"'w-'VSlv w-r THE SUNDAY OREGONIAtt, POBTLA1TD, OCTOBEB 30, 1904. 29 WAITED TO KENT FARMS. EXPERIENCED MAN "WANTS TO RENT ten or more acres. Improved, near Portland, for tenn of rears, cash, rent; might buy. Address box 14S, Corvallls, Or. BT EXPERIENCED FARMER; TVILL PAT crop rent: first-class references. T. S. Mc Donald, Oswego, Or. FARM 30 TO 25 ACRES. GOOD HOUSE .AND barn, within 20 miles Portland. X 65, Ore gonlnn. ros SALE. Horses, Vesicles and Harness. SNAP I HAVE ONE TEAM. WEIGHS 2900 pounds; good age and sound; working- at $4.50 per day. Job sots with team; also i pair of farm horses, 8 and 9 years old, weigh 2330 pounds; are good workers, single or double. Two sets of heavy team harness, one farm wagon, one bay rack. Call at Red Front Stables. 15th Just off Washington st. Ask to see Mr. E. Powers' stock. WE HAVE THE ENTIRE LINE OF FINE hand-made delivery wagons formerly used by Olds. Wortman & King; several gooseneck trucks, buggies, surreys, rubber-tired hacks; coupe, traps, carta and vehicles of all kinds; also a full line of harness and Baddies, new and second-hand, for sale, rent or exchange. Tomltnson & Caoslday, 211 Washington st. BARGAIN 6125 BUYS SORREL. HORSE, 8 years old, weighs 1075 pounds; new hand made harness and new rubber-tire runabout, whip, robe; everything complete. Call at my private residence, 484 Bumelde St.; aak for Mr. Reynolds. 1 TEAM. 3000 POUNDS. 6 AND 8 TEARS old, good workers; team 1200 each, work single or double; city broke, harness and wagon, 348 3d at. Sunday or .Monday. -i FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY COLT; chestnut. S months old. finely built; very gentle but full of life, $60. Box 103. Mll waukle, Oregon. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND DELIVERY WAG ons, small goosenecks, surreys, buggies, trucks and furniture wagons. S34 Stark. GOOD WORK TEAM. WEIGHT 2300; NEW work harness. $75; nice bay mare, $20; a bargain. Barn, 471 E. Salmon. IF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES. WAGONS, buggies, harness for sale, telephone Main 1125. Call 26 N. 15th st. SPAN SHETLAND PONIES, VERY GEN tle. well broken, double and single harness. Phone Union 745. FOR SALE TWO GOOD WORK HORSES; weight 1300 and 1100. Anderson Bros. Sta bles. 254 3d fit. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements. 227 Front. FAMILY DRIVING HORSE, TOP BUGGY and harness for sale. Inquire 572 E. Oak. FOR SALE FINE BAY HORSE. 1100 pounds, cheap. 175 E. 23d, near Belmont st. FEW TOP WAGONS AND BUGGIES cheep, 49 N. 4th, near Davis. HORSE FOR SALE. $35; GOOD TO DRIVE or ride. A 63. care Oregonian. A LIGHT SADDLE FOR SALE CHEAP. 504 Hawthorne ave. Pianos. MANSFIELD & NOTIN. IMPORTED Pi ano, made in Germany, cased In beautiful French walnut. Cannot be told from rew. $185. Eilers' Piano House, 351 Washington street, corner Park. SINGER-JUST IN. FANCY OAK CASE; Is in excellent condition; price only $135. Eilers Piano House, 351 Washington st. HORACE WATERS. ROSEWOOD CASE, good action, $35. Eilers Piano House, 351 Washington street, corner Park. A NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. WORTH $400. for $200 If taken immediately. B 63. care Oregonian. FOR SALE Al ORGAN. SUITABLE FOR Chapel or lodgeroom. Call 548 Flanders st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 1 Jeffrey electric mine locomotive. 1 12-ton saddle tank Porter locomotive. 1 15-H. P. firebox boiler. 1 654x8 single drum hoisting engine. A complete brickmaking plant. New and Telaying rails. S-lb. and tip. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 324 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFIT, consisting of 1 13x15 Taylor Beck automatic self-contained engine. 1 120-K. W. 133-cycle. 2080-volt General Electric alternator, with exciter and instruments; 2 32-lnch 200-H. P. friction clutches, 2 GO-K. W. 500-volt direct current Edison generators. D. J. Gregory. box SHU. iortiano, ur. 1 FOR SALE TWO IMPORTED JAPANESE dogs. 5 months old, and 1 female Japanese, 4 vearo old, cheap; pet monkeys, parrots, sing ing birds. 5 varieties bantams. 10 varieties fancy pigeons: golden, silver, Mongolian pheasants. Portland Bird Co.. 304 3d; re tall store. 127 N. Cth. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S., Domestic Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & WllEon and Domestic offices, S. S. Slgel, agent. 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with Elaterite: it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roots. Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE TEAM LARGE GRADE AN gora goats; Jet black and pure white; to gether with yokes. Also carload high-grade Angora stock goats and pure bred billies. Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP ALMOST NEW large steel range, suitable for boarding house or logging camp; reason for sell ing, have no further use for same. 381 East Morrison. Phone East 2S7. I FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tablts; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying. Mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 48 3d st. 4 12-lnch by 36-lnch, complete with friction drive; has never been used. Also 25 tons 20-pound steel relaying Tee rails. D. J. Gregory, box 940. Portland. FINE SHOW FOR LEWIS AND CLARK Fair; three handsome nudels, magnificent painting and lecture for iime; had success ful run on St. Louis "Pike"; easily packed. Apply 839 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE TWO FRESH COWS. 5 YEARS Old; one of them thoroughbred Jersey. One horse, gelding, 4 years old; broke elngle and double: cheap. 248 Front. LARGE COLLECTION UNITED STATES postage stamps; catalogue over $100; would sell cheap or trade for disc graphophone and records. P 40. Oregonian. A $550 HARDMAN PIANO FOR $375; ONLY been la use elx months; In every respect as good as sew. Allen & Gllbert-Ramaker Co., cor. 0th and Morrison. TROMBONE. SLIDE. HOLTON SPECIAL, silver-plated, new. $35. Vlollncello. fine old German instrument; $50. 13 East 12th at. Phone East 219S. ALL THE MACHINES AND GRINDING tools, etc, from the late P. S. Klsslow. In quire at the store, 508 Washington st. Very reasonable 1 SWITCHES FOR SALE, OR MADE TO OR der of your own combings; combings bought; work satisfactory. Call 94 E. 12th st. Phone East 1710. EIGHT CHINESE PHEASANTS. 9 MO. OLD; very tame; will 4 eat from hand; $5 per pair: $2 each, females.; $16 .for the lot. N 58, Oregonian. MAGNIFICENT UPRIGHT PIANO GENU ine mahogany case, at cost price, or ex change for valuable diamond. R 56, Ore gonian. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED FEMALE bull terrier. 3 months old; price reason able; call morning or evening, 413 11th st. A VERY NEAT PAIR GENUINE SOLITAIRE diamond ear screws, originally cost $35; only $21. Uncle Myers, 143 3d St., Hear Alder. FOR SALE BLUE-PRINT PLANS AND specifications of rour-flat building, 6 rooms and bath each. R 57, Oregonian. FOR KALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE TWO SO-H. P. EDISON ELEC trlc motors and 1-H. P. gasoline engine. D. J. Gregory, box 946, Portland. $16.00 20-FT. AWNING. GO-GALLON FORCE oil tank. 245-pound Falrbank scale. No. S coffee mill. H 03, Oregonian. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE HALL SAFE and Remington typewriter with desk. In quire 211 Washington st. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. FILMS and slides, for ealo or rent. McCoy, 68 10th. soon hour only. FOR SALE. MleceRaneaas. FOR SALE TWO OUxlO TACOMA DON'K ey engines at a bargain; both In first class condition, one having been run less than & year. S. B. Hicks it Sons Co., 231 Pine st., Portland. FOR SALE PRACTICALLY NEW TOP buggy and elngle harness cheap. Phone Scott 3092, week days. TYPEWRITERS FOR BALE DENSMORE latest model, used six months; $G5. Call room 101 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE SOME THOROUGHBRED Brown Leghorn roasters. Address Mrs. Som merfeldt, Lents, Or. 45 LARGE PJGS, $2.50 EACH. ON FARM AT Tigardvllle. Or. II. Grebe, 177 Sherman St., Portland, Or. NEW TYPEWRITER, LATEST MODEL; never been used; big discount; must be sold. D 60, Oregonian. FOR SALE EXPRESS WAGON AND HAR ness In good condition. A snap. $25. Call 133 Meade st. TWO GORDON-LLEWELLYN PUPPIES 3 months old and mother for sale. 547 Nortnrup at. THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH COLLIE DOG. sable and white, 1 year old. 329 5th. Phone Main 1503. Moving picture film, song slides, magic Ian terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont.. S. F.. Cal. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway. FINE YOUNG COW. GIVING 3 GALS. DAY; also 5 months heifer calf cheap. 227 Front. FOR SALE A NEW 1300-POUND SAFE, worth $130, for $75. 217 Oregonian bldg. Typewriters, all makes, at cost, from $25; rub ber stamps, sals, etc Coast Co.. 231 Stark. FOR SALE JERSEY COW: RICH MILKER. 45 E. 3d st., near Pine. Phone East 1749. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans now $25. 7th and Morrison. LARGE SAFE CHEAP; ALSO SHOTGUN. Hall Stable, cor. 7th and Stark sts. FRESH COW FOR SALE, 233 SPENCER st, Montavllla. Phone Scott 5792. NEW I. X. L. STEEL POWER WINDMILL; will sell cheap. S 57, Oregonian. 500-CANDLEPOWER GASOLINE LAMP; cheap. F. J. Wyatt, 309 Oak st. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM flat for sale cheap. 202 14th st. THREE FRESH COWS; PART JERSEY. Bam on Front and Jefferson. LADY'S WHEEL FOR SALE CHEAP, MUST be sold. Y 58, Oregonian. FOR SALE A GOCART FOR SALE; IN GOOD condition. 256 19th st. GOOD JERSEY COW FOR SALE. INQUIRE 1321 MllwAukle st. BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP. 229 1ST. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SALESMEN EVERY BANK AND business house knows us. Our goods are salable. We can employ a few more men on our well-known map of U. S. and world; large scale; clearly engraved: beautifully colored: frequently sells at sight; new plan of work of great help in getting orders; many of our salesmen averaging from $18 to $40 per week; no experience necessary; per manent employment. Write for full informa tion. Rand. McNally & Co.. Chicago. I1L WANTED BY TAILOR FOR THE TRADE house, energetic capable men for the road to open up new accounts, establish agen cies, and give sales; address, giving refer ence, experience and salary expected, Carl Joseph & Co., 186 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. "Makers of the Clothes that Satisfy." SKILLFUL SCHEME SALESMAN WANTED Retailer wins out and Is pleased: road position: nothing equal to it; $200 per week can be made; can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light and fur nished on references: correspondence confi dential. Address 211 Dickey Bldg., Chi cago. WANTED SALESMAN FOR OREGON TO sell our first-class advertising no-eltles (our own make) to every merchant and manufacturer In each town. Commissions liberal and paid promptly; samples occupy little space. Write with reference United States Novelty Company, Cincinnati. O. WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS trator, cartoonist, lawyer. pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist, ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book, "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools. 82 When.. Indianapolis, U. S. A. A COMPETENT WHISKY TRAVELER, who has acquaintance with the trade in the Northwest, can find lucrative and permanent employment by applying in own handwriting to Y 00, Oregonian. Refer ences required. All correspondence treat ed confidential. , ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO TAKE charge of Portland branch office of San Francisco manufacturing concern; good ref erences and small Investment required; lib eral salary and commission. Address, "Man ager." 927 Market st., San Francisco. CaL THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one of his famous barber colleges at 644 Clay st., San Francisco. Special induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tu ition earned while learning. Write correct number. 644 Clay st., San Francisco. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LAB orers. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaurant and nieee-bouse help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 349 Burnslde and 220 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. SPECIALTY SALESMEN. A FEW FIRST class men; good men can make $3000 to $10,000 a year; don't answer If you are not filling or have successfully filled a position paying $1500 a year. American Jobbing Association, Iowa City, Iowa. MANUFACTURING CONCERN DESIRES A person living in city, town or village for a special work; $15 per week for one that is active, reliable and honest; & good, steady position; give age. Ideal Fire Extinguisher Company. Philadelphia, Pa. TRUSTWORTHY PERSON EACH DISTRICT to superintend business for wholesale house. $20 paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent. Pre vious experience not essential. Manager, 820 Como Bldg., Chicago. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMEN; new Cleveland Jobbing house with largo clptaL wishes to Increase its corps of sales men Nov. 1; high commission with $35 weekly. W. S. Merle & Co., 90-96 Pros pect St.. Cleveland, O. SALESMEN WE WILL PAY $300 PER month and expenses to salesmen who have the ability to sell computing scales, safes, cash registers, crockery, perfume or Jewel ry assortments. Roebuck, 254 Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. PERSON TO TRAVEL FOR WELL-ESTAB-llshed house In & few counties calling on retail merchants; local territory; salary $25 per week; expense money advanced. American Manufacturers, Star Bldg., Chi cago. POSITIONS OPEN FOR COMPETENT STEN ograpfcers, bookkeepers, office men. managers, salesmen and technical men. Call Pacific Commercial Bureau, room 45. Concord blk., 2d and Stark, Portland, or write for booklet. WANTED 10 MEN IN EACH STATE to travel, tack signs and distribute sam ples and circulars of our goods; salary $60 per month. $3 per day for expenses. Kuhl man Co.. dept. B 24, Atlas Blk., Chicago. WANTED BY MANUFACTURER OF PER fumes, toilet articles and Savoring extracts a traveling salesman to fill vacancy In Or egon. Permanent position at good pay to right man. Address P CO, Oregonian. FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT, BRIGHT young man with $100 can secure half-Interest In light manufacturing business, new and lucrative; no previous knowledge necessary. call today, suite it ana is. 207 3d. i AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR EUPE rlor, high-grade nureery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. SALESMEN WANTED HIGH-GRADE. Ex perienced specialty salesmen to handle our computing cheese cutter, celling to the grocers and general merchants. W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, Mich. J WANTED WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR clerks, bookkeepers, office men, managers, salesmen; If wanting high-class positions, call or write National Commercial Bureau, room 29, Alnsworth bldg. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSION al singers, actors, musicians, for Portland's World's Fair and road shows. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh. 6th and Washington. HELP WANTED MALE. TRAVELING SALESMAN ONE GOOD MAN for tach state; experience unnecessary. Just hustlers; permanent: good pay; liberal run ning expense account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit. Mich. MANUFACTURER WANTS TRAVELING man to sell Spring dress goods, -shirtings and white goods to retail stores; good com mission. South Phi la. Woolen Co., Box 1341. Phlla. -j STAGE DANCING, SKETCHES, DRAMATIC art, singing, etc. taught; engagements se cured; big salary. Newman's Vaudeville School, the Raleigh, 6th. and Washington. COMPETENT MEN, EMPLOYED, DESIR ing advancement; write for free list desir able positions; give experience. Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union Square, New York MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. SjIal inducements this month. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System Col.. San Francisco. CaL YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE. COPY LET ters. home evenings. $9.50 week, Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept. S 225, box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. ACTIVE TRAVELING SALESMEN GOOD men are now earning $3000 annually In commissions: best side line offerej"" D. T. Weir White Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo. ENERGETIC MEN WANTED EVERT where to tack signs, distribute samplet. etc, permanent position; good pay. Ameri can Union, PonUac Bldg., Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ADVERTISING So licitor for high-grade periodical; none but experienced men need apply. Monday, 9 A. M., 722 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE HUSTLER to work business chances on commission; references required. Rose City Real Es tate Agency, 110 First st. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE,. GOOD pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. $25 FEB WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to gro cery dealers; experience unnecessary. Pur ity Co., Chicago. i A BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER to go out of town for a lumber firm; give reference and salary wanted. Address box J 59, Oregonian. WANTED CITY SALESMAN FOR OFFICE stationery and specialties; good opening; must be experienced; references. P 300, care Oregonian. CLYDE'S ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER department; solicitors; commission; call noon or at 5. 418 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN TO take a private course In pharmacy. Rare opportunity. Address E. C. care Oregonian. MEN TO DISTRIBUTE CIRCULARS; steady employment: guarantee $3 per day. Buffalo American Realty Co., Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distrubute circulars, samples, etc; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. BOY WANTED. ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE, for offlco work and as messenger; with bi cycle preferred. C 65, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS, SALARY OR COMMIS slon; $4 to $10 per day. W. R. Taylor & Co., 23 Labbe bldg., Portland. Or. PIANO PLAYER TO TRAVEL THAT WANTS to learn show business; good salary. Call today at 107 3d. room 4. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN ACQUAINT ed with capital to sell stock for Al proposi tion. M 33, Oregonian. i YOUNG MEN TO TAKE PRIVATE LES sons In Journalism and short-story writing. Y 59. care Oregonian. BOY OR YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPE rlence at harness business. Apply O'Re gan's, 245 Front st. WANTED BOY TO WORK IN LIBRARY. Apply Portland Public Library, corner 7th. and Stark sts. WANTED 2 MEN TO TRAVEL ON THE road. Sunday from 11 to L J. A. Day, Hotel Perkins. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE miners and tool sharpener, long Job. Q 40, Oregonian. WANTED CARPENTERS AND CONCRETE contractors to figure on residence. Box O 58, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE TWO FIRST-CLASS coatmakers. Inquire at room 605. Good nough bldg. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer In mining camp. F 58. Ore gonian. WANTED AT ONCE. CASHBOYS; MUST be 14 or older. Roberts Bros., 3d and Mor rison. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st.. San Francisco. BOY 16 YEARS TO DELIVER PARCELS and work at store. 171 3d st. WANTED TWO CARPENTERS MONDAY morning. Park and Jefferson. GOOD BUTCHER WANTED APPLY MOn! day morning. 127 First et. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE COPT ing letters at home, evenings or spare time and return to us. No mailing or canvass ing. $9 weekly earned, materials free. In close self-addressed envelope for particu lars. Guarantee Co., No. S 225, 9th St., Philadelphia, Pa. J WANTED STENOGRAPHERS YOU CAN earn (during your spare time) extra money without affecting your present position. The most liberal offer ever made In answer ing ask for our holiday special offer. Pilot Ribbon & Carbon Co., Inc. Rochester, N. Y. LADIES $7 TO $10 WEEKLY EARNED doing plain sewing at home Material sent free everywhere prepaid. Stamped ad dressed envelope brings particulars. Union Company, 1215 Filbert sL, Philadelphia, Pa. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. $9.00 PER week. Materials sent everywhere free, steady work, plain sewing only. Send ad dressed envelope for full particulars. S. J. W., Du Pont. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED LADIES (HOME WORK) ON attractive magazine, music and census work; exclusive territory. $15 weekly and commissions. Magazine Bureau, 270 Wa bash ave., Chicago. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM berroalds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226 Morrison. Phone Main 1323. LADIES TO HANDLE OUR HANDY HAT fastener; does away with hatpins; practical article; big profits; send 25c for sample and particulars. L. A. Dletz Co.. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSION al singers, actors, musicians, for Portland's World's Fair and road shows. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, the Raleigh, 6th and Washington. WANTED FOR MORNINGS ONLY. A RE llable girl who knows how to do house maid's work in private family. Will pay $12 a month. Apply this afternoon, 205 King st. LADIES TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT HOME on collars; nothing to buy; material sent free. Send addressed envelope. National Mfg. Co., 250 W. 116th St., New York. WANTED IMMEDIATELY RESPECTABLE woman, under 40, as housekeeper, widower's family, country; German widow preferred. Call 2304 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. LADIES $30 1000 COPYING LETTERS. NO mailing to friends or furnishing addresses;, stamped envelope particulars. Gem Art Co., Dept. 170, Chicago. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: 7 In family; good pay; white or colored. 67 N. 20th, near Washington. Tel. Main 4503. -4 LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Bend stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Caasopolls, Mich. WANTED RESPECTABLE GERMAN WOM an. under, 35. housekeeper, widower, with children. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SSL WAITRESS (WASH DISHES. LOG CAMP, $25; housework girls, waitresses, cooks, every body. See Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TAKE PRI vate lessons in stenography; fine chance. Address E. C, care .Oregonian. TAPESTRY PAINTING CORRECTLY taught: orders taken. Miss L. Hull, room 77, Lewis bldg. Solicitors Wanted. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL, first-class private family; wages $25. 230H YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1, WANTED GIRL FOR'' GENERAL HOUSE work: gas stove used. Apply between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., 735 Hoyt it. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BY OUR BONA FIDE PROPOSITION LA dles may earn $2 dally at home. Particu lars for stamp. Ideal Co., 1288 Broad way. New Tork. YOUNG LADIES TO TAKE PRIVATE LE3 eona In Journalism and short-story writing. X 59, care Oregonian. WANTED GIRL AS COOK AND LAUX dress; must be competent. 179 St. Clair st. Mrs. J. N. TeaL GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call Monday, bet. 1 and 4 o'clock. 64 t E. 18th st. North. WANTED ONE TALLORSSS. ABLE TO make good buttonholes. Gurney, 407 Mo hawk bldg. EXPERIENCED SKIRT AND WAIST FIN Isbers. C. & W. Shirtwaist Co., 412 Alder. cor. 11th. BUSINESS WOMAN OF MATURE YEARS to take permanent position with Northwest Vlavl Co. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; a good place. Call at SS2 Wash ington. WANTED GIRL, . GOOD COOK. GENERAL housework; small family. 792 Kearney, neat 24th.- WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK; good wages. 9 North 10th St., near Burn side. WANTED YOUNG GIRL ABOUT 15 TO assist with housework. Telephone West 1074. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL TO WORK FOR board in family of two. Phone Main 304. WANTED BY DRESSMAKER ERRAND girl and apprentices. 419 Ablngton bldg. COMPETENT NURSE TO CARE FOR IN fant or invalid. H 68, Oregonian. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR HOUSE keeplng; good wages. 264 Baker st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 355 6th St., cor. MUL WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND work. Apply 675 Hoyt St., cor. 18th. WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH DISHES and help In the kitchen. 186 5th. WANTED APPRENTICES AND A FIRST clas3 sklrtmaker. 145? 11th st. WANTED ONE PLAIN SEWING GIRL. Gurney. 407 Mohawk bldg. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN BOARDING house. 106 North 7th at. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 549 Hoyt at. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. LEARN TO DRAW PICTURES LEARN TO be an artist by mall. We teach you better, quicker, and charge you lees, than any other school. All work Is personally cor rected by two of the best artists on the coast. Number of students limited. This offer is only open to January 1, 1905. Write for terms. Willamette School of Art, Port land. Or. WANTED INDUSTRIOUS MAN OR woman, each district to manage business of well-established company; salary $20, paid weekly and expenses; expense money advanced; position permanent; no Invest ment; provlous experience not essential. Manager Como bldg.. Chicago. 1 WANTEDGOOD READER TO DICTATE TO shorthand class for part tuition. Behnke Walker Business College. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH printer, lady or gent; also two retouchers. 01 Dekum bldg. WANTED A GOOD TAILOR OR TAILORESS to work on ladles' coats. 432 Wash. st. WANTED TWO WELL-DRESSED YOUNG men or ladles at 163 W. Park. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED BY MAN WITH FIVE YEARS' experience as traveling salesman for large wholesale houses and 15 years' experience In the banking business, position as city man ager of some paying institution. References exchanged. Address or call. 864 East 7th St.. K. : 1 WANTED POSITION IN OFFICE OR school In Portland by Eastern man; un derstands bookkgeplng and stenography; ex perienced commercial teacher and office man. Address A. T. Link, general delivery. EXPERIENCED CLERK. ALSO 3 YEARS' road experience, would like position as clerk with wholesale house in order to learn Una and get on road for same; can furnish good references. Address J 62, care Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY AN ALL-'ROUND experienced mercantile business man, 30 years old, single; write particulars. Ad dress A. Rlba, Lldgerwood, North Dak. POSITION BY COMPETENT AND RELI nble bookkeeper, with years of experience. Best references. Phone 1109. 14 E. 7th st. EXPERIENCED FIRE INSURANCE CLERK wishes employment. X 60, Oregonian. - Miscellaneous. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.'. 270 Wash. bldg.. room 30. Phone Main 1778. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat tr and samples; guarantee advertiser against all loss; mall or telephone orders. COLORED MAN AND WIFE NOT AFRAID to work would like position together; good cook, good house or coachman; in or out of city. Address 336 Everett. Phone Clay 19S6. POSITION WITH RELIABLE ABSTRACT OR real-estate company by bookkeeper and busi ness man, age 25; familiar with records In Oregon and California. Phone East 1219. 1 EXPERIENCED CLERK. ALSO CANDY maker, wants position with retail confec tionery: can furnish satisfactory references. Q 58. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION WITH REAL Es tate Co. Have had 10 years' experience: any reference desired furnished. Address Lock Box 924. ENGINEER WANTS SITUATION; USED TO installing engines and machinery: 9 years In general repair shop. Address S, 250 12th ct., Portland. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL wants place to work for board and room. Call or phone Main 564. Portland Business College. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS, WAITERS, dishwashers. farmhands, laborers (city, camp) ; also Chinese. Drake's, 205 Washing ton. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK. WITH good recommendations, wants permanent position. Moy Tsubol. Laurelwood P. O. OUTSIDE POSITION BY YOUNG MAN, experience, seven years In office; two years traveling salesman. T 23. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY WISHES position to do any kind work, outside of school hours. P. O. Box 910. F. G. EXPERIENCED HORSEMAN. RELIABLE, wants work In livery stable, or care of horses. G 56. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION at housework. Address Japanese Mission. 121 15th, cor. Gllsan. A BOY, 14 YEARS OLD. WOULD LDXE work after school hours and Saturday. Cor. E. 10th and Morrlsdn. RELIABLE JAPANESE. ATTENDING school, wants work in morning or evening. T 62, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK FOR BOARD and room. R. W. Elmer, care Holmes Business College. FLRST-CLASS AMERICAN CHINESE COOK wishes a place In hotel or restaurant. R 38, Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES TO LEARN plumber trade; write particulars and terms. A 59, Oregonian. COLORED MAN DESIRES A SITUATION as Janitor; best of reference. Address W 01, Oregonian. PLUMBER AND GASFITTBR WANTS JOB In or out of city; first-class Jobber. K 61. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION TO help in kitchen; small wages. Clay 834. Eastman. w Anted a position as chatnman with a surveylsg cerps; experienced. C 57, Oregonian. WANTED BT FIRSTrCLASa COOK. Posi tion as chef In hotel or restaurant. E 58, Oregonian. ' PRESSMAN FROM " EAST; FIRST-CLASS cylinder an4 latea; wbIob man. S 68, Ore gonian. j. . STRONG. RJsLIAlL3 TOdfG MAN DE slres work at aayttOBC. Addtu L 57, Ore-goBlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MiscellaseeBs. NATIONAL & CONTINENTAL DIST. CO.. 270 Washington bldg.. room 30. Mala 1778. Distributors of all kinds of advertising mat ter and samples, guarantee advertlier against aij :oss; mail or teiepnone orders solicited. W ANTED POSITION IN GROCERY BT experienced clerk. James Cook. 28 7th St., North. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man as Janitor or gardener. C 61. Orego nian. FOSmON WANTED BT A TOUNG BAK er, city or country. B CO, Oregonian. . SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. FIRST-CLASS YOUNG WOMAN 8TENOG rapher desires half or whole day position: best city references. G 67. Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position: has knowledge of bookkeeping; good references. F 62, Oregonian. COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED TOUNG woman desires position as stenographer. Ad drees T 57, care Oregonian. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; has knowledge of bookkeeping; mod erate salary. Main 233L YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; bas knowledge of bookkeeping; mod erate ealary. Main 2331. YOUNG LADY WITH BEST REFERENCES wants position as bookkeeper or typewriter. O 63, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER WISHES HALF-DAY Po sition. Q 61, Oregonian. Housekeepers. ELDERLY WOMAN WANTS PLACE AS housekeeper, rooming-house preferred, or as cook for men; good cook and seamstress. Ad dress oy letter. A 59, care Oregonian. -1 RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED LADY DE, sires position as housekeeper In city. Good home more object than wages; no trlflers. Call at 297 2d at., room 6. COMPETENT. TRUSTWORTHY GERMAN woman wishes .place as housekeeper; good cook and seamstress. Please address O 54, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED LADY OF GOOD CHARAC ter, with S-year-old girl, wishes position as housekeeper in country or town. F 60. Ore gonian. i - 4 A REFINED WIDOW LADY DESIRES A Po sition as housekeeper in rooming-house; must be clean and good location. G 60. Orego nian. LADY WHO CAN GIVE GOOD REFER ence, will keep house for respectable people In city, country or town. K 68, Oregonian. TWO LADIES OF EXPERIENCE WISH Po sitions as housekeeper and chambermaid. Address X 61. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER In hotel, lodging-house or private family. F 63. Oregonian. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES Posi tion In good family; no children; good cook; cannot be excelled In bread-making. T 68, care Oregonian. WANTED PLACE BY YOUNG LADY TO do chamber or second work; several years' experience. Call 166 N. 18th. bet. 9 and 2. WANTED SITUATION BY SWEDISH GIRL to do cooking or general work. Phone Main 3368. or call Monday at 431 6th St. A COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUA tion to do cooking and light housework. Ad dress R 58, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL WANTS place in refined family; best references. X 62. Oregonian. A LADY WITH GIRL 5 WISHES SITUA tion, general housework, for adults. P 68, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE GIRL to assist In housework in nice family. N 63, Oregonian. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO cook and do housework. L 63, care Ore gonian. POSITION AS WAITRESS IN PRIVATE boarding-house. 367 Crosby, foot of Broad way. GIRL WANTS DINING-ROOM WORK, kitchen or chamber work. Call 235 Jefferson. WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BT the day. Phone East 2385. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK, 20c AN hour. Phone Scott 2858. Dressmnkeys. LATEST METHOD OF DRESS CUTTING taught and systems for sale at room 60, Cambridge bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison sts. Call and Investigate. SEAMSTRESS. EXPERIENCED. WISHES few more engagements by the day; good ref erences; children's work a specialty. F 61, Oregonian. ARTISTIC DRESSMAKING SHLRTWAI8T suits at reasonable prices; altering and plain sewing. 295 10th st. 3 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES wutit ay mo uajr. oaress .lira. Uuniord, 683 Pettygrove st. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED lady as refltter, with some responsible firm. R 58. Oregonian. WANTED SEWING BT THE DAT; SHIRT walsta and children's clothes. Rhone West 697. DRESSMAKING-SHIRTWAISTS. 75c AND up; suits. $3.60; skirts. $2.50. 326 Park st. Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES A SITUA tlon. Phone Scott 2201, 33 Grand ave., room 25. PRACTICAL NURSE WISHES A SITUA tlon; no objection to leaving city. Phone Scott 2402. SITUATION WANTED AS NURSE GIRL; sleep home. M 50, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED CAPABLE GIRL, governess, as sick nurse; very experienced child's or children's nurse; neat girl as sist housework; chambermaids, housekeep ers. 230 TamhllL Phone Black 2S8I. REFINED INTELLIGENT LADY OF GOOD disposition, a good reader, wants position as companion to elderly lady or mother with children. G 40, Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN. COLLEGE GRADUATE, wants position as governess or traveling companion; testimonials. L 62, Oregonian. WANTED TOUNG LADY WANTS ANY kind of work from 7-11, or 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. Address, N 67, Oregonian. FAMILY WASHING AND IRONING CARE fully done at home; men's washing and mending. Phone Main 4409. SITUATION WANTED TO CARE FOR ROOM-Ing-house or chamber work, by competent woman. S 62, care. Oregonian. BT COLORED WOMAN AND MAN, ANY kind of day work or washing and -ironing. 263 2d st. Phone Main 3276. LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS. WITH BEST references, wants position to manage room lnghouse. H 60, Oregonian. WANTED WASHING TO TAKE HOME; curtains, etc; mending. Address, giving par ticulars, B 69, Oregonian. A CASHIER OF 4 TEARS' EXPERIENCE would like steady position; references given. Address A 67. Oregonian. A TEACHER OF EXPERIENCE DESIRES private pupils; sick or timid children a spe cialty. K 60, Oregonian. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BT the day, washing and ironing or house clean ing. Phone Union 413. A LADY OF 7 TEARS' EXPERIENCE would like management of rooming-house. W 69, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WANTS PLACE TO WORK for room and board; employed during day. L 60, Oregonian. A POSITION AS CASHIER, BT TOUNG lady with several years experience. Phone Main 4570. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WASHING, Ironing or any kind of work by way. 653 Vaughn at. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WISHES Po sition either In city or country. D 39, Ore gonian. HEMSTITCHING AND DRAWNWORK; charges' reasonable. G 61, OregeBlan. WANTED TO LEARN MILLINERY trade. Phone Mala 4254. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. MIscellanpcas. WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, arm, tray waitresses, cooks, domestics, laun dry, factory help. Drake. 203 Washington. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing. Telephone Main 3740. POSITION BT WOMAN, WITH CHILD. 5. X 57. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMAN WANTED IN EVERT COUNTY In Oregon, California and Nevada; new and complete outfit furnished free. Com mission advanced weekly on orders; our lo cation in the famous Yakima Valley, Wash., insures the production of clean, thrifty, hardy, well matured nursery stock; give roference and state preference of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppeniah, Wash. AGENTS $30 A WEEK GUARANTEED, automatic washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders." Time 43 minutes; profit over $30; guaranteed to do a washing in 80 minutes; furnishes its own power; re quires no labor: costs less than any other machine; free samples and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED IF THIS CATCHES THE eye of a live, ambitious party who desires to earn a handsome Income, write us for our money-making proposition selling stereo scopic photographs. Our agents are positively making from $5 to $15 above expenses. Our latest production St. Louis Exposition and the Russian-Japanese war views. GRIF FITH & GRIFFITH. 204 Abel Building. Chicago, I1L AGENTS WANTED YOU CAN MAKE $100 to $200 monthly by handling our exclusive line of tailoring. Sample book containing 40 styles suitings and overcoatings sent free Our garments made with broad shoulder and right-fitting neck. We sell goods cheaper than any other tailoring house In the world. Kramer Tailoring Co., 173 Clark St., Chicago, I1L AGENTS WANTED WHO ARE LOOKING for an article of merit that will selL We manufacture a fountain pen retailing at 10c You can easily make from $3 to $5 a day. We are not offering free sample, but require 10c for one. Money returned if not satisfactory: send for It today. Econ omy Fountain Fen Co.. 148-02 State St., unicago. : 1 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FAMOUS Buckeye Cook Book, new subscription edition. Over one million copies cold. Easy seller. Big commissions. Territory going fast. Write today. Address "Buckeye." Webb Publishing- Company, St. Paul, Minn. SCHEMES AND FAKES OF AMERICA; book for mall-order men, agents and fak ers, a brain brightener for hustlers; full of dollar-getting ideas. 10c, postpaid. G. Jackson, 2658 Market st, San Francisco. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL PARKER'S patent weather strip In Portland, Eastern Oregon and Willamette Valley; best seller on the market. Write or call upon Union Dis tributing Co.. 66 Cth st., second floor, room 4. AGENTS $20 TO $50 WEEKLY: EVERY business man buys new vest pocket inven tion, $3. Experience unnecessary. Scien tific salesmanship free Standard Co., 1289 8pltzer, Toledo, O. AGENTS HERE IS CORKER; ONLY PAN cake griddle In world will bake square cakes; turns them; bakes six each time; 100 per cent profit. Canton Griddle Co., Canton. O. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAT FITTING glasses; big profits, our 24-page free eye book, tells how. Write today. Jacksonian Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. SMALL FORTUNE FOR CANVASSERS; also for general agents with capital to con trol territory on patented household article. Alt a Mfg. Co., 33 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN AGENTS FOR latest photo novelty; photo cushions: quick seller, big profits. Call or address Johnsoa Photo Novelty Co., 433 Alain st., .Portland. -i AGENTS WANTED IN EVERT TOWN FOR the Standard self-filling, self-cleaning foun tain pen: easy seller; large profits. West ern Mnfrs. Agency, San Francisco. Cal. $33 PER WEEK SELLING OUR NEW PAT ents. Free samples guaranteed agents an swering this advertisement promptly. Bra ham Co., 3128, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS SELL BEST PATENTED FIRE Ex tinguishers. Write for "special starting of fer with free material. Badger Chemical Mfg. co.. Milwaukee. Wis. WE PAT $18 PER WEEK AND EXPENSES to men with rigs to introduce poultry com pound: year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 64. Parsons, Kans. AGENTS CAN SELL OUR CHRISTMAS goods in every home. No cash or experi ence necessary; write for free outfit. Illft & Co., Chicago. WANTED RELIABLE AGENTS TO SELL celebrated Rath light for gas fixtures; sells on sight; liberal commissions. 46 and 48 Front 3L 4 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL A SUCCESS- ful $5 typewriter, 40 per cent commission. Coffman Mfg. Co., 522 Spruce St., St. Louis, Missouri. 1 WANT MAN TO TAKE AGENCY FOR OUR natural air ventilator, big money-maker. Standard Natural Ventilator Co., Milwau kee, Wis. AGENTS $ 5 A DAT AND UP. EAST: PAR tlculars free. Box 935, Spokane Wash. WANTED TO BENT. BT COUPLE WITH DAUGHTER, 3 OR 3 well-heated, sunny housekeeping rooms, bath, gas; would share kitchen or board with eld erly couple close to Ladd School; reasonable. Q 62. care Oregonian. WANTED BY LADY EMPLOYED DURING day, two rooms furnished for housekeeping, with gas range and heat; terms must be reasonable; state price and location. S 66, Oregonian. , WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you have a bouse to rent, see us or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 1st st. W ANTED BY YOUNG LADY. ROOM AND board in private family; would go to E. Ankeny or Irvington if reasonable. Phone Main 1077 before noon Sunday. - WANTED 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS BY married couple; no children; state price Lower rooms preferred; clean and price reasonable H 59, Oregonian. TWO FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED OR partly furinshed connecting rooms, light housekeeping, lady. West Side; price; refer ences. L 69. Oregonian. THREE OR FOUR YOUNG LADIES DESIRE room and hoard, private family preferred, central. Phone Main 4670 before 2 o'clock today. SU1T.O OF TWO OR THREE FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, close in; suitable for massage and beauty parlors. Q 69, Orego nian. -J WANTED A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, pleasantly located, not far out; two adults; rent reasonable. W 67, Oregonian. LADY WOULD LIKE BOARD AND ROOM with congenial couple, or would share llvin? expenses. S 61, Oregonian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR LADY and child In exchange for light housework. Address P 69, Oregonian. JEWISH GENTLEMAN, ROOM AND BOARD In private family. Address, statins terms, D 61, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT STORE OR PART for very neat business; centrally located. W 58, Oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO In private family; references exchanged. K. 60, Oregonian. AT ONCE DESK IN FURNISHED OFFICE, central locality, moderate price. D 57, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT FOR THE WINTER Cottage, nicely' furnished. C 59, Oregonian. A TEACHER WISHES ROOM AND BOARD near Couch school. G 68, care Oregonian. SCHOOLBOY WANTS PLACE TO BOARD cheap. F 57. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BORROW $500 FOR FEW months on collateral security worth five times amount; good interest. Address W 62, care Oregonian. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. Sd. Phone Hood 517. WANTED GOOD YOUNG TEAM WEIGH lag about 1200 each; harness and farm wagon. J. S. Cronan. 410 Macleay Bldg. WANTED TO BUT LAUNDRY ROUTE OR creamery product route; horse and wagon; state yrioe for cask. N 61. Oregoaian. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 2D-HAND ROWBOAT OR SAIL- ooai ana sKizr. comoinea; inquire for Reid at St. Charles Hotel, Monday IP. M. WANTED A GIRL BABT TO BOARD AND care- for; not over 18 months old: terms rea sonable. Address D 63. Oregonian. WANTED A 2D-HAND UPRIGHT EN- fcmc, j. 10 u norsepower; state condition and price B 39. Oregonian. ACCURATE. RELIABLE STENOGRAPHER desires piece work to do evenings. Address 59, care Oregonian. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND POOL TA ble; must be in good condition and cheap. O 60. Oregonian. WANTED TO BORROW $2000 OR $3000 on land close to Portland. Address B 55, Oregonian. WANTED ABOUT $1630 ON EAST SIDE UN Improved property. Address R 59, care Ore gonian. WANT TO BUT CASH REGISTER. PHONE Main 1237; T. M. C A, 4th and Tamhlll. Thomas. WANTED WEATHERED OAK SIDEBOARD. State size, condition, price. J 60. care Ore gonian. WISH TO BUT 2D-HAND STUMP MA chlne; must be cheap for cash. O 59, Ore gonian. WANTED ONE OR TWO SMALL CHIL drento board; good home. Phone East 1601. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c at HOOLA baugh'o. 287 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 1S5-191 1st st. WANTED TO BORROW $400 ON CHATTEL mortgage. P 57. Oregonian. WANTED PIANO FOR STORAGE; SMALL rental. M 6S. Oregonian. FOR BENT. Booms. LARGE FRONT BEDROOM FOR RENT; USB of phone, and bath; also stove in room; on Grand-ave. car line, and four blocks south or .tiawiaorne ave. Phone East 1641. -4 NICE ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLE men; private family; no children; furnace heat, gas, bath, phone and breakfast If de sired. Address O 62, Oregonian. S09 MADISON. BET. 5TH AND 6TH One pleasant room, with folding bed $10 per month; arso sunny little front room, large closet, $8; all modern. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED' LARGE front alcove room, close In, near Burnslde st. bridge; bath, gas, phone. 13 E. 7th, cor. Ash. Phone East 1929. THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON Elegant up-to-date furnished and unfurnish ed housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath. Ajgui. ucc, tnuuiiduts prices. J LARGE. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with gas and bath, in private family, with or without board; Christian Scientists preferred. Address V 56. Oregonian. TRAVELING MEN WILL FIND NICE rooms with homelike surroundings four blocks from Hotel Portland; good bath, , phone etc 250 Sixth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite, corner brick, modem conveniences, bath, phone: transient solicited. 181 1st st Phone Clay 755. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE room, suitable for two or three gentlemen; also smaller room, suitable for two. 141 13th St., cor. Alder. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; AL SO side room, good location; bath, gas, phone and furnace heat. 552 Pettygrove. Main 3668. ELEGANT. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS in modern private house 95 East 12th St., corner of Washington. Call afternoons and evenings. 671 E. MORRISON ST. PLEASANT FRONT room, nicely furnished; bath, gas, phone, heat: suitable for one or two gentlemen; on car lino. 207 6TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED large and small rooms, with gas, bath and phone; centrally located; near Portland Hotel. A NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with light, heat and bath, reasonable: refer ences. 211 11th st. Main 3343. Call Mon day. 123 14TH, NEAR WASHINGTON. NEW building, elegant furnished rooms, all mod ern conveniences; everything new through out. FOR RENT LARGE, PLEASANT' FRONT room In quiet private family; choice location; references exchanged. 431 Montgomery st. PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW FLAT. NEWLY furnished throughout; central; modern con venlences. 272 Park, near Jefferson at. 474 YAMHILL ST. TWO NICELT FUR nlshed rooms, single or en suite, modern conveniences; private house, no sign. -j PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW FLAT; NEWLY furnished throughout; central; modem con veniences. 272 Park, near Jefferson st. ONE NEWLT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 3 blocks from Portland Hotel; bath, gas and phone 246 7th st. Main 4140. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. STRICT ly modern, private family. Phone East 1571. 183 E. 6th. bet. Tamhlll and Taylor. TO RENT. FURNISHED, FINE LARGE room, all modern conveniences; new house; rent reasonable. 492 E. Burnslde st. SUNNT FRONT ROOM, NICELT FUR nlshed;' all modern conveniences; private family, $8. Gentlemen. 86 N. 15th. FOR RENT, 190 12TH ST. ONE LARGE, nicely furnished room; bath, gas, furnace heat, parlor; no sign; ladles only. PLEASANT NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS, everything- new, four blocks from Hotel Portland, homo comforts. 250 6th. TWO HANDSOME ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite, modern, private family, lovely lo cation. 274 Park, cor. Jefferson. FOR RENT PLEASANT AND. WELL-FUR-nlshed room, with private family; good loca tion. 269 Clay St., bet. 3d and 4th. ONE OR TWO CONNECTING ROOMS WITH water, gas, phone and bath, furnished or un furnished. Apply 172 N. 18th st. . 1 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ROOM; PRIVATE entrance; suitable for two; $4 per week, or if "one at $2.50; good home. 231 5th. 168 11TH ST. NICE. CLEAN. WELL-FUR -nlshed rooms, good location: furnace heat, electric lights; reasonable rents. 471 JEFFERSON. BET. 13TH AND 14TH Two beautiful rooms, private family; rea sonable; board near; references. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON LARGE front alcove beautifully furnished; also smaller rooms; gas, bath, phone. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. TWO car lines; 2 doors from Russell st.; bath, and phone at 540 Klrby st. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, private family, light, heat, bath. 351 Taylor. Main 2398. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH FIREPLACE, bath and telephone. Call mornings; refer ences. 793 Johnson, cor. 24th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM ALSO HOU8E keeplng rooms. In private horns; modern con? venlences. 268 Harrison at. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH private family, near Multnomah Club. Phone Main 4149. B 61, Oregonian. WANTED TWO OR THREE THOUSAND dollars on country property, close to city. Address B 53, Oregonian. LARGE, NEATLY FURXISHKD PARLOR, suitable for two gentlemen; private; gas, phone, bath. 290 Jefferson. FOR RENT NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS In private family. 67 N. 20th, near Wash ington. Phone Main 4503. ( NICE LARGE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, bath, phone, central, $10; private fam ily. Phone Main 6482. TWO NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS, SUTT able for gentleman. 713 First st. Phone Main 1138- References. LARGE ROOM NICELT FURNISHED. ALL modern conveniences; breakfast If desired. 349 Harrison St., near 7th. NICELT FURNISHED FIRST-FLOOR FRONT room for gentlemen; reasonable; private fan Ily. 171 17th. near Tamhlll. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR; electric lights, hot water day aa& sight; neat reasonable 249 6th. LARGE. NICELT FURXI8HSD- BOOMS, private family, light, beat, bath. W K-4ih- PbeM Mala 36.