PART fOUR PBGES 29 TO 40 VOL. XXHL PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1904. NO. 87. !( verything to Make Home Beautiful and Comfortable at Gadsby's j Purnisliing homes complete is a specialty of ours. We have studied the requirements for years and are able to suggest to every housekeeper a very easy maimer of saving considerable money. Our store has furnished in the past few years many thousands of happy homes. We have built the merit of this store on the refined character of our designs and the extreme low prices. Every article is of the comfortable, serviceable and substantial kind. Despite high quality and correct styles, our prices are always low. Let your good judgment always direct you to THE STORE THAT SAVES YOTJ MONEY. j&J x OUR FURNITURE IS SELLABLE, NO MATTES SOW CHEAP. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS TOE, PRICES AND DISPLAY. ' , ' ' .. ' , I 0 e DINING TABLES Polished oak. 59, $10, $12, $15 np to 75. IRON BEDS Z In all colore, white, sreen, blue, red; in fact. aU colors and e combinations $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $5J5, $6.75, up to $50.01 Cleanliness, durabllitr. at economy prices. No wonder they are universally used and the designs this year are j mora exuaus Bi.n 9 S23.00 BED ROOM SUIT This line Bedroom Suit, all hardwood fin ished. In mahogany, white maple golden ash; three prices special ROCKERS 3? TMs. handsome Rocker QIC gpedal vP.OJ-F MORRIS CHAIRS Pretty patterns; new patent ad justable back; ranging In price from S9.50 to $50.00 S1S9.00 Furnishes a House Complete) For J1S9. or $40 first payment and $10 per month wo will completely furnish a four-room hocse. This does not mean that yon will receive a chair, table, bed end stove. It means that we will furnish a house in such a manner that all you have to do is to step in and commence housekeeping. You will re oerre over one hundred and forty dif - ferent articles, not any old thing, but good, substantial, durable, well-made and perfectly finished furniture, car pets; curtains, etc. If cheaper goods are wanted, we have them. Tour choice is not confined to one style of wood; you can have either solid oak, white maple, Oregon ash or birch. By a careful consideration of this offer you wUl. readily see that it pays to buy at the big store. List of Articles Contained in House PARLOR One couch of sofa, uphol stered in velour, one arm-chair, "Spring seat, upholstered In velour, one reception chair to match, one rocker, one center-table, one Brussels rug, 9x12: one pair lace curtains, one pair window shades. DINING-ROOM One six-foot exten sion table, solid oak: six solid oak, cane-eat. fancy chairs; one solid oak buffet or sideboard, two window shades, one Brussels art rug, 9x10ft; one pair laoe curtains, 2Vi yards long, EO-plece seml-porcelaln dinner set. BEDROOM One bedstead, wood or Iron; extra quality springs, one puri fied wool mattress, one dresser, soUd oak, mirror 20x24 inches; one solid oak combination wash-stand; one pair curtains, one pair shades, one pair feather pillows, two pair of sheets, four pillow-eiips, one com forter, white cotton filling; one rug, 9x12, or 15 square yards of Ingrain carpet. KITCHEN" One No. 8 cook stove, three joints stove-pipe, elbow and collar; one household treasure, two wood-seat chairs; the following cook ing utensils: Teakettle, coffee-pot, teapot, stew pan, sauce-pan, dish pan, two bread pans, four pie plates, frying-pan, roastlng-pan, skillet, grid dle, large spoon and fork, boiler, washboard and tub, broom and mop, bracket-lamp, window shade and door mat. "We are agents for St. Clair Stoves and Ranges The above cut correctly represents the St Clair Steel Ra'nge. Prices com mence at $27.50 and go as high as $50, according to size, we can give you a St. Clair Florence RangeCOT tli 6 holes, with high closet...- ' Guaranteed for Ten Years. COTTON FELT MATTRESSES 'When we stop to consider that on an average about one-third of our lives are spent in bed, we will readily see that the general health depends a great deal on how and under what conditions we sleep. A good night's rest on a com fortable mattress freshens us up for the morrow's work. ' A good mattress means a good sleep and good health. Mattresses that are sold exten- C f o pjf eirely at can be bought here for. 2 - CARPETS, MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS A line containing the cream of the leading mills of the world we show more patterns more different color effects more grades better qualities than any house In Oregon we Invite your careful inspection of our line and can assure you the best of service In executingyour orders. CHIFFONIER S14.00 e Special- Talues- in -fine Chiffoniers. No. 1604 PARLOR ROCKER, solid oak, Flemish or Mahogany finish, upholstered In Gobelin tapestry $6.50 ODD DRESSERS In all the fancy colored woods, largo bevel-edge French plate mirrors, elegantly finished. SU. 51Z50. $13, $15, $15.50, $18, $20 up to $100. Quality is the password. Don't buy until you see these. .1 Three Reasons Why We Give You the Best Values for Your Money "WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING AND PAY NO RENT. WE BUT IN OAR LOTS AND DISCOUNT OUR BILIiS. WE CONDUOT OUR BUSINESS ON A MINIMUM OP EXPENSE. 10 Discount This Week On All Weathered Oak Furniture MISSION DINING-ROOM Weathered Oak is the wood used. And Gadsby has complete sets, consist ing of Extension Tables, Chairs with rush or Spanish leather seats, Sideboards, China Cabinets, Serving Tables, Morris Chairs, Library Tables and Book cases. Beside the library, hall and dining-room, this type of furniture Is ad mirably adapted to the Summer home. You could leave It there season after season, because it requires so little care, owing to its plainness. The designs are copies of the handiwork of the old Jesuit fathers, with a little softening of the lines and a touch of comfort which would have delighted those old craftsmen. You will find Gadsby's entire exhibit is a most Interesting -one, and Gadsby's price on this Mission Furniture Is extremely low, and therefore within the reach of everyone. This fine Cottage Dlning-Room Suit, consisting of sideboard, 6-foot COl QA extension table and 6 chairs. Gadsby's price 4.Jjj Three-piece Parlor Suit, consisting of sofa, arm and side .chair, mahoganlzed frames, richly .finished and covered in satin damask, choice of very pretty combination colors will be sold during this CI "7 Kfi week for 1 THIS FIVE-PIECE- PARLOR SUIT $24.80 This Five-Piece Parlor Suit, upholstered in durable tapestry, all spring seats, birch fframes, mahogany finish. Easy Terms to Everybody Low Prices at Ail Times Some Special Bargains in Carpets Our display of Carpets and Rugs is unsurpassed. Bristol Velvets, Oriental designs, per yard $ 1.10 Burlington Tapestry Brus sels 1.00 Smith's Tapestry Brussels .85 Pro-Brussels, yard wide. 1.00 Extra Fine Ingrains 80 Union Ingrains .50 Cottage Ingrains .45 Inlaid Linoleum 1.60 Porter's Printed Linoleum .75 Floor Oilcloth 40 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 18.50 Brussels Rugs, 9xL0Y2... 10.00. Remnant Rugs at Great Reductions 25 Per Cent Discount on Carpet Remnants. If you have a small room hring size along and we can give yon a bargain in Remnants. Good, substantial Chamber Suits, " for everyday use; durable and well finished; bevel- T1 C Crt , ( WiUU plate glass. Chiffonier in white maple or ma hogany finish; regular price $20; special this sale $15 00 ' Of, Course, Wll Trust You Trust you for whatever you want in our store. Trust you for any amount, and give you any amount of time. If you haven't tried our "Easy Pay ment" plan, you can never appreci ate the real conveniences of a credit plan. Ours is the system you have been wanting the standard of easy payments, by which all other sys tems are guided. WILLIAM GADSBY. u H Mattings "We like to sell Mattings by the bolt of 40 yards, and will make you a reduction of 5i per yard on any pattern in the house; prices are regular linen warp, 25; cotton warp, 20 d; straw warp, 15 ; Japanese 25 $ and 20 in Chi nese Damask Matting, extra heavy. PLATE RACKS Weathered or Golden Oak 1.25 Three Reasons WHY WE CAN SELL YOU CHEAPER THAN OUR COMPET ITORS. We own our building. We owe no money. We buy direct from factories for cash. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN PIGURES. -Should think you'd hesitate to buy goods where prices were marked in secret characters. It doesn't look just right. We mark every price in plain figures. It's at Gadsby's. TAKE ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT WE'LL MAKE THE TERMS TO SUIT. the only honest method. No deception WIM. GADSBY, The House Furnisher The Largest Display of Furniture in the State CORNER WASHINGTON AND FIRST STREETS