The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 15, 1904, PART TWO, Page 13, Image 13

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'W h
Lighthouse-Tender Columbine Will
Be Docked at St. Johns. Tuesday
Dredge's OK Burners Tried.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi bbhbbbbbbb flktiMHbt jEu.h
EsBHESSr iSS5 Be bbbbbBbBes 38fl5tS3l
BHaBfif bbbbbbK
The French ship Laennec, -which, has
Deen In port since April 19, has been
taken for -wheat loading, -which .leaves
but one disengaged vessel In the harbor.
The Laennec was chartered by Balfour,
Guthrie & Co. and she sets' 16s 3d for
carryins wheat to Queenstown or Fal
mouth for orders. As this Ann has her
cargo on band, the ship -will be given
prompt dispatch alter ahe gets her In
ward freight ashore. The Laennec Is
now at Greenwich dock completing the
discharging of her cargo.
The only other free spot ship Is the
Hajore. She is a Britisher and naturally
would not accept a .rate that a French
man would take, so will probably remain
idle until new wheat comes in. There
is another cargo here awaiting shipment,
but as the Rajore would want above 2Us
the exporter will have to look elsewhere
for a carrier. "Where he will get It is
a question, as the Sound is bare of
mileage-paid French vessels, the M.
Doellfus having been taken up a few
days ago, and the customary supply at
San Francisco is wanting, all the French
ships there having cleared out some time
since except two which got business at
bedrock prices.
Lighthouse-Tender Columbine Will
Be Lifted at St. Johns.
Major Langfltt yesterday morning
formally notified the Port of Portland
Commission that the lighthouse
tender Columbine will be docked
at St. Johns. The Columbine is now at
Astoria. She will be brought up the
river today and Tuesday will be lifted
on the dry dock. The contract calls for
a thorough cleaning of the hull and the
application of two coats of paint. The
work will only require a few days' time.
The fact that the Government has de
cided to patronize the Portland dock be
fore It has been officially tested is very
gratifying to the members of the com
mission, who believe that it will give the
dock favorable standing abroad and go
a long way toward advertising it among
vessel owners. Puget Sound firms bid
lor this work, and though one of the
tenders was lower than Portland's. Majoi
Langfltt nevertheless decided to have the
work done here.
Fears for the Conemaugh.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 14. The rate
of reinsurance on the overdue steamship
Conemaugh was advanced yesterday to
65 per cent, and hope for her safety Is
growing fainter as the days go by with
out any word being received from the be
lated freighter.. The American-Hawaiian
liner Oregonlan made a long passage, and
for a time It was hoped that she had
picked up the Conemaugh.
The Oregonlan arrled. however, and
made no report of haing seen the over
due steamer. It is now 76 days since
the Conemaugh, loaded with sugar from
Honolulu, left Coronel. Honolulu people
are much Interested In the steamship's
fate, and speculators at the Island port
are playing the Conemaugh heavily "not
to arrive."
Launching of the Independence.
INDEPENDENCE, Or., May 14. (Spe
cial.) Over BOO people gathered on tho
banks of the Willamette here this morn
ing to witness the launching of the little
boat built by "W. "W. Skinner. The craft
it 53 feet long and has a carrying ca
pacity of 12 tons and has accommoda
tions for 100 passengers. The propelling
force is a 40-horsepowor gasollno en
gine. The words "I christen thee In
dependence" were spoken by Miss Pauline
Cooper, daughter of Mayor Cooper, as
she broke a bottle of wine over the bow.
The little boat promises to be a success.
It will ply between Independence and
Salem, carrying passengers and light
Changes In Buoys.
Captain Day. lighthouse inspector at
San Francisco, reports the following buoy
changes In his district:
It is reported that Blunts Reef whist
ling buoy, painted red .and marked
"blunt" in white letters, off Capo Mendo
cino, California, Is not sounding. It will
be repaired as soon as practicable.
Notice is hereby given that buoy No.
1, marking the end of Pillar Point Reef,
Halfmoon Bay, California, heretofore re
ported adrift, has been replaced in its
old position. Buoy No. 2. erroneously
reported drifted out of position, is in
Its proper place.
Dredge's" Oil Burners Tried.
A preliminary trial of the new 'oil
burning apparatus on the dredge Colum
bia was had jesterday and eerythlng
worked satisfactorily. Tho engines were
turned over, but no attempt was made to
do any pumping. Tho trial demonstrat
ed that steam can bo raised in much less
time than by the old method. Monday
the pumps will bo set to work and the
power of the dredge more accurately de
termined. Later In the week she will
commence work on the SOO-foot channel
extending from below the flour mills up
to the Alblna ferry.
Measurement of the Alvina.
ASTORIA. Or., May 14. (Special.) The
official measurement of the gasoline
launch Alvina was made by Deputy Col
lector McCuc today. The craft Is being
built by "Wilson Bros, for John T. Nassa.
of Cathlamet, and her dimensions are as
follows: Length. 39.9 feet; beam, 5.9 feet:
depth, 3.25 feet; tonnage, 9 tons gross, 6
tons net. She will be equipped with a 19
borscpower engine.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. May 14. Arrhcd down at 0:30 A.
M and sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Nome City,
f;r San Francisco. Arrfed at 12.40 and left
O at 2 M P. M. Steamer Geo. TV. Elder,
frcm San Francisco. Arrived down at 2:30
1' M -Sihooner Samar. Condition of the bar
at 5 I M , smooth; wind southwest; weather
. J3
Mana. Mav IS. Arrived Schooner Com-r-
r-i, f- r Portland.
San I ran .o. Maj 14. Sailed Steamer Ala
rt' f r II nolu-.u, bark Haullanl, for Hono
. e-ian r Areata, for Coos Ba; steamer
4""a" "'a. . -r Coos Bar: steamer Jeanle. for
S - -v stiamw San Mateo, for Tacoma. Ar S-earner Bmptre. from Coo Bay; schoon-t-
Al V Cock, from Port Gamble.
" Ma 14 Arrrt ed Steamer Senator.
t i San F-wiveo; French bark Turcot, from
A - w Sailed British steamer King Chow,
r I.-xxl. ia the Orient.
11 -ian Waria.. May 14 (Special.) Ar
' Steamer Oentralla, from San Francisco,
f r Wereen, m-hooner Abble, from San Tnn-eu-,
ix Aberdeen. May 14.-Arrlved-Lucanla, from
New York CTetlc. from Boston; Syianla. from
Boston. Sailed Victorian, for New Tork
1n.ria, fjr New York.
LoJ n. Maj 14 Sailed Callforntan. for
.ew Cr.eans. Mentha, fer Xew York.
Hamfca-c. M U -Arrrt ed-Graf Waldersee
from New lork. ija Plymouth and Cherbourg.
Antwerp. Maj 14 -Sailed Finland for Vew
Southampton. May l -Sailed-St. Louis
for New lork. via Cherbourg.
Havre. Ma l -Salled-La Savole. for X
New Tork. May 14,-Arrtvcd-PWladelphla.
from Southampton and Cherbourg. Salled-SL
Paul, for Plymouth and Southampton, JCeckar
for Bremen; Kroonland, toe siwarp; TJmbria!
ktoadeG!l 1 1 1 I s bbbbW flBB Hi bbbI sBBbbi iH
;&f mark i?MA w 1 bbbbV lOi mSm Hi bbb1 BFi H
lBBtVi tIB'i'i ' BBBfiK TmHn EBBS BBSf ISflfll HH !
fPTrrY 'liiMiii'"'" utuWffi 4 ft BBV " fc&- BBBtt BBBI BBb1 Bk jflBB? flBBE b1
itni uuimiuuiiiiuiuiu
"Will rrfltf I ittttttHMnn
We are Blx Years Old, and our Bales for
the year amount to Blx Million Dollars;
having made a gain over last year of Two
lilUlon Dollars.
No other sho home on. this earth erer
sold Biz Million Dollars In the sixth year
of its existence.
aKo other shoe home on this earth ever
showed a Two Million Dollar gain oyer the
preceding year.
There Is no telllns what onr Sales wanld
be were we able to manufacture Bhoes as
fast as we can sell them, but we shall do all
In our power to koep up -with the Increasing
demand for Star Brand Bhoes, and with this
end in view, we have Just completed a new
factory at Hickory Street and Mississippi
Avenue, in 8t. Louis, -with a capacity of Ten
Thousand Pairs per day, where we make
Men's, Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Bhoss.
We are also Just completing another
factory at Hannibal, Mo., with a capacity
of Four Thousand Pairs per day, where we
will make "Women's, Misses' and Children's
8boe&: This additional factory gives us n
capacity of Sight Thousand Pairs dally at
that point.
These factories -will give us an additional
capacity of Fourteen Thousand Pairs per
day. With these new factories in addition
to the three that we are already operating,
we- hope to meet the Increasing demand
for qur Shoes, as we -will have a manufacturing
capacity of Ten Million Dollars' worth of
Bhoes annually.
The merchants who are trading with us
know why wo have made this great record.
If the merchants who are not trading with
us will stop and think for a minute, they -will
also know why we have made this great record.
We are grateful also to the people who
are wearing Star Brand Bhoes, and assure
them that the standard of quality In the
future shall be such as to merit their con
tinued approval.
To those who have never worn our Bhoes
we offer as the best evidence of their satisfy
ing qualities the oommendatlon and approal
of over Three Million People who are wearing
Star Brand Bhoes today.
Our leading brands tor men are the
"Patriot," "Plymouth," and "Planet," retailed
at $3.50 to $5.00.
Our leading brands for women are the
"Mayflower," "Quaker," and "Society,"
retailed at $2-50 to 33JB.
For popular priced shoes made for service
"Our Family" line has never been equalled.
This line Includes a neat and serviceable
style for every member of the family.
Retailed at $1.00 to $2.50.
If your dealer does not sell Star Brand
Shoes write us and wo will give you the name
of a merchant that can supply you.
sj e
B C3
Ii - if 1year Shi!o) M
PjljgjfMjpm Xli "" XJtlL m
for Liverpool: Anchorla, for Glasgow; Penn.
sylanla, for Plymouth. Cherbourg and Ham
burg; Minnehaha, for London.
Queenstown. May 14. Sailed Arabic, from
Liverpool, for New York.
Hong Kosg. May 14 Arrived previously
Lothian, from Portland. Or., via Yokohama.
Shanghai. May 14. Arrived previously Tot
tenham, from Tacoma, via Muroran.
jesterday to visit her and brought her
trunk, containing all her clothing, which
was burned.
The family escaped with but scanty
clothing, and lost a sum of money wilch
was In the house. The house belonged to
Mr. Griffith's mother, Mrs. Rhoda Grif
fith, and there was no Insurance on house
or contents.
Country Home Destroyed by Fire.
PULLMAN, "Wash., May 14. (Special.)
The country home of Holman Griffith,
two miles east of Pullman, was burned
last night, tvith nil contents. Including
the family clothing and provisions. Mrs.
Action by Union Taxpayers.
UNIOX, Or.. May 14.-Special.) When
the Supreme Court decided that the spe
clal act of the Legislature to submit the
question of the removal of the county
seat in Union County to the voters was
unconstitutional, upon the grounds that
sister fcad arrived from Palouse 1
H IB bbbbbK 'bbbbbbbbbbbbb. bbbbbM.
m SALES A llrts
$6,008J5o '-;?:A . ' . '-N-J-c,
T.nLTT1"B" i v i mm n i "fhi '- TSSSBBhTBSaBBQ? Sm II 0 PrnJufgT &j
f4 bALtitt '"ifiVA T IKBBBBHBKBBBis15 IpiUW -5
"1 1 $3,001,419 AtrS
II " W 2854W5 Irak iU K
H IjATHREE WljSc 1 11 bU
II WareARs m jIb
ii WbM jh v. T AT
F 13 !!l4 l r-imtolji Tft bCSbBbKbBBBB BB. 4bbV bVBbl fl
c l I m BBS wl? m
i w ONE 5l wH t W
the county was already In debt beyond the
constitutional limit, it was generally con-
1 ceded that the question was settled, at
least until the present Indebtedness of
J about" $2)0,000 was paid off; but the peo-
! pie of La Grande circulated a
under the general county-seat law, asking
the County Court to submit the matter
to the voters, and the County Court made
such order at the April term.
Now a number of taxpayers have filed
a suit in the Circuit Court asking that
the action of the County Court In the
matter bp declared Illegal and that the
County Clerk be restrained from piaciqg
the question of removal upon theofflclal
ballot, and the matter will probably be
taken through the courts again.
lifijA ".es2,40i xyfffok
s wiiar r is liRijgJ.
Young Man Shocked to Death.
VICTORIA, B. C, May 14. Private tele
grams to the relatives here today chroni
cle the accidental electrocution at Ash
croft yesterday of G. Stuart Rose, a
joung electrician, eon of H. G. Boss, a
former leader In Victoria's businees com
munity. The mishap occurred at the
powerhouse of the Ashcroft "Water &
Light Company, where Ros3 was expert
in charge, although not yet In hie 21st
In endeavoring to stop a large gear
wheel of the pump by placing a stick of
timber through it, Ross lost his balance
and fell beneath the timber in such a
manner as to come in contact with tie
full current. Jackscrews had to be re
sorted to to release the body from the
tremendous weight. Death was Instan
taneous. Strike Paralyzes Canai System.
NEW YORK, May 14. In consequence
of the tieup In traffic on the Great
Lakes, through busffiess on the New
York canal system Is In a state of paraly
sis. Since the opening of state water
ways only one ooatload of grain and
three cargoes of iron ore have come
throuch from Buffaix Plera h?re de
voted to loading and unloading canal
buats, usually the busiest spots on the
water .Trent, are deserted except for
watchmen. Many owners have turned
their truck hbrses out to pasture and
discharged thousands of men whom they
employed when the season opened.
"While the strike has precipitated mat
ters, the boatmen aseert that the same
conditions would likely have prevailed
eentually, owing to the rate situation
which was cutting into their business
Next session begins June 6. Catalogues
free. Address Dr. JE. J. Creely, San Francisco.