The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 28, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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There Is No Rerrfedy Known to the Medical
Profession That is Used and Indorsed By
So Many Men of National Prominence
and Undoubted Integrity.
Hon. "SV. H. Sebring, late Brigadier-General of the Florida State MlllUa.
also ex-CAunty Judge of Levy County. Florida. This prominent gentleman.
In a Jetterlfrom 133 West Fourth street, Jacksonville, Florida, unites:
I caw cheerfully recommend
38 8 very excellent tonic, and also good for coughs, colds, ca
tarrh arid general debility." W. H. Sebrlng.
Colds are considered one of the neces
sary Hl3 of life. One Is liable to catch
cold both Summer and Winter. Very
often a cold Is the starting point or cause
of a lengthy and dangerous catarrhal
disease. Colds are always dangerous and
should never be neglected a day.
John V. Wright, Law Department, General Land office of Tennessee. In a
lotter written from Washington, D. C, says the following of Peruna for
' I have used Peruna In my family and can cheerfully recom
mend It as being all you represent, and wish every one who Is
suffering with catarrh, general debility, or prostration could
know of It. I would advise all such to take It In time and fore
stall the terrible consequences. I regard It as a most valuable
remedy and .most cheerfully recommend It." John V. Wright.
your valuable remedy, Peruna,
ON D. T. CORBIN Is ex-United States
Senator and cousin of Adjutant-General
Corbln of the United States
Army. Judge Corbln is one of the best
known lawyers In Chicago and stands High
professionally and socially. The follow
ing indorsement, coming from such a
man, cannot help but add weight and im
portance to the thousands of testimonials
from the humbler walks of life:
Gentlemen "The use of Perunn has
been n blessing to those troubled with
catarrh. So ninny of my acquaintances
have been cured nnd benefited by Its
ukc thnt It curative qualities shomu
be generally known. I do not hesitate
to recommend It ns the best remedy
yet discovered for thnt disease." D. Y.
Corbln, 010 Chicago Opera-IIousc, Chi
cago, 111.
iHERE are two things that the whole
medical profession agree about con
cerning catarrh. The first is that
catarrh Is the most, prevalent and omni
present disease to which the people in the
United States are subject. All classes of
people have It. ThoBO who stay Indtyrs
much and those who go outdoors mii-h.
"Working classes have It. and sedentjliry
classes have it.
The doctor finds catarrh to be his con
stant and ever-present foe. It complicates
nearly every disease he is called upon to
The second thing about catarrh on which
alL doctors agree Is that it is difficult to
cure It- Local remedies may give relief
but they fall to cure permanently. Sprays
or snuffs amount to little or nothing ex
cept to give temporary relief.
Catarrh a Systemic Disease.
Catarrh is frequently located in internal
organs which cannot "be reached by any
sort of local treatment. All this Is known
by every physician.
jr GREAT many remedies to tempo
J rarlly relieve catarrh have been
devised from time to time, such
as sprays, snuffs, creams and other local
applications, but as a rule, the medical
profession has little or no enthusiasm In
the treatment of catarrh.
It Is generally pronounced by them to
be Incurable.
It therefore created a great sensation
in medical circles when Dr. Hartman an
nounced that he had devised a com
pound which would cure catarrh per
manently. The remedy "was named Peruna and In
a short time became known to thousands
of catarrh sufferers North. (South. East
and West.
Letters testifying to the fact that Pe
runa Is a radical cure for catarrh began
to pour In from all directions.
Thousands of such letters are on file
In the office of the Peruna Medicine Co.
In every city and hamlet of the land
the phrase that Peruna cures catarrh
wherever located has become almost an
Peruna is a specific for all catarrhal
diseases. It acts quickly and beneficially
upon the inflamed mucous membrane thus
removing rhe cause of catarrh.
Catarrh is catarrh wherever located.
Catarrh is essentially the same every
where. The remedy that will cure ca
tarrh In one situation will in all
t -
Silas Hare, of Sherman, Texas, was
born in Ross County, Ohio, removed to
Hamilton, Texas, when 13 years of age.
Served one year in the war with Mexico.
Was Chief Justice of Now Mexico Is 1852.
Practiced law In Indiana In 1SS0. Settled
In Sherman, Texas, In 1SG5. Was District
Judge, and was elected to the 50th Con
gress, was defeated by Hon. Joseph W.
Bailey, now United States Senator from
Texas. Is the father of Major Hare,
who served with distinction in the Philip
pine War. This distinguished gentleman
in a letter from the Hamilton House,
Washington, D. C. says:
"I earnestly recommend your Peruna
to nil persons suffering- with cntnrrh
or nervous disorders. I nm satisfied
thnt It Is n good and -wholesome rem
edy." Silas Hare.
Approach of Catarrh Not Always
Catarrh is silent - and insidious in Its
ravages, but it pervades nearly every
household and hovers like a pentllence
over every hamlet and city In our land.
Catarrh (and its legitimate conse
quences) has desolated more hearthstones,
made wretched more happy lives, and
ended more brilliant careers than all
other diseases combined.
Catarrh may end' in deafness, blind
ness, loss of smell, loss of taste, or the
entire loss of voice.
Diphtheria, bronchitis, pneumonia, con
sumption and pleurisy begin almost al
ways as the result of a catarrhal attack.
The worst forms of dyspepsia and
Bright's disease of the kidneys are also
the direct consequences of neglected cases
of acute catarrh.
Even when the victims of acute ca
tarrh escape all of the above mentioned
liabilities, there -remains the great prob
abllltiy of its ending In chronic catarrh.
The only hope of success in the perma
nent cure of a case of chronic catarrh
is to devise some remedy that will stim
ulate the nerves which supply the capil
lary blood vessels.
There Is but' one remedy that has this
most desirable effect, and that remedy
Is Perusa.
Peruna is not a temporary palliative,
but a radical cure.
It Is the only reliable Internal remedy
ever devised to cure any case of catarrh,
however long tha case may havo been
To devise some systemic Internal remedy
which would reach catarrh at Its source,
to eradicate It permanently from the
system this has been the desire of the
medical profession for a long time. Forty
years asp Dr. Hartman confronted this
problem. He believed then that he had
solved It. He still believes he has solved
it. He cures thousands of people annually.
During all these years Peruna has been
the remedy upon which he has relied.
There is but one remedy that has the
desirable effect, and that remedy Is
Peruna Is now to be found In every
drugstore and nearlv .vsrv home In the
How Prevented-How Cured-by the
Renowned Medical Author and
Physician, Dr. Hartman.
CATCHING cold Is really the acute
stage of catarrh. A sudden chilling
of the surface of part of the body
drives the blood to the Interior of the
body, and its presence in unusual quan
tities causes temporary congestion of
soma organ, which may continue long
enough to produce the disturbance called
"a cold." The mucous membranes of the
respiratory tract are oftcnest damaged
by this rush of blood to the wanner parts
of the body because of their loose struc
ture, which affords little or no support to
the delicate vessels turgid with an un
usual supply of blood. Peruna acts di
rectly on the rasa-motor system of
nerves, which give tonicity to these over
crowded vessels, and enables them to re
gain their usual elasticity, and thus pre
vent further derangement.
Chronic catarrh Is so undoubtedly and
directly the result of an ordinary cold
that It would be quite correct to call
chronic catarrh a settled or old cold. At
least one-fourth of the inhabitants north
of the 40th degree of latitude are more or
less afflicted with catarrh in some form.
To say that this vast multitude of people
Is. miserable ls only to give a mild state
ment of the case.
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a
Pound of Cure.
The treatment of colds ought to begin
with the appearance of the first symp
toms. Since a cold has the invariable
effect of producing congestion of somo
mucous surface, the remedy forlt ought
to operate there also. The compound.
Peruna, was devised with especial refer
ence to this effect. It operates by In
creasing the circulation In the mucous
membranes of the whole body, and, no
matter where the cold may have settled,
whether in the head, throat, lungs, kid
neys or urinary organs, Peruna will Im
mediately relieve the congested mem
brane and stop the discharge.
There Is no fact of medical science
better established than that a toaspoonful
of Peruna before each meal during the
Winter season, will absolutely protect a
person from catching cold. Now if this Is
true (and there lno doubt of it) thou
sands of lives would be' saved, and tens
of thousands of caves of chronic catarrh
prevented, by this simple precaution
within reach of every one.
A Cold, the Rirst Step Toward
Chronic) Catarrh.
After a cold has"peen contracted a tea
spoonful of PerunaTvery hour will short
ly cure it leaving nj trace of it behind.
After chronic catarrh has become estab
lished, or the first stages of consumption
have been reached, t will take much
longer to effect a cv3e. It seems strange
that as well knownjand as well estab
lished as these fact are that any one
should neglect to profit by them, and yet
no doubt there are. many who pay little
or no attention to them and go on catch
ing cold, acquiring chronic catarrh and
Peruna kept in the house and properly
used will therefore not only act as a
safeguard against the aliments which
result from sudden cold waves, .but will
also prove a sure remedy for this class of
ailments. :
Pe-ru-na Cannot Be Imitated.
Some things may be successfully imi
tated, but Peruna cannot be. Every one
purchasing Peruna should' look out for
Imitations. Examine each package care
fully. If you have ever used Peruna, or
if you have ever tasted It, you are not
In the slightest danger of being misled by
these imitations, but all those beginning
the use of Peruna should beware.
Beware of imitations. Believe no one
who tells you that he has a remedy that
Is making the same cures that Peruna is
If you have any doubt as to the gen
uineness of the bottle of Peruna you are
using, write to Dr. Hartman and the
fraud. If there be any, will soon be de
tected. The Tenacious Character of Chronic
Perhaps the majority of physicians be
lieve chronic catarrh to be Incurable, but
no wonder. It Is a hard disease to cure.
Many physicians cannot cure it, at least
only temporarily. A very few have hafl
the extensive experience to cure catarrh
Among these few stands Dr. Hartman.
His fame in curing chronic catarrh Is
known far and wide. His principal
remedy. Is Peruna. He has used this
remedy for nearly 40 years. It cures
catarrh permanently old cases slowly but
surely; new cases quickly and lastingly.
There need be no failure.
Coughs, colds, la, grippe. Influenza,
bronchitis, and all diseases of .the throat,
chest and lungs are promptly curable by
As a remedy for Winter diseases it has
no equal.
Men of Prominence Do Not Hesitate
to Indorse Pe-ru-'ha.
Over 50 members of Congress, 2S Gen
erals of our Army, Governors, Admirals,
Mayors, prominent lawyera, physicians,
business men. club men. literary men and
scholars of prominence and many other
men of National reputation indorse
Thousands of people In the humbler
walks of life use It as a family medicine.
Used once In the home it always stays.
Almost all the diseases of Winter are due
to catarrh; Peruna cures catarrh where
cver located.
Promptness of pe-ru-na Unequaled.
Peruna can be relied upon to cure slight
colds and coughs and other catarrhal
ailments with a promptness that is un
equaled by any other remedy.
It first Invigorates the system. Increases
the appetito. then the patient begins to
gain flesh, hope takes the place of
despondency, and all the mischievous
symptoms which the chronic catarrh has
produced will disappear one by one in
the reverse order of their appearance. It
has cured thousands upon thousands of
this harassing aad distress lug malady.
THE day was . when men of promi
nence hesitated to give their testi
monials to proprietary inedlclnes for
publication. This remains true today of
most proprietary medicines. But Peruna
has become bo justly famous, Its merits-
are known to so many people of high
and low station that no one hestltates
to see his name in print recommending
The highest men in our Nation have
given Perune a strong indorsement. Men
representing all classes and stations are
equally represented.
The most distinguished men of the
United States have no hesitation in lend
ing their Influence to assist in letting the
people know of the virtues of Peruna.
Nearly one-half the people are In some
dogree affected by catarrh. Therefore It
Is almost a National curse and It is of
National import that the people should
know of Peruna.
Catarrh is an American disease. Peruna
is an American remedy. Catarrh Is the
result of a changeable climate. Peruna Is
the result of long and careful experimen
tation. Catarrh enters the sytem through
the nerve centere. Peruna enables the
nerve-centers to repel and expel catarrh
from the system.
Catarrh Is a systemic disease, curable
only by systemic treatment. A remedy
that cures catarrh must aim directly at
the depressed nerve centers. This Is
what 'Peruna does.
W. H. Parsons 13 ex-State Senator and
ex-Special Judge of the Supreme Court
of Texas, also Brigadier-General in the
Confederate Army. In a recent letter from
925 H street. N. W.. Washington, D. C
this prominent gentleman says:
"Upon the recommendation of per
sonal friends and many strong- testi
monials as to the efficacy of Peruna la
the treatment of the numerous symp
toms of the grippe, with which I have
been afflicted for four months print, I
have been Induced to undergo n treat
ment vrith tils Justly celebrated for
mula. I feel a decided change for the
better after using It only one week. It
Is especially good In toning up the
stomach nnd has a decided effect upon
my appetite. I therefore feel much en
couraged that I am on the road to com
plete restoration.
"My numerous friends In Texas,
where, I have had the honor to com
mand a brigade of her Veteran Cavalry
la a four years' war, may accept this
voluntary testimonial to the merits of
Peruna a a sense of obligation on my
part for Its wonderful efilcacy W.
II. Parsons.
Catarrhal Symptoms Vary According
to Their Location In the Body.
Every organ of the body is liable to
catarrh. Symptoms of catarrh differ according-
to the part affected. ' If the
catarrh Is confined to the nose the symp
toms will be sneezing' and mucous dis
charges or the formation of dry scabs,
corresponding to the stage of the dis
ease. When In the pharynx It cause hawk
ing, enlarged follicles and tonsils, and
sometimes deafness. In the larynx It
produces hoarseness and often loss of
voice. As soon as It reaches the trachea
and bronchial tubes, cough, with, abund
ant mucous expectoration, ensues.
Upon reaching the lungs catarrh
speedily causes consumption, and all of
the symptoms of that dread disease fol
low sooner or later. Catarrh also attacks
the urinary tract, producing in the kid
neys "Bright's Disease," in the bladder
chronic cystitis, and In the urethra small.
frequent and painful micturitions. Peruna
Is a specific for catarrh, wherever located
and In all stages.
Catarrh Is capable of changing all the
life-giving secretions of the body into
scalding fluids, which destroy and In
flame every part they come In contact
with. Applications to the places affected
by catarrh can do little . good save to
scothe cr quiet disagreeable symptoms.
Hence it is that gargles, sprays, atom
izers and Inhalants only serve as tem
porary relief.
If you do net derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his Valuable ad
vice gratis. ,
Address Dr. Hartman. President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Judge W. G. Durham, a well-known local Judge of Greensboro, Ga., gives
his experience with Peruna In tha following words:
"Some time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on
my lungs and In my head. I tried many remedies, all of which
gave me no rellof. I concluded my case was catarrh of the
head and lungs, and seeing Peruna so highly recommended I be
gan using It, experiencing the very best results from the first
bottle. I continued using Peruna for a short while, and have
never felt the least syrpptons of catarrh since. Peruna is cer
tainly a good medicine, and deserves the highest praise which Is
given It by the general public." W. G. Durham, Greensboro, Ga.
tLLTAM FABK, President of Na
tional College of Law, Nashville,
Tenn., writes:
"Two years ago I had a serious at
tack of la grippe, which seemed to baf
fle the physicians, and I was unable to
attend to my office work aad It seri
ously Interfered with my routine of
business. One of my students who had
been cured and benefited by using Pe
runa advised me to try it, and acting
on his ndvtce, I did so, but with mis
givings, I can assure you.-
"I was heartily surprised to Had thnt
h change for the better set in nlmost as
soon as I" had finished the first bottle
aad I was able to take up my Work
again la a week, nnd la two weeks X
had entirely recovered ray good health.
Peruna Is well deserving of prnlae." -William
The Season of Catching Cold.
HE season of catching cold is upon
us. The cough and the sneeze and
the nasal twang are to be heard on
every hand. The origin of chronic catarrh,
the most common and dreadful of diseases.
Is a cold.
The order In which the symptoms of
chronic catarrh occur are nearly always
as follows:
A cold which hangs on longer than
usual; a sensitiveness of the air passages,
br which one catches cold easily; a con
tinual cold settled In the head, throat or
chest; discharges grow thicker and more
offensive; los3 of flesh, despondency, loss
of appetite, headache or cough, and gen
eral lassitude.
Now this Is about the order In which
symptoms of chronic catarrh make their
appearance, and if the sufferer Is fortu
nate enough to find a cure the symptoms
will begin to disappear In exactly the re
verse order. There may be at first no
perceptible improvement in the earliest
symotoms, while the latter symptoms
show prompt improvement.
: :
o o
Judge H. -Henry Powers, of Vermont, writes from Morrlsvllle, Vt,:
"Peruna-Ih a ve used In my family with success. I can rec
ommend It as an excellent family remedy and very good for
coughs,. colds and- catarrhal affectIons.T H. Henry Powers.
I i