1 s 5?r" 0"'T"i-'(rr" THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 25, 1904. 23 1 tnif"$?Ts?"'?iirz; : lrMTrR LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready tor Imci6- LOWEST -PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley. 60S Chamber Commerce FOREST RESERVE SCRir. APPROVED. Santa Fe. with power or attorney to convey; also traction! soldiers' additional; will enter m11 tracts. Maglnnls & Son. 227 Falling bids. t CAN LOCATE 50 SETTLERS IX EASTERN Oregon on sood claims, suitable for farming or etockralslng. 418 Chamber of Commerce. 200 ACRES FIR TIMBER (9.000.000 FEET), on rood, logging stream : price very low; must sell. Room 4. 205 Morrison st. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L "VV. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP NOW ready. H. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. GOOD timber land cseap. scrip for sale, Mathews & Palmer. 418 Oregonian bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. 1 TO RENT FINE 127-ACRE FARM. 60 Cul tivated. 40 pasture, good buildings, springs, well, river, cash rent. Also have 3-acre suburban place, near streetcar to rent. Ore gon Exchange, 2SS "Washington st. FARM FOR RENT, 357 ACRES. 150 IN cultivation, buildings, orchard, rural deliv ery, school and church near. H 4, Ore gonian. "WANTED TO RENT ONE OR MORE ACRES -with email house, near car-line. 44 2d et., room 60. WANTED REAL ESTATE. RECENTLY FROM THE EAST AND "WANT to hear from dealers In real estate, timber lands and mining propositions. D. J. Forbes, 515 Yamhill St., Portland, Or. "WANTED SMALL PIECE GOOD LAND; partly cleared; Inexpensive or no buildings; within 30 miles Portland. Address 738 Mon tana ave. 1 "WANTED TO RENT FARM OF 100 ACRES upward, cultivated land. Address C. Milam, Lntt, Or. "WANTED 2 OR 3 ACRES LAND NEAR car line; Mate terms. Address D 00, Ore gonian. , "WANTED SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES TO make collections for. L 37, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. r- 6NAP PURCHASED THE ENTIRE LOG glng outfit of the O. E. Elliot estate; will sacrifice 12 head of horses and mares, "weighing from 1250 to 1600 pounds; these horses are right out of hard work, arc sound and true; also ten sets of logging harness complete; your choice at $12.50 per set; can be seen at the Red Front Stables, 15th st.. Just off "Washington. Telephone Main 1125. FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale eight head of heavy work horses at the Union Stock Yards, of Portland, Or. R. L. Sabln. trustee of estate of O. E. Elliot In bankruptcy. NEARLY NEW 2-INCH DEMOCRAT WAG on, with Mautz springs; cover and bows. If desired; will take good fresh cow In trade. 470 Flint et.. Upper Alblna. ONE PLATFORM SPRING DOUBLE DELIV ery or express -wagon; Studebaker make; ca pacity 2500 pounds: practically new; a bar gain. G 4, Oregonian. $35 BUYS BLACK MARE; "WEIGHS 1100 pounds. Is sound and gentle; good worker. Call Sunday at Red Front Stables, 15th and "Washington sts. 1 FOR SALE, CHEAP HORSE, BUGGY AND harness; gentle for lady; good delivery horse; team of marcs; bay mare. Stablo 108 6th st. North. SNAP $150 BUYS PAIR OF GELDINGS, weigh 2400 pounds, are sound and true workers, single or double. Call 26 North 15th st. A BARGAIN FOR CASH, GRAY TEAM, weight 2400; black horse. 1300; bay, 1150. Call 861 Halsey st. cor. E. 3d. ' FOR SALE TEAM OF BLACK MATCH horses, 5 years old; weight 1100; city broke. C. E. Hedge, Beaverton, Or. i j A FEW SECOND-HAND GOOSENECK FUR. nlture and other wagons and vehicles, cheap. Hall. 834 Stark st ONE SINGLE EXPRESS WAGON, HORSE and harness for sale cheap. Inquire 16 North Union ave. ? ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE for $27. or -will trade on wagon. 313 "Water st FOR SALE GENTLE "MARE: WILL SELL cheap. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 28" Morrison. FOR SALE GENTLE SADDLE MARE; ALSO one pony; cheap. Apply 1242 Garfield ave.. Piedmont 1 SOME GOOD HORSES, BUGGIES AND wagons. Central Stables, 19th and Wash ington. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses-wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements. 227 Front FOR SALE FINE BAY HORSE. ABOUT 1150, cheap. 175 E. 23d st. near Belmont st SIX HEAD OF DRAFT HORSES FOR SALE at a bargain. Montavllla Livery barn. HORSES AND "WAGONS TO HIRE BY DAY. week or month. 211 Washington. SHETLAND PONY. BUGGY AND HARNESS Beldlng Bros., 45 3d st OLTSMOBILE. REASONABLE. INQUIRE John A. Gram. 41 1st st SHETLAND PONY. BUGGY AND HARNESS Beldlng Bros., 45 3d st Pianos. BAILEY. ROSEWOOD CASE:. USED BUT LIT- tle; great bargain, $130. Eilers Piano House, 351 Washington st SINGER, LARGE SIZE. IN SPLENDID CON- aition; $135. Eilers Piano House, 351 wash lngton st, cor. Park. FOR SALE PIANOLA. USED ONLY FEW months: good as new; bargain. Address X 6. Oregonian. KELSO. WALNUT CASE, THREE PEDALS, $120. EUers Piano House, 351 Washington st KELSO. ROSEWOOD. VERY DAINTY, ONLY $60. fillers .Fiano House, 301 Washington st. I UPRIGHT PIANOS, $135, COST $400. NEW Kimball organ with mirror, $35. 241 1st FOR SALE CHEAP NEW KIMBALL PIANO. Call immediately 200 N. 16th st SEVERAL NEW AND 2D-HAND "WAGONS and buggies. 49 N. 4th st Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments. We rent tables, with privilege of buying. Modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st TOPICAL SONG OF THE YEAR. Thfrft'ii Bound to Be a Yankee In the Way," by D'Arcy Blaxall, an up-to-date song with extra election verse. On sale at Wright's and Graves & Co. s music stores. FRESH JERSEY COW; EXTRA RICH MILK; extremely gentle; gives 12 quarts a day on dry feed; would like to sell her to some one selling milk to the creameries; price very low. 171 4th st THOROUGHBRED BOSTON TERRIERS, registered stock: Pomeranians, cocker span iels, pups all breeds. Kennels, King and Washington. Phone Main 3273. HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE IT WILL PAY you to see specimens mounted by W. H. Baker, taxidermist. 353 2d st. cor. Mill, Del ore placing your work. TROMBONE SLIDE. SILVER PLATED, Holten special; perfect condition, $35: fine old German 'cello. $40. 13 E. 12th st Phone East 2198. SECOND-HAND 20-LIGHT ACETYLENE gas plant gooa as new, periect order, guar anteed. 3t.w. inquire or ur. JOs. Hlckey, bits ueKum. THREE-ROOM HOUSEBOAT. BLOCKED UP above high water; lumisnea or unrurnlshed; rent reasonable; might sell. Phone Main S520r h FOUR COAL OIL CHANDELIERS AND one carpet at one-third their value. CS0 Elisabeth st Portland Heights cars pass door. fine -wall cases and five 8-foot counter cases ana laoics. xao uia oi., vui. aiuu, ONE COW AND TWO CALVES FOR SALE FOR. SALE 12 COWS AND ROUTE SOUTH Axouat :xaoor. a. j. iiueuuurg. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer, V. S.. Domestic. "Wheeler & Wilson and "White; dropbeads In oak and box tops. At "Wheeler & "Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Slgel. agent, 335 Morrison st. NOTICE TO HUNTERS THOROUGHBRED English setter puppies for sale; sired by well-known dog; mother Lady B.t of As toria. Inquire Joseph P. Schade. 72 3d ct., city, or address Fred. Balmer. 69 3d st Astoria. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needa no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co.. 10 "Worcester bldg. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. RAMBLER TOURING AUTOMOBILE, 5 passenger. for lale at sacrifice; perfect condition. Hood 155L GASOLINE LAUNCH CHEAP, INCLUDING boathouse In good condition; has 6-H. P. engine. E 2. Oregonian.1 FOR SALE BEACH RANGE, ALMOST new. Inquire Monday from 2 to 5 P. M., at 35 N. 22d st. FOR SALE PART JERSEY AND HERB ford cow; fresh first of October. Address T 3, care Oregonian. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BROWN "WATER spaniel, male pup, 4 months old, well tralnd. Phone Main 3520. ELEGANT MORRIS CHAIR. COST $18; WILL take $10; this Is a big snap; perfectly new. a o, oregonian. 1 ENGLISH SETTER PUPS. MOTHER SIRED by Shot: pups by Dude Nye. L. C. Fonts. 095 Jefferson. I THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER PUPPIES, pedigreed. 10 weeks old. 134 N. 8th 6t. Phone Main 1353. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS OF CAS cara bark for sale. W. E. Crosby. Orofino, Idaho. DURRAND ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITION, cheap. 078 Williams ave. Phone Scott 610L GOOD COW FOR SALE. INQUIRE PEN noyer place, Woodstock car-line, Gllstrap Sta tion. ELEGANT STEEL RANGE; FINE CONDI tlon; will sacrifice; be quick. Phone Scott 0401. FOR SALE PURE-BRED SCOTCH COLLIE pups; 8 weeks old. F. A. Ball, 180 Front st, city. FOR SALE ONE FIRST-CLASS TICKET from Portland to Denver. Call 127 Grand ave. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, av cost, from $25; rubber stamps, seals, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark Moving picture film, song slides, magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews, 109 Mont st, 8. F., Cal IRON BED AND SPRING, NEW CHAIRS and rocker. 134 N. 9th st Phone Main 1353. 4 NICE BEDROOM SUITES FOR SALE, $10 each. 213 N. 18th st Phone Main 1152. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR. oak and asb wood, go to Hoover & Conway, FOR SALE COCKER SPANIEL PUP. TWO months old. Inquire- 175 lGth. cor. Yamhill. FOR SALE A CARVING MACHINE, TURN lng lathe, a band saw. Phone East 1094. 10 HEAD OF COWS AND HEIFERS. IN quire or write J. "W. Koote. Boring, Or. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Amerlcans sow $25. 7th and Morrison. ELEGANT $28 CAMERA. NEW AND UP-TO-date, for sale at a snap. E 5, Oregonian. FOR SALE LARGE STOVE. SUITABLE FOR office or hall; price $5. 211 1st st SMALL AND LARGE SAFES, GOOD CON . dltlon; cheap. R 80, Oregonian. FOR SALE ONE MANTEL BED. AS GOOD as new, for half price. 352 Oak. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 8X10 CAMERA. tripod and lens. 208 Grant st SHOWCASES AND COUNTER FOR SALE AT 315 1st, Columbia Pharmacy. FOR SALE FINE BRED FOX TERRIER puppies at 124 Union ave. N. FOR SALE 25-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH hull. Call 305 16th et N. FINE PEDIGREE BULL TERRIERS FOR sale. 33 N. Sixth st. EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND films. McCoy. 86 10th. COW FOR SALE, GOOD MILKER, $20. Phono union 4293. NICE YOUNG FRESH COW WITH CALF. 381 E. Pine st FOR BENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. Inquire 300 N. 13th st Phone West 2334. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN WANTED WE WANT TO Ell- ploy a first-class traveling salesman: must have good record and acquainted with dry goods and general store trade In Coast territory: permanent position and liberal pay. Address S 99, care Oregonian. A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR. THOSE AT- tendlng the Portland Watch School; first class, practical Instruction in watch and Jewelry-making, engraving, assaying, op tics, etc.; tuition reasonable. Address C II. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. PERSON TO TRAVEL FOR WELL-ESTAB- Ushed house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants; local territory; salary $25 per week; expense money advanced. Amer-. lean Manufacturers, Star Bldg., Chicago. I 3 HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN TO HANDLE new hardware specialty; only men of abil ity and push need apply; large commis sions and exclusive territory to right men. American Alarm Co., 404 Marquam bldg. BY MANUFACTURING HOUSE. TRUSTY assistant lor branch office; $18 paid week ly; position permanent; no capital required. Previous experience not essential. Address Branch Manager, Como Block, Chicago. . A SALESMAN WHO HAS HAD BXPERI- ence handling credit accounts in grocery or market: experience as a commercial traveler not necessary; commission basis; references required. V 2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMEN; Cleveland Jobbing house, with large capi tal, wishes to employ a corps of first-class salesmen: high commission, with $35 week ly. W. S. Merle & Co., Cleveland, O. i WANTED 10 MEN IN EACH STATE TO travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods; salary $60 per month. $3 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept A, 18 Atlas Block, Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MAN, STENOGRAPHER and general office work; permanent position and good opportunity; state age and experi ence; if application warrants, will arrange Interview. K 100, Oregonian. WE NEED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES In every locality; fine opportunity, pleasant work, large returns. Write immediately. Inclosing 10c for particulars. American Realty Co., Cincinnati, O. -I TRAVELING SALESMAN 1 GOOD MAN for each state. Experience unnecessary Just hustlers; permanent; good pay; liberal running expenso account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit Mich. WANTED GOOD, BRIGHT OFFICE AND errand boy, about 16 years; must write good hand; state salary expected, refer ences and phone number. N 100, Oregonian. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical. Plumbing; send for catalogue. Address 4973-5 Easton ave.. St Louis. Mo. MAN OF ABILITY. REFINEMENT AND good address with $500 to take charge of branch for Portland firm: Al references and bond. Address In own hand, O L Oregonian. OFFICE BOY TO LEARN HARDWARE business; wages $15 month, with advance when earned; state age and reference In own handwriting. Address K 2, Oregonian. WANTED A PERMANENT POSITION FOR young man, 18 to 20 years of age; bright and active; good in penmanship and fig ures. Address X. Y. Z., care Oregonian. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Spe cial inducements this month. Catalogue free. Moler System College, San Francisco, Cal. WINTER TERM AT THE PORTLAND Watchmaker School begins October 10; ap plication should be made now. For particu lars address C H. Saake, 811 Dekum bldg. TRAMS "W ATCTTTD- TO HAUL BRICK. MRS Howe, brickmaker, 1209 Division at Union HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED PEOPLE DISSATISFIED WITH their present pay who desire to qualify for much better salaries and a new occupation as show-card writer, advertisement writer, window trimmer, newspaper and magazlnt Illustrator, electrician, dynamo tender, crafts man, bookkeeper, correspondent the civil service, etc Our capital is $3,000,000. In quire of Dun or Bradstreet Wo guarantee to qualify you for a good, .paying position If you will study as we direct. Must read and write English. Write at once and state posi tion wanted. International Correspondence Schools. 212 New York Block, Seattle, Wash, WANTED MEN WHO ARE AMBITIOUS to qualify for civil service opportunities. There are thousands of positions In the United States Civil Service which must be filled within a year, from those who pass the examinations. Good salaries are paid by the United States Government, and op portunities for promotion are frequent. If you are an American, over 18, wo can qual ify you to pats examinations, with a high percentage. Write now for our free Civil Service Booklet Give age. International Corres. Schools, 212 New York Block, Se attle, Wash. WANTElD MEN WHO ARE NOW Suc cessfully engaged In representing wholesale tailoring firms. The very best wholesale tailoring house in the United States will give such men an opportunity to make more money. The very best sample equip ment such as-' woolens on consignment swatches, unlimited advertising matter, etc., will be furnished. Branch stores will be opened without requiring Investment Sure income assured to right parties. Good salesmen will find this their opportunity. Address F. K. Nlchol, lock box 629, Chi cago, 111. WANTED MEN WHO ARE NOT SUCCESS fully engaged In representing wholesale tail oring firms; the very best wholesale tailor ing house In the United States will give such men an opportunity to make more money; the very best sample equipment such as woolens on consignment swatches, unlimited advertising matter, etc., will be furnished; branch stores will be opened without re quiring investment; sure Income assured to right parties; good salesmen will find this their opportunity. Address F. K. Nichol, Lock Box 529. Chicago, 111. WANTEDr AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED tailoring salesman for traveling positions, salary or commission; must be capable of handling a large business and take full chargo of assigned territory; to the right parties this position will pay $150 per month and expenses. No drones wanted, . only active, hustling salesmen; "If you are one, write today. Address Morton Bayard, lock box 3S9, Chicago, U. S. A. A POSTOFFICE EXAMINATION WILL BE held In Portland November 16. to secure clerks and carriers. We prepare a large share of those appointed In all the leading cities. Information about all civil service examinations and questions recently ' used by the Government free. Columbian Cor respondence College. Washington, D. C WE PREPARE YOU QUICKLY AS ILLUS trator, cartoonist lawyer, pharmacist stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist ad writer, correspondence man, banker. Write for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" tells everything. National Correspondence Schools, 82 When.. Indianapolis. U. S. A. CLERKS AND CARRIERS FOR THE POST offlce service; examination soon In Port land; circular F 1, giving full particulars about examinations, salaries, sample ques tions, etc., sent free. National Corres. In stitute, Washington, D. C, or Pacific Coast Office. 927 Market st. San Francisco, CaU LOGGERS, MILL AND YARDMEN, LAB 'orers. city and county; men and teams, farmhands and milkers, restaorant and mess-house help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. 1 EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMEN; established Cleveland Jobbing house, with large capital, wishes to Increase lt corps of salesmen October 1; high commission, with $25 weekly. W. S. Merle & Co., Cleveland. O. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT BY OUR NEU" method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free cata logue American Barber College Co., 66 N. 6th. TRAVELING MAN TO SELL OUR SPRING line of dress goods, white goods, etc., to retail country stores. Good commission. The Purnell Dale Mills, box 560, Phllada. I YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE, COPY LET ters, home evnings, $9.50 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager uepu o i, oox iuj, irniiaaeipnia, jra. TINNER STEADY JOB FOR RELIABLE man; must be able also to do pipe work, connect water boilers to ranges, etc Apply Kuhn Hardware Co., Colfax, Wash. WE HELP YOU TO SECURE A GOOD Po sition. Write for plan and booklet. Pa cific Commercial Bureau, agents "Hap goods Inc." Walker bldg., Seattle. WANTED GOOD, BRIGHT OFFICE AND BR- rana Doy, about 10 years; must write gooa hand; state salary expected, references and phono number. "N 100. Oregonian. ENERGETIC PARTY IN BACH COUNTY act as general agent for celebrated Royal Stock and Poultry Foods; remunerative. Ad dress 572 E. Oak, Portland, Or. WE WANT A FIRST-CLASS FLOORWALK- er: the right man will have a permanent posl tion and receive good pay. Apply to euperln tendent LIpman, Wolfe & Co. SHARP YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE $4 a day and expenses; experience unneces sary. Milwaukee Co-operative Detective Service, Sta. C, Milwaukee. ACTIVE MAN TO WORK AT HOME. $36 paid for 12 days trial; promotion it ..sat isfactory; state religion. Henry Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. WANTED-r-FIRST-CLASS MAN, WITH business Tiead as manager woodworking establishment; a hustler. Address box O, Chehalls. Wash. j MEN WANTED EVERYWHERE TO CLEAN monuments; lightning process big money made; stamp for particulars. M. H. Hall, Jackson, Mich. FIVE AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORMERS, musicians, etc., wantea: salary szs weekly. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 318 Wash ington. MANAGER FOR BRANCH OFFICE AT LA Grande: Al proposition for man and wife: references and bond required. M 1, Ore-. goman. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING EX penses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary, jfunty Co., Chicago. DETECTIVES EVERYWHERE, EXPERI- ence unnecessary; $5.00 per day earned. United States Detective Agency, Mllwau kee. Wis. 1 WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO SELL stock for a new patent harness buckle: everybody wants It. L 09, cars Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN. 15 TO 16 YEARS old; roust write nicely and bo steady; state age, salary, expected, it V3, oregonian. WANTED SALESMEN. ONE EACH FOR Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane and Portland. call Monday, 319 Commercial block. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO JOIN PRIVATE ciass in mechanical 'drawing and engineering. AQcreffl a u., care oregonian.. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO SELL homegrown nursery stock In city; with reierences. Address box 550. WANTED 3 SHEET METAL-WORKERS; $4 a day; union men; shop 19th and Wll son. W. G. McPherson Co. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED. EXPERL ence unnecessary: good pay. Emanuel Co. Station J, New York City. TAILOR WANTED ONE WHO CAN MAKE ladles' garments preferred. Apply William kook, wana walla, wash. WANTED JOBBING CARPENTER WANT ed for few days to do Inside work. Apply toaay, uu voroeit st. TXT A VTP.Ti-. X VTRRTr"T4 bd TOT A nveXHTtl one who understands making logging tools! inquire -it vsa.it si. I ilEN. WOMEN UOOKS. $40; COOS BAY, $35 (today); farmhand, bandsawyer. Drake's, zoai wasninsion. FIRST-CLASS -COATMAKER. GREENLAND & GREK. 3d and Washington sts., over eiaenneimers. SALESMEN WANTED. OUTSIDE WORK. Salary advanced. Call at room 21, Con cord bldg. OPERATOR ON LADIES' COATS. THE J. M. Acheson Co., 5tb and Alder sts. HELP WANTED MALE. CUTTER. MEN'S CLOTHING. THE J. M. Acheson Co., 5th and Alder sts. WANTED A GOOD BLACKSMITH HELPER. 424 Belmont et Apply at once. BOY WANTED- ARMSTRONG. THE TAIL or. 813 Washington st WANTED ERRAND BOY. APPLY UNION Ptg. Co.. S6 4th st BOY WITH WHEEL. UNIQUE TAILORING Co., 347 Wash, st TWO BOYS WANTED TO DRIVE WAGON. 00 Grand ave. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. YOUNG MEN OR WOMEN TQ JOIN XiE- tective scnooi; ail urautuca musuu xe- tectlve Correspondence School of America, room 16, 243 Broadway, New York. WANTED A COLLECTOR, EITHER MAN or woman, lor Cliy wont; mim tuow cny; wages $20 per month at start Apply 210 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stork sts. MISS SCHOLL'S PRIVATE SCHOOL 435 AL- der. receives aavanceu pupiis. n. 1, urego nlan. . WANTED PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY BY an t experienced operator. "aii -isr. at. WANTED WOMAN OP- BOY TO HELP ON custom-made coats. &o 4th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY AGENTS BEST SELLING, MOST profitable articles on me lunrnoi; new styles woman's wear; almost compel slen der women to wear bust forms, and the Wright Bust Form Is the 'best seller. C. Y. C, the new corset for stout women,, big success. Duplicate orders easy to get Good profits. Send for agent's prlco list Wright Bust Form Co., patentees and manufac turers, Shlpman. St, Newark, N. J. LADIES WANTElD EVERYWHERE COPYING letters at nome, evenings - nputi uras mu return to us. No mailing or canvassing; $9.00 weekly earned, materials free. Enclose self addressed envelope for particulars. Guaran tee Co., No. S 225 9th st, Philadelphia. Pa. WOMEN REPRESENTATIVES MAKE NICE incomes selling our nanasome maae-io-ordcr petticoats; experience unnecessary; exclusive territory: catalogue and particu lars free. Paris Skirt Company, 201 St Clair at, Cleveland. O. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $25 weekly should write today sor our catalogue and terms. We start you In business and make you Independent; outfit prepaid. Wom an's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $25 weekly should write today for catalogue and terms. We start you In business and make you independent Outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 226 MorrV.on. Phone Main 1323. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work In family of five; no babies; all up-to-date conveniences; permanent; good home and wages for right party. Call 655 B. Al der. Phone Scott 1610. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN AS COMPAN- lon to accompany middle-aged man and wife to California for the Winter; good wages to right .party. Address with stamp, A 3, Oregonian. A STRONG GIRL AS SALESLADY IN A bakery; a German girl preferred; 525 per month: apply In own handwriting: best of references required. Address W 97, Orego nian. WANTED RESPECTABLE LADY NOT LESS than 40; no children; for light housekeeping; widower; no children; permanent homo for the right lady. Address O 100, Oregonian. t- W ANTED WOMAN FOR KITCHEN work: one with school girl, 11 to 14 years of age, preferred; good home for right party. Address T 2, care Oregonian. WANTED ELDERLY LADY WISHING A home to assist In housework and help care for child; call at Vaughan Store, Central Addition. Take Montavllla car. LADIES $30 THOUSAND COPYING LET- ters; no mailing to xrlonds.or furnishing addresses; stamped envelope particulars. Gem Art Co.. Dept 89. Chicago. -I WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND REFINE- ment for responsible managerial position in town of 3000 inhabitants; references and se curity required. Q 1, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR RANCH. .Eastern Oregon; salary, $zu; gooa nome, cio&a to town; -middie-agea widow preferred. W. G. Sawyer, Hot Lake, Oregon. LADIES $20 PER THOUSAND COPYING letters nome. no canvassing; material iree. Send stamp for particulars. Howard Co., lea Broadway, New Ibrk. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; three In family; no washing; apply mornings. 830 Mar shall, near 25th. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters. Send stamped en velope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Caesopolls, Mich. . ery trimmer, to take a position outside of the city. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 02 94 Front st. COMMERCIAL TRAVELER (COSTUMES); hotel waitresses, city. szo. or East 5: hos pital attendants, domestics. Drake, 205 Washington. FIVE AMATEUR SINGERS. PERFORMERS, musicians, etc. wantea: salary szs weeklv. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, 313 Wash ington. r SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSDKEEP. lng for board and room and use of Dlano Call at 561 East Burnslde st. Phone East LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT. lng short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars, xaeai Aug. oo., uassopoiis, alien. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; must be good cook; small family. First-class wages. 135 22d st, cor. Hoyt WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST ivn skirt finishers. Marplus Dressmaking Par lors, i-o .Hamilton Diag. nono jaain 3163, WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL nousework; small lamiiy; away all day; ex' ceptlonally good home. M 2, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD LAUNDRESS TO TQ family washing; references; call Monday morning, room an, iioiei I'oruana. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR DINING room and chamber work, at Brown Hotel. cor. urana ana iiawtnorne aves. LADY WANTED TO ATTEND OFFICE IN pnotograph gallery experience unnecessary; xuu required, toft otars si. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN "PTAM. 1st with $200 as partner; one that sings pre- WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TAKE PRT. vate lessons in stenography; fine chanca. Address Ev C, care oregonian. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT FOR CAPA. ble woman to assist In city business; must c over 20. it w, oregonian. WAMTFinfiTOT. IT fTt 1R TPADO nT TN mn clerk In store; must be able to run sewing inacuine. v o, uregoni&n. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK ana soma cooKing. Jt amuy oz z; call Mon day A. M. at 303 3d st WANTED GIRLS FOR FACTORY. CALL Jionaay morning. uierKS' registration Bu reau, 205 Morrison st WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK FOR lamny ot iour. uau mornings at 4T4 Mar ket st, corner 14th. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO "on cooking and general housework. Apply U4 --a st. norm. SWEDISH OR FINNISH GIRL TO DO GTCN. era! housework; small family. Apply after. noon, 355 i4tn. WANTED A COMPETENT WAITER; also a chambermaid, at St Helen's Hall. st. oiair st. WANTED A YOUNG. GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework, a gooa nome. call at 329 Jackson st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 571 Jackson. Phon Main 3525. HOUSEKEEPER IN WIDOWER'S FAMILY. Call at 736 Brooklyn st, between 10 and 12 A. M. WANTED RESPECTABLE LADY OR GIRL to assist with housework; good home. Phone Scott 6703. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and good plain cooking; good wages. 251 N. -let st. WANTED A NURSE TO TAKE CARS OF child of z years; references required. Call 251 10th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. i WANTED BY AN ELDERLY COUPLE. A young gin to assist in housework; gooa home, small wages. Inquire ,515 20th st, Portland Heights. WANTED COMPETENT COOK; FIRST- class wages. Apply 11 N. 10th st, near Bumslde. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR 8EC- ond work. Apply mornings, 332 10th, cor. Market WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work In. small family. Applr mornings, 300 12th st WANTED GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE; good, experienced. Boston Kitchen. 12 N. 6th st. WANTED SHORT-ORDER COOK AND waitress; experience not necessary. l,l N. 6th st. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. with references. Phone Front 2H. 662 joan son st, GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: small family; good wages. Apply at 4io First st APPRENTICES FOR DRESSMAKING AND shirtwaists. C. & W. Shirtwaist Co.. 412 Alder. GIRL WANTED FOR GEJNERAL HOUSE- wonc; oerman preferred. 014 aoyi, near 10th. ' WANTED FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS Mondays and Tuesdays. Apply 181 N. 23d st GOOD COOK AND. SECOND GIRL AT good wages. C. E. Smith. Call at 721 2d. SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEKEEP- lng for room and board. 529 Montgomery st NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small lamuy. 495 E. Davis, cor. i. luin st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL ASSIST LIGHT housework; sleep at home. Phone West 842. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework and care of baby. 723 Gllsan st STENOGRAPHER WANTED DUTIES LIGHT ; win pay $25 month. Address S 3, oregonian. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 257 N. 22d, cor. Northrup. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS POSITION caring for sick or Invalid. V 5, Oregonian. "WANTED LADY CLERK EXPERIENCED In office work. Address F 6, Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. Apply 496 Mill st, bet 14th and 15th. A GOOD COOK TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- work; good wages. 674 Everett st GIRL WANTED TO WASH DISHES IN boarding-house, at 106 North 7th. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 692 Hancock st. Irvlngton. WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN KITCHEN and go home nights. 190 3d st WANTED GIRLS EXPERIENCED IN pressing clothes. 65 6th st SPECIAL WORK FOR LADY; GOOD PAY TO ngnt party, c loo. oregonian. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK MUST be good cook. 699 Flanders st WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO TAKE care of child. 707 Flanders st FIRST-CLASS TAILORESS. THE J. M. Acheson Co.. 5th and Alder. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK AND PLAIN sewing. Apply 381 12th st A GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL H0U6E- work. Apply C05 Everett st WANTED A COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID. 53 N. 18th st, cor. Davis. HELP WANTED COOK AND NURSE; GOOD wages. 777 Flanders st A YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN KINDER- garten. 546 Yamhill st. WANTED GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 441 Multnomah st. WANTED A DINING GIRL AT 231 Water. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. -t EXPERIENCEP STENOGRAPHER AND general orace man, owning machine, desires position: have had experience In creamery business; references. John M. Low, 387 Taylor st; phone Front 1703. STENOGRAPHER. BOOKKEEPER AND general clerk, 3 years" experience, desires position. Address M 5, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES Posi tion as bookkeeper or accountant; recom mendations. T 4, Oregonian. TRAVELING SALESMAN WISHES Posi tion on commission basis only; best refer ence. S 2, care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOTEL CLERK by strictly sober, experienced man. Address E 98. Oregonian. POSITION BY YOUNG MAN. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; prefer city. References. J 5, Oregonian. POSITION AS CLERK GROCERY STORE: 7 years' experience; references given. O 3, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY THE CITY INTELLIGENCE! Office & House-Cleaning Confpany, all kinds of Jobs, such as house-cleaning, window washing, cellars cleaned, yards and side walks; promptly attended to at reasonable rates by Thos. J. Green & Co., 54 3d st, and Davis. North. Oregon phone Hood 815. POULTRYMAN WANTS POSITION. YOUNG man from the East; experienced in breed ing and raising purebred poultry; under stands artificial incubation and brooding. R 3 Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AS HELPER in blacksmith or wagon repair shop; 3 years experience; not afraid of work; country or town; references. B 4, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, AGED 20, WANTS POSITION; office or any kind of work where an oppor tunity will be given for promotion; best ref erence. X 100, Oregonian. ENGINEER OF WIDE EXPERIENCE IN boiler and engine setting, running all styles of steam engines and rollers. Address, En glneer, 247 3d st YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND neat appearance desires work of any kind evenings; will work Sundays, li necessary. X 09. Oregonian. WANTED BY ELDERLY MAN. POSITION as night watchman. Janitor or other light work; can fumlsa best references. Address S 86, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST WANTS PO si tion. Automobile and bicycle repairing a specialty, oan give oest ot reierences. X 4, Oregonian. -1 SITUATION WANTED MAN AND WDJTJ with family, on farm; grown-up children. Also have good team. Address G 3. Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED TELEGRAPHER 17 years, of clear record, desires to enter reliable corporation; firet-claeo service. L 3, Orego nian. YOUNG MEN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANT places to work for board. Holmes Business College. Yamhill and 11th sta. Phone Main 513. YOUNG MAN WANTS TO WORK IN HOTEL or private: understands, steam beat; handy. ciean, wining to wore. xi. o, oregonian. YOUNG MAN HAS WORKED AT BAR3ER lng one year, wants place to Improve, on per cent Address is 100, care oregonian. JAPANESE ASSN. CAN FURNISHED Do mestic servants, farm and all kinds of help. Black 992. 263 Everett st BY MARRIED MAN. WATCHMAN BUILD lng. game preserve or any Inside work. References. V 4, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED cake and bread baker: German. Klrsten, 230 Burnslde street Room o. WANTED POSITION AS FIRST-CLAS8 machinist or tool-maker; city or country. Cor. 16th and Marshall, city.. WANTED POSITION AS TEAMSTER, 2, 4 or 6 horses. J. a. Kasmussen, 4iz Hoyt et, Portland. Or. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUA- tlon to do good cooking ana housework. Phone Hood 363. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION. COOK or good waiter; speaks good English. 293 Burmido Et DISHWASHING OR INSIDE WORK OF ANY kind; wages not less than $20 per month. G 5, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION,. COOK or gooa irait at or nousework. o o, Orego nian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.- Mlscellaneons. WANTED SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES TO make collections for. L 07, Oregonian. FTRST-CLAS3 BARTENDER WANTS Posi tion. Address P 4. Care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED LADY. Po sition as cashier, assistant bookkeeper and general office work. Address W 98, Orego- ' nlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. 4 YEARS' experience, desires position; best references; salary very reasonable. L 08, Oregonian. A LADY WILL GIVE PRTVATE INSTBUC tlons In scientific shorthand; terms reason able. B 3, Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER CAN GIVE best of references; willing to work. W 5, Oregonian. A YOUNG LADY WITH OFFICE EXPERI ence. also stenography, desires position. C 3, Oregonian. 1 Dressmakers. THE MARPLUS DRESSMAKING PARLORS are again open, ready for Fall work; fancy evening dresses and street costumes: latest styles and good fit guaranteed. 44-45 Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 3163. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS EN gagements In families; moderate charges; ref erence. 201 13th st Phone Front 637. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKERS HAVE opened parlors at 393 Salmon at; shirtwaist suits and Raglans a specialty. LADU3S' TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING Want work by day; terms, $2.00. E. Stevens. Phone Front 2161. DRESSMAKER DESIRES LADIES' OR children's work by the day. Phone Main 4641. Call up evenings. SHIRTWAIST SUITS. SHIRTWAISTS AND gowns made up-to-date. C. & W. Shirt waist Co., 412 Alder. DRESSMAKER WISHES FEW MORE EN gagements by day to complete season; $1.25 per day. Main 2851. t- , FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER OF WIDE Ex perience, desires engagements. A 2, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES engagements by the day; terms, $2.00. W 3, Oregonian. FOR GIRLS' AND MISSES' GYMNASIUM suits a specialty. Room 30, Russel bldg. SHIRTWAIST SUITS.-$2; PLAIN AND FAN- cy aressmaKing; reasonable. 200 3d st. lomestlcs. LADY WITH GIRL 10 YEARS WISHES cooking or housekeeping. Phono west 2463. 95 Grover, Portland. COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION as cook: good wages; no other need apply. Phone Main 4432. WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BY the day. Phono East 2383. Hou sekecp era. WANTED POSITION AS WORKING HOUSE- keeper or other position of trust, by reliable elderly lady. Inquire Sunday, between 1 and 6 at 272 6th st. Third floor, room 4. 1 YOUNG WIDOW. WITH' GIRL 8 AND BOY 5. dealren situation as housekeeDer resDectabla widower's family. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black ZS81. SITUATION WANTED BY REFINED. MID die-aged woman housekeeper widower, with nome. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2si. LADY WITH BEST REFERENCE FOR housekeeping for old couple, widower or roommg-nouse. N 3, Oregonian. LADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP- er roommg-nouse or etacriy coupie. a a. Oregonian. A FINE JEWISH MIDDLE-AGED LADY wlhes position as housekeeper. M. 4, Orego nian. Nurses. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS EMPLOY- merit to care for invalid; willing to assist with housework. Y 4, Oregonian. NURSING FIRST-CLASS PRACTICAL nurse. Inquire 535 Gllsan st Phone Front 2598. Mrs. E. I. Barber. Miscellaneous. BY YOUNG LADY, HOME IN FAMILY OF elderly people where there la piano: will as slst for board and room; references. Y 2, oregonian. TVAvrpn to no Rfr-RTmnrNrn a -n iiuuoo or ouice cleaning or nre xurnace, oy wnito man. Aaares3 w 2. care oregonian WORK FOR COOKS. WAITRESSES. HOUSE keepers. nurses, laundry, store, camp, house help. Phone Drake, 205 Washington. EASTERN LADY WISHES POSITION AS matron In public Institution, housekeeper or companion. R 2, care Oregonian. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. PLACE first and second cook; references given. Telephone East 1406. . . -i MIDDLE-AGED LADY WOULD LIKE Po sition, care of Invalid or children. Ad dress R 4, Oregonian. WISHING WASHING. HOUSECLEAN1NG BY day, by experienced band. L. ES. Warner. Phone Hood 276. YOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION IN confectionery store; experienced. Q 5, care Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS work by day or half-day. Phone West 1676. GRADUATE OPTICIAN DESIRES POSITION with Jeweler or In office. T 5, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION IN Doc tor's or dentist's office. O 98, Oregonian. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS, 15 cents and up. Phone East 623. A COOK WANTS POSITION; GOOD REFER ence. X 5. Oregonian. PLAIN SEWING BY THE DAY PHONE Red 166. WANTED AGENTS- AGENTS GENERAL AND LOCAL AGTS. wanted everywhere. Make $100 weekly j permanent paying positions; no competi tion; exclusive territory; highest commis sions; reasonable advances; experience un necessary; no book or Insurance; state ex perience and references. Address Corpora tion. P. O. box 305. New York. -I HEADQUARTERS ON CAMPAIGN GOODS. Send 50c for samples; three baggage check watch fobs, six different buttons, and Ted dy's teeth, the greatest campaign seller ever known; single samples, 10c. Teddy's Teeth, Chicago. AGENT BE A MIXER; PUT UP AND sell polishes, soaps, perfumes, extracts, toi let requisites, proprietary preparations, candy, etc We have processes for all; lists free. Wheaton & Co., formula special ists, 72 Gill st. New Bedford. Mass. WE WANT YOU TO SOLICIT TRADE FOR an easy-selling article among men: If you are a hustler you can easily cam $25 a week; none but experienced solicitor need to apply. Inquire of Mr. H. Blatt. 300 Washington et. SCHEMES AND FAKES OF AMERICA, A book for mall order man, agents and fakirs; a braln-brlghtener for hustlers; an eye-opener; full of dollar-getting ideas; 10c postpaid. D. P. Jackson, 2638 Market st., San Fran cisco, Cal. AGENTS WANTS. MALE AND FEMALE, for the best selling household articles on the market for Portland and surrounding towns. Call after 5 P. M., or address G. H. Swetland, 361 1st st, Portland, Or. AGENTS STREET FAKERS SELL "ROOT ers." greatest campaign and carnival nov elty; beats the band. Sells like hot cakes. Particulars free. Sample 10c. The Wels Co., 1015 Ontario st, Toledo, O. -1 AGENTS $20 TO $50 WEEKLY; EVERY business man buys new vest pocket inven tion. $3. Experience unnecessary. Scien tific salesmanship free. Standard Co., 1289 Spltzer, Toledo, O. AGENTS WANTED A SNAP FOR HUST lers; don't tie up with anybody till you write us; something new. quick seller. Rhodes Sanitary Co., 444 Granite" block. St Louis, Mo. . ' WELL-APPEARING LADIES TO CANVASS for a new toilet preparation; ready seller. Write or call on Mondays and Tuesdays, bet 2 and 5 P. M., 351 Williams ave, city. -1 OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 PER DAY FIT tlng glasses; our 24p. Free Eye Book tells all about it. Write Jacksonian Optical Col lege, College Place, Jackson, Mich. 1 AGENTS SELL BEST PATENTED FIRE Ex tinguishers. Write for special starting offer, with free material. Badger Chemical Mfr. Co., Milwaukee, wis. WANTED -AGENTS. SALESMAN WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY In Oregon. California and Nevada; aaw and complete outfit furnished free. Com mission, advanced weekly on orders; our lo cation In the famous Yakima- Valley. Wash.. Insure the production ot dean, thrifty, hardy. Well matured nursery stock; give reference and state preference ot territory. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. AGENTS $50 A WEEK GUARANTEED; Au tomatic washer; sell themselves; agent writes, "Exhibited sample to ten women, took ten orders," time 45 minutes, profit over $50; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutca; furnishes Its own power, requires no labor, costs less than any other machine; free sam ple and exclusive territory furnished- Auto matic Washer Co.. Station U, Chicago. LADY OR GENTLEMAN SOLICITORS-PER- manent work; good salary and expenses. Call Monday. Perkins Hotel. J. A. Swank. WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO sell one of the best and fastest sellers on the market Call 175 11th. upstairs. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS. distribute circulars, samples, etc. Good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. SOLICITORS CAN MAKE $5 PER DAY. CALL room 406 Ablngton bldg., Monday. to 10 A. M. WANTED TO KENT. TO BUY FURNITURE AND LEASE FIRST- class boarding-house, 30 to 50 rooms; $4000 to $7000. Also furniture ot 6 or 7-room newly furnished house or flat reasonable rent, south west part city. F. O. Northrup & Co.. 210 Commercial block. -i WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT houses. If you cave a house to rent, eee us or send description. We make no charge for renting. H. E. Edwards, 187 1st st PARTLY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM AND kitchen, with water, or three connecting rooms, not over nine blocks from Oregonian; near car line. F 4, Oregonian. TWO YOUNG LADIES DESIRE ROOM AND board with private family; modern conveni ences; city or near Hawthorne ave. V 100. Oregonian. YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM AND board in private family, centrally located; no Chinese cooking; state price. H 2, Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM WITH MOD ern conveniences and heat, by single marv; state terms and location. D "3. Oregonian. WANTED BY TWO YOUNG LADIES. OCTO ber 1. housekeeping rooms or small flat, fur nished; best references. F 3, Oregonian. WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; must be modern, pleasant and reasonable. C 5, Oregonian. WANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKBBP ing rooms in good neighborhood. West Side. Address J 4. caret Oregonian. WANTED MODERN HOUSE. BY 1ST: 6 OR 7 rooms; cottage preferred; best of referenca given. P 3, care Oregonian. WANTED A YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD and room with a private family; references. Addresa F 09, Oregonian. MERCHANDISE BROKER WANTS HALF of office, either In building or ground floor. W 6. Oregonian. WANTED S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED or unfurnished; hospital district; long time. Q 100. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 4 TO 6 ACRES CLOSE to city, with green houses or big shed. G 99, Oregonian. WANTED 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, or small cottage. V 1, Oregonian. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms on Portland Heights. T 87, Oregonian. WANTED SMALL COTTAGE OR HOUSE suitable for two- families of two each. Phorie Scott 407S. FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT, SUITABLE for roomers; best references Address box, 1043. FURNISHED FLAT OR HOUSE OF 5 OR 9 rooms, close In. Night Clerk, Imperial Hotel. A LADY WANTS BOARD AND ROOM tN A modern house, close In. .Q 2, Oregonian. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THREE MONTHS; no children. Phone Main 3223. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 1 WANTED SECOND-HAND SAWMILL outfit complete, or 40 to 50-h.-p.. engine and boiler. In good condition. Apply be tween 1 and 2. 'H. L. Hart. Belvedere Hotel. FOR SALE. $150 A VERY PROMISING gold quartz mining claim, about 20 acres fine timber and water. 60 miles from Port land. Address K 99, Oregonian. WANTED USE OF PASTURE WITHIN SIX miles of Portland for next week for 300 sheep; state price and location. Address 552 E. Ash st. STOVES PUT UP. BLACKED AND RE palred at reasonable prices. Muck Hard ware Co.. 2d and Morrison. Phone Main 1236. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 017. WANTED SECOND-HAND MARINE GASO llne engine. 6 or 8-H. P.: give condition and price. Address X 2, caro Oregonian. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND COOK stove, with coal grate. Phone Main 5011, or address K 3, care Oregonian. REFINED LADY. WITH COUNTRY HOME, wishes care of 1 or 2 children. Address Miss Cretla Lemon, Garfield, Or. WANTED CARE OF HORSE FOR WINTER; to be used at light work. R. L. Porter, cor. Lincoln and E. 30th. 1 USE OF 1100-POUND HORSE FOR HIS keep; best of care; may buy If satisfactory. X 3, Oregonian. WANTED LOAN $1000 FOR ONE OR MORE years; real estate security. Address A 4, Oregonian. i MAILING MACHINE WANTED. ADDRESS, stating price and kind. Wm. J. Clarke. Ger vais. Or. WANTED SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRI ter No. 2; state condition and price. Box 740, city. WANTED ROLL-TOP DESK AND OFFICE chair; must be good and cheap. Y 5, Ore gonlan. WANTED 200-EGG INCUBATOR. ADDRESS N 5, Oregonian Office, giving make and con dition. . 1 WANTED NEWFOUNDLAND PUP; MUST be reasonably cheap. G 2, Oregonian. WANTED 1 DOZEN YOUNG BROWN OR, white Leghorn hens. E. 718, Brooklyn. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOOLA batjfh'a. 267 Taylor, bet 3d and 4th. WANTED GOOD-SIZE GASOLINE LAUNCH or automobile. E 1. care Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards, 185-191 1st st. r i WANTED A TENT 10X12 OR MORE. J 1. Oregonian. FOB RENT. Rooms. THE ALEXANDER, NEW BUILDING. ELE gant, newly furnished front rooms, single or en suite; select location: all conveniences; transient, solicited. N.W. cor. 10th and Alder. THE WALDO. 409 WASHINGTON ST.,! bet. 10th and 11th Thoroughly renovated and newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; strictly first-class, modern conveniences. 8 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms in a new flat; private family; to nice, desirable people; heated, gas, bath and phone; home comforts. 87 North 9th st j THE NEWCASTLE. 3D AND HARRISON, elegant up-to-date furnished and unfur nished housekeeping and other rooms; heat, bath, light free; reasonable prices. FRONT PARLOR ROOM. NEWLY FUR nlshed; use of bath and phone. $2.50 per week; 6-minute car service. Phone Main 5594. 907 Thurman at. 251 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NEW BRICK building, furnishings new and nice; travelers will find fine rooms, 50c to $1 a day, $2 to $4 by week. 553 5TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM" for gentleman with private family. In new house, all modern convenances, central. Main 1114. .PLEASANT ROOM WITH NICE HOME SUR roundings In new house four blocks south ot Hotel Portland; vacant October 1. 250 6th. A NICE FRONT PARLOR. SEPARATE EN trance, suite of two, fireplace It desired, la private family; references. Call 267 7th st.