PRUT THREE vol. xxni. j PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1904. NO. 9. t r - - - ---- i RAGES 17 TO 28 Tfoe"Di& & Soperb New Spring Silks AITCTEX FIRST FLOOR How paint the lily? Or add another hue to the minnow? Prosaic printer's ink can do but scant justice in picturing the beauties of the new Silks from foreign and domestic looms and closer and closer the domestic silks are pushing the foreign for leadership. And practicalness is not lost sight of. One sees so much by coming here. Spring toilettes can best be planned after seeing the exhibit here. This week we will show in the "Silk Store" the most extensive' and complete lines, the grandest and biggest varieties of both plain and exclusive novelty Silks ever shown by any house on the Pacific Coast, embracing every new weave shown by American and foreign makers. Silk for the smart new Shirtwaist Suits, for Jinings and foundations for dresses, for swell evening and party gowns, for trimmings and fancy work in shojt, every style and finish IS to be found in this great Silk Store, and all marked at prices that are not dupli cated for vajue in all the Northwest. We especially call your attention to our line of Black Taffetas, Peau de SoieS, Paillette He Scies and Peau de Cygne, which silk-buyers know are posi tively the best Silks Uncle Sam's dollars can buy. A GREAT MONDAY SPECIAL IN THE ANNEX! ALL DAT MONDAY WE WILL SELL 1.60 TAFFETA SILKS FOE $1.31 THE YARD Yard wide black pure Silk Taffeta, the best Silk in the market, at our regular price of $1.60 per yard; special for x i r Monday only at f wx) For lining and drop skirts this quality cannot be matched for wear. .It has splendid finish and rustle, and is one of the greatest bargains we have ever offered. A WONDERFUL THREE-DAY BARGAIN IN SPLENDID NEW 1904 TWEED SUITINGS. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, THIS WEEK, WE WILL SELL Sl.50 TWEED SUITINGS AT 98$ THE YARD 56-inch new all-wool tweed Suitings, excellent wearing fabrics; one of this season's most fashionable fabrics. The choosing embraces plain colors, neat stripes and checks, in all the new colorings. See window display. Positively the best value sold anywhere in America at Sl.50 a yard. For three named days we place Arjo them on special tables in Dress Goods Department at, the yard CfOC A IV.Vt,L'B qwirmixsJ lAkwl m 8 Il mi I i l;fV VI 1 ...... 1 904 Wash Materials DOMESTIC AISLE FIRST FLOOR Jora.CTentfnl week among the lighter fabrics in the Wash Goods section. Like nrst flowers of Spring, the airy weaves,, the dainty tints and bright hues awaken thoughts of green trees and singing birds-bring delight to the heart, glad to see the shackles of Winter Breaking. In our new fabrics Nature herself is almost outdone in beauty blending. The world's best productions are spread out here and inducements for buying now are plenty, for cotton stays nigh and we re apt to pay more and more for such goods, and then again, the weeks just ahead are those in which Summer dresses can be most advantageously made, whether you arj 7 or EOt' Look tlurongh the this week. Among them you'll note TOIL DU JOUR, a new novelty, sheer material of the crash family with tracings of delicate white lines running through, and flecked here and there with white like pure O " white violets on the green hillsides of Spring, the yard, 20$ and jOI "TOIL AUTO," a fabric of linen and cotton admixture, will be nressed into service wTimi Wr0 -making up the shirtwaist suits for the 1904 Summer girl; very handsome; swell th mixed effects are included in this new, ultra fashionable wash material; yard ilOC New linen warp Etamines, in handsome, shaded effects; an effective novelty, yard.......90 VOILE TOURAINES A splendid substitute for the all-wool voiles. In demand now for making up for Spring year; yard IOC CREPE VOILES AND ETAMINES Fabrics with all the "feeL" appearance. and wearing quali ties of their haughty originators, the more expensive fabrics; 36 inches wide, in all O r the new and wanted shades for street or evening wear; the yard OL DANISH CLOTH: A half-wool fabric, the most popular among the particular wearers of this class of materials. In two widths 24-inch at 15$ the yard; 36-inch, the yd. . This Store Is Playing Bo-Peep With Springtime The Lid Is Off A Peep Into the Box That Holds SECOND FLOOR, This week the new Millinery Chief arrives home from our New York City work-rooms and his two months' hobnobbine with the leading Old and New Worlds. Ee has talked French Millinery with the Parisians, and compared notes with our English cousins the Londoners. His will be a royal welcome' home, for we're proud of him and his emissaries the beautiful Spring Hats hes sent on ahead. We can draw but a rough pencil sketch of the beautiful millinery painting. The superb showing is worthy of more than we can do for it in cold type. Come in this week and draw in an eye inhalation of the odors of fragrance and newness that permeates our 1904 Millinery Salons. GAGE HATS Popular favorites, plain and fancy straws. The "Dumont" leads . .S8 50 to S15 BENDEL HATS The popular London "Hat. Imported direVtf7omthe maker by this house. Horse hair braids, moline facings and tiny flowers conjured into fetching rosette forms TrSSSSSfc alr trilm?in -;...$9 to 12.50 iLhLTE. HATS New with us this season. The rage in Eastern fashion centers. Of Tuscan straw, with trimmings of ribbons and wings 5 to SIO THE "CODEL" New York's leader of Tailored Hats in'lihe Fashion' world. The Colonial" Turban and the "Georgette" (adapted from the French model of the famous Parisian maker whose name it bears) take orecedence anions SnriTip's sfrulA wrfnrina r are beautifully and tastefully trimmed in the extreme of Fashion's latest fan cies. Chiffon, foliage and roses are plentiful as roses in an Oregon Summer. Price range . $5.00 to S15 00 Our new manager arrives Wednesday. "At Home" on second floor after that date. WELCOME The "newspaper cure" for a man seriously ill is to "write up" Ms obituary and set it in cold type. We're going to try the plan on Mr. Cold Damp Weather. If it brings his temperature up to the normal of the calendar it will be a service that Portland people will appreciate. This week sees the opening of the first Spring month. Good-bye, old Winter, and good riddance. The minute the doors at this great Springtime store swing open to morrow, you'll find yourselves in a new land here, a land brighi with Spring freshness prepared for the first peep of till crocus and the violet. The first of every thing fromtforeifa and Eastern markets will greet you, and while-naturally t'rie sbewings aren't as complete as they willb later at the openings, they will give you a superlative idea of how the Spring fashion wind will blow, especially as the world's foremost designers and makers stand back of everything shown in this Spring expose by Portland's RELIABLE "FASHION SHOP." We extend the freedom of the store to you, and you're invited to look, whether as mere sightseer or buyer. Welcome. Women's New Suits Spring Skirts, Shirtwaists, Coats, Evn'g Wraps SECOND FLOOR Garments that will appeal to women who appreciate the refinements of tailor art. Suits that hear closest inspection of careful eyes as to cut and workmanship. Here's outlines, hare hints of sttfle that doesn't hend to mere word-painting. Models that are smartly dashing Etons, blouse and holero effects, swagger military styles, some collarless, others with mili tary collars, and made on military- lines throughout, trimmings that suggest the dres3 parade on field days in camp. The manager of Portland's biggest and best suit store is home from New York came yesterday. Come in tomorrow. and she'll tell you more than we could tell in a page, and show you more than any picture we might draw. New Spring Walking Suits, v...... $12.50 to $75.00 new spring wauong Siart3 New -Spring Shirtwaists. .$5.00 to $16.50 ..$1.25 to $6.00 Mew Spring Coats... S12.50 to S28.50 New Spring Silk Coats $10.00. to $38.50 SPECIAL NOTE New Novelty Silk Evening Waists came in by express yesterday. The greatest display of handsome waists ever brought to Portland. Prices $18 to $45 bast of Hoy ply Sales Monday le of Wondrous 60-Minyfe Bargains! Underpriced merchandise that's new, bright, down-to- the-minute in style and fashionably seasonable. Match less buying opportunities that cover the entire store. r FSoors Teemina With w Bristling Morning Sales Open S A. M. 5 SHOE STORE-FIRST FLOOR; ART NEEDLE WORK SHOP, THOROUGHFARE AISLE, SECOND FLOOR, AND LEATHER GOODS COUNTER, FIRST FLOOR. DETAILS FOLLOW: A Bond .$1.78 5T0 9 A. M. WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES FOR $1.7S-First Floor. These values are worth hurrying along the breakfasts for on Monday. A full line of both dress and streetstyles in patent con, or vici sia learners, cnoice oi neavy or light soles, 3 dis tinct scyies oi toe, ana ai.i, si&tis. From 8 to 9 A. M. Monday only, pair LADIES' 85c BELTS FOR 9$ First Floor. In all wanted leathers, patent finish, seal calf or suede, splen did assortment of styles and in black and all popular colors. All sizes in the sale, which includes values to 85c each; 8 to 9 A. M. Monday only they're marked just to coax you down town early at, each C 50c TEA APRONS, 29-Second Floor Annex. Another magnot to draw out early-morning shoppers from their home nests. Aprons are of fine lawn, with lace inser tions, ruffled border, beading and drawn ribbons. oa. 8 to 9 A. M., Monday only, 50c values for AvC 9 TO 10 A. M. LADIES' 'KERCHIEFS, HALF PRICE First Floor. Plain white linen Handkerchiefs, very dainty, worthy values at regular 20c selling price, 9 to 10, Monday only "ifh at half; each '..lUC MEN'S 1.25 SATEEN NIGHTROSES, 59-lst Floor. For the men who appreciate appearance as well as comfort in their sleeping room. Especially adapted for wear of travel- ing men or in the sick-room; very handsome sateen Night Robes in dainty colors, including pinks, blues and creams; attractively trimmed and with military collars. Most store's $1.50 values; our iusuiar graae; a to 10 Monday Plflr only, choice $1.85 COTTON FLEECE BLANKETS, S1.35-4th Floor. 100 pairs in the' offering, all extra large 'size cotton-fleeced Blankets, in fawn shade, 72x80-inch measurement; 9 to 10, Monday only, the $1.85 values are marked, C Off each 1 iO TO II A. M. 75c PERFUMES FOR 3p$ BOTTLE First Floor. Imported Crown Perfumes, Maksukita Japanese odor, in fancy glass stoppered, 1-oz. bottles, the 75c size; oh oer Monday only, 10 to 11 A. M., for, bottle vOC 15c CRETONNES, 10 YARD 1st Floor, Domestic Aisle. A really wondrous bargain in stayle, wanted French Cretonnes; 40 pieces in the offering, all rich, attractive colorings, in new Oriental, mosaic and floral designs. Our best 15c -f quality, 10 to 11 A. M., Monday only, for, yard I UC LADIES' $10 LOUNGING OR BATH ROBES, HANDY BREAKFAST ROBES, $4.75 Second Floor. Every woman who hasn't one wants one, and here's your chance to own one at less than half their worth. Of hand some eiderdown materials, reds, pinks and blues, collarless, kimono styles with loose backs or fitted backs with loose, wide sailor collars. All have heavy cords at waist for gath eringin fullness and all are handsomely trimmed around col lars and cuffs and down fronts with rich satin bands, frog fasteners of silk down the fronts. We have combined all the $6.50, $8.50 and $10 Robes in one grand bargain lot, from wnicn you may choose for one hour only on Cf Last of Hourly Sales Monday A Bundle of Wondrous 60-Minufe Bargains! bales open at S A. M., continuing until 6 P. M. Every hour of the day, excepting 1 2 N. to I P. Ii., when an inter mission occurs for lunch and getting ready the after noon stocks. EMULATE THE JAPS be early and get the "cherries." The bundle contains hundreds of good bargain values, but opportunities, you know, never waif for laggards. BE EARLY! Buy early and often final adieu, at present, to the "Original Hourly Sales." Afternoon Sales Start at I Monday at the ridiculously low price of. N. B. The response to our Shirtwaist offer of last week was so overwhelming that, while we fully expected the quantity to last a full hour, in 15 minutes not a waist remained out of over 160. This prompts us tp add for safety's sake on this and all future items "For one hour, or while they last." Be early. Don't be a laggard and grumble if your more punctual neighbor gets a better choice than you. 1 1 to 12 A. M. 17c FIRE-PROOF CLAY BOWLS, 9S Kitchen Furnishing Store Third Floon lV2Piat imported, fiiproof clay, footed Bowls, regu lar 17c vals., from 11 to 12 A. M. Monday only at. 9c WOMEN'S 50c HOSIERY, 20$ PAIR-First Floor. We have selected from our lines for this special, one of the most wanted and called-for effects, the ultra fashionable gauze. Of fine black Maco cotton, medium high-spliced heels, double soles and French toes. Best 50c Hosiery lines in America 1 hour, 11 to 12 A. M. Monday only, 89c BURNT WOOD PHOTO FRAMES, 25$ First Floor. Very handsome selections from our Pyrography counter. At tractively decorated in head designs, grand values at 89c most stores would say ' a dollar' 'Monday only, Orr 11 to 12 A. LL, choose for I to 2 P. M. WOMEN'S 75c GOLF GLOVES, 37$ First Floor. In handsome colorings, plain and fancy wools, mostly imported attractive Scotch mixtures; Monday only, 0 7r 1 to 2 P. M pair Oi L WOMEN'S 75c ANTS OR TIGHTS, 49$ First Floor. Pants of fine white ribbed lisle, tights have fashioned tops and white Normandy de Valenciennes lace trimmings at knee. Best 75c values in Portland, 1 to 2 Monday only, ACkr at, pair fyJX, 2 to 3 P. M. 90c BOSTON BAGS, 35-First Floor. Ladies' Shopping Bags in 12-inch size, a large assortment of attractive Cloths and leather handles; Monday only, 2 to 3 o'clock, our best 90c values are prices OOi LADIES 1.50 PARTY SLIPPERS, 89$ First Floor. Very handsome in appearance, thoroughly made for wear, styl ish foot shapes, soft, flexible turned soles, one-strap style with bow ornament. In all sizes the usual good 1.50 values are placed for one hour's sale on Monday only, S2Q 2 to 3 P. M., at a matchless bargain price of, pair. . OcC 3 to 4 P. M.. 75c DECORATED WATER JUGS, 4:9$ Third Floor. Very handsomely decorated china Water Jugs, each holding 4 pints. A grand value at 75c; Monday, from 3 to 4 yfQ, P. M., win find 'em marked, "Choice for AND CONTINUE EVERY HOUR IN SECTIONS, DESIG NATED AS HERE PRINTED, UNTIL 6 P. M. BE WISE AND PLAN TO SPEND YOUR AFTERNOON TOMORROW WITH US. 24-inch Novelty Roungeant Taffeta, very stylish and new, for v making ug the new shirtwaist suits and waists, a splendid wearing and pretty silk, in patterns including neat polka dots, small and medium-sized checks, in following color com binationslavender, white, tans, light blues, reds, navys, cornflower blue, browns, etc Our reg. $1.50 a yard ?Q quality; special for one hour only, 3 to 4 P. M., at, yd OiC 4 to 5 P. M. 35c ALL-WOOL LACE TRIMMINGS, 12V2$ YD. 1st Floor. Very much in demand for trimming the new Spring suits and costumes, in white and ecru tints, very handsome and at tractive patterns ; from 4 to 5 P. M. Monday -41 only, these splendid 35c lace3 go for, yard 12- WHAT! $10.50 CENTERPIECES, WALL HANGINGS AND CUSHION TOPS FOR $1.98? YES. READ ON. Thoroughfare Aisle Art Shop Second Floor. Our entire stock of burned, tinted and applique leather and velour in centerpieces round and oblong wall hangings and cushion tops in floral and Oriental effect; regular prices up to 10.60; 4 to 5 P. M. Monday only 5 to 6 P. M. 55c LINEN HOPSACKING CENTERPIECES, 27$. Green or red linen hopsacking Centerpieces, stamped in a large variety of Oriental designs, with enough material for work ing same; regular price, 55c; from 5 to 6 P. M. 07c Monday only at i 1- $2.25 TURKISH SQUARES, 95$. For cushion tops or decorative purposes; much called for now for adding new Spring beauty to the homes and bachelor dens. Of satin, hand "somely embroidered in silver; 5 to 6 P. M. Mon day only, the $2.25 values are marked to this figure for choice 95c 1