THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1904. .2? Sunday Services Baptist. 'White Temple, corner Twelfth and Tay lor streets. Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, D. D.. pastor One Accord prayer meeting-. 10:15 A. M.; morning -worship, with preaching on "How to Save Portland," 10:30 A. iL; Bible school. 12:10 P. 1L; Young People's service, 6:30 P. M.; popu lar evangelistic service, with preaching. 7:30 P. M. Dr. Brougher has interviewed the managers of the several department stores relative to the salaries paid and the requirements made of the clerks, etc., under them, and will speak of this in his sermon on "Young Men and "Womefi in Business." He will also give a. prelude to the sermon on the "Telephone Girl" problem- This sermon Is the first of a series on "Everday Talks to Everyday People." Choir, quartet and chorus. Immanuel, Second and Meade streets, Mead M. Bledsoe, pastor Preaching on "Our Dependence on Christ," 10:30 A- 1L; Bible school, noon, S. Hale, superin tendent: B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. 1L; preach ing by Bev. A. I Johnston, 7:30 P. M. Episcopal. Trinity Chapel, Nineteenth street, near Washington, Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector, Bev. H- D. Chambers In charge Holy communion, 8 A. M.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 A. M.; evening prayer, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. Tuesday, November 1, All Saints' Day, holy com munion 10 A. M. Dr. Morrison returns from the convention during the coming week and will officiate Sunday, Novem ber 6. Chapel of Transfiguration, Sixth street, near Oak, Rev. W. B. Powell, chaplain Service and sermon, 11 A. M; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. St. Marks, Nineteenth and Qulmby streets, Bev. J. E. Simpson, rector Holy communion, 8 A. M.; morning prayer and litany, 11 A. M.; evening prayer, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M. Lutheran. St James, English, G. A. Leas, pastor Reformation service by Sunday school, U A. M.; Luther League devotional service, 6:45 P. M.; evening sen-ice, 7:45 P. M. Pastor's Aid Society with Mrs. A. Freder ick at 348 Mill street, Thursday afternoon. Norwegian, North Fourteenth , street, Rev. J. M. Nervig. pastor Services con ducted by Rev. J. H. Meyer, of Chicago, 111., 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; Young People's Society. Tues day evening; X.aldes' Aid Society, Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Thora Tonseth, Hunter Station, Mount Tabor. Congregational. ' First. Park and Madison streets. Rev. E. 1. House, D. D., pastor Service, with sermon by assistant pastor, on "A Star of Promise," 10:30 A. M.; Mendelssohn song service, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M., Rev. H. A. Start, superintend ent; Y. P. S. C. E, 6:30 P. M. Choir: Mrs.' Rose Bloch-Bauer, Mrs. W. A. T. Bush ong, "W. H. Boyer, W. A. Montgomery; Prof. W. H. Boyer, choir director; Miss Leonora Fisher, organist. Pilgrim Chapel, Second street, near Lin coln, Bev. K. A. Start pastor Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., W. D. Scott superin tendent Methodist Episcopal. Taylor-Street Dr. F. Burgette Short, pastor Classes, 9:30 A. M.; sermon on "Learned, Yet Ignorant" 10:30 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.; Ep worth League, 7 P.M.; sermon on "Like Begets Like," 7:30 P. M. X3race, corner Twelfth and Taylor streets, Gilbert "Ward Denlston, acting pastorSermon on "The Modern Soldier," 10:30 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.; Ep worth League, 6:30 P. M.; Epworth League rally service, with special music, under direction of Professor Wilder; ad dress by Mr. H. F. Johnson, district president of the Epworth League, and the pastor, on "My Epworthlan." North Portland, Artisans iian, ko a vler. Rev. Henry T. Atkinson, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching on "The Significance of Trifles," 11 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; preaching on "Blind People," 7:30 P. M. Presbyterian. Calvary, corner Eleventh and Clay street Rev. "W. S. Gilbert, pastor Service with sermon on "After All, It Is a Matter of the Young Man," 10:30 A. M.; monthly praise service, 7:30 P. M.; choir. Miss Lina Llnehan, soprano; Miss Virginia Spencer, alto; Mr. Jones, tenor; Mr. Street baritone; Miss Margaret Lamber Eon, organist Christian. First, corner Park and Columbia streets, E. S. Muckley. pastor Report of National convention at St Louis, 10:30 A. M.; ser mon on "A Man "Who Wanted to Obey In His Own Way," 7:45 P. M.; Bible school, 12:15 P. M.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Unitarian. First Yamhill and Seventh streets, Rev. George Cro swell Cressey, D. D., pastor Service with discourse on "The Position of Jesus In Liberal Thought and Life," U A. M.; Sunday school, 12:30 P. M. Spiritualist. First Spiritual Society. Artisans' Hall, Ablngton building, Third street near "Washington street Conference, 11 A. M.; children's progressive lyceum, 12:30 P. M.; lecture by Mrs. MIna Hanley, of Grand Rapids, Mich., on "Spiritualism," fol lowed by tests by Rev. G. C. Love, 7:45 P. M. Church of Splrlt-Communlon, Willam ette Hall, 17014 Second street Lecture and spirit messages by Dr. "Wheeler, 7:45 P. M. Latter Day Saints. Allsky building hall, corner Third and Morrison Services, 11:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Scientist. Second. Auditorium building. Third be tween Taylor and Salmon streets Serv ices, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; subject "Adam end Fallen Man:" Sunday school, 11 A. 3L, in reading-rooms; Wednesday meet ing. 8 P. M.; free reading-rooms open dally from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., In same building. Swedenborgian. Portland, New Church Society Sunday BchooL 10:30 A. M-; lay service, 11 A. M.; chapel, 22S Sixth street Divine Truth Scientists. 3S3 Eleventh Ftreet, T. M. Mlnard. pas torService and sermon on street "The Light of the World," 11A.M.; demonstra tion meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. Dowieltes. Christian Catholic Apostolic Church In Zlon. Rev. John Alexander Dowle, gen eral overseer, Allsky Hall, No. 201, sec ond floor, corner Third and Morrison otreets, Rev. Charles A. Hoy, elder in charge Junior meeting, 2 P. M.; sermon on "Jesus the Healer" or "Divine Heal ing a Present-Day Reality," 3 P.M. Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, Fourth and Yamhill Men's meeting. 3:30 P. M.; address by Dr. D. L. Rader on "The Man Who Wins"; music by First Methodist quartet Miss Helen Barstow, soprano; Mies Imogene Harding, alto; J. Ross Fargo, tenor; Dr. "W. A. Cummlng, bass. Missions. Berea Mission, Second and Jefferson streets. Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor Sermon. 10:30 A. M., "The Spirit of Error, and the Bpint or Trutn, .Evangelist C W. Ruth will preach. EAST SIDE. Episcopal. Good Shepherd, Sellwood and Vancou ver. Rev. John Dawson, rector Sunday school, 10 A. M.; morning prayer and sermon, 11 A. M.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:50 P. M. St John's Memorial, Sellwood Rev. W. R. Powell In charge Sunday school, 11 A. M.; evening service and sermon, 7:45 P. M. fit David's. East Twelfth, and Belmont in the Churches streets. Rev. George B. Van Waters, D. D., rector Rally day service for Sunday school, with special music and address by the rector, who has been attending the general convention In Boston; even ing prayer, 7:30 P. M. Lutheran. Our Savior's Norwegian Synod, corner East Tenth and Grant streets. O. Hagoes, pastor Services, 7:30 P. M.; no service in the morning; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.; Ladles' Aid Society meets at Mrs. A. Gerde's, East Tenth, near Beacon, Thurs day. St Paul's, corner East Twelfth and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause, pastor Reformation festival service, 10:30 A. M.; confessional service and holy communion, 7:30 P. M. Congregational. Sunnyslde, corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth streets, Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor Service with -sermon oa "Christian Citizenship," 11 A. M.; serv ice, in charge of Men's League, with ser mon on "Luther and the Reformation," and special music by male chorus, and Luther's great reformation hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," rendered bv male trio, 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M., S. C. Pier, superintendent; Christian Endeavor meeting, 6:30 P. M. Mississippi Avenue, corner of Mississippi avenue and Fremont street. Rev. C. M. Smythe, pastor Service with sermon by Rev. A. M. Rockwood, of Highland Con gregational Church, 11 A. M.; service with sermon on "Our Homes," 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M., J. H. Upham, su perintendent: Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; prayer-meeting, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Highland, corner Prescott and East Sixth street North, Rev. A. M. Rockwood, pastor Bible school. 10 A. M., L. H. Mor gan, superintendent; preaching service with sermon by Rev. C M.f Smythe, 11 A. M.; Junior Endeavor, 3 P. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; evening service with sermon on "A Divine Helper in Prayer," 7:30 P. M. Presbyterian. First Cumberland, corner Twelfth and East Taylor streets. Rev. E. Nelson Al len, pastor Preaching services, 10:30 A. M.; Sunday school, 12 M.; Junior En deavor, 3:30 P. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 P. 2d.; sermon on "Gladstone, the Chris tian Statesman." 7:30 P. M. Piedmont Chapel, corner Cleveland ave nue and Jarrett street Rev. L. Myron Boozer, pastor Service, U A. M. and 7:3) P. M.; Sabbath school, 10' A. M., Mr. Charles Vosper, superintendent; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Arbor Lodge Chapel Sermon by Rev. L. Mvron Boozer, 4 P. M.; Sabbath school, 3 P. M. t Baptist. Central, Woodmen of the World build ing. East Sixth and East Alder streets, William E. Randall, minister Service with sermon on "Travelins: TJnsurveyed Roads; Problems Thrust Upon Human ity," 10:45 A. M.; Bible school, 12 M.; il lustrated service, 7:30 P. M.; choir, pro fessor W. F. WerschkuL musical direc tor; Miss Ruth Shogren, organist Methodist Episcopal. Centenary, corner East Pine and Ninth streets, William H. Heppe, D. D., pastor Morning and evening services; Epworth League, 6:15 P. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.; midweek service, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Central, Russell and Kerby streets, Al blna, T. L. Young, pastor Services, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 12 M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M. Sellwood Annual temperance day. At morning service, roll-call of those who signed the "pledge" last year and op portunity given for others td sign; address on appropriate theme, and special music by the choir, 7:30 P. M. Christian. Central. East Twentieth and Salmon streets.. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, pastor- Services, 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sun day school, 12 M.; Junior Endeavor, 3:30 P. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Rodney-Avenue, Albyn Esson, minister Services. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.: Sunday schooC 9:45 A. M.; Y. P. S. C. E 6:30 P. M.; C A. Dotson will preach both morn ing and evening. United Evangelical. Corner Kerby and Fargo streets, Rer. J. Bowersox, pastor Preaching on "The Subject and Purpose of Paul's Preach ing," 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school. 10 A. M.; K. L. C. E.. 6:45 P. M. St Johns, E. E. McVIcker, pastor- Preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sun day school, 10 A. M.; Junior K. L. C E., 2:30 P. M.; union service of the Senior and Junior X. L. C. E., 7:15 P. M. Evangelical Association. First English, corner East Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. "W. Plumer, pas torWorship and sermon, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Junior Alliance, 3 P. M.; Young People's Alli ance, 7P.1L Universalist. First East Couch and East Eighth streets Sermon on "A Strange Story," U A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M. Millennial Dawn. Corner East Ninth and East Grant streets Services, with v sermon on "The New Covenant; Its Law, Scope and Op eration." 3 P. M. MORE LIGHT ON BIG GRAFT. Salsbury Declares Detective Is Hold ing Money He Secured. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Oct 29. Lant K. Salsbury, chief witness for the pros ecution in the water deal cases, today at the bribery trial of Ex-Mayor Perry, for the first time named the person who helped him In the duplicate key scheme In Chicago, by which he secured an al leged boodle fund of $50,000 deposited there and belonging to the Bartons, of Omaha. Salsbury testified that it was his brother, Walter Salsbury. Salsbury stated further that the $50,000 was not re turned to the Bartons with the under standing that they would not prosecute him. He declared that It was turned over to a detective named Magulre. who lives In Chicago. Magulre still holds the money, he said, the understanding being that in case salsbury is convicted in the case against him in connection with the Barton fund, the money will be turned over to him- Salsbury made this state ment only after making a record to the effect that the statement might lead to the prosecution of other persons in" H1I nols, and that ho made it only because forced to do so. Sawmills Will Not Give Up. Though Judge-Advicate-General Davl3 has decided that the "Water Board cannot be compelled by the War Department to lower the water mains under the river. the sawmill companies who petitioned the War Department will not give up the fight for lower pipes and a deeper channel to their docks. What steps will next be taken the managers decline to say, how ever. Naturally the members of the Water Board consider that they have won out thus far and are pleased with the decis ion. It has been feared that should the War Department order these pipes to be lowered similar requests might at any time be made, at continual expense to the city. Flooded With Lottery Tickets. NEW YORK, Oct 29. This city has been flooded with bundles of lottery tick ets sent out from Chicago, accompanied by literature, offering liberal commissions on sales, and bearing the name of a man known lrrmany cities for years through connection with the criminal annuls of lottery swindles. The sew ticket Is designed to greatly SKIN Scalp Humors, Hair Humors, Blood Humors Complete External and Internal Treatment One Dollar WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "I take the liberty to drop you a -few lines to let you know of my won derful cure by Cuticura. My head -was one mass of scabs and my fore head was covered down almost to my eyebrows. I had to wear my hat all the time. My legs, arms, and body were covered with spots in Bize from & pin-head to as large as a silver dollar. A white, crusty scab would form and itch, and words cannot express how I suffered for fifteen years. I tried many doctors and all kinds of treatments, but could get no help, and thought there was no hope for me. While in Michigan last summer a friend told me to get Cuticura. I got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment, and in three days my head was as clear as it ever was. I applied the ointment night and morning, also taking a hot bath three times a week, and using the ointment freely after the bath. After using one cake of soap and two boxes of ointment I was completely cured, without a mark on my head or body. I was so pleased I felt like tak ing my hat in my hand and running down the street to tell every ono I met what Cuticura had done for me. I shall never use any other soap but Cuticura. If any one is in doubt about this, they may write to me. (Signed) H. B. FRANKLIN, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, Pa." JO- Scad for " The Skis Book." Potter Drsj & Chemical Corporation, Bottos, U. S. A. Ca resemble that used by the old Louisiana lottery, and It la pretentiously guaran teed by so-called banks In La Salle street, Chicago, and In New Orleans. The man whose name appears In the affair has been arrested frequently, the last known Instance having been In June, when he was taken from the "bank" In Chicago and held under 55000 to answer charges of sending lottery tickets through the mail3. Under the present scheme there Is to be a drawing for oil lands In Louisiana November 15. and the buyers of tickets are supposed, to be securing options on portions of the property. CITY STATISTICS. Deaths. October 25. Agnes R. Swinton. 6 years, Ains worth and "Williams avenues; pneumonia. October 23. John Hasting, 40 years, St. Vin cent's Hospital; tuberculosis. October 24, George B. Trumbo. ,70 years, St. Vincent's Hospital; pulmonary tuberculosis. October 24, John Scharr, 80 years, 637 East Morrison; paralysta. October 24. Enollo. F. McGe, 2 years, GO East Third North; dysentery. Births. October 22. to the wife of Guit&ve Nelson, Good Samaritan, & boy. October 8. to the wife of VT. J. Hill, 493 East Twenty-third, a girl. October 22. to tho wife of "Will V. Small, 431 Oxford, a boy. October 20. to the wife of Jease C fi&ar woer , city, & glrL October 21. to the wife of A. A. "Wayne. 47 East Fifteenth North, a boy. October 23. to the wlfo of Charles Brown. Fourth and Sherman, a glrL October 24, to the wife of Edward B. Ruther ford. 610 Bast Ankeny, & boy. Building Permits. Tung Suck Chung, Second, between Washing ton and Alder, repairs; S200. E. R. Clary, Savler. between Twentieth and Twenty-first, repairs; $300. J. D. Hewitt. Multnomah, between Twenty flrst and Twenty-second, two-story dwelling; $2500. Real Estate Transfers. N. M. Davis and husband to Charles Malcolm, lot 3," block 1, Highland Schoolhouse Addition $ 135 D. H. RIckert and wife to J. Floyd. SW. K of NE. ?i. section 2, T. 1 S., B, -4 E. 1.000 C I. Wilson to I. C EboralL lot 10, block 300. Couch Addition 2.150 Columbia Real Estate Co. to Laura Herrlck, lots 9. 10, 11. block 16. Pe ninsular Addition No. 2 - 70 Thomas M. Anderson and wife to Otto Kleeman and wife, part of west 30 feet lot 2, and east 10 feet lot 3, General Anderson Addition 1.000 George W. Brown to B. S. Jones, lot 6. block S, Arleta Park No. 2 1 John Stewart and wife to W. J. Ped dlcord. NW. U lot 2. block 41. James Johns Addition to St. Johns 500 Sheriff to A. Harold, lots In West Portland and West Portland Park. . 12 Same to B. Rosenthal, lots 14 to 18 Inclusive, block 8. Rosewood 10 W. H. Kennedy to W. H. Morse, lot 4, block 73. Woodstock 150 W. H. King and wife to T. H. Cock ran et al., SE. y, lots 1, 4, block 39. James Johns Addition to Et Johns 2,250 J. Myers and wife to A. D. Jones et aL. lot 6. block 127. Stephens Add.. 2,200 Augusta B. Leader and husband to V. K. Strode, undivided M NE. U. sec tion 22, T. 1 S., R. 5 E 1 John Farrell to J. Curtln. lot 15; N. S9.5S feet lot 14. block 14. Alblna. . 3.200 Alliance Trust Co. to B. J. Bond and wife, lot 4. block 2, Douglas Add.. 400 Same to P. D. Boyd, lot 5, block 2. Douglas Addition 425 Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Company to A. B. Manley, E. 4 lots 9. 10, 13, 14; lots 11. 12, block 3, Railroad Shops Addition.. 1 Oregon & California R. R. Co. to Nathan Pearcy. lot 1. section 13; lot 9, section 23. T. 2 N R. 1 W. - containing 3.80 acres 15 F. C. Bradford and husband to M. W. See. block 18, James Johns Second AddlUon to St. Johns 2,500 M. R. Deveny and husband to L. J. Goodnough. lot 0. block 23, Haw thorne's First Addition ... 600 Sheriff to John E. Kelly, lots In Mor gan's Addition. Glenhaven Park 19 Same to Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty & Trust Company. E. of lots 9. 10. 13. 14. lota 11. 12. block S. Railroad ShoDS AddlUon CO J. Almeter and wife to H. Smith, lots 35. 38. block 22. Mount Tabor Villa 625 Sheriff to W. CaswelL lota la Glenhaven Park ... S2 William O. Munsell and wife to H. B. Adams, 30x130 feet, beginning at point of intersection of East Twelfth and Alder .. ...... S,58 Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUT ICURA OINTMENT to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA RESOLVENT PiLLS to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET costing but ONE DOLLAR is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfigur ing skin, scalp, and blood humors, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss or hair, from infancy to age, when the best physi cians and all other reme dies fail. DAXX.T MEXEOKO LOGICAL SSTOSX, PORTLAND. Oct. 29. Maximum tempera ture. 56 deg.; minimum, 4S. River reading at 11 A. M., 2.9 feet; change In past 24 hoars. rise 0.1. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to & P, M., trace; total since September 1, 1904, 2:35 Inches; normal, 5.49; deficiency, 3.14. Total sunshine October 23, 1904, none; possible, 10 hours and 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced 'to sea level), at 5 P. M., 29.63. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. K ? TOnd. 5 S Is i 2. Sa j a 2? a "h. 2. 3 &0 STATIONS. g 8 o r ;o S ' PP3! f : Baker City Bismarck Bolsa Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head Pocatello ........ Portland Red Bluff ....... Roseburg ....... Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco .. Spokane . Seattle Tatoosh ' Island .. Walla Walla .... C2!0. 70o. 00 SiSE Clear 8 SB Clear Clear Rain W 66:0. 1SSE 500. 50 0. Clear 0 rClear 62(0. 48 SB Rain Clear BSO. 58 0, SW NW S NW S w SW NB S D toloudy 620. 56 0. Cloudy Ram Cloudy 620. 620. 600. Clear Cloudy 660. it. cloudy 56 0. uiouar 56 0. 36 Cloudy- 640 ISE- Clear Light. WEATHERV CONDITIONS. A disturbance of considerable energy made Its appearance off the Washington coast during the last 24 hours, and is this evening central off Vancouver Island. It has caused high winds and gales along the Washington coast and Strait of Juan de Fuca, and showers at the mouth of the Columbia River and Southwestern Washington. In Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash. Ington and Idaho the weather continues fair. High southeast winds now prevail at the mouth of tho Columbia, where the wind was blowing at a rata of 48 miles an hour at 5 P. M. At Tatoosh Island a maximum of 56 from the east was reached during the aftsr- noon. The indications are that the storm will con tinue Its eastward movement and cause rain In the greater portion of this district Sunday, and high south to southwest winds along the coast and on the Inland navigable waters of Washington. Southeast storm warnings were ordered this morning at all seaports in the district. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 28 hours ending at midnight, October 30: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; brisk and poeolbly high, gusty southerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington- Occasional rain; brisk to high, gusty southerly winds, with gales at sea. ' Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Cloudy, with showers. Southern Idaho Showers west. Increasing cloudiness east portion. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. 1 WANT FOR CLIENTS CITY -OR STTB urban real estate mortgages 6a 50 per cent valuation; low rates; no commissions. W. B. Ward, attorney-awaw. 323 AUsicy hiag. WILL SELL CHEAP 20.000 SHARES STAR Consolidated Mining stock; adjoins Oregon Securities. AaareBs r isu, uregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY in sums to suit, -faxnan, watuns & Co., 250 Alder St. FOR SALE A BANKRUPT STOCK OFJDRY goods and gent's furnishings at 9 N. 3d st., city. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, ALL kinds of iruic lot ocxiuu, sis Halgbt ave 270O. Mortgage Loans 5and Upwards Real Estate City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. ?. BIERELE, 302-S McKay Building. Third and Stark. INVESTMENT BONDS Warraats and stocks bought aad seld. J. W. CrutfiK 4t Ce Cbumt of cmumtm CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Roesu," "Seeaa aid Beard." "Hesse- keeplsc Kfnms." S4iatJoB Wasted, IS words or less, IS ceats: 18 to 39 words. 29 ceats; II to W vrerd. S5 eefita. etc No dlscecag for stddiileBid tmri Mimi. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Now Today," S ceaU far IS ward or lesei 16 to 3 ward. M cestaj 11 to t& word. 5 cest. etc SrsC lasertiea. Sack additional laserfie, ese-Balf; bo farther dlseoBat sa der ess raeath. IMPORTANT Tbe low tecoad-tfeae rate oa 'advertislBg tkat rmi either la the claal- fled column, or sader head "New Today." will be glvea ealy when sd-rertislHg U la erted oa coasecatlvo days, Dally ad Seztday ksaea. Advertlalag that Is achedsled to appear at latexrmU of eas or more days apart will be caarged for at fall oao-tlaae rate each SBserUes. "NEW TODAY (gaago mescsre state), 15 eeais per lbs, first lssertleai 10 cents per Uae for each addWortal laser Una. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed ears Tho Oresealaa, asd left at this efSce, choald always To laelaoed 1st sealed ea releees. No atasaa la required oa sack let ters. The Oi intniilim will set he raeeeasshlo ft errors la s&veruseaaeau saxes tareaga xbo telepheae. AMUSEMENTS. COMING! FRITZ KREISLER, THE RENOWNED VIOLINIST. Management: Henry Wolfsohn, N.Y. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. BASE! BALL Portland vs. Los Angeles Recreation Park, Oct. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Ladles' days, Thursday and Friday. G&mee called 3; Sunday, 2:30 P. iL Ad mission, 25c; children, 15c MEETING NOTICES. EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 204. K. L. of S.. iclll give a Ealoween party tomorrow evening. Members oi the order Invited. FOR RENT Artisan HalL Ablngton bldg., Wednesday evening, $20. E. E. VAN ALSTINE, 012 ilSTCUam. PTTYSTT.TTHr TWV3P X-'O 11 Tl CtV XT TTam changed meeting nights, and 'will meet every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock;, in the Logue Hall, Grand ave. and E. Washington. Members are requestea to auenc ur order or u oi n. IDA ELLIS. Kecoraer. KUNKKAL NOTICES. PUTROW William A. Putiw. October 29, aged 31 years. Funeral Oregon City aionoay, October 31. 2 P. 3d. PUTROW Funeral services over the remains of the late William A. Putrow will be con ducted at the family home In Oregon City at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, October 81, 1904. WHITCOMB At his late residence, October 28. 1004. William Whltcomb. aged 83 years. 6 months and 13 days. Funeral will take place today, October 30, at 2 P. M., from his late residence. 283 East Twenty-eighth street. Friends Invited. COPLET In this city on October 28, 1004. Robert Copley, aged 69 years, a months, zb days. Funeral Sunday, October 30, 1004, at 2:30 P. 31. from Eolman's Chapel, corner Sd and Salmon sts. Relatives and friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. riTTWTNG. HcEXTES X GXLBAUGH. successors to Daaaisa A Camploa, Hador takers aad esab aimers, sedera la every de tail. "Hi aad Plac Phone Stain 43 Q. Lady Kcelstaat. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, Undertakers and embalmers, bave moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady aaaistaBt. Telephone No. 807. JT. P. ZTNLEY & SON, Fas era! Directors, cor. 3d aad Madison. Office, of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephoae No. 9. r. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. NEW TODAY. Tomorrow, Monday, at 2 P. M. at Residence, 554 b. 19th Street, Cor. Ellsworth Street We are Instructed by Mr. ET. D. Belcher, who te leaving for California, to sell the following furniture, etc., comprising parlor rockers In golden oak; pretty parlor table; Axmlnster bor dered carpets; gblden oak extension table; six oak dining chairs; 0x12 art squares; Singer sew. Ing machine; 7x10 pony rug; three iron oea steads, with brass decorations; best cable eatings: mattresses, etc.: flrst-claes cook stove: kitchen table; chairs and other 'effects, all in first-class condition. Take Woodstock cars to 10th st., two blocks south. Sale Monday, at 2 r. m. GEO. baker : CO., Auctioneers. On Tuesday Next at 1Q A. M., at Bakers Auction House CORNER ALDER AND PARK. We shall eell the hlgh-clasa furniture; Bruzeels carpets, rugs, etc.. or modem suburban home. as follows: Overstuffed parlor suite, in rich el Ik coverings; sprlng-ecat Morris chairs; cost ly rockers In weathered and golden oak: also mahogany finish: large easy chairs; patent rockers, with leather seats; highly polished par lor tables; handsome coucbee. Colonial design; vasee and bric-a-brac; portieres and lace cur tains; oil paintings and pastels; good Brussels carpets: 0x12 rugs In Wilton. Axmlnster and Brussels; golden oak sideboard; very handsome buffet: china cabinet: Imported china, tea set: round extension table; highly polished dining chairs; combination gas and electric fixtures; piano scarf: oak folding bed; pretty enameled bean, oest springs, nair ana oiner -mattresses, goose-feather pillows, comforters; toilet sets; "Hartley" combination washstand and dresser: pretty mahogany finish dreasers, with pattern plate mirrors; white maple dressers and chif foniers; oil heater: Eellpoe steel range; heating stoves: housenoia treasure; ana auer userui lots. Sale Tuesday, at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, on Thursday Next, at 10 A. M. We shall sell the complete furnishings of pri vate house from Larrabee St., all up-to-date furniture and In good condition. Sale at 10 A. M. UtJU. HA ft, r.f. & KM., Aucuoacerz. On Friday Next at 2 P. M. At BAKER'S AUCTION-HOUSE, comer Alder and Park, several consignments or userui nouse. hold furniture, stoves, etc GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Phone- Black 1842. BUTTER BUTTER SI. 00 SAVED IS $2 MADE rv.nm.T-r butter.. . . ............. ..60c and 55c Best creamery butter 55c and 60c Dairy butter 40c Renovated butter 40a and 45c Eggs, per dozen Z3C ana jOc Best sugar-cured hams.... ...... ...........14c TM.-ntn hams ....................... ...11c Breakfast bacon...... 14c and 15c Cheese ..bc iuc ana iw. Swiss cheese , 25c fioe tea for.Der pound... 30c Java-Mocha, coffee 30c Arbuckle's & Lion coffee 2 pounds for 25c Remember Saturday Is chleken day. Cheaper than ever. All gooes retauea at wnoies&ie prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 264 Yamhill st. MORTGAGE LOANS On Fortlaa& real eatxt. at lowest rates. TiUa insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., X Gfcawr of CeauaerM, NEW TODAY. G1LMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer Extensive and attractive auction sala of household furniture at residence. We are in structed by Mrs. A. S. Robinson to sell by puDnc auction TOMORROW (MONDAY). OCT. 31, AT 10 IVPTnm.- A vr 1 t irimi nvwnwrro NO. 511 MORRISON ST., BET. 1GTH AND LOWNSDALE, ALL THE FURNITURE, etc. lncludlnr all the BRUSSELS AND AXMINSTER. CARPETS; ball and stair carpets In pretty patterns; hall rack; COUCHES; DRAPERIES of various de signs; all the LACE CURTAINS; ROCKERS; odd chairs; SCREENS; center tables; WARD ROBES: ALMOST NEW AND HANDSOME UPRIGHT FOLDING BEDS WITH MIRRORS: AiAiiiiLi uhhj: curled hair and floss MAT TRESSES of best Quality; crockery; IRON xstiua complete with springs, etc; COM MODES and ODD DRESSERS of FINE DE SIGN; carpet sweeper: stands; toilet crockery; the FINE FOLDING BEDS and MANTEL BEDS, etc, are NEARLY NEW and ALMOST ALL THE FURNITURE IN HOUSE WAS PURCHASED VERY RECENTLY. COM- ruirH DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, includ ing 10 OAK DINERS. TWO FINF1 OXTC BY. TENSION TABLES: any amount of DISHES; cutlery; PLATED WARE; TABLE LINEN; LINOLEUM: fine steel RANGE, almost new; costly REFRIGERATOR, latest deaden: latch- en treasure; Irons; quantity of GRANITE WARE, etc: gaa plate; hose; sideboard; snaaes. N. B. This sale affords an unexcelled opportunity to purchase nice house furniture. t"v are invuea to attend sale TOMOR ROW (MONDAY), at 511 MORRISON. BE- njusx mm ASD LOWNSDALE STREETS, at 10 A. M. Kftt will rnmmonm trfth the. finer goods promptly at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FINE FURNITURE We-aro Instructed bv owner tn iv Titihl! auction, without reserve. Next Tuesday, Nov. 1st at 10 A. IY1. at Room No. 41 5 Wash ington Street Their household furniture, purchased a few weeks ago. (The same as new.) Contained m tne use are some very pretty Iron bedsteads with anrlnsra nrt pitt1i nair maiireases; odd dressers; commodes; large oval mirror: combination drMsarar hoolcrr unveopon; coucn ; wamut oearoom suit; center tables; round extension table, chairs and buffet, all In golden oak; white maple dresser; por- ueres; mat rugs oi pretty designs; bed lounge; steel range: brasa child's bed: irranlt ware? Kitchen Queen; eafe; odd rockers; chairs; ta bles; expensive dining Chairs In leather; pic tures; feather pillows; bed comforters; crock ery; chiffonier; gondola couch; quantity of Hranue ware: D lancets: reamer unlaws: air. tight heating stoves; oval mirror; ruga and car pets. Buyers of household furniture win do well to attend sale. Ton will find the roods all right. The large fine French, plate mirror wiu do ooia at tnis time. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Thursday Next, Nov. 3d 1 0 A. M. Friday Next, Nov. 4th 10 A. M. Two (2) days sales of household furniture from residences, including parlor, sitting room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. All first class. Sales affording buyers an excellent opportunity to make purchases. Consignments secured at any time. Cash advanced. Sales held in any part of the city. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales By J. T.WILSON . AUCTIONEER MONDAY, TOMORROW, 10 A. M. The Last Sale At 331 Ankeny, Corner Sixth Commencing at 10 A. M.. we will close out at public auction all the substantial furnishings in our salesroom. Everything must go. regard less oi co;c we are oouna to reduce to stock to lessen expense of removal. You will find a variety or chairs, tahies, rockers, beds of every aeecripuon. aressers, lounges, mirrors, clocks. dining-room tables, combination bookcase and desk, library desk, 600 books, pictures, oil paintings, kitchen cabinets, cook stoves and fine lot of heating stoves; also complete house- Keeping outnts. j. t. WILSON, Auctioneer. PRELIMINARY REMOVAL NOTICE Having aecured the building now being va- cated by the Kasmussen raint & oil Co., No. 160 First et.. comer Yamhill (our old location). we will open with a large auction sale of house furnishings, etc, Monday, November 7, at 10 A. M. We extend a welcome to our patrons and guarantee the same courtesies and honest dealing that established our reputation In the auction business. This being the best location in the city for the auction trade warrants good returns for goods consigned for auction sale. Note Should you have for sale any household furnishings office or store fixtures or merchan dise of any description, see us regarding the sale of It. We buy and pay cash for goods or warrant good returns on consignments, .rnone Main 1628. J. T. wilson. Auctioneer. GROCERIES AND FIXTURES SALE The Bcott grocery store, at Fulton, comer Nebraska and Macao era eireer, nas oeen piacea In our hands for disposal. We have decided to eell for the next ten days at wholesale prices. Khmild vou -want to nurchase anything in the grocery line, you will find a nice variety to select from. All lines complete. We also have a delivery wagon, hackA buggy and harness and other fixtures for sale. For particulars phone Hood 1006. Main 16ZB. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF BOOKS At 253 First Street Everr day at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Books! books! books! Tons of new books! Books of every description! J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. FOR SALE: Worthington Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A! condition. Size 10x18x14x10. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve, lub ricator, etc., complete. laqHire A. W. Cochran. Orcgealan Buildlag. $35 CASH Buys a lot on the Peninsula or St. Johns car line, high, sightly, level, city water. streets graded, adjoining lots same size. without Improvements, selling for $123; must be sold to don out estate. Title perfect, abstract with each sale free. Last chance to secure a lot for U, of Its true value, and are as fine as any between Alblna aad St. Johns. BROWN, Ml Stark st-, oyyoslts Library, NEW TODAY. For Sale fay Hartman, Thompson & Powers 51400 - 6-room bouse, 50x100 on Grand Avenue, near Beach street. $1750 5-room cottage on Tillamook street. 52000 6-room house. 30xl00-foot lot, on Pettygrovo street, near 17th, on West Slda rlvr. C Of Oft -rcom bouse, 40xl00-foot lot, -PL lUU n East Tamhlll st., near East 2600 0-room house, 100x100. with good barn, on the comer of Ma- son anrl Vnntonit nv C910H 6-room new house. 50x100 foot $L I UU lot oa EaJ!t 13th st. bet. Clln- 52400 52600 7-roora new house, 45xl00-foot lot, on Fargo street, near Wil liams ave. 0-room, modern new house. 40x 100-foot lot, on Eugene street. 7-room new house. Just fin vJviUv kned. fireplace, furnace, ce- TT , ."""i uuur, uuiiuu-ioot lot. Bet. meats Tillameok street; easy Install- VTAfi 6-room modern house, 50x150 LJUU foot lot on Tillamook street. on . ucm- imams avenue; nouse ot tnis lot rents for $22 per month. VjKjlfl 10-rm house, very sightly lot. TTvJVU va ""lameiie Heights. 8-room house, comer lot, BOx 100. 'COmnlnta mi -mnst-OT. every respect; house cost S5000: and Vaughn st. 4-room house, SOxlOO-foot cor ner lot, good cistern, plenty of fruit on place, within 5 minutes' walk of car line. 8-room house, 115xl20-foot lot. - blocks from car- line in Montavllla. 40x123 on Williams ave., near Tillamook st. comer 21st $550 $1500 $1100 750 Fine corner . lot "on East 13th and Thompson sr., in Irvlngton. 5-room house.. 50x50, on E. 8th and B. Davis st. 7-room house, new and mod ern, E. Couch and East 30th st. $1350 52600 South Sunny Side trT,.V -"-" u. ana dn sts., on Hawthome ave. car. line; $450 to $530; $30 cash, $10 per month. We are prepared to buy you -a lot In any 5M. 10sr. l ast ol -- " jun uuuse; smaii pay ment down, and monthly payments of 1 per cent of tho in,f HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS, Room 3. Chamber of Commerce. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 Third Street Offers for Sale $5500 ?hA0,c,e craer on k. 23d st. lot 50x 100, level and high, on car lina: fine view; buy this and build two cottages to rent; a good invest ment. $1600 House 5CS Front st. S 250 nd upwards. Lots and houses on .p -UU portlan(i Heights, reached, by new iuup eiecmc une. we have a par ticularly choice list of Heights property, and can suit almost any Curse. We advancn mnnir n iniM S7000 A oeauUful large house on car pVVV nne East SId corner looxioo. bam, lovely grounds, house In ex cellent condition and Immediate possession can be given. This property cost $10,000 and Is a bar gain at the price offered. S2000 11118 lot, on Northrup st.. facing south, between 24th and 25th. on car line; will advance money to build. - $3700 A h02;ellke house, on Corbett st. o i v v near Bancroft ave.. 10 rooms, pos session given promptly; price mod erate, terms reasonable. 54:500 $,eautlul new home, on East tpxuui Madison st. 8 rooms, hall, bath room, alcove, 4 closets, fireplace, gas, and every up-to-date Im provement; location very choice. This must be seen to be appreci ated. S8000 We ffr ?;.T,ery flno aohso and lot v uuu on Nob Hill, now leased to re sponsible tenant, and paying a good return, on price asked. 2500 A cnoIco building lot on 23d st. v near Johnson, Nob Hill district Will advance money to build. S2150 Quarter block on East 19th st. two blocks from car line, level and high, a sightly place to build a home. We have lots improved and unimproved In South Portland, some very attractive propo sitions to offer on Portland Heights, and hundreds of lots In the most desirable sub urbs. We can suit every purse, and build or advance money If desired. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 109 Third Street A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Third 4 Jefferson. You can save 20 per cent by. dealing with me. 16 lbs. D. O. sugar, $L00; 8 lbs. good rice, 25c; 5 cans pork and beans, 25c; 3& box crackers, 30c; 1 pkg. Acme Health Kof fee, 15c; 2 pkgs. Princes Royal macaroni, 25c; 8 bars Owl soap, 25c; 1 lb. Schilling's Baking Powder. 25o; 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder, 40c; 1 lb. Arm & Hammer Soda, 5c; 1 bar Naptha Soap, 5c; 12 bars Royal Savon Soap, 25c; 6 bars Baby Elephant Soap, 25c; 8 bars Diamond. C Soap. 23c; 1 dor. Rex. Deviled Ham, 40c; 2 lbs. Arbuckles Cof fee, 30c; 10 lbs. Sago or Tapioca, 35c; 1 lb. good English Breakfast Tea, 15c: best sugar cured hams, 1 lb. 14c; 1 lb. gunpowder tea. 23c; 2 cans Oregon Grape Cream, 13c; "2 cans Primrose Cream, 15c; 1 sack good hard wheat flour, $1.00: 10-lb. pall pure leaf lard, $1.00; 5-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard. 50c; 2 bottles SnlderB Catsup. 35c; best Creamery butter. 55c and 65c; 1 package Scotch Oats, 10c; 4-gal. keg pickles, 85c; 1 lb. white honey, 15c Deliveries on East Side, Tues days and Fridays. BULL RUN WATER. University Park now has the far famed Bull Bun water, has more n residences under- construction than any other suburb, has employment fox more men than any other suburb, has better educational facilities than any other part of Portland, has a larger payroll than any other suburb, has the highest degree of morality in Port land. It offers the best opportunity on earth to investors or homeseekers. Prices of lots are advancing. Call and see us about University Park. FRANCES I. M'KEaOTA, Boom 606, Commercial Block. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar records are complete and up to data, Wo farmeh abstracts promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved Portland Real Estate. ' SECURITY ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 214-213 Chamber of Cesaeree. LARGE SPACE TO RENT 100x100, second floor, suitable for sample rooms, academies or any other purpose. Mer rill's New Auditorium, 7th aad Oak sts. Par ties looking for large space should Investigate. A CORNER LOT ' S. E. cor. of 16th and Pettygrove sts.; It's a good business comer and will be sold, cheap. F. BRESKE, room 444 Sherlock bldg., 83H 3d st FOR SALE WOOD 7000 cords fir stumpage, original timber, 9 miles 'fro Portland, s-mlle to railway. Apply- 334SGrant, Portland. A CORNER LOT On Park south of JeJCersos, $4M9 will Vay It, F. SRS8KB, room 444 Sbe? look Kdx.