THE STODAX OBEGOHIAtf, PORTLAND. MARCH 13, im. 23 Tales of the Street and Town OBITUARY Bad Estes "has went," gone wiere 5tbe "sroodblne twineth; 77erchanbe to haunt some Celestial heath where every bush holds a meaty bone? and every fence furnishes a sacred tomcat. For 10 lone years Bud blushed and bloomed and gagged his tail In the drugstore at Sixth and Morrison. He became the most famous quadruped of the town; he was familiar with the hum ble and with the great; be licked the blue veined hand of fair swelldom and fawned upon the favors of Ctoydena and hack drivers. To each and all, before or after meals, at all hours of night or day, with democratic courtesy he extended a friend ly flip, or two of his tail. But the rose and the daisy, the sun flower and the potato-bug, must Anally wither .and pass away. Man and dog are as grass. They come -up as a flower and, after wasting some fragrance, are gathered in by the fell sickle of the Reaper. . Bud flourished and blossomed, and was' finally harvested. How It is need-time with Bud, for he has been planted (In a blanket shroud) in the Estes 3arden. After four days of suffer ing, he succumbed to typhoid-pneumonia last Wednesday. Who shall say there are no dog-angels or rather angel-dogs? No man who knows dogs believes that they lack any elemental characteristic of mankind. Love, reason. Jealousy, hate, cunning, hon esty or dishonesty, loyalty, courage, cowardice, magnanimity all the qualities of man the dog also has. Who shall say that Bud's soul Is not now roaming the Elysian fields with that of his old com rade, Billy Mead? May he rest In peace. WEL.IJAM BERNARD, heavy man of the Baker Company, had a strenuous part last week- Got knocked down or choked or otherwise man-handled In every scene, having the final grand "kibosh" put on him In the last act where he Is shot to smithereens in the polyscope. That was when he was "baffled" to a "fare-you-well." Bernard says that in spite of the hard work he liked the part passing well, though at times tempted to offset its extreme ferocity by some covert prank- But he restrained himself, re membering, perhaps, the gentle chiding he got one night of "East Lynn," last Sum mer. It was the last night of the com pany's engagement at the Baker, and the occasion was, therefore, tempting. So, when, as the villain, Bernard's lines were: "One word more, Lady Isabel, and I am done forever"; he said instead: "One word more. Lady Isabel, and I am done for the season." It caused Lady Isabel to grimace pain fully in the effort to hide a grin. but neither that nor the wigging he got kept "Billy" from perpetrating further waggish misreadlngs In the very next act. VfEN who are petty in petty places 1 I eventually achieve humiliation in stead of promotion. It Is a twice told tale of the station baggageman who was rough-handling a trunk. An elderly, Inoffensive-looking stranger approached him with the mild inquiry: "Are you not liable to cause a suit for damages against the railroad by the way you are handling that trunk?" "I dunno," returned the baggageman, "do you own It?" "No," replied the stranger, "but I own this railroad. A case in point occurred at a small sta tion on the O. R & N. line in Eastern Oregon sometime since. Two Portland newspaper men chanced to be at the sta tion waiting for the train to this city. After half an hour they concluded that the train was delayed and one of them applied to the station agent for informa tion. "Has that train left Pendleton yet?" he asked.. "D"bnt know,"" growled the agent. "How long before you expect It along here?" "Don't know anything about it." Crestfallen, the inquirer returned to his friend. An hour passed when the same Incident was re-enacted. Another hour passed and tills time the second newspaper man approached the window. "Heard anything from that train yet?" HOLDS CRIME ON THE INCREASE College President Says Foundation of Our Nation's Life Is In Danger. NEW YORK. March 12. That there has been a marked Increase in crime and criminal tendencies among all classes, and that this condition has been duo to semi conscious suggestions from various causes, among them the vulgarity of newspapers, debased theaters, impure lit erature, and divorces, all of which may be remedied, Is the belief expressed by Henry Hopkins, president of Williams College, at a meeting here of the Patria Club. "The foundations of the personal char acter of our National life aro seriously threatened," he said, "by ugly features of the present time. There Is abounding evi dence of an alarming Increase In crime of every sort, but particularly of the kind that undermines honesty, chastity and respect for law. There is a growing in fidelity to financial trust and consequent ly a visible loss of confidence of man In his fellowmen. Defalcations continue and multiply in disheartening succession. The proportion of divorces xo marriages Is as tonishing and sickening. Disintegration, decadence and often destruction of the family and lowering of the home Idea go i on increasing. ' "But most disheartening and startling of all s the lawless spirit In towns and cities, where have grown up crowds of hoodlums, where there Is an Increasing population who break out Into reckless violence at times of strikes and lockouts. Of the same nature are the worse than brutal exhibitions In defiance of all au thority and decency In the lynchlngs and burnings that dishonor human nature It self. "One of the most potent, most constant ly operative causes Is the vast vojume of criminal suggestion flowing In upon the public mind through various means: but especially through the public press. In the dally recital of criminal actions. In the average instructions in crime as a fine art. the reader is taught both how to perform the crime and how to avoid pun ishment. ,Dr, Hopkins concluded, however, that the "total influence" of newspapers is beneficent, but criticised them for their alleged tendency to published undesirable details. Many rJevv H00-H003 at Chehalls. CHEHALIS. Wash- March 12. (Special.) "The Hoo Hoos held a concatenation at Chehalls last night, listing practically all of the night. It was said to have been the greatest event of the kind that has occurred in many months- After Initiating Jibout 40 candidates the party sat down to on elegant banquet, which was served in the Citizens' Club room, over 100 plates being laid. Krank B. Cole acted as toast master and the Chehalls Orchestra fur nished music during the banquet The officers in attendance at the mooting, and in charge of the Initiation, were; nark, J. H. Parker; senior hoo hoo, Everett Griggs: Junior hoo hoo, T. H. Claffey, Prank B. Cole. Ben P. Miller; bojum, E. Clark Evans; scrivlnotor, George M. Cornwall; Jabberwock, W. J. Corbln; ustocatlon, Harry McCormlck; arcanoper, W. C. Yeomans; gurdon. D. D, Olds. Kaiser Sails for the Mediterranean. BItEMERHAVEN, Germany, March IXt- emperor yuuam sailed today for the Mediterranean on the North German steamer Koenig Albert. On hia Arrival at. Vigo, ;Spaln. .he will be met by the Kingt oirfBpam "Don't know anything about it." "All -right Gimme a telegram blank." The agent handed pver the blank and the following dispatch was written quick ly on It: n "PieaBe see President Mohler, of the O. R. & JJ., and get him to find out when the E ' train will pass here. Impossi ble to get information at this station." "Send this at once," directed the news paper man. The station agent glanced over It and wilted. ' "Oh, er ho began stammering, "I hear something coming over tne wires about that train now." "Well, send it, anyhow," ordered the other, enjoying the situation. "But er there's no need er the wire I have Just learned that the train will be along here in 20 minutes. Er its all right sorry not to have been able to tell you sooner." The dispatch was not sent. COLONEL BO WEN, formerly of the South, a gentleman who has traveled much in the Middle and Western States, and who now lives .near Mount Tabor, Touches for the truth of the fol lowing very unique and interesting snake story: "Many years ago," said the Colonel, "I was traveling In a wagon with a friend through a region of Southern Kansas not far from where Wichita now stands. It was late November. Scarcely any snow had fallen, but the ground and all ponds and water-courses were frozen hard. We were enjoying the ride In the keen air of that cold, but beautiful day, and were passing near a ridge of rocks above the road. Suddenly we noticed a couple of men near the base of the ridge, and their actions were so peculiar that curiosity impelled us to turn off the road and drive up to them. You can Imagine our aston ishment when we found that they were picking stiff-frozen rattlesnakes out of a small cave In the rocks. " 'There's whole cords of 'em In there,' shouted one of the .men to us. 'Wan't to help glt 'em out?" "Of course we joined at the work, and I tell you. sir, we took a powerful lot o snakes out of that cave. Nearly all of 'em were rattlers, but they were too much frozen to be dangerous. Most of 'em stiff as pokers, though two or three showed faint signs of lire. Well, sir, wnen we a cleaned every last one out or that noie. we found we had a big heap or snaites. One fellow said: " There's half a cord thar, least cal culation.' ' '"Nother fellow says, . 'Cord and a quarter.' I says, "bout a cord.' So we made a bet around on It; then we measured off eight feet and set up stakes at each end so that the tops of 'em were Just four feet above the ground. Those snakes averaged four feet long and, as most all had frozen straight Instead of In coll, it was an easy matter to cord 'cm up. Well, sir, I won the money, for they measured up just an. even cord as good a cord as you ever say measured of four- foot flre-wood. Then we talked over ways to destroy the bunch, Anally settling on kerosene. Two or us made a trip to the nearest ranch-house and got a flvo gallon can of coal oil. We poured It all over that pile of snakes and touched off. The heat quickly tried out the snake-oll In the pile and this made it burn hotter than Tophet In two hours there was nothing but a few ashes in a black spot to show where that cord of snakes had been." HERE'S a "kid" story from the con ductor of the N. P. night train to the Sound: "Among the passengers the other night," said he, "were two women and a child evidently mother, daughter and grandson. The child had no ticket and I collected half-fare from his mother. Whereupon the kid Inquired: " 'Say, ma'ma, why do you ..have to pay only half-fare for me? " 'Because you are bo young, my child,' replied the mother. "He chewed" that over for a while and I passed on. When I came back that way lie reached over and stopped me. " 'Say, Mr. Policeman,' said he, 'if you take half-fare for me does my grand muzzer have to pay double? " LUTE PEASE. HALIFAX IS IMPREGNABLE. Series "of Maneuvers Demonstrates Strength of Defenses. HALIFAX, N. S., March 12. A series of maneuvers by the artillery at the forts and a careful inspection of the harbor defenses, have convinced the military au thorities that Halifax is Impregnable. An attack by any number of warships. It Is believed, would fall to force an entrance. During, the last three years nearly every Furncss Line steamer arriving here from England has brought powder and projec tiles and an Immense quantity of ammu nitldn is now In storage. xnere is consiaeraoie interest among military and naval men In the proposed visit to England, In a few weeks, of Ray mond Prefontalne, Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries, for the purpose of conferring with the Admiralty office re garding the Canadian naval reserves. The Government desires to obtain two warships on which to train Canadians, and Mr. Prefontalne intends to introduce a bill in the Dominion Parliament provld lng for the establishment of a navy in Canada. It is proposed to place one cruis er In the Pacific and one in the Atlantic. MRS. CRAVEN INJURED. Alleged Wife of Late Senator Fair Hurt in Street-Car Accident". ST. LOUIS, March 12. Mrs. Nettie Cra ven, who contested the will of the late Senator J. L. Fair, the California million aire, on the ground that she was his legal wife, Is lying In a reported critical condl tlon at the Southern Hotel as the result of Injuries she received several days ago In a streetcar collision. Mrs. Fair was unconscious when taken to the hotel, and was unknown, her door key alone making known the fact that she was stopping at the Southern Hotel. When she regained consciousness she requested that the clos est .secrecy be maintained and that her identity be not revealed. Case of Murder and Suicide. NEW YORK, March 12. Robert Gray. a painter, and his wife were found in their apartments here today, the woman with her sKuu crusnea in ana ner nus band in the bathroom, having apparently committed suicide by gas asphyxiation. The case is supposed to be one of mur der ana suicide. To Investigate Election Frauds. DENVER. March 12. District Judge Palmer today made an order for a spe cial grand Jury to investigate election and registration frauds in this city. flAlLY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, PORTLAND. March 12. Maximum tempera ture, 4U deg.; minimum, ?o. River reading, 11 A. M 15.2 feet; change In 2-1 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 6 P. M., Q.56 Inch; total since September 1, ISOS, 3S.55 tncnes; normal, so.zs; excess, S.S3. Total sun shine March 11, 1001, 41 minutes; possible, 11 hours 42 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at & F. it., 29.04. WEATHER COXDITIOXS. During the last 24 hours moderately heavy rain has fallen In the Willamette Valley and lrj the Sound country. Rain has also been general along the Iorth Pacific Coast and the stations at North Head and Tatoosh Island both reported, the uncommon phenomenon of a thunder storm tarty Saturday morplng,. Storm warnings were ordered at T A. M. for a moderate disturbance which caused later the following maximum wind velocities: North Head, SS miles; southeast; Tatoosb Island. 48 miles, eouthwest; and Seattle. S4 miles, south-west- The indications are for partly cloudy weather In this district Sunday, with local rules. The river at 5 P. M. was 15 feet, which is a toll of 0.4 of a foot since morning. It has also fallen at all upstream points. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ll Wind. 4ff STATIOX Baker City I3S0,0014 BE B SE W SE SW S sw SB sw SB SB TV S S sw SB Cloudy Snow Cloudy Bismarck. uotse 1461 T Helena 420.00 Clear KarolooDS. B. C.,f46K.00 Cloudy North Head 14610.44 Cloudy Focatello Portland .... . Bed Bluff , Roseburg Sacramento ... Salt Tjik Citv. ft. cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear San Francisco 54 1 T 10 Spokane 46 T 10 Cloudy Cloudy Seattle M6I0.14 14 xtain Tatooah Island ..,. 42 0.18 40 Walla Walla 50P- 8 Cloudy Cloudy Light. T, trace. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts mode at Portland at 8 "P. M. for 23 hours ending at midnight. March 13: Portland and vicinity Showers; south to west winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Local rains; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern ' Washington and Idaho Occasional rain, probably part snow. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situation Wonted." 15 words or less, 15 cents: IS to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. Ho dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less: 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed en velopes. No stamp is Required on such letters. The Oresonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taicen tnrougn tne telephone. DO YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE or business properties? If you will sell rca sonabie and tney will bear Inspection, no matter wnero locatoa, mt tr. is, itAJNUiilt, St, Clair BIdg., Marietta, Ohio, financial Reference, First national Bank. MEETING NOTICES. FIDELITY LODGE. No. 4. A. O. U. W.. members will please take notice that the whist social scheduled for Wednesday. March 16. has been postponed to Wednesday. March 23. A. F. Sc A. M. A school of lnatruc tlon will be held under the auspices of the following named lodges, and on the dates opposite their respective names, vis.: Washington. No. 40, Wednesday, March 16. Columbia, No. 114, Thursday, March 17. Portland, No. 55, Friday, March 18. Alblna, No. 101, Saturday. March 10. Willamette, No. 2, Monday, March 21. Mount Tabor, No. 42, Tuesday, March 22. Hawthorne, No. 111. Wednesday, March 23. Harmony, No. 12, Thursday. March 24. To this Bchuol all members of the above- named lodges, and also members of lodges In the vicinity who are Interested In learning the authorized woric are invited to attend. G. L. GRAY. Custodian of the Work. LODGE HALL FOR RENT Wednesday eve- dress E 0, care Oregcnlan. HALL FOR RENT FOR LODOS PUR poses, Western Academy of Music, Mulkey oiock, -a ana Morrison. T?rfcT T T."K"r tntn..M' TTaII jntt VtH street, every Friday evening. $10 per month. inquire engine-room, city nail. O. , Smock, BORN. W ATKINS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Wat Kins, senwooa, a Doy. MORRIS March 5. to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Morris, 2UD Jefferson St., a boy. DIED. BAKER At his late residence at Mt Tabor Heigbts. Marcn 12, 1WH, James P. Baker, aged 65 years, 11 months, 14 days. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. CASSIDY The funeral of Philip Caaridr will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cathedral, loth and Davis sts. Friends in vitea. LAMPERT Mrs. Gertrude Lempert. aged CO years 1 month 14 days. Funeral March 14, 0 A. M., from 189 Chapman street. Tienas invited. LAMPERT In this ctly, March 12, Mrs. Gertrpde Lampert, aged 08 years. 1 month and 14 days, mother of Louis and Edward Lampert, Mrs. Minnie Esser find Mrs. C Ordmann. Funeral Monday, March 14'. 9 A. M., from 189 Chapman street. Services at St Joseph Church. WEST At her late residence et La Grande. aged 36 years, 7 months, 12 days. Funeral will take place Monday. March 14. at 2:30 P. "M. from Second Baptist Church, corner East Ankeny and East 7th sts. Friends in vited. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their BCTf build ing, Third and Salmon. Lady abtast. Telephone No. SO". J. P. FIN LEY t. EON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office at County Cor oner.. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. B. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, 7th and Pine. Lady assistant. Phono Mala 480. CLARKE BROS., FINE FLOWERS. Flo ral designs. 289 Morrison. XEW TODAY. THE MAGNIFICENT DEEP-WATER FRONT of the Peninsula, upon which many indus tries are now located, drydock, woodworking plants, etc. la" tributary to Willamette Bou levard Acres. One of these choice acres will come pretty near makipg you rich. G: H, "Van Houten. 303 Chamber of Com merce. BARGAIN 44 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN; 24 acres cultivated genuine beaverdam land; 20 acres good timber; house, born, machinery, wagons. Implements, house fur niture all new: horses, cows, etc, all In cluded; price 34000. U, Zeltfuchs, 227U Washington street. FOR SALE BY OWNER A MODERN 7 room bous at University Park. 2 blocks from new City Part; corner lot, 100 feet square; alley In rear; 2 blocks from new street-car line. Call on owper, 310 Chamber of Commerce See photo of premises and learn particulars. FOR RENT FAMH.Y HOTEL. FTRST-CLABS location; will be ready May 10; 50 rooms. Apply William Gadsby, 1st and Washington. BOTTOM PRICES, PAINTING, PAPERING tinting and inside varnishing. Phone ScotE 2487. Address 4S5 E. Clay. INVESTMENT WEST SIDE FLATS. IN come $1000 yearly; price $5500. Xu S. Thompson & Co., 22S 3d st. FOR SALE BY OWNER, LOT, 0xJ20, CE- dar Hilt, ope oiock xrom wosmngton.street cor. Inquire 103 Front at. FOR RENT COLOMA DOCK. BET.. OAK and Pine sts. Apply to R. T. Cox. Roosb JO. Newmarket block. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD ACRES. O. H. Van Houten, 303 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD ACRES, front ing the grand Willamette Boulevard, WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD ACRES. OVER- looung tne wmameue Hirer, . "WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD .ACRES, choic es, property jpn me. epinsnja, . AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER W. T. Pasglc, Kesiaeat nsaater. Uondir. TnKiiar and Wednesday NlghtflL March 14, 15. 16, 1004, special matinee Wednes day, zareweii tour or DENMAN THOMPSON In THE OLD HOMESTEAD Evening Prices Parquette. $1.50; parauette circle. SI. EaJconr. first 3 rows. SI; second 3 rows, 75c; last 6 rows. 60c Gallery. 25c and 35c. Boxes and loges, $10. Special matinee prices Parquette, 91; par quette circle, 75c Balcony, first 6 rows; 75c; last 6 rows, 60c Gallery, 25c and 35c. beats are now eel ling, none Mam sua. 1 Mirquim Grand TtecrRinflSfor. Thursday night. March 17, 1004. (St. Patrick's Day). Ben Hendricks Erik of Sweden Complete Production. PRICES Lower Floor, except last 3 rows. $1.00; last 3 rows, 75c Balcony, first 6 rows, 75c; last 0 rows, 50c Gallery, 23c and 33c Boxes and Loges. $7.50. The advance sale of seats will open next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Phone Main 8S8. PORDRAY'S THEATER CORDRAT & RUSSELL. Managers, PHONE MAIN 002. Prices 15c. 25c 85c 40c and COc Commencing Tonlirht. Sundav. March 13. A Sensational Triumph t A ilammotli Attraction! THE MIGHTIEST OF THE MIGHTY! RICHARDS & PRINGLE'S FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS A princely effort by the reljcnlne monarchs of minstrel caterers to hU royal highness, THE AMERICAN PUBLIC A Superlatively Great and Incomparably Bit: Minstrel Festival. A Company Without an Equal in the Whole world or Minstrelsy. FREE STREET PARADE DAILT. Prices 15c, 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c Matinee Prices 25c; children. 10c THE BAKER J-J THEATER oad Manager. Phono Mala 107. All This Week Beginning Sunday Matinee, March 13. The Baker Theater Company in an Elaborate rroauction or hall CAINE-S Powerful Play, THE CHRISTIAN MATINEE SATURDAY Evening Prices 50c 33c, 23c and 15e. Matinee Prices 25c, 15c and 10c NEXT WEEK HUMBUG NEW TODAT. Tomorrow, Monday,, at 2 P. M. AT RESIDENCE. 795 1ST ST., CORNER GIBBS ST., We are Instructed by Mrs. Sloan, who lo leaving the city, to sell the useful iurnlture of her 6-room house, comprising: Slx-plece par lor suite in oak frames, weu'upooisterea; cen ter tables; rockers; lace curtains; tapestry; portieres: pictures: lamps: window shades: wool carpets; Davis sewing machine in oak case; oak extension table; chairs; crockery and glassware, -silverware; chofea jot of ' pre served fruit in Jars; mirrors, hUerj full-slze ana -aixe iron neaa. spriacs oaa mauresscs; odd dressers, with French plate i mirrors; chlf- lupiero, luuci wure; o-aoiu cjr uur - reuxc, with reservoir; 16 yards good fnioleum house, hold treasure and the usual sundry - outfit. sale at 2 p. M. s-street car tiibbB, St. GEO. BAKER & CO-v Auctioneers. On Tuesday Next, March 15th, at 10 A.M. ; WE 'SHALL OFFER FOR PUBLIC COMPE TITION A SUPERIOR EOT "OF-REAL MA HOGANY. BIRDS EYE MAPLE AND GOLD EN OAK. FURNITURE; SOLID BRASS BED STEADS: Ul'ltlUrii roLuiA; FlVli FOOT OAK ROLLTOP DE3K; OFFICE CHAIRS. AXM1NSTER RUGS. BEST BODY DRUsdlLd UAKFJSTa. JS1U.. JSTU., CON SIGNED TO BAKBR' AUCTION.HOUSE. CORNER ALDER AND PARK, for positive sale, including handsome parlor suite in real mahogany frames and silk seats, genuine ma hogany center tables: combination bookcase and desk In mahogany finish with fine carv ings: music cabinet to match; 5-foot oak roll too desk: revolving chairs: 6 good office chairs. oak and mahogany rockers, with real leather seats; handsome parlor tames in polished quartered oak, unique designs; costly library table with drawer; high-grade couches In rich veiour; 7 -a rawer sewing macmne, witn at tachments; oak dining suite, viz., pretty buffet. witn swell front ana mirror across pack: ptyi- lsb Eastern-made sideboard; round extension table, with large twist legs; set of box-eeat cnairs; targe on paintings ana engravings fine quality lace curtains; heavy tapestry por tleres: finest quality Axmlnster rugs, 9x12 feet; best body Brussels carpets, the following sizes; 13x18 feet 14.6 feetxl&O feet, 11.312.1 feet, 13.6x15.6 feet, 13.6x13.3 feet, 13x13 feet; Victoria upright folding bed, with mirror In front; solid brass bedsteads; costly enameled iron beds, with brass trimmings, all complete. with beat Yum Yum springs; hair and other mattreeaes, mraseye mapie oreng cases, with serpentine ironts ana long French plate mir rors, chiffoniers en suite; odd dressers in cold' en oak and white maple; bedrom sets complete mantel oeca; comiortcrs; piuows; toiletware wardrobe; couch; folding screen and other mis cellaneous effects, all in first-class condition. An inspection of the same Is solicited tomor row (Monday). ALSO. AT SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD A LITTER OF HIGH-BRED COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Sale TUESDAY, at 10 A. M. sharp. GEO. BAKER Sc CO., Auctioneers. On Thursday at 10 A. M. and Friday at 2 P. IM. We ehall. eell various consignments of general household furniture, carpets, stoves, etc Salesrooms open for consignments at all times. Cash paid for furniture tc- any amount. - GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctlgqee'rs. Phone Black 1842. WD WANT TO CONVINCE YOU THAT THE rlicbt place to buy your groceries is where you con save from 20 to 25 per cent on your purchase, we can save you mat amount. COc teas, pound , , 35c 4Cc teas', pound 15c 10c tomatoes, 3 cans ,.t 25c 40c box macaroni 30c .$L35 box crackers .-.$1.05 75c Eastern lard ,.60c 75c gallon syrup 55c Site gallon apricots 20c 35c pound G. L. B. powder... 25c lic sugar-cured hanv ..13H 20c Singapore plneapp'.i 15 25c Gold Dust, 2 packages.... 35c S5c C. & B. oil 03c $1.25 milker herring kit p.05c 35c M. & J. coffee , 25c Our prices are right, our goods guaranteed, ana as a zurtner inducement, we will give beautiful picture frame free with each $10 oraer receivea tms weeic F. H. REEVES. Grocer. Phone. 1001. 627-629 Washington sU, across irom. ma .exposition muiaing. A VERY FINE HOMESITE. $450 FOR half acre facing on the Portland Boule vard; on the highest point between the riv ers; adjoins neamont. u. a. van Houten, WILL SELL AN INTEREST IN AN INVEST. ment which guarantees big returns: nartlM who control some capital can Investigate by MnnuRK REsrn-R'vrrE. r or o pnno West Side; good residence part; will pay goou rent ana i&ks Jons tease; occupancy waoicu in iiuai or iuiy. Jvaaress u 1 Oregonlan. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A 7-ROOM HOUSE nicely located on .East feiae, see Fblllips, at. ituhk factory, cor. ana .fine sts., .no. o. 30.000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE houra sround site West Side; sidewalk. Particulars, L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d st. 80.000 FEET OF BEST-LOCATED WARE- howse- ground site; . West. Side: sidetrack. . Particulars, L. E. Thompson A Co., 223 3d st. - 30EW TODAY. GILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. X. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Handsome Furniture at 413 WASHSNGTOIS ST. uesday, March 1 5, 1 0 A. VI. To sell household furniture upon which a portion of purchase price was paid and bal ance remains unpaid. Including elegant folding-bed. with French plate mirror, floss mat tress for some; complete and fine bedroom suits in cherry and oak; springs, fine bid ding and costly oak. and leather dining choirs; costly rockers In leather ana cax; a Smyrna rug, 0x12 feet; beautiful white maple and solid oak dressers with oval shaDed mirrors: all oak chairs, art square. dining chairs; white enameled bedstead, new designs, with spring- and top mattress, etc; also fine sideboards, mantel beds, twice fold- ing-bedc; $300 worth enameled kitchen ware for whom It may concern; parlor organ; Wakefield and other rockers, weathered oak furniture and all the furniture from cot tage. Buyers will do well to attend sale and t'ako advantage of the opportunity as the goods ore oa new and of latest styles. Sale Tuesday, 10 A. M., at 413 Washington . O T . TkT rflTT.TLfA-M Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale of Household Furniture At Residence We arf instructed by Mrs. E. J. Irwin to sell by publlo auction at the residence. No. 211 Twelfth Street be tween Taylor and Salmon, on Wednesday next Mar. 16th, at 10 o'Clock A. M. All the furniture, etc. Including Brussels carpets ana squares of various aime.nsions, bookcase with revolving desk,- center tables, draperies, lace curtains, rockers and chairs, odd dressers, commodes, mantel folding beds with mattresses, blankets, spreads. sheets, feather pillows, comforters, etc; bureaus in oak and white maple with com modes, heatinc stove complete, lamps. couches, and lounges, completo bedroom suits in oak. springs ana mattresses, aisn ciosets, crockery, glassware, hall rack, hall and stair carpets, toilet crockery, sitting-room xurni ture. granlteware, laundry fittings, two steel ranges complete, and many other lots of household effects. Sale Wednesday next, at 11 12th St., at 10 A. M. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales of Household Furniture AT NO. 413 WASHINGTON ST. Next Thursday at 10 A.M. AND Next Friday at 11 A. M. These sales Include a full line of parlor. sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen fur niture. Buyers will-do well tc attend sales. a L. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale Monday, March 14, 10 A. M. 182 First Street We are instructed to sell all the contents of a 12-room dwelling, removed to our sales rooms for auction sale. You will find in this sale a nice selection of furniture, including every article necessary for up-to-date house keeping. In addition to the large quantity of furnishings, etc, offered at this sale, wc win sen a nne ariving norse, s years old. weignt xvwi pounas; also carnage ana nar ness. H. FORD, Auctioneer. Tuesday's Sale, 10 A. M.Sharp 488 Everett Street Eight Rooms of Furniture We will on this date offer at public auction the well-selected furnishings of this 8-room flat, consisting of dressers, rockers, chairs. mantel oeas, mattresses, oeaumg, aining ta bles, carpets, kitchen safes and treasures, cook and heating stoves, dishes, utensils, etc This eale comprises well-selected furniture. carpets, etc Every article is in first-clas3 condition, which makes the sale worthy the attention or miyers. a. ford, Auctioneer, Wednesday's Sale Will Be Held atthe Old Estab lished Auction House 182 First Street March 16th, at 10 A. M. OLD HOSS SALE We will on this date, in compliance with the law, sell at public auction 24 packages of baggage, consisting of trunks, telescopes, valises, grips, etc., held for hoard and lodg ing by the proprietor, W. E. McFherson, of the Tremont and Gilman Hotel. This lot cf baggage haa been duly advertised as re quired by law and must be sold to the high est bidders. We will also sell the furniture, carpets, bedding and other housekeeping out fits placed with us by parties leaving- the city; also hundreds of, items too numerous to meptlon. H. FORD, Auctioneer. Thursday's Sale Groceries and Fixtures At Salesrooms, 182 First St. March 17h, at 10 A, M. In this eale there can be found In the line of .fixtures, large coJTee mill, grocer's cart scales, showcases, cheese bell and other fix tures. The groceries consist of canned goods, bottled goods, packages, and, In fact, every thing In the line of first-class groceries. "We will" sell a large quantity of baking powder and canned goods by the case. This is an opportunity for dealers and boarding-house keepers. - H. FORD, Auctioneer. Friday's Sale The last of the week, but not least. On March 18, at 182 1st frt., at 10 A. M. Buyers and dealers please attend this sale, - for we must close consignments and make room for a large quantity of merchandise engaged for the coming week's salea. "We will offer bar gains in furniture and other necessaries at this sale. Please attend and be happy. H. FORD, Auctioneer. THE CELEBRATED tJ. V. JAMES STOCK ranch to sell In subdivisions; all Iota face county road; fine land, good location; from 20 to 70-acre lots; sold on appraisement of practical disinterested farmers: send for maps and circulars. T. Wlthycccnbe, room 1. Hamilton block, Portland, Or, Phone Hood 484. 375 ACHES CHOICE FARM NSAR SOUTH Salem, worth $100 per acre, price only $50 er acre; a chance to double your money, ee or address T. Wltbycombe. room J, Hamilton blk., Portias, Qr. Fkoxe Xped NEW TODAY". HOMES FOR SALE By CHAS. K. HENRY $50,000 Eesidence ?e tlaL elegantly appointed homes In the city of Portland; In splendid location, with am ple and beautiful grounds. Having all the modem conveniences and is as near a perf ect home as can be devised- Anyone wanting a very elegant home should inspect tnis. $30,000 Wffl BnjnqarehSei of grounds; house modern in every particu lar; ount, nnisned ana completed wiima tho last two years; swell locality and very desirable. $20,000 Bays Fine Home lS5: lng one of the best views In the city; house is stately In appearance, very commodious and comfortably arranged Inside and Is a bargain. 22.000 Buys Elegant Corner TJaoIHnnnn Choice location, command- ReslUtllltl in ir flna view? house con tains 12 rooms, all modern conveniences; concrete sidewalks, fine shrubbery, every- thing complete and up to date. $12,500 Eesidence 7, & some, well built, finely arranged house with 11 rooms, fun basement, not water heating system, plate-glass windows; the beat home in the city at tho "price $9000 Bnys an Elegant Home -With three lota on corner, stone wsdl in front, concrete walks, house contains 11 rooms and commands one of the finest views In the city; easy terms if wanted. $7500 Buys Beautiful Resi- ttonnn At ML Tabor; house very solid UculU and substantially built; modern In every particular; grounds are 100x200 in siro, set to ornamental shrubbery; a hand some and desirable home at a low price. $5500 Residence on 22d Street Good location, facing east; modern house in every particular; rooms good sixe, fur nace heat and fireplace on first and second floors; well arranged and a fine home at the price. Many Other Beautiful Homes In different parts of the city, LOW PRICES AND EASY TERMS. Parties In the city or non-residents wanting good homes, business properties or building sites in or about the city of Portland will find It to their advantage to call upon or write to tne undersigned. Persons In the city having good homes or business properties for sale Will do well to list the samo with CHAS. K. HENRY 2T3 Stark street. SHANTY TOWN Do you live in Shanty Town? Do you desire to live In Shanty Town? Shanty Town Is where there Is no restriction against shack or shanty. "When a charm ing little dwelling Is built in an addition In which there Is no regulation against shanties It Is in constant danger of heavy depreciation in value, from having a pov erty shop pitched near hy. Every dwell ing-house built at University Park must have the outside appearance of having cost at least $1000. If you can afford to live in a neat residence, costing $1000 or more you cannot afford to build It where there Is no restriction against shanties. University Park Is the high-toned resi dence district of all the high plateau be tween the rivers. Prices of lots $60 and upward. One-tenth cash, balance $5 monthly onfleach lot. Francis I. McKenna, room 60S Commercial block. eosnn Fine 0-room house. Benton st. )jouu near Broadway: new and modern. A snap, will give easy terms. C99RnFlQe quarter-block; on E. 8th st. 9660U Holladay's Addition. A live snai Investigate. Cinnn Only for a modern brick dwelling 3tUUU noUae on 23dland Ivon sts. (Sift nnn Half-block on Grand ave., near jpiu,UUUBurnsIae sU. terms. fln Per acre Is all we ask for a sec- V tlon nt timber land in Bouthura Oregpn. 3M Knft -A- new modern double house near jpttovu stee, DrJ)iBe. pay 18 per cent on Investment. C97RftFor a fine 20-acre tract near city JP 4 UU on poweii Vallev road. day's Addition. One-third down. balance to suit. CQ nnnA-notner modern home of 10 rooms 'juuuIn Holladay's Addition. Terms. JNO. P. SHARKEY & CO. NO. 308 AXISKY BUILDING. Choice Buys K1 70H Oood 6-room cottage In Sunnyslde I uu modern; full lot. 99nnTen acres In Woodstock suitable uv for platting. This must be sold. C1 7 Oft T-room house and full lot on E. 1,uv Oak at, near E. 13th st. Must be sold. $1000 4"room cottage in Sunnyslde. K4-(inn Good 8-room house with full lot tuuu on Chanman t. Cpnnn Corner lot and C-room house on 8h 3t- cement sidewalks. 9TftnOcroom house and full lot on E. S1 1 00 Naw E-room cottage and full lot In iplluu Alblna Homestead. S25f)ft 6-room cottage and lot 100x150 on i?ouuTmamook BLf near Unlon ave For full Information call on Groener & Co. telephone Red 3206. 334 Mohawk Bldg. corner of 3d and Morrison sis. PERKINS AMERICAN HERBS Is rapidly coming to the front as the most popular household remedy in Portland. Thousands of families testlfv to the re markable benefit this wonderful native herb medicine haa been to them In the treatment or rneumausm, indigestion, constipation, kidney and liver trouble. Complete 200 days' guaranteed treatment. $1.00. Perkins American Herbs is indorsed, by the United States Health Reports and used by physicians in their practice. A free trial treatment will gladly be fur nlshed on request. Sold only by agents, who will call prompt lv on receipt of costal. A'gents wanted In every town and hamlet in the state. Direct all communications for agency or mtdicine to A. B. Bloomer, Gen oral Agent, no, izu 1st St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Second-hand Hoe Shaving Machine (hand power) for matter 19x26. In quire of A. W, Cochran, with Ore gonian ruotismng o. Splendid Suburban Home $3200 $r,000 cash, balance on time at sbc per cent. Large 10-room house, good furnace, two large fireplaces, modern plumbing, city wa ter and other modern conveniences. Hous;e Would CU31 fiUUUU iu uuuu. DR. H. a MILLER. 141 "West Park St FOR SALE New 3-story Brick Block; cor ner 50x100 ft. on prominent busi ness street. Pays 8 per cent ner. Address L 17, care Oregonian MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city alid farm property. Ball lag foana. Installment loans. WK U.XC- MASTE&. 211 Worctmr bloclc FOR SALE 10 acrts land Inside city limits, near Ports mouth Station, inquire or a. il. Carlo ck or.ugene auewy. FOR SALE 100-acre homestead relinquishment? S acres cleared, cabin,. JIyiir water. Call or address 713 East StarJC NEW TODAY. HARTMAN 3 CHAMBERCOMMERCCJ VE OFFER HOUSES On the EAST and WEST SIDE at 10 Down and installments of one per cent a month (THAT IS. ON A $2300 PROPERTY THE CASH PAYMENT" IS 5250; MONTHLY PAY MENT $23. YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT INCLUDES INTEREST.) We believe our terms can not be duplicated Prices ranging from $1850 to $5000. These houses are new, modern, well built, latest designs or architecture. Five, six, seven and eight rooms. We desire to have you examine our list. We will also build you a house in almost any part of Portland, according to your own plans. Ten ner cent down, one per cent a month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY PUBLISII FROM THEIR LARGE LIST A AS FOLLOWS: lfin-arr farm 1r mllu i- nearly all under plow, rich soil; good build ings, orchard, etc; 840 per acre; half down, balance on time to suit. 873 acres light and heavy timber, oa Clackamas Elver, 16 miles from Portland; 70 acres bottom land, for nnlv sis jm acre. 20 acres good bottom land, 3 miles from bottomland; SliuO. 17A nm 11 nn. 1 oo ti Portland, 8 miles from Oregon City; all cuvcui tm ig wncr. mce sou per acre. KM lf 1 -mils 9 tr.I3 a hnnn hum. R anwu ....... I . in . " . - " - w...wu, -mv ucrca nice level land; a good dairy ranch; only yiw vex- aero. IUO ncr. Trills M,n-r,U -t T OA acres under plow, balance timber, contract ed iur ouvu; gooa nouse, gooa Darns; ricn soil; wood contract goes with farm. Price $18,500, with fair cash payment, balance' on easy terms. A 0.41-acre tract and a 4.45 brush, 1 mile from Lents, for chicken ranch and garden ing. $100 per acre, 1 GO-acre farm, 5 miles southeast from Hlllsboro; a bargain at ?10C0. leo-acre farm, 10 miles from Porest Grove at a bargain, for $8.50 per acre If sold soon; good reason for sacrifice. Half Interest In good paying1 livery busi ness at .Oregon City, $1300, or entire at $2600. lne farm of 164 acres, 15 miles north of Portland, finely Improved In every way. lng machinery, etc., for $15,000. Sickness C00-acre farm, well Improved, 2 miles from Salem, -560 per acre. we nave every character or farm in vari ous localities and at prices ranging from $12-30 to $100 and above per acre. CITY PROPERTIES Xante, new 9-room house and 3 lot, trlth furniture. Portsmouth, at a meat barraln If sold soon. Price S3 000; half on time. House and lot. 1019 Corbelt St.. on easv peymenta with $200 doirn. House, 8 rooms, nail lot, JJorthwlcIc sc., only $1250. House, 2-story, modern, 7 rooms, cost $1600 3 years ago, with tine quarter-block, on E. uok st,, kbou. lot. $2200. we also lend money on adequate real es tate security, famish Investments for thosd seeklm; safe and remunerative employment of their funds, act as trustee or agent In all property transactions, mako collections of notes, mortgages, rents, etc.. at any point in tne .Nortnwest, naving representatives throughout this territory, act as confidential agent, care for valuable papers, etc Call on or address THE SHAW-EEAR COMPANY (Successor to W. A. Shaw & Co.) 243 Stark Street. Special Bar gains Bargain No. 1 30x100 feet on east side of 13th, neat Madison st, " Bargain No. 2 Good 0-room house. 860 Corbett st., east front; price only $1800, Bargain No. 3 Good 10-room house, 513 Mill at., north- east corner 6tb. lot 50x80 feet. Bargain No, 4r 100x100 feet, northeast corner 20th and E. Salmon, with modern 11-roomed house. Bargain No. 5 Modern 0-room house, 600 Hoyt st, bet. 21st and 22d sts.. south front. Bargain No. 100x100 feet, southeast corner Morrison and' Chapman sts.; fully Improved. "WaKefield, Fries & Co. Agents. 229 Stark Street. PORTSMOUTH Joias high-toned University Fark, near Columbia University, near Stand and and Union Oil Oo.'s distributing plants, near site of James. Olsea'a ship-yard, near Peninsula Lumber Oo.'s big mill, near proposed new saw mill and sash and door factory, near dry dock, within easy walking diatanc of Veneering factory, of Cone's saw mill, of Douglass' sawmill, near where 2000 men will be employed in a short time. Lots very cheap 10 per cent down, balance $5 monthly on. each lot. Liberal discount for cash. FRANCIS !. McKEINNA Boom 606 Commercial Slock, coratr Second a ad. Washington Sm. ABSTRACTS OF TITLH Our records ara complete and. up (9 Afttc Ye furnish abstracts promptly, LOANS .Oa Improve PortlM Eti. IECUKITV jUWXKACT TC CO. JU-21 Chsiser U Cwim.