The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 11, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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New Fall and Winter Catalogue Now Ready The Larg
est, Handsomest, Most Complete, Best Illustrated Mail
Order Book Published on the Coast Write for a Copy
The Meier Frank Store
Principal Agents for Batterick Patterns and Publications
October Delineator Now on Sale at 15c a Copy
Mail Orders for Patterns Promptly and Accurately Filled
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Great Curtain Specials
Curtains and certain materials at prices to please the house
wifeWise buyers will
recognize at a glance
thatthere'smoneyto be
saved by taking advant
age of the following
200 pairs of Ruffled Net Cur
tains, Battenburg Inserting
and edging:, white and ecru,
2& yards long, 40 Inches wide,
best $2.50 values C1 CQ
for, pair 31.0
200 pairs of Ruffled Swiss Cur
tains, 2 patterns only, one
stripe and one dot, 40 Inches
wide, 2 yards long, plain
hemstitched ruffle, best 5L75
values for, jer jjj
10.000 yards" of "the best 15c Cur
tain Swiss, stripesr dots and
figures, buy all you want the
coming week at the de- 1 1 f
cldedly low price, yd x i u
Best quality Florentine Silk, 32
Inches wide, darK grounds
with Oriental designs, also
light grounds with floral pat
terns, beautiful assortment
and great special value ca
at, yard UJW
The September Carpet Sale
Continues to interest scores of shrewd people who have Carpet
needs to supply. In addition to tne low pricing we offer an addi
tional discount of 5 per cent for cash, or if payment is made within
60 days. Easy weekly payments for parties of good credit.
Melrose Ingrains, In pretty wood ef
fects, big variety to select from;
best 75o grade is offered during this
sale, sewed, laid and lined, 9r
at the very low price, yard J v
$ 1.80 AXMINSTERS $ 1 .63
Royal Axminsters, In the new two
tone and floral effects and Orientals,
very large variety to select from;
price quoted includes sewing, laying
and lining: best $1-60 &1 2
lality, yard. v.v,
$1.10 BRUSSELS 3?c YD
Tapestry Brussels, floral and Oriental
effects, carpet of beauty and dura
bility; the grade sold everywhere at
H.10 the yard: you can buy here.
sewed, laid and lined, at,
per yard
The celebrated "Windsor Brussels,
mostly Oriental and two-toned ef
fects, carpet guaranteed fast color
and can be washed with soap and
water; includes sewing,
laying, lining, etc
i 90c Linoleum 55c Sq.
Yd. 75c Linoleum 45c Sq. Yd
Very best patterns, the only fault
with it is that the tissue paper sticks
to the face in a few places a little
soap and water removes it quickly.
The best bargain in good linoleum you
ever shared in Third Floor.
Custom Shade and Drapery Work a SpecialtyBest Materials and Workmanship Low Prices
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Best Line of Molding in the City to Select From
Sole Portland Agents for the Famous "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses All Sizes
September Sale of Infants' Wear
The Annual September Sale of Infants' Wear starts to
morrow and continues one week AU the necessary arti
cles to dres little tots warm and comfortable at prices
that will win the appreciation of economical mothers
As a special indncement we will give free with every
purchase a "Nazareth" knit Underwaist, size one for a
year-old child Want to get mothers acquainted with
the good features of "Nazareth" Waists
Infants' all wool Knit Bands, button on shoulder, the
best 75c values are offered for September Sale at, ea
Infants' Outing Flannel "Wrappers and Kimonas, new, pretty
styles ; the best 75c values for this sale tt Q
at-, the low rriee of. each J
Infants' Stockinet Diapers, the best 50cand
75c values at, each
Infants' Flannel Pinning Blankets, embroidered cam-
brie yokes; the best $1 values, for September Sale 03C
Infants' $2.50 "White Embroidered Flannel Skirts tf l fJQ
with cambric yokes ; best value we ever offered at V
Infants' fine Cambric and Nainsook Dresses, yokes
and bishop sleeves, trimmed with dainty laces
and embroideries, tucks and hand- $T i LQ
herringbone; $2.50 values V 0r
Infants' White Cambric Skirts, embroidery, lace,
insertion and tucks, pretty styles ; tfj I Q
$2.50 values, -for M
Infants' Quilted Mattress Pads 43
Infants' Quilted Diaper Pads ll
Infants' Marseilles Quilted Bibs, each. . ... . .12$?
Infants' Shoes, Simonas, Sacques, Dresses, etc.,
at the lowest prices. . '
50 dozen "Women's Flannelette Nightrobes, white
ground with narrow pink and blue stripes, trim
med m wide tancy hnished braid, ail
sizes, best $1.00 values
50 dozen Fancy Handkerchiefs for Kimonas and
Pillow-Tops ; new designs and colorings ;
great special value at the low price of, ea.
Women's fine Cambric Drawers, wide umbrella,
ruffle, trimmed in pretty embroidery edgings
and insertions, dotted and openwork patterns,
wide flounce with lace edging and inser
tion, $1.25, $1.50, 1.75 values at,
Women's Cambric Petticoats, trimmed in embroid
ery edgings and insertings and tucks, separate
dust rultle ; best $z.uu and d
ipi.uv values au cue iow price- oi
Laces and Embroideries
Great three days' sale of three lots of laces and embroid
eries Special purchases made by our lace buyer who just
returned from Eastern markets
Lot 110,000 yards of imitation Tor
chon Laces and Insertions, 1 to 3
inches wide; immense variety of
patterns and marvelous values e
at this low price, yard
Lot 2 3000 yards of Corset-Cover
Embroideries, Swiss and Nainsook,
lace trimmed, pretty patterns and
wonderful bargams,
values up to 85c yd; yd.
Lot 35000 yards of Cambric and
Nainsook Embroideries and Inser
tions; big variety of splendid pat
terns, in assorted widths,
values up to 35c yd, for. .
Hosiery, Underwear Specials
Women's all wool ribbed of plain with rib top Cashmere Hose,
ail sizes, absolutely fast color ; the best value i
we have ever offered at this price, pair 1 C
Women's Ribbed Merino Vests and Pants or Tights, white or nat
ural a perfect fitting, handsomely finished garment, 'JQr
selling regularly at $1; for this sale your choice .
Entire stock of Wash Belts, plain white and fancy, also Moire
and Changeable Silk Belts, big assortment ; values e
25c, 35c and 50c; your choice for, each 1
Handsome new Belts just received in big assortment. Largest
display we have ever made.
"Peninsular" Steel ,R.anges
Cook Stoves and Heaters the new models are now on the floor- The largest
and best line of Cooking Stoves and Heaters in the city 75 styles, all sizes
and grades, from $3,550 up to 5100. Easy payments for people of good credit.
The new Oil and Gas Heaters are also ready Basement.
Picture Department
Pharaoh's Horses and other sub
jects, 20x20-inch, framed in
pretty brown, gilt and black
frames. Regular $1.39 og
values OrC
Framed pictures, 50 subjects,
14314-inch, 3-inch black circle
frames. Regular $1.50 XA
values T-rC
100 subjects in religious pictures,
ballet girls, etc, in passepartout
binding, 8xl0-inch. 35c q -
values for
16x20 poster pictures, red mats,
black binding, many
subjects. 45c values &Oy
New School Ap
parel for Children
Children's long coats and reefers,
kersay, zibelines, cheviots 'and
cravanettes, blue, red, brown
and tan. Ages 6 to 14 years,
$5.50 to $18.00.
Misses' Shirtwaist and Russian
Blouse Suits in serges and fancy
mixtures and plaids. Ages, 16
to 18 years, $12.50 to $25.
Children's Russian Blouse, Buster
Brown's Sister's, Sailor and
"Peter Thompson" Suits; all
the newest and prettiest styles.
Ages, 4 to 14 years, $5.50 up
to $18.00 each.
Boys' Clothing
In new Fall styles and materials;
garments for dress and school
wear; suits, reefers and over
coats. The largest and most reas"
onably-priced stock of clothing
for boys and young men to be
found in the city. "We can please
you at any price you want to
pay. t
School Shoes
For boys, girls, misses and young
men. All styles, all sizes, all
grades and lowest prices. Guaranteed.
Cloaks, Mi
Wednesday and Thursday, September 14th and 15th
The Meier & Frank Store Portland's Leading establishment in the display of beau
tiful, exclusive apparel for women and children will be on '"show" this week
Wednesday and Thursday next, September 14th, 15th, our formal Autumnal open
ing You are invited to view such a collection of premier dresses and hats as can
be seen nowhere else on the Coast The Meier &. Frank exhibition will unfold the
best from Paris, London, Berlin and New York Costumes for Dress, Evening, Party
and Theater Wear Imported models and adaptions as well as New York creations
Carriage and Theater Wraps, high-class Novelty Street Wraps, Suits, Coats, Skirts,
Waists, Negligee Garments and Children's Apparel in bewildering profusion and unpar
alleled assortment In headgear, magnificent model hats, best efforts of such promi
nent French artists as Mme. Lewis, Virot, Georgette, Suzanne, Caller, and these New
York makers: Francois, Lichtenstein, Hartwig, Joseph, Burby & Webb, Aitken Sons,
Phipps &. Atchinson, and others equally well known The showing will be a note
worthy one and every woman interested in fashionable attire will arrange to come
Wednesday or Thursday, morning or afternoon To make the occasion a happy one,
Columbia Theater Orchestra of 1 2 Pieces
Will Discourse Music, 2 to 5 P. M. Wed, and Thurs.
Coincident with the Costumes and Millinery we will make distinguished displays of
the following lines of new Fall and Winter merchandise:
Laces and Embroideries
New Dress Trimmings
New Waisting Flannels
New Muslin Underwear
New Silk, Plush Novelties
Men's Clothing
Dress Goods, Silks
New Waisting Velvets
New Veils
New Hosiery
New Infants' Wear
New Knit Underwear
New Gloves and Ribbons
New Neckwear, superb variety
New Belts and Leather Goods
New Art Goods
Boys' Clothing
New Table Linens 1
New Curtains, Draperies
New Carpets
New Corsets
New Wash Goods
Men's Furnishings
New Footwear for all
Lowest prices in the city Ex
tra salespeople insure the chil
dren who come here for their
supplies prompt and careful
attention Send them here
School Knives, each S
2-oz. bottle Mucilage for 3
Plain Cedar Leadpencils, doz.5
Rubber Tip Leadpencils, 3 for.5
2 Recorder Small Leadpencils. 5
Rubber Tip Pencils, each 3
Ruled "Writing Tablets, each. .3
Bond Writing Tablets, ea
"White Chalk, gross box 9
Tube Paste 3 and 8
Eagle Compass and Divider. X8
Pencil Boxes, with key 3
15c Slates, bound, 7x11 S
5c School Sponges, 2 for 5
Brass Edge Rulers 3-6
Girls' 25c School Cuffs, pr..l8
5c Emerald Erasers, 2 for 5
5c Pencil and Ink, 2 for 5
5c Ink for, bottle 3
3c Ink and Pencil lj
Eagle Fountain Pens, ea 7
$1 Fountain Pens, each 87
"White Pencil Pads. l, 2, 3
12 Colored Crayons 7
6 Colored Crayons 3
Fine "White Legal Pads..4, 7$
Students; Notebook 7
10c Cork Tip Penholders 4
5c Rubber Tip Penholders 3
25c Eagle Pencil-Sharpeners 1S
"Wood-Cov. Slatepencils, doz.lO
12 Stone Pencils for 3
25c Eyeshades for 18
25g Composition Books, 200 pages,
leatherette cover X9
25c Seal-Cover Book, 200 pg.l9
16c Composition Books 14
10c Composition Books 8
5c Composition Books 3
10c Exercise Books 8$
5c Exercise Books 4(
Plain Ruler, each l
10c large China Tablet 7
5c large China Tablet 4
Everything in the school supply
line will be found here at the very
lowest prices. Main floor, near
Alder-street entrance.
Greatest Variety of Flannels
We have ever shown are ready for your choosing New
Flannels, Novelty Flannels,
Staple Flannels Flannels for
every purpose An assortment
you'll be delighted with
New Scotch Flannels, -with embd. ACr
dots, all colors, at, yard till
Japanese Flannels, something new tor
bathrobes and kimonos, special iKr
value, yard
Bathrobe "Flannel, floral designs,
per yard OD
Mercerized "Wool "Waistlngs. -Embroidered
Wool Waistlngs. Basket Flannel Waist
lngs, all new, handsome materi- rCn
als, at, yard OU
Wool Granite Cloth, with satin stripe, a
new, pretty waist material, t?nr
special value, yard
New "Vlyella" Flannels, finest quality,
exclusive patterns, guaranteed not to
shrink, big assortment to select 7Z.f
from, yard OL.
Swantmown JTlannels for dressing: iOa New Velvet Flannels In great ra-2C
sacques, yard iOV' rlety at. yard, 25c and Oww
New French Flannels In Persian designs, with border, very attracUve TZr
variety at, yard
New Eiderdown Flannels, plain and fancy stripes. New Teazledown Flannels
for gowns. , .i.
Men's Clothing Fall Styles
September the eleventh Do you realize it's time to discard the " ice
cream" suit? Fall suits and overcoats have been occupying our at
tention for some weeks Now it's time you were interested The stock
is complete with all the newest styles and materials in the best grades
Prices are fully 25 below what you are asked to pay for equal grades
at the exclusive store We want you to look here before buying
You can't go wrong Second Floor
Men's all wool Overplaid Cheviot Suits in single and double-breasted, latest
cut; Suits the exclusive clothier asks you $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 for,
you'll find here at $15.00, 18.00 and $20.00.
Handsome line of Cassimere and fancy all wool through and through "Worsted
Suits, exceptional values at $12.50 and $15.00. J
High-grade Suits in the finest materials and very newest styles, $25.00 and
$30.00 Suits for $22.50 and $25.00.
Great line of new Belt Overcoats and genuine Cravenette Raincoats, in new
models, at $12.50 to $25.00.
New Trousers and Fancy Vests in big assortment, new Furnishing Goods,
Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Suspenders, Etc., Etc.
Fall models in "Hawes" $3.00 Hats Derbys and soft styles; new "Stetson"
Hats at $3.50 to $5.00.
Splendid Basement Bargains
Some unusual bargains in high-class China, Silverware and
Cut Glass for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Articles
suitable for wedding gifts or if you can spare the money it
wouldn't be a bad idea to anticipate your holiday gifts
5 o'Clock Teas, with wroughtlron
stana. niCKei Ketue, AC
best $4.25 value O.y
Nickel Baking- Dishes, with gran
ite pan, 1-quart size, fc a a
regular J1.85 value, for pi.Tct
Cracker Jars of fancy design, col
ored glass with silver cover, 51.50
values, on sale at Q 1 9
only pl.0
Forbes Silver Plated Coffee Sets, 4
pieces, me Dest $.au cf? c
values, on sale at pU. lO
$4.25 Cut Glass Olive
Dishes on sale. each..
54.CO Cut Glass Nappies
on sale, each
$3.50 Vinegar Cruets,
medium size. each....
85c Cut Glass Salt and Pep- CZIn
riers. sterlintr tnn. ea vJ V,
50c and 60c Glass Knife 47 r
Rests for, each xl
60c-pc. Havlland China too 7
Dinner Sets, best pat's.. P-o o
100-pc. Havlland China C11 en f Great value In a 60-piece CI Q K(
Dinner Sets, best pats P11.JU Havlland Set at p I tJ.OU
Great value In a 100-pIece Havlland Dinner Set at $20.50.