THE SUNDAY .OREGOXtA2sT, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 6, 1904. mr todat. HEW TOO AX. "iiEW TODAY. NEW -TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. TOR SALE REAL SSTATK. s-7r" ft. ' Auction Sales BvU; I WILSON p. AUCTIONEER ' Watftesaay, November 9th, . , ' at 10 A. M., Hi 'Irfffrnnm-, 180 First St TWa. n pefilng sale In our new quarters, will -eonaita Sne selection of parlor, dlnlng Toom, mwom and kitchen furnishings. We ; urtX CSr n upright piano in .an oak case, rtife;sKBejiet tone and finish; new folding bed: ColmaMa. jrrpfeophone; combination desk and CMC : select bedroom suites in Quartered oak, -with .French-plate mirrors: couches; curtains; portieres; oil paintings, plctawai 5"X lamp stand; Irdh beds In a va-r5-tr, o tterVmr. Brussel and wool carpets; art quaN;jpaiee: cnaira; jocters; ooosjii wwn . jcitcnen sates; cook siovra, jwiurcu tabes; and a nne lot ot neaung. mbV other useful lots. :i(r A. M. sharp we will sell a good sreeen-ioaaing anoigun, toii ie '. nd some carpenter tools. j. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. . THURSDAY'S, SALE At Sglesraofn, 180 First St. " at 10 A. M. GreatCIothingSale Comfnrl4acjmen's .suits, youths" suits, wool un derwear, wool .sweaters, pants, collars, ties, EMrti" aad a. variety of haberdasher's rod is. bale promptly at 10 A. H. J. T. "WILSON, Auctioneer. 'AY'S SALE and Fixtures Scott Grocery t Fulton 3W"wNr. CORNER NEBRASKA CD MACADAM ST.. AT 10 A. M. . t -in a y.t tcIii oii tun nrtures. comprising platform scales. Stlmpson comput ing scale, coffee mill, show cases, wagon, bug gy, oil tank, truck and all the other fixtures. Following the sale of fixtures, we will close cut Ihe fine line of groceries. Tou will and .everything In the grocer- line. Everything Ireeh and choice. Note We have for sale, at our salesrooms. ISO J st St.. a good variety of fixtures. Call t any time for price on these goods. Phone Main 1826 In case you have anything you want to aell. We can find you a buyer. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. ILMAN ' ' I Commission Co. OILMAN, Auctioneer i Washington street, extend- uith tnwf..RnJn held at cm. Cash advanced. Consignments re ceived at any time. Auction Sale Tuesday, at Sales rooms, at 10 o'clock A. M. 11 the furniture of East-Side dwelling. In cluding 12x15 Roxbury Brussels art rug; Ax ralnster bd Wilton rugs; 50-yard piece red velvet carpet (never used); pretty buf fet; round extension table, with six box-seat r; very handsome iron oeosioaas, uniea. ; separate dressers In oak. white and birds- lapie, sewing macnine; romop acen, gm y table; oda rockers; chairs; center tables commodes; bed quilts and comforters : ctunoniera ana mirrors; fa.vpuri u hMVniM nith desk attachment: steel i; gas stove; heating .stoves, etc Buyers o well to attend, saie Tuesday, iu a- m.. 'ashlngton street. B. Ia. IS. lilljJklAIS, Aucuonecr. m Sales and Friday, Each ifiiyat 10 A. M. Two days sales of Household Purniftirft From residences lnclud- 1 jKK3BE9flEE- .1 Xhimim' u ing parlor, sitting room, dinine mom and kitchen furniture. Buy--Ms00f&i well to attend sales. iments are received at mw4tm$- Case advanced. tAWfcbne. Main 2473. iPuN. OILMAN, Auctioneer. rikj Tiiccrviv WCVT Mrv . o Wlflh-ciass' Furniture, Royal Wtttof! Rugs, Good Car- jets, -Steel Range, Etc., S- of residence, removed to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE CORNER ALDER AND PARK, .fjimwiinir dainty parlor pieces, in mahogany ifiniM -frames and silk-upholstered seats; gen- UUM reahogany ana oaK parior laoies; manug WinVcjiie. with glass doors: highly rol' isUd library tables; handsome couches and Iwmiiifii in; parlors rockers in mahogany and Ttak. with Snanlsh leather seats; combination ilest anrf bookcase in golden oak; Royal W It ton tsss, 8x12; good quality Brussels carpets; portieres; lace curtains; pictures; Morris chairs; fine quartered oak sideboard; costly extension table; hlshlj polished chairs; silver tea set; ,-hlna set; vasts and bric-a-brac; full brass ted- fteAOs: ljuauvf cuameiea oeas; 10 i uin M other mattresses; manogany Mt: 'chiffoniers; wardrobes, bed- (Zti an Raiding beds, with mirror on nHKl range, neaicrs ana ow- TUE5DA1, at lit A. 11. i. TBAXER & CO., Auctioneers. OnvThrsday Next at 10 A. M. v i And Friday at 2 P. W. X Burs "will find our calcsrooms full of good. i aeef u.f arnUure. carpets stoves,, etc., consigned ' for- Mltlve sale from various housekeepers. It J have anything in the furnishing line , 'er tmle you will find this the best medium for r"iMjLtiwr same. Consignments received at ' y tUwu Cash paid for furniture, etc. . GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Jteck Two 7-room modem houses at Woodlawn, M lots, with good 5-room cottage. room cottage, new. Jte-room modern house, lot 50x100. m cottage, fruit trees, lot 50x iLlifaS &. FORV, 609 McKay bldg. Tmra ana titaric , -Warehouse Aai block from Terminal Grqunds. -Z rfACIFJC PAPER COMPANT, A Phone Main 830. For Sale .f. PiairsitiU suburban home, convenient - to 542oom Modern House 1 -acre In strawberries. 1 acre fWHK fruit trees. Davidson, Ward & Co., itaatesi church bnlltWag for sale at a ingili aUaM fr aalaslon r J4e ne vcrMm lave ixs minitw, umi . TIT MB j1 "TasTft Ft HOMES for SALE Wfllamette Heights "Well-built, modern, two-story, eight-room ' house, good plumbing, fine situation; full lot set to good roses and shrubs. Anybody wanting a good home- will find this & bar gain. Irvlngton Fine modern, two-story, well-built, eight room house, with good quarter block, choice part of Irvlngton, up to date, with easy: terms if wanted: Mount Tabor Residence An elegant two-story Colonial residence, surrounded by fine grounds, one of the best built, attractive and conveniently arranged, homes about the city. Any family wanting an. elegant home should Inspect this. Sixth-Street Residence Neat cottage, with full lot, 50x100, on 6th street, TVest Sldej close In, reasonable price. Holladay's Addition Large residence in good portion of Holla- day's Addition. Everything- convenient and hand'.' Will be sold at a bargain If taken at once. Other homes in different parts of the city. Building Lots Quarter block on the northeast corner of East 16th and Broadway sta.. very desirable quarter and at a low price. wuarter diock on me nortnwesi corner oi East J 2th and Hancock sts. NV concrete sidewalk on 12th street. This quarter In or der to close an old estate will be sold very cheap. Quarter block on tne soutnwest corner oi East 12th and Tillamook sts. Both streets fullly improved, new concrete sidewalk and Is a bargain. Quarter block on the southwest corner of East 14th and Broadway. Very desirable and is also a bargain. East Twenty-rJourth-St. Lot Choice lot on -the EastJSld'e df East 24th St.. 100 feet north ot Burnslde street. Only $700, snap. OTHER LOTS AND BLOCKS IN DIFFER ENT PORTIONS OF THE CTTT. ALSO INVESTIGATE PROPERTIES. Apply to CHARLES K. HENRY, 273 Stark street, tdty. K K OX MT. SCOTT LINE. ERIN PAR NEXT TO THE CARS. We have now laid off In blocks the field between 'the original Kern Park and the electric line. We want to attract as buyers those who love flowers and beautiful yards and to help make Kern "Park the ROSE SUBURB. We will give you one dozen fine large rose bushes if ypu buy! 6til more, we offer $250 IN FRIZES f?UmVa0te'25 the making of beautiful yards. For these prizes all who have bought, as well as thpse who now may compete. Particu lars on application. We still sell on $3 monthly installments. A 'fen; lots are $5 monthly. Come out and look over the ground, or call at our office. . SYCAMORE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 205 Morrison. Acre Tracts ' 5-ACRE TRACTS at Linn Park, on the Pow ell's valley road, eight, mues irom Port land. Just think, you can buy 5 acres for the nrice'oX a suburban lot. Price $300. 10-ACRE TRACTS, ranging in price from $1150 to $1250 on the Sprlngwater Division of the O. W. P. R. R., Just south of Sellwood. 20-ACRE TRACTS in Clark County, Wash.. 2 miles from boat landing and railroad station. Fine level land. Some of the tracts have enough wood on them to pay Xor the land. ' Price. 520 per acre. A FEW acre tracts at Lents. Creek front. beautifully located; easy installments. LAMBERT & SARGENT 404 E. Alder st- FOR SALE; Wbrthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, Al condition. Size 10xl8Kxl4xlQ. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, .etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cochran -Oregonlan Bailding. See the East Ankeny St. Lots we are selling for $550 each. $100 down, balance to suit pur chaser. W.H. MALL & CO. Phone Union 152, 393 E. Buraside si. Burkhard Building $5 a Month STOPS YOUR RENT t Buy lot 50x100 at Stewart Park Take MU Scott car. Asent on grounds. tt car. Agent $100 Last chance for $100 lots. OAKDALE MODERN COTTAGES, in this beautiful sub urb on the lit. Scott division of the O. "W. P. 7L R.. are' selling from $1100 to $1350. Lots 50x100. Just -outside of the city limits. Carfare 5 cents. Get off at Anabel Station. Cottanes Just north of station. Why not buy a home and stop paying rent?. LAMBERT & SARGENJ 404 E. Aider st. MONEY TO LOAN At 6 per "cent on East-or West Side residence property. W. H. MALL & CO. Phone Union 152. East BcrwWe 'st. NOTICE! Having disposed of ray Dental Office in Lahbe bids. I have re moved my business permanently to my residence, 2so. 472 "Wil liams ave.. - corner Eugene st. Take U car. OR. AL.DEN. , 1 For 12-room modern house , and ) 00x100, near 22d. and Irving ats.'C. H. Karrcll. 251 Washington st. . $9500 left at this price: to close out $20 cash. 310 monthly, 40th st, near Haw thorne ave. F. W. T0RGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. $11 50 Corner On north 22d and I'ork. C IL orclU 251- wasaiBston. Tb exduMae, aa tevesfaaesrt paylac t ec eet for iwiwisTflre 1st. Aiiartis T 7, Qf- For Sale by Hartrnan, Thompson & Powers $1400 9 6-room house, SOxlOO on Grand Avenue, sear Beach street. 51700 S2000 52100 S2G00 52100 52400 B-room street. cottage on Tillamook 6- room house, 30xl&0-foot lot. on Pettygrofe street, near 17th, on West SIde-jlver. 7- room house,. 40xl0b-foot lot, dn East Tarn hi 11 st., near East 30th street. . 6-room, house, 100x100, with good barn; on. the corner of Ma con and Montana ave. 6- room new house. 50x100 foot lot on East 16th st.. bet. Clin ton and Division st. . 7- room new house, 45xl00-foct lot, on Fargo street, near Wll- Hams ave. . 5-room cottage. 50x100, on thee corner of Tillamook and E. 13th. ' ff07fin 6-room, modern new house. 4 Ox $Ll) 100-foot lot, on Eugene street, " near Rodney avenue. 4 t f QCAfi 7-room new house, Just fin- 3 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lshed. fireplace, furnace, ce- ment floor, 50xlOQ-foot lot,- bet. Hancock and TIUamobkstreet; easy lnstall- lucau, $4500 10-room house, very sightly lpt, on Willamette Heights. 1 8-room house corner lot, 5 Ox 100, complete and modern in every reauectr house cost S&000: $6200 corner 21st and Vaughn st. CIPIftft S-room house, 115xl20-foot lot, lUUU 2 b'cka from car line In iUUUUltlUB. . 40x125 on Williams ave., near Tillamook st. 51100 $7fn rlno corner lot cn East 13th I vlU 011(1 Thompson st. In Irvlngton. $1350 $2600 5-room house, 50x50, on E. and E. Davis' st. 8th 7-rocm h'ouse, new and mod ern. E. Couch and East 30th st. South Sunny Side 50xl00-foot lots. bet. 33d and S4th sts., on Hawthorne ave. car. line; 5450 to $550; $30 cash, $10 per month. p- We are prepared to buy you a lot in any approved location, either on the East or West. Side, and build you a house; email pay ment down, and monthly payments of 1 per cent of the cost. HARTMAX, THOMPSON & POWERS. Room 3, Chamber of Commerce. Special Bargains in Farms Wc am sow offcriBg special mducemeata to intending: pnrchasm of forms. For in stance, we can sell 4C9 acres In Yamhill County with 150 acres cultivated, rich soil, fair buildings, running water, near station, for only 12:60 per acre, as cheap as unim proved mountain land. Also 200 ncrcs in Clackamas County, 170 rich bottom, 85 cul tivated, good house, new barn, for only $32.50 per acre and but a far payment down. This hi a fine bop, grain and stock farm. Also 160 acres in .Washington Connty, 20 plowed, half In' orchard; good buildings, rich coll, running: water, for only $1500; one third down, balance in easy installments. JVe also havn large and small tracts with and .without hop yards at very low prices. Call or write for list, statinc about what Is wanted. From the hundred of properties you can certainly find what you want. City Properties We have a large list of well-located city properties, and in old of porchase will, where needed, lend as much a 50 per cent of the asking -price. We also have well-located building sites In the choicest residence sec tions. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 243 STARK STREET 1 Dronaugh's Addition The gem ot the East Side, choice lots on East Everett, E. Flanders, E. Gilran and E. 24th sts. Prices $400 to $700. Easy terms. ParK Addition, Albina Eleven choice 50xl00-foot at $100 or you can have the bunch for $1000. E. 21st. and Glisan Sts. Corner fractional lot, .containing 6600 square feet, good building site that nve can cell for $475. Terms to suit. . Fifteenth Street ' East front lot, 50x100 feet near Lovejoy St., a bargain at $1900. Savier Street Xear 24th St., 50x100 feet, south frontage. $1600.- GoldsmitK Street Corner of Randolph and Russell sts., SOxlOO feet, fronting on three streets named, a location 'with a big future. Savier Street ' 100x100 feet, northeast cor. 18th and Savier street. WaKefield, Fries CgL Q6. Phone Main 14, ' 229 StarK- St, Qlfiftn Buys beautiful modern 6-room viuu" cottage on corner-ot 65x100; also barn; fine lawn; one block from . car line. CTnnn'Buys new 4 -room cottage -with-ipivviv t)ath and other conveniences; com , plete; 2 blocks fronr car line. $8000 a5rBiot!W 4'room house on 50x100- Terms are alloived on th'eabove. These are snaps and must be sold at once. For particulars. BEN F.IESLANT. 240 Stark at. Tel. Main 3. Sacrifice Sale Lots for $35.00 On the Peninsula; are selling at this price to clcee out an estate; must be sold before the 15th of this month; get some before they are ail gone. Brown. 351 start: st., opposite la Lrary. , We offer for sale lot 33 1-3x00, Jcrtth flve robra cottage and bath, lull cement base ment; laundry tubs, emeut sidewalk: aitfl everything in first-class, condition; on Ever ett street, near 22d, at the price stated above, together with the cost of the pres ent improvements. Anyone desiring a home in one of the best localities in the city 'will nna it in tius property, ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark street cerwr Seced. MORI GAGE LOANS On Portland real estate ct lowaK rate Titles insured. Abstracts 'faralcat. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., T Chamber ur Cosasaerc. 0niy$2700 Nice new modern 0 - room house. bath, basement. gas. etc: good, lo cality, nearE. 10th and Tillamook els' easy terms, u. i. jvoreit, vaamngton st. : FLANDERS STREET 1 Tr Terms iVV Feet JUETWKXX 31BT A'D 23 O. 52750 ' ZBiMH JUNfc Don'tWait St. Johns grows every day. The town is young end there is money to be made there $150 $5 down and $5 a month buys you a lot SO x 100. These lots will earn you MONEY Plats and literature at 3 Chamber of Commerce liartman, Thompson & Powers EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. University Park, lies central to that great mantu"actnruig- district extend ing along the water front from the Portland Flouring Mill to St. Johns. Two thousand hands will soon have employment within easy walking dis tance, from University Park. The bet ter class engaged in this district are striving to have their homes at Uni versity Park. Columbia University is "the only school of University grade in Port land. It has plenty of capital back Tjf it to insure, a great future. It will not only be a ?ride of this city but will extend its influence all over the whole Northwest. Such institu tions always attract a large cultured population to their immediate sur roundings, when located near a large city. University Park, the seat of Columbia University, is having a re markable growth in new homes and business. Now is the time to get a few lots while they are cheap and keep them for your future home. FRANCIS L.M.'KENNA, Agent, Ro"om 606, Commercial Block. WE HAVE BUILT MANY HOUSES -IN WOODSTOCK WE SHOULD LIKE; to BUILD 40 MORE THIS YEA Do you want a Home? You can Pay in 'Installments. CALL ON THE OWNER PORTLAND TRUST COMPAJ.T OF OREGON. NO. 109 THIRD STREET. T. LEROY YOUNG "Was awarded the money bj the Port land Homebuilding Company Satur day, November 5, to build a home at University Park. His payments on his six-room house and lot, 50x100 feet, will, he only $5 monthly and 5 per cent annual interest. His house will rent for double his payments and interest. Sooner or later every con tract-holder in this Company' will have a home. These contracts are is sued in series of 100 contracts in each series. It will pay you to investigate the plan of the Portland Homebuild ing Company. Francis L McEenna, agent, room 606 Commercial Block To Close an Estate Two' Acres Cultivated and fenced, ten large cherry trees, near carline on Pe ninsula. 389 Alder. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO.. ESTABLISHED 1S72. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE-." RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTS. - 250 ALDER STREET. A BARGAIN 50x100 on northeast corner 16th and E. Stark. with street improvements all made; cement walks. Price 51230- W. H. MALL& CO. Phase TJales 1S2. sat BaxasldeYst. $30,000 TO LOAN property, at 5 and 6 per cent Interest, accqrd- tr r- nmnimt taVitn nnH nra'irifv riff r-.H No expense -to borrower. Address T 70, Ore- gonian. l?rtTfWTI P'c where yoir can save - v w i money. ECONQXY MACHINE SHOP 90 First street. General repair -work, key-flttlag, etc.; model making a.ajeciaJty. Phone Msln 141. . 1 S3700Takeslt 8-roem feouse and fall lot 50x iw, near 23d and Johnson sta. A box gala. C H. Kor- elL 251 washlBgton at A iraTaMeaal ht is the cfcatec ? Staph A44Ub, $ TWs "W mmam K s Wt wast a f M let- to MU imTjUSt drew W. OMpaha, DESK ROOMvFOR REIf ' 718 OregoniaV BMlftt EVELYN 25 minutes from First Street Mt Scott car, 5c fare. Heart of the celebrated Mi. Scott district. flomesites in Portland's most rapidly-growing suburb at 10c a day LOTS $75 and $1 00 $3 Down $3 a Month This is the place you ' have heard so much about where people are buying homes .with their rent money. Quarter mile front on car-lin,e. S-chooFs, churchesphones, stores, city water, bicycle paths, hosts of good people. Th& final solution of the rem question for everyone who will take the trouble to investigate. Agent on Grounds City Office Open Evenings GEO. W; BROWN ' ROOM 203 FAILING BUILDING Phone Main 2129 RESERVOIR PARK This elegant tract of land has been on the market but a short time and thesale of lots has been phenomenal. The location is very desirable, fee ding on the Mt Scott car line but a tew minutes ride from the center of Portland. The land is all clear and under cultivation, streets graded and water tfiains laid. Lots $100 and up. Terms $5 down and $5 per month. Take Mt. Scott car to Kern and Reservoir Park. Station and go 5 blocks north. Remember there is no property lyine adjacent to Port land that offers better inducements to the homebuilder or as an invest ment. For .full particulars see agent -on premises, or H. Metzger ownqr, 226 Front St. TEN-ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE. , TEN-ACRE TRACTS AT SHATTUCK'S STA TION. The undersigned has been Instructed to di vide up the farm formerly belonging to the late Judge Shattuck at Shattcck's Sta tion, into ten-acre tracts. A great deal of the . land Is In cultivation, srne ot the tracts have running water, all are close to the railroad, on which we are soon to have hourly service. La,nd Is all good soil, high and sightly. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST TEN-ACRE . TKALia AQUU1 lJUi U1I. IF TOU "WANT A SMALL FRUIT FARM. IF. TOU "WANT DAIRYING LAND. IF YOU "WANT A POULTRY RANCH. IF YOU WANT A NICE COUNTRY HOME. BUY ONE OR MORE OF THESE TRACTS AND DO IT NOW. I invite you to compare these ten-acre tracts and their prices with anything else about the city. I urge yo'u to buy now for these will all be sold within a short time; should be sold .within 30 days; first come, first ssfved. I am going to push the sale of these, and I say to all Intending buyers to ACT PROMPTLY, as there Is nothing like- these about the city. Part cash, balance within one. two or three years, with Interest at 6 per ent MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS AND ACT AT ONCE. CHARLES K. HENRY. 273 Stark" street, city. Willamette Willamette Fronting on the Willamette River, and. this aide of Arbor Lodge. Finest residence lots In the city. Boulevard Lots- FronUng on the Willamette and Portland Boulevards and commanding fine -view of the city and Fair Grounds. VERY CHOICE tor building lots and at reasonable riees. Small payment down, monthly pays: tats with Interest at 6 Jer cent. Persons wanting fine building lots sbould Inspect th lots at Willasiette, and Arbor Lodge Station on the .St. Johns car Use. Apply to " , CHARLES X. HENRY, 273 Stark street, city. . - At .a Sacrifice Oite Acre Vkh larjc barn scsr St. Jefeas carline. 388 Alder. I "WANT TOR CLIENTS CITY OR SUB-- srbaa real estate raortgages on CO per cent TalMtloa; low rate;, no commlssloss. W. S. "Ward, attorney-at-lair. 322 Allsky bldg. TOR KAI.E CHEAP 1 HOUSES ON VlfcTlt nu iiiuucn. Appkf jruvry arva, uiui ui,, Sixth and Darls. . INVESTMENT BONDS Warrants and'jtoclcs bought and sold. J. W. Crnthera St Co.. Chamber ot Commerce. Mortgage Lcass 5and Upwards Keal Estate City andFarm Insurance in AH Line3 A. H. BIERELL, McKay SaJldlag. Third and Stark. basement, modern plumbing, gas and' sewer. Rood location. - East Side. S'35 cash, balance $25 monthly. - qcQSfk Nice 6-room cottage, fine condition, VOW on car line- Highland. F." "W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock bldg. FOX SALE--REAL ESTATE. DO NOT HESITATE TO INVESTIGATE THE SNAPS WE OFFElt IN HEAL ESTATE .BEFORE YOU LL. BE TOO LATE.' $T50O 85-acre farm, rural mall route, tele phone, splendid public highway, very con veniently situated. Clark County, "Washing ton; all fenced and nearly all' In cultivation; beautiful 9-room residence, good 4-room tenement-house, 2 splendid bama. 200 apple trees, 40 cherrv trees. DO olum. oeach and Dear trees. grapes and berries, 2000 prune trees, all In I rood bearinr condition: good team ot horses. I wagona. harness, all vfaim Implements, 12 head cattle. 14 hogs, poultry and sufficient feed for the "Winter. This Is one of the handsomest farms that can be found on the Coast. 5500 Corner lot, 22-roam flat; $63 monthly rental: a craclcerjaek. , S4S0O Magnificent 8-room' residence", all mod ern conveniences, beautltul lot. One ot the. handsomest homes on the East Side. Burn side and 15th. $35005' acres with a swell r-room resi dence, modern conveniences, beautiful grounds; elegant garden, good Barn and poul try buildings. Three blocks from excellent electric car service. J300O 52-acre place. 43 In cultivation, splen did new 6-room residence, good barn and oth er buildings; 5 acres very choice variety of fruit and berries. Would exchange In part for a 8-room cottage near the "Woodlawn car line. $2500 Splendid 7-room residence, two lota, swell locality, magnificent place for the money. East Taylor and 31st sts. $2300 Beautiful 5-room cottage, 0 lots, splendid barn, chicken" park and poultry house, choice fruit, fine garden and shrub ben. A home that will meet the fancies ot any housewife. $1650 74-acre farm, coay 6-room. residence, good barn: 400 bearing trait trees, rich soli, line bottom-land pasture. One mile railway station, nine miles Vancouver. The best bar gain In Clark County. $1230 Beautiful 7-room house, new and complete, on First street-car-llne. South Port land. $1000 Beautiful 5-room cottage. A cozy home on Main St., near 34th, Sunnyslde. $S00 Beautiful cottage home- on East 8th at., fine lawn and shrubbery. The best .bar gain you ever saw. $700 Lot 200 feet square, new 4-room cot tage "not quite completed. Very excellent garden. ' vegetables and berries; four blocks electric cam. $600 Six lots, with 4-room heuse, on TVood stock avenue. Come to us for cheap lots In every part of the city. Suburban acreage. Improved and -unimproved. Beautiful acre tracts fronting on the Wil lamette River In Oak Grove, something at tractive and beautiful bey6nd description. "WE HAVE. OFFERINGS THAi BEAT THEM ALL. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, - 14914 FIRST STREET. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1000 Lot 100x100. fine corner in business center. $1200 Corner lot, 50x100, clsse, on car line. . $800 Business lot. 50x100. , $750 Eregant residence lot, overlooking river. $250 Close in, residence lot, near car line, 50x126. $260 Lot 60x100, near schoolhouse. $400 Lot 50x100, near woolen mills, halt cash. Other lots at other prices. W. J. PEDDICORD, ' St.. Johns, Or. AN ELEGANT CITY HOME CHEAP MOD ern 10-room. house, nicely finished, well lo cated and convenient to car line; grounds lOOx . 100. Price J3300. Nice little home in Woodstock; 4-room house, with three lota; only $750- Desirable building site on Gantenbeln ave.; must be sold at once, it possible. BATCHBLOR & BERNARD. . 102 Third st.. room 604 McKay bldg. $650 "FOR BEAUTIFUL 50x100 "LOT. SWELL location, Sunnyslde. close to car line. A snap. 4 "$2500, fine business corner, with very good building on It, on bee t-lra preyed street, Sunnyslde. $1200. very nice five-room cottage, lot 5 Ox 105, between two car lines; East Side. CHARLESON & STAUB, 245H. Morrison at. CALIFORNIA FOR 10cV -Send for "The Western Empire," a 32-paga magazine of the wonderful Industrial devel opment, horticultural pursuits and stories of adventure on the Pacific Coast; 0 months trial 10c Empire Publishing Company, 53 Times Block. Los Angeles. Cat. SOUTH PORTLAND PROPERTY IS LOOK- lng up, and It ought to, for It s the best res idence section this side the river; we've the prettiest 7-room house on Abernethy st., with a quarter block for $5500; unsurpassed view. L. W. Whiting Sc. Co., 408 Ablngton bldg. i VERY DESIRABLE MODERN HOME. T rooms and reception hall, gas and electric light; full lot; Waeco st.. near end Broad way street-car linef price $3750; one-fourth .conn, uai&nce roonuuy installments. Aa dress P 76, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 122 acres, 36 acres cultivated; some nne, large bearing fruit trees, house of 4 rooms, large barn. 1 mile .to school: good water, good road to Ore gon City. 7, miles; $20- per acre. J. L. Wells Co., H4 Grand ave. each, of the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. Deschutes, Crook County, Ore gon. Will trade or sell In amounts to suit. W. H. qrlndstaq, 246 Stark st. NASHVlLLE--HOMES COMPLETE FOR $400: modern homes for $750 to $1500; nice building .lots. $80 to $ioo; easy terms, $3 Down and S5 per month. See owner. Joe Nash: at Nashville Station, on the Mt. Scott car. COMFORTABLE HOME,' 5 .ROOMS AND bath, with full lot. Tillamook at., two blocks from Irvlngton car-line; small cash payment. balance installments; aesiraoie and cceap; excellent locality. - Address js . e, uregonian. 25 ACRES. NEAR CAR LINE, 5C FARE; 0 acres cultivated, good soil. This property - was taken on mortgage, and price is very low. Will take good lot as part payment. See owner, room 4,' 205 Morrison st. IN THE FASHIONABLE NEIGHBORHOOD of 12th St.. near Jefferson. 8-room house. rented for $40. fall lot. $5500; lot alone Is worth the money. w. Whiting fc Co., we ADiagton oiag. fc FOR SALE ONE OR MORE LOTS, cleared and .fenced, ready to build on. for the same price that agents are asking for unimproved, lots, i . is. Carson. Tremont, Mount Scott car. r THEY ASK S3000 FOR LOTS ON GLISAN. near 21st, but we'll sell you a handsome 1 9 room cottage (rented for S25), and a full lot ror saswi. j. w. wait W. Whiting &. Co.,. .408 Ablngton bldg. A BARGAIN. $S30, EASY TERMS, BUYS A new seat iqpr-room. cottage, pantry, bath room, cetc nara nnisn: Del. two car lines; five-minute service. Call 43d and E. Ta10r. ! MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGES. PRETTI est little homes in Upper Alblna, J 5 min uter waia xo steei onage; win sell one or both. 32S San Rafael St., cor. Rodney ave. FOR SALE 100x100. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE, fruit. BulL.Rsa water. 4 blocks of car-line; small payment down; your terms on balance. m cemtnercial blk. - H. O. Slbray. 1-ACRE OR 5-ACRE LOTS. NEAR TO Woodstock: verr easy terms, fine for small farm, gardening" or chickens; block from car line. Phone Main 2315. r-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. BASEMENT AND bam, 2 blocks Ui car-Kne. lot 40x120. fenced. $1300, H. Hatfield, Mulkey bldg., 3d and Morrison. 2G0 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS, AND- LOTS BargalM oa O. W. P. electric line. O. R. AMI t tea. Lenta. Or. Take "Mr, Scott car. 5c FOR SALS MODERN, X-KOOM HOUSE IN .Upper Alfelaa, good loeallon. 55L Union ave., 'Narth. LOT. 3MTH AND TILLAMOOK. CHEAP FOR wuii; price $1SS S 77. cre OrsoalH. HOUSS AND LOT, 311 1TH ST. APPLY TO J. P. BroBaiMtb, 144 4th st. MUST 8KLX. T-ROOK OTCW COTTAGE. AT FOR 8ALkOU8E AND LOT AT -24 N. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Koom 0. Chamber of Commerce. -(Successor to Baker Real Eate Co.) Five-room house. lot 28x70, bath, toilet, gas: $30CO. 3.4-room house, new, never haa been occu pied, strictly modern, hot and cold water 1a all rooms, furnace heat, gas and electric lights, I4tn and Taylor sts.;'thls house mlil clear $300 per month;" it la one of the beat houses In city; $12-50U; hal cash: balance at 6 per cent. One 10 and one 4-room house on lot 50x50, lSih st. good Income property, always' remw for 54U. Price $350CX One whole . block, the mot beautiful and sightly place In Portland tor either resident or. flats. Montgomery st- Price" $3300. 7-room house. Grant st.. lot 31x5u. between two car-lines; income $5 per month, pan. cash; $2700. lWixltU. slth 6-room house and large hall, suitable ror'warehouee. Thla Is A SNAP fu. some one looking for an Investment.' Wc win sell it for $U5oo ch. 10-room house on Hall St., modem except basement, near Portland Academy. ?tBw, part cash. 7-room house, strictly modern. lot 100xlX .corner lot vacant, Corbet t st. Price $.. half carti. - EAST SIDE 44th. near Main st., luuxlOO. 6ifooni house, modern and new. $2250: $1000 cash, balance at 7 per cent. Union ave and Shaver, lot 100x100 $110C'; $550 cash, balance $15 per month. Two 5-room cottages, Sunnyslde. lots 10fx 100i- corner- lot. $ID0oj inside, lSuu: si cash, balance $25 per month. Five-room cottage. Eait 3lst st.. on carr line. nar Ankeny. lot 5-1x64; will make terms to-suit. Price J1450. AT STUART PARK. Lot '50x100 with 5-room aouse. full ce ment bejmcnt. hot and cold water, bath aad toilet, cement sidewalks. Price $10tv; $230 cash, balance $2u per month. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY. " Room 0, Chamber of Commerce. BUYERS OF INTEREST-BEARING AND business property, examine this list. $26.000 100x100, 4 houses, 12th and Ai der. $13.000 100x100, rent $130 per month. $12,500 Fractlonar block, 2 stores,' 12- room dwelling. $20.000 modern 9-room houses, -4 verj modern flats. lots 100x100, 23d-st. car line. $13,000-125x130, 10-room house, -blocK from Washington street; fine location fam ily hotel. $3000 50x100,' S-room modern house. Nob Hill. $5300 50x100, 2 modern, S-room house?. $5000 30x100. -8-room house, 8 blocks City Hall. . t $3800 50x100, 3 houses, rent $40 per marith. $300050x100. 2 6-roonl houses, modern. $1400 5000. 8-room house, corner. $5300 7oxloO, 10-room very modern house, S. Portland. , $5000 2 blocks. 14 lots, 50x100 each. C room modern house, bet. 24th and 26th sta. East Side. $165U 100x100, 0-room house, 20th st.. East Side. $1700-83x100. 7-room house, 26th st.. East Side. $2500 4 lots. 2 houses, close to S. P. . shops. $2000 looxioo, 8-room House, .Broaaway bet. 1st and 2d. $70007 acres, 5 min. walk car line with, first-class modern Improvements: fine lawn and orchard. Call, write or phone to , LOUIS SALOMON. 112& 1st at. HERE IS ANOTHER SNAP IN A SMALL HOUSE. New 4-room cottadMpnlcely papered acd painted, lot 40x100. yBWck from car line. minutes ride from center of city, 5c. tare will sell this Monday for $450. House and lot. 5 rooms, hall, pantry and bath, good basement, lot 100x100: this placo ls well Improved, 15 assorted bearing fruit trees, small fruit and good garden, barn and chicken-house, lots of flowers, two blocks from two good car lines; 10 minutes' rldj from city; tnia place Is a beauty- Price $2W. We have eeveral other snaps in houses-from 4 to 8 rooms. - Three lots at Columbia Heights, adjoining Woodlawn; $125 eachi Two lota In Summit Addition for $150 each; both these are away below market value. One acre at Laurelwood, well located; fcheap at $800. We have 4 and 5-acre tracts Juit east of Woodlawn which we wilt- sell cheap. Come In and get particulars. PACIFIC COAST LAND CO. me Black 1901. " 21t Allsky Bids IUARTER BLOCK WITH MODERN Ie and two-story barn, E. 30th and E- ;env sts. $3500 Lot 50x100. with nine-room house; centrally located on the East Side. Both streets Improved and cement walks. $7000 Beautiful quarter block and mod ern house In Holladay's Addition. $5000 Lot 40x100. with splendid 10-room house, with all modern improvements. $6500 Quarter block with four' cottages. Pays 8 per cent on the. Investment. -Lambert & Sargent, 404 East Alder st. i CITY PROPERTY CHEAP o-rooro moaern nouse, corner lot. trice $1750. which la less than cost of improve ments. , Choice lots at Woodstock. $250: Close-Ih comer lot. West Side, iOOxlOO, for J4250, New modern 5-room house, "West Side. Price $3000. Property cared for and rented. "WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 STARK ST. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ST(PCKFARM, 480 acres, divided into o pastures witn & Darns, each 40x100 feet, everything modern: good six-room house, with all the out-bulldlngs needed: location Is choice;, fine springs on farm, 1 miles to railroad and town; a gilt-edge buy at $4500. This a sample of our list. Oregon Exchange, 288 Wash ington. YOU DON'T OFTEN SEE AS HANDSOME a little home as we have on "East Morrison; five rooms, modern, big lot (90x100): room to build; $2500; one-third cash, balance In stallments, or straight mortgage. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408- Ablngton bldg. . $950-FINE "ACRE WITH NEW 3-ROOM nouse. Darn, two cnicxen-nouses, oeme;, fruit trees,, water pipe, etc., -3 blocks to Stewart Station. Mt. Scott cars; $500 cash,,. balance 3 years. A. D. Marshall. 42 3d. $250 CASH. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Small lot for $500: lays fine on Grand ave.; all Improvements in and' paid; will build small house and sell on, Instalment: must sel at once; Address. K 77, Oregonlan, S-ROOM RESIDENCE. AND BASEMENT. "West Side. 5 minutes" walk to the Ore gonlan bldg.; rents for $22 a month; two blocks to street-car $2000; terms. Ore gon Exchange, 283 "Washington st. NO SUBURBAN SECTION BXCELLS IRV ington; a lumberman Is going o Washing ton and will sell his 8th-st. home at a sa. -riflce: $3000; 7 rooms. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton bldg. TWO SNAPS NEW FLAT CLOSE TO 13TII arid Morrison. II rooms, good Interest-paying; 100 acres, Yamhill County, near Sheri dan. Make us' offer; F- O. Northrup & Co., 210 Commercial blk. - , $SC0 LOTS 5 AND' 6, BLOCK 5. ALBINA Addition to Portland; nicely lrnprovea; .auo 80- acres saw timber In Lane Co'.! Oregon. Apply Byers. Box 13.. GrangervilUv Idaho. FOR SALE AN ELEGANT HOME OF 8 rooms. Just finished, all modem Improve ments, lot 50x120 In lawn: easy payments. See owner on premise, 724 E. Madison. COTTAGE IN SUNNYSIDE, 5- ROOMS. bath,, cement basement, cement steps, cor. lot, street Improvements made; terms to suit. L 69. Oregonian. , , 1 $4600 NEW MODERN, 8-ROOM HOUSE. 23d st:; nothing like it for the money; move right In. W. H. Grlndstaff. 246" StarK. A NEAT. SMALL COTTAGE, NICE LOCA tlan; a bargain; easy terms. . Inquire of' owner, on premises. 901 East Sth st. North. FINE HOUSE, 10 -ROOMS. NEAR LEWIS and Clark Fairgrounds suitable for board ing house". Owner. 359 13th st. NOTICE IF YOU WOULD BUY A NEW SIX room house- at two-thirds its value from tie owner, addrefa W 65, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 5GV ACRES STUMP LAND? if miles from "Portland. Inquire 2S7 E. Jiur rUon st. C It. Davis Furl Co. CHEAP 3 14-BLCCKS. INSIDE DESIRABLE locations, with 4 cottages; will cut"up to suit ' purchaser, 5526 E. 11th. NEW tf-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. OWNER wishes to leave city; a bargain Inquire 44th and E. Main st. . FOR SALE A 7-ROOM HOUSE "WITH bath and ga; lot U8xlt0. Inquire at C23 Williams ave. 1 ; c ONE OF FINEST HOMES JN PORTLAND V5500. and house, 11th st., $5500. Pittenger, 245 Morrison. $1000 CORNER LOT. S. A COR. HOOD AND Grover ats.IOO'feet oa H4ed it. See owner, 211 Glbba it. SALE OR RENT H.USE 5- (LARGE rooms, cheap. See .owner. 'I'rtephoae Scott 10L 4 NEW. MODERN. 8-ROOM home. Willamette Heights, mm?- paymeata; Phs Kmc BT3. FOR 8 ALB 9-ROOM JtOBW.. MODERN, full tot: bargai. i8 Granl ave, . . HOMR COKNKR, LOT8 ROOM. JST3 CASH. Berry A Alexander. 4 X. fea ; .ROOM MODERN COTTAGSi; ' EASX 1 tK&ao.