THE SOTDAY OBEGONIAN, FOBTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1904. 29 MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE.. Any wage-earner seeding money before payday cm set it from us; bo commission or interest in advance; so mortgage or in dorser required. Repay -weekly, monthly pr semi-monthly la amounts' from $1 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amosnt out or any one payday; and have six months time, if desired. KELSON & HINDLEY. 308 McKay bldg. MONET TO LOAN On improved city property or lor building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years' time, -with privilege to repay all or part o loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building pro gresses. Mortgages taken up and replaced. FEED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 103 Second sc. sear Stark. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED 'PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsi ble firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN& TRUST CO MP ANT. 205 Ablngton Building. SALART LOANS TOU CAN BORROW money from us on your salary or income for one to six months. In any amount from $5 to $100; lowest rate of Interest; no "wait, no delay; all negotiations strictly private and confidential. Payments suspended In case of sickness. The Crescent Loan Co.. first floor to the left, 217 Oregonlan bldg. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note -without mortgage Confidential. Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $8.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to -us $ 6.G5 or $3.35 or $L65 $15 Repay to us 4.00 or $2.00 or $LO0 210 M'KAT BLDG., 102 2D. ANT PERSON HAVING $500 TO $1000 WHO would like a safe investment here In Port land, that will bring quick returns at a highly satisfactory per cent, will call with out delay on Mr. Hurst, Room 28, 303 Wash tagion st. MONET TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON real estate., security. G. F. Martin, 714 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A BORROWER FOR $2500 ON real estate security. Square Deal Broker age Co.. 129 7th. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley, C08 Cham. Com. State funds loaned, C per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agent Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Bock, room 307, the Falling bldg. Portland Real Estate Loans, S and 6 per cent. Wm. Denholm, 225 Falling bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON CITT PROPERTT. H. K. Sargent. 534-8 Chamber of Com. $800 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL Es tate. Inquire at 017 Commercial block. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO. 210-214 Ablngton Bldg. 108 Third Street. PHONE MAIN 193. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. 28 rooms, brick, low rent. $2000. 35 rooms, very central, nice corner, $4000. 70 rooms, transient house; $4000. 20 rooms, close in. nicely furnished. $1300. 75 rooms, corner, steam heat and modern conveniences; good lease; one ox tne oest buys on the marfcet $0500. 40 rooms, central, steam heat, new furnl ture: $7500. 30 rooms, cheap lease; a bargain for $1500. 40 rooms, elegant furnishings, eteam heat. $0U0W. 12 rooms, good bargain for $400. 14 rooms, select boarding and rooming; ele gant furnishings; house always full $700 cash down, oaiance easy terms. 40 rooms, corner, centrally located; very low rent 55500. 20 rooms, new furnishings, good lease, on one or the principal streets xsxxj. terms. 40 rooms, brick, lease at $100 month- only X3500. 35 rooms, handsomely furnished apartment- nouse; oest in the city $3750, terms. 20 rooms, close In, $1700. 10 rooms,"partly furnished, lease; $550. 00 rooms, old established board and room lng; select patronage; positively the best buy on tne maricei flow. Several others. Terms on any. BUSINESS CHANCES. Hardware and furniture stock in good town, about $2000. Grocery with living rooms. $700. Meat market and grocery, $650. Restaurant, old established, bargain. Grocery, central location, sell at Invoice, about $2500. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. ELLIS & HOLADAT, Room 21, 264 Morrison St., cor. 3d St. Rooming-bouses, all sizes, all styles, all prices, from $250 to $10,000. Call before you buy; we can suit you. Terms on any. Also have cigar stores, grocery stores and restau rants. TOMORROW WE WILL RETAIL 200 1000 page $3t50 sets of Hidden History for 00c, and 300 other choice illustrated books, suitable for holiday presents at 30 per cent on the dollar; 12-foot 50c drawing scrolls, 10c; stationery at reduced "ices. Job lot prices to dealers and agents; will trade entire stock on good lot or small house and lot and pay difference. Call early. Gem Book Co., 228 1st st. A LIVE. ENERGETIC MAN WITH $2500 can get a half Interest in one of the best paying propositions on the Coast; should un derstand office work; sure fixed profits of $100 pr month; a chance seldom offered to step into a business of this character. Investigate this. Empire Investment C6., 9 Chamber of Commerce. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME FOR A SMALL investment; can easily clear $100 per month; thoroughly advertised in Portland tor elx years; machinery complete; compelled to sell and leave city within 10 days; long lease on building, low rent. S 95, Oregonlan. GROCERT AND DELICATESSEN, CEN tral; cash sales, transient, $40 to $75 dally: rent. $45; a rare opportunity, $2500. Cigar store, splendid location, all stock, fixtures and Household goods, $375. Oregon Exchange, 288 "A Washington. PARTNER IN THRIVING HARDWARE business, this city, wholesale and retail; have $4000 stock, want to increase it to $7000. Address C 98, care Oregonlan. 2S ROOMS. CENTRAL, -New brick, new and good furniture; lease rent right; Income $350; fine transient propo sition and a snap at $2700. Ellis & Holaday, room 21. 264 Morrison st. WANTED A PARTNER WITH ABILITT TO write in a strictly first-class newspaper; only small capital required. Call after 10 A. M., room 20, 349 Ankeny. WANTED PARTT WITH $1000 OR $1500 to Invest ,ln well-paying business with re liable firm. Address R 95, care Oregonlan. $135. SECURED BT MORTGAGE; AB stract of title to date; 10 per cent; no commission. Answer. R 86. Oregonlan. 10-ROOM ROOMING AND BOARDING house: central, fine furniture, Brussels carpet; i . .,. -I,,.. rsrm Q9 -lot t who is -willing to take up gilt-edge propo sition ill OUCC A 7, VtCfeUUXVU. FOR SALE ONE-HALF INTEREST IN old established real estate ana employ ment business. T 87. Oregonlan. STONEWARE PLANT AND BUSINESS FOR sale; all improvements, omy i-o ot nrs cost. Address G 88. Oregonlan. FOR RENT LODGING-HOUSE. 16 ROOMS, well furnished, bride building, on Sd St., $75. Call 249 Burnslde. FOR SALE GROCERT AND FISH MAR ket. well established, near Lewis and Clark Fair. H 85. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE-HALF INTEREST IN good eaioon; jong lease; amy fwu. jaur tenson, 205 Morrison. $2750 BUYS A FINE NEW BAKERY WITH a good ana growing tr&ae. Answer, a so, WILL SELL FOR $150 INTEREST IN business paying $200 per month. H 94, Oregonlan. SALOON GREAT BARGAIN THIS DAT; worth double what we ask for 1U Call 248 starx .st. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE CANDT and cigar store; cheap rent. Inquire 65 1st st. FOR SALE LEAVING: FURNITURE C- room cottage, close in; rent, iz; snap. E 89, uregonian. PARTNER WANTED $1000 AND SERVICES will make you $150 monthly. Call 248 Stark street. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 22 ROOMS. WITH Ink. Ir $75. ym 1st tt, lio agents. BUgrXESfi CHANCES. 'FOR SALE. FURNISHED ROOMING-HOUSES, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES. BUSINESS CHANCES OF EVERT . DESCRIPTION. LILLIAN DE KEATER. 425 TATLOR, 19 TEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE TOU RIGHT. COME SEE ME BEFORE TOU BUT. 72 room Rent $275. lease; always full, good money-maker; $4000. 52 rooms Good location, lease, cheap rent; good Income; $3200. 34 rooms Central, rooms full; rent $125; lease: nice furniture; this is a bargain: $5200. 33 rooms Very fine modem house, nice location; this Is elegantly furnished; lease, rent $155; price $7000. 50 rooms Central, furnished; a good money maker; rent $175; lease. Price $3300. 30 rooms Nicely furnished, rent $125; must be eeen to be appreciated; $4250. 52 rooms Very elegant; this is a very fine opportunity for making money; in vestigate; reasonable price. 68 rooms Modern, new furniture; ele gant; $10,000. 45-room hotel Modem, new, elegant; $9500. 45 rooms Fine locations Investigate. 27 rooms Very nice income, cheap rent, lease, central; bargain; $2000. 20 rooms, partly furnished, price $1275. 9 rooms Centrally located, bargain. $650. 10 rooms Very nice, comer house, $900. 7-room cottage Rent $25; $250. 24 rooms Fine place. 29 boarders, $2500. 26 rooms Very nice; rent $85; lease; $2800. 9-room boarding, fine piano, sewing ma chine, all for $700. 7 rooms Nice house, rent $27; central; $300. Fine housekeeping houses. Rent reason able. Good money-makers. Bargain 8 rooms, very central, rent $22.50, 1 year's lease, house will bring $00 or more per month. Price $400. Nice dining-room, rent $25, income after expenses paid. $90 to $100. Price. $350. Central. Fine grocery, bakery, confectionery, creamery, cigars, etc.; buildings. 4 rooms furnished. All for $1100. Rent $8. Good business. Lease. Confectionery stores, harness shop, mil linery store cheap. Repair shop, fine business; $400. Grocery store, also bake oven; nice place, $650. Grocery store and confectionery, all for $400; living rooms. Can't list all. 20 years In Portland. Can save you money. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 425 Taylor st. GOOD OPENING FOR A GROCER. OUR attention has been called to a proposition in this line, paying large returns for invest ment; it is well established and the owner has taken out upwards of $4000 annually; he Is compelled to travel cn account of sickness and will sell stock and fixtures at inventory price; capital required about $7000; terms can be made as o"wner does not need the money. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store on river, consisting of general country stock, postofflce, new store building, dock, warehouse, bam and two acres of .land. The price of real estate, building, warehouse, dock, etc., is very reasonable; stock and fixtures at invoice. This is an opportunity very seldom offered. For l-axtlculara call Empire Investment Co., room 9, Chamber of commerce. FORD'S BUSINESS v-HANCES. INC. 105 4th. Clay 53S. JOSEPH FORD. Manager. GREAT BARGAIN IN ROOMING-HOUSE3 13 rooms, rent $25, lease, central. $800. 10 rooms, money-maker, $850. 20 rooms, rent $60, lease, fine buy, $2100. 12 rooms, Morrison st., transient, snap. 28 rooms, rent 65, lease, close In, $2100. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED, Loans arranged by bond or mortgage Corporate stock or bond issue sold. Life Insurance policies purchased. Send for booklet, "Capital: How to Secure It." ROBERT RUXTON. 32 BROADWAT. NEW YORK- HOTEL. 48 rooms, elegantly furnished, well lo cated, always full, steam heat, modem in everv reraecf. dolner very profitable busi ness, long lease, low rent, want to sell this week; only $4200; take part cash if desired. TAFT & CO. 125-6 Ablngton Block. FOR SALE NEW SAWMILL COMPLETE: one 50-H. P. engine, one 45-H. I. Doner, 4 slded Po we rr planer, one 43 and 2 circular saw and saw-frame, log turn, carriage com plete with head blocks, cable, feed carriage, belts, pulllee, line shafts; In fact, everything complete for a 10.000-foot dally output. Price $1900. Address J. a. juoennKe, uregon t-ity. Oregon. I WANT TO RAISE $10,000 TO PLACE THE blraest outdoor amusement scneme yet in vented on the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds; more attractive and as great a money-maker as the big Ferri3 wheel; ap proved of by the Exposition management; device- patented; fullest Investigation In vited. K. 86. uregonian. I HAVE A TRANSACTION ON HAND THAT will realize io,uuu to m a wwn time; would like to meet responsible person who can furnish $5000; this is a rare chance for the right, party; full details at personal interview; money fully secured. C 91, Ore gonlan. WANTED ANT ONE HAVING $50 TO $250 in invest in a sare. souna ousiness proposi tion, here in Portland, and who would be satisfied with a good, fat per cent and quick Teturns. will call witnout deiay on jur. nurtt, Room ia. SUJft wasnington nu i-TTvtTT-wir iT.xrirfi RT-T.T ASH W've the most attractive' corawooa piuposinuu ever onerea; nnesi nuncn ot umutr uh Clackamas; wood can be delivered here for $2.25 per cord. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton bias. WATED A PARTNER LADY OR GENTLE Tnan with xi&oa to S3uuu: irom wuu to $10,000 a year can be made: will bear closest investigation; a weu esiaDii&aea, legitimate business; no nsx. a. vi, uregonian. RTO SNAP. LITTLE MONEY. $300 buys the furniture In 7-room house, maa location: rooms rented pay all expenses. Including your living. Call quick. Ellis & Holaday, room 21. t4 Morrison su GET A WEEKLT INCOME: TOUR DEPOS- lt secured and may be withdrawn on de mand; leading newspapers Indorse our plan. Highest bank references. Address Barrett. Collins & uo., umcago. GOOD CHANCE FOR MAN OF BUSINESS tact with $250 to get a half interest In busi ness paying $200 a month; experience not necessary. Koom 21, zo jionuon tu MIDDLE-AGED BUSINESS WOMAN WISHES to meet gentleman wno can advance ner good security ana references it aesirea. 92, care Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE 19 ROOMS; CENTRALLY located; rent $60; lease; Income $144 per month. H. Hatfield, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. . ' WANTED PARTT WITH $2000 TO TAKE ICUVe interest ui j nn n utomiiufe wuiu, uregouiBH. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BATHROOM, HOT AND cold water: good full basement; desirable lo cation: furniture If desired; investigate. 1112 E. Taylor. $450-CE BEST-PAYING RESTAURANTS in city; otner Business necessitates scums half down; terms on 'balance. $93. Ore gonis.n. WANTED SALESMAN; GOOD BUSINESS nhiittv: to co in business out city: must have a few hundred dollars. Address L 90, Ore gonlan. WANTED PARTNER FOR PAINT SHOP JN city; must be sober, well recommenaeQ and have some money. 11 00, uregonian. WANTED LADT PARTNER FOR A CON fectlonery store: must have $280 or furnl ture for 4 sleeping rooms. ki bu CENTER .LOCATlur. ilALLi ixiw jrtmr, for rent; eultable for lodging-boused lSi Front, bet. lamniu ana layiar. $200 WILL BUT A BUSINESS WHERE TOU can maxe iu a w k4j muwui itnuu, HALF-INTEREST IN FIND SALOON: FINE location; a great bargain. See Rlchardd & Winters; ist st. FOR BEST BARGAINS IN ROOMING- houzes and business cnanccs iucani e Winters, 7 1st. week: good opportunity tnan and wife; price wm RT.Vi rmiTfT STORE AND PHY SI clan's practice In central Washington. D 90, Oregonlan. FOR SALE RESTAURANT, GOOD LOCA tlon. at a bargain. Address Kane, iio ian ders at. MONET WANTED FROM $1600 TO $2000 ON unimproved city property. T 94, Oregonlan. 10-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR SALE with lea. Hi WMblcctos st BUSXXXM CHANCES. ROOMXNG-BOU.SE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. 125-6 Ablngton Block. Phone Main 156. We make a SPECIALTT OF ROOMING HOUSES, and have minr of the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Good locations are colnir fast. Not our partial list below of both large and email ones. If these don't suit, call In: 64 ROOMS Steam bL hot and cold wa ter In all rooms; rent only $230 per month; lease for 2 years; the furnishings are the best that money can buy; a money-maker from the word go. Price, for a few days. $6000. CO ROOMS Steam heat. bath, sraa and all modern improvements; cheap rent, all velvet carpets ana eoiia oax furniture, xnis piac is clearing above all expenses over $275 per month: $2000 cash will handle It: lease Price. $6800. 50 ROOMS Hotel, staam heat, new brick building, strictly modem and up-to-data: house full of good people; cheap rent am long lease; clearing now $250 per month: lease. Price, d!75. 46 ROOMS Beet oart of Morrison St.: very cheap rent and good long lease. If you want a good transient nouee and a money-maicer, don't fall to see this. Price for this week only, $6000, part cash. 44 ROOMS New. modem nressed-brict building; exquisite furniture and carpets; eteam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms; 6-ycar lease; rent only $175, including heal. This house will pay 6 per cent a month on the investment, if ice, fgooo. 40 ROOMS New brick, modem In every way, furnishings very good; all hair mat tresses; for a quick sell we hare reduced the price to $3475. 38 ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms; furnishings extra fine; cheap rent; good long lease, making good big' money. A real bargain for $5500. 38 ROOMS Up-to-date board Ingho use, best location; has an excellent hlgh-claes trad; furniture good; lease. Call for particulars 31 "ROOMS On Washington. 18 furnished, balance unfurnished; swell location; extra well furnished; good lease $3000. 25 ROOMS Close in; furniture all good: stam heat; good lease. This Is tip-top propo sttion $2500. 20 ROOMS Furnishings fine; good, nice, clean house: 2 blocks Portland Hotel; lea: rent right $2250. 24 ROOMS New brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; every thing new and in good condition: good lease; rent. $115; big money-maker $3SuO. 19 ROOMS On Morrieon st.. all on on floor; nicely furnished; rent low. $3500 18 ROOMS Furniture all nice. Including piano; good location, cheap rent; mostly housekeeping; always full $2650. 15 ROOMS On 5th st., short distance from Morrison st.; nicely furnished, modem every way; rent $75; has not been on market be fore J1700. 11 ROOMS Rent $25. one year's lease; good furniture; clearing $45 a month. Price. $750. 11 ROOMS-On 10th st; rent $45; furniture good; has good Income-$850. 9 ROOMS Furniture all good: location very central; rent right. Price $850. RESTAURANT. One of the best in the city, good location, cheap rent, long lease: this place is making good money, but owner is sick In bed, and it must be sold; no reasonable offer refused; can give good terms; if you want a money maker here it Is. Call for particulars. . DELICATESSEN. One on Morrison: receipts $20 $1000 one on Washington; receipts jo...... iuuw WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANT OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSES. ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 125-6 Ablngton Block. . 106 Third St. STAPLE .STOCK OF GENERAL MER chandlse together with building for salo on account of sicicness; stocic inventory about $5000 and the building is worth $2500; there is an Income aside from reg ular business of $75 per month, enough to pay for building in three years. The Ames Aiercantno Agency, ADingion oiag. A RARE OPPORTUNITY RIGHT PARTT can get half interest in estatushed business paying over $5000 net prunts annually; investment $2000: cash balance easy pay ments out of business; don t take up our time and yours if you don t mean business. K 89, Oregonlan. WE WILL BUT GALICS CONSOLIDATED. Le Key, -eaerai Mining- umeiung. High land and Standard Consolidated. We will sell Oregon Securities, Sc; Gallce Consolidated, 10c; Star Consolidated, 5c, and Aiamo, it jist your stocics witn us. L. T. KEADT CO., 804 Dckum Bldg. PARTNER WANTED $350 cash and services secures half-interest In reputable and well-established real -estate business; experience unnecessary beyond abil ity to list and show property, which Is eas ily learned. Call ZiB Stars st. FOR SALE STEAM LAUNDRY OUTFIT. fully equipped, suitable for town of 300? to 5000; any one contemplating going into tne business will do welt to investigate this. Address or apply to J. M. Arthur Co., Portland, Or. ROOMING-HOUSE F5r SALE, CENTRAL, with lease till after Fair; rent $35; part cash, remainder on monthly payments to suit customer If taken at once; sickness cause of selling: no agents. Phone Black OIL FOR SALE AN ESTABLISHED HARNESS business, good opportunity for an able man. Owner Just died and stock and business Is tor sale; good location. Apply to R. Mars- den. Marshfield Brewery, iiarsnneia, ur. HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND SHARES OF Oreiron Securities Co. stock for sale cheap; 30-stamp mill will be started this month; watch for an advance In this stock soon. L. 1. Keaay & co.. no uexum oiag. OTHER INTERESTS NECESSITATE PART lng with an estabiunea coast agency; sure yearly Income several thousand dollars; a few hundred taKes it now; investigate mis a snap. Inquire 572 E. oak st. SALOON SPECIAL . $S00 will buy a saloon in the center ot the city, worth double; first person who sees this place Monday will buy; easy terms If necessary, uaii u stars iu T.TOirr MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Partner Wanted Will require $1000. which Is perfectly eecure; duties easily learned : chance to make quickly. Call 248 Stark st. nrrrvi.v VPWRP A VTl ROUTE. S150: sultaDie xor laay or scautraau, vmj re quires supervision ana collection, s montniy. 10 vuuuur vl wuuuucrw. SOMETHING GOOD RESTAURANT ON TVMhinrton st.: best location: good lease. Fine comer saloon on same street. Look these up. Room 210, commercial mocx. GROCERT STORES FOR SALE In different parts of the city ranging In price from $500 to 310.000, casn or time, call Western Land Co.. 24b4 BiarK UN WANTED BT YOUNG MAN INTEREST quiring small capital; no objection to real estate ousiness. a 00, urcgoaiita. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Active man with $200 and services can make $20 to $25 weewy witnout previous ex perience. call stare . WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies, wo nanaie unustea securities. Loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert & Co., tllicotl square, ouiuuu. 23-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE A BARGAIN; i nviiTL S-V? 17 rooms. S1600. We have many omers, out mc uws w uucgr maaem. st&rx. su FOR SALE 17 ROOMS, 2 -YEAR LEASE, well furnished: rent $Z5 per month, in quire Savage & Good's furniture store. 315 1st st. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE A BARGAIN. $200 fruit stands and cigar business from $400 to $1200. all in good paying locations. Z3S Stark st. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY SMALL amount of canltal: dininc-room. Hotel Northern: par ties leaving to account of 111 health. Apply today. PARTNER WANTED WITH SMALL CAP ital In new and second-hand business; no Jews need apply, inquire - union ave. FOR SALE WELL-FURNISHED 8-ROOM lodging and boarding-house In best part of the city; rent cheap, -v sr. oregonlan. PARTT WITH SOME CAPITAL TO INVEST!. gate an exceptionally good proposition. Ad dress vz, oregoni&n. POR RENT CHEAP JfcTtOOM FITRNISTTEn transient lodglnc-hoiace; center cf city, "Call tun BUSINESS CHANCES. JKNXINGa & CO. 'el. Mala 18& 332 Washington st. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS &. CO. The Place To Buy " Roomlng-Houses. . And Business Chances. Of All Klndx. Large-Llit to Select From. We Protect Onr Clients. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL SIZED HOUSES. . WE ARE MAKING SALES - Every day. Our list of bargains exceeds buying until you have seen us. We can save you money. JENNINGS & CO. ...... .332 WASH. ST. READ ABOUT THIS BARGAIN! 38 rooms, new select furniture, new and modern house, running water In rooms, steam heat, 2 years' lease; good bargain, only $6000. JiN.NJJSUa & CO......S32 WASH. ST. RENT OF THIS ONLT $30. House ot 10. bet. Washington and Alder. for $750. This should sell quick. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. 13 rooms In good location, rent only $50. This can be bought for J 1000. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. COME AND ASK US ABOUT THIS. 34-room house,1 two years' lease. In very center of Portland. We can recommend this, $125 rent; $5100. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. BARGAINS IN BRIEF. 12 rooms. Park, near Mor. rent 115.. .X 1.100 20 " Main, near 12th 1.400 16 " Park, near Washington St.. 1.400 40 " First St.. clears $225. ........ 0,500 46 " hotel board and room 3.000 1 " all full, steam heat 6,500 60 " select board and room 4.450 12 " 6 furnished, table board 400 24 " moat central location 2.400 10 " costly furniture, was $1500. 1,000 22 " IS furnished. East Side.... 00 7 " center of this city 100 36 lease, rent $100. bargain.... 3,500 8 " near Library, only 500 14 " 10th. near Jefferson, board.. 1,200 11 on Montgomery, partly fur.. 400 11 " clears $50 a month 1.300 10 14th- and Main, rent .$10 600 22 " good location and furnished. 2.200 CO " near Custom-House 6.000 36 " good transient 4.500 28 ' " fine comer flat 3.500 40 " modem building and fur 7,500 24 " 11th. near Washington... 3,500 28 " good money-maker 4,600 28 " ' good lease, low rent 2,300 18 " rent only $60.central 2.650 7 " 6th and Market, rent $30.... 500 83 " central, bod era. grand 21,000 8 " near High School 800 7 " best buy in town 1.000 20 " makes lots of money 3,500 9 " fine furniture, rent $30 900 We have at least 00 other good bargains. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS fc-CO. Nearly all the above have good leases and are well located. 46-ROOM HOTEL That is well located and making money. Has good bar trade with 70 steady patrons. Only $3000. 1 JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. SNAP IN CIGAR STORE Located on fine comer, 2 years' lease, rent only $70; clears over $100 a month over ex penses and employs two men. Price, includ ing stock, about $2000. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. and will be glad to assist buyers at legal rate oz interest. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. FIRE INSURANCE. We have agency for one of the oldest and most reliable nre insurance companies. JENNINGS Si CO 332 WASH. BT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUTCHER SHOP in rood Oreiron town. $1500 DELICATESSEN Vnd lunchroom 850 CIGAR. CANDT and fruit store ltfOO GROCERT In fine location, will Invoice. 1700 SALOON on one ot the best streets...... 4750 GROCERT with llvinr rooms 475 FAMILT LIQUOR STORE in this city. 3000 RESTAURANT, one of the best in town 3250 GROCERY and feed store In suburbs.... 1200 WORKING Interest In good sawmill.... 1000 10 good saloon propositions and other gooa cnancea not advertised. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. STAR INVESTMENT CO. Opposite Postofflce. No. 4 North Sixth. Phone Red" 1738. ROOMING-HOUSES. 9 rooms, hotel, close In. $8500 40 " corf-er, splendid buy. 5300 50 " transient, close in.. 6000 130 " hotel, brick 8300 34 " on one floor 2600 45 " 5th and Washington 8000 26 " Front and Morrison 1800 29 " 7th street 1500 17 - West Park 1750 17 " Sixth street 1600 17 " Morrison, close in 2200 18 " Stark st., close In 1350 12 " Stark st.. close in 1400 14 " Sixth, near Union Depot... 1500 9 " 14th and Washington..... 800 7 " on Sixth street 500 7 " oh Park street 500 4 " on Main, near Cth.. ...... 250 5 " flat, near Postofflce........ 275 two vacant storerooms on Burnslde. Three good cigar stands. Two good grocery, stores. Two good saloons.' One good restaurant. One good lunch counter. Also farm and city property. STAR INVESTMENT COMPANY. No. 4 North Sixth. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE cured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for Illustrated guide book; contains 100 mechanical movements and list of Inven tions wanted; tells how to obtain and sell patents, etc Patents advertised for sale at our expense. Evans, Wllkens & Co., aeg. raicnt Attorneys, eio st., wasn Ington, J. C "GUIDE TO SUCCESS." This booklet tells how $100 earned $700 In 6 days. $50 earned $300 In 5 days, for our customers. Complete Information on grain and stock markets sent with market letter on receipt of postal. Logan & Roach, Board of Trade. Chicago. WOULD TOU BE SATISFIED By having it proved to you conclusively that we earn ana pay large monthly profits to big and small Investors, without risk of any kind; Particulars free by writing W. H. Latimer, 411 walnut St., FMiadei phla. Pa. IT WILL TAKB ABOUT $4500." INVOICE cost of goods, to buy tne most prosperous gen. eral merchandise business on Northern Pa cific, In Washington; $24,000 yearly sales. most an guaranteed. w. wniung at co. 403 Ablngton bldg. PARTNER WANTED PARTT WITH CASH to manage office of business with over $900 Income yearly; Investment secured by - interest in same; this is & snap for right party; we solicit your investigation. L 89, Oregonlan. GO TO GOLD FIELD SHIPPING $200 TO $8700 ore. Goldfleld Rex Co. owns 140 acres. assay orxice. cnemicai laboratory. .Found ers' shares oc sworn stattmenta. Lans ford Butler, secy., 50G Mack Blk., Denver, Colo. $750 FOR HALF INTEREST IN ESTAB- llshed business; this Is a 'good chance tor sober and rename man; win bear the closest Investigation; best of references given and .required. U ez, oregonlan. OUR GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS PAT to 8 per cent monthly on $25 and upward i hlehest references and testimonials. Indus- trial Guaranty Company, 1045 1st National Jrfani: Bldg;, Chicago. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST BICYCLE lock and key repair shops in the city plenty of work; rent low; if necessary will givo instructions to workman. Address H 91, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER. $1000. FOR HALF IN terest In a thoroughly legitimate business that win earn $150 a month to each; refer ences execangea. 33. uz, uregonian. IF TOU NEED MONET WE CAN PUT TOU in possession of any amount on your per sonal note at 3 per cent. J. x, nust & Co. Cedar Kapias. lows. WANTED CAPITALIST TO .BUT MY PART tier's interest In acartz mines for one-third value And help develop them. D 82. Oro- gonian. FOR SALE GROCERY STOCK AND Fix tures. Kood location and good trade: snap; owner going East. 355 Union ave., N. WANTED PARTDSS TO TAKE INTEREST in developing hot mineral spring near st. Martins; Uttle Investment. T CO, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 8-ROOM TRANSIENT LODG- in-Bocse; beet place this day for $00. Call 215 Stark -at. A WELL-ESTABLISHED GROCERT' FOR 'sale, good location, rest reasonable. A 90, OroeIi. A SNAP $0; ROOMING HOUSE ALL rural Hid wita Ma, uau tx usm kt BUSINESS CHANCXS. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO., Room 9, Chamber ot Commerce. Main 5336. IF INTERESTED. CUT OUT THIS "AD" AND BRING IT TO OUR OFFICE. WE HAVE MANY FINE INVESTMENTS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 28 ROOMS On fine comer. In good location. where you can make a good income: the rent is only $75, with a lease for two years; tne nouse is weu furnished ana is tuu 01 good tenants; the price is $2000. 20 ROOMS One block from Hotel Portland: house In Al condition, furniture and carpets gooa; no vacant rooms in tnis nouse; reason- aDie rent; price $isoo. 16 ROOMS A good little flat, with' very fair camets and furniture: rent only $60: owner says sell for two-thirds cash, balance payments; price $900. , 20 ROOMS An extra fine location, rooms all taken: extra, good furniture and carpets: electric light, steam heat, leaje until after tne Fair; price $2400. 18 ROOMS Elegant carpets and furniture. house modem, two baths, gas, strictly up-to-date; an elegant upright piano goes with the place) one-half cash, balance payments; price $2650. 22 ROOMS Alder St.. for less, than coat for cash: a strictlr modem and a good money maker; rent $85; thio little house can be had xor sisou. 65 ROOMS Good comer brick building, close to business center, good, fair carpets and furniture; the present owner has made a nice rortune ana wants to retire; rent siou; price $2300. 14 ROOMS Sixth st. location; extra fine furniture; rent only $45, with lease; a nice Uttle homelike place: part cash; price $1450. 12 ROOMS Yamhill comer: rent $50. with lease; extra fine carpets and furniture; this place never offered before; must sell for cash; $1150. 6-ROOM FLAT Rent $17,50; good furni ture; fine, close-In location; rooms full; price $500. 10 ROOMS 17th st.: good Fair furnishings: rent $16, including water; income $30. besides two rooms; price $o. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Room 9, Chamber of Commerce. WE ARE ENNLARGING OUR BUSINESS and can use $3000 to $3000 additional capi tal: will pay Uberal Interest and share of profits; secured by entire stock In trade. Address A 96, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM FLAT at a bargain. Room 10, 338 E. Burnslde. SMALL OYSTER CHOP BOUSE. FINE Lo cation, for sale. W 88, Oregonlan. GOOD PATING BUSINESS, $125 V 93. Oregonlan. SPECIAL "N OTICE3. Proposals Invited. 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE IS hereby given that the county Court of Clat aan County. Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals for the plumbing of the Clatsop Coun ty Court-Hcu:e. la the City of Astoria, Ore gon, until 2 o'clock P. M., on the 25th day of November, 1904. blcL, to be opened immediate ly thereafter. Flans and specifications for the same are on file In the office of the Coun ty Clerk of said county, and at the office of Edgar M. Lazarus, architect. 665 Worcester block, Portland, Oregon. Proposals must be accompanied by certified check In the sum equal to 10 per cent 01 tne amount of such proposal drawn to the order of the County Court. The proceeds of said check shall be come the property of the county If the bidder reiuses to execute tne contract and bond reaulred if said contract is awarded to him. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 3d day of liovemoer, 1904. By order of the County uourt. j. u. mm ton, county uieric IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE united States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of the estate ot N. T. Wilson. In bankruptcy. The undersigned will re ceive at his office. Front and Ankeny sts.. Portland, or., sealed cash bids for the stock of merchandise consisting principally of staple groceries, canned goods, etc.. to gether with the fixtures pertaining to the above-named estate, up to 12 o'clock noon. of Saturday. November 19, 1904. Ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any and- all bids. The Inventory may be seen at my office and the property may be Inspected during business hours at Eugene. Or. Dated at Portland, Or., November 11. 1904. R. It. Sab in. trustee of the estate of N. T. Wilson, bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED bids will be received by the County Court of Multnomah County. Oregon, not later than. Friday, December 2, at 10 o clock A. M., for xurntsning one metallic record case contain ing 27 roller book shelves. Plan3 and speci fications tnereior are on nie in tne ofned of the County Clerk of said county. The Tight is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. November 19. 1904. PROPOSALS FOR FIRE APPARATUS Myrtle Point, Oregon: sealed bids will be re- nnt lutiM- than Jnvmtwi 9ft 1QSU hv 8. D. Pulford, Recorder, for 500 fee of 2-lnch hose, in 50-toot sections, 2 flexible nozzles. 1 Siamese coupling 2 inches In diameter, and 1 plain hosecart. Full descriptions, samples and prices on different kinds and grades of the above are desired from each bidder. Right reserved to reject any and all bids, 4 BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OFFICE OF director of works until November 23. 1904. - for electric fixtures for Exposition Grounds. Plans ana specifications on file in office. Steams building. Sixth and Morrison sts. Lewis ana Clarlc Exposition Company. Miscellaneous. THE FIRM OF ROWLAND Sc HERNER IS dissolved. I positively refuse to pay any debts contracted in the firm's name, either jointly or individually, before this or here after, p. G. Herner. LOST AND FOUND. LOST CHESTNUT SORREL PONT. WITH short mane and "white stripe on forehead. Please ring up .Hood 1542. 515 Jefferson, Domm. LOST WHITE AND BRINDLE BULL bitch; answers to name Shorty: will pay reward, peter urant, eu? Everett st. LOST NOV. 11. BABT'S RING, INITIALS A. ix K., and Bracelet padiocx. Leave 472 u. tun soutn. Jfaone scott Z914. FOUND HANDBAG. VALUABLE JEWELRT and money. Fay for ad., describe. Lillian do Jiater, o Taylor. LOST GOLD HAIRPIN CHAIN EYEGLASS near 5th and Grand ave. Reward. Return to 685 E. Alder at. LOST LADIES' PURSE, BROWN; PLEASE return 457 Yamhill at once and receive reward. LOST A CRESCENT OF PEARLS. REWARD if returned to 347 6th, or phone Mam 4021 LOST LADIES' GOLD WATCH. RETURN to 357 East 28th. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; Afternoon Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN THE MATTTNGLT KIN- dergarten, 269 14th. Phone Main 3S93. Art FarHltare. STUDIO OF PAINTING. PTROGRAPHT and designing, urder worK a specialty. 7-' Marquam bldg. m. p. woooa. Antique furniture; repairing; hand-carcing orders taken: lessons given. 344 Aider. Aseayen sad Analysts. MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE, 203 STARK ST, Prices: Gold, $1: copper, 1; ffiier, 00c. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSATBR AND ANALYST gold dust bo urn t. starx. sc. Attsraeys-at-Law. CBRTON & O'BRTON. ATTORNETS. 420 421 Commercial oiag. inone uiay -too. CarpeBiears asd BaHders. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST- Patrons can rely on skinful, scientific treat ment. Maln 3311. 20 ftaieigs oiag. W. L. BUCKNEB, Offlee. store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Sbtarx. Eiacic 814. . t- r"itrrw fniiXTitue Binrf.iipa houses built and repaired." aeg 4th. Clay 174! Xtetalr. DR. F. W. BLOHM, NATUROPATHIC PHTM clan, ToHisy bI3g- 3d ad Tarter., tooth MH. yiiM(. TtMi cii. . LEWIS BLDG., PARK AJCD MOKWOK BT. Call or mmt atatop fr Btt ShI ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BaglBMB College. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TXPEWRIT- ing. famous budget bookkeeping, actual busi ness practice; yositlons found tor graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. T. M. C A. bldg. Phone Main 513. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com. pjcmcu air comojneu; carpets cieanea oa floor without removal Phone Main 5334. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. D EVENT & ESTBLLE D EVENT, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 1 st. Phone Main 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking tor. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist, all Instru ments sterilized. 103 aiarquam. Black 2S56. DR. FLETCHER AND WIFE. EXPERT CHI- ropoaisu.! sib Aiisxy bldg. Red 3080. Civil Engineers. MECH. ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN wishes to do work at home; inventions de veloped; Instruction given in mechanical drawing cheap. D 91. Oregonlan. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. 662 WORCESTER oiocK iiaiiroaa, nyurauiic mining and gen. eral engineering. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, 313 WASHINGTON ST.,- COR. 6TH ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST. Professor Van Cortland has been for years before the people of the United States In a professional way. He receives letters of gratitude from all parts of the country for services rendered. He has never changed his methods, and stands higher In the hearts of his fellow-clUsens today than ever before. READINGS REDUCED TO 50c FOR 7 DATS MX 315 CELEBRATED LIFE READ IN Us, 50c. 50c, 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. TTTP. MflMl"JT VOTT EJJTBR His parlor he tells you your name and what you called for without asking a question: will tell the name of your sweet heart, or anything you want to know. Ho sends you away much wiser and happier tnan when you called. SOME GENUINE TESTIMONIALS. NO NAMES EVER PRINTED. My husband came back through your power. God bless you. I secured a good posltldn, just as Pro fessor Van Cortland said I would. My rheumatism was cured by Professor Van Cortland. He Is marvelous. Tou located my husband; lost many years: now home. I sold my real estate through Professor van Cortland. He's wonaerxui. I bought land through Professor Van Cortland, and found minerals on it. I got married through Profesor Van Cortland and I am perfectly nappy. One visit will make you his friend. Ninety-seven persons in every 100 come through recommendations of others, which fact proves his merit more than all high- sounding advertisements. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, 313 WASHINGTON ST. Private entrance on 6th st. Hours 9 to 8, dally and Sundays. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. . 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. TRANCE CLAIRVOTANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM. PALMIST. READINGS REDUCED TO 50c FOR 7 DATS MY $15 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS 50c. 50c, 50C, 5UC. 5UC. OUC I DO HEREBT SOLEMNLT AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make you no charge If I fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false, ten you now to train the love of the one you most desire. even though miles away: how to succeed In business, speculation. lawsuits; now to marry, the one of your choice: how to re gain youth, health and vitality. Removes. evil influence, cures drinx. nasit; locates treasures, cures all nervous diseases. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed In business? How can I make my home happy? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propose? How can I get a letter? How can I get a good position? How I remove bad influences? How can I control any. one? How make distant ones think of me? How can I settle my quarrel? How can I hold my husband's love? How ran i keep my wlfo's love? SIR FRANCIS DRAKE tells all and never asks questions. POSITrVELT NO EQUAL ON EARTH IN HIS PltOFEoaiUK. HOURS DAILY. 10 TO 7, AND SUNDAY, 203 WASHINGTON HT.. CUK. 31'H. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. ....... , , . 1 trwfi1 TTOftV T5TTJ T TXT CT entlflo revealer. tens me irom cradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake impossible; restores lost love ana unites separateu uy ttyunxkuiji locates buried treasure. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. JAUNITKA. CLAIRVOTANT. TRANCE ME- lelgh bldg., Washington st. bet. 6th and 7th. "Full life readings this week. $L Her pre dictions are absolutely reliable. Hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Coal Dealers. r.RRAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 HOTT. cor. llth Washed Bootless lump coal. $6 per ton; nut coal. $5; agents for Cumberland $7, Castle Gate $3.50. Wholesale prices, free de livery, ruone jinn, v-sa. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. PHONE Main 1015. uasue uate con, oiacssmith coal, coke and cnarcoai. umce 154 0th N. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers, best Commission Merchants. t ....a wvnl rnfthal, r, TT .ti VuDtwr Oiiu vm o wij mini inmu merchant. Front St., near Main, Portland, TATLOR, TOUNG & CO.. BHD? BROKERS ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO- duc merchants. Jrront ana uavis sts.. Port- iViU, VI Dancing'. cor. 2d, Monday night, beginners; Thursday! advanced; children Wed. and Sat. afternoons. THE MATTINGLT ACADEMY OF DANCING. ii -uth. cor. Jeff. Clara or Private lessons. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner, 000 j enerson. -xei. .nam 2013. Educational. I . : AK TTXPERIENCED TEACHER HOLD IN .two Smith degrees, and who has studied and traveled extensively in Europe, win tutor 1 iimii mrmtwr of nnolla Is Emrllsh TaHn .German, French. Call by appointment, tho "Oneonta, suite io 111a st. Frateraal lasHraace. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. w.: protects tna living, s. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec., 612-615 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., saddlery hardware, leather an kinds. 72-74 Qtb at. Junk. Hides and Pelts. IV EffANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES peiu wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals . anar saexs. aiz jiront st. and. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC- tice. uoiuns lana co.. uonco.-v: oiog. Leather aad Fladlags. TTT-S TJTC7V-ri W (VI T.ITHK JTVR?? boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather ot an Kinds. 73-7 atn st. Lamber, LUMBER North Pacific Lumber Co.. not la the combine. Capacity, 500.000 feet per day. The largest stock In the city ot dry rustic. flooring, ceiling ana snisn, ana ait com man irrades. Will fill local orders at tn lowest market price. Prompt, delivery guar a n t c -i Purchasers should see our stock be fore placing orders. Offices, 9 Worcester BlOCK, Phone JtaiX .auu, onerioc aveu aad river, zront. noa ain Mmfrtaery. logging machinery : hydraulic pipes, oasting of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st. THK'H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND MA- BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Marble awt Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS or Bargains see weegs; no agents; per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Massage. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS ARE NOW located at S3VA Morrison, southeast comer 2d, rooms 3 and 4, Star rooming-house; vapor ana sponge cams, wiur massage; electrio treatments. Phone Red 2S41. . 1 INITIAL OPENING OF PERSIAN BATHS A unique method of administering mas sago which speaks for itself better than we can speak for it. The Frances, W. Park ana Morrison. Red " PARLORS OF 110 4TH ST. CHANGED nsnas; nrst-ciass oaths witn magnetic treat ment and massage by young lady with young iaay assistant, win be pleased to see old and new patrons. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE GIVEN by young lady, formerly 1104 Fourth st.t will be pleased to see old and new patrons. Raleigh bldg. 6th and Washington sts.. rooms ia-io. SCOTCH LADY GIVES BATH AND MAS- sage treatment; good attention paid tc pa trons. 189 3d st., room 9. bet. TamhlU and Taylor, the Palm House. IF TOU WANT THE VERT BEST STEAM oath or magnetic treatment try me; satls- iaction guaranteed, jrzz'rx Washington st.. Raleigh bldg.. rooms 26-27. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS WITH MAS- sage ana magrjeuc treatments Dy expert, enced young lady. 331 Morrison st., rooms 11 and 12. TOUNG LADT, SCIENTIFIC MAGNETIC treatment, eiectnc ana Turxisn oaths. Mar quam Lodgtng-House, 145 6th. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS sage treatment. 208 Cth st. West 1973. Medical. DR. PAUL "CROMWELL, the colored special- tat, wiiriiutiiwi a (.ui. uiisaxi. uja suit iMa old doctor and "learn what your all. ment lav Letters promptly answered. SANITARIUM Excellent facilities for all sur gical cases: specialty oesiraoie place for con finement; homelike Institution. Mrs. J. A. Campbell, 533 E. Ankeny. Phone E. 2263. Osrecpothy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARTLL T. SMITH. nmt -.nathli- nhvKleians? crradUAfAn Vlrt.nin. Mo. 409 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1242. Sani tarium. 614 4th. Consultation free. DBS. AD IX & NORTHRUP. 418 DEKUM biog. rnone uun jiu. .Examination free. Faints. Gils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS. Palmistry. THE GREAT CARMENA (THE WITCH OF wan street;, clairvoyant ana palmist, 215 Morrison at. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOR- elgn patents; infringement cases. 604 De kum. T. J. GEISLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM. U. S. una foreign patents a specialty. Rubber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Safes. S SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES. prices ranging from $23 to $150; 3 good second-hand bank safes for sale. Call or write 84 3d st., Portland, Or. NEW AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED: repairs. Dlebold Agency, J. tx iJavls. 66 3d. Second-Han il Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3173 Shoe Manufacturers. REIT) & HERTSCHB CO., SHOE MANUFAC turers, a ana 11 r. 1st. tertian a, or. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. tun ana noyi; orapen Seattle, wasn. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. j-io ist. near Aiarxet. raone jsiactc siss. Spiritualists. THE VEILED PROPHETESS. THE GREAT. ONLT AND ORIGINAL BUD AH BERNIQUE. TH GREATEST LIVING DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM. TRANCE CLAIRVOTANT, PSTCHIC PALMIST. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50c. "I TELL TOUR NAME." So positive am I of my powers to tell the past, present and future and exactly what you want to know that I will maks NO CHARGE! NO CHARGE! Unless you obtain perfect satisfaction and find me superior to all MEDIUMS, CLAIR VOYANTS 1 and PALMISTS In this city. It may ba of vital interest to you to know the outcome of your present distress. The happiness of. your future life may de pend upon tho right solution and proper advice. There are no mistakes In the predictions made by the great and wonderful Psychic. Tou may wish to know if It is advisable td make a change in business, in love, in marriage. "Shall I succeed In my new undertak ing?" "Can I obtain my hopes, my wishes, my ambitions ?" "Shall X ever enjoy the luxuries of wealth?" "Can I trust my friends?" "Have I enemies?" "When shall I marry V "How often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever be divorced?" 'Does another share the love that right fully belongs to me?" "It so. whom?" "Am I loved In return?" "Is there a rival In my love?" "When shall my love affair terminate Ii marriage?" ' "When shall my domestic troubles end?" "How can I make my life and horns hap py?" "When shall my absent friend return?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" HOURS 10 TO S, DAILT AND SUNDAY. PARLORS 291 MORRISON ST., COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. MRS. WALLACE. 23 TEARS PORTLAND'S moat reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 165 4th St.. Buss el bldg.; hours 9-5. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual, life reader, scien tific palmist, 60c 343 Tamhlli. cor. 7th. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. Clairvoyant, proph etess. Readings dally. 81 7th, cor. Oak. MRS. C CORNELIUS, 305 AUsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison: sittings dally. Hood 403. Storage. WITH THE COMPLETION OF QUR NEW warehouse, we have every facility for prop erly storing at most reasonable terms, fins pianos and other hlgh-class commodities, which It may be necessary to maintain in thoroughly dry and even temperature. Pi anos moved, packed and shipped by thor oughly experienced and competent men. All work guaranteed. Ellers Piano House. Phone Private Exchange 23 STORAGE! STORAGE! PLENTT OF ROOM, fireproof building, rates cheaper than tha cheapest. 26 Union ave. Phone Union 914. Storage and Xraasfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE" moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all ' 'Work guaranteed; large 3-story brick tee proof warehouse for storage. 'OS9.ce 12 1st. C M. Olsen. Phone Main. 547. C- O. PICK. OFFICE 83 1ST., BET. STARK, and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; com modious, fireproof brick- warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT sc. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing" machines aa4 all movable' articles at reasonable prices. Step Driskisg. GUARANTEED Cure; send 60c; tablet form; mailed in plain package has cured thousands. L. L. C. Co.. 417 Hayward bldg.. S. F. Trtak. Faetery- PORTIxAND TRUNK" CO.. 54 3D gT.. wholesale and retail. Bend for catalogue. New typewriters, all make, rented, seld and repaired; Coast Agency. 381 Stark. TL 197. ALLBV A LXWI. WHOLESALE GOC rr. our. X. Treat aad Savl sts.. Portland. Of.