such as satin striped Madras, mercerized Oxfords, Tussah Silks Silk Persian Lawns, Silk Organdies and printed Voiles; values to S5c-tke yard; very special at, the yard 25J -Give me Exchange 12, please Olds, Wortman & King. Oh! Hello! Is this Olds, Wortman. & King's store? Tes. Well, this is the Co lumbia Theater, Miss Countiss talking. Did you get my notef Tes, indeed, we did, Miss Countiss, and thank yon a thousand times for your kind words. May we pub lish it? Oh, thank you.' very much, Miss Countiss. Good-bye. The letter and the lady speak for themselves. Messrs. Olds, Wortman & King: Of course, I am delighted to wear my second editiop of the "Cathrine Conn tigs' T Sailor and glad that the suc cess of the first edition. made this new creation necessary. It is pretty and jaunty as the first, and has a matchless style of its own. that seems es pecially pleasing. You have a genius for getting up bewitching things for feminine wear. Most cordially, Oathrina Ooustas. Portland, Or., Kor. 26, 1904. The New Cathrine Countiss Sailors Are $5.00 What's That? The back for bargains first right kind of collars you ever wore in your life? Well, you're not the first man to come those one-fourth sized linen collars at two for 25 f. Bargains this week? . Why, of course, always at this man's shop. These for Monday: 29 FOB MEN'S MERINO UNDERSHIRTS WORTH- 75c. , h A line of men's natural gray Merino Undershirts, broken sizes; a garment that is regularly sold at 75c, td close them out the special price is 29 f 1.19 FOR-MEN'S JERSEY SWEATERS WORTB7TO $3.00. -' A line of men's Jersey Sweaters in fancy stripes "and plain , colors, full finished, with doable collar; values in the lot to $3.00, special at $1.19 '25 FOR MEN'S FOUR-IN-HANDS WORTH 50c. The remainder of a line of men's narrow reversible Four-in-Hanhe; sold st 50c, special at, each 25 We cater to wen. 4 .