THE - SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. 1 BT CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oregonlan'a Telephones. Counting Room.... ............... ...Main CC7 Managing Kditor Main C36 Sunday Editor - Main. C3C City Editor Main 166 Composing Room.. ......... ......... .Main CSS Superintendent Building Bed 2823 East Side Office East 61 AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER. Third and Tem hill Streets Matinee, 2:15, and evening. 8:13, the Baker Theater Company In "The Two Orphans." CORDRAY'S THEATER, "Washington street Matinee, 2:15, and evening. 8:15, the comedy-drama, "Slaves o the Mine." ARCADE THEATER, Seventh and Washing ton Continuous vaudeville, 2 to 10:30 P. M. Russian Prisoner Forced to Bathb. Michael Do ley, a Russian -who Is confined In the county jail awaiting trial in the Federal court on a charge of robbing a postofflce and warehouse at Condon along with several others, was given a compul sory bath yesterday morning. The rules of the jail require prisoners to bath week ly, and other sanitary measures are en forced to keep the place healthful and comfortable. Doley refused to bathe. There are at the present time no Japanese prisoners In the jail, and Jailer Jackson round it impossible to secure a Japanese it short notice to subdue the mutinous Russian, and so Intrusted the task to some of the prisoners. They quickly seized Doley after a bath tub had been filled with water, stripped him and then tossed him In. He screamed and struggled, but he was forced to remain in the tub until he had been well soaked. Spectators passing the jail Imagined all sorts of things to account for the uproar, but it was only a stubborn prisoner tak ing a morning-bath. Sellwood Not Likelt to J-ose Mills. Promoters of various manufacturing dis tricts who have been trying to persuade the owners of the Portland "Woolen Mills to build their new factory elsewhere than at Sellwood, are likely to fall in the undertaking. B. I. Thompson, manager of the concern which was burned to the ground the week before last, says that he aes no reason to seek a new locality. He knows the people of Sellwood, his operatives are living in the neighborhood, and unless Inducements greater than those already offered him are forthcoming he will build on the old site. The people of Sellwood realize the Im portance of keeping the mill In the town and are willing to meet reasonable ' re quirements. Preparations for the Rose Show. Extensive preparations are being made for holding the most elaborate rose show ever held In the Northwest in this city about the first of June. The Multnomah Club has guaranteed the use of Its field for the occasion. In connection with the show will be a floral parade. Several prizes will be awarded not only for the best display of roses, .but the most beau tifully bedepked vehicle. At the last meeting arrangements were made for ap pointing committees to arrange a premium list, and also for securing competent judges. Polk Cowrrr Rural Spirit Edition. The Rural Spirit Issued a most Interest ing and complete Illustrated edition of Polk County and her resources this week. It Is a publication that should be ex tensively circulated, as It will bear gooa results. The publisher, M. D. Wisdom, has done good work in pushing the stock in terests of Oregon to the front, and his ef forts In the direction of advertising the resources of the state generally will prove as beneficial as have his efforts In advanc ing Oregon's .stock interests. Officers of Rainier Mill. The Rain ier Mill & Lumber Company, recently In corporated, has been organized with the following officers: W. I. Reed, president and manager; T. S. Lippy, of Seattle, vice- president: B. "W. Reed, secretary, and E. P. Mossman, treasurer. The mill Is lo cated at Rainier, and the plant Is a large one, and additions and Improvements have been .recently made tg the machinery and buildings. Mr. Reed .says operations will bo commenced in the near future. Library Cards Expire. On March 10 the term for the first cards Issued to mem bers at the Library Association will ex pire. The readers cards show the date of expiration. Renewal application blanks may now be obtained at the circulating desk in the library, and If filled out and returned to the library a few days or. a week before the date of expiration of membership there need be no loss of time between the issuing of the new card and the expiration of the old. Mild Smallpox Epidemic at Newbercs. Mild smallpox has been taking a course in Pacific College, Newberg, Yamhill County. Canyon Hall, the boarding-house of the college, has been closed by the or ders of the State Board of Health, and a number of residences have also been quarantined. The public school was closed some days ago. The disease, which Is be lieved to have originated among the col lege students. Is of a mild form, re sembling chicken-pox. Support From Massachusetts. The Lewis and Clark Exposition Is to have the support of Massachusetts and an ap propriation is to be made for the purpose of providing a suitable exhibit. This ap propriation will be made by the Legisla ture now in session. The exact amount Is not yet known. A brief telegram to this effect was received yesterday by Corpora tion Secretary Henry Reed from Special Commissioner Mclsaac Details are ex pected by mall. Building Ordinance Complete. The ordinance which Is to regulate all build ing and fire provisions in the future will probably be presented to the Council at Its meeting "Wednesday. The committee held another meeting yesterday morning. In company with a number of architects and builders. The ordinance as completed . will be comprehensive, embracing In sub stance practically every regulation ever passed. Arrested for Beatxno His "Wife. Martin Fedorsplel was arrested yesterday for beating his wife. She Is a laundress and works In the Troy Laundry. Neigh bors declare that he gave his wife such a violent beating as to leave her in a serious condition. He was released upon JSO ball, and the neighbors last night ex pressed fear that he would return and kill her. Funeral of Charles McGinn, Jr. The funeral of the late Charles McGinn. Jr., will take plaoe Monday morning from the Cathedral, the services commencing at 10 o'clock. Judge Cleland requests that members of the bar will meet at the Courthouse promptly at 9:30 o'clock to attend the funeral. Grain Samples for Switzerland. A request has come from Geneva, Switzer land, for samples of Oregon grain to be placed In the permanent exhibit at that place. Colonel Dosch has gathered to gether the required samples and will sond them Immediately. Portable Schools Ready. The port able schoolhouses on the Park blocks and In the yard of the damaged Park School, will open for study tomorrow morning. Nearly all the former students of the Park School can then be accommodated. Acreage at St. Johns. Acreage at St. Johns. AcnHAOE at St. Johns. The Title Guarantee Trust Coh-i-sNr. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commeece. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Company, selling the best things made in paints and building material, window glass and glazing. 135 First street. Phone Main 1S31. She Holladat Park Addition. She Holladat Park Additiccj. See Holladat Park Addition. " Free dispensary tor worthy poor. Tuea Thurs.. Sat. 1P.M. St. Vincent's Hosp. Official badges for the Lewis and Clark Fair. 5 cents at Gill's. Printing. Enlarged facilities. Rogers, SO First. 'Phone Main 9(3. "Wooster, the "fat Havana cigar" man. At Richards today table d' note. Celebrates His Ninth Birthxjat. ; a. A, junu. connected wilxi me etutonai department of the Evening Telegram, as mining- editor, celebrated his ninth- birth day anniversary with a reception, to a few of the newspaper boys in the rooms of the City Press Club of Portland, in the Marquam building, last evening. Some 30 of the newspaper men of the city papers vald their respects to him and partook of their host s bountiful hospitality. mie Mr. Morris will see the dawn of his ninth birthday next Monday, he is Just a little older than that and admitted to 40 Sum mers, when the matter was pressed, being a leap-year child. The table was loaded down with good things to eat, there were liquid refreshments and cigars. An Impromptu programme was furnished by some of those musically Inclined who were present and the evening passed pleasant ly and all too quickly. Meets a Horrible Death. Burr New ton, a 12-year-old La Camas boy, met a horrible death at the La Camas, Wash., paper mills Friday at noon. The lad was carrying lunches to employes of the mill and had stopped to look at one of the re volving belts when In some inexplicable manner he was caught up, carried around and around with the belt and beaten against the floor with fearful force. Not until the machinery had been stopped could the body be extricated, and by that time it was beaten almost to a pulp. Snider Was Bluffing. Peter Snider alarmed Ihe people of North Portland last night with his threats of suicide until they sent to the police station and had mm locked up for safe-keeping. His pet notion was to go and Jump Into the river. Once he started and was standing on the banks when he was rescued by two men. They took him to the Garfield saloon and called for the police. When arrested he denied that he had had any Intentions of Jump ing Into the river and said he was merely enjoying the night scenery. United Irish League to Meet. "The Value of the Forces Now at Work In the Interest of the Redemption of Ireland's Nationality" will be the Eubject of dis cussion at the meeting of the "United Irish League in Its hall at Sixth and Wash ington streets, this afternoon. Among the speakers will be Judge T. B. McDevitt, James O'Connor, Frank Davey and John O'Hara. Those interested in the subject are invited to attend. Coos Bat Chamber of Commerce. A letter was received by the Chamber of Commerce yesterday from F. S. Dow, of Coos Bay, asking for a copy of the by laws of the local Chamber, and stating that the business men of. Coos Bay are going to organize a Chamber of Com merce in that city. Holladat Park Holladat Park Holladat Park A Modern Addition. A Xodern Addition. A Modern Addition. Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Will Raise Prices. The building of new mills and factories at St. Johns will largely increase property values. We are offering acre tracts at the terminus of the St. Johns car line at very low prices. Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Remember Portland Custom Shoe & Re pair Company guarantees satisfaction. Our sole sewing never rips. One trial will secure your future patronage. 2C3 Yamhill street. Turn Halle building. We Are prepared to place limited sums of money netting 10 per cent; interest pay able monthly. Security examined and guaranteed by this agency. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington "building. All Improvements Made. Sewers and water mains are" all laid In Holladay Park Addition In advance of building. The Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 6, and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Castle Gate Coal Is Sure to Please You. Western Feed & Fuel Co.. 154 N. 5th. Carroll's genuine chocolate chips and creams. Wholesale department, Carroll Thompson Candy Company, 184 4tK st. Vert Desirable improved residence. property and vacant lot on King street,. Address M. 3a, oregonian. . Boerickb & Runton'b homeopathlcs now at 307 Washington street' Knight Drug Company.. A Pleasant place for Sunday dinners. Richards reserve dining parlors, 8th and Alder. Shoes half soled for 50c at Holla baugh's. 2676 Taylor, between 3d and 4th.' "Peter Thompson" sailor suits made to order. Mrs. M. Zeltfuchs. Allsky hldg. Desirable Offices for rent Apply, to A. B. McAlpIn. 123 Seventh street Orders for matzos now solicited. F. Werthelmer, 31 Park street. North. Acme Oil Co. sells the best coal oil and gasoline. Phone East 7S9. Furniture packing. Phone Hood 1677, Walburn, 2S-I Second. Wooster wears well with Westerners. C C. Newcastle, dentist Mohawk bldg. S. H. Gruber. lawyer, 617 Com'l blk. "See B B. Rich for subscriptions."' When dining out go to Richards'. THE SILENT WOEKItlAN. His Skill In Barrett's Lighting Fix ture Trade. Much renovating and rebuilding is going on In the intoriors of private residences. business establishments and public etll flees. We, as leaders In devising and in stalling lighting systems, are more than ordinarily busy. . The merit and art of our fixtures, the success of-our planning. are matters of dally record. For this we feel Immensely gratified and strive ever for higher achievements In serving our patrons. A word Is. due again at this busy time, to our . famous "silent workman." without whom our finest achievements were Impossible. His evident care, mas tery of his craft his self-respect hi: nolselessness and cleanliness make him remarked wherever he goes, whether into a privKte home or a public place. These high-waged workmen, enthusiastic in their skilled workmanship, make the execution of our designs possible. And they save, with their celerity, at least 30 per cent In cost to our patrons. They don't talk they work Intelligently. THE JOHN BARRETT COMPANY, 6th and Alder. Established 1SCS. OKE O'CLOCK M0HDAY. Exhibition of Malson and Braun Carbons. The Little Art Shop wishes to inform the public that owing to delays in transports tion the exhibition of Malson and Braun carbon prints will be ready at 1 o'clock Monday, instead of Monday morning, as announced previously. Those Interested will not fail to visit this being the first opportunity In bur city. The Little Art Shop, Main 1733, 175 Fourth street WHTRE TO DINE. All the delicacies 'of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties. 305 Waslx. near 5th. Imperial Hotel Restaurant 2d floor, six- course dinner. 50c: first-class service. & la carte. 6.30 a. 1L to S P. M. The best Sunday dinner at Strause's Restaurant 229 Washington street Perkins Restaurant will serve regular chicken dinner 33c From 13 M. to S P. M. SALESGIRLS For notions, laces, hosiery, corsets, rib bons, kid gloves, shirtwaists, underwear. also bright young men for wash dress coods. -Competent man lor table linens, etc. Apply before 9 A. M. Monday. Mc- Allen & McDonnell. Your Eyes We Are Headquarters For all eye troubles, and the more difficult the case, the better it suits us. Our Modern Instruroenls Aid''de'tectlng the very "slightest error 'of the' eye, and Jf slashes will help your sight It .will not take us long to FIT tYOTJ- OUT. WE CHARGE NOTHING FOR TESTING, and all examinations made by. a member of the firm who is a graduate optician. Now ABOUT THE CLOCK (that hasn't stopped.) During the past week over "500 guesses have been made on the date and time that a certain S-day clockwould stop, that was wound Monday, 9 A. M., February 15Ul, UP jo Tills uiMJii uus advertisement, was o -oo .It- ft- 1u lmnnc:l)ilii and as a result it will he Impossible at SUNDAY'S OREGONIAN WILL GIVE IT. Now Then ! v - To all those who nave made a guess and failed to Twin the clock ''we will give a special discount of 10 per ce'nt on any clock In our store 'during the next week. : JAEGER BROS. 2to0 Morrison St, near 5th JEWELERS OPTICIANS SIGHT IS PRICELESS That we: supply all the sight your eyes are. capable of at reasonable 'prices. i ...:VALTER REED "V'- THE OPTICIAN 1S3 SIXTH STREET, OKEGOXIAX BUILDING The Oregonian Dur ing the Civil War February 28,-1861. COLONEL DRYER and wife arrived In New York on the 11th of January. They had a very pleasant trip and were In excellent health. Colonel. Dryer pro ceeded to Washington to deliver the elec toral vote of Oregon on the 14tb, where he arrived on the 18th. News Tecelved to the effect that the revenue cutter stationed at Mobile' had been seized: and also the -Mint at New '-Orleans, containing $3o,000, by the revolu tionists. Rumors afloat Indicate that Fort Sumter had been reinforced and attacked, and that South Carolina's ultimatum was the surrender of Fort Sumter. " : "We Invite the Trading Public (Farmers : : in Particular) to Call. Examine and Get : :' Our Prices.- S : ' DRY GOODS. : : READY-MADE CLOTHING, : : BOOTS. SHOES, , : : HATS. CAPS. : : Crockeryware and Table Cutlery. A full : assortment of groceries. t : Corner First and Yamhill Streets. : : 1VOODARD & CO. February 28; 1862. ' t W Vmichn hn fnrrimpneed suit fltv nf Tnrrln nfl fnr riamaees- ubM(u9i wv - - " w sustained by the removal of-a frame bulld i r- v,c- whorf in ISM hv the then cltV I authorities. Sheriff Star served the papers Good Prices'. Potatoes are selling in this city at H per bushel. From -Japan we learn that some diffi culty -lias occurred In regard to the open ing of Yedo to 'foreign trade. Several ad ditional ports were soon to be opened-. : DOUGLASS M. WILLIAMS. : : Real Estate Agent. : : Purchasing and selling real estate. : : renting houses, collecting rents and debts. : : making" deeds ana mortgages and search- : r Jng the records- tor- titles of lands. : : - BOOTS AND SHOES. r A fine' line of nailed. Wp. calf - and ; grain leather boots for sale cheap by : J. HAAS & C. : Sign of the Big Boot : Front Street, near Alder. February 28, 1863. An Item about a blooded horse just brought up from California, worth $S000, would Indicate that there were lovers of flne horseflesh In Portland at the .early date of 1S63. The Treasurer of the Mint at San Fran cisco solicits specimens for a cabinet of minerals about to be Inaugurated In connection with that establishment The collections now on exhibit at the differ ent mints are very beautiful and complete. They probably had their start from- this one. . This Issue contains a long and Interest ing editorial headed, '"General B. F. But ler on Slavery." JL P. Isaacs, forwarding and commission merchant of The Dalles, advertises having a fireproof warehouse. PARIS AND NEW YORK : FASHION'S. : Millinery and Fany Goodo at "Wholesale : and Retail br : MRS. E. VAN FRIDAGH. : First Street, between Morrison and : Alder. : "A large assortment of own' made boa- : -nets always on .hand. : : : Clonks made to order. Bonnets, bleached, : altered and trimmed. t ' February 28, 1864. Sunday no paper. Official Prayers on Hanna's Death. SENATE. The Chaplain. Rev. "Edward Everett Hale, offered the Jollowlng prayer: For we know-that If our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we "have a building of' God. an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. "Behold. I show-you a mystery." he writes, i make plain to you that that has been a mystery. Wo shall sot all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment In the twinkling of an eye, . . .' for this corrupti ble must put on incorrupt! on. and this mor tal must put on Immortality. Father, these who have known him best these who have loved him, they come to Thee lt ask Thy trength for 'weakness, for .light In darkness, and that. Thee., wilt In terpret unto them the lessons- of life and death. All of us. Father, who knew him to love, him and to honor him. we are alto gether, with those "hcaresf to him In his home, in the sorrows of this hour. Come near to us as only 6ur Father can come near to us. Show cs what It is to be the Immortal children of an eternal God. Train us to new service and larger service when we go from world' to world or frpra life to life, 'to be with Thee In this' Infinite heaven of Thine.' t. ' - .Father; we 'pray for this -Natlaa,that she jnax jUw&ts hava counselors Trots, the midst May Need Attention nanaea w tae ciocjt oau not aiuupeu. if rr-crf in nn me th uMrmpr NKCT present to name the" wlnne of her men who know, her people and who know the world and are willing to Join with one -heart and with one voice that this may bo the .kingdom of Thy love. Be. -with us In our sorrows as. Thou hast been in our Joys. We ask it In Christ Jesus. Our Father whp art In heaven, hallowed be Thy name'. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be cone on earth as It Is in heaven. Give us this day our dally bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tres pass tagalnst us And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, -forever. Amen. HOUSE. " Tho Chaplain, Rev. "Henry N. Couden, D. D offered the following prayer: Our.-Father who .art in heaven, we' come to Thee bo wed in, sorrow and in- grief because a great ana userul man, a falthtuL servant of the people, has been 'taken from us. Yet we come-with" perfect faith and confidence In Thee as a; wise. Just and merciful Ruler, who doeth all things for the good of Thy children. Help us, we beseech Thee; to learn the les son Thou wouldst teach. In the life and death of this man, that wefniaybe faithful to our calling and gain tho conflaenceknd esteem of our fellow-men. . V?' -fc - Be very near to the -$erearc4 wife, the mourning family, and tir those who were near and" dear to him- by. Jthe ties of friend ship. ' Comfort them "by the blessed hope of the llfo to come Jln 3Jess Christ our Lord. Amen. Trades for Clergymen. Leslie's Weekly. One cannot question the practical good sense of the advice riven to- candidates for the ministry by a- prominent Phlladel- pnia clergyman in urging-them to learn some trade, either rfrn ,rT- of tor- v!t- o'raln'ation. He has,eijfflalned the statis- " ui mil various i-roiesianr. uenomina tions, and has been, appalled oy the num ber of ministers" ' who are without a charge. He thinks- Jthat a trade would be a good thing to sail back on In such cases, besides standlMf .the preacher In good stead In. many ays while still In the pulpit The advlie Is applicable to men entering almost any. of the learned professions, but particularly so to clergy men, "who run greater risks apparently than any class at 'professionals of being "laid pff" from their regulaxllne of work. Most of the large -denominations have a fund to provide for their superannuated clergy, but the stipends awarded are usually too meager to da more than pay for tjhe barest necessities, of life. Driven Out 6na Wlrvter Night. OREGON CITY. Of?. Feb: 27. (Special.) Jennie Kyler In a' OIvorce' suit filed to day against W. S. Kyler, to .whom she was married at Tarklo. Missouri, In February, 1SS6, charges her husband with having ejected herself and children from their home one stormy Winter's night Other charges. Including that of failure to pro vide, are preferred against the defendant An absolute divorce Is asked for with the custody of four minor children. Arcade Bill Starts Earlier. A new act, direct from San Francisco, has been added to the Arcade Theater bill for next week. Rossery and Rostelle, comedy sketch artists, will swell tho pro gramme to seven acts,, which has made it necessary for the management to start the programme earlier. Beginning to morrow, the first afternoon show will start at 2:15 and the first evening per formance at 7, In order to be able to present the complete bill. NOW COMES RATH & SANDYS. Who say they will serve an elegant turkey dinner In courses; -with music in attendance. Main 225. 143 First street "For a long time while there he was working hard to get a good Job." 'Yes; but he taking a well-deserved rest now." "Gave up" In despair, eh?" "No; he's got the Job." Philadelphia Press. Auction Sale of Japanese and Chinese Curios On account of our present lease expiring soon, and having a very large stock on hand, comprising fine Porcelain, Cloisonne, Satsuma, Bronze, Ivory ' Carvings, Embroid eries, Screens,, Mattings, Rugs, Toys, etc., must close out at auction. Public cordially invited to attend this sale at 2:30 and 7:30 P. 2il. daily. . Andrew Kan & Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts. C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist f 412 Mohawk Bldg., 3d and Morrison Phoue 3iatn 788. SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK? REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 Sarments of Distinction tre tihai lOe Present for Spring, 1904 Styles are the newest designed, while every fabric of note and popularity is embraced Suis for 9? fen; The Spring Models are by far the .most perfect-fitting garments ever made, and among them there is right much of tasteful newness for you to see. THE ENGLISH WALKING SUIT We doubt if the best tailor in the Northwest can duplicate the style and fitting qualities. SACK SUITS Single and double breasted, models to please the conserva tive or the man with, swagger ideas. $10 to $35. TOP COATS $10 to $35. WASHABLE VESTS $1 to $S. Special for This Week Bring TJs Tour Subscription to the Woman's Home Com panion, 1 year $1 Frank Leslie's Popu lar Monthly, 1 yr $1 And we will give you one year sub scription, free, to the: MEDICAL TALK FOR THE HOME AND THE HOUSEKEEPER. The Grumiaux News & Subscription Co. 318 OREGOXIAN BUILDING ! "IDEAL" j Body Brace FOR WOMEN j$3.50 Better than the higher-priced 2 ones. Money back if not sat- isfactory. Woodard, Clarke & Co. COAL If you want the very best, buy niAMflNH a Wyoming pro UlAlHUllU, duct, suitable for all purposes. If you want a good economical coal free from soot, buy ISSAQUAH LUMP If you want an ideal cooking Sffl ISSAQUAH NUT which is free from dirt. Main 1425 KING COAL CO. CANCERS CURED! The Latest Vienna Metlicd. NO KNIFE! NO PAIN I Reasonable Terms. Address. VIENNA CANCER SPECIALISTS (Regular IJcessed Physicians) 212 Hearst (Examiner) Building Corner Third tad ilarket Strests. San Francisco, Cal. Cut this out &sd give It to somo cue who oas iaccr. USADrKG CLOTHIERS OF THE NORTHWEST. , 8. W. CORKER XOCRTH AND MOKRISON STREETS. ' .ltii $ 7 en's JPais Opetffcjg of the Stein bach Special and Gordon' $3 Hats. The qualities are way above the usual $3 grades. Youman's $5 Derbys are style dictators. Spring shapes exhibited. : Why Go Blind? : If the Eyes are giving rain in reading or sewing and are not attended to soon, there is a chance of the Eye going blind. v Healthy Eyes often give trouble in reading, sewing, or J other uses. Proper Eyeglasses aid the Eyes to see without fatigue. 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth. The Graphophone Is the World's Best Talking Machine Price From S3.5G Up Easy Pajments If Desired. Hard-Moulded Records 25c Each Columbia Phonograph Co. 12S SEVENTH ST 543 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND. OREGOX. NewYorSc Dental Parlors Fourth and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon. NO PLATES Gold crowns, $5; foil set teeth, $5; bridgework, 55; gold fillings, $J wp; silver fillings, 50c New York Dental Parlors Hours: 8:30 to 6. . Snudays, 8:30 to 2. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAR ROUND. Cues of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Catarrh of Head and Stomach, Gout, Rheumatism and ALL blood disease token under a guarantee to be cured in a specified Une or all expenses. Including railway fare both war, refunded. These -water renovate the entire system and remove almost every disease. Send SOc for a bottle of stomach and catarrh salt. Routd-trjp tickets at reduced rates. Inqulrs of any Southern Paclflo Railroad agent. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP.. , Tuscan Springs. CaL Frank 3. Hellen. manager. SsflssssssssssssssAnSklClC ML : i - -JO- Mm truster thrown Suits For Boys of 2 to 11 Years. The "Buster Brown" is a reg istered TRADEMARK, and we have secured the exclusive right to distribute them for Portland and vicinity rights are protected by law. Buster Brown Dresses for Girls, Buster Brown Collars and Hats Juvenile Dep't. SciEiYtificSl v" J Manufacturing-Opticians- PoaTUflO.OREGi Teeth AT CUT RATES UNTIL MARCH I, TheBoston Painless Dentists Are doing all dental work for cost of ma terial to Introduce our late discoveries and nalnless methods. EXTRACTING FiUTI; SILVER FILLINGS. 35c; GOLD FILLINGS. 75c: GOLD CROWNS. J3.0Q: BRIDGE WORK. 53.00. Full Set, Fit Guaranteed - $3.00 NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. Come la at once and take advantage of low ratea. All work done by specialists WITHOUT PAIN and GUARANTEED for TEN YEARS. Our lata botanical discovery to apply to the gums for extracting. flU lng and crowning teeth without pain la known and used only by Boston Painless Dentists Corner Fifth and Morrison Sts. Opposite Meier & Frank's. Entrance 291 Morrison. Hours 3:30 A M. to 6 P. M.: Sundays till L LITHOGRAPHING " and PRINTING AKDERSQtt & DUN1WAY CO. Phone Main 17. " Z0S AT.DKB ST. C Rock Springs 0 Lump or Range AIs the very best L House Coal VULCAN COAL CO. 9 BURNS IDE ST.. PHONE MAIN" 277&. Miss Harker and 3Iiss Hughes SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AT PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. Prepares girls for college. Stanford lec tures open to students. Pleasant home lite. Horseback-riding. tennis and wheeling. Ona hours ride to SanNFrancUco. Term beglna January C s COAL Domestio and Foreign, The best In this market. The Pacific Coast Company 29 WASHINGTON STREET. CHARLES U. GLCUL AGXX. 1