fiittwfettj PSRT THREE PAGES 17 TO 28 XXIII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1904. NO. 8. Sales Start at Jwfb "Colonial Sale" T COOKENG WArJI Sales Start at ffiHJ 8 a.m. MBlm KitcL Fsh'gs J1E!LJ tjges ' nilr t p. jvi. !UFl&TT A "T" jd."? 1 2 THIRD FLOOR The important G-quart Dairy Pans 9c The $32.00 "Special." 4-hole Steel 1 (extra heavy) Steel Range, spe- fTlf- HTX JX if nTTfi ilv JLrX &Jr. X W7$L C K iVv event or the year for wide- S-inch Pie Tins 2c Range, spec this week at $24.85 clal this week $38.00 "CMm- AY iAI JLafeX JL til iff iVv JL4,v' Ax awake and "prudent housekeep- IVi-Qt Coffee Pots .10c The 533 00 "Special." 6-hole Steel The J1S.00 "Quick Meal." 6-hole ZjZtvZQ'tl&S JLlfcr ,. Sif. L K i A-l 1 ers- Heavy Ess "Whips 2c Range. "spec, this week at $27.40 (extra heavy) Steel Range, spe- 'SJSi , . t? - ContillCinff EvefV 2Li Jii 17M , , Dover Egg Beaters 6c , rL;" , clal for this week $40.00 -gp2lS23sV Continuing: Every uuuimuuig i-vcry si:!--2 No. 7 Mckel Teakettles 89c 10-qt Galvan'zd Water Pails. 17c h $35.00 Special 'j B-hole Steel Every Ranse positively puar- jglgp523lii- vuuuug 7 Hotff Until 2 Noon -fr-- Repair Knots for tin or granite Wire Soap Holders 3c thIs wek fof- I anteed by this RELIABLE e5-"ar Hotft Until '6 P M. jKCX uulu AulA covers, each Wood Salt Boxes .17c The $45.00 "Quick Meal," 4-hole house for 20 years. "uu fftfiB !I Morn ing Sales to 12 o'clock 8 TO 9 A. M. FIRST FLOOR. WOMEN'S $3.00 DRESS SHOES, 91.83. Absolutely tlie test Shoe bargain ever offered in Portland, 6 styles in the choosing, all newest Spring lasts, made by a leading Amer ican factory noted for reliable makes. The leathers afford a choice of patent colt-skin or fine vici kid. 8 to 9 A. f OQ Monday only, 3.00 values 4 8 TO 9 A. M. DOMESTIC AISLE FIRST FLOOR. NEW 15c DRESS PERCALES, 10r) YARD. An immense showing, plenty of salespeaple to wait on you; 10,000 yards of the newest, brightest dress Percales, just out from the mills, all the latest Spring novelties in de- -sign. Very best quality, full yard wide, splendid colorings. ,8 to 9 A M. i ft Monday only, the 15c quality atyard. 'vC ' 8T09A.M. k . FJEST FLOOR NOTION COUNTER. J TED2?.:S, 5c SKIRT BINDING, 2$ YARD. jsesc quauiy orusn Dincung m DiacK or "I colors, as above, yard 9 TO 10 A. M. WOMEN'S 25c HOSIERY, 18 PAIR. Black cotton Hose, have white sole, high-spliced heels and French toes. Our best "two-bit" grade, 9 to 10 Monday only at, 1 O pair , 9 TO 10 A.M. 30c SUGAR AND CREAMER, 21 PAIR. Body of pure china, handsomely decorated in high-art floral design of natural colors. Ware is perfect in glazing. Knobs and han dles stippled with gold. 9 to 10 Mon- f day, the grand 30c values are only, pr" " 9 TO 10 A. M. FIRST FLOOR. INCH WIDE TORCHON LACES, 3 YARD. A new, bright, fresh lot of Laces just opened, right from the lace countries, very fashion able, latest, smartest patterns, with inser tions to match. and 1-inch widths, O 9 to 10 Monday, yard. c 10 TO 11 A. M. Silk Section Second Floor. A splendid lot of new Wrappers in newest cut. Of iandsome Dimity, made with tight-fitting backs and loose fronts confined at waist with wide tie of heavy black satin ribbon. The yoke effect and turnover collar are hand somely trimmed with lace, cuffs in same ef fect and bottom has deep 6-inch ruffle. Sizes are full. These wrappers are of the highest grade make, not to be confounded with the cheap and tawdry "drift" as commonly shown by "common stores." 10 to 11 A M. tomorrow only 3.00 values 10 TO 11 A. M. $1.35 EMBROIDERED FLANNELS, 98 YD Domestic Aisle First Floor. A new line of handsome embroidered flannels, 12 to 15 richly embroidered designs in the selection, a grand value; from 10 to 11 A M. the $1.35 quality tomorrow will be QO sold at, yard y JC 10 TO 11 A. M. $2.75 LACE CURTAINS, $1.68. J Fourth Floor Two Elevators. Handsome, rich new Lace Curtains for- Spring house fittings, in rich "Brussels effects, a won derful value. From 10 to 11 A M. tomor row only, the $2.75 values JjJ J g 11 TO 12 A. M. WOMEN'S 50c GINGHAM APRONS, 29. ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. We have selected this special with an eye "to giving the greatest kitchen apron bargain ever offered in Portland by any store. They arc of extra quality gingham, in neat blue and white or brown and white checks, cut full length, in "Mother Hubbard" style, that affords perfect protection to the dress while engaged in kitchen duties. Apron has "broad, long, generous strings; "best 50c apron in the city, from 11 to 12 tomorrow OLDS, WORTMAN & KING THE "DIFFERENT STORE" FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON HOURLY SPECIALS ,A Week of Stu pendous Bargains. Six Days Filled Witit Temendats Baying Opportunities. After noon Sales to 6 o'clock V The "Colonial" Flyer on Time DUE TO AEEIVE TOMORROW MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK, FREIGHTED TO THE BURSTING POINT WiTH ENORMOUS VALUES FOR A WEEK'S DISTRIBUTION AMONG THE PATRONS OF THE "DIFFERENT STORE." Thousands of incomparable bargains that make buying a duty you owe to your selves. While sleepy competition are dozing and inviting people to buy what they don't want, the Olds, Wort man & King Reliable Store boldly and aggressively launch a wonder sale of Springtime values, opening tomor row upon the natal day oithe great American whom we all delight to honor upon memory's tablets as the "Father of Our Country" and first "in the line of Presidents. ' Not content with the triumphs of the past few weeks, we're bound to finish the month in "Garrison" style with a bargain sale unsurpassed in value-giving in the annals of Western merchandising. "Economized ele gance" expresses this matchless event in a nutshell. Our buyers now in New York City have expressed to us some of the brightest bargains that ever illumined a commercial arena! Unapproachable in price, yet the values we spread so lavishly invade the domain of finest, new and high-class Spring-time merchandise. Econ omical minds with no matter what size purses will avail themselves of this exceptional chance if reason holds its sway. More than ever does this great sale assert the progressiveness and thoroughly uncommon merchandising methods, the forehandedness and mercantile mastery of this leader of stores. This sale emphasizes the most romantic period in American history and serves to present strongly the renaissance of Colonial fashions that open with the Spring. The store is gaily dressecUn patriotic colors and American flags a sight alone worth coming miles to see! NIGHT Colonial Sale of Women's Gowns FOR THREE DAYS ONLY MONDAY, TUES DAY AND WEDNESDAY 10 HOURS EACH DAY A GRAND 30-HOUR SPECIAL FOR THE CELE BRATION SALE. , ANNEX SECOND FLOOR, $1.75 NIGHT GOWNS FOR 1.19. Of extra fine muslin, V-shaped necks, handsomely trimmed with inch embroidery insertion between 4 clusters of 7 tucks each in yoke. Embroidery edging at .neck and sleeves. For three first days of the Gigantic Sale the $1.75 values & f Q go out to you at, each ' GOWNS MONDAY ALL-DAY SPECIAL $1.25 TAFFETA SILKS, 9i YARD. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Pure Silk, 27-inch Taffeta. Absolutely the best known Taffeta for mak ing xne new suits ana arop seiits; ncn, neavy, rustling sus, wim Beau tiful luster. Best $1.25 quality, Monday only ALL DAY, yard 1 Special Colonial Sale of W&ite Enam- T nr . a "O jf eieo ana orass i nmmea oeas FOURTH FLOOR. PRICES ARE FOR ENTIRE WEEK. Every day this week a new aggregation of special value BARGAINS will spring up. Phoenir-like from the flames of the sale of the day before. Every issue of the local papers will teem with" fresh tales of new bargains at this store, some for the day, some for an hour, some for the week. This is for the week. Room must be had for a carload en: route, so help yourself until Saturday night, as printed below. $ 5 Beds, this week 8 4.00 $ 6 Beds, this week . : S 4.75 $12 Beds, this week ; 10.00 $15 Beds, this week . $12.00 $18 Beds, this week I... . $14.50 $22 Beds, this week $18.00 $28 Beds, this week $23.00 11 TO 12 A. M. NEW 60c VEILINGS, 25 YARD --FIRST FLOOR. Nevr Spring Veilings in the popular, fashionable gray shadings. Some have chenille dots, others dots of velvet; an extra fine selection of very smart, trig complexion veils. The values included in 'e the offering are the 35c, 45c, 50c and 60.c qualities; all bunched tcmorro w for an hour's selling 11 to 12 A M. at, the yard jZJC 11 TO 12 A. M. SPLENDID $1.50 COPYRIGHT BOOKS, 42 SECOND FLO OR-SLAUGHTER SALE OF GOOD BOOKS-These are some of the most popular writings upon which the copyright has expired, but include many of the most-called-for, wanted books for booklovers. Among the titles are:. "Banker of Bankersville," "Caleb Wright," "Dracula," "The Damnation of Theron Ware," "For Love of Country," "Forty Modern Fables," by George Ade, "For Freedom of the Sea," "The Good Bd Earth," "The Gadfly," ''The Heart of Toil," "Kid naped Millionaires," "A Lady of Quality," "The Lion's Brood," "Geoffrey Strong," "With Edged Tools," "Mrs. Tree," "When the Land Was Young," and hundreds of other popular novels by the world's leading writers. Monday, from 11 to 12 A Mn thess regular A) $1.50 books will be sold for. 1 TO 2 P. M. MEN'S 75c OTGHT ROBES, 39(J. FIRST FLOOR.. Handsomely trimmed muslin Night Robe3, in full lengths and sizes. The best 75c Value we can uuy lu aen iesmnj uiuu- 4f uay, x vj 4, cckui. ................ 1 TO 2 P. M. WOMEN'S 25c 'KERCHIEFS, 10. FIRST FLOOR. Wonderful value! Every woman in Portland should buy Handkerchiefs tomorrow; dain tily hemstitched and embroidered; of fine cambric and nure linen, beautiful patterns of embroidery, usual 25c values, from 1 fS - 1 to 2 Monday at, each. . 1 TO 2 P! M. 19c BOX CORRESPONDENCE PAPERr 11. uiax riiuun.. Paper has fine, smooth finish, plain white; box contains 1 quire of.;paper- and envelopes; paper plain or ruled; tomorrow, 1 to f 2 P. M., 19c boxes for 2 TO 3 P. M. Very best quality Richardson Damask. The name guaranteed the quality; 6 patterns in the choosing; absolutely best value in the city for a $2.25 double damask tomorrow, 2 to 3 P. M. only, JjJ J 39' 2 TO 3 P. M. Fine German Applique, 10-inch Doilies, with fancy border and plain or openwork centers. Usual 22c values, 2 to 3 P. M. tomor- f row only 3 TO 4 P. M. FIRST FLOOR. A phenomenal, matchless bargain! For one hour tomorrow, in our Toilet Sundries sec tion, we will sell choice imported French perfumes in all odors; the regular 25c O kind at, oz 3 TO 4 P. M. 10c GLASS DISHES, 5. THIRD FLOOR. A half-price sale of glass olive or pickle dishes for one hour tomorrow; 6-inch size dishes of crystal glass, polished and finished to a degree rivaling cut-glass; 10c values Cc for 4 TO 5 P. M. WOMEN'S 25c NECKWEAR, 10. FIRST FLOOR. A lot of attractive, stylish Neckwear for la dies, in bows, strings and pique stocks, the regular 25c lines 4 to 5 P. 31. tomor- A row, choice for, each 4 TO 5 P. M. I NEW 50c DRESS STUFFS FOR 39 YARD. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Over 1200 yards in the offering; all-wool Suit ings in neat stripe effects, plain and plaid zibelines. Grand wearing fabrics that will come into play in the making up of children's dresses, ladies' waists, wrappers, etc. In all the wanted desirable staple colors, embrac ing grays, cardinals, black, old rose, reseda, navy, etc. The best 50c values in America, for one hour tomorrow, 4 to 5 P. M., OQ per yard 5 TO 6 P. M. WOMEN'S $1;25 VESTS OR TIGHTS, S9., FIRST FLOOR. , Women's "Merode" Vests of white silk and lisle; vests have high neck and long sleeves, shaped waists, beautifully silk trimmed and hand-finished, knee or ankle length, tights to match; best $1.25 undergarments in the store; tomorrow for an hour they're, 5 TO 6 P. M. Second Floor Slaughter Sale of Books. Cream of the world's literature. Beautiful little volumes handsomely bound in white and gold, an ornament to any library or par lor table. Companions in the "Den." Fa vorites of every bookworm or lover of good, healthy, entertaining and instructive writ ing; regular aoc volumes, irem a to b f 3 tomorrow only.. v " "