THIS SUNDAY OKElirOKlAJ, FOltTljAJNJJ, NOVKMiJISK 20, liHJS. WANXEB TO SENT. WANTED BX YOUNG MAN OF BEST character, furnished room in private fam ily; must have modem conveniences and centrally located; positively permanent If suited. It 91, Oregonlan RANTED, ABOUT DECEMBER 1, BY reung couple -with no children. & completely Zumlshed fiat or cottage of not less than Jeur rooms on Weet Bide. W 90, Oregonian. RANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE or partly furnished; no children. M 83, care Oregonlan. ."WANTED A 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE OR 4 or 6 unfurnished rooms at once. O 93, Oca eon Ian. HOUSE AND BARN WITH 2 OR 3 LARGE lots, on or near car line. Phone Main 3273. HARRIED COUPLE "WISH ROOM AND board in private family. K 92, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I WANTED LADIES. FOR 10c WE WILL send you package ever-ready mending tis sue; also new catalogue with premium of fer. Write at once. Louis Nuentaal, de alum. Wash. WANTED SOME COMPETENT PERSON TO repair Alaska, seal coat (lady's): bust 32; reasonable; state price and give full ad dress in answering. Address G 86, Ore gonlan. E. A. CLEM & CO.. 231 ALDER ST.. PORT land. Or. Mining securities bought and sold; stocks in producing properties a specialty; reliable corporations represented. WANTED TAILOR OR TAILORESS TO make young woman long rain coat; give price and full address; someone on Weet Side pre ferred. Address M Si, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER. FURNI ture of 10 or 12-room house, centrally lo cated; must be good stuff and cheap for spot cash. Q 92, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED MARRIED LADY WITH NO children, would take care of small child (fe male), for reasonable consideration. Address 173 E. 6th et., city. USE OF GOOD SOUND HORSE FOR KEEP ing; llrht work: best of care; would buy if satisfactory. Telephone today West 18S6; Monday, Main 1366. FRENCH MAN AND LADY WANT HOUSE cleaning and washing; man wants house moving, wood-splitting and carrying. Phone Clay 45. 'WANTED MEN 8 CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Coll at ths "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WE WANT A BABY IN OUR HOUSEHOLD ; good care, reasonable charges; references given. H 95, Oregonlan. WANTED $75 FOR SHORT TIME FROM private party; ample security, good bonus. C 86. Oregonlan. WANTED A DENTIST TO GO IN WITH a doctor who is established in Dekum bldg. B 87, Oregonlan. WANTED HOME FOR INFANT GIRL; will pay. good if taken care of properly. F 93, Oregonlan. WANTED MAN'S BICYCLE, FIRST-CLASS condition: state make, price. Address P 91, care Oregonlan. WANTED $0000 ON INSIDE BUSINESS property. West Side. Address T 94, care Oregonlan. WANTED OFFICE SPACE FOR TWO OR more desks; same price and location. P. O. bar 1028. WANTED BOARD AND PASTURE FOR horses. Mrs. Howe. Phone Union 173. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60c at HOOLA baugh'a, 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. NICE. PRIVATE ROOM FOR CHILDREN; terms reasonable. Phone Main 1809. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 166-191 1st at. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block 6outh of Baker Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with private oaths, elevator: reasonable rates. THE KNICKERBOCKER, 60 6TH ST.. ONE block south of PostoHlce New brick rooming-house. Jest opened; steam-heated and modem, handsomely furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reasonable prices; tourists and traveling men solicited. THE PALMER, a E. COR. ALDER AND Park Sts. The most complete apartment house in the city; steam heat. gas. electrla lights, porcelain baths, every modem con venience; tourist and transient trade solicited. Young & Shepard, Props. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN), 413 WASH lngton St., 4 blocks west of the Imperial Hotel; newly furnished rooms, single or ea suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, elec tric light, bath and all modem conveniences; tourists solicited. BEAUTIFUL FRONT SUITE. SUITABLE for two or three; new house, four blocks south of Hotel Portland; also single rooms, with 'use of sitting-room, piano, phone, etc; home comforts. 250 6th. TO RENT HANDSOMELY FURNISHED suite of rooms, with running water, in large modem house. Bteam heat, gas, bath, phone; with or without board; gentlemen preferred. 170 N. 22d st. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, PRI vate family, all modem conveniences, suit able for one or two persons; references. 210 13th St.. near Taylor. Call mornings. Phone Main 3174. VlEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, SUIT able for two; all modem conveniences; two blocks north of Steel bridge: ladles pre ferred; board furnished If desired. 204. Crosby st. THE COSMOS, B. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR riBon Finest down-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and upwards, including bath; $1 per day. 1 THE LINCOLN." 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furaisnea. sunny rooms, all modern conveniences: tourists and trav elingmes solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Prop. 251H ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NICELY furnished, pleasant rooms, new brick build-a lng, new, gooa lurmsnmgs; to a. week; transients. 50c to $1. Red S140. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms: heat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERN cottage, suitable for one or two ladles; borne conveniences: board If desired; reas onable. 5S1 Washington. LARGE. ELEGANT FRONT PARLOR, FUR alshed. one or two gentlemen: private resi dence; ail conveniences; reasonable. 549 Cth bet. Jackson and Lincoln. FOR RENT FURNISHED ALCOVE AND one single room in private house, steam heat. 67 N. 20th st near Washington st. Telephone Main 4503. clean, $2.50 to $10 per month; no raise till alter the Fair to steaay tenants, s. i cor, 10th and Davis Bta. TWO ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. Ev ery coavenlence; suitable for two gentle men or raamea coupie. vui -toa ist su; Flat i. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. suitable for two or three gentlemen; also smaller room, euitaoie xor two. 141 J3th St., cor Aider. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. STRICTLY MOD- era, private family. 18S E. 6th. bet. Yam hill ana layior. one eiock tram urana-ave, car line. YOUNG MAN OCCUPING PLEASANT FRONT suite In new bouse, dose In. wishes room mate to ehare same; reasonable. L 95, Ore gonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO FRONT room witn alcove, suitaoie xor one or two persons; reasonable; private family. 429 5th et. LARGE ALCOVE AND PARLOR. SUITABLE for two or four; stationary bowl, bath, gas. The .Elm, asm ana wasaingion. Also rooms. 100 1STH PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room, new home, modern, use or gas; bath. phone, select location, central; ooara close or, UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for bedroom, with use of gas. phone and bath. Phone union zuz. tz. utn st, n. THE ANGELUS. 272 6TH ST.. COR. JEF- ferson Just completed. 40 newly furnished rooms, strictly modem. $i&w up per week. FRONT AND BACK PARLOR OR SINGLE room, very reasonable. 467 East Pine st. THE AFELETON. 71 N. 6TH SUNNY FUR- X xUh& reoac. L..H9; trafe.t roosas, FOX JRKNT. THE FAIRMONT HOTEL. 29 N. CTH ST, one-naix. oiock north of postoxace; every thing sew, all modem conveniences, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, porcelain baths, electric lighted, rooms en suite or single. Phone Red 1731. Mrs. A. Larson, prop. CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED BOOMS. transient to traveling puouc; reasonaoie. 288 Washington st., south of Hotel Per kins. VERY PLEASANT UNFURNISHED ROOM fronting Washington st.; private flat; tbor ougly modem; large closet. Main 3280. FURNISHED ROOMS NICE, PLEASANT alcove suite in private xamiiy; oil con veniences. 1G3 12th. next Morrison. LADY WOULD LIKE RESPECTABLE working girl as roommate: cheap rent; refer ences. 175 10th st., cor. YamhllL TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUBURBAN come; eiaeny woman, pensioner preierrea; very cheap. H 82, care. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH ALL modern conveniences; euitaeie xor man ana wife or two gentlemen. 225 Cth et. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS IN MOD- ern private house, gentlemen only, reason able. 95 E. 12th, cor. Washington. THE TEMPLE, 343 YAMHILL ST.. COR. nlaned rooms; rates reasonable. FRONT AND HALL ROOMS NEWLY FUR- nished; price $15 and $6 per month; gas, bath and phone. 251 10th st. THE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH, COR. WASH- lngton, nice comfy rooms, single, en suite, transient. Phone Green 4861 SELECT FAMILY HOTELS, ROOMS EN suite or single; transients; itn ana iior ribon st. Phone Main 1393. 125 14TH JUST OFF WASHINGTON ELE- gant furnished rooms, sew modem nouse; all conveniences; reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR IN private family for two young men or ladles, with board. 169 13th et. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM suitable for one or two ladles; Williams ave. Phone Union 687L $C-ONE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private xamiiy; mooem conveniences. 16th St., near Jefferson. 274 PARK. COR. JEFFERSON CHOICE OF two rooms, gentleman preierrea; sew nat, strictly modem; central. FOR RENT VERY FINE FRONT PARLOR and bedroom, strictly modern, fine loca tion. 192 6. 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. suitable for two or more persons. 103 Park, sear Morrison. 455 BURNSIDE, COR. 12TH. TWO BLOCKS from Washington: neatly xumisnea room; bath; private family. FOR RENT IN PRIVATE HOME, 3 NICELY furnished rooms; in suites or single, hod Hill. 706 Everett et. 420 JEFFERSON PLEASANT ROOM. FIRST floor: convenient, bath, plenty hot water; third-floor room, J5. NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM. with bath and phone. 394 Jefferson, oppo site Ladd School. 348 MAIN ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, modem conveniences, centrally lo cated, reasonable. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite. Including dining-room and kitchen. 429 3d. . NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE flat, suitable for one or two gentlemen; ref erences. 244 7th. 108 11TH ST. TWO WELL-FURNISHED rooms, one front, furnace heat, bath and electric lights. NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR, SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen; an conveniences. 40S Main st. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS for tourists and transients; depot cars pass door. 429 3d. FOR RENT ONE LARGE ROOM, FUR- msnea: suitable for one or two gentlemen. 325 Mill sL BAY-WINDOW ROOM. WELL FURNISHED. convenient to city. -Va urana ave. a., cor. E. Ankeny. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON GROUND floor, single or double; $10 per month. 107 N. 9th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BY DAY OR week; nandy and reasonable cnargea. pnone Clay 1600. FOR RENT TWO CHOICE SINGLE rooms, gentlemen preferred. Call at 511 Morrison. ROOMS, FURNISHED. NEW, CLEAN. BATH. pnone, $o. ?iu; waiting distance, can Columbia. 94 E. 11TH, COR. E. WASHINGTON THREE unruraisaea rooms, yarn, bath, pnone, two adults. CLOSE IN Furnished, $1 week; board. Housekeeping Z rooms. $12 month. 80 10th. LARGE MODERN ROOM. FURNISHED. for one or two ladles, $10. 509 E. Davis. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. INCLUDING bath, to gentleman, $1L 452 Washington. 81 7TH. COR. OAK FRONT ALCOVE FOR quiet couple or gentlemen; iignt cooking; $is. Cheapest and best located rooms in Portland. $1 wetk up. Gllman, 1st and Alder sts. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH. GAS telephone. $12. 329 11th. Main 3984. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS WITH STOVES, $5 per month. 3Z3 Clay and water. THE Y. M. C A. HAS A FREE LIST OP i furnished rooms in all parts of city. 260 PARK ST. FURNISHED FRONT AL- cove room, reasonable. Main CS90. 736 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 344 4th, near Market. FINE. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS at 201 10th st., cor. Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. $6 PER month; central. 333 3d St. FURNISHED ROOM, GENTLEMAN PRE ferred. 415 Mill. cor. 11th. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 542 3TH St.; gentleman preferred. MRS. SMITH. 194 13TH ST., HAS NICELY furnished room xor rent. FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH, GAS. PHONE, use piano. 370 7th st. PARTLY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET cheap. 626 2d et. FURNISHED ROOMS AT 269 COLUMBIA st., bet. 3 and 4. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 170 10th. Rooms With Board. THE LINDELL AN ENTIRELY NEW FAM. lly hotel, attractively located for permanent ana transient guests; fiancee st,, bet. 3a and 4th; all outside rooms, with handsome, mod em furnishings and all up-to-date conveni ences: electric light, gas. sanitary slumblnic porcelain baths, heated throughout by steam: excellent cuisine and service. Exceedingly low rates to single gentlemen ana xamiiies. Phone Main C56L ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS WITH board, for two people, $40 per month and up at the Linden, & new family hotel. Market St., bet. 3d and 4th, steam heat, electric light, gas, porcelain baths, first class table. Phono Main 556L FAMILY BOARDING - HOUSE, HOME cooklng, nicely furnished room with run ning water, steam heat, phone, bath, elec tric light; prices reasonable; table board ly week or month. The Ohio, 150 11th, near Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board, in family or two. $18 to $20: modem house: very convenient to Upper or Lower Alblna or wholesale district. S95 Ross St., comer Dixon. - WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO ROOM together and board in private family who will take- luncn in town; large rront room, with grate, use of bathroom and telephone. T 66, Oregonlan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION I6TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing-room; uss of library; woman e xcnange. Address xra. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 510 Flanders. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR MAN AND BOY: warm room: plenty of hot water; walking distance; 3d and Morrison: permanent. If reasonable. Q 89, care orpgontan. I YOUNG LADY CAN HAVE ROOM AND x oard, for Jlcat rt1c, R Onwwn, Rooms WKfc BNti ROOMS AND BOARD. HOME-COOKING, USE of phone and bath; transients taken; close to St. Vincent's Hospital; street car every 3 minutes. 23d and Washington, south of car shops. . THE ARGYLE, 193 WEST PARK MOD em improvements, nicely furnished rooms with excellent table board. Can accom modate outside table-boarders. FRONT PARLOR, WELL FURNISHED, suitable for married couple or two ladles; good home board, modern, private, reason able. 581 Washington st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vate family, with or without board; gas. hath, home priveleges; one block from car line. 166 E. 12th st. THE MANITOU. 281 13TH ST. MOME FOR fastidious people; steam heated, newly fur slahed rooms; hot water in abundance. Phone Main 1203. TWO FRONT ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2, modem home; references; near Steel bridge and Holladay House, 221 Adams. Phono East 2567. 1 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN conveniences, good home cooking; rates reasonable. 621 Marshall, phone Main 4118. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board, in private family; also housekeeping rooms. 128 N. 17th et. Phone Main 3793. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME for teacher, student or lady of refinement; best of references given. L 82, Oregonlan. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEAS and rooms with nrst-class- board; new house; 4 blocks south Hotel Portland. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or ea suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; ,good home-cooking: rates reason able. 42 N. 21st st.. near Washington. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board la private family. Phone, bath; ref erences expected. 271 North 18th st. GOOD FRONT SUITE AND PLEASANT SIN gle rooms; modem conveniences; choice ta ble; home cooking. 394 Columbia st. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WITH OR without board, on West Side, close- In; ref erences required. A 89, Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD, PRIVATE FAMILY; aesiranie location, one block car line; piano, bath. 504 E. Oak. Phone East 2314. FINE LARGE ROOM AND FIRST-CLASS board lor one person: all modem conveni ences. 492 E. Burnslde. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: gas. bath, phone; rates reasonable. 471 Taylor St.. near 14th. DESIRABLE ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRI- vate family; every modem convenience; cen tral. 272 Park st. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; REA- sonanie, comrorta&ie, family style. 73 Park, near Everett. PLEASANT ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, excellent some cooking, boarding. - 14th st.. N., Burnslde. 426 ALDER PARLORS FOR TWO. WITH gooa noara; transients solicited; day board. Phone Red 2S30. LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOM. ONE OR two gentlemen: private family; homelike. 124 N. 18th st. 170 10TH LARGE. HANDSOME FRONT room witn board, nrst-ciass home-cooking, table board LOVELY ALCQVE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR or , wun gooa xaoie ooara; moaern. 208 11th et. FOR RENT ROOM FOR YOUNG MAN. with or without board; bath and phone. 207 Sherman. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board In private family; for gentlemen only. 321 7th st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE; ALSO SINGLE room; witn or witnout ooara ; private xamiiy. 448 10th st. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, WITH noroe comforts,- so week. WZ Clay. Phone Main 5099. BOARD AND ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO; xurnace, gas, pnone. ui Flanders st. Phone Mala 2312. 295 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; oome cooiung, ootn. pnone, xurnace neat; reasonable. NEW LOW RATES AT THE LINDELL Market, bet. 3d, and 4th; all modem con veniences. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD: home-cooking; references exchanged. 38S Alder st. 24S N, 20TII ST. ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board; block from car line. Main 3034. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR witnout board; gas and bath, 172 E. 35th. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board; also table board. 395 Morrison. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH board, suitable for two. 183 7th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. Call 223 W. Park. ROOMS WITH BOARD AT STERLING. 635 uiuca. x-nose juain 43t. ROOM AND BOARD $4.50 A WEEK. 449 Irving street. ROOMSJWITH BOARD AT VENDOME. 455 Alder st. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. $20. 3SS Flats. 1 FOR RENT ELEGANT 5-ROOM FLAT, every convenience., very reasonable to de sirablo tenant. Call 305 1st aU. or see owner. 472 Williams ave. TO RENT DECEMBER 1-5-RdOM MODERN flat, 10 minutes' walk to Postofflce. Phone week-days Main 249. THREE-ROOM. MODERN. UNFURNISHED fiat. Inquire housekeeper, flat A, Sevllla, 225 Market st. 11 ROOMS. NEW FLATS. BEST LOCATION, very central. F. O. Northrup, 210 Commer cial block. 0-ROOM FLAT. NEV. MODERN. CEN tral, .steam heat. Frank E. Hart. Sher lock bldg. $18 LOWER FLOOR, SIX LARGE ROOMS and bath; good yard; near school. 205 18th st. N. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN 6-ROOM flat. S28 13th st. Call 455 Market st. MODERN 5-ROOM CORNER FLAT. $22.50. 562 Main st.. cor. of Chapman. A FURNISHED FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEP ing at .233 5th st. HousekecpxBS Booms. BY DECEMBER 1 TWO OR THREE FINE, larce rooms, unfurnished. In private resi dence; all conveniences; adults only. 549 Cth. bet Jackson and Lincoln. 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, end of Brooklyn car line. $7, with water. Inquire Sunday; so children. Inquire of Mrs. E. Day. FOR RENT 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms, very reasonable, at 3S1 ii. Morrison: so children. Apply to landlady or phone union BEAUTIFUL FRONT ALCOVE WITH AD jolntng room for housekeeping; entire base ment for same purpose, at k. utm Phone Main 4860. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms in suites of two. $18; 3, $24; bath: free phone. Also single rooms, $9. 471 Alder, bet. 13th ana iuu NICE FRONT SUITE OF TWO ROOMS, COM venlent. everything good, reasonable rent. 300 4th st. 70S EVERETT, 2 BLOCKS FROM WASHING. ton Neatly .furnished nouaejceeping apart ments, with homelike accommodations; desir able location. 03 1ST ST.. COR. PINE TWO LARGE clean unfurnished rooms; water in kitchen: respectable married couple; so children; quiet house. 847 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. completely furnished for housekeeping; ev ery convenience; pleasant iccauon; reason1 able rent. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms to couple witnout children; refer ences required. 50 JS. 13th st.. North. ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM AND 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; rent rea- TWO OR THREE NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, furnace heat, telephone, use of piano if desired, up or downstairs; $15 and $18. Phone Scott 229. 215 N. Grand ave. Call Sunday or evenings after 6:30. FIRST FLOOR COTTAGE. DOUBLE PAR- lors. large kitcnen. pantry, weu xurniaaea; bath. gas. phone, good yard, pleasant loca tion; central. 26 N. 11th st.. 2 blocks from Washington at. Phone Front 433. References. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST., NEAR YAM- nm ew no nee; eieganuy xumished apart ments, la suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range in each kitchen; ste&m heat and baths; free phone on each' floor. -4 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, HOUSB- xeeping or otnerwise; also furnished rooms, suitable for two adults; modem conveniences. Telephone Main 4183. 489 Washington. HOTEL AVALON. 413 WASHINGTON .uraiucu Housekeeping tptnmfmi in suites of three rooms, hot .and cold water, gas range in kitchen, steam heat, bath free. $6 PER MONTH SUITES OP TWO UNBUR- sianea rooms, witn gas stoves; new, dean, sear Morrtson-st. bridge:' have to be seen to b appreciated. 382 S. Yamhill at. 331 11TH. NEAR CLAY NEWLY FURNISH- ea xront room, z ladles or man and wife; light housekeeping privileges; as, heat, phone; references. Call Monday. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, upstairs; closet, pantry, gas, phone; no children; central; single room. 383 Taylor. THREE CONNECTING, NEWLY FURNISH- ea rooms, witn natn ana every convenience; centrally located, reasonable rent. No. 63 6th st. 533 FLANDERS ST.. NEAR 16TH NICELY lurauiwn rooms xor Housekeeping, 4 rooms, lower floor; every convenience. Phone Mala 1116. $10 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- jteeping rooms, newly painted and papered; convenient. 2 Union avenue. South. 403 4TH NICELY FURNISHED S-ROOM oouseKeeping eulte; also beautiful parlor LTCuruora, every convenience; reasonable. 242 MILL ST.. 2 OR 3 LARGE NICELY iuraisaea nouseKeepmg rooms; gas. bats, heat; rent reasonable; private family. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT PAR- lor ana kitchen; two ladies or man and wife; also ground-floor eulte. 190 W. Park et. TWO VERY FINE SUITES. FIRST AND BEC- uuu uoora; aii moaern conveniences; niceiy located; price reasonable. 447 Main st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room or rooms, on first floor: also other rooms. 110 El 14th. ( Phone East 304. TWO NICE LARGE FRONT SUITES OF housekeeping rooms, also other rooms; reasonable. 440 5th, comer College. NEAT FUR. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $10 per montn ana up; modem; children taken. Hotel Northern. N. 12. and Marshall. FOR RENT 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. pantry, cain, sink, furniture for sale. 489 Washington st. Flat 2, call after 12 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS; SINK IN juicnen; not ana coia water, with bath and phone; $10 per month. 2S3 13th et. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISH- ea. sunny rooms. 10 minutes' walk; low rent; phone and bath. 421 6th st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED BAY-WINDOW grouna-noor housekeeping suite: bath. gas. phone, close in. 86 10th, near Stark. 1 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, cenirai. Dam, pnone, also one sleeping room; adults. 268 Montgomery. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, o per mo. ana up; everytning new; near Steel bridge. 230 Larrabee st. $9 PER MONTH, 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- &ecpiag rooms wun water ana pnone. 630 "th-st. Terrace, near Sheridan st. 435 MAIN ST.. COR. 12TH ROOMS, housekeeping, furnished, all modern Im provements; central location. 545 WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED jiuuBdcpiiiii iwjuu, very ucsiraoie, ones block, bath, phone, no children. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for man and wife; modem Improvements; good location. Phone East 1161. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cheap; private residence; near Burnslde Bridge. 31 E. 3d St.. North. 372 1ST ST. FOUR NEWLY PAPERED FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; sink in kitchen; $13; respectable people only. 611 CLISAN NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms, with gas, bath and phone Maine 3714. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 10 EAST 15TH; FINE condition; electricity fixtures, bath, base ment, large verandas, $25. COUPLE WISHES TO SHARE DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, choice location; lady preferred. 514 Morrison st. 314 CLAY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM and kitchen; light and pleasant; five minutes' walk from old Postofflce. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, two beds, gas, bath and pnone. 544ft Ullsan et. SUITE OF TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also unfurnished room; phone, gas, bath; private, jcnerson. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS also single rooms; cheap rent. 193 St. Clair sc. Phone Main 1551. 395 SALMON ST. TWO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms: very desirable; running water ana nice yara. 2C5 5TH ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALL FUR nlshed front alcove room for light housekeep ing; rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without use ox kitchen; modem, reasonable. 235 12th. cor. Main. FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. NICELY furnished' housekeeping or not; also smaller room, 331 14 th st. 327 3D ST., NEAR CLAY 2 GROUND floor rooms, nicely furnished, for house keeping, gas range. 389 CTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. Phone 4256. O. Healy, proprietor. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, new to two persons; very desirable location. 422 Jefferson st. TWO COSY HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. Ev erything sew and clean; terms reasonable. 547 Morrison st. ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. AR ranged for light housekeeping if desired. 227 Montgomery. 16 ROOMS. WITH SALOON BELOW; ELE- rani I v niiea un: (inn I miu xnut rrranr An. . piy 433 litn su 30S 13TH COZY SUITE FOR LADY. $8; handsome alcove suite for two ladles. Main 3628. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT; gas puue ana water in uicnen; central loca tion. Neatly furnished single rooms and housekeeping suites: Bath, Close In. 86 10th. near Stark. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; .steam heat, bath, gas. 269 14th. near Jeff. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT housekeeping room, only $9. 544 Overton. THE TILFORD FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, single or en suite. 271 3d. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; nam, electric lignt. 146 PORTER ST 2 PLEASANT ROOMS; closets; natn; lignt Housekeeping tr aesirea. THREE UNFURNISHED. ONE CARPETED; saaaes, wooa ana water; cheap, oss 2d st. FRONT ROOM AND LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms: bath and phone. 432 7th st. 704 FLANDERS NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath. gas. phone. $17. . FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath, 361 Williams ave. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, first floor, --av .farK St., cor iiam. THREE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS LOW. er floor, private residence. 067 Irving. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BOOMS for housekeeping, ill N. 9th st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS private family, $iz. vez Market. 3 PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS, private xasaiiy. mo laaaniu K. $12 3s HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN PR vate family, 471 Everett st. FRONT HOUSSKEEPING ROOMS WITH J0V. JfiHtt K, FOB SENT. Hoasefeeeptec "Rmimn NOV. 22, TWO OR THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, moaera. no cnuares. sjb 12th. Main 1112. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, close in. with bath, gas and phone. 515 Yamhill st. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS FOR HOUSE. keeping; pantry, sink la kitchen; outside en. trance. 229 11th. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. . 127 East 16th St., bet. Jiorn son and Alder. 206 1ST ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT housekeeping and single rooms; electric ugnt, bath, phone. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board; modem conveniences. 147 West Park. TWO SUITES OF NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping roams. 322 14th st. Phone Front 194. ONE LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM FOR light housekeeping; bath. Phone West 842. 406 4th st. $103 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PART OF home; bath, electric ngnts ana pnone. -rnone Union 2803. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; water, phone and bath; $7. 494 Flint St., Alblna. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO nice outside furnished rooms. The AnirPT, 146 Front. 8 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $10. inciuaing water ana pnone. ism its. rnono Main 4529. 435 ALDER FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; cnecrxui ana pleasant; central; very convenient. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED sousekeeping rooms. Tho 'Jefferson, 5th aad Jeffersoa. 170 10TH THREE NICELY FURNISHED nousexeeping ' rooms, stationary tub, bath, gas, etc FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, first floor, fxont rooms. 302 4th St., cor. Colombia. , $123 ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- a.rciuus, ujuui separate entrance. 1U3 n. 12th st. THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE., FUR- ujsucu uuuac&ccyiag suites, nrsi class, low rates. SUITE OF FOUR ROOMS FOR HOU8E- xeeping, also one single room. 403 Jef ferson. 327 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, heat and bath. ELEGANT 3-ROOM SUITES. FURNISHED or unxuraisnea. new urant. cor. 2d and Grant. 261 UNION AVE. SIX HOUSEKEEPING rooms, partly furnished. Call 9 A. M. or 0 P. M. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 188 W. Park. 5 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cneap. as 4th st. Houses. PARTIAL LIST $ S.OO-2 rooms. 185 Caruthers St. $ 9.003 rooms, 3S8 B. Burnslde. $10.00 4 rooms, cottage, Tremont. $10.004 rooms, cottage, 112 Carpenter. $10.00 4 rooms, cottage, 1116 E. Salmon. J11.00 5 rooms, cottage, Tremont. $12.006 rooms, cottage, Stanton and Alblna. ave. $16.00-6 rooms, cottage. 467 E. Ash. 517.008 rooms, house, ilt. Tabor. $18.009 rooms, house, 14th and B. Davis. $18.006 rooms, house, 413 Eugene. $18.003 rooms, house. 695 Madison. $18.004 rooms, 490 Columbia, $18.00-6 rooms, house, 911 Water. $20.007 rooms, house, 347 E. 8th. $20.007 rooms, house, bet. Cook and Fargo, on Commercial st. $22.500 rooms, cottage, 620 S. 3d, cor. Caruthers. $22.506 rooms, flat, new, E. Salmon & 4th. $3.0O 5 rooms, flat, 451 E. Ankeny. $25.005 rooms, flat, 453 E. Ankeny. $25.006 rooms, flat. 505 Columbia. $25.008 rooms, cottage. 341 E. Ankeny. $25.008 rooms, house, 308 Lincoln. $45.0010 rooms, house, 6Sl Gllsan. $15.005 rooms, cottage, 129 Meade. Why tire yourself out hunting houses when by calling on us our man can locate you? H. E. EDWARDS. 185-191 1ST ST. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 611 N. 24 St.. 5 rooms $12.00 737 Savler St.. flat. 5 rooms 15.00 222 N. 15th St.. flat. 5 rooms.. 15,00 712 Brooklyn st., 7 rooms 18.00 670 Mill St., 7 rooms 18.00 789 Corbett Et., 7 rooms 18.00 323 Ross St.. i rooms 23.00 227 Whlttaker st.. 8 rooma 25.00 646 Weldler at., new, 5 rooms 23.00 770 Hoyt st.. 8 rooms 30.00 105 N. 20th St., 9 rooms 35.00 263 McMlUen St., new. 8 rooms 35.00 772 Johnson at., 7 rooms 40.00 2SS N. 23d St., 8 rooms 40.00 6S1 Gllsan st., 9 rooms 60.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark St. FOR RENT Beautiful 9-room house, line carpets, win dow shades, range and parlor furniture in cluded: E. 35th and Washington sts.; $25 per month. Beautiful 6-room cottage. Rodney ave. aad Fremont st. Cory 6-room cottage, 1515 E. 9th st., Woodlawn. Neat, new 5-room cottage, E. Taylor and 45th sts. Apply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 149 First Street. WE TAKE CHARGE OF HOUSES AND other buildings, secure good tenants, rent the properties, attend to necessary repairs with strict economy, pay taxes, and in all respects care for the interests of the own ers. We shall bo glad to have you call for further particulars on Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon. 109 3d it. and property cared for. The Title Guarantee & Trust UC, o ana 4 uuaiscr oi. wwuiKtMi Ground floor. 4th-slreet side. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEAR STEEL bridge (East Side, $25 per month. John P. Sharkey, 201 Chamber of Com.; Tel. Main ISO. FOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE IN flrst-clasa condition, cor. EC 17th and Bel mont: rent $25. C. H. Korell, 251 Washing ton st. SUBURBAN HOME, OREGON CITY CAR line, acre vineyard, twp fruits, berries; good cow. fine place for chickens. Phone West 2S31. FOR RENT A NEW ROOMING-HOUSE OF 21 rooms, oa northwest comer ot Lowns dale and Alder streets. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, EAST SIDE; $14.00.-6-room large house. East Side; $24.00. F. W. TORGLBR, 103 Sherlock bldg. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST.. rents insurance. Phone Main 345. ATrrVTSTRATOR OF ESTATES. nnn X T.' V"T- WL'UT l-TJAOVf Pni"!' A CIV. with porcelain bath, basement and wood shed; East Side. Phone Main 5007. FINE NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. CORBETT ST.; swell location: $20 per month. Charlesoa & Staub, 245 Morrison, room iz. c-rvR TtTTMT jl 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. No. 592 2d St., near Sherman. Phone Main 4454 or call at house. 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with piano, lower floor, private" house. Nob HI1L 124 N. 19th. K-unnw rYWTA r.V. ANT) HASEMEST. COR 3d and Caruthers. Inquire at Hudson gua store. 110 Third. fl-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE. GOOD LO cation. $10. Portland Trust Co., of Ore gon. 109 3d st. SMALL COTTAGE TO RENT. -269 WHEEL- er St.. McMllIen's Addition. 4 blocks from Steel bridge. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. LATHED AND PLAS- tered. with well and woodshed, $7. Phone union 34U. MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT, 6 ROOMS, gas. bath. 430 Harrison st. Apply 428 Harrison. A HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. IN GOOD CONDI tion; 446 10th st. Inquire 394 College st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 546 E. 18th st. Inquire 394 College st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 338 SHER mas st.; cement cellar. Key at 664 6th st. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. IX- qulre at 704 Everett or .phone west 887. NEW 4-BOOM HOUSE. $12 PER MONTH; 43D ana uawisorse sxs. rsone seett- row; FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, cm iu. isc St.. cor. ot jiaisey. FOR-ROOM COTTAGE FOX RENT. RAXL 347 Cly FOR. RENT. Para U teed Heasea. FOR RENT JAN. 1 FOR 5 MONTHS OR longer to responsible parties A new furnish ed house containing 7 cozy rooms and two la attic. Including piano; West Side. Nob Hill; large ground, comer; references; rent $80 per month. R 93, Oregonlan. LOWER FLOOR. 7-ROOM HOUSE; ST. uuuus ciu- une. to man ana wire or adults. $20, or entire house. $30; piano, bath, con venience; no small children;, vacant Decern bcr 3. Owner. 95 Russell. Lower Alblna, Room 10; referenced. $8.50 PER MONTH--ROOM FURNISHED j ana. iruit trees, inquire Dickson's Store, 44th and East. Belmont. NEW, MODERN. 'WELL-FURNISHED S- room house, with bath and gas; on car line; no small children. Phone Scott 6331. COMPLETELY FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5 luuuB, mouern conveniences; small xamiiy desired. Key 21 Mulkey bldg. FOR TWO MONTHS. 6-ROOM FURNISHED cottage- witn Dam, cor. E. 14th and Ankeny. Inquire 7 E. 14 th N. 3 OR 5 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- kecplng rooms; good location; nice large grounds. 401 12th st. THE LOWER FLOOR OF AN ELEGANTLY xumisnea house to couple without children. Phone East 1403. BEAUTIFUL -FURNISHED COTTAGE, 7 moo uum ateei onage. sm Williams ave. Phone Scott 5253. 7-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, 1 BLOCK from car line, to responsible party. 977 E. Morrison. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE: FINE bam; nice yard and lawn. 335 weidien FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE ELECTRIC iignts; central. Inquire 273 7th et. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED COT- aage; rursace. Inquire 87 E. 17th. Hoases for Beat Furniture for Sale. FOR RENT TO PARTIES BUYING CAR- pets and hangings, 4-room apartments (ex clusive use of furnace) in private home; nice residence district; rent reasonable; parties leaving city. Phone East 1171. A LOVELY HOME FOR AN EASTERN family; furniture of 8 rooms for sale and house for rent; all in fine condition; bargain if sold this week. Address J 92, care Ore gonlan. BARGAIN 9-ROOM WELL - FURNISHED house, long lease, $37.50 per month: large yard, bath, storeroom; price $800. 13th and Alder. Inquire 513 Fenton bldg. FOR RENT 12-ROOM HOUtsE. PARTLY furnished, furniture for sale. Including Jer sey cow; will sell cheap. 193 St. Clair st. Phone Main 1551. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT AND furniture for sale; any one wanting a nice, comfortable home should call; price $600. Phone Main 1966. NICE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE; inter wooa; wanting aistance; rent leaving city. $110. Hatfield, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. FOR SALE ELEGANT FURNITURE 5-ROOM cottage: modern, complete; cottage for rent. Phone East 1237 or call Union Printing Co., 86 4th st. THREE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS to rent, furniture for sale; steam beat and gas. Call between 9 A. M. and 2. Main 4265. $250 FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE, close in. West Side; rent $18. Address Ada Pennington, St. .Johns, or phone Union 4063. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON COR ner; furniture for sale; can rent 6 rooms; walking distance; a bargain. 194 13th st. BARGAIN CUT PRICE FULL VALUE, 6 rooms, rent $25, $215 today and Monday; no agents. 169 11th, near Morrison. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF TEN-ROOM house within one block of Portland Hotel; rent $00. Address X. 93, Oregonlan. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR- niture ror Bale; bran new; look this up. Phone Main 4124. $625; part cash. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT A bargain; everything complete. 583 Wash ington. Phone Main 5326. 27 ROOMS RENT $80; 14 FURNISHED, 13 unfurnished, on Sixth st. Inquire at No. 4 6th. Phone Red 1738. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. TWO BLOCKS NORTH Washington; furniture for sale, $325; rent reasonable. 7 Park. FOR SALE NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM flat; good location, close in, very cheap. Main 3366. GOOD FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS. HOUSE to rent to purchaser; lease over Fair. 328 Main. FURNITURE 7-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN; rest. $30; $600; call Monday and after. 211 Park. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sole; comer location; lease, 221 W. Park. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE RENT $16.50; furniture for sale. DO E. 8th N. Week days. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE; house full roomers and boarders. 202 14th st. HOUSE FOR RENT. $18 PER MONTH: FUR niture for sale; a bargain. 467 E. Flanders. 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale. 327 W. Park. $400 BUYS FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM MOD em flat. 170 10th. Wlntejf aad bummer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE, CLATSOP BEACH. SEA side, will be opes during Fall and Winter. Z FINE STOREROOMS ON SIXTH BT.. between Washington and Stark sts.; also upper floor. 54x100 foot. Apply to Jno. P. Bharkey. 701 C of Commerce: tel. M 180. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, COR. CTH AND Hoyt, 50-foot frontage on 6th, for factory or store or warehouse purposes. STORE STARK. 4TH AND 5TH ALTERED suit tenant, with, without rooms upstairs. Woodard, 246 Stark. HALF OF GOOD STORE FOR RENT. FINE retail location. G 41. Oregonlan. FOR RENT PART OF STORE. INQUIRE 386 Washington st. STORE FOR RENT APPLY 602 COMMER clil block. FOR RENT ONE LARGE OR TWO SMALL rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for an of fice, with or without the use of reception room; references exchanged. Inquire 210 Macleay bldg. FOR RENT PART OF LARGE OFFICE room in connection with popular dress making establishment. Phone Main 3000. FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE WITH LIGHT, heat and phone. 233 Washington st., ground floor. OFFICE ROOM AND DESKROOM, 101 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1446. FOR RENT DESK ROOM IN CENTRAL location. V 75. Oregonlan. LARGE ROOM. NEW BUILDING. HOWE, Davis & Kllham. Ill 2d st. NICE OFFICE TO RENT. CALL AT 617 Commercial block. PERSONAL. WE HAVE SOME GREAT BARGAINS IN light ,and golden oak drop-head Singer sewing machines. The above machines were sent back by people going East. ' Anyone de. siring to purchase will do. well to call, as they are to bo sold for the balance due. The Singer Store. 402 Washington st. Phone Main 4588. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW IN3TI tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodberys. New York. Have your work done at home. Dr. A. L. Nelden, the world's beauty king, methods employed by Asa Holmes-Rib-becke. the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatologist on this Coast. Portland's best physicians for reference. Parlors. 364 Morrison. r JO HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas; most wonderful discovery of age; puezles medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, efttnal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores, yield to tale oil like magic; cures in 8 to 20 days; sasaple can. 30c, postpaid; testimonials tree; ageata wasted. M. E. Clinton. 515 E. Couch sc. Portland, Or. Phone Union 1S02. MAJtXY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; KAR riage directory free: pay when married; entirely Hew pln; send money. Ad r6a IT. A. Hortoe, Dept. 81, Tekoxsha. PERSONAL. I MADAME VAUGHN. ONLY GRADUATE aermatoiogist in Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, sagglngs, scars, eczema, pimples, ssoles. freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology taught for professional purposes. Third floor McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Phone Mala 706. TWO DROP-HEAD SINGER SEWING MA chlnes, with a large sum paid on them, can be bought for balance due on same If bought at once for cash or easy payments. Call at the Singer parlors. 354 Morrison St., cor. cf Park. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, palaful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured -by St. Louis Dispensary, 230 Yamhill St.. Portland, Or. Private waiting room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cest stamps. I AM GOING TO START A GINSENG GAR- ucu ana want a partner in me Dimness; must have some capital and plenty of en ergy. I have a plant where a living can be made from poultry, berries and garden ing while growing the ginseng. Address Ginseng. O 87, care Oregonlan. DID YOU SLEEP WELL LAST NIGHT? Sexlne Pills produce that perfect composure of the nerves that makes you sleep per fectly. Price $1 a box, 6 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 3d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHOEA. GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st st. HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE. PERSONAL MAG netlsm and the occult art should be under stood by all for social, business and health reasons; taught by adepts In the art. grad uates of American. European and Hindoo schools; results guaranteed. J 86, Oregon lan. NO MAN OR WOMAN FEELS GOOD WHEN run down; Sexlne Pills build up as no other tonic can. Price. $1. six boxes, $5. with full guarantee. Address or call. J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and "X anthill sts., Port land, Or. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 150 1st. Portland, Or. Phone Red 816L Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tail oring Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. JENNIE LINDELL. expert dermatologist, permanently removes every facial blemish; electro-facial massage and scalp treatment; beauty culture, chiropody and manicuring taught. 702 Marquam bldg. Black 2S36. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 28, WITH $10,000; lady, 20. $50,000; lady, 25. $15.000r blonde, 18, cash and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W e97 Fulton sc. Chicago. 111- REFINED GERMAN LADY WITH SOME means, of good disposition, and excellent . housekeeper, wishes to keep house for wid ower or bachelor over 45, with good home. Address Y 88, Oregonlan. ELDERLY WIDOW WOULD LIKE TO MEET elderly gentleman who would help her finan cially In getting rooming-house; to such party will make pleasant home;, object mat rimony. B 90, Oregonlan. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, Or. FOR SALE A SNAP: A 9-ROOM HOUSE with board and lodging, new house, new furniture; 3 years' lease: rent $20. monthly; good location. Price, $550 cash. Address A 93, Oregonlan. WOULD YOU MARRY HAPPILY AND TO your financial advantage? If so, write us for information stating age and sex; there will be no publicity. Home z Comfort, Toledo, O. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. E"?C. EE moved with electric needle; electric mas sage; 10 years" experience in Portland; phy sicians' refs. lady opr. 248 6th. Main 1109. POKER PLAYERS WRITE ME FOR FREE prospectus regarding the most valuable in formation ever given on draw poker. Ad dress Ritter Publishing Co., Columbus, O. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic far either sex; 25c box by mail. Albert Bern!, 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH. Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co.. Special Agents, 151 3d st. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING CURED by the well-known specialist. Prof. O. H. Ennls, of Chicago, located at Scott Hotel, Portland, for a short time only. A WIDOW WISHES TO MEET AN ELDERLY gentleman of means that wants a good wife and companion; no triflers will be. an swered. Y 91, Oregonlan. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln, 490 N. Clark st., Chicago. t MARRY WEALTHY 500 BONA FIDE LA dies and gentlemen descriptions worth up to $100,000; 10c sealed. R. L. Love, Den ver, Colo. DETECTIVES ALL KINDS OF INFORMA tlon secured; operatives of both sexes; high, class work;-write for prices. ' P. O. Lock Box 274. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS Giv en honorable ladles and gentlemen, responsi ble age, matrimonially inclined. Q 81, Ore gonlan. A WIDOW BUSINESS LADY WISHES TO borrow $300 to pay for lodging-house; those matrimonially Inclined preferred. N 92, Ore gonlan. HANDSOME. JOLLY OLD MAID, AGE 32. has $15,000; wants a good, respectable hus band. Address Cu'rran, 1242 Wabash, Chi cago. MARRIAGE PAPER CONTAINS ADVER tlsements of marriageable people. Best published. Mailed free. B. Gunnels, Toledo. Ohio. We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style 25c; 250 business cards $L Brown & Schmale, 229- 1st. Portland. Or YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. WIDOW. AGS 26. CONSIDERABLE PROP erty, desires gentleman correspondent; ob ject, matrimony. Box 33, Toledo, Ohio. LADIES-iSPECIAL BATHS AND MASSAGE; with, electric treatment; nothing better. Mar quam Lodging-House, 145 6th. ATTENTION. LADIES! PHONE MAIN SS9J and have your manicuring, shampooing, done at your home; expert. Watches, diamonds, easy payments. Diamonds bought. W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay 899. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4332. FINANCIAL. LOANS ON THE . EASY-PAYMENT PLAN to salaried people; lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 716 The Dekum, 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Palette, 304-5 ' Fenton bldg. Phone Main J.385. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cit ies. Tollman, 223 Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO BORROW $500 ON FIRST clars chattel security; large monthly pay ments; remainder to be paid in 6 months. Address P 92. Oregonlan. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 to $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phona Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest .rates. S. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. LOANS oa furniture, pianos, aay other secu rities at lowest rates; notes, mortgages bought. Eastern Loan Co.. 44Sfeerlock bldg. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity; building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 629. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OS" $S AND UP oa all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Pkoee Clay 1814 CHATTEL LOANS o is "all kinds cf chattel security. Northwest Loan Co.. 321 Ablagte bkig. MONEY TO LOAX ON EAST SIDE IX proved property; terms mMSsMt. J. L. WU Co., 94 OrsJkd avs.