The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1904, PART THREE, Image 17

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TSO: 20.
EJfP1 1 o5 Home of Quality aniFashion. Largest Daylight Store in the Northwest. The "Different Store." Portland's Best Sort o' Shop. f8u
wSSwSml OfnewCarpets, llBMlQIlAjLfcJ X T j f i A A " ASJJllM5l Is almost an ab- W M If J
vEmi&MWf Linoleums, Hat- 9BlffPVF X wM K WW T V MMplSSL solute necessity I K ( 0$P($WM
WMfmmMi lowest prices Machine is the liBntfl P ftWsMlM
PPfW SS!84 Fourth Leading Mail-Order House in Northwest. All orders by mail or. 'phone promptly Med by careful, expert shoppers. Jer" J ill1!? Slr
LnT . !.. ! " -" " vMPv UI J , .T- V C7
I Couch covers. soia at &Dt NSJ ' t . "0 vjW
nan me agency n. -.-- - jyy'fc' i
orlce. Fourth f.l cV
floor. sfflSSS
Lnl . aV
Handsome Brussels
Lace Curtains
Pourtli Floor.
As a special fourth-floor feature of the grand
SALE we've selected a lot of very handsome Lace
Curtains in Brussels effects, 2y2 yards long, 54
and 60-inch widths, usual 2.50 values, and marked
them for the week $1.65
New Summer Hammocks 65 to $6.00
THE grand Original Educational Con-
test Sole opens at this store tomorrow ::: :::
As stated in last Friday's morning paper, and borne on every tongue, from lip to lip, the theme in every home and school, the one
topic talked of in stores, shops, factories and on the street, since the news was printed OLDS, W0RTMAN & KING will send three of
THIS SUMMER! The news spread like wildfire and sprang with a bound into public favor, to such an extent that our example has
been followed by houses of lesser importance already and, we trust, may be by others ere long, for the idea is splendid, and we are glad
to again serve as leaders for slower stores to follow in the cause of the public good. During the progress of this great contest, inaug
urated in the educational interests of Portland's boys and girls, and through them, the elders, the same grand matchless values will be
given and the bargain game will wax hotter than ever. Honest, superlative qualities will be offered at unparalleled opportunity prices
to fortunate buyers. We're starting now to clear the decks for the dismantling soon to follow when the walls come down between
the "Old Homestead Store" and her newest child the Sixth-street Annex. Every selling record will be beaten and a pace set in mer
chandising that will be killing to the competition of "PORTLAND'S BEST" CONGRESS STORE.
$10 Go-Carts -t ?
for onlv n vKJ
Fourth Floor.
A special feature that must interest new mammas
in our grand Educational-Exposition contest.
, We've selected the hest $10 Bahy Go-Carts in the
store, those with reed bodies, automobile gear,
patent anti-friction wheel fasteners, cushion rub
ber tires on wheels, adjustable back and foot-rest
and foot-brakes all complete with cushion and
parasol, this week only at $7.65
THE bargain broom starts on topmost floor and sweeps thro' every department, clean to the doors-this
Educational-Exposition Sale! For additional bargains in other departments see Monday Oregonian
OW the three fortunate teachers in the
ORIGINAL Educational Contest will be chosen:
STARTING TOMORROW MORNING we shall give with every purchase amounting to 25c, a coupon with
place for name of teacher and school over which he or she presides. Ballot boxes will be conveniently placed
on every floor, near the entrances, three on the first floor and one each on each upper floor; pencils will be pro
vided. Upon these slips you may write the name of your favorite teacher whom you would prefer enjoying
the trip, and drop the slip into the ballot boxes provided. Each day they will be. counted and the count verified
by a representative of one of the Portland newspapers, the result will be announced daily in our advertise
ments UNTIL THE CONTEST CLOSES AT 6 P. M. OF SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, when the count will be
again verified by a committee of prominent citizens and the award made to the three whose names have received
the most votes.
The trip includes every expense paid including first-class tickets with Pullman sleeper both ways, expenses
at first-class hotel for ten days and entrance tickets to Exposition grounds for ten days and all expenses, going
and coming from the time the teacher leaves home until his or her return. All schools are included, public,
private or parocnial ana all teachers from kindergarten to ,-incipals. A coupon given with every 25c purchase,
four with s?l.oo purchase, 40 with 10.00 purchase, and so on. Cash and credit customers alike. This "Old
Homestead Store never discriminates, but is equally thankful for the patronage of all.
Have you moved yet? 'Going to? At any rate
there's surely something broken or missing from
among the every-day things that go to make up
housefurnishings. Good "buy" time now.
Everything among the housefurnishings on
third floor at special prices for the great sale this
All the "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges at special
sale prices. .
Blue-Flame Cook Stoves at sale prices 2-burner
stoves $4.05
COAL OIL STOVES 1-burner 3SS 2-burner 76
Buy the Summer Camping outfits now.
8-Quart Granite Iron Teakettles 65
S-Pint Pudding Pan, Granite Iron 14
2-Quart Coffee Pot, Granite Iron 32
6-Quart Tin Sprinkler 24
J Dustpans 5
Asbestos Salt Holders 4
J Ironing Wax, package 1
LAWN MOWERS. 14-inch, cood duality, easy run
ning, brass bearings, durable and quick
cutting $2.70
White Habitui Wash Silks
Just as the warm weather approaches reduced
sharply in price.
Regular GOc quality, 27 inches wide, reduced to 45
Regular 65c quality, 27 inches wide, reduced to 49
Regular 85c quality, 27 inches wide, reduced to 59
Regular $1.00 quality, 27 in. wide, reduced to 75
Regular $1.25 quality, 27 in. wide, reduced to S2
Regular $1.50 quality, 27 in. wide, reduced to 97c
Regular 85c quality, S6 in. wide, reduced to 59
Regular $1.25 quality, 36 in. wide, reduced to S2p
Regular $1.50 quality, 36 in. wide, reduced to 97c
Regular $1.75 quality, 36 in. wide, reduced to $1.23
1.25 and $1.00 Fancy Silks for Shirtwaist Suits,
Fancy Waists and Skirts, all new, pretty, shimmer
ing silk in neat checks, stripes and boutonne
effects all the new colorings to select from.
Special May sale, for this week 69
Crash in Suit Prices!
A sweeping slaughter sale of Women's Suits
opens here Monday, to last three days
HOLOCAUST, with the bare exception of
Silk Shirtwaist Suits. Descriptions would
be waste, suffice to say we place every
suit of every sort, walking, dress and even
ing styles, the one above exception only, on
the altar of sacrifice for one grand three
day bargain scramble. First come, first
served. Extra salespeople in attendance
and all possible will be done to handle the
crowds and wait upon- all with the usual
care for which this house is noted. From
bottom to top the prices have been mas
sacred this way
All $12.50 to $18.50 suits for. . . .$ 9.S5
All $20.00 to $28.50 suits for $15.95
All $32.50 to $38.50 suits for. .: .$22.80
All $42.50 to $50.00 suits for $31.90
All $55.00 to $68.50 suits for. . . .$39.65
All $75.00 to 100.00 suits for. . $52.50
All $135.00 to $175.00 suits for.. $89.95
All $200.00 to $300.00 suits for $149.50
To further strengthen our reputation
as leaders in local garment circles, we've
added an exclusive line of dainty, mag
nificent, fancy evening waists NO TWO
ALIKE to the week's offerings. Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday only we
place on sale a line of exclusive patterns in handsome waists of chiffon,
crepe de chene, all-over lace, fancy nets, peau de cygnes and Japanese silks,
handsomely trimmed with hand-made lace and embroideries; colors em
brace white, black, lavender, light blue, gray, pink, champagnes, etc
All the swellest and daintiest of the season's creations for evening wear.
The prices have been reduced to this extent
$18.50 Waists for $12.95 32.50 Waists for $22.90
$20.00 Waists for $13.50 35.00 Waists for $25.68
$22.50 Waists Tor $15.98 $38.50 Waists for $27.98
25.00 Waists for $17.85 42.50 Waists for $29.80
$28.50 Waists for $19.95 45.00 Waists for $32.70
30.00 Waists for $20.75
Magnificent MiJImery
Second Floor Salons.
The accompanying cut illus
trates the new "Lewis and
Clark Exposition' ' Sailor. This
novel, jaunty Sailor is original
with us and has not only sprung
into instant favor locally, but
has been copied, extensively
East. Some local stores have
copied the name but have failed
miserably on the stylish lines
which go to make upthe beauty
of this charming Summer favor
ite for 1904. It's so practical it
may be worn on nearly all oc
casions by dressy women, either
for street wear or dress func
tions. They have a dash entirely
their own, becoming to almost
every face. We've fixed a popu
lar price upon them of $6.00
they're well worth 7.50.
MONDAY All the French beauties, Connelly turbans and ex
clusive models from our own matchless workrooms and designer's
hands are included in the wholesale reduction. Not a hat but what's
worth the original price marked upon it, -but Mid-Summer stocks are
on the way and room must be made. Tcs'e sweeping reductions will
clear the cases at double-auick pace. Choose from any of these aristo
New lines popular Gage Hats open Monday morning. This line includes
the jaunty, dashing new Sailors for the Summer girl, and genteel
Turbans for women new tailored hats just in at
$1.98, $2.49 and $2.98
The Bargain Broom Gets
to the First Floor
a clea:; sweep of the annex planned-lowest prices
yet quoted for the educational exposition sale.
Fashion's latest weaves in high-grade Dress Fabrics suitable for
Shirtwaist Suits, Tailored Suits and Dressy Costumes; the largest col
lection of beautiful, serviceable fabrics to be found anywhere west of
Regular 2.50 a yard Crepe Twine Voile reduced to $1.49
Regular 2.50 a yard French Novelty Tweed Suiting, reduced to $1.49
Regular 2.50 a yard French two-toned Mistral Etamine $1.49
Regular 2.50 yd. French Illuminated Lattice Voile, reduced to $1.49
Regular 2.25 a yard English Boutonne Mohair reduced to $1.49
Regular 2.25 a yard English Fine Covert Suiting reduced to. . .$1.49
Regular 2.25 a yard Scotch Hard Twisted Tweeds reduced to.. $1.49
Regular 2.25 a yard Flecked Scotch Tailor Suiting reduced to. .$1.49
Regular $1.50 a yard Illuminated Etamine reduced 99
Regular $1.50 a yard Lattice Etamine reduced to 99
Regular S1.50 a yard Eluminated Monair Voile reduced to 99
Regular $1.50 a yard Boutonne London Twine reduced to 99
Regular 1.50 a yard Twine Etamine reduced to 99
These come in the following colors navys, modes, grays, greens,
tans, browns, pearl gray and champagne.
46 pieces of the newest weaves and colorings for swell street, house
and calling gowns, all silk and wool, chiffon voiles, crepe de chenes
and eolienes, with beautiful rich finish and very soft and clingy;
colors are champagne, pearl and oyster gray, tans, modes, browns,
royal biscuit, reseda and navy our regular 1.50 a yard quality,
reduced this week to .97
Undermuslin Specials
The Annex Second Floor.
Ladies' fine Muslin Gowns, V-shaped neck, yoke of I
two rows of 1-inch embroidery insertion, between 1 m
four clusters of seven tucks each lVfe-inch, em- U i
broidery edging at yoke, neck and sleeves regular
price 1.75, special this week at $1.19 ft
Ladies' fine Cambric Gown, in cassock or slipover- 3 M
gown style, round yoke with buttonholes for draw
ribbon, pretty embroidered designs, hemstitching,
Valenciennes lace edging, lawn ruffle and same lace
edging at sleeves regular price 1.25, special this
week at 97
Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, made of fine cambric,
trimmed with two rows of Valenciennes lace in-
uwAwiwxi, uw wiuuoio ojju. JJjuojjcu. mtu 1UI.O ,
edging regular price 1.00, special this week 69
Jjoiura j-fia.vtcj.ij jjuduc ui uuxs uuiiiuiiu, uiuobcx Ui. ilVO
xucus, o-incn rume oi nne ouna emoroiaery regu-I
lar price 85c, special this week at 57
Corset Covers of fine nainsook, round yoke of em
broidery between two rows of Valenciennes lace in
sertion, ribbon beading, Valenciennes lace edging
at neck and armholes regular prices 90c and 75c,
special this week at 56
Ladies' Corset Covers of fine nainsook, with three
rows of three ruffles each with lace edging, and laca
edging at neck and armholes, or three rows of iy2-
inch wide Valenciennes lace insertion ribbon be?d
ing with drawn ribbon and Valenciennes lace edg
ing at neck and armholes regular price 1.25,'
special at 96
Ladies' fine Cambric Petticoats, defep flounce, three
rows torchon lace insertion, two clusters of hem
stitched tucks and lace edging or deep lawn flounce,
with 2V2-inch Valenciennes lace insertion and 5
inch Valenciennes lace edging regular price
4.00, special this week at $2.97
See Washington-street window.
Children's fine Bonnets and Hats Our chil
dren's bonnets in the French effects, or full poke
front, and hats of rich material and tastily trimmed
in dainty laces, ribbons, chiffons and flowers of
ribbon are the handsomest and most dressy little
creations that can be found. For this week we have
placed every bonnet and hat from 3.50 to 14.00 at
reduced prices. Below a few prices with many be
Regular price 3.50, 4.25, 6.50, $7.25 to 14.00
Special price 2.34, 2.84, 4.34, 4.84, 9.34
NEW ARRIVALS Latest novelties in art shop.
New riding and athletic Corsets in the Royal Wor
cester Salons.
Fir3t Floor.
Ladies' pure white fine-ribbed Lisle Union Suits, low
neck, no sleeves, lace trimmed, knee length, neat
crochet trimming- 75c value, special, suit 55
Ladies' pure white Swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeves,
crocheted yoke vests. Most stores sell this vest
at 50c, we sell it regular at 40c, special this week,
each 27
Ladies' Linen Mesh Vests and Pants, Dr. Deimel's.the
original linen mesh. Vests high neck, long sleeves;
Pants French bands 2.50 regular, special for the
week, each $1.78 I
.Ladies' black lisle, all-lace Hose, full finished, as
sorted patterns a great big bargain at 50c, special
ims weeK, pair , 37
Ladies' fine black gauze Lisle Hose, double sole,
spliced heel a magnificent 50c quality, special this
week, pair 37d
Children's white, high neck, long sleeve vests, light
weight cotton 25c value, special, each
ts, light-