The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    t '
A Carnival of Bargains at The Meier Frank Store
Visit the "Big Store" this week If yon wont to share In the grandest bargain feast we have ever prepared From Basement to Garret we've picked the choicest hi SeosonaMe nd Staple Merchandise and made price
redactions that will delight even those who know ns best. This store always plans to do things a little better than anyone else whether its offering the best Merchandise for the least money or giving something for
nothing It never goes half way Instead goes one better. A Metropolitan Store of conservative methods which always gives the best valnes in the best Merchandise and gives yon choice from larger varieties
than all other local dry goods stores combined That's the store to bny at. We fill Mail Orders for advertised lines as long as the Special Lots hold oat. T
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit House
1 8 Silk Shirtwaist Suits $ 1 1 M.
Seventy handsome Silk Shirtwaist Suits A
prominent New York manufacturer's stock
on hand All new, this season's styles in
Taffetas and Foulards Fancy effects in bine,
brown, green, black and white figured
Splendid variety to select from and all sizes
Regular $18.00 values for this sale $1 1.85
Tailored Suits, Walk
ing and Dress Styles,
Prices are Cut in Two
Three great lots of Ladies' Walking and
Dress Suits This season's leading styles and
materials in etons, blouses and jacket styles Fancy braid and button
trimmedSkirts plain, flareand pleated All the best materials and
designs All sizes Best values of the season.
$20.00 and $22.00 Suits for $13.45 Each
. mfi&k
$26.00 and $28.00 Suits for $17.85 Each
$32.00 and $34.00 Suits for $22.65 Each
Ladies' $5.00 and $5.50 "Wash Silk "Waists, tacks, lace and mpdallion trimmed, -white and black, new,
attractive styles in all sizes regular $5.00 and $5.50 values for
50 dozen Ladies' Cotton "Waists, linen lawns and organdies trimmed in lace, embroidery and fine tucks,
also embroidered linens, beautiful styles; regular $6.50 values, for this sale
$ 1 2.50 Silk Petticoats Only $9.45 Each
For Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday, 100 magnificent Silk Petticoats, finest quality taffeta silk, accordion pleating,
ruchmg and ruffles deep corded flounce, very best styles in all colors and black. Petticoats other
stores ask $14.00 and $15.00 for; regularly; our special lo.w -price for three days only is, each
"Rogers Bros.' " Music 15c Copy
All the popular hits from "Rogers Bros, in London," which ap
pears at the Marquam Grand next Friday and Saturday, will be on
sale in our Sheet Music department (second floor) tomorrow, at 15c
a copy. A few of them are:
"By the Sycamore Tree."
"American Beauty."
"It's Awfully Hard to Shop."
"In Gay New York."
"Queen of the Bungalow."
"Simple Sue."
"You'll Be a Friend of Mine
"Mr. Breezy Was an Easy Mark."
"The Coster's Holiday."
Great Trunk Sale
Manufacturers' sample line of all kinds of Trunks for men and wo
men suit trunks, steamer trunks, skirt trunks. World's Fair trunks,
etc., all at low prices.
$7.00 Trunks for $5.27
"$10.00 Trunks for $ 7.25
$11.00 Trunks for $ 7.9S
$14.50 Trunks for $10.37
$15.00 Trunks for $11.53
$9.25 Steamer Trunks $ 7.23
$10.50 Steamer Trunks $ S.15
$10.75 Steamer Trunks $ 8.25
I $17-$17.50 Trunks for $12.15
$18.00 Trunks for $13.00
$20.00 Trunk3 for $14.65
$26.50 Trunks for $18.75
$30.00 Trunks for $21.00
$14.00 Steamer Trunks $10.35
$22.00 Steamer Trunks $16.35
1 2,000 Prs. Women's 50c, 75c Hosiery 33c
Portland's greatest Hosiery Sale starts here tomorrow morning at Q o'clock
A stupendous pnrchaseof 8000 pairs from a prominent Chemnitz, Germany,
mannfactnrer and 4000 pairs of the well-known "Onyx" Hose from Messrs.
Lord &. Taylor, America's greatest hosiery importers Ail new, perfect goods
HermsdorfDye All Sizes Immense variety-of styles, including all-over
lace effects in hundreds of the best patterns, Lace Boot effects, English Opera
Hose, Embroidered Novelties Every pair new, tjhSs season's
styles-Regular valnes 50c, 60cand'?5c a pair Yon can't.
go amiss in supplying yonr hosiery needs for many months
to come at the remarkably low nrice of, per pair.
On sale in the Main Aisle Fifth-Street to elevators. See Big Fifth-Street
Window Display. It will give you some idea of the splendid values.
"LA GRECQUE CORSETS," NEW MODELS. Just reeeived, new models in "La
Grecque Corsets, a French Corset for American figures styles that fit the figure like
a glove fits the hand. "La Grecque" Tailored Undermuslins sole Portland agents.
Great Carpet Sale
Carpets and Rugs greatly under-priced for third week
of the "May Sales." Some extraordinary values to
interest people who want good Floor Coverings
for spare rooms, servants' rooms or for the Summer
or Coast cottage. Take Elevator Third Floor.
75c Ingrains 57c
3500 yards of Non
pareil Ingrains, ex
tra heavy quality,
Brussels designs,
rich colorings, six
patterns to choose
from; regular 75c
value, sewed, laid
lined for the low
price of, yd 57c
Bath-Room Rugs
500 Japanese Bath
Room Rugs, attrac
tive, serviceable
styles in the "best
patterns and colorings
$3.00 kind, 30 in. by 60 in., reduced to, each 1.98
$3.50 kind, 36 in. by 72 in., reduced to, each. . . , 2.45
Remnant sale of short ends of Carpets, about 25 pieces,
lengths suitable for small rooms, all qualities, best styles, 25
per cent off regular prices in the lot are Axminsters, "Vel
vets, Brussels and Ingrains value extraordinary (3d floor).
Boys' Clothing Sale
Another Great Sale of Wash Suits and Kilts for boys The
season's very best styles and materials and priced unusually low
right at a time when the weather conditions demand that the
boys have cool apparel to wear.
"Washable Kilts in pink and blue
striped percale,-white P. K. collar,
belt and cuffs, ages 2 to 4 o
years; regular $1 values..' OJC
Boys' Washable Kilt Suits in crash
with red or blue duck trimming,
also white braid trimming, also
pink Madras, stjdes with white P.
K. Eton collar and cuffs, jv'
ages 2 to 4; $1.25 value. . . -?OC
All $1.50 Wash Kilts re- d y
duced to, each v &
All $1.75 "Wash Kilts re- j i a r
duced to, each v TrJ
All $2.00 Wash Kilts re- tf -
duced to, each P
Boys' Washable Suits in crash, plain
and striped ducks, com- i i
bination collar and shield, ages 3 to 10 years, $1.50 values.? $
Boys' Washable Suits in crash and ducks, blue stripes, wj11 A'ir
made, ages 3 to 10 years; regular $1.00 values, for this sale 02C
Boys' $1.25 Wasbable Suits in plain crash, dark blue and pink qo
striped duck, ages 3 to 10 years; elegant value at, suit OC
AH $1.75 Wash Suits, all ages, at S1.45
All $2.00 Wash Suits, all ages, at Sl.65
All $2.50 Wash Suits, all ages, at x .$1.98
All $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Suits reduced in same proportions.
All Washable Russian Blouse Suits at reduced prices.
Laces and Embroideries
"Dolly Yarden" Chiffons, dainty for trimming Summer tf yf
gowns, very best patterns and colorings, $1.50-$1.75 values V $
White, cream and ecru Yenise and Cluny Alio vers; all our d 9
best $2.00 values, for this sale only at, yd P
3000 yards of Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries and Inser
tions, 2 to 5 inches wide, daintiest designs, great value. . . .
Bargains in. the Basement
Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets at extraordinary low prices
Bargains in Jardhv.ers and Lemonade Sets Basement.
Yery best white English semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, neat m jt
shapes, special values, 60-piece set, $4.49; 100-piece set. .v
Decorated semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, decorated in gold and pink flow-ers-60-piece,
$8.00 value, $6.28; 100-piece, $12.00 value, $9.98.
White German China Dinner Sets 60-piece, $12.00 value, $9.67- 100
piece, $17.00 value, $13.89.
10-piece Decorated Toilet Sets, great value $2.49
Odd pieces of Toilet Sets at less than cost
6-inch glazed Jardiniers, 40c value, 31; 65c-75c values, 59.
$1.00 Colored Lemonade Sets for ." .. . .79
Six (6) Free Trips to the St. Louis Fair and
Return All Expenses Paid
Commencing tomorrow, the Meier & Frank Store will give one vote with each 25c purchase ; two with
a 50c purchase, and so on, to those who desire to help along the candidates who enter in the Free World's
Fair Trip Contests, the details of which are as follows :
jmg m "J J1- -Liuuis aiiu iciiuii culuci ur e-vpeube .u me iwu memueis ieutjivuijj me largest
A !11S vote an belonging to any labor or fraternal organization in the city. All trade unions, all
fraternal and business organizations are eligible. -
to St. Louis and return entirely free of expense to the two school principals or teachers
I JJOS receiving the largest vote. Public, private and parochial school instructors cari enter
the race.
m to St. Louis and return entirely free of expense to .two persons employed in retail or
Jl I10S wholesale mercantile establishments or offices receiving the largest vote. Clerks, cash-
5 iers, bookkeepers, stenographers, etc., etc.. can enter this contest.
First-Class Round-Trip Ticket and One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) in Gold Given to Each Winner
fv The six winners will each receive a flrst-
I fi 6 class round-trip ticket to St. Louis and return
m w and $100.00 in gold, which is more than suf-
flcient to pay all expenses.
TV11 Winners can go during August. September
L 1 I&Ja or October. This is for each' to decide. It makes
no difference to us.
Itemized, the cost will probably be as follows:
Railroad ticket, first-class . $ 07.50
Standard Pullman double-berth, 114.00 each way 2S.00
Dining-car meals, 9 meals each way 1S.00
Hotel, 10 days, $3.00 a day 30.00
Ten admissions to Fair Grounds, 50c each admission.. 5.00
Hotel and traveling tips, about O.00
Souvenirs, theaters, "the Pike," etc. 10.00
Total $107.50
Contest begins Monday, May 16, and ends
1 fl6 on Saturday night, August 6, at 9:30. All
" votes must be deposited by the night of
August 6.
One vote with each 25c purchase two
with a 50c purchase three with a 75c pur
chase four with a dollar purchase, and so
Votes can be secured by presenting your duplicate checks
at the ballot booth, main floor, near elevators, where is also
located an immense ballot box.
When filling in ballots, write name in full and- the organ
ization the candidate belongs to or vocation followed.
Votes will be counted dally by responsible parties. Total
vote to be counted by representative citizens.
Standing of the leading contestants will be advertised in
The Oregonian every morning.
$MylrV Ribbons for less than the cost to produce 900 bolts f?J31 yv,
itSifiSff'T ArffTDl immuocu i a U1& icuuiuuu wmsjsmm ytiuca Hum "CjJL&YTZS-zf
purchased at a big reduction from regular prices from
a large Paterson (N. J.) mill All widths, all the leading
shades, very best qualities. Carefully note the low prices quoted for this interesting event
.Liberty Satin Ribbons, very best qual
ity 15 shades.
No. 3 width at, yard... 7c
No. 5 width at, yard 10c
No. 7 width at, yard 14c
No. 9 width at, yard 17c
No. 16 width at, yard 21c
No. 22 width at, yard 31c .
No. 30 width at, yard 34c
No. 40 width at, yard 37c
No. 50 width at. yard 43c
Satin Taffetas, best quality, all wldtns,
every desirable color.
No. Vi width at, yard 4c
No. 2 width at, yard 5c
No. 3 width at, yard 7c
No. 5 width at, yard 9c
No. 7 width at, yard 12c
No. 9 width at, yard 15c
No. 12 width at. yard ISc
No. 16 width at, yard 21c
No. 22 width at. yard 2Sc
No. 30 width at. yard 33c
No. 40 width at, yard 37c
No. 50 width at, yard 43c
5-inch width at, yard 47c
All-silk Taffeta Ribbons, best grades.
W. widths, all colors.
No. 2 width at, yard 4c
No. 3 width at. yard 5c
No. 5 width at. yard 7c
No. 7 width at, yard Sc
No. 9 width at, yard 10c
No. 12, width at, yard 12c
No. 16 width at, yard isc
No. 22 width at, yard 17C
No. 40 width at, yard 21c
5-lnch width at, yard 27c
2 cans of Preferred Stock or Royal
Club Tomatoes 25c
2 1-lb. cans Blue Ribbon Oysters 25c
1 can Hickmotts Asparagus 25c
Royal Salad Dressing, large 40c
Jell-o, 3 packages for 25c
1-lb. jar Llbby Sliced Beef 25c
Germea. per package 23c
3 cans Tomatoes 25c
2 1-lb. cans Corn Beef 25c
3 packages Saratoga Chips 25c
Sapollo, cake 7c
2 packages Grape Nuts.. 25c
2 packages Force or Malta Vita 25c
5-lb. box Domino Sugar 55c
1 2-lb. can Pineapple , 15c
5-lb package Gloss Starch 25c
1 lb. Ghlradelll's Chocolate 30c
Fig Prune or Postum 20c
Eagle Milk, can isc
Quart C. & B. Lucca Oil 63c
1 box Stuffed Dates 25c
1-lb. basket "Washed Figs 25c
3 cans Pioneer Cream 25c
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
1-lb. can Shrimps ioc
Preferred Stock Pears 15c
Great Silk Sale
Only Silks of thor
oughly dependable
qualities are includ
ed in this sale. Silks
you can buy with
the satisfaction of
knowing that they
are best in style and
wearing qualities
Good Silks in the
leading colors and
designs and priced
at the lowest point
of the year.
10,000 yards of guaranteed Taffeta Silks in black, white
and.a variety of 70 shades, the best quality we could find
to sell regularly at $1.00 per yard. This sale only 83c yard.
Just the quality you want for the new silk shirtwaist suit.
All colors, remember.
3000 yards of fine quality "Wash Taffeta Silk in all leading
shades, black and white ; the regular 75c grade pq
is offered for this sale at the low price of, yd 3C
$1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 Silk Shirtwaist Suitings in new,
natty effects; this season's leading styles and colorings;
many of our best $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 o C
values ; for this sale at, yd OC
$1.00 Checked Silks for Shirtwaist Suits, yd 73
All $1.00 Foulard Silks in 50 styles, leading de- J?
signs, best $1.00 values, reduced to. vd C
All $1.25 Foulards this season's best styles, for
this sale reduced to the low price of, yd.-
For Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday only, we of
fer 1 OOP pairs of women's
Oxfords arid Blucher Ox
fords in heavy and light
so!es,patent coltand patent
kid, also vici kid, all new,
this season's very best
$3 values in all sizes and
widths at a price actually
below the cost of manu
facturing Chance to buy
your Summer's foot
wear at a big saving
$1.92 a Pair
Tan Shoes for women all the latest styles.
Just received by express, 500 pairs of Men's Tan Ox
fords, for which many of th'e store's friends have been
Wash Goods Bargains
Fancy striped, figured and plain Papillon Cloth for Summer dresses,
cool, serviceable material, selling regular at 20c per yard. Big ijo
variety. Sale price, yard ,&OC
15c and 20cc fancy Organdies, Batistes and Lawns. Very best 1o
styles in immense variety. Sale price only, yard IH'
40c. 45c and 50c fancy imported French Organdies. Batistes and 2"
Topaz Silk novelties. Great special values at, yard O
Choice of all our 50c fancy White Walstlngs. This season's best AOr
styles in sheer and medium weights at the low price of, yard....
Sale of Lace Curtains
The Union Lace Curtain Mill of f
Philadelphia recently liqui
dated their business. We
purchased SOOpairs of Arabian
Lace Curtains from them at
about 50 Per Cent less than
real value and you are going
to have them at the same dis
count. Patrons of this store
always share in any good luck
that may come, our way.
7.50 VALUES $3.95 PAIR
Arabian Lace Curtains, cable nets with plain centers, borders and In
sertions in Arabian color only. Also some white and ecru $2 rc
Net Curtains with designs In Battenberg braid, pair JpO.yO
$9.00 and $9.50 Arabian Lace Curtains, cable nets, with floral and scroll
borders and Insertlngs. All this year's styles. qc qc
$9.00. $9.50 values, pair -pJ.CO
Corded Arabian Lace Curtains. Very best materials and de- jq nc
signs. Values up to $15. For this sale only, pair O.yO
Ladies9 Underwear Specials
Ladles' "Aretex" cotton mesh Union Suits, long sleeves, all fci An
sizes, $2.75 values for, suit .3tI.Tt7
Ladies' Richelieu Ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeveless; pink, blue 2
or white, all sizes. Great special values at, each OlC
Ladie3 Mercerized Cotton Mesh, Lace Trimmed Umbrella n
Pants. All sizes. The regular $1.00 values for OyC