"'4V PART THREE SPACES I7-T0 25: vol. xxni. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1904. NO. 36. ACCORDING TO HOLIDAY USAGE THE STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW LABOR DAY. Olds, Wo rtmae & King's Page -off Popttlarltie CATHKTNE COUNTISS, THE IDOL OF TWO COASTS. "ONE TOUCH OF NATURE urATTFg THE WHOU2 WORM) KIN THE OLDS, WOBX3L&X & KING STORE, THE IDEAIi MERCHANDISING ORGANIZATION OF-THE rACTFIC SLOPE. o n Crest of Popularity's Wwve, Pull in the Fla Faver-the Actress and th shlight Years ago, when the present generation was young, our forbears looked with admiration and talked with loving reverence of Mary Anderson. What American was not proud, and is not today, of "Our Mary"? The world is better today that Mary Anderson and Joseph Jefferson lived in it. They rose above and glorified their art. No one thing in this world was ever yet done that cannot be done again, and better done. Mary Anderson has passed from public life, but the good she did will not pass away, even with the mortal temple that holds the spirit which endeared her to the world. We pause today for a moment to join the glad acclaim' of welcome that rises from the banks of the laughing Willamette, that goes singing to the sea, to-the sun-kissed peaks of the heights that bear its name, welcome to a womanly woman and talented actress, who holds Portland hearts in her palm as Mary Anderson held those of all America Oathrine Counties "Our Cathrine," as Every loyal "Rose Cityite" delights to call her. 'Tis our purpose today to honor one who honors her profession and elevates it with the stainless purity, rigid truth and earnest sincerity that character izes Cathrine Countiss the actress and the woman. "A strange thing," you say, "to eulogize an actress through one's store news." Well, perhaps so, but this store does unusual things; it's a "Different Store;" it succeeds; .arid .therein comes the application. Cathrine Countiss succeeded be cause she had the inborn talent. This same God-given gift that enabled Cathrine Countiss to reach the top rung in the ladder of acting, to portray so vividly pathos or comedy, this gift of talent is possessed by this store in another line the talent of storekeeping, of reaching nearest the heart strings of the people. The success of Miss Countiss was founded on Truth, built up by Sincerity in living. As Cathrine Countiss, the woman, she has ever portrayed the noble lines of Cathrine Coun tiss, the actress. So with this store. Its builders founded on Truth and built up, stone by stone, of Sincerity. Above deceit or chicanery of every sort they have builded a temple that reaches to Confidence, and the parallels run along endlessly These two objects of public approval and affec tion stand together today, both in the limelight of Popularity. of Pybllc e Store Women's Theater Wraps . Opera Cloaks aitd Evening Toilettes The Snmmer is ended, operas and theatricals are at hand, and with the opening of the city's magnificent play houses comes thoughts of toilettes for donning it evening functions. Never has any house west of New York, itself, been better prepared to meet the exigency of a social season's open ing as this great "Home of Fashion" is now. The wonderful array of artis tic creations displayed here of TOURIST COATS EVENING WAISTS DRESS SKIRTS THEATER CLOAKS HABBIAGE WRAPS DINNER AND EVENING GOWNS Places this the great" "Style Store" of the West far away and ahead of any other house in this section of the continent as an authoritative Fash ion center. We show this week the most attractive display of women's fine wearing apparel ever shown by any house west of Chicago. Our fair prices will surely please every purse. The New Tailored Suits REPLICAS OF THE LOUIS XIV AND XV PERIODS: The Olds, Wortman &. King Store stands pre-eminently first, not only In Portland, but In all the West, In the furnishing of the better "class of Tailored Costumes for the street and we sell at prices always that Justifies prudent, dressy women to lean on this store. Fashion has lifted woman and set her In 1830 framing this season of 1904-5. Under the frame of the picturesque drawing we read of Dlreetolre Costumes, elaborately trimmed In novel effects, new In the field of the American Tailored Suit Severe styles are doomed. Chic, jaunty Vest Suits, all having skirts In all-round effect that Just skims the ground In front with back slight ly longer, all In fuller cut than formerly. Three-quarter length Coat Suits are extremely popular. Some are double-breasted In tourist effects; coats are In a length range from 27 to 45 Inches. Pecan Suits with suede vests In onion shades, ranging from champagne to dark brown. The sleeve is a prominent feature, the extreme larg leg-o'-mutton style predominat ing. In Gowns and Deml-Tallored Costumes this feature Is most emphasized. Crushed vel vet as a fabric In these latter Is at the top notch of popularity. The lines we show of these are generous and magnificent. A visit to our grand expose of new things will amply repay one for the .hours spent In admiration of them. Whether a prospective buyer or not, come up to the Grand Solons of Dress this week and have a peep Into the style box. In the Golden Autumn Days A Season of the picturesque A Hat from the house of Gage When Summer has departed comes Millinery rich with Autumnal beauty Newest Conceits aed Con j Mr fa; Authoritative Milltaers of Now ready in the Grand Salons, Second Floor. 'Tis the "Season of the Picturesque" in milli nery realms. The Fall and Winter season of 1904-5 will go down into history as quoted above. The charming chapeaux, with their tall crowns, broad brims, nodding plumes and sweeping aigrettes, are worthy the brush of a Rembrandt, Bubens or a Reynolds. As in gowns, the millinery of the present includes all that is quaint and beautiful in the past combined with the art of today. The period of fashion most influencing our own is that of Louis XVI. The extravagant fashions of the beautiful Marie Antoinette are reproduced in all their exquisite detail. Of course, Turbans will also be popular and much worn. In colors the American Beauty, greens, bronze or terra cotta, coq de roche and onion shades, ranging from champagne to dark, reddish browns, predominate, and so we might go on for 'tis a delightful tale bnt come and view the Beauty Show. The millinery chief 'and his head designer are home from New York and will hold charming at homes for our friends all week. Welcome. Representing Highest Designing Aft See Monday's evening and Tues day's morning papers for full page announcement of the Grand Opening Tuesday of Colossal September Re-arrangement Sales. '--AAA ---...,.