THE SUNDAY 0REG0NIA3, PORTLAOT, FEBRUAKr 21, 1904. ' CiTY NEWS IN BRIEF The OregaslaH's Telephone. Counting Roots Main GT7 Managing Editor ilain C38 Sunday Editor ... Main C3S City Editor Mala 303 Composing Room .................. ..Main CS5 Superintendent Bulldtnr ji..Red 2S23 East le Ode East 81 ASTUSEilENTS. TH3 BAKER THEATER, Third and Tarahlll streets Matinee, 2:15; evening, 8:1S, the Baker Theater Company, In "Mistress Hell." JLECADB THEATER, Seventh and "Washington Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. CORD RAT'S THEATER. "Washington street Matinee, 2:15; evening, 8:15, "A Night In Jjine." For Benefit of Norwegian Fire Scr xx hers. For the benefit ol the Are suf ferers at Aalesund. Norway, the Scandi navians of Portland will tonight give a grand entertainment In the Arion Hall, corner of. Second and Oak streets. The programme . trill commence at 7 o'clock, and will open -with an overture by the orchestra, after -which a spectacular set ting, arranged by Edward Boyse and ex ecuted by the Norwegian Singing Society, will be presented. F. C. Hageman will follow with a few remarks, and Miss Carrie Johnstone will render a soprano solo. Arthur Wilson, Consul of Sweden and Norway, will deliver a speech, and Judge Waldemar Be ton will give imper sonations in costumes. Features on the programme are also the specialties of Miss Valborg Ahlgren and the Schroedor brothers. Miss Hoben will render a piano eolo, and then will follow national dances under the direction of Mr. Boyse. On the main floor will be a number of booths for the benefit of those who ar liberally in clined: That the hall will be crowded to the doors Is predicted, as the object Is one worthy of generous patronage. The com mittee in charge of the affair is composed of men prominent In business circles, and they have spared no efforts to make the entertainment a success in every way. Government Makino Bio Maps. The United States Geological Survey Is making a topographic map of the United, States. This work has been in progress since 1SS2, and about -one-fifth of the area of the country. Including Alaska, has been mapped. The mapped areas are widely scattered, nearly every state being repre sented, as shown on the progress map ac companying each annual report oi the director. The great map Is being published In atlas sheets of convenient size, which are bounded by parallels and meridians. The four-cornered division of land cor responding to an atlas sheet is called a quadrangle. The sheets are of approxi mately the same size, ana are maueu a Fheet at a time to the "Weather Bureaus and other Government offices of the United States, The first sections of the map to be received in this city were ro celved at the Weather Bureau office i few days ago. The maps are the best of the kind ever orlnted by the Government, nnrt will orove a trreat help to the Weather Bureaus of the country. Demand fob Corner Lots. Several calos of corners were reported yesterday in different Darts of the city. None of them was close to the center of town. The largest was 'the straightening out of the ownership of the southeast corner oi aev enth and Glisan streets. N. E. Ayer carted with a half Interest In the property. for a money consideration, to B. M. Lom bard. The value of the whole corner at the time of the deal was set at. $30,000. It Is occupied by a frame hotel, and brings an Income of $300 a month. The northeast corner of J?ark and Glisan streets was sold by Balfour-Guthrie Company to the EsDey Real Estate Company for jm.owj. The southeast corner of Fourteenth and Clay, containing flvo dwellings, was sold by I W. Whiting & Co. for N. Pallay, to JjOJUidK -M. Anderson for FffirSTjRT orFAUBT," according to the two famous vcrsions of Marlowe and Goethe, .will be, the subject of a course of six lecturetudies given, by Mrs. Lu Alt man at her residence, 405 Stark Etreet, npnr Tenth. Tuesdays at 3 o'clock Febru ary 23 and March 1, 8. 15, 22 and 29. Same course adapted to young iaoie6 weanes days at 10:30 February 24 and March 2, 8, 10, 23 and 30. Course tickets, $3. Three Sites for Woolen Millc Three Kites arc under consideration for the re building of the Portland Woolen Mills, re cently destroyed by fire. Whether or not Sellwood will again be the site of the mills the management declines to state, saying that while Sellwood offers advan tages, no definite plans have yet been made for rebuilding. Lcvelt Site For a Home. No prettier Boot on earth than one of the acre tracts at the end of the St. Johns' car line. This property Is. beautifully situated, and com mands a fine view of the river and harbor. For prices and terms apply to the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Art Rooms Open Todat. The rooms of the Art Association on the second floor of the Library building will be open Jlo day, Washington's Birthday, from 2 until half-past 4, with free admission. A col lection of etchings by Whistler forms the present special exhibition. Messrs. O. H. Bernard and F. M. BATCHEtOR have opened a general real estate and insurance office, under the firm name of Batchelor & Bernard, at No. 76 First street, and will be pleased to serve any of their friends having business in these lines. Acreage Tracts at St. Jokss. Tracts of one acre and upward near the terminus ot St. Johns' car line, and within a few minutes' walk of the mills and factories. Title Guarantee and Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Grand Bali Arion Haix, Februart 22, Br Graph Camp. M. W. A Everest's Orchestra. Admission 50c; Ladies Free. A Rare Jewel, a diamond; one which for size, quality and brilliancy has never been seen in this city before, 5s drawing much attention In tho -window of Dan Marx's store, 74 Third street, where it is on display. Y. M. C. A. Star Course. Montaville Flowers. Impersonator and orator, a ver satile artist of rare ability for literary In terpretation to read "Ben Hur" Tuesday night at T. M. C. A Arion Concert Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1504. Tickets for sale at R. Krumpf, 26S Alder street, Eysell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison street Peters Chocolate. The original milk chocolate. A rare confection, made in Switzerland. Rowo & Martin, distributing agents. Leap Year Ball to be given by the ladles of the TusneMa Lodge, O. D. H. S.. at Eagle Hall, February 21. Admission 2a cents a couple. Extra lady 25 cents. A Good Investment. One of those choice acre tracts of St. Johns. Title Guarantee and Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Storey's Tailor Ststem. reliable system for ladles' tailoring and dressmaking taught at room 31E, Allsky building, third floor. Lbland T. Powers. a man equal to him is Montavllle Flowers, who reads "Ben Hur" at Y. M. C. A Tuesday even ing. DiyiDHND-PxTiNO securities for small In vestors. Safety guaranteed by tho Ames Mercantile Agency. Free dispensary for worthy poor. Tuea.. Thurs.. Sat.iP.JL St Vincent's Hosp. 3 FS5En- residence the Gullllame, Main 20a; office the Dekum. Main 556. See Woman's Exchange ad in business directory of classified columns. Table d'hote at Richards, 5 P. M. to day. . Do people buy of Woosterwelfth time? Prompt .service, printing. Rogers. 90 1st Blrthlng's washday souvenirs at Beary's. a C. Newcastle, dentist Mohawk bldg. 6. H. Grnber. lawyer. Cl7 Com'l Elk. Benefit For Wortht Faxilt. The La dles of the Maccabees, Hive 24. will give a dramatic and musical entertainment at Arion Hall on February 26, the proceeds to go to the relief of a needy family. The condition of this family has been Invest! gated by the Hive, and the people are found to be very worthy, honest citizens, who are unable to find work, and the Mac cabces have volunteered to give them this benefit Everest's Orchestra will furnish the music and Messrs. C Burroughs. Wesley Spang and Miss T. Kern and M. Kelly, all of whom took part in th'e late Elks' benefit will be among the talent. There will be dancing after the pro gramme. An admission of 25 cents will be charged. Tickets may be bad at iood ard & Clarke's drugstore. Patriotic Entertainment. Taylor Street M. E. Church Monday evening, Feb ruary 22. The Steel-Freelana illustrated moving picture concert under auspices of the Epworlh League. Beautiful. Instruc tive and amusing. The cathedrals of Eu rope. A trip through California and Flor ida In highly-colored pictures. A trip to the moon In a newly-Invented projectile; lunar volcnnoes; interior of the moon. The Jap and the Czarovitchsky. Humorous scenes in many lands. Beautiful and touching illustrated songs, etc. The enter talnment which packed the church to Its utmost capacity and turned many away on two former occasions a year ago. Ad mission. 25 cents; children, 15 cents: re served seats, 35 cents, at Laue-Davls Drug Company. Local Option Campaign Opens. Tho campaign to be carried on by the Prohlbl tlon party for the local option law was opened last week by the Eugene Knox Company. This company consists of Mr, Knox, the well-known Impersonator; R. W. Xelsey, speaker and manager, znd a trio of male singers, who sing temperance. songs. This company appeared at Carl ton, McMlnnville, Dayton, HUlsboro and Forest Grove, and it presented the merits of the new law to at least 000 people during this initial run. Mr. Knox and the singers give a programme of music and fun which Is interspersed with, prohibition speeches by Mr. Kelsey. This company expects to visit every town andIty In the oeiure me June tiecuuu. Dr. J. H. Tuttle is again on duty after an absence of two weeks at Santa Bar bara, where Mrs. Tuttle and daughter Mattle have been spending the Winter. Mrs. Tuttle Is very sick, and grave doubts have been entertained for her recovery- The family Is being kept constantly ad vised by wire of any change in Mrs, Tuttle's condition. Miss Grace Tuttle left Monday night for Santa Barbara, in re sponse to telegraphic request for her as sistance during Mrs. Tuttle's illness. Aza Holmes Ribbecke, graduate der matologist scientific featural correction- 1st beautiner and restorer of youtbfulness. Only Nelden graduate in the Western States. May 1 will occupy a double store room to accommodate the' many I am now obliged to turn away. All persons calling now will be given free instructions and samples of my preparations. Parlors 364 Morrison. Sukdat Club at the Y. M. C At A special programme has been arranged for the Sunday Club meeting at the Y. M. C,' A this afternoon, in which the Eugene Knox Company will take the principal part R. W. Kelsey, of Pacific Unl-r verslty, will tpeak on "The Local Option Law," and the regular concert will be furnished by Driscoll's Orchestra, Hotel Van Not, Third and Pine, -will be opened about March 10 by Mrs. N. L. Slocum. All latest appliances, hot .and cold water in every room; steam heat electric and gas lights and private baths. House will be furnished by the well-known firm of Henry Jennings & Sons with the finest goods In the city. T. L. Carroll has severed his relations with the Carroll Chocolate Chip Company, and has engaged in the wholesale candy and chocolate chip manufactory at 1S4 Fourth street All persons desiring the original standard Carroll goods will kindly send their orders direct to the above ad dress. Portland Custom Shoo & Repair Com pany guarantees satisfaction. Ladies' sewed soles, 50 cents; gents', 75 cents and up. Our perfected lock-stitch machine surpasses hand work. Schwind. Tolls & Bauer, 2C9 Yamhill street ar Third. Commencing Monday, February 22, the Scott Restaurant corner Seventh and An keny, will make a specialty of serving an elegant merchants' lunch dally from 11:30 to 2:30 P. M., at the moderate price of 25 cents. Also service a la carte. Evangelist to Preach. Evangelist Luther K. Robinson, of Somerset, Ky., will preach for the Volunteers of America today at 10:30 A M. and 3 and 7:30 P. M. at the hall on Second street near Everett All are welcome. Arion Concert Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1S04. Tickets for sale at R. Krumpf. 2CS Alder street Eysell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison street Mrs. Obrock, masseuse, goes East March L until she returns her office, 424 Ablngton. will be occupied by Mrs. Grif fith, palmist Lost. English fox terrier, name "L. A Chambreau" on collar. Return to Oregon lan office and receive reward. Elegant residence property on King street for sale, improved or unimproved. G. 75, Oregonlan. HOLLABACGH'S SHOE SHOP moved to 2674 Taylor, between Third and Fourth. Lowest prices. Extension Tables retail at wholesale prices this week at Calef Bros., 130 Sixth. Dr. M. Friel, residence the Gullllam Main 3715; office the Dekum. Main 553. Pat Clackamas County taxes at COS Chamber of Commerce building. Desirable Offices for rent apply to A B. McAlpln, 129 Seventh street Table d'hote at Richards, 5 P. M. to day. Blrthlng's washday souvenirs at Beary's. Woohter for fruit cigars and candy. "SeeB. B. Rich for subscriptions." SOFTENED SUNLIGHT AITD DEATH Barrett Applies Fine Art to the Crematory. Tho new ehaiwl of th Piwmitnnr Mllwaukle, is an Impressively beautiful place. The believers In cremation are emphasizing their customs, and creating favorable feeling by carefully appropriate ana enticing art. too jonn Barrett Com nanv deslcned the Htrhtlnr srJipmn !n tVm Crematory Chapel, and a visit to the room wouia repay a connoisseur, xne a eco ra tions nrf rnrrlod out in omnm nnd men of stuero. In classic relief lenrHns. im l-t Empire effects, subdued and quiet The Siuuo lameras are nung ay .Byzantine chains. The metal fixtures reflect the llirht to clow In the (Invllme nnA v, lamps shlno serenely by night The brackets over the niches are a modified fiwelr from whlrh nnwnri tVio of softened and sublimated light The John .Barren company, estaousnea isss, sixth and Alder. WHERE TO SINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant: fine private apart ments for parties, 305 Wash, near 6th. Trnnerlal Hotel Ttestnnrjmt- M Annr- fniirsft dinner. 50c: flrst-elajcs service n in carte. G;S0 A M. to 8 P. M. The best Sunday dinner at Strause's Restaurant 229 Washington street chicken dinner S5c From 12 M. to t P. M. Have vou friends coming from the East? If so. send their names to the Denver & Rio Grande office. 124 Third street Part- land. Or. No route across the continent offers so many attractions as does the Denver & Rio Grande. Write the Portland Acents. 124 Third street or illustrated booklets. THIS WEEK IT sS Waltham Gentlemen's As above $15.00 Waltham The abore ore all warranted to sire satis faction. These price win last only 1 week DIAMONDS. Ask your friends where they buy their diamonds, and -we are sure they will say JAEGER BROS.; for we have the reputation hf handling only the finest stones in the city, also the largest number, for we are satisfied with a small profit Just get our prices and you will be convinced. REMEMBER THE PLACE. JAEGER BROS. J EWELERS O PTIC1 AINS 290 Morrison St., near Fifth - NOTE Have you made a guess on the clock? Remember, It costs nothing; Eight-day clock, wound and started February 15, 9 A. M. Person guessing the nearest when It stops can have same. Winner announced in next Sunday's paper. THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET, O KEG O XI AN BUILDING. TIME TESTS MERIT. . Why Go Blind? If the Eyes are giving cain in reading or sewing and are not attended to soon, there is a chance of the Eye going blind. Healthy Eyes often give trouble in reading, sewing, or 2 j other uses. 2 Proper Eyeglasses aid the Eyes J to see without fatigue. o o o 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth. ttt(tt6tootttiso(totttitt(ta(sta9it The Oregonian Dur ing the Civil War February 21, 1861. THE officers of the Multnomah Agri cultural Society for the present year are as .follows: President Thomas Fra zer; first vice-president, John Powell; second vice-president P; A Marquam; treasurer, J. D. Holman; secretary, M. S. Burrell; executive committee. A.J. Dun fur, James F. Bybee, H. Falling. A Dramatic Criticism of 1861. Willametto Theater. We have here tofore neglected to notice the per formance of the Stark Troup at the Wll limette Theater. On Monday night the audience to hear "Henry IT" was like the stage representations of FalstafTs recruits, rather scattering. Last night a slight addlUon to the "33 regular" at tendants was made by tho presence of the ocean steamer In the harbor and the attractions of the "Mysteries of St Aubyn." It is almost unnecessary to say that for any live man to represent Na poleon the Great is a difficult task. Doubly so when the actor who represented him could almost put Napoleon in his pocket If he were alive. The recent death of Napoleon and the great number of likenesses that are to be found of him everywhere, makes any at tempted delineation of his peculiarities almost an absurdity under any circum stances. With this excepUon and the general objection we have to the spec tacular and sensational drama, the per formance was prptty welL February 21, 1862. On last Christmas day, Stanton visited the soldiers at Stanton Hospital. Wash ington, and made them a brief speech. He said: "Soldiers, I hope that when the next anniversary of the day you are now celebrating occurs, that this war will be ended, and you will have returned to your homes and your firesides. When you shall have so returned, you will be considered an honored guest of the Nation. Ydu have periled your lives upon the batUefield, or you have suffered In the camps from the ravages of disease Incidental to great armies. But whether you have been wounded in battle or been attacked by sickness, you are equally entitled to con sideration at tho hands of your country. If you have been wounded in battle or suffered from sickness contracted In serv ice of your country, I will see that you have a proper award given you. Soldiers, if we can end this rebellion with the ex tinction of slavery, would it not bo a great triumph? -You will, at tho end of this great rebellion, when making a review of It have the satisfacUon of knowing that you had aided the Government of the United States In discharging the duUes Incumbent on that Government when it was in perIL" A New Attitude for Riflemen. A letter from Liverpool describing proceedings of the Lancashire contest gives an account of a new .firing position: One gentleman, said to be an Italian officer, made beauti ful pracUce with a Turner rifle. His firing position was somewhat peculiar, but It possesses the virtue of perfect steadiness. You sit down on the ground, support the barrel of the rifle on the left arm, lay the left hand on the right arm. and draw ing up tho legs towards the chin, rest the butt of the rifle against the middle of the right arm. supporting the toe of the butt on the knee. The position Is some what acrobatic and the performer ap pears to be carefully hushing the weapon to sleep: but when the rifle was brought level with the object not a tremor could be noticed. "Ball's eyes" or "centers" generally rewarded the rifleman's stead iness. February 21, .1863. U. S. Internal Revenue. The decisions of Commissioner Bartwell relative to stamp duties upon legal matters- are print ed in this Issue. Tne date upon which they were to go Into effect was several months later on this Coast than in the East on account of the delay in transmis sion. I ParUculars of the battle off Charleston are given in a letter from the East February 21, 1864. Sunday. No paper. War Causes Reduction of Dividends. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. At a meeting of tho directors of the General Chemical Company it has been decided to pay no i IS WATCHES AND THE RE WILL BE THINGS DOING, for we aro going- to give some prices that you cannot afford to overlook. Every -watch warranted to give satisfac tion. Express prepaid on out-of-town orders. Ladleif Gold Filled Watches, Elgin or g QQ LadtesfSofid Gold Watches. Elgin or 9Q QQ Ladlesj Silver Watches, Elgin or Wal- "f 2 50 Gentlemen's Gold Filled Watches, Elgin C1 Kft or Waltham I'Ap" Gentlemen's Silver Watches. Elgin or C-c n nn Nickel Watches. Elrin or C7 cn 1 o PCRTUHDiOREa dividends on the common stock of the company during the current year. The regular quarterly dividend of 1& per cent on ine preferred stock was declared. A me directors aeciared a divi dend of 5 per cent on the common stock payable in quarterly Installments. It Is understood that the management was in- flnnnA&l V... 4 V. n ... . -.-...u 3 -lio wui oeiween xtussia and Japan. HATH & SANDYS. Come and venjoy our first-class dinner ioaay, servea in courses. Music in at tendance. Now. just one word in refer ence to our. dally mercantile lunch from 11 to 2 o;clock. We guarantee It un equaled in this city, 23c Main 233. 143 First street A ETTSSIAH VICTOEY Will be possible only when they change their powder. If they should use Diamond :'W" their cake would never be dough. ' "Tltrx." the card game worth playing. All dealer. 50c Gray & Smith, agts., San Fran. Washington's Birthday Novelties and Sweets An atractlve lino of Boxes and Favors for Washington parties and teas.,. Our "Crossing the Delaware" case for holding Ices, salted al monds, etc., Is especially novel. Individual Ice Cream Moulds In shape of Liberty Bell. Hatchets. Bust of Washington, etc. SPECIAL Souvenir Hatchets tilled with candy cherries and tied with red. white and blue ribbon, 20c each. Swetland & Son 273 MORRISON ST. One Store No Branch MATTING Just received a "very large ship ment of fine linen warp matting, and sell at wholesale prices; also Japanese and Chinese curios, toys, etc Closing them out at great re duction prices. n There will he no auction sale to morrow until Tuesday, 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Andrew Kan & Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sta. r CANCERS CURED! The latest Vienna Method. NO KNIFE! NO PAIN! Reasonable Terms. Address. VIENNA CANCER SPECIALISTS (Regular Licensed Physicians) 212 Hearst (Examiner) Building Corner Third and Market Streets. . San Francisco, Cal. Cat this out and sire It to soma one who has Cancer. , SCEffTIFfZ&. df laAhVrACTURING- OPTICIANS' Mail Orders Promptly Filled. WE BEG TO JW ffioth 9en and 3$oys CONSISTING OF MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND EXCLUSIVE STYLES Among the newest features are the ENGLISH "WALKING SUITS, same as cut. The Fitting qualities are phenomenal. Spring Vop Coats $10 to $35 Single and Double-Breasted SACK Suits, finer materials than ever, $10 to $35. ffiustef SSrown Suits or Sftoys The original and genu ine Buster Brown Suits now with us are the most exquisite garments created for this season. Remember that we are the sole distributers for Portland and vicinity. Special for This Week Bring TJs Tour Subscription to tho Woman's Home Com panion, 1 year SI or Frank Leslie's Popu- . Iar Monthly, 1 yr SI j&jd we Trill erive you one year sub scription, free, to the MEDICAL TALK FOR THE HOME AND THE HOUSEKEEPER. The Grumiaux (News & Subscription Co. 318 OREGONIAN BUILDING ISSAQUAH COAL THE MOST ECONOMICAL KING C0ALC0.MA!?: 1425 C Cv NEWCASTLE ' Dentist 412 MebawkBIdg.,3d and Morrison $7.00 Fkeae XmlH 789. LEADING CLOTHXEKS Ol? THE NORTHWEST. S. W. COSNEX rOCETII AND MORRISON STREETS. ANNOUNCE THE Just an initial bow to show you the correct fash ion trend for the ensuing season delineating those smart, distinctive creations for which we have a wide reputation. . You'll find all the ap proved Spring models here, so different from the ordinary designs that lack that inde scribable style touch -.which good dressers . always admire. - ladies' Shirtwaist jCengths For Spring. Over 500 different patterns to se lect from. Every piece from European looms. Sirls' jDresses Norfolks, Etons and Peter Thompson mod els, made by men tailors. 9tae(tatt(eettt9t( I Rheumatism 2.00 Cures by magnetic induc tion. Guaranteed to, give re lief or money refunded. Woodard, Clarke & Co. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAK ROUND. Cues of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Catarrh of Head anil Stomach, Gout. Rheumatism and ALL ?!ood diseases taken under a suaranteo to be cured In a specified time or all expenses. Including railway farq both ways, refunded. These water renovate the entire system and remove almost every disease. Send 60c for a bottle of stomach and catarrh salt. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. Inquire of any Southern Pacific Railroad agent. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP.. v Tuscan Springs, CaL Frank J. lie 11 en. manager. Miss Hsrker and Miss Hughes' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AT I"ALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. Prepares girls for college. Stanford .lec tures open to students. Pleasant home life. Horseback-riding, tennis and wheeling. One hours' ride to Son ITran Cisco. Term, begins Rings ;Mail : Orders Promptly '.Filled; DISPLa OF Ttfen's Jftzts &or Spring The new correct shapes now exhibited for the coming season. The $3 Hat we offer this season cannot be duplicated in town less than $3.50. fiR The Graphophone Is the World's Best Talking Machine Price From S3.50 Up Easy Payments If Desired. Hard -Moulded Records 25c Each Columbia Phonograph Co, 128 SEVENTH ST 3-15 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, OREGON. COAL Domestic and Foreign. The best in this market. The Pacific Coast Company 213 WASHINGTON STREET. CHARLES H. GLEUL AGENT. LITHOGRAPHING and PRINTING ANDERSON & DUN1WAY CO. Phone Main 17. 08 AT.D KB ST. C Rock Springs 0 Lump or Range A Is the very best L House Coal -VULCAN COAL CO. S20 BURNSIDE ST.. PHONE MAIN 2778. SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 January 3.