n PART TWO PAGES 9 TO 16 vol. xxin. POBTLAM), OBEGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1,904. NO. 45. $2.50 and $3 Comforters for $1.98 Covered -with best grade of figured Silkolines, filled with best white laminated cotton. Choice of 4 and 5 pound Vizes. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Drapery and Curtains to Order We call your attention to the great savings we effect on all Curtain Drapery and Window Shade-to-order work we do. Figures submitted on all kinds of work. Hosiery Our stock of woolen Hosiery for women and children is abso lutely complete. The values-the best we've ever had to offer. Af A) Women's pure JtTLV xfw cashmere Hose. Full fashioned, high spliced heel and double sole. Af Ef Women's fine Jl OJt ribbed black worsted Hose with gray heels and toes. A f Women's heavy Jt.l tU IXI ribbed black woolen Hosiery, seamless, splendid value; also plain black woolen. Stockings with ribbed tops. A f "2 Kri Children's wool OU Hose fine ribbed black worsted, seamless; double knee. A f O Kr Children's ixi Al heavy black woolen Hose, spliced knee, very durable. Infants' Wear 23d instead of 30c, Infants' extra fine worsted Bootees. iQ$ instead of 75c, Infants' crocheted worsted Sacques, write body, pink and blue trim mings. 75 instead of $1.00, Infants' crocheted worsted Sacques, white with blue or pink border and yokes. 98 instead of $1.25, Infants worsted Sweaters, white bodv with pink, blue and cardinal borders. 12 special infants' Turkish and linen Feeders. Knit Shawls Women's ice wool and Shet land floss squares, cream, black and opera tints. $1.00 values for 79 $1.35 values tor t Hop Sale of Women's Evening Wraps A passing glance at these Evening Wraps and Coats proclaims their absolute newness and freshness, v nryA Vl?T" crr1a ar Tintind fAlfftV ?ro1stiMf tn WTrr nmm n r tttT-ii-i cm i-'Un.m All Uooa mr-r-na-ni-a tnr-ry r collection it will prove profitable for style votaries to studv. each one possessing a stronsr individualitv full of magnetic charm. And not the least merit of these beautiful garments is their reasonable prices. $32.50 Reduced from $45.00. Coat of Champagne Broadcloth, pouch sleeves, collar and cuffs trimmed "with brown, cloth. $77.50 Reduced from '$100. Coat of "White Broadcloth, gathered full to a yoke, trimmed "with Irish applique, touch of green at collar and cuffs. d O Cf Reduced from ?LJUJ $2730. Tan-Broadcloth. Inverness, tailor stitched, collar of orange velvet and gilt braid. (QQ if Reduced from OS.W $125. Coat of Tan Silk, shirred yoke collar, front, cuffs and skirt of all silk applique; white Duchess silk lined. Sale Satine Petticoats Petticoats of black mercerized satine arc practical everyday garments, especially if "everyday" happens to mean bad weather. Six special lots that merit attention. Oyt Reduced from $L2o. O Ladies' Petticoats of fine mercerized sateen. Made with deep flounce and trimmed with C CI E AA Reduced from J)&iJJJ $47.50. Champagne Broadcloth Coat, collafless, pouch sleeves, silk lined, collar and cuffs trimmed with fancy applique. AA Reduced from OD.UU $47.50. Cream Broadcloth Coat, box-plaited to yoke, front, cuffs and yoke trimmed with braid and velvet. 55 AA Reduced from J)ftJJJ $38.50. -Tan Broad cloth Coat, deep cape, -pouch sleeves; cape and yoke trimmed with stitched straps. QLO fi Reduced from $&(.0J $35.00. Coat o Tan Pongee, collarless, full sleeves, lace applique collar, belted, box-plaited front and back. $72.50 Reduced from $95.00. Cream Silk and silk applique coat, bell sleeves, silk lined, sleeves, collar, front and skirt finished with chiffon ruffle. COO Rfl Reduced from laOiJU $50.00. Coat of "White Broadcloth, plaited puff sleeves, yoke trimmed with silk braid and ap plique in Vandyke effect. C 51 Kf" Reduced from $UfmiJJ. $75.00. Coat of Tan Ottoman Silk; collar, front and cuffs of black velvet, trimmed with white silk braid; novelty sleeves, silk lined. QA A A Reduced from 4)UVeUU $42.50. Gray Broadcloth Inverness, silk lined; collar and cuffs trimmed with narrow braid. Two Big Waist Specials fZGkn Reduced from $L00. v27Lf Ladies' Petticoats of sateen, made and black mercerized with deep knife plaited tucked ruffle at bottom. fi"f O yy Reduced from ?90t $2.00. Ladies' Pet ticoat of fine black mercerized sateen. Made with scalloped ac cordian plaited raffle on bottom, finished with inching, "f A.O Reduced from P J.X $2.50. Ladies' Pet ticoats of fine black mercerized sateen, made in the new section flare shape, with clusters olnar row tucking on flounce and extra deep dust ruffle. tucked ruffles and strapping. ff Reduced from ?JL.SJ& $L50. Ladies' Pet ticoat of black mercerized sateen. Umbrella shape, with three .tucked ruffles, flat tailored bands above each ruffle. 1 01 Reduced from $1.75. Ladies' Pct iicoats of fine black mercerized sateen, made with graduated knife-plaited ruffle with two tucked and shirred ruffles at bottom and dust ruffle. 33C euce frm ?3L25, women's Waists, made of all-wool twilled flan nel. Choice of red, navy and brown. The front has one plait and four short tucks on each side, fancy metal buttons, full pouch sleeves, stock collar Regularly $1.25. Special tomorrow at $29? Reduced from ?4.50. Women's " ' Waists, made of fine "black Taf feta and Pemii de Soie Silk. The front is made with narrow plaits and tucks, the back has wide box -phit tucked and stitched; full pouch sleeve, fankr stock collar, lined throughout. Regularly ML.50. Special tomorrow at 2.97. News From the Dress Goods Store TUT II 1 I' 1 II Ml 'l laT-r: The news from the Dress Goods Store today has a decided bargain twang. The items herewith presented are of goods most in demand right now, at just the prices you'll like to pay Listen 50c Albatross 39c All wool Crepe Albatross in cream, sky blue, cadet pink, Nile, reseda, cardinal, tan, pearl, gray, wine, navy, etcj best 50c quality here at 39 85c Suitings 69c Tailor Suitings of Medium weight and in medium colors, in visible plaids, stripes and mixtures, 46 inches wide;' besjt 85c quality here at 69 $1.50 Suitings $1.00 Heavy-weight Suitings for suits, skirts and coats, in plain mixtures and mannish-effects plaids, splendid line of new colors 54 to 58 inches wide; best $L25 and $L50 values here at $1.00 $2 Coverts $1.50 "Waterproof Covert Cloths, 54 inches wide, tan and olive only; best $2.00 grades, here at $1.50 75c Black Goods 49c All-wool Storm Serges, Cheviots, Granites, Armurcs, Whipcords, Serges, Etamines, etc goods that always sold at 65c and 75c per yard on sale today at. .49 $2.25 Cravenette $1.95 Priestley's Cravenette Coverts, plain and herringbone weaves, olive, tan and oxford; $2.25 Value at. .$1.95 $1.25 Black Goods 98c Turkish Mohair Crepes, Mohair Granites, silk and wool Crepe d 'Paris, Satin Cloth, Broadcloths, unfinished "Worsteds, Rainproof Cheviots and many other up-to-' date "weaves $1.2o values, for ..9S Drti New Books The Masquerader, by PW OUB Katherine Cecil FSICE PUCE Thurston $1.50 $1.08 Double Harness, by An thony Hope 1 50 1.08 Undarcurrent, by Rob ert Grant l.oO 1.08 The Sorrows of Sap'ed, by James Jeffrey Roche, illustrated in Color 1.50 1.08 Zelda Bameron, by M. Nicholson .... l.oQ-1.08 The Law of the Land, by Emerson Hough... 1.50 1.08 In the Closed. Room, by Burnett, illustrated in color by Jessie ."Wilcox Smith 1.50 1.08 The Truants, by Mason. 1 . 50 1.08 Blazed Trail- Stories, by S. E. "White 1.50 1.08 House of Fulfilment, by G. M. Martin 1.50 1.08 God's Good Man, by Corelli 1.50 1.08 The Soldier of the Val ley, by N. Lloyd 1.50 1.08. The Seeker, by E L "Wilson 1.50 1.08 Old Gorgon Graham, by Lorimer 1.50 1.08 The Last Hope, by Merriman 1.50 1.08 Susan Clegg and Her Friend Mrs. Lathrop, by A. Warner 1.00 .79 Trisy, by E. S. Phelps. 1.50 1.08 Out to Old Aunt Ma ry's, Riley and Chris ty 2.00 1.58 Monarch, the Big Bear, by E. Thompson Seton, net 1.25 Everyday People, by C. D. Gibson, net 4.20 The Blue Dragon by Kirk Munroe 1.25 .95 The Man on the Bos, by Harold McGrath 1.50 1.08 Relations of Italy and Austria Badly Strained. 75c Belts 39c "Women's Fancy Two-Toned Silk and Leather Belts also some In plain col ors, black, white, navy, brown, or ange arid green;. 65c and 75c OQn value, for .- QPW 85c Veils 49c Ready-to-Wear "Veils. Chiffon. Tuxedo and Lace "Veils: some are two-toned, others solid colors; actual best selling- Be and S5c values, today AQr for only..A ggisf s Sundries Sale All Week The'Mcreased business done in this toilet articles section does not come by chance. The discern ing" womii -of this town know where their dollars and dimes do greatest duty. But the values we offer foe te coming week will surprise even those who know us best. No Phone )Or ders Take!, for This Item.1"! Hand and Scouring Sapolio, sold regularly at 7c for . No Phone Or ders Taken for This Item. Reg". Spec. Rose Leaf Complexion Cream.50c 23c Alma Kola Skin Food 60c 38c Hinds' .Honey Almond Crcam.39c 29c Ponce do Leon Florida Water.35c 10c Michelsen Egff Shampoo 25c 10c Superior Imported Bay Rum. 25c IDs Fancy Glass Powder Boxes.. 50c 25c Silver Mounted Soap Boxes.. 45c 25e Celluloid Dressing- Combs... 35c 10c Metal Back Dressing- Combs. 15c 9c Rubber Imp. Hair Comb.... 50c 37c Rubber Imp. Hair Comb.... 65c 40c Solid wood back Hair Brush. 69c 39c Solid wood back Hair Brush. 85c 59c Solid wood back Hair Brush. 98c 8Sc Hand Brushes, asst. styles.. 25c 19c Hand Brushes, asst. styles. ,15c 9c Toilet Water, violet, large.. 49c 39c Fancy Atomizer 49c to 68c 33c Hilluit's Perfume, all odors 50c 23c Fancy Stand Shaving- Mirror. 75c 40c Fancy Stand Shaving- Mirror. 45c 38c Fancy Shaving- Muss 35c 23c Shaving- Brushes 25c 17c Pears" Shaving Sticks 19c 13c Chamois Skin, best quality.. 25c 17e Reg. Spec Chamois Skin, best quality.. 8c 5c Bathasweot Toilet Soap and Cold Cream 25c 19c Bathasweet Toilet Powder and Bath Powder 25c 19c Bathasweet Sachet, fancy package 10c To Kirk's violet. Toilet Ammo nia -. 15c 9c Kirk's Almond Meal 15c 9c Kirk's Toilet Powder 15c 8c Burjois' Jura Powder '. 25c 10c Mlnuetta Face Powder 17c Oc Wakelee's Carmelline 39c 29c Binders' Tar Soap 16c 9c Noltaul Complexion Soap... 10c 8c Kirk's Juvenile Toilet Soap.ISc 9c Perfumed Toilet Soap, all col ors., box 15c 9c 4711 La Baronesse Toilet Soap, box 15c 9c. Kirk's Tar. Snowborry and Vollette Soap, cake 5c 3c Caneco Castile Soap, with wash rag-, cake 10c 7c Pears 33 1-3 per cent Gly cerine Soap, cake 15c 12c Reg-. Spec. Dickinson's Witch Hazel, large size, bottle 23c 14c Triple Strength Washing- Am monia, bottle 8c 4c Owl Japanese Cleansing-Compound, bottle 25c 17c '1000-rsheet package pure Tissue Toilet paper, pkg-...10c 8c 1809 roll pure Tissue ToHet Paper, roll 10c 8c Wright's Listerated Tooth Powder, bottle 25c 10c .Shoppuld's Dentifrice, bottle. 15c Oc .Hovrs Rubifoam. bottle 19c 15c Tooth Brushes, asst. styles.. 10c 7c Tooth Brushes, asst. styles.. 25c 14c English Tooth Brushes 35c 23c Dr. Parker Prays Angeline.45c 33c Dr. Parker Play's Nail Enamel .....22c 17c Dr. Parker Prey's Rosaline. 22c 17c nr. "Parker Prav's Emery Board - 22c 17c Nail Files, assorted styles.. 25c 19c Nail Buffers, ebonold 20c 18c Toilet Pumice - 10c 7e 35c Ribbon 18c Satin Taffeta and Taffeta Ribbons, all silk, four inches ivide, in white, cream, black, pink, Nile, red, maize, tan and brown; 25c and 35c -values for 18c Handkerchief Specials A 4- f One hundred dozen A i J.Jv womens TJnlaun dered all pure Linen Hemstitched Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Unusual offer. At 9c Two hundred dozen "Women's sheer all- linen white Hemstitched Handker chiefs, y8, y andT-inch hems, 15c value. Underwear for Little Women's Underwear rjQ Instead of 50 c Wo OOC men's ' non-shrinking plated, wool Vests and Drawers, all sizes, white and natural gray. jO, Instead of $1.00 Wo UOC men's Norfolk and New Brunswick, ribbed, part wool Vests and Drawers, white and natural gray. Instead of $1.00 Wo JL 27 C men's "Oneita" ribbed, wool plated Union Suits. Children's Underwear rjQ Instead of 50c to 75c O&G "Oneita" fleeced, cot ton Union Suits, ecru, all sizes. q- Instead of $1.15 to y3C $T.6o Children's "Oneita" wool plated Union Suits, natural gray, all sizes. fj Instead of 35c to 50c Children's fleeced cot ton ribbed Vests, Drawers and Pantalets ecru and natural. $1.75 Kid Gloves for $1.23 3-clasp "Consuelo" overseam Teal Kid Gloves Paris point and fancy two toned embroidery m black, white, pink, sky, pearl, champagne, navy, brown, green, mode, beaver, oxblood and tan. Always sold at $1.75 "tomorrow $1.23 Closing broken line $1.50 AA- Pique Kid Gloves at STOW Closing broken line $1.25 Pique Kid Gloves at 27 C n Display of Real Laces The Lace Store will be a center of great interest to women who admire real laces and what woman doesn't? These Laces were selected by Mr. Wolfe personally in Eu rope. The. collection is a very remarkable one Every item in it being a gem. The writer a mere man can't begin to do justice to the many beauties of the collection, hence contents himself with inviting Portland femininity to come and admire. Among those present we note Stole End Collars at Jpl.25 to $6.00; Applique Lace Berthas at $3 to 38; real Lace Berthas at $12 to ?60; Applique Lace Flouncing, ?12 to ?30; real Duchesse Flounce, S3 to $45. $6.50 White Blankets for $5 ' These Blankets were made according to our very exacting specifications as regards to weight, finish, and size. They are made of triple scoured Oregon wool, are full Double Bed Size, very thick and fluffy full of warmth and comfort. In white only with blue and pink borders. They are an actual $6.50 value choice now for fo. Three Great Curtain Specials - m n e Worth $4 to $4 .'50, white and Arabe color At JID Battenburg and real Cluny Lace Curtains. A C A O Worth $6.0O, white and Arabe colored Egyp AX X0 tian Tape, with. Battenburg edge Cluny lace and Battenburg effects. m- Q C Worth $7,150, white and ecru Irkh Point Lace ixi D70 and Battenburg Curtains. $3TrimmedHats$l. Another big Millinery special that will bring the crowds here Monday. The of fering consists of a large line of trimmed ready-to-wear Street Hats embracing small turbans, sailors, round Hats, me dium and large dress effects, etc Made of scratch felts, fancy braids and nov elty goods, trimmed with wings, quills, pompons and ornaments. Values are up to $3.00. On sale tomorrow at $1.19 See display in Third-street window. Corset News LA VIDA CORSETS in the new high bust, straight front and dip or Princess hips Made of white imported diamond sateen,., boned with genuine whalebone, $6 and $8.0. SMART SET CORSETS A close fitting model, double hose supporter at tachment. Made of extra fine imported white coutil; boned with genuine whalebone, $7 .50. Then we bave all the' latest models in W. B. Corsets at.... fl.OO, f 1.75, S2..00 C. & B. ala Spirite a 75, Sl.QO, $1.50, $2, $2.75, 3.50, SS.OO. Nemo Corsets at $1.0O, $1.50, $2L50, $3.75, $5.75. T BREAKING POINT S DUE TO STUDENT RIOTS Notwithstanding Efforts of Kaiser te Pour Oil Upon Troubled. Watersr . the Triple Alliance Is Prac tically at an End. VIENNA, Nov. 5. The attack upon th Italian etudents at Innsbruck Thursday occasions great solicitude here. There is no attempt to disguise in certain official circles the apprehension that the rela tions between Austria and Italy, which have been strained for some time, are now near the breaking point. It Is well known that the anti-Austrian, ieeling throughout Italy wlirbe greatly Increased by the unfortunate events of Thursday, ana tne puuuc reeling which has lonx been excited under the propaganda of the Dante Allghlen Society may become In flamed to a war pitch. There can be no doubt that notwithstanding the earnest efforts of the German Emperor and of Count von Bulow to pour oil upon the troubled waters, the triple alliance 13 practically at an end. The trouble was revived recenUy by the failure to renew the commercial treaty between the two countries. Tho Hungarian Government opposed the re newal because of the competition' of Ital ian wines and produce, and the Italian and Austro-Hungarian Governments were forced to go under a modus vlvendi. There was constant complaint in the southern provinces of Austria of ill treatment of Italians by the German element and .Of like 111 treatment of Austria ns in Italy. which culminated in a series of disturb ances throughout Italy some time ago. during which the escutcheons of the Aus trian Consulates In several large cities of Italy were disfigured. An important conference was held be tween Slgnor TittonI, the Italian Foreign Minister, and Count Goluchowski, the Austrian Foreign Minister at Abazzla, In AprIL There has- been an urgent demand by the Italian citizens of Southwestern Austria for the establishment of a school at Trent for the purpose of teaching Ital ian literature, law and. history. This matter was considered with great care at the Abazzla conference, and the Aus trian representative declined to establish the school at Trent because of his fear that it would increase the anti-Austrian spirit in that section, but he compromised by establishing an Italian faculty at Innsbruck. Thi3 had the effect of exciting the German-Austrian students, and there has been constant trouble between the two groups ever since, culminating in the riots which have just taken place. In July an important Italian Nationalist demonstration took place at Trieste and as a result the police searched the rooms belonging to a Turnvereln society and discovered a number of bombs. The Premier. Dr. Von Koerber. today replied as follows to the dispatch of Herr Erler, the representative of Innsbruck In the Keichsratb, who yesterday de manded that the Premier remove the Italian faculty, and holding the govern ment responsible for- the consequences in the event of its refusal; "The deplorable events at Innsbruck can only determine the government for the present to direct its efforts to the adoption of vigorous measures for the maintenance of public order; and this It will enforce by all the means at Its dis posal. At the same time, however, it Is Impossible to adequately condemn the ex travagant agitation which, has preceded the disturbances, and which has undoubt edly Invested them with their passionate. unlawful character." Dr. Von Koerber telegraphed to the Burgomaster of Innsbruck, as follows: "I deenlv denlore not -only the victims. but also the excesses, 0 which your town, ordinarily so peaceful, has become the scene. I consider it the first and foremost duty of the government to re store complete tranquillity, in which I count upon the co-operation of the Com mon Council and the good judgment of all the thoughtful inhabitants." A memorial demonstration for the vic tim of the rioting at Innsbruck, Prezzey, the artist, who was killed by a bayonet thrust Friday, will be held November 7 In the lecture' hall of the Vienna Univer sity. The German students of the high school have decided to hold a protest meeting the same day. The "War Minister announces, after an exhausUve inquiry, that it Is doubtful If Prezzey was killed by the gendarmes bayonets, and consequently a post-mortem examination 01 me remains nas ueen or dered, with a view of obtaining expert evidence regarding the nature of the wounds. A dispatch from Innsbruck, published here, saya a railroad official has been se verely wounded by a bayonet thrust. May Proclaim Martial Law. INN ESBRUCK, Nov. 5. Rioting on a large scale recommenced at noon, the gen darmes using their bayonets. Troops are Mtnini' in frnm a distance- There is some videne that the authorities will pro claim martial law. There Is a body of troops posted In tne neignDornooa 01 tne Italian Consulate. PTIEP0SELY INSULTED ANDES. French Solon Who Attacked Minister Issues Violent Statement. paths. Nov. 5. General Andre, the "War Minister, is confined to his room as a result of the assault upon nira in tne Chamber of Deputies last night by Deputy Syveton. His face is cut and otherwise slightly disfigured. Premier Combes and the other Ministers called during the day upon the Minister, and Pesldent Loubet sent inquiries. M. Suyveton has. issued a violent state ment, saying he had purposely insulted. General Andre because the latter had In sulted the army. Liebsa & Co. Receive Grant! Prize. ST. JjOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 5. Special.) H. Liebes & Co., the San Francls'co and Port land fur house, have been awarded the Grand Prize for fur rugs, a very -flae ex hibit of which la .made In the Forestry Building, at th "World's Fair. Rebel Leaders Snrrtf". SANTO DOMINGO, Nov. 5. Generals Candelaria and Cambomllo, insttrgedC leaders, who recently revolted agalaet the government, together with their follow ers, have surrendered, aad peace prevails throughout the eatire republic. Takahira la StiH lmpravlnf. NgW TOHK. Nev. 5. Cemtinued n provemet ww mm tetght tot the condi tion of Japeaese Vtetoter Takahhra. JHis 9fcyaciae exprese ceaMeaee ia Ms , apeeir reeevery.