THE STODAT OBEGONIAtf, PORTLA2TD, FEBRUABX 7, 190$ 27 V PERSONAL. FORMULAS FREE FOR MEN AND WO men, especially prepared lor each case, for falling, faded or gray hair, itching scalp, wrinkles, furrows, frowns, sunken and hol low cheeks, flabby seeks, double chins, email -pox plttlngs, red reins, freckles, brown spots, cr any other disease of the skin, or scalp. Hare so remedies to sell; ycu prepare your own. I give you free zny scientific treat ment for ckln and complexion: send 4 cents In stamps for particulars. Address X. Z. Canffman. Dermatologist, 1401 1st ave Se attle, "Wash. SONG WRITERS ATTENTION HAVE YOU words for a son?? "We write and arrange sice music to your words for a nominal post. Also arrange your music for piano or orchestra. Popular music -writers often make fortunes. Hiawatha sold lor $ 10,000. "Write us, or for 15c we will send you one of our popular song arrangements. Cor respondence solicited. Address Song Writ ers' Music Co., Box 345. Portland, Oregon. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OH, FROM Texas: most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores, yield to this oil like magic; cures In 8 to 20 days; sample can, 60c, postpaid; testimonials free; agents -wanted. M. E. Clinton, 615 E. Couch et., Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. AMERICAN. RETIRED MERCHANT, WEAL thy. good appearance, excellent reputation, unencumered; seeks suitable wife. Address Howe. 11 "West 124th St.. New York. A MAIDEN. "WEALTHY. ALONE. "WANTS immediately kind husband for companion and relieve her of business cares. Address Woods, 876 W. Madison. Chicago. A MAIDEN. WEALTHY. ALONE. WANTS kind husband for companion and relieve her of business cares. Address Jesse Woods, Ada, comer Madison, Chicago. YOUNG MAN OF 25 YEARS, STRANGER In city, has some means, would like to meet young lady similarly situated; object, matrimony. K 70, Oregonlan. MARRIAGE DIRECTORY FREE TO ALL; pay when married; new plan; send no mon y. For particulars address H. A. Horton, Dept. 81. Tekonsha. Mich. BED-WETTING CURED REGARDLESS OF age. Package on Pen-ine, directions and booklet mailed free. Missouri Remedy Co.. Sept. 652. St. Louis. Ma SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS FOR DRUG store wants to Albert Berni. the druggist. 245 Washington st., Portland, Or. Prompt and satisfactory returns. SISTERS IN DESPAIR SPEEDY RELIEF; abnormal suppression, any cause. Write for rrroedy; safe, sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co.. 1C3 State, Chicago. A PROFESSIONAL MAN FROM THE EAST, age 30, would like, to meet refined lady between 20 and SO; object matrimony. Ad dress O CO, Oregonlan. YOUNG WIDOW. 30, WELL-TO-DO: MAIDEN lady. SO, $7000; and others, would marry. Reliable, and private; state age. Toledo Cor. League. Toledo. Ohio. LADIES WHEN IN NEED SEND FOR free trial of our never-failing remedy; re lief sure ana quick, pans Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen of responsible age, matrimonially inclined. C lilt, oregonlan. PALMO TABLETS MAKE YOU EAT. sleep and grow fat. 50c a box. Address or call Brooke Drug Co., 07 North Sd at. I'ortiana, ur. MARRIAGE PAPER 10C. SEALED; MAY BE worm nvw to iw,uw; Dank reierence; oigntn year. r. l. Love, box icoo. Den ver, Colo. MARRIAGE PAPER BEST PUBLISHED: contains advertisements of marriageable people; moiled free. B. Gunnels. Toledo, O, We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper cize and style, 25c: 250 business cards. (1. Brown & Schmale. 229 1st. Portland. Or. CLEARANCE SALE WAISTS. SKIRTS. Kl in anas, muslin underwear, etc.; everything at nan price, mng unong uo., 333 Morrison. FINE DAY I BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las. Repairing and recovering: two stores, Washington and Cth and Morrison and 5th. YOUR PRESCRD7TIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Zysell'a Potr macy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. RHEUMATISM CURED-NO INTERFER ence with business. Positive cure. O 63, uregonian. WILL MRS. H. C. HORVET (WHOSE name is Nina) address Mrs. L. Martin, 5S6 toucn ax. ARTISTIC CARVING; LESSONS GIVEN: CU rloi for sale; orders taken. 489 Washington. MRS. OBROCK, graduate masseuse, cabinet baths, chronic diseases treated. Ablngton bldg. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder, West 15SC Agents wanted. REGENT BATHS; fine masseuse; vibratory massage, cures nervous disease. 474 Alder. VALENTINES, ARTISTIC AND COMIC Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder, bet. 4 th & 5th. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best com cure. 25c All druggists. SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 60C AT HOLLA baugba. 189 Sd. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. WANTED A LADY WITH MATURE wrinkles to remove free. 304 Morrison st. SPOT CASH FOR GOLD AND SILVER OF every description. 311 Dekum bldg. HUFFMAN. LADIES' TAILOR. REMOVED to 4Wft iiorrlRon st. Main 3050. LOST AND rOUXD. $50 REWARD FOR THE ARREST AND conviction of the person who stole the fox terrier bitch, -with all white body and black and tan face and ears; stolen from the neighborhood of East 31st and Pine sts. j. Simpson, 130 5th st. T.nRT-T.RT KlfillT flV KTtT nt flTTT CT towards South Portland, a black silk hand bag. containing gold-rimmed classes and oth er articles. Will finder greatly oblige by leaving at urcgonian oracc. LOST BETWEEN WOOD ST. AND LIP-man-Wolfe. on 4th st.. $50 in gold (2 $20 ana 1 iu in small mack purse. L J. Follls. 805 1st. Reward. LOST GENTLEMAN'S POCKETBOOK, CON talnlng $700 in cash, receipt signed May McKinnls. 313 Water st; reward. Return mnvt water si. LOST FEBRUARY L KNIGHTS TEMPLAR to J. H. McAfee, care Alton & Lewis, and ue rewnraea. LOST WILL PARTY WHO FOUND FRED Emerson a route book please phone City Laundry uo.. 4in ana couch sts. TAKEN UP ONE LARGE GRAT HORSE. owner prove same ana pay cnarges. Bunt r's Stables. 164 E. 34th st. TWO NICE FRONT BAY WINDOW ROOMS. furnished for housekeeping: hot and cold water, bath. 1st. LOST SUNBURST PIN CONTAINING 25 pearls; reward for return to 474 Hall st. telephone Front 3SC2. LOST BLACK POODLE. ANSWERS TO me name 1'eie. Please return to all Everett. Roward. LOST COCKER SPANIEL DOG; LICENSE IMS. Return to No. 474 E. 0th st. and receive reward. DIAMOND STUD. THE FINDER WILL BE paw $50 for its return. J. 11. Chambers, i'ortiana Hotel. LOST-WATCH-CHARM WITH INITIALS O. N. P. on cover. Return to 133 Frost St. and reeetv reward. LOST BROWN SPANIEL. STRAP ON NECK R eii. iteturn Harrison. Kcwara. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED MAN WITH $2000 CASH TO 5 camp as timekeeper; gooa j ... cum uhjuuj wen securcu. vxii om 4 to c p 2d-Nxn , Belvedere Call ON ACOOTNT OF ILL HEALTH I WILL interest in best paying nmaiuaoiuring business on Pacific Coast must be sold at cne. Address L 70, Orego nlan. GRAND OPPORTUNITY OFFERED ON small tavestnient; send for free booklet giv ing full details. Dan Smith, suite 3. World bldg.. New York. WANTED MAX TO RUN COMMISSARY in large camp; must have $1000 cash. Call from 4 to r. M., room 40,- Belvedere Ho tel. FOR SALB GOOD PAYING LAUNDRY route. Call evenings, 715 Front. GOOD PAYING BARBER SHOP FOR sale cheap. 421 H Morrison. . 1000 SHARES GAUCE CONSOLIDATED 8 cents. -X CO, Oregonlan. ' .BUSINESS CHANGES. JOSEPH M. HEALY. REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCE BROKER. -Rooms 5 and 6. 200 Morrison Street. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 25 rooms, on Morrison st., lease Z VS. 70 " steam-heated, lease "'?jj 45 " rooms, very central, lease. .. .$3200' 10 very good furniture 20 earner, rood furniture .$4500 40 " brick. 3 years' lease, only $2000 18 " select boarding $2500 50 " comer, brick, lease $Xj00 17 ' sew furniture, long lease $1400 SO " corner, partly furnished...-. -$1000 25 " brick, lease, $05 month $2300 23 " good corner, only ............$2100 13 " centrally located, for.. SM 00 " new comer, long lease.. .......$CO0O 40 " central comer, low rent $4500 very central, comer, lease..... $2200 transient, comer $1300 elegantly furnished comer.... $7000 " housekeeDlnjT. central $3500 12 " transient, -well furniBhed $1350 24 " new furniture, good lease $2000 Can make terms on the above: also many other good houses not advertised. BUSINESS CHANCES. Grocery and butcher shop; good business, long lease; best of reasons lor selling; in voice about $2000. Several good grocery stores; invoice from $700 to $3000. 50-room hotel in prosperous mining town, has long lease; modern building; receipts $100 per day; only $3000. JOSEPH M. HEALY. 290H Morrison et- M. E. LEE & CO.. ROOMING-HOUSES AND BOARDING-HOUSES. 10 rooms, choice location, lease $1000 0-room flat, very desirable 500 10 rooms, swell place, lease 2500 11 rooms, close In. rent $50 1100 IS rooms, lease, brick building, only.. 1200 7 rooms, fine location 550 72 rooms, long lease; this is the best buy in the city for 5500 40 rooms, good transient house 5000 SS rooms, lease, transient place 3000 10 rooms, brick building, lease 1200 18 rooms on Morrison St., lease 1000 G rooms, close In, terms to suit. ... 425 9 rooms, good location, pays well.... 875 BUSINESS CHANCES. Grocery store, stock and fixtures.... $ 500 Grocery store, choice location, at In voice. Cigars tan d, good card-machine play. lease, good buy 900 Cigar and confectioner), nice, clean stock, good trade, lease 1100 Cigar stand, lease, only 250 Meat market and grocery, snap for. . 850 Meat market, good stand 500 Millinery store, central location, for rale. Terms can bo arranged on anything we sell. M. E. LEE & CO. Room 410 Mohawk bldg.. 104 3d st Phone Main 1424. O. C. R. ELLIS. BUSINESS CHANCES. REAL ESTATE. LODGING-HOUSES A SPECIALTY. Houses $300 to $9000. Call here if you -want to buy right. Do not delay. 29 rooms on one floor, 10 vacant, lease, $1050. 12 rooms, fine location. 5 vacant, rent $35. $C00. 17-room new brick flat, lease, $1400. 50-room corner brick, cheap rent. $2600. 30-room hotel, lease and use of furni ture. $700. 0-room nice fiat, corner, $300. 20-room flat, fine transient, lease, $1500. 20 -room flat, full, payer, lease. $1500. 0 rooms, welt located, nets $22. $800. 25-room flat, good comer, flno place, $2000. Several Sne centrally located transient houses, best propositions in the city, $1900 to 21)000. All the desirablo houses that are for sale ore on my list at lowest prices. Term may be made on any. jaii before you miy. Room 21, 204 Morrison, 105 3d st. FOR SALE. FURNITURE BUSINESS. Good clean stock of goods, complete house furnisher. This is the best small store in this city doing an excellent cash business; location good, rent low, and long lease. Any one wishing to go into this furniture surely cannot afford to miss this old, established store. This opportunity cannot be recom mended too highly. W. H. TAFT, 125 Ablngton Bik. Main 156. $1100 BUYS A CONFECTIONERY AND oyster counter aoing a nne nusiness; new fixtures; 2 M -year lease. Confectionery and grocery, rent $30. with lease; good chance to Increase business with more capital; two living rooms; money maker; $1100; cheap. HENKLE & BAKER. 217 Ablngton Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE. 29 ROOMS. 19 FURNISH- ed; speculative buy; locatea on ctn Et-, 3 year lease, $100 per month; this can be bought for $1250. Wo can loan you $1000 on this proposition, which alone is a guaran tee; good investment. Open today, 11 to 3 P. M. Phone Red 1738. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. 6th, opp. Postoffice. 11 rooms, fine lease, rent $25 $ C50 14 " in good location - $ 700 23 " boarding-house, lease $3000 80 " boarding-house, lease $4200 We can sell you business ana real estate in any part of the city. Call at room 324 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS Lo cation? Investigate the exceptional advan tages offered at Estacada, the coming town of Clackamas County. O. W. P. Townslte Co.. 132U 1st. cor. Alder, room 0. Phon Main 216. 8-room house. West Side, furniture, cheap, $323. 7 rooms, very central, snap, rent $2u; $550. 11 -room boarding-house, elegant furniture; central, paying well, price $1150. 10 rooms, very central, snap, $C50. 21 rooms, lease, brick, excellent buy, $2200. 248& Stark. DO YOU WANT TO SELL ANYTHING) Pfioos Main 1C3&, Ford's Auction Housv PROSPECT A RARE CHANCE FOR A MIN lng man; a good prospect a few miles from Portland; prospects well in gold and sliver; machinery, wood and water on the ground; further Information apply to owner, John A. Keller. Fulton, Or. A WELL-ESTABLISHED BOOK, STATION ery and confectionery store for sale. In one of most prosperous and growing towns in Southern Oregon; yearly sales $10,000; cap ital required $3500. Address L 30. Orego nlan. SALOON-$5000 BUYS BEST CORNER IN city; elegantly fitted up; first-class trade; low rent. long lease; big bargain for some body; only cash buyers need answer. Lyons & Co., 506 Commercial block. $2100 PART TIME, FURNITURE OF LARGE handsome house, arranged into housekeep ing apartments; good lease; clearing $100 monthly; excellent neighborhood; no agents. Address S 70. Oregonlan. 18-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, BUSINESS center; furnishings new and elegant; good lease; splendid transient; offered at a bar gain for quick sale. O. C R. Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison st. SALESMAN WITH $500 TO TAKE H IN terest in manufacturing agency business; guarantee $75 per month and expenses; good chance for first-class man. N 05, care Oregonlan. HALF INTEREST BY RETIRING PART ser in long-established manufacturing business; no debts; working capital, $100, 000. H. S. Probasco, Chattanooga, Tenn. FOR SALE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, trade established; big profits; best oppor tunity in the Northwest; have other im portant business. Address H 70. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTIES TO PURCHASE stock in a large manufacturing plant; now doing a good business: object to Increase business. Address Y 50. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE SPRINGFIELD HOTEL; BEST hotel proposition In state for amount of capital required. For particulars address Tom Tyndall. Springfield. Or. RARE OPENING FOR ACTIVE OR SLEEP lng partner in profitable wholesale business, $25,000 to $50,000. Address "Jobbing." core A. H. Blrrell. McKay bldg. STEADY INCOME. SMALL INVESTMENT: booklet free, showing how $100 earned $60 weekly last year. Dan Smith, 63 World bldg.. New York. $2200 BUYS A 34 -ROOM LODGING-HOUSE; new furniture; long lease; best transient house in the city. Inquire 132 H N. 0th at. Phone Hood 1013. FOR SALE DRUG BUSINESS IN ONE OF best towns in state. $15,000; -write full same In replying; easy terms. B 65, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE BUSINESS AND COMPLETE equipment for hot-air treatment; a bargain it taken at once; investigate. N 66, Orego nlan. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE CHOICE Lo cation, lease; I am leaving city; will sac rifice. Address M C9, care Oregonlan. $1200 SALOON WITH LEASE: IN GOOD location. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co.. $284 H Morrison, room 2L FOR SALE A CANDY AND ICE CREAM parlor, country town; flno business. E 70, Oregonlan. FOR SALE: 1 SLOT MACHINES; 25 CENTS on the dollar. W 70, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. CUT-RATE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS Chance Office 1 N. Cth, opposite postomce. Phone Red 1738. CI far stand and Urine rooms. $275. Cigar stand and living rooms. $050. Cigar stand and living rooms. $600- ' Rooming-house, 60 rooms, lease. $6000. 34 rooms, transient; best buy in the city, can't be beat for this class of a not"!0? Cth st.; owner leaving for Alaska; good lease, $2300. . 21 rooms, brick; lease, snap, $2200. 20 rooms, housekeeping: lease. $1500. 14 rooms, transient: splendid location. $1750. 11 rooms, housekeeping; lease, 30. 9 rooms, transient. Morrison St.. -$00- 12-room housekeeping. 1st St., $0. Furniture of 5-room cottage. East Siae, $135. Delicatessen and grocery, $1700. Restaurant, 5 rooms above; lease. $aa. Good dairy ranch for sale or rent. Rooming-house. 25 rooms, transient. Mor rison st.. 4 years lease; rent $100, price $1800; one-half cash, balance on terms. This is positively a good buy. . ... Splendid location for cigar ertand to lease, rent $50 per month, . , Store building for rent. 20x50; good loca tion; adapted for meat market, home bakery, butcher shop, or saloon. Investigate. Ealoon in lively valley town, $2500. Saloon, fine location, good lease, $-100. Loan office, unredeemed pledges; invoice $2000. . . . Rooming-house. 29 rooms. 19 furnlshea. Thia is a genuine snap; partly furnlshea. 3-year lease; investigate: centrally locatea. Price, $1400. Several other good buys on our list; se us before buying. Wo have farm and city property, some very fine buys If taken at once. Terms given and money to loan on the above property. BERRY & ALEXANDER. BUSINESS CHANCES THAT PAY Grocery ( fine living rooms; bath; $1200 stock, delivery rig and all fixtures; for $1300, or will invoice. Real estate ofiici -Old established, well-bullt-up business; valuable, reliable list; maps, fixtures, etc; unexcelled location; $500. CofTee-house Swellest little business in town; a mint for quick money making; lease; $550, part down. Cigar store Neat, welt-stocked, -well-lo cated business; $250. Saloon Well furnished ; prominent street; lease to after Fair;, moderate rent; $1200. Meat market Lease; clears $140 per month; $400. . Restaurant Well fitted, prominent street; lease; $1000. ROOMING-HOUSES. 33 rooms, clears $300 month, lease $5000 25 " flat, rent $50 $2000 24 " lodging, rent $15 $ C50 15 . " fine location, rent $42 50 $ 950 10 " well worth the price $ 750 10 " well furnished, boarding $ COO 23 " verv fine rent X55 12000 S " nearly new furniture $ 400 7 " neat cottage, rent $18 $ 300 12 " 7 furnished, above City Hall., GOO COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE A TRUST CO.. 234ft Morrison St., comer 2d. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE 14 rooms, in good location $1100 good buy. long lease $4500 all full, lease, low rent $0000 " brick flat, all one floor $1800 " furniture well worth price ..$ 760 partly furnished, cheap rent. .$0475 " corner, good location $4500 " near Postoftice $3000 " close to new Custom House.. $1400 hotel, money-maker. lease ...$3200 furnished for housekeeping ..$1500 on Salmon near Park st $1503 close to Cltr Hall $550 " near 12th and Columbia sts..$ 760 " great transient comer $1600 " 9th near Bumcidc st $ 425 " on Market St.. rent $27 $ 600 is other good buys, from 6 to 14 rooms. WE HAVE ALSO A LONG LIST OF BUSI NESS CHANCES. Saloosmen looking for good locations , should consult us. Wo have plenty of money and will help our clients in every -way. Established 21 years; Pioneers la this line. JENNINGS & CO.. 332H WASH. ST. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES & REAL ratato Agency, inc., 165 4th. cor. Mor rison. 31 rooms, fine comer. Including- 3 stores. long tease fzlOO 36 rooms, first-class boardlnjr. roomlmr. $150 lease $4000 4ii elegantly furnished, steam heat, elec tric ana gasngnts, nest in city, iease.$7000 32 rooms, double house. 22 furnished. gooa income, lease..... ........$2U00 13 rooms, transient, fine income, on Mor rison, lease $1600 10 rooms, pays $107, good furniture, cheap rent... $1000 13 rooms, rent $30, lease. Income $95; good buy $ SCO 13 rooms, rent $25, lease, East Side, fine house $750 nouses irom $zuu to ilAWJ- Headquar ters for bargain?. IF YOU WANT A LARGE OR SMALL farm. If you want city business or residence prop erly, iroprovea or vacant, west or fast sice; It you -want a good clothing business. If you -want timber land or guaranteed scrip, ready for Immediate use; It you want good mining Investments; If you want Alaska oil stock: If you want to Invest in salmon carmine? If you want real estate in Astoria or Sa lem: If you want to loan money on good security; rirr ikitkuius call ou J. O. HANTHORN. 633 Chamber of Commerce, MANAGER A LARGE AND SUCCESSFUL manufacturing concern, whose products are sold In all nafts of the United States. In. cated at Battle Creek, Mich., with highest bank references; will open a branch office in Portland, and we want a capable roan who can come well recommended to fill th position of local sales manager; salary $1200 per year and a commission. Our sales man ager should make at least $3000 per year In this territory; must invest $1500 in the pre ferred stock of the company, in accordance witn our co-operative plan of doing business. Address Auditor, Drawer R. Battle Creek, .men. 1 business block on 3d street. 1 quarter block, vacant, and several other business lots that would interest parties wim capital. 6 new residences on East Side. 4 nice homes on West Side. Fine grocery store for sale: good location. ROOM 418. DEKUM BUILDING. WE PLACE UNITED STATES GOVERN ment bonds In escrow to guarantee invest ments In stocks and bonds. Our Eastern correspondents are in position to sell se curities so guaranteea. uentral states Un derwritlng & Guarantee Corporation, Trl- oune oiag.. unicago. FOR SALE HALF TO TWO-THIRDS IN terest in an ice plant, well suited for a brewery; town of about 2500 people in a growing country: wouia ao a good business; one could sell 5000 to 8000 barrels a year. tor particulars a a cress x trr. oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS. 7 FUR niched; rent $35; In swell uptown district; a gilt-edged Investment: only $600: $400 down. Another very fine 16-room house adjoining this if wanted, Columbia Real Estate & Trust uo.. 234 Morrison st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE WELL- known Half-Way House and 20 acres ground, between Sumpter and Bourne: will trade for city real estate or business. What navo you got 7 w e, care oregonlan. STOCK OR BOND ISSUE OF REPUTABLE corporation, mining or industrial, wanted. Have every facility for selling same on commission. Give particulars. P. O. Box 141H, new lork uity. FREE TO SPECULATORS OUR NEW BOOK. Suggestions to speculators, describing op tion tracing ana containing vaiuaoie lnfor mat Ion regarding wheat. Osborn Grain Co. .Minneapolis. Aiinn. ADVERTISING WORLD. COLUMBUS. O.. A monthly Journal of information, plans, sug gestions and ideas for advertising. Send to day xor tree sample, or 10c tor four months' inau FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 29 ROOMS: best transient location in tho city; 19 rooms furnished: 3 years" lease; price $1050, jea&ey c, si btarrc. WANTED WORKING PARTNER. WITH $00 m square business; $3 per day guaran teed, and business increasing; appoint meet jog. v oj, urcKuuiBQ. A PARTNER WANTED $500 TO TAKE zuii cnarge 01 business; no experience see essary; easy to learn. C 70, care Orego man. FOR SALE $300. 11-room flat. $1900. 28 room flat -with lease 14 years. $350. res taurant, mcnaras & winter, th 1st st. $300.00 BUYS A GOOD BUSINESS PROPO. sltlon. Call and Investigate. Room 553 xv crcester oiocx. SEVERAL RELINQUISHMENTS FOR SALE cheap; good timber; Klickitat County. F iu, uregoman. WANTED PARTNER WITH $1500; FINE office business; salary $25 weekly. P 64, Oregonlan. LODGING-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS, NET tlag $S5 per month; rest $40; lease. D 70, Oregonlan. BEST PAYING OIL BUSINESS IN PORT land for sale at cost; sickness. L 70, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST BAKERIES In the city. R GO, Oregcslas. BUSXXKSS CHAN CBS. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS CHANCES. LILLIAN DE K EATER. 19 YEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. A-1 TATT .fTO STREET. 36 rooms, fine, bargain, furslshed, lese-S408 tin 7 i " 1 - 7500 first-class, lease 5W elerantlv furnished. lease., 36 " very nice, central, lease.... 4000 60 " fine location, lease......... 3000 23 " nice residence, leae 3100 26 " very central, leass 2S00 26 " sice annex of 25 rooms.... 2000 23 " private housekeeping 2500 17 " flats, down town, lease..... 1700 21 " rooming and boarding.. ...... 1JO0 8 elegant furnished, modern.... S50 S - bargain; cMtral; sice '52 0 " very centrH. income $0 asa. sao 30 " modem; central ,o 15 central: verv nice 13DS very central, nice. fuD. . 1000 . 1500 16 " sir tmIiVtw? faamia, 8 bargain; central w0 very neat; furnished...-...- .'j 1 20 boarders, pays good 13W 11 nice place, good Income.... 950 9 " central, always full C00 25 " very nicely furnished: cen- tral: lease; rent reasonable. 2600 10 " central, full 875 22 " location good, lease 2S00 7 " nice furniture, central 650 6 " very central, lease 350 House, central, 20 boarders, $650. 10 rooms. $35 rent, elegant furniture, 29 boarders, $1400. 7 rooms, rent $27.50, nlcn, $509. Elegant furnished house, piano, $1250. Best bargain In city, new furnished fam ily hotel. 24 rooms, dining-room will seat 75 people; Al location. Inquire 425 Taylor. 11 rooms, fine location, nice, $900. 0-room flat, very nioe, $650. Restaurant, $S50. Restaurant, central. $400. Millinery store, lease, central. Grocery for sale, $600. BARGAINS. Can make terms on above, t have lots ot bargains: can't list all. List your houses and all kinds ot business with me. Strangers In city will do well to see me. I will locate you right. 19 years in Portland. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 425 Taylor. WE'VE INVESTIGATED THE BUSINESS chances we present you below, and can recommend any. one of them: Restaurant in Portland, dally ro- . ce'.pts $20 $ 500 Restaurant and bakery, daily re ceipts $30 650 Gent's furnishing, daily receipts $23. 3,000 Book store, daily receipts $40 3,500 General merchandise and hardware. 9.000 Dry goods and furnishings 15.00(1 L. W. WHITING & CO., 408 Ablngton Building. THE ENORMOUS PROSTTa MADS IN THS maavfaetura ot sugar u not generally ua tcrrtped and appreciated. Let tia send yau a Itttle book showtag kow a few dollars each ntoath caa Invested la a safe, coa nrraUve, stralghtferward kuslaeea enter prise which will pay enormous aivldsnds la a cesoparatively short time. Ne oil well, race kerse, gsU s&l&e or gambling schema, Best feaxk references. Bead for pamphlet: It will par you to know xaore abeut It. Co&U atal Sugar Rea&lag Co St. Louis. Mo. A GRAND BUSINESS CHANCE A FIR ST - class 52-room hotel in a thriving mining town ot over 3000; entire building leased, sub-renters vay the amount of entire- rent: good bar and fixtures; price very reason able; grana ousiness xor tne rignt man. Apply to The Dunn-iawrence Co., 143 Vi 1st st. PROSPECTORS AND MINERS THE ORO- Flno Ore Detecting & uu locating uo., of fice at 205 Vi Morrison st., room 3, will lo cate gold, sliver, copper, gaiena and lead ore bodies or oil veins and pools, on reas onable terms. We show you where to sink your shaft, start your tunnel or bore for olL If you have a prospect, write for particu lars. WE CAN' SELL YOUR BUSINESS, REAL estate or jjaicui nucicici i y.uicu , nu 1 in corporate and float stock companies; -we SOU UUMSICU SlUWia, IWftwa UCfcUbaiQU. X1U ratio Gilbert tt Co., Elilcott Square, But falo. When others have failed to make your watch right, bring it to me; I right the wrong and charge less. tu Baaice. 411 uauum oiag. THE AMES MERCANTILB AGENCY ARB la possession 01 toe latest information rt r trains- ousiness cnances in city or country. Nest but legitimate propositions considered. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Acta ton DUiiainz. $3000 FOR BUSINESS LESS THAN ONE year old. consisting ot dry goods, furnish ing notions; capital turned six times; best city on Sound: poor health; write at once to get In on Spring business. Address New Business, care uresoniazu WANTED PARTIES HAVING A BUILDING or who are wining to erect one, suitable for manufacturing purposes, state location. size of building, and monthly rental. Will take long lease. Aaaress a. or, care ot Ore' man. $3500 WILL BUY A GOOD BUSINESS IN city, now clearing zau per montn, guaran teed; good reasons xor selling. HENKLE ta BAKER, 217 Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE FINE GROCERY. BEST LO cation in hustling . town ot 5500: will In voice about $2000; having other business will invoice at cost: mis is a snap, acnioe man Sc. Co., Box 340, Itoscburg, Or. 100 LOTS FREE FIRST 100 APPLICANTS sending: stamp -will reoelve deed ot a lot. size 25x100 feet to advertise Westminster Park, suburb New York. 20th century Re alty Co., 6 Wall st., n. 1. WANTED A PARTNER IN A LIGHT MANU- facturlng business, with email capital: no opposition on the Coast; partner to work on a salary either In or outside; young man preferred. U co, uregoman. WE HAVE $6000 TO INVEST IN A GOOD paying business In Portland; no saloons or Ar.r .tnp.a Wont,llf will flhlv nnif?a after thorough Investigation. L. W. Whit ing. 403 ADington oiag. A BARGAIN $400 CASH WILL BUY well situated lunch counter in this city son for selling decline in health. Address do. care vreKuamH. ec Business; i per etui (unnuiiceu; an per cent practically certain: exceptional oppor tunity to invest sums of $100 and up. Ad- GreES V CO, uresuuuuu ONE HOUSE. 3-YEARS' LEASE. CON tainlng 4 rooms, -well furnished; also one store containing photograph gallery; also two stores tnat bring gooa rent. 7 N, 6th sL , 1 FOR SALE 3 KOUMUVa-HUUSES. 2 HO tels. 5 cigar stands ana confectioneries, grocery stores, 3 restaurants. 3 livery barns. 2 saloons. 1 savmiu. .54 1st st. ' vr rvrrOTinV AT. flPPORTTTVITT Tfl buy half Interest in -well-located saloon; long lease, low rent; falling health; must sell at sacnuce. a. vu, umtuuiui. piano, in good order, for cheap acreage or lots; can see piano at 613 E. 13th, city; If you want j. v.. rmt RALE BOARDING-HOUSE-: CEN trilv located: has now 17 boarders and good paying business, for $1200. Room 418 Dekum Bunoing. wasted-TO COMMUNICATE WITH financial man who wished to back a retail drug enterprise: $30.wu to sao.uw required. T 66, Oregonlan. BO0O CORDS STANDING TIMBER NEAR Portland; want partner to furnish money for cutting; gooa cnance tor live man. 03, Oregonlan. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT. FINELY xarsisneo, see uvuteai puicc. m Diuum center, cniy 1 o. urencninn, GOOD GROCERY DOING A LARGE BUSI ness: & chance to exchange for a farm. Henkle &. Baker, ADington Diag. 1 nrmr nprVTVf: Ttfm A TWTTnR A dressmaker and a milliner in a town of 1200. Inquire w 64, oregonian. WANTED TO BUY A DRUG STOCK OF firm $1500 to $5300; only live proposition wanted. S 63, Oregonlan. LADY DESIRES TO HEAR OF FIRST- class business opening m or out of city. CS, Oregonlan. FOR SALE NOBBY LITTLE- CIGAR AND fruit stand: come quick; about $223. 183 Morrison st. QUICK SALE BEST BARGAIN IN AN oia-estaoiisnea restaurant m city, v f, Oregonlan. $250 SNAP. $10 PER DAY: NO OPPOSITION permanent, exclusive rights; investigate. 110 1st st. FOR SALE UPHOLSTERY SHOP: GOOD location; reasonable. Phone East 731. FOR SALE 2 VERY FINE ROOMING- houses. Room 418, Dekum Building. $1000 WANTEDJ GOOD SECURITY; GOOD . aw MteiNU fli vvwuctwat uiu.i BUSINESS CHANCES. WALTER &. HART, ROOM 9, CHAMBER OF wommereer real estate and business csances $9,500. 41 -room house; one ot the best- rcravmea nouses m the city: house ana rur nltnre. all new; hot and cold water In every room; furniture all quarter-sawed oak; this house Is clearing over $400 per month; four year lease; location beat In heart ot city; so inside rooms. We have furnished houses for sale is all parts ot city. Phone Main 1533. Call us up and list your houses with us. A BUSINESS MAN WITH $250 CASH TO increase a local, prontaoie ana staple man ufacturing business with equal amount of cash used in business now. quick and ready saie ior oil goods; letters confidential; in terview arranged. T 70. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE- business at a bargain; no old stock; paid 00 per cent- on capital investea last year; loca tion the best. For particulars address C 63, Oregonlan. FOR SALELEADING HOTEL BUSINESS. togemer witn a block of land, building, fur niture, etc.. in a thriving Washington town. For particulars address box 69, Toledo, Wash. GOOD ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE; house fun. good location and lease ot build ing. O 70, Oregonlan. 10-ROOM HOUSE. BARN, LOT 50x100, FUR- siture mciuaea; ior sate cneap. 41 Morrison. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS- ter, Astoria, Or., Feb. 0, 1904. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M., March 7. 1904. and then opened, for the construction. plumbing, heating and electric -wiring of one field officers and one double set ot lieutenants quarters, and for the construction, niumblng and electric wir ing ot one set ot hospital steward's quarters at Fort Stevens. Or. United States reserves the right to reject any or all pro posals. Plans can be seen and specifica tions obtained at this oClco and at the of fice of disbursing quartermaster at Port land. Or., and Seattle. Wash. Envelopes should be marked "ProDosals for consume Uon buildings at Fort Stevens," and ad dressed to Captain Goodaie. quartermaster, Astoria. Or. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED proposals -will bo received at the Library building. Seattle. Wash., until 3 o'clock P. M. on the 1st dav of March 1904. and then opened,' for the construction (except heatlns apparatus, elevators, electric wiring and conduits, stack-noor construction ana sneiv lntr) of the Public Library building at Seattle, Wash, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copies ot which may be had at the Public Library, Seattle. Wash., or at the office of the arc&llect at unicago, 111., at the discretion of the architect. A certified check to the amount of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be deposited on receiving plans and specifications, guaran teeing safe return of same. THE LIBRARY BOARD of the City of Seattle. P. J. WEBER. Architect, Chicago, 111. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING CjUARTERMAS- ter, Astoria, Or., Feb. 0, 1804. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this oflice until 10 o'clock A. m., aiarcn 7, 1904. and then opened, for the construe' tion, plumbing, heating and electric -wiring of one single set officers' quarters, and the construction, plumbing and electric wiring of one double set N. C O. quarters at Fort Columbia, Wash. United States re serves the right to reject any or all pro Dosala, Plans can ' be seen and speciftca tlonB obtained at this oflice and at the office ot disbursing quartermaster, at Port land. Or., and Seattle, Wash. Envelopes should be marked "Prosposals for construc tion building at Fort Columbia," and ad dressed Captain uooaale, quartermaster, Astoria, Or. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of merchandise and store fixtures at Oregon City, Oregon, of the invoice prlco of about nine tnousana (S9000.00) dollars, up to 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, February 18, 1004. The stock consists principally of gentlemen s xur nlshlng goods, shoes and clothing. A cer tified check of 10- per cent of the amount bid must accompany each offer and the rie-ht Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office during business hours and Inspection of the stock may be bad at Oregon city on application. Front and Ankeny, Portland, Or. February 4, 1904. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE seaiea Dias tor a siucn u scucitu luciuuau- dlse locatea at jioro, onennun county, Oregon, up in 12 o'clock noon of Monday, companled by a deposit of 10 per cent of to reject any and all bids. Inventory may he seen at my office during business hours and inspection ot the stock may be bad at Moro. Dated at Portland. Oregon, Febru ary 2, 1904. R. L. SABIN, Front and An keny Streets. NOTICE . TO CONTRACTORS BIDS FOR the construction or florin jovo jjitcn. Drainage District No. 1, Pacific County, Wash., -approximate lengtn miies, doi tom width 15 feet and maximum depth 1 feet, 1 to 1, will be received until March 1, 1904. Flans and specifications may be seen at tne uuits jl a. 11. n uu, torney for the board. South Bend. Wash. to whom oil communications snouia do aa dressed. By order of tne saia poara. JESSE GOULD, Chairman. RAY PETERSON, Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the hour of 10 o ciock a. ji. 01 tne ajm day of February, 1904. the undersigned will mi to tha hlehest bidder tor cash the en tire stock and fixtures of the Ellis H. Gross Co., of Tacomo, Wash. Said stock consists of clothing and gents' furnishing goods. Sale -will be made by sealed bids. The right to reject any and all bias is nereoy reservea, Tacoma, Wash. Turej -nr-T.T. BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- flee of the Director-General of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition up to noon Thursdav. February 11. 1904. for construct ing the lattice enclosure of water tanks at Exposition grounds, nans ana specincauuns may be exammea at room o, steams diuk, BIDS WANTED FOR BUILDING SCHOOL- house at Oulnoy. Or. Plans and specinca lions can be had from G. W. Barnes. Clerk. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ed States for tha District of Oregon In the matter of the estate of A. B. Crosier et al., in bankruptcy: The undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchan dise and fixtures. located at Hood River, Oregon, amounting to about one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, pertaining to tne aoove mentioned estate, up to Friday, February 12. 1004. Certified check for the amount bid must accompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. In ventory and inspection of tho property on application. k. ij. hauli. iteceiver. Front and Ankeny Streets. Dated at Portland. Or., February 6. 1004. lock bldg.. 83H 34 st-. agent for New Zea land ana xraaers jire uuuruci .gmpuuii. FINANCIAL. LOANS ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN m lriivl neonlA. strlatlv confidential? nr. flee hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716. The Dekum. S. W. cor. OU &SU aw. uw..,. "X. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL OT CUIUI x J - curlty. at low rates. C. W. Pallette. 213 VH)mUCrc& ttyuMUU dUUU JtKW. MUST SELL MY FURNITURE BY To night; D-room collate, cuuipieieiy lurnisnea, $75; rent $9; new house on car line. 151 THahn st . Fulton. Phone Red 3954. M AUvANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc.. without security-: easy pay. meats; largest business In 49 principal cities, xoimnn. -u Aaiacton oiag. CHATTEL LOANS IN AMOUNTS RANGING (mn s.25 to S2000: roomlnc-houae- n. m,. clalty. New Era Loan & Trust Co., 206 Ablngton oiag. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND room 45. Washington-bldg. Phone Hood 415. Mcney loaned on ail mnos ox security; a per r-nt? bulldlnx loans a specialty. W. H. Nuna, 62 Kberlock block. Phone Clay 20. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN BUMS FROM 15 To SUU OU ...ctsB OC LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL yipgf o srciuiiy. if. a. fiiiku.ij-. rwom xv Wasolngion oiag. x-cone tiooa tu MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, cs city property and Improved Valley farms. 7,-. a. saaw ft 1-0.. -- etarx it. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND suburban property, o to o per cent, tl 70, Oreronian. unhTT LOANED salaried people: no delnv strictly private. 717 Marquam. Hood 1948. State Funds Loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomaa State Agent. Mult. Co. 400 Cham, ot Com. Loans on realty mortgages for client; $100 to $500 to loan. w. s. waro. atty, Aiiasy mag. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 and 6 per cent, any amount. m. .ueoaoim. -i waiting Diag FINANCLIL. MONEY MONEY. To salaried emnloyes and -wage-earners. Get our system, that gets you out ot debt. Any lady or gentleman, cleric, bookkeeper, salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc, having reliable employment, can got Just on his note-. Monthly. Vi-Mon. Weekly. $50,00 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25.00 Repay to us $ 6.66 tir $3.33 or $1.63 $15.00 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 lasiest terms, lowest rates, connaenuai. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 Mc Kay bldg., 104.14 3d st. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Anr wane-earner necdlnx money tutors pay day can get It from u; no commission, or in terest la advance; so mortgage or indorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or aemL SBO&tniy in amounts from i ana ucwarus, thus avoldlnr navmect of the whole amount out ot any oae payday; asd have six maataa' tisse u oesuec NELSON & HIND LET. 308 McKay bldg. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Mosey to loan. No commission. I am In a position to make immediate loans en improved real estate or for building pur poses: any amount: moderate Interest. We approve loans from plans and advance trcnty as building progresses -when desired. Option In, repayment after one year. FRED XX. STRONG. Financial Agent. 103 2d st.. sear Stark. SALARY LOANS We loan money to saianea people in sums of $10 to $100; from one to six months time, extended; no delays or unpleasant inquiries; business strictly confidential and courteous treatment extended to all; pri vate entrance. Northwest Loan Co., 321 Ablngton bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 0 PER CENT. Mm. tt. ttecjt, room Mil, xne .railing oiag. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas rviuntr lends. E. F. Rllev. COS Cham. Com. LOANS. MINING STOCK AND GOLD bought. 213 commercial bik- uooa -tea. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, SOL MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting ana pinmng. Architects. CHICAGO ARCHITECTS. "PLANS FURNISH ed for buildings, structural iron worx, etc. 615-016 comerciai piag. mope juain xn. Assayers and Analysts. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst; gold dust bought. 22SH ataric st. Boating. OREGON & WASHINGTON BOATING CO.. 15 Morrison st. Harem IT. llgntenng. freighting, etc; barges for rent. ot5 Black 001. 1L V. Gerspacn. aigr. a dence phone. Main 918. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jooDing, contracting, dju suuk. omt GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELV- ing, nouses Duiit ana retrcu vj . v.tagr ill. Cement Contractors. CARTER ts. ELL, cement contractors, 271 Porter st. Tel. .Front vvorjc sua""' teea. Chiropodists and Manicuring. L. MITCHELL, THE FIRST LICENSED EX. pert cmropoaist 01 iortianu, cs mc u; "f to-date chiropody and manicuring parlors in this city; best lady expert chiropodist in the Northwest as assistant. All instruments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Black 2S51. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLSl DEVENY. THE oniy scienunc cmropoaisis, jm" Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison! Phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking tor. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST. pedicuring and manicuring, itaieign Dldg., cor. 6th and Washington. Clvli Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. 662 WORCESTER block Railroad, hydraulic, mining general engineering. Clairvoyance. MME. DR. HERZOG, FROM BERLIN, Sci entific revealer, tells lire irom craaio to grave. Consultation on all affairs; good advice, sure 'help, mistake impossible; re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; also located buried treasure. Fee, $L. 207 Park. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J. 1 uayer. ua .a s. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS in all kinds of coax, can us up ior quota tions. 154 N. Cth st. Telephone Main 1018. KING COAL CO.. IMPORTERS OF THE bfst house ana smitmng coais. juain xto. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; best . - - . I 1 -1 r. T -f Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, -wool, monair, tanow, 01a rubber and old metal, and general com mission mercant. Front si., near Main, Portland, Or, Cash advanced on consign ments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission mercnants. uneriocis mag.. Portland. Or. ALLEN i LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland, Or. Dancing. MRS. NINA LAROWB IS FORMING MH Wlnter classes; does not close season till July. Private lessons given; elocution taught also. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC- lng, 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty Dentists. DR. A. F. KNODER. 322 MOHAWK BLDG., cor. 3d and Morrison. Phono Red u207. Dress Pteatmgs. BON MARCHE DRESS PLEATINO CO., 832 Mohawk Diag.. 3a ana Morrison. Accoraion and side pleating; pinking. Red 3zui. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. Turner, professional dyer and cleaner, 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Main 2513. Electrical Works. PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC- trlcal Works, 17s Maaison. xei. Black 293L ISlectropIatlng. ELECTROPLATING and oxidized -work of all kinds done at short notice. Doctors In' struments a specialty. Airtight stove Mas ufact'lng Co., 50 Grand ave. Phn East 719. Fraternal insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of NW.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell, sup. sec. eiz-uis Marquam bldg, Gaslight Repairing. ACME GAS LIGHT SUPPLY CO. WD DE llver, put up mantles, chimneys, shades and complete ngnts. zusft 4tn. iais 2179. Harness ana Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- sale saddle and harness infra., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st st. THE B RE YUAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale raddle and harness mfrs., saddlery, hardware, leather oil kinds. 72-74 5th st. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. metais ana sacKs. 31 .trout st. Kindergarten. AFTERNOON KINDERGARTEN MATTING. ly Kindergarten, -sa i4tn, near Jefferson. Phone west 1338. Lace Curtain Bleachery. YUKON LACE CURTAIN BLEACHERT All kinds of ana flannels and laces re newed: lace curtains a specialty; work warranted. Emu i entiling. Manager. Phone union lOS'-i. 810 orana ave. Launches. U. 8. LAUNCH CO.. BUILDERS OF MOD em speed and cruising launches and ma chlnery patterns. TeL E. 271. 178 E. Water. Leather ana Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies; leather ot all kinds. 72-74 Sth st. Marble asd Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent aavea; at i.u ttoaz, cor. uooker. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MacfcTBexy. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL, logging macninery, uyurauuc pipes, cast ings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th at. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY TO COM- plete outfit shingle mill; boilers and en gines. Wl'tler-Corbln Mach. Cc. Settle. "HE H. C ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. Uoseage. NEWLY OPENED MASSAGE PARLORS; laay gives vcienunc massage, xncuosal shower baths; something sew; one treatment means another. 3504 Washington, room 10. Refined young lady vapor, magnetic, per- rumea natns, ne,w treatments, aellghtlui. invigorating, a real luxury; beware ot takes copying my ad. 201 H 3d. room 2. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medicated baths; magnetic treatment. 20 Raleigh bldg. LADY Q1VES VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGS and magnetic treatment; only genuine) baths in the house. Room 26 Raleigh bldg. FRENCH LADY. WITH YOUNG LADY AS- sistaavs fci .(,ucm. uu jxuLsaasts treatments. 20S 5th. nr. Taylor. West 1973. VAPOR BATH. MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments by experiencea young laay. se lect patrons only. ZSlfe Morrison st., room 16. EASTERN LADY. WITH YOUNG LADY 2133.3 IUUI, film ttlksu --..- KUU tu&saogB. MOVi 4th, room 4. VAPOR BATHS AND MASSAGE BY YOUNG lady .Just from ban Francisco. 110ft 4th, room 8. Medical. ladies: chichester-s English pen- nyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps, for par ticulars; "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Musical. WANTED PUPILS FOR GUITAR-ZITHER. T 07. Oregonlan. Oregon Vlavi Co. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison sts. Health talks to ladles. Thursday, 2:30 P. M. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL I. SMITH, osteopathic physicians; graduates Klrksvllle. Mo.. 409 Oregonlan. Phone Main 1212, Sanitarium 014 4th. DRS. ADIX AND NORTHRUP HAVE Re turned to their former offices, suite 416 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 349. J. J. & a S. WIGGINS. OSTEOPATinC physicians. 403-4 Macleay bldg. Latest methods. DR. L. PATTERSON, osteopath, nervous dis eases a specialty. 343 Washington. DRS. ANNA M. & FRANK J. BARR. 800. Dekum bldg. Phone Main 2226. Patent Lawyers. i T. J. GEISLER. patent and trade-mark mat ters a specialty. 530 Chamber of Commerce, Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. BEACH & CO.. PIONEER PAINT CO.. selling the best things In paints, wlndovf glass and glazing. 135 1st. Phone 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, PAINTS oits, glass, sash and doors, ibu 1st at. Palmistry. FREE TESTS FREE TESTS TO ALL WHQ can. .cngiisn clairvoyant meaium, paimist. So sure am I of my powers that I will give, a test to all who call prepared for a read, lng; $1000 to any person who can equal ma In telling the secrets ot your life. I wllf tell your name and the object of your visit; Call today and be convinced; prlco low, 313 Washington, cor. 6th. MISS EMMA LORENZ. ASTROLOGER AND paimist, prophetess; through her powerful work wealth and happiness can be brought to all wishing success. It you cannot calf send 60c and date ot birth for reading. Parlors 21-22. Raleigh block, cor. 6th as Washington. MADAME JOHNSTON. CLAIRVOYANT AN1? paimist; readings aaiiy; questions ay man, $1; truth or no pay. 289 3d st. LARS EN, THE PALMIST, returned; will give reading for short time only. Atlsky bldg, Phrenology. PROF. GRIFFITH POINTS OUT NATURE 5 lira caning for you; has letter of thanks xroia the President. Opposite Postoftice. X'hysicliinit and 6 org eons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESSFUL ly treats and cures all diseases of womei SOS Salmon, between Sth and 6th. Dr. Flora A. Brown, diseases ot -women ani cniiaren a specialty, utnee oil xne uunim, Rubber Stamps. P. C STAMP WORKS, 219 ALDER. PHONH Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Sates. FREIGHTS UP, SAFES DOWN, FOR A snort time, to reouce large siock; sccuau band safes and safety deposit boxes cheap. Lockouts opened and repairs. Dlebold sates. Jails, vault doors, steel celling. J. E. Da vis. 66 Third sU Second-Hand Dealers. ROSEN & SUGARMAN PAY HIGHEST! price for second-hand furniture, stoves, tools, 233 Front st. Tel. 3173. Shoe Manoiaciurers. REID & HERTSCHE CO., SHOE UANU- xacturers, u ana 11 n. 1st, rortiana. ur. Showcases and Store Fixtures. Portland Showcase Factory Store fixtures. display cases; every kind. 348 1st. bik 3133 R. LUTKB & CO... SUCCESSORS TQ Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO cor. Park and Oak; largest variety; To pairing. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, SPIRITUAL. MENTAL readings, valuable advice on all affairs ci life; business and absent friends a special ty. Troubled minds promptly relieved, 165H -th st,. room 38. Office hours. 0 A, M.. to 5 P. M. MME. ADWARD CRAMER. SPIRITUALISU medium, can be consuitea on ousines3, law suits, love, matrimony; unites the sepa rated, no matter the distance or cause; sat isfaction guaranteed. 66 N. 7th, seas Everett. MRS. S. B. SEIP, seer and prophetess; publla circles Tuesday and Friday, 8 P. M. Read ings by mall $1. 81 7th. cor. Oak. Main 163Q MRS. STEVENS, spiritual llfo reader, scien tific palmist, 00c 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, 305 Allsky bldg.. 3d St Morrison. Circles Thurs. evening. Hood 403. MRS. ADD1E ROGERS SMITH HAS RE tursed. Readings dally. 195 0th at. MRS. ADDIE ROGERS SMITH HAS Re turned. 195 6th st. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS & FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped, alt work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 12S 1st st. C M. Olson. Phone Mais 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 506. Pianos and furnltura moved and packed for shipping; commo dious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st, household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines aad all movable articles at reasonable prices. Roves. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC" Coast; also hotel and restaurant utensils, bakers' ovens. Loewenberg & Going Co., 2d and Taylor. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and sold Expert repairing. Office sup plies; rotmeographlo work; publla type writing. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark st, Fnons Main 1407. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter: cat alogue. 207 Montgomery. San Francisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GRO cers. cor. N. Frost and Davis sts. Vort- land. Or.