THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAtf, POKTLAjSD, AUGUST 28, 1904. 0?t POR SAXE REAL ESTATE. BAKER REAL ESTATE CO. Room 0, Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE. Good Income Property. 6-room house, choice location . Knob Hill lot 50x100, 52000 cash, balance on or before 3 years at 0 per cent. House and lot 100x100, room to build 3 more cottages, location Is fine; a snap at $3500. Don't fall to Bee this. Corner lot 100x100 In Knob Hill, best lo cation In city. Here Is the chance for your apartment house; $0500; $200 cash, balance to suit. Choice 6-acre tract In Oak Grove Addition. 200 feet from car-line. $800. 11-room houae arranged for two families; choice location; income $60; will sell for $7500. Everything in flrst-claas condition. EAST SIDE. Rodney Avenue. 6-room house; can be made Into 8 rooms; all new; corner lot 50x100; $2200; $1000 cash, balance 7 per cent. 5- room cottage, modern and the most corn er 1 Jhtle bome ln clt" ft 45x95 2et; west Side on Thurman st; $2800. 6- room. bath and toilet; lot 45x100 feet; nico fruit, plenty for family use; E. Salmon st-. near 39th st.; $1750; easy terms. We have lots on Ivon st., Woodstock. Tre mont Place Richmond; all on car-line; $10 down and $5 per month. BAKER REAL ESTATE CO.. Room 0, Chamber of Commerce. ? . SALE A BEAUTIFUL 4-ACRE h ?".ln cultivation, bearing orchard, small fruits; within five miles of Court house. N 44, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM HOUSE, OVERLOOK ing Fair Grounds, 32d and Vaughn sts.; very easy terms by owner. Phone East675 A SNAP NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE; MOD ern. 60S E. Ash. Must be sold by Septem ber 1 on account of sickness. $i000 IMPROVED INCOME PROPERTY, close ln. East Side; netting 10 per cent. Os born Hotel. Phone East 375. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US. CALL on us when you want to buy. Mathews & Palmer. 413 Oregonian bldg. BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE ONE 8 AND l -room Colonial house, everything modern; close In. Apply 498-E. 17th at. TASTY LITTLE 5-ROOM COTTAGE; small payment down, balance same as rent. Phone East C75. A VERY DESIRABLE 8-ROOM HOUSE; E Cth, near Prescott; same as rent. Owner, phone East 075. FOR SALE 5 ACRES CHOICE LAND IN fruit; house, barn; 12 miles out; $700. Q i, oregonian. MANUFACTURING SITE. 100x200 FEET, on railroad, Alblna, $5500; part trade. 504 Goldsmith. HOUSE AND LOT. Al LOCATION. CLOSE in, West .Sloe, by owner. Address J 50, Oregonian. A 14-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER OF FIFTH and College; only $4500 cash. 504 Gold smith st. I TASTY 5-ROOM COTTAGE; FULL LOT; barn, chicken-house; same as rent. Phone East 675. RARE BARGAIN $1000 BUYS 255 ACRES near Brownsville. F. O. Box 275, Oregon City, Or. LOVELY HOME, 21ST AND B. MAIN; PRICE $iouu; terms. Berry & Alexander, 4 jn. bin. FOR SALE LOT IN E. PORTLAND; cheap, by owner. A 44, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS 100 acres A beautiful laying piece of land; 65 acres cultivated; house, barn, or chard, nne spring water; on a good road. 12 miles southeast of Portland; to settle an estate and divide interest of heirs, will sell at a bargain. 10 acres, nice land; 8 acres cultivated; 2 acres pasture; fruits, berries; house, barn; 11 miles out on a nice road $1100. 63 acres, good land: house, barn. chard: runnlnfc water: 20 acres cultivated. balance pasture; some brush and good cord- wooa; i miles from railroad town, lamhlll county. Oregon 5160O. 160 acres, 110 acres cultivated; 6 acres in nops, nne condition; new bouse, well an lshed: fine SDrincs of water: 30 head of cat tie, 3 fino mares, 1 colt, hogs, chickens, all larmmg implements complete, do tons nay. daily mall, free phone ln house, near North Yamhill, including' the hops and all above mentioned 6500. 8 acres, nicely Improved: choice tree fruits, vineyard, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries; sice house, well finished; barn; at Oak Grove, on Oregon City car line; might trade Into city property $4500. acres, choice land, all cultivated; or Oregon City car line $1000. 1?5 acres, all" first-class soil; 103 acrer ln high state of cultivation; 22 acres timber; fine S-room bouse, nice condition; largo frame barn, with ello. smokehouse, painted; fruit drier, woodshed, workshop, 4 acres choice fruits; 1-3 mile to creamery, store, school and church; 10 miles to Vancouver, ln Clark County, Washington; one of the best farms ln the state $7500. 100 acres, 60 acres fenced; 20 acres cul tivated; 25 acres seeded to pasture; small orchard; nice stream of water: fronts on main road, mile to school, 17 miles from Portland, near Tualatin River; bargain $1800. 104 acres nearly all river bottom land, 60 acres cultivated. 40 acres pasture, 14 acres brush and timber, running water, house, barn, orchard, one of Linn County's best little farms; on account of sickness must sell; price, including personals, $3650. 518 acres, all choice land, nearly 400 acres under plow. 75 acres open grass land, bal ance oak timber, good buildings, one of Polk County's best farms, near Perrydale. 190 acres, all choice land, all cultivated, -mlle from Ballston, Polk County. 1276 acres, nearly all cultivated, 500 acres plowed and now ready for Fall cowing, bal ance ln stubble; also 640 acres, all cultivated, well-fenced, both farms well located ln Morrow County; owner must sen now; sell either or both at $15 per acre. 130 acres, 100 acres tldeland dyked, the very best of grass land: house, barn, etc.; no better dairy farm: well located, near mouth or Columbia River. 210 acres, 35 acres cultivated, SO acres slashed and ln pasture, 6 acres orchard with dryer, gooa water power, gristmill ln run nlng order, 2 large barns with about 50 tons of hay. fair house, water piped to house and oarn. 5 horses. 20 need of cattle. 2 wagons. all kinds of farm tools. 6 hogs, fine flock leghorn chickens, -mile to school, 1 mile to P. O.. aally mail; only $3500. HENKLE & BAKER. 217 Abington bldg. FARM FOR SALE. 10-acre farm near the city limits on the new line of O. W. P. Ry. Co.; 6 acres ln good cultivation, with berries of all kinds grapes, about 250 choice fruit trees on it: the other four acres are rich land, and can easily be put in cultivation; house and barn: will sell whole or part: a bargain If taken at once. Address L. S. Holm, Mllwaukie, Or.; or pnone union mi. . FOR SALE OR TRADE 640-ACRE WHEAT farm ln Lincoln County Wash. (Big Bend country), 11-miles from either Northern Pacific or Great Northern R. R. : 450 acres under plow; small house and sheds, good well; all renceo; nne wneat land. Price, $20 per acre. Would trade for good farm near Portland. Germania Land Co., 20: 2d st.. Portland. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 178 acres; 50 cultivated, house, barn, etc; fine hop land, grows anytning, sauw. $300 down buys 160 acres with small or chard; on river and rail, in Clark County can Irrigate; $600. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 2SS Washington st. V 27.O0O ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, free from the state to Fettlere. who will oar from $5 to $15 per acre to the Columbia Southern Irrigation Company for perpetual water right; for information call or address B. S. Cook, ai Aider st., Portland, Or. EXAMINE OUR FINE LIST OF FARMS IN all parts of Oregon and Washington; also small acreage near portiana s electric roads before purchasing elsewhere, or you will regret it. wewern Land uo.. lb J. Mcrrison et. TWO ADJOEs'ING FARMS. EACH 60 ACRES. Hood River Valley; one for $2600, the other siu.uuu. The latter farm has Jine improve ments, good land, creek; titles perfect. John Leaiand Henderson, Hood River, Or. 34 ACRES ON FOSTER ROAD; GOOD LAND, partially improved: 4-roora house, woodshed etc.; fine spring on elevation with big flow or water; worm investigating; $1600. Lam bert & Sargent. 404 E Alder st. 24 ACRES. FINE LAND. 23 IN CULTIVA tion; 8 miles Portland, main county road good house, barn, fine orchard, all kinds fruits, good living water, free mall. G 31 care Oregonian. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon ana Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to Wm. MacMaster. 311 Worcester block. THE RELINQUISHMENT TO ONE OF THE best 160 acres wneat iana ana Improve jnents, Klickitat Co.. Wash., yours for $150; roust sell. Box 561. Oregon City. IRRIGATED LANDS OF THE DESCHUTES Irrigation ec rower v. jur jjjmc uy a. -, Palmer." local agent. oregonian Didg FOB SALE-STOCK RANCH. 280 ACRES good house, barn, fences, etc. Address J. L. JOOVlS, OJ-Eicrmic. it FOE SALE FARMS. FOR SALE OR RENT EARLY TRUCK FARM and good orchard; one mile from Hood Kiver; plenty free irrigating water. Inquire of John Lealand Henderson, Hood River, Or. FOR SALE 2400 ACRE STOCK RANCH. south of Upper Klamath Lako ln Oregon; plenty hay. Terms $8 per acre. Mrs. P. B. Southworth, HUlsboro, Oregon. FOR SALE OR RENT FARM 200 ACRES, large barn and house, near Toledo, wasn. Apply 303 Mill. 65 acres, cultivated, furnished, modern. 8 m. E.. car. 700 Winter apples. 227 jrroni. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT-rGOOD DAIRY FARM. 7 MILES northeast Vancouver, 25o acres, lease 3 years, cash rent; renter to buy stock on place; plenty water, good buildings. Apply C E. DeLo'ng, R. F. D. No. 1, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A CULTrVATED FARM IN GOOD location to rent; must be horse, home and bam. C5 N. 3d st., city. 127-ACRE FINE HIGHLY IMPROVED farm. Associated Exchange, 2SS Washing ton st. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for imme diate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. B. Riley, 603 Chamber Commerce. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR HOMESTEAD timber claim? We also have some homestead relinquishments; cruise S,0"fO,000 feet yellow pine per claim. Hatfield & Provlnske, Mul key blk., 2d and Morrison ets. FOREST RESERVE. APPROVED. SANTA Fe. on hand, ready for location; also sol diers' additional land warrants and Sioux scrip. Maginnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg. WANTED A BUYER FOR 70-ACRE FRUIT farm. 12 acres bearing trees. Particulars write A. P. Applegate. Yoncalla. Or. FOR SALE SNAP : TIMBER CLAIM, C 000,000 feet cedar and yellow fir, near mill and railroad. G 49, Oregonian. Approved scrip; new lot agricultural or timber lands. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton. FOREST RESERVE SCRH? READY FOR immediate use. Compson, 618 Marquam. - GOOD timber land cheap, scrip for sale. iiainewe & palmer. 418 Oregonian Mag. TO TRADE TIMBER CLAIM. 3,000,000 feet, for house and lot. R 41. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 46 ACRES GOOD SOIL. PARTLY IM proved; creek, spring, house and 1000 cords wood on place: 1 miles from Oregon City Hall; trade for house ln Portland. Address R. N. Jensen, Oregon City, Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY, SKAGWAY; COST over $3000 to build; exchange for business or realty, city or country. 372 E. Oak st., Portland. TO EXCHANGE 270 ACRES GOOD STOCK ranch, for city property or acreage near city. For particulars address X 42, Ore gonian. i VALUABLE INTEREST IN OLD ESTAB llshed business, this city, to exchange for residence property. Addreea O 45, caro Ore gonian. WANTED TO TRADE A NICE RESIDENCE and 4 lots near Taooma for a photo studio. Address Box 812, Tacoma. Wash. TO EXCHANGE 00 ACRES LAND, CLOSE to the town of Klamath Falls. Will take diamonds or $300. WOULD LIKE TO TRADE FINE UPRIGHT piano for gasoline launch. Address A 40, care Oregonian. -J WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR A new $400 piano? Call or address 208 Allsky bldg. GOOD AUTOMOBILE FOR EXCHANGE Call room 204, Ablngton, or address Lock Box 470. SPEAK QUICK! TWO LOTS TO TRADE. What have you? Address Jerry, 213 4th. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO invest: $700 This amount cash, and balance on In Etallments. for East Side home. $20u0 Wants West Side home. Satisfied with small lot. $4000 For West Side business property, prospective or otherwise. Will assume a mortgage. Naturally these will have to be bargains. If you've got anything that will fill the bill, bring It ln. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. ONE ACRE LAND, WITH OR WITHOUT DUiiaings, near the city and electric car. Must be a nice view. State lowest price and location. C 51, Oregonian. i WANTED NEAR CAR LINE, SMALL UN- improved or partly improved tract. Give particulars, location and price. Address C 49, care Oregonian. WANTED RESIDENCE OF 6 TO 8 ROOMS; S 49, care Oregonian. LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP, GENERAL iana practice; our lorest reserve scrip for non-timbered lands is now ready. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOR SAXE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc FOR SALE 25 TOP DELrVERY WAGONS, grocery, launary ana miiK wagons, 1 white hearse, good as new; 2 traps. 1 hack, 1 coupe, 5 goose-neck furniture "wagons, 3 single, 2 spring trucks; 1 dead-ax truck, 2 drays. 100 other vehicles of all kinds. All goods bought, sold or exchanged; also sold on commission; no charge for storage; 25 sets double work harness; 100 saddles, 400 norse-couars. xomunson & cassiday, 211 Washington st. Phone Hood 936. PAIR OF FIRST-CLASS MATCHED SORREL horses, light manes and tails, 6 and 7 years old, weigh close to 2600 pounds; also pair of Drowns, o years old, weign 2so pounds; one pair of bays, 6 years old, weigh 2400 pounds; one bay horse suitable for delivery work, one fine saddle mare; also farm wagons. buggies, harness. Red Front Stables. 15th. just ore Washington st. Phone Main 1125 FOR SALE FINE PAIR STANDARD ored driving mares, sired Del Norte, full sisters. 6 and 7 years old, weight 2030; top ouggy, light doublo harness, three quarter buggy and single harness. Bar gain; party leaving city. 560 5th st. I BUY, SELL. RENT OR EXCHANGE horses, wagons, buggies, rubber-tire run abouts, harness, camping outfits, livery In connection. Phone Main 1125. Red Front Stables. 15th. just off Washington. SNAP-$125 BUYS BROWN HORSE. S YEARS old, weighs 1100 pounds, perfectly sound and gentie tor ladies use; nearly new top buggy and harness, whip, robe. Call 26 N. 15th St.; ass xor Mr. McKeehan's rig. NICE SPAN DRIVERS. SORREL WITH white face, 6 and 7 years; one new covered wagon. 2: work harness; cheap: one good eaaaienorse, am ana East Salmon. TEAM. BAY AND BROWN. AGE 7 AND 8, weignt auuo pounds; wagon and harness; arove rrom La Grande, camped at the cor ner Hood and Meade sts.. In grove. FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY, BUGGY ana harness, neatest little rig ln the city. central staoies, mm and Washington sts. SEVERAL SECOND-HAND GROCERY. laundry, butcher, furniture and goose neck -wagons. au stable, 7th and Stark. GOOD BUTTERMILK RIG AND ROUTE: want to go iast. See owner any day, A M., Oregon Creamer-, 100 4th st. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS BOUGHT and sold or handled on commission; free storage. Hall, 7th and Stark. FOR SALE STANDARD BRED MARE and colt, or exchange for vacant lot. Dr. Hawke. Oregonian bldg. ., ONE GOOD DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE for $27. or will trade on wagon. 313 Water st SWELL SPAN OF PONIES FINE DRIVING; a bargain. 515 E. Couch st. Phone Union 3452. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm Implements. 227 Front. LOTS OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND wagons, buggies, one horse. 49 N. 4th. st. HORSES AND WAGONS TO HUIB BY DAY, woek or month. 211 Washington. 6 HEAD OF DRAFT. HORSES FOR SALE at Montavllla Livery Barn. WORK HORSE, 1S50 pounds, $100; a bargain. At 340 Everett sL FOR SALE. Pianos. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL LUDWIG PIANO, Colonial style; ln use lew months only; party going East; cash or easy terms. Address M SO, care Oregonian. NEW. RELIABLE MAKE, WILL TRADE for real estate, or sell cheap. W 04, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. SEWTNG MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic, Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads ln oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. S. Slgel, agent, 335 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roufs. Blaterito Roofing. Co., 10 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE FINE stock of plants from private greenhouse, .Including palms, ferns, calla lilies, etc. M. 43, Oregonian. FOR SALE YOUNG. FRESH JERSEY COW and calf; gentle and kind; good milker; used to the stake. For particulars phone Union 058. BULL TERRIER BITCH PUPPIES. PRIZE puppies, prize stock, sire and dam both win ners, age 6 weeks, $20. Phone West 2324. Cornets, alto, baritone, tuba, good condition; reeds, strings, expert repairing. York Band Instrument & Music House, 104 1st. A FINE YOUNG DAIRY COW, FRESH six weeks, giving four gallons of milk; cheap If sold at once. 500 5th st. IF YOU WISH GOOD 4-FOOT LIVE FIR, oak and ash wood, go to Hoover & Conway, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4590. FOR SALE CAMERA; NEW PONY PRE mo No. 7. 5x6, cheap, or will exchange for good 4x5. S 48, Oregonian. 1 FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, Dy H. C Albee Co., 24S Grand ave. 1 BEAUTIFUL KITCHEN RANGE BRAND new, cost $40, only $10 If sold today or tomorrow; snap. 320 Hall st. FOR SALE WHITE WYANDOTTES. young or old. Mount Hood Poultry Farm, Route No. 1, Portland, Or. ELEGANT OFFICE FURNITURE. ALMOST new; great reduction If taken quick; office for rent. P 45. Oregonian. THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER PUP PIES, "pedigreed." 134 North 9th. Phono Main 1353. 7 weeks old. i FRESH COW AND CALF. FIRST HOUSE west reservoir No. 2, Section-Line Koaa, Phone Union 1448. LARGE SAFE CHEAP ALSO TOP BUGGY and new harness, $30.00. Hall Stable, cor. 7th and Stark. NOTICE TO HUNTERS FOR SALE, CHEAP. pointer pup, 7 months old. Apply 543 Tacoma ave., beiiwood. DURAND ORGAN IN GOOD CONDITION; cheap. Apply 993 Williams ave. Phone Scott 619L A COMPLTE SET OF DRUGSTORE FLv tures, ln fine condition, for sale. H 43, Oregonian. TEN SHARES STOCK, OREGON SAVINGS doiuc, tor sale at aiscounu xtoom o, nsu- ington bldg. 15 COWS AND $200 MILK ROUTE; ALL retail trade; rent $10. w. s. jonnson, Sylvan, Or. FOR SALE FINE PARLOR ORGAN TAKEN in trade; cost $100; only $20. L 51, Ore gonian. A FIRST-CLASS WHEEL CHEAP IF SOLD today; party going away. 242 Mill, cor. . 2d st. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NEARLY NEW Remington typewriter. Address L 49, Ore gonian. FINE PEDIGREED BULL TERRIER PUP- pies for sale, white or brindle. 33 N. 0th st. 1 TYPEWRITERS, all makes, at cost, from $25; ruoDer stamps, seals, etc ooast oo mi btaric IRON BEDSPRINGS AND MATTRESS. perfect, $5 complete; snap. 329 Hall st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF- Aroericans now $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE, TYPEWRITER LATEST MOD- el; Yost, new, $70. 605 McKay biag. GENTLE JERSEY COW FOR SALE BAR- galn. N. E. cor. 27th and E. Stark. 2 LARGE. FRESH COWS FOR SALE. 60S E. 21st st. Take Brooklyn car. POINTER PUPS. $10; NONE BETTER. 983 Water st., E. Bancroft ave. FOR SALE LADY'S NEW COLUMBIA wheel; cheap. 108 Sth st. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR. FOR TREATING all diseases. 4i4 Alder st. HALL SAFE. FINE CONDITION. CHEAP. 15. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. SKILLFUL SCHEME SALESMAN WANTED Retailer wine out and Is pleased; office or road position: nothing equal to It; $200 per week can be made: can be used as a very profitable Fide line; samples light and fur nished on references; correspondence conn dentlal. Address 211 Dickey bldg., Chicago. WANTED SALESMAN ACQUAINTED with notion buyers, to represent us ln the States of Washington, Oregon. Idaho and Montana; strong line, good commis sions. Address The R. R. Appleton Co., 78 Franklin st., New York City. SALESMAN WANTED FIRST-CLASS TRAV ellng salesman, who can earn $75 per week and expenses to sell widely advertised staple ln Coast territory. Permanent position .with future for right man. Address T 42, care Oregonian. FOR RENT A MODERN 2-STORY HOUSE of 6 large rooms; large basement, bath. gas. toilet-rooms on both floors; fine, healthy lo cation. 351 Rose St.. only a few blocks from steel bridge. Inquire at 373 Ross, corner Broadway. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED: TO FILL VA cancy; exceptionally good position, with old established house. Men who command large salaries, hustlers only, need apply; liberal advances. Staple line to general merchants. Box 156. Minneapolis, Minn. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMAN for Oregon to flu vacancy Sept. 1. Estab llshed Cleveland house. General mercantile trade. High commission and $25 weekly. W S-. Merle & Co.. 90 Prospect st., Cleveland, O, THE GOVERNMENT NEEDS RELIABLE, capable men In many departments; good opportunity now ror securing permanent. pleasant situations. For particulars, ad dress today, Vl 48, care Oregonian. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house: local terrl tory; salary $25 paid weekly; expense money advanced; pmvjous experience unnecessary American House. Star bldg., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR Su perior high-grade nursery stock; new and complete outfit furnished free; cash week ly; write today for choice of territory. Cap. ltal City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. ' GRANT'S PASS DISTRICT. Steam-shovel laborers, churn drillers, $2.50: cheap fare; long Job. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 N. 2d et. I FIRST-CLASS Al FURNITURE SOLICITOR, must be thoroughly practical and experi enced; good wages to right party; steady Job. Apply I. Gevurtz & Sons. Between 10 and 12 A. M. today. TRAVELING SALESMAN ONE GOOD MAN for each state. Experience unnecessary. Just hustlers. Permanent. Good pay. Liberal running expense account. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED MAN OWNING HORSE AND Cov ered wagon to eell golden egg noodles and macaroni direct to retail grocers. The Con tinental Mercantile Co., 3S0 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. WANTED-A STRONG BOY TO DRIVE WAG on and deliver packages; must be a good, caroful driver and well acquainted In the city. Apply Monday at S A. M. McAUen & McDonnell. WANTED PLASTERING WORK DONE, TO be taken ln trade. Staples, the Jeweler, 162 1st Et. WANTED FrRST-CLASS BARBER; GOOD guarantee. Address J. L. Gibson. Heppner, Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH er. Lucerne Photo Studio, Dekum bldg. BOY TO FEED PRESS: STEADY WORK. A. F. Ellis, Printer, 210 Stark st. WANTED A MAN TO WATCH A DUCK lake. - Call 427 Prescott st. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN AND WD7E, COOK AND HELPER. $100. to cook for 20 to 25 men on a farm; perma nent position year round for right couple. Extra gang foreman; free fare. 8 laborers, no experience, sawmill, $2.25. Grant's Pass, steam shovel laborers, ?250; chrap fare, long Job. East, steam shovel laborers, $2 day; com pany work, free fare. 10 laborers, shovelers, city. $2.50. 5 laborers, city, pay weekly, $2.25, 9 hours. Italian foreman and 40 Italian laborers, railroad work, free fare. Italians, section and extra gang men, $1.50; drillers, $2; free fare. Rockcrusher .laborers, $2.25. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. QUARRIES. L laborers, rockmen, loaders, chalners, etc., $2 I up; free fare, long Job, pay cash, good board and water. NOTICE. The PACIFIC COAST CONSTRUCTION CO. has secured a 46-mlle contract for new rail road building, east of the mountains, and will commence work shortly. Opportunities for sub-contractors with small team outfits, and station men; 300 day laborers wanted ln about a week; free fare. Plenty of other Jobs. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 20 North 2d St., near Burnslde. Open today, 8 to 12, 5 to 7. WANTED-MEN WHO ARB'NOT SUCCESS fully engaged ln representing wholesale tall nrim. flrm- thv vrv best wholesale tailor ing house ln mo United States will give such men an oDDortunitv to make more money the very best sample equipment, such as woolens on consignment, watches, unlimited advertising matter, etc, will be furnished; branch stores win do opened wiuiuui quiring Investment; sure : Income assured right parties;- good' salesmen will find this tneir opportunity. Aqaress x. v. Lock Box 529. Chicago, 111. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS MORE THAN 15,000 appointments last year. Chances bet ter now. Examinations soon in Portland. Circular F 1 .eivlnc list of positions, salaries. examinations, sample quartlons, etc, sent free. National Correspondence Institute, Pa cific Coast Ofllce, 027 Market st., &an itan clsco, Cal. WB SHIP TO THH HOPF1ELDS TUESDAY. Thursday and Saturday; $2 round trip; the tickets at this office; come and see us, we do I the rest. All kinds of commercial, notei ana domestic help. Eagle Employment Bureau, 204 Goodnough blk. Main 4609. BETTING COMMISSIONER WANTED MAN of good address, having wide acquaintance ln own locality, to place wagers on presidential election. Cash commission paid. Write fully giving reierence. Aaaress r. o. jwi aiuo. New York. CAN YOU SELL REAL ESTATE? GILT- edged opening, permanent employment and interest to good man with small capital. Ore gon Associated Exchange, 288 Washing ton st. method, which enables student to earn wages while learning. Call or address for free cata logue American Barber College Co., 66 N. 6th WANTED-rA FIRST-CLASS EXPERD3NCED bookkeeper; must be a good penman and quick at figures. Address, stating past ex perience and references to P 50, Oregonian. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co. School of Practical Plumbing: send for catalogue. Address 4973-5 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN TRAVELING FOR LUCRATIVE side line to country merchants. Permanent salaried position to right man. Address Manfr., Box 276. Madison Square, New York. WINTER TERM AT THE PORTLAND watchmaker School begins October 10; ap plication should be made now. For particu lars address C. H. Saake. 311 Dekum bldg. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE. COPY LET- ters, home evenings, $9.50 week. Sena ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept. S. 151. Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. I 7- MEN TO LEAKS BARBER XKAOtJ IN 8 weeks and secure profitable positions. Spe cial Inducements this month. Catalogue free. Moler System College, San Francisco, cal. $2000 INTEREST IN BEST PAYING GRO- cery store in the city, central location, can be secured by up-to-date man; money will go Into business. Address L 45, Oregonian. 4 WORK TO LET. Subcontractors with team outfits for rail road construction. HANSEN. 20 N. 2d st. YOUNG MAN LEARN BARBER TRADE; must be sober; some money required;' every-chance given right man for advance ment. X 44. oregonian. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; GOOD nay: to distribute circulars, adv. matter. tack signs, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to gro cery dealers; experience unnecessary, pur ity Co., Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE. 3 OR 4 FIRST-CLASS experienced solicitors; good salary and com missions to tho right parties. Address H 44, care Oregonian. 1000 MEN, ALL KINDS OF WORK NAME your Job: we have it. Phone Main 0U14. Canadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde and 226 Morrison. 2 CUTOFF MEN, $2.50; SASH AND DOOR stock, teamsters, $2.50; carpenter, city. $3, 8 hours. Pioneer Employment. 215 Morrison st. 1 DRAMATIC PEOPLE OF ABILITY. RE flnement, culture, both sexes; write Im mediately; references exchanged. W 47, Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY AND CAPABLE MEN CAN obtain positions they desire through us. Pa cific Commercial Bureau, Agts., "Hapgoods Inc.," Seattle. SINGERS, PIANISTS, DRAMATIC PER- formers. etc.. wanted immediately; big sal ary. Newman s vaudeville, circuit, 3i3V; wasningiqn. YOUNG MAN AS CLERK. EXPERIENCED In groceries and general merchandise; state age, experience and reference. Y 50, Oregonian. GENERAL HARDWARE AND EklPLEMENT man can secure $2500 Interest ln old estab lished firm, this city. Address M 45, care Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO BECOME A correspondent clerk: will qualify you ln your own home; big salary. Address E 30, Ore gonian. BOX TO WORK FOR TUITION: ENGLISH, penmansnip, mathematics. The Multno mah Institute. 66 6th st.. second floor. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER. CONVER- sant with mercantile business; also able to do stenography. M 44, Oregonian. Wanted Salesmen who are selling groceries to ranchers to handle our goods. Chicago &. San Francisco Grocery Co., San Francisco. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services or ai clothing salesman of ex perience. Apply before 10 A. M. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS STREET MAN to aemonstrate: good, steady Job to right party, can na south nth st. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, D1S. triDute circulars, samples, etc; good pay. sun Advertising Bureau, unicago. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED EXPERI- ence unnecessary; good pay. Emanuel Co., station j, fteir iotk sny. LEDGER CLERK IN OFFICE OF COR- poratlon; state age, experience and salary expected, a , oregonian. TWO TTT'RKT-nT.AKK TI'R'F'.RR r.nftriB a l T TO men wanted by LlVman, Wolfe & Co. Ap- piy to superintendent. WANTED ONE SALESMAN ON SALARY and 3 on commission. Apply Monday, 319 commercial diock. COLLECTOR STATE SALARY, EXPBRI- ence and Reference; bond required. B 40, care oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PLUMBERS TO worn in open auop. uraay & ohorrett. f iitoi st. FINE OPPORTUNITY- WITH RELIABLE house; good salary; begin work at once. O 48, Oregonian. WANTED BOY FROM 14 TO 17 YEARS who wishes to learn drug business. R 45, oregonian. WANTED THREE FIRST-CLASS RE- touchers. Lucerne Photograph Studio, De kum bldg. WANTED PAINTING JOB DONE TO BE taken In trade, staples, mo Jeweler, 162 1st st. LATHER WANTED ONE WHO WILL TAKE payment In trade. Staples, the Jeweler, 162 1st st. WANTED YOUNG MAN. TO DRIVE TEAM. Apply 55 East 28th, cor: Oak South, before 12 P. M. WANTED GOOD MAN TO TRAVEL FOR first-class tailoring house. 222 Abington bldg. WANTED A PRESSER ON LADIES' SUITS. 422 Wasnlxurton. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A GOOD BUTCHER. ADDRESS W. W. Irvln, Aurora, Or. WANTED CLOTHING SALESMAN. LION Clothing Co., 166 3d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE COPY- lng letters at home, evenings or spare time and return to us. No mailing or can vassing, $0 weekly earned, materials free. enclose self-addressed envelope for par ticulars. Guarantee Co., No. S. 151 Oth st., Philadelphia. Pa. "WANTED A YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED woman from the country to learn me print er s trade: must be without encumbrances and fairly educated; steady job and good wages to right party. Address Oregon Wood man, Dallas, Or. THE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYS MANY women as clerks, stenographers, etc; chances good now for Postoffice and other branches. If interested write today for particulars. B 48, care Oregonian. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KTNDS chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls, second clrls. housekeepers, house work, $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 220 Aiomson. Phone Main 1323. FIRST - CLASS SALESWOMEN FOR THE following departments: Corsets, muslin underwear. Jewelry, cloaks and suits, are wanted by Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Apply to superintendent. WANTEDTOUNG LADY WITH Busi ness experience, for reception room work ln photo studio; must have good personal appearance and be good talker. Address X 4S, Oregonian. " ALL KINDS WAITRESSES, COOKS (boarding car, $30; hotel. $25), housowork. pantry girl, Ironers, talloress, pickers. Drakcs, 203 Washington. (Men also ) WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH GOOD business ludcment for office position: stenog' rapher preferred. Address In own handwrlt- Ine k: 4H oreeoman. WANTED RESPECTABLE WOMAN, GOOD 1 annearance. under 40. housekeeper widow er, country. 230 lamhlll. Phone juiaci: 2881. Call Sunday. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters. Send stampea en velope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework, and must be a good cook; gooa wages to the right one. 701 East Burnsiae, cor. of 20th st. WANTED FIFTY GIRLS AND WOMEN AT E. Sth and Yamhill sts.: first 25 applying steady work for 2 months. Apply Oregon Packing Co. SINGERS. PIANISTS. DRAMATIC PER formers, etc.. wanted immediately: Dig sal ary. Newman's Vaudeville, Circuit, 313 Washington. PACIFIC SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY NOW running day and night tuition; reasonable terms. Room 622 Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor sts. WANTED NEAT GIRL TO DO A FEW hours' chamberwork ln exchange for good room and breakfast. The Ruby, 251 Alder st. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENE housework; 3 ln family; no washing; call after 5 P. M. 50 E. 14th, bet. Oak and Pine sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO work on plain and fancy paper boxes; also young girls to ftarn. F. C. Stettler, 74 Front st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work; sleep at home; girl to help serve dinner in exchange for dinner. io lotn. I TWO REFINED. ENERGETIC WOMEN TO travel for Northwest viavi co. ta.ii room 23, Lewis bldg., cor. Park and Morrison. WANTED YOUNG LADY WITH TASTE for art to learn book and magazine illus trating. Address L 34, Oregonian. WANTED WOMAN WITH EXECUTIVE ability to manage for wholesale nouse; must be over 25. S 3Q. oregonian. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; wages $5 a weeK. Apply oie Mississippi ave; take L car. RELIABLE FEMALE HELP WANTED AND furnished. Multnomah Bureau, room au. Washington bldg. Clay 1811. THEATRICAL COMPANY WANTS PEOPLE can use beginners or amateurs; short run. Particulars, jj 43, oregonian. SKIRTMAKERS PORTLAND SUIT AND Skirt Manufacturing Co., 386 Washington st., Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: family of three; must be good cook; good wages. 807 Lovejoy st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good wages, small family, oaii lbo East 13th, near Taylor. finnn OTRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, family of two; good wages, osi East Main, cor. 14th. TWO EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOR notions; also hosiery and unaerwear coun ters. O 51, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: family of three adults. Apply iion day, 780 Lovejoy. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: must know now to cook, inquire at 713 Washington st. NEAT GrRL, OF RESPECTABLE PARENTS to assist ln housework ana attena scnooi L 42, Oregonian. rtlRL TO DO SECOND WORK AND TAKE care of two children. Can forenoons, juj West Park st. WANTED A GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS second work; reierences required. Appiy at 835 Lovejoy st. SALESLADY EXPERIENCED FOR skirts, waists and wrapper department. N 51, Oregonian. WANTED WOMAN TO' TAKE CARE OF children ln afternoon. -'36 st. i-nona Main 2511. WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING IN small family; references. Apply mornings, 328 10th. WiXTKD-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply forenoons, en .n st. pnone Main 2752. WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. email family, azo. pnone Main 5349. WANTED A GOOIJ JJliNirlT-OOil lilltu ln private boarding house, loo sth st. Portland. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LADY FOR eewlng on umbrellas, at aw jeast Morrison st., city. COMPETENT GntL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Inquire forenoon, 2Wj 7tn st., near Madison. WANTED APPRENTICE TO LEARN 46 N. Sth st. dressmaking; small wages. GOOD WAIST HANDS. APPRENTICES Apply Sunday till 4 P. M., 420 Morrison, BRIGHT YOUNG LADY FOR SALESROOM Apply Monday, 10 to 12, Strong, 163 W. Park. WANTED A GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE work; family of three. 834 Marshall st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. 822 Johnson. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER: NOT OVER 30 years of age. A 51, Oregonian. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD cook. Apply Monday. 641 WasTiinston. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. BIG wages, small family. 425 Tillamook st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM- Ily of 3 grown persons. 246 Meade. WILLING GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework; good home. 321 6th st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 432 Market st. i WANTED PLAIN COOK FOR SMALL boarding-house. Call 443 10th st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S EMP. CO. WANTS 7 waitresses at once. 216 Allsky bldg. WANTED GOOD STITCHERS ON COATS and skirts. 422 Washington st. GIRL FOR COOKEJG AND ASSIST IN GEN- erai nouseworK. ito overton. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 345 Oak st.. cor. 7th. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 655 Hancock St.. Irvington. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SKIRT- maker. T 50. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR STORE, AGE .' 25 to 35. 345 Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must be good cook. Apply mornings, 313 13th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY COOK. Imperial Grocery-Delicatessen, 426 Washing ton st. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ACT AS night cashier ln drugstore. J 45, Oregon ian. WANTED GOOD LADIES' CLOTHES Ironers. Union Laundry Co. 2d and Colum bia. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, at once. 309 1st St., near Clay. WANTED AN ASSISTANT TO WORK IN massage parlors of 110 4th st. Room S. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO do second work. Apply at 215 St. Clair st. WANTED COOK FOR PRIVATE FAMILY. 427 Washington. TATLORESS WANTED. BIRCH ALL' S. 165 4th Hf.T.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HOPPICKERS WANTED I WILL BE AT St. Charles Hotel August 30 to engage hop pickers for my yards near Brooks, Oregon. M. L. Jones. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN FOR CITY work, big money. Call Sunday, from 4 to 6 o'clock. 124 12th st., room 6. WANTED HOPPICKERS TO PICK 224 acres. Call at 263 lamhill St., room 1. Aug. 25, 26 and 27. ICrebs Bros. WANTED MAN AND WIFE FOR FARM; wages or part wages and proceeds; refer ence. Q 42, Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK FOR A SB- iect boarding-house. Apply wasamgton at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED CLERK. SINGLE. AGE 27. wants position, city or country" have had 10 years' experience in dry goodd, clothing, fur nishings, shoes, groceries, crockery, etc. ; can handle one or all of those lines; best of ref erences. G 42, Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION, DRY . GOODS MER- chants, are you in want of man, miauie age, Chicago man, of wide experience; window decorator, advertiser. Address A 12. care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. AN EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS A Posi tion ln office; salesman, collector or man ager of some business. Good reference. . Phone Scott 50S3 or address C 44 Ore gonian WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER or office clerk by capable young man : best references and recommendations. X 45, Oregonian. MOUNT HOOD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY furnish free to you reliable help. Munger & Collins, 270 Burnslde st. Hood 1747. AN EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES Posi tion as bookkeeper or other clerical work; recommendations. II 4S. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION, MANAGER OK clerk In grocery: 12 years' experience. J. i. Wallace, 463 E. Flanders. WANTED A POSITION IN OFFICE BY young man, 17: good city rererences. Ad dress B 43, Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 7 YEARS' experience, "best references, uesires position. X 39. Oregonian. POSITION AS CLERK OF HOTEL OR large rooming-house, day or night, x 45, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY AN ALL-ROUND office man; references. X 43. Oregonian. Mlscellaneons. STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE DENTIST. MANY years experience, wishes position this city where he will have entire charge of pros thetic department of large dental office. Ad dress C. F. B.. Room 206. A. O. U. W. bldg. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE- aged. sober man. as private coaehman. Just to care of fine horses and vehicles; has five years of experience. X 40, Oregonian. BY MIDDLE-AGED. SOBER AND RELI able man. with good education on figures and estimating, and handy with tools; not afraid of hard work, xs 44. oregonian. RELIABLE MAN WITH $2500 TO GO INTO wood business; 15,000 cords stand in timber: good contract for full amoant. Addreea K 57, Oregonian. WORK WANTED FOR HOPPICKERS. dishwashers, cooks, laborers, city or camp (also Chinese.) Drake, 205 Washington. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic, harvest, farm and all kinds of help. 20S Everett- Black 992. SOBER. RELIABLE MAN DESIRES Posi tion as engineer, stationary, hoisting, or pumps; references. C 45, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK TO COOK IN saloon for lunch counter: ten wnat wages in In fast letter. N 48. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. KNOWING PLAIN COOK- ing. wants to work; please mention wages in the answers. G 45, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION IN SMALL BUSINESS; will buy interest, if aesirame. Aaaress owen Young. Arieta, Or. WANTED SITUATION AS CIRCULAR- sawyer and setter. Reply either P. o. Box 42, Palmer, Or. POSITION BY FARMER AND ORCHARD 1st of experience; also fair carpenter. B 45, Oregonian. STATIONARY ENGINEER. WITH SHOP experience, wants position. 263 Sth St.. Room 12. WANTED PLACE FOR BOY OF 14 TO work for board and go to school. E 51. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED AMALGAMATOR AND MILL man desires permanent position. G 44. Ore gonian. SITUATION FOR A BOY TO DO CHORES or errands; No. 1 references. G 51, Orego nian. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Apply 713 Powell, cor. E. 21st st. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS GENERAL housework. Q 43. Oregonian. MTUAT10N5 TVANTEO FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG WOMAN STENOGRAPHER. Ex perienced in Insurance work, desires posi tion. Address R 42, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY STENOG rapher desires position; will work for mod erate salary. N 50. Oregonian. LADY BOOKKEEPER DESIRES Posi tion. Best of city reference. 'Y 48, Ore gonian. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. CHEERFUL Dis position, wishes position as housekeeper or companion. Address R 52, Oregonian, or Phone Main 3941. . 1 WIDOW LADY WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper for widower, or would take care of rooming house. Phone Scott 892. LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS housekeeper for elderly man with means; no children. P 43, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED lady as housekeeper ln or out of city. 545 E. Oak et. Phone" Scott 790. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER; best of references. Apply 370 Union ave., room 10. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING. FAMILY SEWING, shirtwaists and suits by the day. Have taken rooms at 181 13th St., cor. Yamhill. Phone. Main 4641, Monday or evenings. Miss Cooper. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS nicely made; very reasonable; also plain sewing. 354 Salmon, cor. Park. SITUATION WANTED FASHIONABLE dressmaking by the day; children's sewing a specialty. Phone Main 4570. A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER DESIRES sewing at your homes. Phone Front 2244. WANTED BY LADY. PLAIN SEWING AT home. E 48, Oregonian. Nurses. SITUATION WANTED AS NURSE BY Ex perienced woman; sickness and kind: la dles preferred; wages. $10 week. 280 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. SCOTCH GIRL WANTS SITUATION AS nurse to look after one or two children. Apply 617 Overton st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. WANTED POSITION BY TWO SWEDISH girls as cook and second gin in same fam ily; good wages expected. Phone Hood 734. WANTED REFINED MIDDLE-AGED WOM- an, light work, gooa nome. uau -im star si. after 0 A. M., Monday, or phone Main 2900. WANTED BY GOOD GIRL. TO ASSIST IN general housework; small lamuy. can Monday after 10 A. M. 411 Couch st. WANTED PLACE FOR GIRL OF 16 TO work for board and go to scnooi. u oi. Oregonian. GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSEWORK; wages $25. 266 McMillan St., East Portland. WOMAN WANTS HOUSE WORK BY THE day; expert cleaner, ti 4o, oregonian. COLORED LADY WISHES SITUATION AS cook. 573 Raleigh st. NORWEGIAN GIRL WISHES HOUSEWORK, apply 731 Wilson st. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG GERMAN LADY (24 YEARS) seeks engagement as mistress of the house ln an eleg. ameris. house. Perf. Engl. Frenoh, singing, piano. Experience in the air of an eleg. household. Would also like to have the education of lonely children. Free journey required. Oft, u. E. D. 6870. Rudolf Mosse, Berlin, Ferusalemers Av. 46-7. WANTED POSITION AS GOVERNESS OR companion by refined college-bred young wom an qualified to teach all branches. Including music, drawing and physical culture. R 4i. Oregonian. ORDER HOPPICKERS, CHAMBERMAIDS, domestics, cooks, housekeepers, waitresses (several couples together) Phone Drake's, 205 Washington. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED AFTERNOONS would like to do light work In a private family for room and board. E 45, Ore gonian. A v POSITION WANTED BY LADY AS housekeeper or manager of rooming-house, demonstrating or traveling. Q 40, Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN WHO HAS HAD IS months" experience ln hospital would Ilka position In doctor's office. Q 4S, Oregonian. t WANTED SEWING: INFANTS' OUTFITS made; short clothes; all kinds children s sew ing; references. Address S 43, Oregonian. 1 COMPETENT WOMAN DESIRES ENGAGE- ments by day; laundering, cleaning, emer gency cooking, etc. Phono Black 2S72. LADY DESIRES POSITION AS GENERAL manager in first-class rooming-house; none others need apply. N 49, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY, SPEAKING GERMAN AND English, wishes work in doctor's ofllce; recommended. C 40, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS POSITION country hotel or city boarding-house. L. C. Houlton, Or., box C. WOMAN WANTS WORK FOR ROOM AND board; very small wages; good home. N 43, Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants work by day or half-day. Phone West 1676. A POSITION AS COMPANION, TRAVEL ing or local; ref. given R 44, Oregonian. WANTED CHILD" TO BOARD, LOVELY home, terms reasonable. A 21, Oregonian. POSITION AS OFFICE ASSISTANT OR exchange operator. A 49, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fancy ironing. Telephone Main 3740. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTBD-A LEGITIMATE OPPOR tunlty Wo want honorable men and women in every locality to represent us. Our offer will Interest-enterprising people, as It is me best money-making proposition of its kind, whether one devotes all or only spare time. Our agents meet with such remarkable suc cess because they are selling a. necessity, something people must have, and as our line offers the best inducements in price, numer ous sales are the result. We furnish an elegant sample outfit free, fully worm $6. showing samples, styles and prices of our famous Cloaks, Suits, Furs, Rain Coats, etc.. for women and children. A demand exists everywhere for these goods, due to the lib eral advertising, and as we pay generously, the position Is highly profitable. No capital Is needed; no stock to carry. Get In business for yourself. Send for free booklet No. 117 for full particulars. Edward B. Grossman & Co.. 172 State et., Chicago. ATTENTION. LADIES! WE CAN OFFER every lady in the United States me most attractive proposition for Increasing their in comes at home, and without Interfering with present duties, ever presented to the public. Positively no canvassing, or fake, and en tirely new. Indorsed by the late Queen of England. Sample and full instructions for 10 cents and stamped envelope. Money re turned if not fully satisfied. Howe Specialty Co.. Burnslde bldg.. Worcester. Mass. SALESMAN WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY in Oregon, California and Nevada; new and complete outfit furnished free. Com mission advanced weekly on orders; our lo cation in the famous Yakima Valley, Wash.. Insures the production of clean, thrifty, hardy, well matured nursery stock; give reference and state preference " of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. $8000 YEARLY POSITIVELY MADE INTRO duclng and appointing sub-agents for our just patented Fire Extinguishers. Wills. Clntl.. made $S0O one week. Experience unnecessary- We give agents exclusive terri tory, co-operate with them ln every way, ex tend crsdlt and offer grand opportunity to secure a fortune. Eagle Tool Co.. 183. Cin cinnati. O. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock; liberal commission; cash advanced on receipt of orders; outfit free; experience and capital unnecessary If you have push and energy. A few choice fields still open In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Write Immediately before they ara assigned. Chico Nursery Co.. Chico, Cal. AGENTS DROP EVERYTHING, "TEDDY'S Teeth" beat9 buttons, badges, photos. Makes more noise man a horn. $10 a day easy. Samples 10c. Territory given. Teddy's Teeth. Chicago. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $25 weekly should get our catalogue and terms. We start you and make you Independent. Outfit prepaid. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. MONEY IN SOAP SOMETHING NEW; MEN and women In city or country" are easily earning $5 to $15 dally. Write today, parser Chemical Co.. OS Market St.. Chicago. AGENTS. PEDDLERS. STREET MEN FOR all kinds of novelties, shell rings, stamped solid gold cigars, jewelry, souvenirs, cam paign goods. 315 Commercial block. OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 PER DAY FIT tlng glasses; our 2t-p. Free Eye Book tells all about It. Write Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place. Jackson, Mich. GRAND OPPORTUNITY GENERAL COUN ty agents, sell both towns and country: new plan, big profits. The Manufacturers" Coast Agency. Portland. Or. $100 IN 4 DAYS IS RECORD OF AGT. SELL ing changeable show cards. Exclusive terri tory. Sample 50c National Signs, 2819 Gold en Gate ave., San Francisco. AGENTS BIG MONEY NEXT TWO MONTHS selling campaign buttons and badges. Write today. National Badge & Button Co., 43 La Salle st.. Chicago. $S5 PER WEEK SURE SELLING OUR NEW patents. Free samples guaranteed agents an swering this advertisement. Braham Co., 2tS5 Cincinnati. O. 1 WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO sell one of the best and fastest sellers on the market. Call 175 South 11th St.. upstairs. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SOLICI tors; salary- Call at office, St. Charles Hotel. 10 A M. G. W. Popp. WANTED LADY AGENTS; GOOD WAGES. Call Monday after 0 A. M., 1S8 Park st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. BY YOUNG COUPLE. TO RENT a well furnished 6 or 7-room cottage; must be convenient to car line; will be permanent If satisfactory; state particulars in full. Ad dress O. B.. Box 624. Portland. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE COMPLETE of 5 or 6 rooms, by middle of October for 3 months. East or West Side; responsible party; no children. Answer 221 Morrison, room 19. YOUNG COUPLE. NO CHILDREN, WISH board and room ln private family; must be reasonable. F 40. Oregonian. 1 MARRIED LADY. WITH HUSBAND. WILL care for small furnished house for rentt of two living rooms. Phone Main 1078.