25 THE SUNDAY OKEGOIA, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 13, 1904. WANTED MISCECXAXEOUS. lOUNG WOMAN WANTS MASSAGE Doc tor for treatments; must be strictly re spectable; West Side; state office or ad dress; not to exceed $1 per treatment. Ad dress Xt 71, Oregonlan. MARRIED COUPLE TOLL LOOK AFTER girl between the ages of and 12; -will have good borne; terms reasonable. C SI, Orego nlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." C2 N. 2d. Phone Hood 617. WANTED TO RENT AN UPRIGHT PIANO; will pay $2.50 a month; good care given. Glencoe School. Mount Tabor. A CHANCE FOR TWO TO GET IN A. DUCK ranch, best shooting on slough; earner must leave city. R 72, Oregonlan. WANTED 30 H. P. SLAB-WOOD BURNING boiler; must be In good condition. H. Melster, corner 18th and Johnson sts. DOG WANTED ONE ST. BERNARD OR Newfoundland bitch, 1 or 2 years old. P. H. St&rks, Pokegama, Or. WANTED A HOME FOR BABT GIRL, 18 months; good pay to proper party. Address K SI. Oregonlan. WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY, $50; SB curlty four times amount; bonus $5. Interest. E 74, Oregonlan. WANTED BT TOUNG MAN. CARPENTER; private lessons In architectural drawing. S 71, Oregonlan. WILL. BUT OR TRADE ADVERTISING FOR rolltop and flat desk. 418 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED TO BORROW $500 FOR 6 TEARS for building purposes. Address D 74, Ore gonlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60c at HOOLA baugh'e. 2674 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. NICE PRIVATE HOME FOR CHILDREN; terms reasonable. Phone Main 1809. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2223. - WE, PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. SECOND-HAND SAFE IN GOOD CONDI tlon. L 72, Oregonlan. FOR BENT. Booms. I THE LINCOLN," 409 Morrison, cor. 11th New brick, elegant, furnished, sunny rooms, all modern conveniences; tourists and trav ellngmen solicited. Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Prop. 2JICELT FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS; also front parlor suitable for two- gentle men or two ladles, reasonable; private house; good location. 321 5th. Phone Main 2757. 251 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NICELT furnished, pleasant rooms, new brick build ing, new, good furnishings; $2 to $4 a -week: transients 50c to $L Red 3140. STEAM-HEATED ROOM. WITH GOOD board. In private family: modem conveni ences: two young men, $5 week each. 651 flat B, on 2d floor Washington st. ONE NICE LARGE, CLEAN ROOM WITH running water and bath; also a small sleeping-room, $7 per month. 271 7th St., bet. Madison and Jefferson sts. 1 THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms; beat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. PLEASANT ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAM ily. no other roomers; bath, gas and phone; five minutes walk of Hotel Portland. In quire 262 12th at. PLEASANT WARM ROOM. NICELT FUR nished, in new house, four blocks from Ho tel Portland; home comforts, good bath, phone. 250 6th. -i FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM for young lady employed during day, house keeping privileges; rent $1 per week. Ap ply 63 N. Oth st 474 YAMHILL. COR. 14TH TWO NEWLY furnished rooms for gentlemen or business women; modern conveniences; private house; no sign. 755 IRVING. COR. 23D TAKE W CAR Furnished rooms, porcelain bath, furnace heat, cheap; table board three blocks. Main 1077. DELIGHTFUL FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE homo for one or two ladles; privilege of getting breakfast; walking distance. Q 71, Oregonlan. 181 OST ST.. COR. YAMHILL LARGE front suite, with closet; aleo single rooms; phone, bath; reasonable; transient. Phone Clay 755. 190 13TH ELEGANTLY FURNISHED .FRONT suite In new house, modern, including piano; also single room, select location, central; board close. LARGE. ELEGANT FRONT PARLOR. FUR nished or unfurnished; bath, gas and phone; very reasonable. 549 0th, bet. Jackson and Lincoln. Well-furnished large, also small room; modern conveniences; gentlemen pre ferred. 489 Washington. Telephone Main 4188. ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY A PLEAS ant and newly furnished room on ground floor, with bath; good location. 269 Clay st. S0 PARK ST. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH bath, heat, electric light and phone; private family; pleasures of home. Call Main 2252. j FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UNFURNISH ed rooms with bath and cellar, suitable for housekeeping; reasonable. 235 Hall, cor. 2d. 633 FLANDERS ST.-NICELY FURNISHED double parlor with fireplace; also single rooms; with furnace heat, bath, phone. X-ARGE. BEAUTIFULFURNISHED FRONT room in private home, for gentleman only; no bther roomers, central. Main 4714. 2 ROOMS FOR RENT IN PRIVATE FAM ily; close in; suitable for ladles or gentle man; $L50 per week. 389 E. Couch. PLEASANTLY FURNISHED FRONT AL cove and rear outslda rooms: gas and phone, reasonable. Main 50S7. 60S Clay et. NEWLY RENOVATED AND NICELY FUR nlshcd front rooms, steam heat, bath, etc.; reasonable, close in. 3S7 YamhllL. 209 MADISON. NEAR 6TH FINELY FUR nlshed room for one or two; warm and cozy; all modern; small private family. 405 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH LARGE, well-furnished front alcove room with 2 closets, all modern conveniences, 4 NICELY FURNISHED SUITE. SUITABLE for two: all conveniences; home comforts. Phone Main 4927. 408 Main. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. VERT reasonable; phone, bath, new, suitable for gentlemen. Call 490 Columbia. 125 14TH JUST OFF WASHINGTON ELE gant furnished rooms, new, modern house; all conveniences: reasonable. THE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH. COR. WASH iugton, n'.S6 comfy rooms, single, en eulte, transient. Phone Green 4S6. VERY NICE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM, large closet, on Washington St.; modern con veniences. Phone Main 32S0. SELECT FAMILY HOTELS, ROOMS EN suite or single; transients; 17th and Mor rison st. Phone Alain 1398. LENTS NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR $1 per week, over Postofflce at Lents; take Mount Scott car, 6c fare. FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOM. MODERN, new flat, fine location, pleasant surroundings. 274 Park. cor. Jefferson. CHOICE OF TWO ROOMS. NEW FLAT, modern lovely location, pleasant surroundings. 274 Park, cor. Jefferson. NEWLY FURNISHED COZY ROOMS S.UIT able for one or two; desirable location; very reasonable. 647 Morrison. 24 HASSALO ST. NICELY FURNISHED room suitable for one or two; modern con veniences, private family. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED FRONT room, ground floor. In private house, $7. 415 E. Burnslde st., cor. 6th. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room suitable for 2; also single room, rea sonable. 528 Taylor st. 422 E. COUCH. NEAR CTH MODERN dwelling, private family, breakfast If de sired. Phone East 2267. FINE. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; ALL modem conveniences; near car line and rea sonable. 402 E. Burnslde. 205 WASHINGTON FURNISHED rooms, $L50 to $3 week, suitable for two; transients 25c to 75c $7 PER MONTH FOR LARGE FRONT ROOM, with stove. Phone 1315. 389 E. Yamhill, bet. Union and Grand. ALCOVE SUITE. NICELY FURNISHED, modern conveniences, easy walking dis tance SSI 11th at. FOR KENT. Room. THE FAIRMONT HOTEL. 29 N. CTH ST One-half block north of Postofflce; every thing sew, .all modern conveniences, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, porcelain baths, electric lighted, rooms en suite or single. Phone Red 173 L Mrs. A. Larson, prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. TAT lor and Salmon, .one block couth of Baker Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur nished, steam beat, hot and cold water In room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN), 418 Washington st.. 4 blocks west of the Im perial Hotel; newly furnished rooms, single or enftsulte; hot and cold water, steam heat, ilectrlc light, bath and all modern conveniences: tourists solicited. THE KNICKERBOCKER. 3 OTH ST., ONE block south of Postofflce New brick rooming-house Just opened; steam-heated and modem, handsomely furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reasonable prices; tourists and traveling men solicited. THE PALMER, a E. COR. ALDER AND Park Sts. The most complete apartment house In the city: steam heat, gas. electric lights, porce'aln baths, every modem con venience: touilet and transient trade solicited. Young & Shepard, Props. FOR RENT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY to one or two young ladles, with privilege of light housekeeping, 'also use of parlor; gas, bath, telephone, heat; on Hall et.; ref erences. D 72, Oregonlan. THE ELM. 121 1STH, COR. WASHINGTON Very desirable rooms in beautiful resi dence; all modern conveniences; reason able prices; special rates to tourists, cars direct from depot. FURNISHED ROOMS. 280 PARK ELB srantlr furnished bay-window room with phone, bath and heat: choice location, six- blocks xrom jroruana xtotei; ouiiauio xor iu gentlemen. THE COSMOS, S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOB rlson Finest down-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and upwards. Including bath; $1 per day. H 617 MARSHALL NICELY FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two persons; fine neighborhood; easy walking distance; good board close by. if desired; no sign; refer - FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for gentleman: private family. Inquire 189 16th st.. near Taylor. SMALL FURNISHED ROOM UPSTAIRS, suitable for student; $6; furnished room down stairs. 383 Taylor. r 292 10TH WALKING DISTANCE; EPE clal rates to men; private residence; bath, heat. $6, $8 month. 76 W. PARK NICELY FURNISHED PLEAS ant rooms; also one eulte housekeeping rooms; phone, bath. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private family. 91 10th. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS: GAS. BATH, so children; references. 861 Williams a vs. Phone East 103. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board; prices reasonable. Call 328 5th at. 168 11TH ST. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT room; also one email room; phone, bath and electric light. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM; PHONE, bath and heat, $10 per month; gentleman only. 390 7th et. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM; MODERN CON venlenoes: also small room, reasonable. 341 3d, cor. Market. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen; bath, phone; close In, at 249 Jefferson. FOR RENT AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED front room, 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. 190 Cherry st, ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM AND TWO smaller rooms furnished; bath, gas, phone. 183 W. Park. NEWLY FURNISHED" ROOMS. GAS, HEAT, bath and strictly first-class; reasonable. 41 Ella street. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS single or en suite. 409 E. Salmon near Grand ave. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, modern conveniences; reasonable. Inquire 208 12th Bt NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, GOOD Lo cation; rent reasonable. 102 12th St., near Washington. NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPING-ROOMS; gas, oatn. pnone. i am et., opposite N. Park block. MICHAEL HOUSE FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms, $lgo per week. 3zft e. oak. Phone Union 912. TWO ROOMS IN SUBURBAN HOME FOR elderly woman; pensioner; cheap. X 78, Oregonlan. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW MOD- ern house, 3 blocks from Hotel Portland. 248 Cth. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE AND OTH- er rooms; Data, gas, pnone. 109 Park, sear Morrison. WORKING GIRL WHO WOULD LIKE TO room with another girl please address S 81, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BY DAY OR ween; zuuiu)' cluu jtiuuiuuio ca&rges. raone Clay 1800. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED. PLEAS- ant xront rooms; very convenient; central location. NICE PARLOR AND KITCHEN. $18: ALSO sunny aicove suite tor two, sio. les 12 th Morrlson. SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM- iiy, suitable lor two; cheap rent, 243 Mill et. NICE FURNISHED ROOM: BATH. PHONE; private xamuy; isza xitn; ti:; references ex changed. NICE, LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS. ciose in; re&sooaoie u ngnt parties, ztii tn street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 PER week ana up; can go light housekeeping. 123 14 th. 327 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED rooms, light and clean, bath and furnace heat. SUNNY FRONT ROOM. NEW AND CON venient, furnace heat, bath and phone. 251 10th. FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH Day window; ground noor. Apply too Front st. "THE AFPLETON." 71 N. CTH SUNNY furnished rooms. $2 up; housekeeping rooms. CLOSE IN Furnished. $1 week; board. Housekeeping 2 rooms, $12 month, 6 10th. THE WANATCHEE. 205 2D ST. NEWLY furnished, up-to-date conveniences, transient. BRIGHT. SUNNY ROOM, SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen; gas, phone. 314 6th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent, suitable for one or two. 11 N. Cth st. Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland, $1 week up. ' Gllman. 1st and Alder sts. TWO VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, and rent reasonable. Call 235 11th sr. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for 2. 14 11th St., cor. Burnslde. GOOD. CHEAP ROOMS AT 2SS?J Third st.; single and en suite. Phone Main 1625. $6 SINGLE FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAM ily. 605 Jefferson el Main 2513. VERY COMFORTABLE ROOMS IN CHOICE location; reasonable. 294 10th st. THE Y. M. G A. HAS A FREE LIST OF furnished rooms in all parts of city. '86 IRVING NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS, EN SUITE or single. Call 22S W. Park. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE family for $9. 542 E. Oak. LARGE FRONT ROOM AT 140 11TH ST. with bath, phone and gas. FOR RENT 1 OR 2 COZILY FURNISHED rooms. Call 407 10th st. NEAT. CLEAN SINGLE OR SUITE; RATES reasonable. 467 EL Pine. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. $9. CS7 Pettygrove et. FOR RENT FRONT ROOM WITH BAY w ladow at 423 3d t. TOR KENT. Rooms. NEATLT FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen; all conveniences; references. 244 7th st. LARGE PARLOR BEDROOM. SUITABLE for one or two; close In; reasonable. In quire 253 Chapman st. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH AND phone, reasonable, at 129 13th at., bet. Washington and Alder. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM REA eonable. 366 4th et.. bet. Mill and Mont gomery. Call evenings. NEATLT FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS FRONT room to quiet, respectable business woman; $5 per month, 705 2d. FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. SUIT- aoie lor three gentlemen; smau room, suit able for two. 141 13th. 207 6TH LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS; bath, gas and phone; centrally located, near Portland Hotel. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen; single room. 549 Pet tygrove and 16th sts. CHEERFUL ROOM IN MODERN PRIVATE home; business man or woman preferred. 699 Couch, near 18th. FOR RENT 2 DOUBLE ROOMS, 75 E. Six teenth st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 162 N. 10th et. FURNISHED ROOM REASONABLE. 259 13th St. Booms With Board. THE LINDELL AN ENTIRELY NEW FAM lly hotel, attractively locate for permanent and transient guests; Market St.. bet. 3d and 4 th; all outside rooms, with handsome, mod em furnishings and all up-to-date conveni ences; electric light, gas, sanitary plumbing, porcelain baths, heated throughout by steam; excellent cuisine and service. Exceedingly low rates to single gentlemen and families. Phone Main 5561. THE ARGYLE, 103 W. PARK IS NOW under new management, pleasant alcove room, suitable for three ladles; can ac commodate outside table boarders; modern Improvements. NEW FAMILY HOTEL. NO. 281 13TH ST. Two rooms now vacant; steam heat; plenty of hot water; excellent table; can accommo date a few outslda table reorders. Phon Main 1203. THE OHIO. 150 11TH, NEAR MORRISON Family boarding-house, home-cooking, nicely furnished rooms, with running water, steam heat, phone, bath, electric light; prices rea sonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 1CTH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use oi Horary; woman's exchange. Address Mrs. Ana.be! Russell, superintendent. 610 Flanders. -4 WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO ROOM AND board In private family of three; new house, modem conveniences; walking distance; ref erences exchanged. L 82, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO ROOM To gether and board In private family; largo front room with grate, bath. Phono Main 6036. 2S 16th. near Washington. FOR RENT HANDSOME FRONT ROOM IN a modem home, with or without board; phone, bath, gas and running water. Ad dress E 75. Oregonlan. THE MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. HOUSE for fastidious people; steam heated, newly furnished rooms: hot water la abundance. Phone Main 1203. DELIGHTFUL FRONT ROOM. WITH board in private "home, for teacher or lady of refinement; references exchanged. W 71, Oregonlan. ELEGANT SUITE OF ROOMS. PRIVATE bath; also other rooms suitable for two; pri vate family; good board. 621 Marshall et. Phone 4119. $25 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with breakfast for two gentlemen; private family; near car lines. 403 11th et. Main 4126. ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY: piano, bath; near three car-lines, quiet neighborhood. 604 E. Oak. Phone East 2314. FOR GENTLEMAN. PLEASANT FRONT room and board, home pleasures and home cooking, $20 month. Call today. 519 Clay st. 242 MILL ST. LARGE. NICELY FURNISH- iuuum, iui ooara ii aesircu; oatn. gas, heat; private family; terms reasonable. NICE PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. unexcenea Doaraing, home cooked, reason able rates. 2. cor. 14th and Burnslde. FOR DESIRABLE ROOM WITH BOARD, home cooking; can acommodate table boarders; use of phone. 475 Washington. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND -AVENUE ntuum roams, single or en suite; elevator; billiard-room; transients; both car lines. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT ooaru; aiso uniurmshed rooms for housekeep ing. 873 E. Couch st.. Ankeny car-line. FRONT ROOM, FIRST FLOOR, WITH GOOD for two young men. 221 13th st. ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG LADIES ur geauemen empioyea during tne cay; close In; reasonable. 44S Columbia. ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 6UIT- sdib tor one or two persons, 650 Commer cial st., on Alblna car line. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT ooara, in private family; also housekeeping rooms. 128 N. 17th et. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. FOUR house. 394 Columbia. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; all home conveniences. No. S E. Cth st. N. Union 2388. WANTED ROOMERS AND BOARDERS; $4 per wees, sos . noyi iu, nail diock from E. Ankeny car line. SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board. The Ella, 655 Washington. Phone Black 950. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM, $5 PER weeK; modern conveniences, soz Clay. Phone Main 5099. 465 YAMHILL FURNISHED FRONT room suitable for one or two, with board; reasonable rates. LARGE FRONT PARLOR; ALSO A SUITE oi rooms, xuraisnea sew, with good board. Call 223 W. Park. 295 10TH ST. NICELT FURNISHED rooms; home-cooking, bath, phone, furnace heat; reasonable. THE HARTMAN. 428 ALDER FAMILY boarumg-nouse, nome-cooking; phone, bath; prices reasonable. PLEASANT ROOM WITH GOOD BOARD FOR two or wree; moacra conveniences. 414 Main. cor. 11th. ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. WITH boaro. &3i landers st., near 16th. Phone Main 2312. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH choice xamiiy Doara. -il lgth st., near Northrurt. ROOM AND BOARD OR ROOM AND BREAK- xast; private; very homelike; reasonable. East 1345. 170 10TH LARGE HANDSOME FRONT room with boar a, suitable for couple or two gentlemen. NICE LARGE ROOMS FOR TWO; ALSO single, with first-class board. 265 6th and Madison. NEW LOW RATES AT THE LINDELL juarKet, oer. so. ana 4Ui; au modem con veniences. FOR RENT ROOM FOR YOUNG MAN. viu or wiuiuul owra; Dam ana pnone. ZoT Sherman. BLAKELY HALL. 270 CTH ST. PLEASANT rooms, wim orsi-ciass ooara; sew building; modern. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD; Bomeogiuiisi zxicrcacc exenangea. 383 Alder st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ooara, nrsi-ciazs, private zasuiy. 245 x. 20th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR diuioui wwiii awucxn cuaveiuenccs. l-ii y. Park. WANTED GIRL TO ROOM AND BOARD. left. 061 E. MORRISON LARGE ROOM WITH Doara xor two. weex; oatn. .poena Union 4536. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITH- uul muuu. auwuq 4uju i n, uxx Xaverett s& BY NOV. 15, PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 WITH s wimoat boar. 44 4th cor, Xarfcet FOR RENT. Booms With Beard. ROOM-MATE WANTED BY YOUNG MAN of refinement; private family, central, mod ern conveniences. 272 Parle st., sear Jefferson. s ONE FRONT ALCOVE FOR THREE; ALSO two double rooms with board. 32 N. lith. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, coard. hot ana coia water. LOVELY ALCOVE ROOM, WITH BAL cony and good table board. 208 11th. NICE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. for rent, with board. 15 N. 10th st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD for gentlemen. 424 or 420 4th St. ROOMS AND BOARD AT 418T AND E. YamhllL Inquire at 366 7th si. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO. HOME cooking. 333 Clay and 7th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH tooard. 183 7th at. ROOMS WITH BOARD AT VENDOME. 455 Alder" et. Flats. & ROOMS AND BATH. SOUTHERN EXPO 3 ure. new building. Mill St.. near 7th. A. H. Blrrell, McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. THREE-ROOM. MODERN, UNFURNISHED flat. Inquire housekeeper, flat A. Sevllla. 225 Market st. 6-ROOM. NEW, MODERN FLAT. STEAM beat, central. Frank E. Hart, Sherlock bldg. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT, centrally located; rent reasonable. 144 11th. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN SIX-ROOM flat. 328 18th st. Call 455 Market at. MODERN FIVE-ROOM CORNER FLAT. 662 Main. cor. of Chapman st. FURNISHED TWO-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE 273 7th. Housekeeping Booms, THREE CONNECTING. NEWLY FURNISH, ed rooms, with private bath and every con venience: first floor; also suite of two rooms, completely furnished, second floor, centrally located, one block south of Postofflce, No. 69 6th st. FIRST FLOOR COTTAGE, DOUBLE PAR lors, large kitchen, pantry, well furnished; bath, gas, phone, good yard, pleasant loca tion; central. 26 N. 11th St., 2 blocks - from Washington st. Phone Front 433; references. THE ONEONTA, 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house; elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen: steam beat and baths; free phone on each floor. JEFFERSONIAN, 514 JEFFERSON ELE gantly furnished. 3-room housekeeping apartment, possessing every modem con veniences; abundance hot water, furnace heat, telephones; reasonable. 487 TAYLOR ST. TWO NICELY FUR nlshed upper rooms in new dwelling, with furnace heat and alt modern conveniences; will rent single or together. Call evening or Sunday. Phone 4404. 2 NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT HOU8E keeplng rooms, gas, phone, furnace heat, bath, hot and cold water, use of piano if desired. Phone Scott 229. 215 North Grand avenue. $6 PER MONTH SUITES OF TWO UNFUR nlshed rooms, with gas stoves; new, clean, near Mortlson-st. bridge; have to be seen to be appreciated. 382 E. Yamhill at. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF TWO large housekeeping rooms on Oth St.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor sts.; front bay-window, gas, bath, phone. 191 6th. 1 BLOCK FROM LIBRARY, 81 7TH TWO connecting complete housekeeping apart ments, separate entrance, first floor; also handsome alcove room. 1 2CS MONTGOMERY TEN MINUTES' WALK to the heart of the city; housekeeping suite; bath, gas range, phone, clean, bright; lovely view of the city; cheap. SEVERAL ROOMS IN 9-ROOM COTTAGE furnished for housekeeping for rent, or will sell cheap; fine place for boarders; central; terms. Front 1022. .08 EVERETT. TWO BLOCKS FROM Washington Neatly furnished housekeeping apartments, with homelike accommodations; desirable location. 63 FIRST ST., COR. PINE TWO LARGE, clean unfurnished rooms; water In kitchen; respectable married couple and so children; quiet house. UNFURNISHED SUITE. HOUSEKEEPING: -lias tern exposure, modem conveniences, in private flat. 480 Washington. Phone Main 41S8. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP. lng rooms, completely furnished, with every convenience; pleasant location; reasonable rent. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 OR 4 HOU3E keeplng rooms In modem flat, 20 minutes walk from Oregonlan building. Phone Main 4044. IN .PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE. TWO very nice large rooms for rent with board; car line runs by the door. 294 Clay, cor. 5th. $1-75 PER WEEK-tLARGE, CLEAN. FUR- nisnea nouseiceeping rooms, laundry ana bath. Mrs. Baum. 1S4 Sherman, near Front, SUITE OF 2 OR 8 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Gas range. Every thing modem and complete. 283 Jefferson st. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; bath; very convenient; newly papered and painted; $10. 2 Union ave. 8. 331 12TH TWO CONNECTING FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, phone, gas range, desirable; no children. FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- keeping, parlor floor of cozy cottage, suit able for email family, close in. 310 Main st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS six blocks from Steel bridge; phone and bath; $12.50. 348 Ross st- Phone East 1913. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms; lights, bath. Phone 3445. No children. 307 Harrison. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, to couple without children; refer ences required. 60 E. 13th St., North. . NICELY FURNISHED S-ROOM HOUSBKEEP- mg suite; also beautiful parlor, bedroom, every convenience; reasonable. 403 4th. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. DOWN- stain, iurmsnea xor housekeeping; rent reasonable. 602 Jefferson, near 16th. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- Keepmg rooms, nicely located on East Side; car-line convenient. Phone Scott 11C. VERY DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly furnished, pleasantly situated; terms reasonable. 647 Morrison st. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- mg rooms; aiso xuraisnea basement rooms; phone, bath, gas. 2SO Jefferson st. $11 TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS xor nousexeeping, ground floor; pantry, bath, woodroom, etc 191 Parle TWO NEAT, CLEAN ROOMS. WALKING distance, quiet, house, all modern conveni ences. Mais 3593. 262 14th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 40 ie' uiu. iuiu uy , cveryuung sew; sear Steel bridge. 230 Larrabee st. 3 MODERN UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, near Fair Grounds, $12.50; would furnish. 707 Vaughn at. THREE PLEASANT. FURNISHED HOU8E- xeeplng rooms in private family, to a couple. Apply 655 Yamhill st. 413 MAIN ST.. COR. 11TH LIGHT, WELL- xarnlsnea Housekeeping rooms; ail conven iences; telephone; no children. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; aiso single rooms, nne location, iss St. Clair st. Phone Main 155L FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $10 ana up; everyuung new; paona; oatn. .Hotel Northern. 12th and Marshall. 545 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or ea suite; xurnlshed; so children; brick block, bath. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR LIGHT nouseaeeping; pnone, oatn. ail conveniences. 265 5th, opposite City Hall. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- xeepmg rooms, srsc ana second floors; very 410 SALMON ST. ONE OR TWO NICELY lurmsaeu. reoou, gai, oatn, central. With housekeeping privileges. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ku iimso, tcuuui sui, iiKnt, oatn in cluded. Call 166 11th st. 175 11TH ST.. COR. YAMHILL LARGE, nicely xurnlshed housekeeplsg reoau: also ataxia reoai; bath; feMc FOR RENT. Uousekeepiag Reese. TWO OR THREE NICE LARGE UN FUR -nUhed housekeeping room a. private house; no children. 460 Irving. TWO NICELY FURNISHED LARGE ROOMS, first floor, suitable for housekeeping; pri vate family. 20S 13th, ALCOVE SUITE, NICELY FURNISHED; housekeeping or not; all conveniences; pri vate house. 331 14th et. ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. House keeping or sot; also two furnished housekeep ing rooms. 392 4th st. 392 OTH ST.. COR. HARRISON THREB nice front rooms for housekeeping, with fur niture for tale cheap. 611 GLISAN ST. NICELY FURNISHED 1 -housekeeping and single rooms, with bath, gas. Phone Main 3714. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 146. PORTER ST. Two pleasant furnished rooms, closets, bath; light housekeeping. 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: TWO IF DE 8lred; modern: reasonable; also other rooms. 395 3d, cor. Harrison. CHOICE OF THREE SUITES OF FURNISH ed housekeplsg rooms with pantry and clos ets, $10 544 Overton. 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; bath, phone, light and water. 148 Whlttaker. Main 3669. ONE ROOM. GROUND FLOOR. FURNISHED for housekeeping; suitable for two ladles; phone. 314 6th st. ONE LARGE FRONT ALCOVE FURNISHED room for light housekeeping, with gas, bath, phone. 408 4th st. 435 ALDER ST. UNFURNISHED BASE ment; water and gas plate In kitchen; use of bath and phone. TWO OR THREB UNFURNISHED ROOMS; home privileges; bath, water; $12. Call after noon. References. 686 2d. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, with water; northwest cor ner 17th and Qulmby sts. 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; also 2 unfurnished base ment, 244 Montgomery. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for two persons: new flat. Phone Main 3583. 422 Jefferson st. ONE LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED COM plete for housekeeping, central and conveni ent, 229 11th st. TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also front room, suitable for two; reason able. 107 N. 9th. : ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR' HOUSEKEEP lng; cars run by door. 464 E. Burnslde, comer Sth st, ONE VERY NICELY FURNISHED FRONT parlor for light housekeeping; gas. bath. 211 Sherman street. NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP isg rooms. In suites of two. three and four. 403 Jefferson. DON'T RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UN tll you see those at 164 Park, one block Hotel Portland. TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO ane nloe large single room; cheap. 232 Washington st. 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, first floor: bargain for right people; adults. 189 13th st. 303 13TH HANDSOME SUITE FOR TWO ladles; single room. $6 per month; desirable. Main 3628. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng, with water, $8 per month. 683 Pet tygrove st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING eulte. close in, with bath, gas and phone. 615 Yamhill st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: HOT and cold water: every convenience. 235 6th. cor. Main. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent In the Delaware. Scott 151. 20 N. Grand ave. 429 MAIN TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS rent; very central; price reasonable; large and light. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with hot water and bath. 33 11th st. North. 3S9 CTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng apartments. Phone 4256. O. Healy. proprietor. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The Jefferson. Sth and Jefferson. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. upstairs; phone, gas, central; no children. 383 Taylor. TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas. bath, phone. 135 14th, cor. Alder. $15 TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close in; sink In kitchen; gas. Phone Main 63S9. UP-TO-DATE ROOMS AND HOUSEKEEPING apartments. The Frances, cor. Oth and Mor rison 3 NICE. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPDfG rooms for rent at 533 Overton st,. cor. 18th. Neatly furnished single rooms and housekeeping suites. Bath. Close in. 86 10th, near Stark. ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; steam heat, bath. gas. 2C9 14th, near Jeff. TWO FRONT ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR, with sink, furnished for housekeeping. 291 3d. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; bath, 361 Park and YamhllL 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, lower noor.04is is. oaic. i-none JEast 420. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also 2 cottages, 6 and 7 rooms. 315 Couch. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; oath, phone. 461 Gllsan st. FURNISHED , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: 240 5TH ST. FURNISHED SUTTE OF housekeeping rooms; ail conveniences. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. IN- quire at the Annex, 146 Front st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; oatn, gas ana pnone. i&3 w. jcars. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS xor housekeeping. 111 is, uta st. S63 2D LARGE- FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms; gas, bath, heat. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; aown-stairs. iw rarx su TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 189 ii tn st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT 861 14TH ST. Call mornings. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED and property cared for. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor, 4th-etreet side. , 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. ELECTRIC LIGHT; iu. zotn sr., near uivision; convenient to car line. A, H. Blrrell, McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. 9-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. BATH, LATELY renovated, .a. i. ccr. lth and Columbia. Inquire 434 Mohawk bldg., or phone East 1059. SUBURBAN HOME, OREGON CITY CAR llne, acre vineyard, two fruits, berries; good cow, fine place for chickens. Phone West 2S91. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST.. rents and insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. VERY NICE NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. SWELL location on corbett St.; $20 per month. Charleson & Staub, 245 Morrison st. CORNER HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS TO RENT; just been remodeled and papered and la fine shape. Inquire 335 E. 13th st. N. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 683 BELMONT, $14; F. W. Torgler. 10C Sherlock bldg. UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHED, WITH piano, gooa o-room nouse, near car track. 671 Grove St., Montavllls. A GOOD 7-ROOM COTTAGE, BATH AND mu casement, near ateei onage. inquire room 301. The Dekum. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND furniture xor sale; everything complete: chean rent. 617 E. 25th sC -ROOM HOUSE. 10 EAST I5TH: FINE COX dltlos; electricity, fixtures, bath, baseaeat, large Yarurfac. $2St I OR RENT. PARTIAL LIST ' I 7.tO-5-room, E. 41st and Holgate. $ 8.0O 6-room flat. 409 N. 18th. 3-room cottage. Mount Tabor. $ 9.00 3-rojtn, 3SS E. Burnslde. 9 9.00 4-room. 1439 Union a-e. 5J0-0O-4-roorn house. 1116 E. Salmon. $10.00 3-room bouse. 152 E. 20th. $15.00 5-room cottage. 129 Meade. $15. CO 5-room cottage. 337 Sherman. $12.00 3-room cottage, 153 E. 6th. $15.00 7-room house. Hood and Grant. $16.00 5-room house, 467 E. Ash. $18.00 6-room house, 911 Water sr. $18.50 5-room cottage, E. 10th and Aeh. J20.00 7-room cottage. 347 E. Sth. $20.00 6-room cottage. 109 E. 19th. $22.50 6-room cottage, 714 E. Ankeny. 122.50-6-room flat (new), 14th and E. Salmon $15.00 6-room flat (new). 14th and E. Salmon $23.00 6-room flat (new). 603 y. Columbia. 30.C0 8-room cottage. 166 E. 12th. $25.C0 8-room cottage, 341 E. 13th. $25.00 7-room cottage. 10 E. 15th. $19.00 6-room cottage. 60S E. Ankeny. $30.00 6-room flat, 7th and Jefferson. H. E. EDWARDS. 1S5-191 FIRST ST. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 511 N. 24th et., 5 rooms $12.00 10C9 Front st 5 rooms 14.00 447 Falling st., new, 5 rooms. 14.00 737 Savier St., flat, 6 rooms 15.00 222 N. 15th St., flat, 5 rooms 15.00 712 Brooklyn st-. 7 rooms... 18.00 'S3 Corbett St., 7 rooms... J 18.00 651 Pettygrove St., 6 rooms .. 18.00 795 Oregon st., 9 rooms 20.00 363 E. 8th St. North, 6 rooms 20.00 103 E. 19th St., 6 rooms 20.00 323 Ross st., 8 rooms 23.00 648 Weldler St., new, 6 rooms 25.00 227 Whlttaker st. 8 rooms 25.00 n0 Hoyt st., 8 rooms . 30.00 105- N. 20th et., 9 rooms 33.00 275 Clay St.. new flat. 6 room- 35.00 681 GUsan St., 0 rooms 60.00 647 Hoyt St.. 8 rooms 40.00 AKJJuELD, FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark St. t FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE Company Neat new and beautiful 5-room cottage, bath, hot and cold water. East Taylor street, near 45th; $12.50 per month. Lovely 5-room cottage, 1515 East Ninth North, $11 per month. , ' Nice place at Oak Grove, $5 per month. Apply 149 First street. WE TAKE CHARGE OF HOUSES AND other buildings, secure good tenants, rent the properties, attend to necessary repairs with strict economy, pay taxes, and in all respects care for the interests of the own ,ers. We shall be glad to have you call for further particulars on Portland Trust Com- t pony of Oregon. 109 3d st. NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST Side, ground 100x100, elegant lawn; for rent for 12 months at $25; new and complete fur niture for sale at reasonable price. The Shaw-Fear Company. 243 Stark Et. OUR MAN WILL LOCATE YOU IF YOU will call on U3; parties owning untenanted houses, flats and rooms will find It to their advantage to list them with us; no charge. H. E. Edwards. 185 to 191 1st st. FOR RENT 7-ROOMBD HOUSE. , WITH bath; newly painted and papered throughout; comer Jefferson and Stout sts.; also 5-room house, with bath, 260 Stout st. Inquire 51 2d st. $10. PER MONTH FINE MODERN COT tage. 6 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, electric lights, on car line. Union ave and Mechanic st. Phone Suburban 721. 11-ROOM HOC SB. BATHROOM. CHICKEN house bam in good condition, large lot all -fenced: rent $15 per month. 13 Villa ave., Montavilla. Phone Union 4011. NEW 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSB. FULL basement, furnace, comer lot. Apply 743 Vaughn and 23d. FOR RENT HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF city, and all sizes. L. R. Cottrell. 325 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, one block from Ivanhoe Station, on Wood stock car line. MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT, 6 ROOMS, gas. bath. 430 Harrison at. Apply 423 Harrison. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE IN. East Side; rent $13. Osoorn Hotel. Phono East 375. 681 GLISAN. COR. 21ST 10-ROOM HOUSE, modem conveniences, $50. Inquire next door. Main 4208. 8-ROOM HOUSE. PERFECT CONDITION, large yard, .West ave. and Belmont. Phone 2307. NEW, MODERN. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. SIX large closets. Call 94 E. 12th. Phone East 1710. FOUR-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. WOOD- snea ana wen. $T month. Phone Union. 3452. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 Whitaker st. Apply 821 Front st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUS E AND HALF acre ground. Inquire E. 863 Division st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 902 THUR man, near Fair. Inquire at 102 1st st. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, with bath. Inquire 131 N. 10th st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 320 E. First, cor. of Halsey. A COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS. 4S1 UNION AVE.. Upper Alblna; rent reasonable. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 82 E. Eighth St., North. HOUSE 7 ROOMS. 831 MARKET ST. Furnished Houses. 8-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED COMPLETE; also piano; rent reasonable; must be respon sible parties: 651 Northrup st. Parties em ployed by Government that wanted to rent 651 Northrup, please call again. GOOD FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE for sale, or will rent reasonable; walking distance; no objection to Infant. V 74. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE, complete: piano. 621 E. Salmon st. Phone Union 3391. Call Monday. Also 5-room cot tage. t- 8 OR 5 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms; good location; sice large grounds. 401 12th st. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, Union ave. North, Inquire room 29, Wash ington bldg. FURNISHED 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE for rent; or would sell furniture. Call 23 8th st. North. 6-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH. CORNER E. 11th and Ankeny. Call No. 7 E. 14th et. North. FOUR VERY NICE LARGE FURNISHED rooms, complete for housekeeping, $25. 543 Sth st. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. I WILL SELL AT A 8ACRTFICE IF SOLD by the 16th lnst., the. .elegant sew furni ture, carpets, curtains and everything complete for housekeeping of new strictly modern, seven-room house on West Side, rent of which is $35. Phone Main 2697, Monday, after 12, or address T 74, Ore gonlan. FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE, NEARLY new; residence neighborhood; rooms rented; rent $30; $450 If taken at once. Furniture of 10-room house; g&a ranges and stoves; can be rented as fiats; rent in house, $42; rent $35; .price $575. Address Mrs. Eddy. 322 14th st. Phone Front 194. r- FURNITURE AND LEASE ON HOUSE TO oe sola, bargain, owner leaving city, excellent location, completely furnished for 14 people for -rooms and board. Inquire 515 Oregonlan bldg. Telephone Hood 1581. PRETTY. NEW, SIX-ROOM CORNER COT tage for rent, and new furniture, same for sale. In neighborhood 16th .and Love Joy; will accept terms. Phono Main 4587. FOR 8 ALE FURNITURE OF TEN-ROOM house within one block of Portland Hotel satisfactory renting arrangements can. be made. Address G 81, Oregonlan. $265 BUYS 6 ROOMS, FURNITURE. $265 buys the furniture; no agent; I want deal direct with buyers; rent S25. Call at house. 169 11th. near Morrison. SIX-ROOM MODERN NEW FLAT FOR rent and furniture for sale; swellest little homo in city; leaving .city cause of selling. Phone Main 1968. $400 BUYS FURNrrURE OF 11 ROOMS, house well furnished, rent $35; walking distance; must sell at once. C 82, Ore gonlan. "FINE FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS, HOUSE to lot to purchaser, long lease; bargain. 323 Main. bet. 6th and 7th. Phone Main 3454. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT TO RENT; good, neighborhood; furniture- for sale: owner leaving town. Address N 74, Oregonlan. MODERN FLAT FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; parties leaving tows; bargain; no agents. 170 10th st. T ROOMS. BATH: 3 ROOMS RENTED; RENT $38.60; price, $300 cash; don't call unless you mean ouslneas. 334 5th. FOR SALE FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE: 2t $40, 75 i st, N . FOR RENT. Houses for Rent Fnraituro tor Sale. FOR SALE LEAVING CITY: SELL FURNI ture; everything needed for housekeeping; six-room cottage: East Side, close In; buyer continues as tenant; cheap rent. J 71, Ore gonlan. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale at a bargain; everything complete; very central; best location. Telephone Main 5326. 17 ROOMS RENT $80; 14 FURNISHED. 13 unfurnished, on Sixth st. Inquire at No. 4 6th. Phone Red 1738. 11 ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR sale, cheap. If taken immediately; rent $40. 244 Montgomery. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM house, central: a bargain If taken at once. Phone Majn 890. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale: reasonable It taken at once. 221 W. Park. FOR SALE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF house 9 rooms, all full; sell cheap. 101 10th MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE RENT $16.50; furniture for sale 90 E. Sth N. Week days.". FURNITURE OF NEW 7-ROOM FLAT FOR t eale; cheap If taken at once. 202 74th st. 10-ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED. FOR SALE, with lease. 633 Washington. Winter and bummer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. 8EA alde. will be open during Fall and Winter. Stores. 3 FINE STOREROOMS ON SIXTH ST between Washington and Stark sts?: ib upper floor. 54x100 feet. Apply to Jnap Sharkey. 701 C. of Commerce; tel. M ISO! TENANTS WANTED FOR NEW ONE-STORY frame building to be erected at southwest comer 23d and Marshall sts. Apply Wake field. Fries & Co.. 229 Stark st. r SMALL STORE AND LIVING ROOMS suitaDie tor aressmaxing. Apply to Wake field, Fries & Co., 229 Stark st. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT, COR. 6TH AND Hoyt, 30-foot frontage on 6th, for factory or store or warehouse purpos.es. GOOD STOREROOM. SUITABLE ANY Busi ness; rent reasonable. 543 Washington st. FOR RENT STORE, 328 COUCH ST., BET. 6th and 7th. Inquire on premizes. HALF OF GOOD STORE FOR RENT. FINE retail location. G 41. Oregonlan. FOR RENT PART OF STORE. INQUIRE 3S6 Washington sj. STORE FOR RENT APPLY 502 nnvTVT-PTffl clal block. Offices. FOR RENT LARGE ROOM. WITH OR without use of reception-room; in centrally located office building. Inquire 210 Macleay bldg.; references exchanged. LAWYER WITH COMPLETE LD3RARY, etc.. wishes desk room or adjoining office. Address J 81, Oregonlan. GROUND-FLOOR OFFICE, WITH VAULT; fine business location; real estate district. B 82, Oregonlan. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED OFFICE In central location. Address V 75, Oregonlan. LARGE ROOM. NEW BUILDING. HOWE. Davis A Kllham. Ill 2d sr. PERSONAL. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts" Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 months. $5.00. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co., Port land, Or. ' WANTED INFORMATION AS TO ADDRESS of Frederick Tronsen. The address Knappa about 1890. Small recovery can be made. Address Harvey Spalding & Sons, Washing ton. D. C. RESPECTABLE YOUNG GENTLEMAN, GER man, wishes to meet respectable lady. maCT monlally inclined; farmer's daughter pre ferred; confidentially. Address C 73, care Oregonlan. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAR rlage directory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send so money. Ad dress H. A. Horton, Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Mich. VIM. VIGOR, VITALITY DU PONT ET a xk.ui. Auuiets, nature s great tonic xor either sex; 25c box by mail. Albert Serai, 2d and Washington, Agent, Portland, Or. MARRY WE DESIRE WIVES FOR GEN tleman age 60. worth $150,000; another age 45. worth $90,000; Catholic gentleman, age 38, worth $18,000. Family Circle, Toledo, O. FOR EXPERT PIANO TUNING HAVE AN derson do your work. Leave orders Ander son Music Co., Oregon City, or Fischer Mu sic Co.. 190 3d St., Portland. Phone Red 962. POKER PLAYERS WRITE ME FOR FREE prospectus regarding the most valuable In formation ever given on draw poker. Ad dress Hitter Publishing Co., Columbus, O. BACHELOR, SELF-MADE, MIDDLE AGE, wealthy, wants horne-lovlntr wife, no ob jection to sincere poor woman. Address J. WardOgden ave., cor Robey, Chicago. SUPERFLUOUS HATrt, MOLES, ETC, RE moved with electric needle; electric mas sage; 10 years experience In Portland; phy sicians' refs.; lady opr. 248 6th. Main 1109. r LADIES, ATTENTION, ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co., Special Agents. 151 3d st. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD 3T THE MOST reliable clairvoyants; send blrthdate, dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollin, 490 Nl Clark st. Chicago. y LADY PARTNER WITH $80 CASH TO JOIN professional man, $15 to $23 a day -to be made; no canvassing; strictly office work. T 71, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN HOLDING STEADY POSITION wishes the acquaintance of respectable work ing girl not over 28; object matrimony. N S3, Oregonlan: SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, re sponsible age, matrimonially Inclined. Q 81, Oregonlan. WILL PARTIES THAT ANSWERED THE personal of K 70 in Sunday's paper please answer again as party will not be In city until Tuesday. REFINED, MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW WISHES position as housekeeper for widower or bach elor. Inquire room 24, the Abbott, 228 Washington st. MARRIAGE PAPER 10c, SEALED, '500 wealthy; many worth $100,000; best bank reference; Sth year. R. L. Love, Den .ver, Colo. YOUNG WIDOW WOULD T.TTrp POSITION is store or take charge of rooming-house for gentleman, or hotel; good references. Y 74, Oregonlan. HANDSOME, JOLLY OLD MAID, AGE 32, has $15,000; wants a good, respectable husband. Address Curran, 1242 Wabash, Chicago. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN WITH $100 can engage In good paying business. Call Sunday afternoon, room 20, 349 An keny. MISS M J. WINGETT. 1. W. C A. BLDG.. physical and health culture; ladles and chil dren; private. 267 Clay. Phone West 2213. GENTLEMAN OF REFINEMENT AND TAL ent wishes to meet young lady of good char acter; object matrimony. X 71, Oregonlan. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS PERMANENTLY cured-, cancers, moles, malignant tumors, sci entifically treated. Dr. Voose, 181 1st- We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style. 25c: 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale, 229 1st, Portland. Ox. ORGAN TUNING AND REPAIRING; Ex pert work; no connection with any piano store. Geo. S. Bacon, 312 3d st,, city. DETECTIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL WORK. All kinds of information secured; half usual rates. E 70, care Oregonlan. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORS ACCTJ- rateiy aoa irowuduij uucu a. xj aecu s ruar macy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. LIQUOR. TOBACCO AND 'CIGARETTE naoir positively cureu; can De sent, by mail. 360 Washington st. DETECTIVE ALL KINDS OF INFORMA- uon securer; rcasonaote rates, js 70 Ore gonlan. Watches diamonds, easy payments. Diamonds Dougnr, w. r-. jLiesn. a 13 uekurn. day 360. BALM OF FIG5 FOR ALLr FEMALB DIS- FIRST-CLASS DETECTIVE WORK AT REaI GERMAN LESSONS GIVEN IN CLASS OR