The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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The Oregon! an'a Teiepfeoae.
Counting-Room Main 687
Managing Editor Mala 636
Sunday Editor MalnC235
City Editor -. .'...Haln 166
Society Editor ..Mala 62S5
Composing-Room .......Mala 6Sj
Superintendent Building Bed 2S26
East Side Office East, 61
CORD RAT' 8 THEATER (Park end Washing
ton) Matinee at 2:15, tonight ay8:15. Fln
nlgan'a Ball."
street, bet 6th and 5th) Matinee at 2;1j
o'clock. Evening at 8:15, "As You Like It.
COLUMBIA THEATER fUth and "Washington)
Matinee at 2:15, tonight at 8:15, "The Gay
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 4, 7:30 to 10
P. M.
ARCADE THEATER C7th and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
BIJOU THEATER (6th, near Alder) Con
tinuous vaudeville from 2 to 10:30 P. M.
X.YRICV THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th)
Continuous vaudeville from 2 to 10 P. M.
There's a black Stars and Stripes flag
floating; oft the "United States Custom
House, and the boys oC the neighborhood
know it as the pirate flag, because of its
Cimmerian color. And all because j
chimney is built near the flagstaff, cans
ing the" smoke'from the furnaces to spread
itself over Old Glory. An old Indian War
veteran -was passing Seventh and Davis
streets vesterdav. and he Joined three
other Tiatrlota who were sorrowfully fc
inir at the blackened flag. "Ion know
the old story, you fellows, about the boot
maker generally being the man whose
boots are the worst looking along the
street," said he. "Well, I guess it's the
same way sometimes with United States
Government officials. There's a splendid
looking Federal building before you, but
Instead of the flag being a clean, gooa
looking one, with plenty of bright cblor
in It, why It's " Indignation choked
the veteran's further utterance. The
Darty atrreed that a new flag would be
about the proper thing, and that neither
the location of the chimney or flagstaff
shoud be changed. Having thus settled
matters to their entire satisfaction, the
flag critics -walked their separate ways
under dripping umbrellas.
Wants Oreoonian Literature.
George Schwarz, a resident of the East
-Side, Vho is- now visiting old friends In
Switzerland, writes to the Chamber -of
Commerce from Zurich, asking for liter
ature descriptive of Portland and the
Btate. In his letter Mr. Schwarz states
that a large number of people in Switzer
land are very much Interested in Oregon
and the farming opportunities of the
state. He. therefore, asks for a shipment
of Oregon literature, uerman preierrea.
which he promises to distribute to the
best advantage among those Inquiring for
information. The Chamber will supply,
the visiting Portland resident -with the
means of inducing more people to come to
his adopted state.
Will Improve Brooklyn School
Ground. The Board of Education has
appropriated $50 "with which to aid In lm
proving the Brooklyn School grounds,
Also the Mothers and Teachers' Club
has taken hold and will assist In beautl
flying the surroundings. It has appropri
ated 510 for that purpose, and J. K. Hav
ely has donated 12 choice roses. Other
assistance is promised. Concrete walks
have been laid from entrances to the
street, and the work of beautifying the
grounds may begin at once.
repairs to Montgomert Bridge. Re
pairs to Montgomery bridge, in Lower Al
blna. are under way. Only the central
portion Is being repaired. The Consoli
dated Railway Company Is putting In
new timbers and new steel rails across
this bridge, and the nart of the bridge
occupied by the double tracks "win toe re
planked. Probably the bridge will be re
opened to the public by the end of the
coming week.
Will Exhibit. The Lldgerwood
Manufacturing Company, of -Seattle, has
written to the Chamber of Commerce,
asking for plans and plats of the Lewis
and Clark grounds. The company, so It
Is stated In the letter. Intends to place a
large machinery exhibit at the Fair, and
wishes to know something of the grounds
in a detailed way. In order to calculate
the extent of the show to be made by
Patrons of the Cottage Waffle Restau
rant, No. 146 6th st, will be heartily wel
corned under the new management. The
Messrs. Stones having retired, L. J. Shell
and W. D. Mcintosh will be glad to wel
come their friends and the public In gen
eral as the new proprietors. Drop in and
see us. We will give the glad band and
make you feel that the sun shines even
in rainy weather.
For Charitt. Ladles of the Sumner
Women's Relief Corps, G. A. R.. gave
bazaar and supper yesterday In Oddfel
lows' Hall, Grand avenue and East Pine,
street. Articles made by the members"
were for sale. Proceeds will be used for
the relief of old and helpless soldiers.
work in which this corps engages largely.
German Church Is Completed. The
German Congregational Church, Stanton
and East Seventh streets. Rev. John
Hoppe, pastor. Is practically completed,
but it will not be dedicated until the. Sun
day before Christmas. It is yet to be fur
nished. The church is a beautiful build
Ing, and will cost when furnished $6000.
Died at Spokane. Howard jRussell.
eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McLeod. died
In Spokane on Friday, and the body has
been brought to Portland for burial. The
funeral will fee" held this afternoon from
Dunning's undertaking chapel. Mr. and
Mrs. McLeod moved to Spokane from
Portland Ave months ago.
German books. Bibles, prayer books,
song books, text books, magazines, a big
variety constantly on hand. Have just
received a large shipment of late fiction
and fine presentation books, all in Ger
man. The only full line In the city. Come
and see. Schmale, 229 First.
Plunged Into the River. A. Ander
son fell from a dock on the St. Johns
water front last evening Into the river.
He was considerably bruised, but
bones were broken. Mr. Anderson was
removed to the Good Samaritan Hospis
Notice Owing to my extensive Inter
ests In the cigar business, which now en
gages all my time. I will sell the B.
Rich Curio Store, fixtures and lease. Call
at Third-street store, Monday, between
10 and 12 and 2 and 4.
Sent to La Center por Burial. The
body of Mrs. Anna Johnson, -wife of John
A. Johnson, of Alblna, was shipped yes
terday to La Center, Wash, .for burial
She was 29 years old. and lived at 703
Vancouver avenue.
Thanksgiving Market, by ladles of
First Christian Church, Wednesday, at
310 Alder street, next door to Moore
house's. Everything for Thanksgiving
dinner, from turkey to plum pudding.
Abb Our Newspapers Bad? Dr. House
-will address newspaper men next Sunday
e'vening on "Journalism and Journalists.
All editors and reporters and the public
$1000 Reward for any adulteration found
in Oregon Grape, or "Pacific" Evaporated
Cream. First 10 certificates found on In
side of label wins a ?550 piano.
Thanksgiving Dinner will be served at
Hotel Moore, Clatsop Beach. Guests
please write or wire when they "will ar
Trimmed Hats, ostrich plumes, greatly
reduced, Monday. Tuesday. Caslmlr. cor
ner Beach and Mississippi ave.
Ou King Coal Is a Jolly old soul, and.
King Coal Company is he. Best house
coals. Main 1425.
Establishment Max, SllYrhe Dekura.
Parisian novelties.
JtTJ How Wooster's candy trade grows.
C C NxwcASTUc. aentlst. Mohawk bids.
DR. Iwabt, Deattat, 7XE Dekum Bld.
Portland Firm Will Increase Cap4
ital. The following extract Is taken from
Cre&rand's Cloak Journal, published In
New TorkJ Announcement has recently
been made of the formulation of plans
for the expansion of the specialty cloak
and suit business of H. B. Litt. 1n Port
land Or. Mr. Litt. who has been in the
ew York market since the middle of
last Summer, has .given out the informa
tion that next Spring his son, who for
some time has been In charge of the
Portland store, will be admtlted to part
nership and that the capital of the firm
will be substantially Increased to provide
for the demands of the enlarged business.
Additional premises will be acquired, and
the store improved in equipment as mucn
as it will he expanded in area. Mr. Litt
himself intends to make his home In New
York, and open a permanent office In this
market, looking .after his firm's interests
on the ground here constantly. In addi
tion to buying for his own store, he will
bo in a position to act as resident repre
sentative for at least two Western houses.
He now makes bis headquarters with J.
C. Stratton & Co., 84-90 Fifth avenue.
A HXVdt Ballot. "Why does not Ore
gon adopt an official ballot, like this?"
said J. Frank Watson, yesterday, show
ing a sample ballot of Nebraska to an
Oregonlaa representative. "This was
given me by A. L. Mohler, in omana, as
he was going to vote. You see, it has the
names of the parties across the top, witn
space for the cross opposite them, so
that a man can vote a straight ticket by
making his cross opposite iRepublican,
'Democratic People s. and need not go
down the list and pick out his candldatea
It would save the spoiling of many bal
lots, and save time in both voting and
May Vote on St. Johns' Pound Ordi
ance. While the ordinance forbidding
stock running at large in St. Johns was
shelved at the last meeting of the Coun
ell. It will likely be taken up again. Tho
Ladles' Improvement League, which has
done much to stimulate Improvements
and to beautify the new city, was anx
ious that the pound ordinance should
pass, but there was too much opposition.
and it was laid over for the present
There Is now talk of having the subject
submitted to vote next Spring, which
would give everybody a chance to ex
press himself for or against the ordi
Cheap Fuel (for Portland. The Great
Western Coal Co. Is now putting out for
domestic use a first-class Washed Sootless
Coal, free from dirt, rock and screenings.
Their mines are only 100 miles from Port
land. 100 miles nearer than any other
producing mines. By adopting the latest
Improved methods In mining their coal,
together with the benefit of a low freight
rate into Portland, enables them to give
the consumers of Portland a good, cheap
fuel. This coal retails at $6 lump, and 45
nut per ton. Try it. They guarantee all
their coal. Office and yards, 11th and
Hoyt Phone Main 948.
Wants to Find Dr. Mills. Mrs. Susan
R. King, of 709 East Franklin street.
Richmond, Va., writes to learn the ad
dress of Dr. John A.. Mills, formerly of
New Orleans, and who has visited In
Portland frequently. The lady states
that Dr. Mills Is desired on a very Im
portant matter, and any effort tending to
reveal his address will be highly appre
The memorial exercises to the memory
of Allen. Larkln, O'Brien and Wolfe
Tone, the Irish patriots, will be held at
the Emplco- Theater on Wednesday even
ing, November 23, and not at the Mar-
quam as, through an error, previously
advertised. An elaborate programme is
being prepared for the occasion.
Auction, Holidat Goods. Beginning
Tuesday, Nov. 22, we will sell at auction
the art goods now stored and in stock to
make room for our other lines. Sales on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 2 P.
M. and 7 P. M., at our store, 310 and 313
Alder, near Sixth. E. H. Moore-house &
Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch
street dock for points on Coos Bay and
Eureka, Wednesday evening, November
23, and every ten days thereafter, carry
ing freight, passengers and Wells-Fargo
Express. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent.
Telephone Main S6L
Examination at the Librart. The
examination for library assistants will be
held In lhe library Saturday, December 3,
from 9 until 12 and from 2 until o. Appll
cants will please call at the library for
further information.
Nurses to Meet. The recently formed
Nurses' Association will hold a meeting
in the Nurses' Hall, Good Samaritan
Hospital, next Wednesday evening,
good attendance is wished.
L. W. Whiting & Co., SDS Abington
building have been appointed agents of
the German Alliance Insurance Assocla
Annual Bazaar, open Dec 6 to 9, aft
ernoons and evenings. Ladies' Aid Socl
ety. First Christian Church.
The law offices of Bronaugh & Bro-
naugh have been moved to the Fenton
building, rooms 603-7.
B. E. Flske. Mfg. Optician, 211 Macleay.
Anslet's 1905 envelopes. All dealers.
P. J. Smith, tailor, 212 Fenton bldg.
"Sex B. B Rich tor subscriptions."
Patterson's Resort Raided
Burglars, Who Secure $75.
Bob" Patterson's saloon, the Favorite,
on Fourth and Couch streets, was robbed
Thursday night, and Chief Hunt has beerf
attempting since to Keep tne matter quiet.
The saloon was entered and about $73 was
taken from the cash registers and slot
machines, which were broken open. The'
facts were reported to the Chief, and he
detailed Detectives Kerrigan and Snow
on the case, but since they have not been
able to find anybody whom they could by
any chance accuse of the theft, no ar
rests have been made.
. Harris Trunk Co.
231 Morrison, Is headquarters for trunks.
suit cases ana hags. Trunks repaired.
For Early Christmas BuyeVs
We have already put aside a great many pretty presents. Why can't
we lay aside something for you? A small deposit will hold any article
In the sterc. '
We Import all of our genuine Ebony goods.
Genuine Ebony Military Brushes, up from, per pair. J2J
Sterling Silver Military Brushes, up from, per pair. J5.
Genuine Ebony Hair Brushes, up from, each ..Jl
Genuine Ebony Cloth Brushes, each, up from JL50
Genuine Eboay Hat Brushes, each, up from. JLG0
Comb, Brush and Mirror, per set. in sterling, up from $15.00
Comb, Brush and Mirror, per set, in ebony, up from J5J0
Comb, Brush and Mirror, per set, in plated, -up from- .. $7.50
Manicure Sets, complete. Tip from $5.00
Child's Comb and Brush Set. sliver, up from R50
Umbrellas, mounted in gold and silver, up from : JX50
Ladles' Shopping Bags, up from - 2.JV
Ladles' Solid Gold Thimbles, ?3 up; Silver ones up from ,15c
jots, screws, mouniea wiu suver, up
from U.50
Gent's Card Cases, Hatch Boxes, Smok
ing Sets and a thousand other pretty
presents Just received. N
290 Morrison Street
K'r r rax????
Our magnificent, specially manufactured
array of Parisian Opera Glasses for the
Christmas trade will arrive this week. It
embraces the latest, daintiest novelties In
this line ever exhibited here, at lower fig
ures than old style glasses are sold elsewhere.
168-170 Fifth St., Goodnough Bldg, Opp. P. O. Square
We have Just received a large shipment of
Consisting of the holiday new ttyles of Beautiful Embroideries, Ladles' Robes
and Jackets. Handkerchiefs, Genuine Chlnaware, Finest Brass andv Silver Vases,
suitable for Christmas presents. We carry the largest line of Curios in the
Northwest. At our store will be found the beet goods at the lowest prices.
We are manufacturers of. Ladles and Children's Fancy Underwear. White
Goods, xvhlch are made to order.
CHAS.B. YOUNG. President, JAMES M. KAN. Gen'l Manager.
' Phone Main 3042.
Attracted Throngs of People Yester
dayA Pretty Affair.
Portland's annual, doll show attracted
an immense throng of people to the Meier
& Frank store yesterday. The display
was the largest and best of recent years.
The 245 entries included dolls of every size
and nationality baby dolls, ballet girls,
fairy queens, English china dolls, brides.
character dolls. The large entry list made
It exceedingly difficult for the judges, Mrs.
C. B. Sltton, Mrs. Henry E. Jones and
Mrs. P. J, Mann, to pick the winners, but
who after two hours' deliberation decided
on the following: N
Handsomest dressed doll, Catherine'
Knapp, 242 East Eighth street; second
handsomest dressed doll. Mary Corbett
Robertson, 259 Twelfth street; largest and
handsomest dressed doll, Dorothy Conneil.
434 Larrabee street; smallest and hand
somest dressed doll, Joy Sargent, 230
North Nineteenth street; most original
doll. Grace McKenzle. 251 King street:
beet character doll. Marguerite Leaman,
531 Tacoma avenue; fanciest dressed doll.
Amy Lauer 668 Everett street; Meier &
Frank special dressed doll, Tonena Fay,
207 Pennoyer street.
The prizes eight In all and valued at
$50 were sufficient Inducement to attract
the greatest display of dolls Portland has
ever eeen. Women were Interested as
much as the children, and thousands of
them enjoyed the exhibition. .The "Doll
Show" was originated by the Meier &
Frank store three years ago and has now
come to be an annual affair always looked
forward to by the children of Portland.
Exists In regard to the business of Meyer's
Piano House. Every one who examined the
splendid line of pianos thoroughly and
got their prices and terms bought their
piano invariably from this house, if they
iviucht at alL Do you think you do your
self lustlce in buying a piano without
investigating the liberal Inducements
made by August W. Meyer. 74 Sixth street?
By the only Goodyear machine In Port
land. Neater and better than hand work.
Onlv best material used. Work called
for and delivered. Schwind & Bauer, 263
Vamhlll. between Third and Fourth.
Phone Red 2955. v
Woman Suffrage Urged in Finland.
HELSINGFORS. Finland. Nov. IS. A
nrooosal to establish woman suffrage was
submitted to the Diet. The petition states
that Finnish women are fully com
petent to enioy the franchise, the or
ganic law of the Grand Duchy only pro
viding that women shall not sit in the
Police Officers Engage in Yacht Race
With Good Reeult.
A telephone message from S. E. "Wrenn
manager of the Multnomah Trunk & Box
Company's factory, at Fulton, sent Offi
cers Qulnlan and Carr after thieving
wharfrats Friday afternoon. A quantity
of Iron and brass has been ' taken from
the burned mill ruins in Fulton In broad
daylight. The little steamer Hoo Koo
was Impressed In the service of the po
lice, and chased the rowboat laden with
the spoils. With the officers close behind
them, the thieves left the boat and hid
under the Inman-Poulsen mill, across the
river. They could not be found, but the
plunder was returned.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart
ments lor parties. SOS vvash.. near Eth.
Geniune French dinner with wine. 60a
we nave the best chef In town. Try us.
Don't forget the Oxford for special
Thanksgiving dinner 68 Sixth street.
Genuine French dinner with wine,
cents, at No. S3 Fifth street, near Stark.
Special chicken dinner today at Perkins
Restaurant, So cents. D. M. Watson, prop,
i .
Will serve an elegant chicken dinner to
day. Music In attendance. Regular prices,
Watch The Oregonian for our Thanksgiv
Ing menu. Tel Main 235. 14S First street.
Holiday harmony will be perfect and the
Joy of giving and receiving comiplete--lf
xuieuae o rings a new
purchase of a piano means, one of
things permanent sausiacuon
pjiriv rtiswirr! and lastin? disappointment.
The qualitv of the A. B. Chase Piano re
mains a pleasant reality long after the
matter of nrlce is forKOtten.
Beauty and dignity of case, elastic life-
liKe action ana unauesuonea uumowi
combine to make the A. B. CHASE P.
ANO a favorite In fine homes.
372 and 374 Morrison Street
About two weeks ago we made arrangements with the Lewis and
Clark Fair committee for 10,000 admission tickets bare is an oppor
tunity to supply yourself, wife and children with tickets for the entire
season. Our offers are liberal tickets are free to everyone in our ' v
, men's department with every purchase of $10.00 of merchandise we
will present you with one ticket free. In our boys' and children's
department with every purchase of a child's suit or coat one child's
ticket free. In order 0 increase our sales in our hats and famishing
goods department the sales start with 25c aad upward. We have ,
, arranged a purchasing card and when 25c worth of goods are pr- -
chased it is punched out of your card, and so on until the $10.00 are i
traded out, and then you are entitled to a ticket to the Pair -free of .
charge. Make a start now and hear in mini that these tickets are
all valued at 50c each.
Morrison and Second Streets
ffie at 2our ZHest
Whether you attend the football
game or indulge in the national
feast you'll want to look right;
Sack Suits
Overcoats arid
To be brought to a thorough ap
preciation of our superior clothes
neither word picture nor pen
picture will suffice. It were bet
ter that you see the garments
try them on. They possess
qualities that will appeal to a
man's sense of fitness.
Sack Suits and Craven
ettes $10, $12.50, $15,
$18, $20, $22.50, $25
to $35.
Our Successful Gigantic
Overcoat and Underwear Sale
Continues Tomorrow.
Our liberal patronage during the past four days was far greater than
expectation, and we wish to thank the public for appreciating genuine bar
gains. Tomorrow ends the tremendous reductions.
Southwest Cor. Fourth and Morrison.
Closing Out j
'toys :
"We have nearly $10,000 worth of
Toys and must positively close
them out the next three months at
sacrifice prices. Also all lines of
Japanese and i
Chinese Curios':
Consisting of Cloisonne, Satsuma,
New Brass Ware. Bronze, Fine
Decorated China. Silk Embroidered m
Ladles' and Gents' "Wrappers, Hat- 9
tlnir. etc
Z&i XerrisoB St.
Fall Weight aad Prompt Delivery
Treat as Kearney St.
Main 1425
300 Overcoats ?0lt
$2 up; oilcoats, $1; rubbers and um
brellas, 50c: gloves, 2Sc. 47 North
Third street, bet. uouch and Davis.
DBE86 Tsxede Suits for Sale or Seat,
$1.94 per lbt.
Tor modern dental work.
World-renown ed Specialists.
Xowet price coaslsteat mur ant-ciajs
Go to the
OvtBsad Sook cm Pit8nts,Trd-3rk.
etc. seat free. FateetB procured tbrooeh
Xjuia dt Ca.,TBOelTe free notice In um
acrons" sc oo., wiBKxdry, x.t.
rrkWT KAXJtS. IMJCTOK er 4eaUr
irtaMUtJkW Xhwi XsAwe. cm heH.
Imm, tore, Baman aad pwwtw. Tett
ua bum, uiuinui. te: tat t tatfra-
Awc It w nb mm mir t aar adttlt ter
:. 1 ocata JBXX TUB. CO 2S
1mm MMfa jfcreat. Xe It
Do your Christmas shopping early and avoid the rush.
You will always get a better selection and have more time to make It in.
is arriving rapidly. Never before nave our
shelves and showcases made the attractive ap
pearance that they have this season.
"We would he pleased to have you call and
inspect our goods.
S84 Washington at., between 4th and 5th.
. Scientific &.
Manufacturing- Optcms-
W Watfiinntnn
ITNfe Xes sixtt
293 Morrison
Our patent rust-proo timbrel- C-f Cfi
las with, gloria, covers. ...... P lOVr
Oar rest-proof aad wisd-proot
star frame HHibrellAs, Union fr qq
Repairing and Recovering
Ho BrsaJcfast Tabla
complete -without
The Cream of Cocoas.
The Xct Hatrl tic-us
and JBconomio&L
Sfcerweod Sfeerweed, Fcle Coast Ageaia.
vji 0 m cm ill mr for sea's VI S
f&T DSMf it is Haiel St. frees! jr u
XJ3ph ikia itjr tr JmII la 1 S
Miss Harker aad Miss Hughes'
Prey area girls for college. Staaford lectures
opea to stuseata. flsasaat &eca life. Herse
feack rising, tessls aad wheeling. Om hoVa
rlos to Ban Francisco. Term Deglas AbcmC
gchwdb Printing Go,
$150 -gSL $150
limmm SHOES
Satisfy the most exacting by their
elegance in the smallest detail t
the greatest potent points.
283-285 Morrison Street
"7omiw, the fat J&vass. cigar man.