26 THE .SOTDAY OEEG02JIAN, POBTLAND, JANUARY 10, 1904. HKT.P WANTED MALE. TINTED A MESSENGER BOT. WHOLE Bale bouse, wheel .furnished; state salary, Age and reference; give phone. A. 14, Ore. greilan, "EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS WANTED 'FOR city ana country; salary and commission. Call Monday at 10 A. it. 614 Commercial block. "MEN TO LEABN THE BARBER TRADE; satisfaction guaranteed. Call or write for particulars to 253 Everett at., Portland, Or. COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders. No. 148 4th st. Pbone Red 1993. EXPERT TEACHER. UNIVERSITY GRADU ate, wants students evenings; Latin, algebra, grammar, arithmetic, etc Q 78. Oregontan. RAILROAD OPERATOR OF MANY TEARS' experience wants students in telegraphy; practical work; night. X 5S, Oregonian. DETECTIVES EVERT LOCALITY. GOOD salary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, "Wis. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGN'S, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED EXPERIENCED, NEAT AND steady bellboy. Apply steward, Arlington Club, at Alder-street entrance. REGISTER WITH CLERKS' REGISTRA tlon Bureau for clerical positions. 265 Mor rison st.. established In 1900. FRONT ROOM, GENTLEMEN PREFERRED; private family; bath, phone. 123 10th st bet. Washington and Alder. CIGAR, SALESMEN WANTED. EXPERI ence unnecessary, good pay. Emanuel Co., Station J. New York City. i PERSCRIPTION DRUG CLERK . OR DOC tor, country town. Call this evening. 148 6th. J. E. Alexander. CHANCE FOR YOUNG MAN TO LEARN barber trade for reasonable price. Address H 31, care Oregonian. BOYS WANTED APPLT AT BACK DOOR of telephone office, West Park and Alder St., Monday morning. BAND SAWYER, EXPERIENCED IN RE- sawlng heavy timbers in shipyard. Apply C57 Worcester block. u HONEST, INDUSTRIOUS MAN FOR IN- side work; $20 week; must have $225. 126 Ablngton building. WANTED SALESMEN FOR WASHINGTON territory, staple line. Call Monday. 319 . Commercial block. WANTED SEVERAL MINE PROMOTERS to swing a gilt-edged proposition. 127ft First st., room S. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE. COPY lng letters at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us; no mailing or canvassing; 9.00, weekly earned; materials free; inclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Guar antee Co., N. S 1C1 uth st., Philadelphia, Pa. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME; $9.00 PER week; materials sent everywhere free; steady work; plain sewing only: send addressed envelope for full particulars. S. K H. Du Pont. Philadelphia, Pa. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country; nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers, plenty of housework, $16 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Parlors, 226ft Morrison. .WANTED GOOD, RELIABLE GIRL WHO thoroughly understands cooking and gen eral housework; wages $20; two In fam ily. 701 E. Burnslde st. Take E. Ankeny car. : ATTENTION, LADIES EARN $10.00 PER 100, writing short letters from copy. Ad dress stamped envelope for particulars. Michigan Specialty Co., Albion, Mich. WANTED LADY PARTNER IN TRAVEL ing show; ono of small figure, to assist sleight of hand performer; singer pre ferred. W 20, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH light housework in small family in return for room and board while attending school. Telephone Scott 2970. ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO WORK AT home; $36.00 paid for 12 days' trial; perma nent if satisfactory. John Bngwall, Lake side Bldg., Chicago. $7.00 HUNDRED EITHER SEX ADDRESS lng envelopes; full Instructions for 10 cents and 2-cent stamp. Gem Novelty Co., 12 State, Chicago. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework and cooking, family four; good wages. Apply 508 Chapman St., Port land Heights. CROWD HERB ALREADY CONVENTION. Order waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, any body, housework girls, (Chinese). Drake, 205ft Washington. PLEASANT YOUNG WOMAN TO DO CHAM ber work In small lodging-house in center of city in exchange for good room. T 34, Oregonian. WOMAN OR GIRL TO ASSIST DAILY with housekwork in exchange for music lessons or small wages. E 30, Oregonian. A YOUNG WOMAN FOR OFFICE WORK; must write a rapid, legible hand and bo accustomed to figures. Y 27, Oregonian. l INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC WOMAN BY established firm; no other need apply; good opening to right party. J 31, Oregonian. THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN. 220 3D. phone Main 1519, wants cooks. $35; cham bermaid, waitresses, second girls, etc WANTED YOUNG LADY TO TRAVEL IN company to do collecting; good wages and expenses guaranteed. X 34, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG LADY TEACHER FOR country district near city. Clerks Regis tration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED NURSE TO TAKE CARE of 3-weeks-old baby; permanent position to right party. 260ft 7th st. WORKING GIRLS' HOME NEW MANAGE ment; office, day, waitress, cook, general, second girls. 291 3d st. 8MALL. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM,' WITH bath, 5 minutes' walk from Oregonian; rea sonable. 2SS Jefferson st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR plain cooking and general housework; good wages. 770 Overton st. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRESSMAK er and apprentice girl. Dordson Ferry, S12 Macleay bldg. WANTED A WOMAN FOR ALL-ROUND boarding-house work at 4C8 Yamhill. Phone. West 320. 1 WANTED LADY AGENT TO HANDLE goods that sell themselves; big commission. M 32, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work; two in family. Apply morning, 260 North 23d st. COOK. COUNTRY. $25 TO $30; WAITRESS, $5 week; 6 hours day. Pioneer Employment, WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN FOR general housework, family of two. H 36, Oregonian. WANTED 2 LADIES FOR PERMANENT." profitable positions. 3S7 Yamhill st, rooms 6 and 7. WANTED A WOMAN FOR J20USEKEEP lng; light work. Address J 26, care Ore gonian. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND ASSIST with housework; no cooking. 395 Morri son st. LADIES WANTED TO SELL AND USE safeguard and cure for all weakness. 474 Alder. SALESLADY. EXPERIENCED IN HOSIERY and underwear department. L 36. Orego nian. GERMAN GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE care of child afternoons; wages, $10. 234 10th; WANTED NEAT WOMAN FOR LIGHT housekeeping; good home. Apply 00 10th st WANTED TWO UP-TO-DATE WOMEN Td call on business men. P 35, Oregonian. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK AND TAKE care 6-year-old child. 690 Flanders st WANTED EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT waitress at Morris. 327 Washington. PORTLAND WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT CO. S264 Wash. st. Telephone Green 462. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST housekeeping. Apply 772 Qulmby st. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Inquire 595 Gllsan st WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework at 186 N. 17th st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE trork. Apply 770 Irving st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED LADY OB GENT TO ATTEND office; $20 week guaranteed; must Invest $100 cash; experience unnecessary Room 316 Allsky bldg., Morrison st. COOKS, WAITERS. CHAMBERMAIDS. DISH washers. domestics, watlresses; call dally convention week; housekeeper, $13. Drake, 205ft Washington. THE ALPINE WILL- FURNISH MALE .OR female help for any and will find work .for any when work can be bad. 132 First si. Main 1917. WANTED MONDAY FIFTY PEOPLE TO Investigate vital science; marvelous cures dally. Room 219 Ablngton bldg. WANTED BRIGHT BOT OR GIRL STENOG rapher. beginner; light work; small wages. D 34. Oregonian. LADY WILL GIVE PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in stenography -at her home; reasonable rates. T 33, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED '"' Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED RAILROAD STENOG rapher and clerk, from East, age 23. desires position as private stenographer to super intendent or other traveling official, to be on road good part of time; location Imma terial; best references. G 31, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND clerk. Eastern man, age 23, wishes posi tion as secretary out of town; capable tak ing crarge and handling office correspond ence, etc; splendid references. F 3L Ore gonian. lS COMPETENT YOUNG ilAN. 18, BOOK keeper In logging camp past year, wants any kind of inside employment; references from former employers and prominent business men of the dt. O 30, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. AGE 25, WIDELY Ac quainted in Portland business and society circles, desires position as manager or chief clerk with a good concern; best references. H 31, Oregonian. BY EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALES man, card writer and window trimmer; best of references. Q 30. Oregonian. BY YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY EXFERI enced in stenography and general office work; best of references. C 34, Oregonian. AS BOOKKEEPER. BILL CLERK OR collector, by competent young man, good penman. W 20, Oregonian. WANTED CLERICAL WORK; AM EXPE rienced, competent and have necessary ref erences. B 31 Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY SOBER. IN dustrlous young man, married, has good education, and not afraid of hard work; am willing to accept any situation, espe cially where good efforts and sobriety are appreciated, J. S3. Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION WATCH REPAIR er and salesman; Eastern man, age 24; owns tools and can give best references, care Jewelers' Supply Co., 1201 First ave., Seattle, Wash. ARCHAEOLOGIST WANTS POSITION ON an exploring or archaeological expedition to any country, preferably Central or South America; good references. Y 29, Orego nian. ' RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED. ALL-AROUND newspaper man wishes permanent situation; email salary to begin accepted; good refer ences. K 29, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. HOTEL PROPRIETORS. OR der cooks, waiters, dishwashers for conven tion rush; farmhands, loggers. Drake, 205ft Washington. WANTED POSITION BY MAN AND wife, furnished rooms or lodging-house to look after; first-class managers. Q 15, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION WITH firm where there is chax.ee for advance ment; references furnished. T 20, Orego nian. WANTED POSITION AS SASH AND DOOR machine man or stlckerman; good refer ences. Address 205 ft Morrison st., room 2. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, POSITION as Janitor or porter: best city reference furnished. Address R 26, Oregonian. JAPANESE DOMESTICS. JAPANESE LA borers furnished. Japanese Employment Of fice, 69 North 5th. Phone Clay 502. MASTER MASON WANTS POSITION EN gineerlng, firing, watchman or any light position inside. A 31 Oregonian. CAN FURNISH DOMESTICS, SERVANTS, farmhands, all kind help. Japanese Labor Assn. 26S Everett st. Black 992. WANTED POSITION FOR TWO MONTHS by young man with experience; .fair pen man. Y SO, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION DRIVING wagon in grocery store. Phone Scott 2795, Sunday. 9 to 2. MAN WITH BOAT. CALL 74 6TH ST.; Winter Job; a cornet or bagpipe player also. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION IN a store; speaks good English. Y 19. Orego nian. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO WORK and go to school. G 36, Oregonian. WORK WANTED BY MAN WITH TEAM and wagon. X 35, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED IKilALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY WITH FIVE YEARS' Ex perience in lumbering and manufacturing, desires bookkeeping or office work. T 21. Oregonian. WOULD LIKE TO HAVE POSITION AS stenographer: have had experience; can give good references. R 31, Oregonian. WANTED BY YOUNG GIRL. POSITION AS stenographer or office assistant; principally for experience. Q 23, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY REFINED. WELL educated young lady; experienced stenog- rapher. T 32. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY LADY 8TEN ographer; .experienced; city references. W. 31. Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION AS STENOGRA pher and typewrltlst, by young lady. 909 Halght ave. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES good, permanent position. E 34, care Ore gonian. TOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position for half tu day. M 33, Oregonian. .EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER sires position. Phone, East SS8. Drescmaxcrs. NEW YORK DRESSMAKERS. 354 SALMON st ; tailor 6Ults, evening and reception gowns, a specialty. All garments cut to measure by new French and English taller square system. WORK ENERGETIC WOMAN WANTING position as housekeeper; first-class seamstress cr chambermaid; wages expected, $30. A 30, Oregonian. TOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION, AS stenographer; will work for small wages to "begin with. Q S2, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING AND FAMILY SEWING in your homes; prices reasonable. Ad dress A 23, care Oregonian. MARPLtT5 DRESSMAKING PARLORS RE moved to room 43. Hamilton' bldg. Mrs. Florence Hunter. SHIRTWAIST 6UITS FOR $5. ROOMS 52 and 53 Cambridge bldg.. over McAllen & McDonnell's. DRESSMAKING AT HOME; FIRST-CLASS work prices reasonable. No. 412 East Morrison st TAILORESS WILL DO FAMILY SEWING In your homes; very reasonable. Pbone Clay 982. DAT SEWING WANTED BY COMPETENT dressmaker: price $1.60. Phone Black 3T04. "Nurses AN EXPERIENCED GERMAN LADY DE slres to nurse ladles during confinement; no objection to doing some light house work. D 32. Oregonian. PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES ENGAGE ments. The Lockwood, 351ft Morrison st. Phone Main 15S5. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY CAPABLE Swedish woman, family cook; wages $30. $230 H YamhllL Phone Black 288L YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING. DAT would assist family for room. 230ft Yam hllL Phone Black 2881. A STRONG GERMAN GIRL WANTS WORK for afternoon, 200 Pennsylvania House, cor, 6Ur and Flanders. SITUATIONS WANTED FfiMALK. Bouseaecpers. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN OF 33 as working housekeeper In small family; good reference. W 34, Oregonian. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper In city or country. Address 132ft Union ave. East Fortland- EXPERIENCED LADY WANTS POSITION as housekeeper or charge of rooming-bouse. N 34, Oregonl&n. Mlaeelisncona. REFINED LADY. GOOD APPEARANCE, age SO, with mwnn. desires' acquaintance honorable gentleman, good circumstances, Ylew to matrimony; particulars, agency. V ' 3. Oregonian SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, camp cook, capable washerwoman, seam street; young woman, housekeeper, boy 5; chambermaid. 230ft YamhllL Phone Black 288L REFINED. TRUSTWORTHY TOUNG Wo man seeks engagements to care tor chil dren afternoons or evenings; prices reason able: references. A IS. Oregonian. REFINED GERMAN WOMAN WISHES TO take care of children or do housekeeping: can teach 'and sew; sleep at home. Ad dress R 27, care Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man and wife, to cook in logging camp; well experienced and good cook. Address P 32, care Oregonian. WORKING GIRLS HOME- CHANGED bands; experienced day woman; help fur nished short notice. Phone Clay 1993. PRIVATE TEACHER WOULD LIKE A FEW more pupils In common branches; terms rea sonable. H S3, care Oregonian. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day; housecleanlng; no washing. Room 29 Manly blk.. 657ft Williams ave. WANTED FIRST- CLASS PIANIST WANTS position; day or night- Good sight reader. Address G 16. Oregonian. CHILDREN TAKEN CARE OF IN THE country: a good, healthy place. Write Mrs. John O'Connor. Oswego, Or. WANTED BY ELDERLY LADY. A HOME as lady's, companion; will tsew or- care for children. E 38, Oregonian. BY YOUNG LADY TO CARE FOR IN fant or Invalid through day. Call Monday. 4 Union ave.. North. ONE OR TWO CHILDREN, WHO WILL RE celve loving care. 30S North Grand ave.; phone Scott 3931. AN EXPERIENCED CLERK WISHES A position as clerk or cashier. Address 171 Green ave., city. WANTED BY A YOUNG WHITE WOMAN, half day's work cleaning rooms. N 32, Ore gonian. LADY WISHES CARE OF A LITTLE GIRL; $8 per month. Phone West 2832. 548 Mill street YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS cashier; good experience. S 29, care Ore gonian. WANTED MANAGEMENT OF ROOMING fcouse by experienced lady. Phone Union 6903. WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. SEWING or housework. Phone Scott 1134. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy ironing. Telephone Red 3693. WANTED WORK BY DAY, BY EXPERI enced woman. Phone West 1966. A LADY WISHES TO CLEAN L0DGER00MS or halls. B 36, Oregonian. LACE CURTAIN8 LAUNDERED. PHONE Main 604. "Mrs. Hogan. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day. Phone, Clay 945. LADY WISHES WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Main 787. , WANTED AGENTS. WANTED INVENTORS, PATENTEES AND mechanics, and every one Interested in pat ents and inventions, to send (of our In ventors' Guide. This 60-page book sent free. Contains full Information about pat ents. How to obtain a patent. What to Invent for profit, and How to Sell a Patent This elegantly printed book' sent free to any address. O'Meara & Brock, patent attor neys, 620 11th St., N. W., Washington, D. C WANTED SOLICITORS EVERYWHERE for the safest, best-selling and best-paying gold investment contracts - ever presented, and any one can sell them; double commis sion; for life insurance and building and loan men It is a snap; new company; new plan and low numbers; write for an agency. The Gold Bond Mercantile Company, 406 Crossley Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield, McKlnley; their illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 60 per cent profit: freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents in stamps. 908 Star bldg., Chicago. $50 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES SAMPLE free. Greatest money-making invention 'of the age; Automatic Washer; does a washing In 30 minutes without labor or attention; cheaper vthan any other; Indestructible. Everybody buys. Agents coining money. Thousands of testimonials. Automatic Wash er Co., Station U., Chicago. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION; the greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys it on eight; 200-to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 44, La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS MAKE AND SELL PROPRIETARY, domestic, household and toilet preparations, flavoring extracts, perfumes, soaps, polishes, confectionery, beverages, etc.; we have processes for them all; lists free. Wheaton & Co., Formula Makers, New Bedford, Mass. BEGIN BUSINESS FOR "YOURSELF; STOP working for others; we start you In profita ble mail-order business at your home; pleas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited possi bilities; full information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. THIS FOR THAT TRADE ANYTHING YOU have for anything you want; get our gi gantic paper that prints thousands of ex change ads; six months' trial subscription, 10c; agents wanted. This for That Pub. Co., 1979 Star Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE. BOTH SEXES, agents to handle the fast-selling Antiseptic Telephone Covers; new, practical; proposi tion and terms, address the Antiseptic Co., S3-S5 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS WANTED TWENTT-FIVB DOL. lars weekly for twenty weeks. The best proposition offered agents who want money and are willing to work for It." George F. - Cram, 652 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. AGENTS WANTED ALL TOWNS IN ORE gon and Washington; most practical and fastest selling novelty on market; good profit. Write West Coast Supply Cov. 167 Park st., Portland. Or. AGENTS WE GUARANTEE $5.00 A DAT Introducing our genuine "Super-Asbestos" wicks for lamps and oil stoves; light equal to electricity; last 8 years. Fireproof . Safety Wick Works, Chicago. 7 WANTED AGENTS: $75.00 WEEKLY AND expenses easily made writing health and ac cident Insurance; experience unnecessary Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo. - WB PAT $38 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co. Dept. 54. Parsons. Kurt. MAKE MONEY SELLING DOME-SHAPED perforated skillet covers; no more greasy stove to clean; catalogue free. Am. Nov. Works, Reading, Pa. STOP RUNAWAYS: HITCH HORSES SOLID Instantly; carry In pocket: sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hltchlngpost Co.. Muncfe. Ind. WE PAY $33 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to introduce Poultry Corn pound. International Utg. Co., Parsons, K". $35 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MEN with rigs to Introduce our poultry goods. The Orwoon Co., Dept. D.. Parsons, Kan. DO YOU KNOW A GOOD THING WHEN you see It. and can you sell It? If so, call at 204ft Washington st, room 3. AGENTS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TO handle good seller; big commission; terri tory managers. 169 11th. SALESMEN TEN DOLLARS PER DAY; money every night. Grant Manfg. Co.. 414 Third ave., Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED PICTURE AGENTS. LADIES OR gents; a snap; big money. S01 Deknm bldg. TWO ENERGETIC LADIES. OVER 25, FOR - good business proposition. 147ft 11th st PORTRAIT AND PHOTO AGENTS $5 TO $10 dally. Rembrandt. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. BY RESPONSIBLE FAMILY. GOOD HOUSS keepers. 8 or 9-room house with modern Im provements within easy walking distance of business part; want possession in about two months: will take lease If built to order. Address P 34. care Oregonian. W ANTED TRY TTERRTJARY- 1. TWO ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, with first-class J board, by couple"' with two-year-oia cmia; state terms and location- V 33, care Ore gonian. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, close in. business district; family two, H 30. Oregonian. or Phone Main 2953 after 11 A. M. WANTED A ROOM WITH HEAT. W1TH ln five blocks of Portland Hotel; state price and number of house. C 31. Oregonian. WANTED BT LONG-TERM RENTER IN South Portland, 6 or 7-room house; refer ences given: Q 31, Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for couple with one child; central. Address J 23, care Oregonian. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, close In, business district,- fam ily two. H 30, Oregonian. BUILDING OR STORE FOR SALOON AND restaurant. J. E. Alexander, 148 6th st. WANTED MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, East Side. T 33. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEODS. RESPONSIBLE PARTY WOULD LIKE THE use of piano for its safe-keeping; best of care to be taken of same. Address R 32, care Oregonian. TOUNG HAN. STENOGRAPHER, WANTS congenial roommate to share two very de sirable rooms; moderate price. C 35V Ore gonian. WANTED BUSINESS OFFICE, GROUND floor, on Washington st., between 3d and Park sts. Address P 3L care Oregonian. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING 'and shoes; highest price paid. The "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. DINNERS WANTED REGULARLT BT man and wife not far from 14th and Mont gomery sts. B 30, Oregonian. WANTED MONDAY SUIT CASE OR TRAV ellng bag; good leather. Write price and description to Q 34. Oregonian. ' WANTED GOOD HOME TO BOARD BOY of 11 years. In the Park School district It possible. Phone Hood 706. WANTED SECOND - HAND, MEDIUM slzed fireproof safe; must be cheap. Ad dress N 31, Oregonian. WANTED LOAN OF $2000. FIVE TEARS AT 5 per cent, on good income business property. N 36, Oregonian. WANTED SECOND - HAND NATIONAL cash register; state description and price. V 29, Oregonian. I MUST HAVE MONET; WILL SELL MT 5000 shares LeRoy mining stock. W 30, care Oregonian. SECOND-HAND TRUNK AND SUIT CASE, reasonable; give description and price. C 30, Oregonian. WANTED BULL PUP; PRICE MUST BE reasonable. Phone East 051; address 651 Rodney ave. WANTED A GALLON OF MILK PER DAT at Crlttenton Home, East 31st and Gllsan. WANTED $2500 5 PER CENT LOAN; SE curity Al; no agents. G 34. Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott 6813. FOB BENT. Booms. THE LINCOLN, JUST OPENED. 409 MORRI son St., cor. 11th, has the best furnished rooms in the city; hot and cold running water; steam heat, electric lights, baths, and all modern appointments; new building; every facility for caring for the traveling public; moderate rates. C. H. Ball, prop. Tel. . Main 251. THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED apartments; everything new; running water in rooms, electrlo lights, baths, magnificent view plaza blocks and D. P. Thompson elk fountain; for transient and tourists: a model of comfort. N. E. cor. 3d and Salmon. Phona Maui 2028. J. E. Minard Black, prop. THE MENOMINEE. 385 YAMHILL ELE ga$tly furnished front rooms, suites or single; modern conveniences; two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients solicited. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND BEAUTIFUL front suite, suitable for two or three, in new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland; home comforts. 220ft 6th, cor. Madison. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT: TERMS reasonable; use of telephone and bath if desired; near Burnside bridge. Call at 15 East 3d st.. cor. East Ash. THE OXFORD. 66ft 6TB ST., COR. OAK Just opened to the public; everything new. modern in all its appointments; private bath suites. Telephone Main 88. NEAT. COMFORTABLE ROOM IN PRIVATE family, for ope 'or two gentlemen; near car line. Call between 1 and 7 o'clock this af ternoon. 620 Market st. TWO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS in lovely home; air modern conveniences; splendid location; must give references. W 27, Oregonian. THE RUBY, 251ft ALDER, NEAR THIRD New brick, newly furnished and up to date; best beds In city; rooms by the day at rea sonable rates. NEWLT FURNISHED ROOM FOR MEN only; hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 163 17th, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 3199. ELEGANT CORNER ROOMS, WINDOW ON two sides, new house; hot air, porcelain bath, phone, home comforts. 627 Taylor. "UNFURNISHED ROOM WITH LARGE closet and gas for rent; private family; ref erence. Call mornings at 337 11th st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE or en suite; also housekeeping rooms for rent. Telephone Main 938. 656 Irving. THE OGDEN, 83ft 1ST ST. FINELT FUR nlshed rooms, sLngle or en suite; bath, phone, electrlo light, new building. NEWLT FURNISHED ROOM FOR MEN only; hot and cold water; gas and steam heat. 163 17th sr., cor. Morrison. ONE, TWO OR THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; closets, sink; no chil dren. 483 Everett sL Main 1112. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms; pantries, closet, water and woodshed, $19, or two $12; one $6. 498 Clay. FOR RENT A FRONT ROOM IN A PRI vate family; no other roomers; terms rea sonable. Address C 33. Oregonian. THREE NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS; also one large front room; bath, telephone; private family. 191 15th, north. TWO NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS; GOOD location; reasonable terms. Call before 1 P. M., or Monday. 406 7th st. 410 4TH TWO GOOD UNFURNISHED basement rooms. $6.50; one furnished room reasonable. Phone West -425. 76 WEST PARK NEWLT FURNISHED rooms with or without board; all conven iences. Phone Central 1074. 410 4th TWO UNFURNISHED BASEMENT rooms. $6.50; one furnished room; reasonable; walking distance. West 425. CLEAN FURNISHED FRONT .ROOM. USB of bath, tor gentleman; desirable location; private family. 300 5th st. LARGE ROOM. WITH GAS AND FURNACE heat; all home comforts, with board It V anted. Phone West 52. ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY. COMFORT able, clean, light, bath, phone, front or side room. 151 Lownsdale st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family; gas; bath and phone. 428 Yamhill st, bet. 11th and 12th. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH USE SITTING room. If desired: very reasonable; good lo cation. 454 Yamhill sL FOR BENT NEATLY FURNISHED BOOMS, with electric lights and bath; $1 per week and up. 309ft 1st st. 364 TATLOR PLEASANT ROOMS FOB gentlemen; no children; gas, heat; 2 blocks from Portland HoteL FOR RENT A PLEASANT ROOM IN PRI vate family, 362 13th sf, near Montgom ery; gentleman only. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS FOR one or two; private family; light, phone. tc 254 Uth st- 624 6TH ST. NICELY "FURNISHED ROOM In private family; gentlemen only; refer ences exchanged. S6 NORTH 17TH ST. FURNISHED FRONT room, with use of bath; $& per month. tOK KKNT. Boems. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM In private family-; very central; rent reason able. 427. Alder. 79 PARK NICE. LIGHT BACK ROOM, suitable for. two persons; bath, and phone. Call afternoons. 2 CLEAN ROOMa ON GROUND FLOOR; gas. bath, sink and range; no children. N 13, Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BATH; TELE phone; $6 and $8 per month. 454 Columbia at, cor. 13th. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED front room, central. 146 10th St.. bet. Alder and Morrison. 168 UTH. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL Nicely furnished rooms, with . all modern conveniences. VERT DESIRABLE SUITE OF THREE UN fumlshed rooms at Goodnough bldg. Apply at elevator. RYAN HOUSE. 260ft FIFTH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite, single. Opposite City Hall. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. GAS, BATH, phone; $S per month. 101 North 18th, cor. Flanders. 18S PARK ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms; one block from Portland Hotel; rent reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. REA sonable: bath, gas, hot. and cold -water. No. 13 E. 7 th. FOR RENT NEAT FURNISHED ROOM FOR lady, with free use of piano:" $2- per week. 30S4 1st, FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. 87 10th. near Stark; close In. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. ALL modern conveniences; la new flat. 271 Vi Clay st. FOR RENT A LARGE ROOM, SUITABLE tor two; modern; board It desired. 170ft 10th st. Furnished rooms, $1 week up. Oilman Hotel, lit And Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th Sc Everett FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED, FOR LADY or gentleman; gas and bath. 195 North 17th. 231ft MARKET NICELY FURNISHED front rooms for one or two; very reasonable. FINE ROOM. THREE BLOCKS FROM HO tel Portland; fire, gas and bath. 343 Main. NEWLT FURNISHED ROOM IN STRICTLY modern house; private family. 200 4th st. 434 ALDER ST. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, six blocks from Oregonian. Phone West 1586. 123 12TH ST.. THE SHERMAN NICELY furnished rooms by .day, week or month. ONE FURNISHED AND ONE UNFUR nlshed room to let. 591 Washington st. FOR RENT NICE ROOM. ALL CONVEN lences; private family. $7. 432 Jefferson. LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, FIRST floor; bath, phone; central. 471 Alder. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nished rooms, with or without board. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 654 East Main St., cor. 18th. $6. 395 7TH NICELY FURNISHED GROUND floor front room; rent reasonable. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR A PAR ty of two. 105 North 15th. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT NO.' 175. corner 12th and Johnson. 430 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; bath, gas, phone. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN modern flat. 243 7th st. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, ON CAR line. Inquire 8 B. 14th. , 164 ft UNION AVE. FOR RENT, 1 SUITE of furnished rooms. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM AT NO. 688 South Third st. ROOM WITH BATH; PRIVATE FAMILY. $10. No. 331 Davis. FURNISHED BOOMS. 195 6TH ST., COB. Taylor. - , NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 83 N. 14th st. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL, A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165-167 10th, cor. Morrison Thorough ly renovated and steam-heated; can ac commodate a few more guests with pleas ant rooms and first-class table service; table boarders can now be accommodated at reasonable rates. THE HOTEL COSHOCTON. COR. 7TH AND Yamhill sts., is reopened under new man agement; has been newly furnished and thoroughly renovated throughout; very de sirable rooms and excellent table board; rooms by the day, week or month. Mrs. Abble, manager. ' PLEASANT, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS In private family; excellent table; bath, with porcelain tub;gas and telephone; near two car lines, yet within walking distance of business center; terms very reasonable. 569 Irving st, near 17th. WANTED ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN TO board and room with private family of two adults: pleasant home for right parties. Call or address 120 E. 33d, cor. Alder, Sunnyslde car. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 16TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent, 510 Flanders TWO LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. FRONT Deo room, private iamuy. modern, with board; reasonable; use of parlor, bath and phone. 308 17th st. Phone Front 2429. FOR RENT FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen, with board, $5 per week each; private family. 54 E. 8th st, cor. E. Oak st. GOOD TABLE BOARD. LARGE, NICELY furnished room for two or three; men pre ferred; private family; very reasonable. 483 Davis it. HOTEL BROWN Rooms newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; rooms for transient r on both car lines. 271ft Grand ave. B LAKELET HALL 251 7TH ST. LARGE rooms with first-class board; fine location; 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 263L 168 10TH LARGE FRONT BOOM, WITH adjoining room, en suite or single; another room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH or without board, for one or two gentlemen; private family; heat, gas, bath. 343 3d. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. PRIVATE home; newly furnished; house attendance first class. 120 N. 13th; references. LARGE FURNISHED BOOM. WITH board, bath, phone; suitable for two young men or ladles. 655 Washington. THE" WALDORF. 147 13TH NICELY FUR nlshed suites; single rooms; good table; steam heat; free phone. 76 WEST PARK FURNISHED FRONT room for two, with board; day boarders. Phone Main 1074. LARGE FRONT BAT-WINDOW ROOM. USE of parlor, piano; board across street. 182 17th, cor. TamhllL NICELT FURNISHED ROOM, FIRST -class board, centrally located. - 225 12th st. Phone Main 2508. 468 TAMHILL FURNISHED BOOMS WITH board; reasonable rates; bath, heat, etc Phone West 320. FOUR TOUNG MEN. SCHOOL STUDENTS or clerks to room and board In private fam ily. 435 Taylor. 631 E. MORRISON FURNISHED ROOM; with board, $4.50 week; bath, heat. Phone, Union 4538. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD gas, bath and phone. 160 Park sf. near Morrison. NICE FRONT ROOM. WELL FURNISHED, for two gentlemen; room and board. 321 6th st. EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD, HOME COOK Ing, for two or three. 410 Jefferson. West NEW WESTERN HOTEL. 7th' and Gllsan sts. Newly furnished rooms, with or without board. 395 Morrison Very large front room, run ning water, furnace heat, 2 large closets. ROOM WITH BOARD LARGE BAT-WTN-dow room, with board. N 30, Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED ROOK WITH HEAT. $8. 304 ft Washington st, near ISO. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. 388 7th. Mrs. X. C- Searls. FOK BENT. Rooms With Board. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH SPLEN t did table board, cheap. 645 ,4 th st. ELEGANT ROOMS AND BOARD; REASON able. 166 18th st. North. Flat. DESIRABLE FLATS, 6 ROOMS AND BATH, in new building, southwest corner Grand aire and E. Burnslde sts. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg. TJPPEB HALF OF HOUSE. PRIVATE FAM Jiy; bath, phone, eVc; references required. For particulars Phone Brown 635, or L 31, Oregonian. FOB RENT FIVE BOOMS; NEWLT FUB nlshed for housekeeping: first floor, 310 Main sL. very central. Call any time after Sunday. FLAT OF THREE BOOMS, GROUND FLOOR, well furnished; 10 minutes walk from busi ness center; gas, bath; telephone; $23. 292 16th st. . FOR BENT ELEGANT 3 AND 5-ROOM flats; new and up-to-date. Inquire of owner, 40 and 41 Labbe bldg. A FLAT OF THREE WELL-FURNISHED rooms for rent, furniture for sale; modern, central. 489 ft Washington sU FOR RENT ELEGA.T 3 AND 5-ROOM flats; new and up-to-date. Inquire of owner. 40 and 41 Labbe bldg. SSS JEFFERSON ST. TWO AND THREE rooms, furnished complete tor housekeeping; bath and gas; reference. 5-BOOM FLAT AND BATH. ELECTRIC lights and gas. 102 12th, between Stark and Washington.. FLAT. 6 ROOMS. EAST SIDE; CLOSE IN; modern conveniences; rent reasonable Phone East 925. MODERN FLAT IN THE SEVILLA. IN qulre Flat A. 225 Market st. FLAT FOR RENT FLAT NEWLT FUR nlshed. Inquire 322 14th. FOR SALE OR RENT A FLAT OF 6 ROOMS, furnished. 170ft 10th st. Housekeeping Rooms. PART OF LARGE HOUSE; SEPARATE EN trance; yery reasonable; 43th St., block north of Hawthorne ave Take Mt- Tabor cars, 1st and Alder; bath and phone; de sirable neighborhood; no children. S88 CORBETT ST. 3 OR 4 NICELT FUR niahed housekeeping rooms, with bath, on Thlrd-st. car line, opposite Children's Home; private family; reasonable rent; no children. 81 7TH -ST.. COR. OAK HANDSOMELY, clean furnished front alcove; privilege of light housekeeping; gas stove: other olean sleeping rooms; no children. Main 1636. NICELT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very complete; best Cat in the city; gas ranges In all rooms; rent reasonable. 103ft Union ave, cor. East Alder. 347 HALL THREE VERY DESIRABLE rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; every convenience; pleasant location; reason able rent; no children. 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms: bath, yard, private family; desirable. Call Monday afternoon. 614 Mor rison. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room with bath. $7 per month; also sleeping room, $4 month. ISO E. 7th at, near Yam hill. PASO ROBLES, 308 ft 1ST DESIRABLE rooms, furnished for housekeeping; gentle men and transients; one suite unfurnished. 3 NICE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground floor; bath, clothes closet; no children; $10. 479 East 10th, cor. Division. NICE CLEAN UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; alcove suite and kitchen, upper floor; no children, $10. 6 E. 7th. south. TWO NEWLT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; modern conveniences; $18 per month. 101 North 18th, cor. Flanders. TWO PARTLT FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for light housekeeping; private family; with in walking distance. 615 Washington st 305 ft WASHINGTON FURNISHED AND unfurnished housekeeping suites; al30 sleeping-rooms, $1.25 and up per week. 545ft WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; very desirable; elegantly furnished; also single room; bath, phone, gas. SUITE OF TWO NICELT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; all complete, clean, telephone, bath. 264 Jefferson st. THREE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, with closets; bath. 477 East 11th, near Division. Sellwood car. 2 VERT PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; fine location; bath near: $16 Including gas. 242 Montgomery. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, neat and clean, $9; without dishes and bedding, $8. 242 Montgomery. $10 FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; water and phone; no children. 428 Knott Phone. Union 6110. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bow window, sink in kitchen, outside en trance, telephone. 229 11th st $15 WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, or single rooms reasonable; modern conveniences. 321 Eugene st TWO NICE BOOMS. FUBNISHBD COM plete; no small children; quiet place. Phtme Main 1989. 400 Davis. NRAT. COMFORTABLE HOUSEKEEPING suite, 3 rooms; first floor; close In, gas, phone; particulars 471 Alder. ' 300ft -4TH NICELT AND COMPLETELY furnished suite housekeeping rooms; both front rooms; new and clean. NICELT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; within 1 block of S street-car; ref erence. Inquire 668 Water. TWO LIGHT. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, furnished housekeeping; close in; bath. $13. 220 Hall. Main 3243. THREE VERT DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; convenient to three" car lines; phone, bath. 454 Clay st THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent for housekeeping. 210 N. 12th st, near Lovejoy; no children. NICE, CLEAN SUITE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; large, airy, and reasonable. 243ft Ash st Inquire room 9. NO. 308 13TH TWO CONNECTING FUR. nlshed rooms; gas range; no children; vacant lotn. .fnone west -iu. LOWER FRONT BAT WINDOW PARLOR: 4 rooms or less above; furnished or unfur nished. 694 Everett LADY WANTS LADY ROOMMATE IN housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Room 20. A. O. U. W. bldg. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. 384 East Park, near Montgomery. Call to day. 11 to 2 P. M. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, to parties without children. Cor. 17th and Bast Morrison sts: TWO CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: good location; reasonable. Call at once, 395 3d, cor. Harrison. TWO LARGE ROOMS, FURNISHED. FOR separate housekeeping, in the Delaware, 20ft Grand ave. North. LARGE NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng room; also large sleeping-room. No. 44S Yamhill st FOR RENT TWO NICE ROOMS. FUR nlshed or unfurnished, as desired, at 747 East Stark st TWO ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; range, electric light, phone. Inquire 74 4th st, cor. Oak. 92 17TH, COR. FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to parties with out children: TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, lower floor; no children. 335 Clay st, cor. 7th. "FINS FRONT SUITE ON LOWER FLOOR, furnished for housekeeping; no children. 187 West Park. FOUR NICELT FURNISHED HOUSEKERP. ing rooms; lower floor, with gas. Address- 286 Clay st SEVERAL NICELT FURNISHED BOOMS, with first-class table board; men preferred. 4-tfi 4th st SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UN furnlsbed; no children. 372ft E. Oak. Phone Union; 912. NICE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; electric light pbone. 301ft Water st, cor. .Columbia. J FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, 155 J N. 11th- cor. L FOB RENT Housekeepxag Rooms., TWO OR THREE NICELT FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms, modem conveniences. v No. 23S Jefferson. 5 minutes walk from Ore gonian. FURNISHED FBONT HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. ST 10th, near Stark; close In. MABQUAM HOUSE. 145 6TH ST. NEW ly furnished housekeeping; also slngio rooms. 16Sft 10TH TWO FURNISHED SIDE ROOM3 for housekeeping: complete kitchens $12 month. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SUITE OF TWO ut uircei a uu puune. fl y -itn st COT. Clay. - 555 MOBRISON FURNISHED HOUSE keeping room, ground- floor; phone, bath. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House- Keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- aecying. oiose in, $z.ou per ween, iTont, 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: telephone, gas range and bath. 266 12th. st 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 463 Taylor. Call between 1 and 2 P. 1L LOWER FLOOR RESIDENCE. T ROOMS, UN- lurmsnea. central. Call 427 Stark, near 11th. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS, connecting. Telephone Green 553. 322 14th. FUBNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1 or 2. with use of phone. 164 North 10th st 430 TAMHILL ST. NICELT FURNISHED housekeeping suites; bath, gas, phone THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, first floor. 485 Clay st THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; closets; bath: gas. 406 4th st THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND floor. 313 14th. Phone Main 2948. THREE LARGE FUBNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms for rent 518 Clay st NICELT FUBNISHED THBEE-ROOM "FLAT, ground floor, at 268 Jefferson st TWO UNFUBNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 607 6th st 506 FLANDERS ST. ONE OR TWO UN furnlshed front rooms. LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED "FOR HOUSE keeplng. 265ft 2d st NICELT FURNISHED rooms. 575 4th st HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 195 6th st Bouses. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 649 Mllwaukle ave., store and 6 rooms. $11.00 674 Mill st, 7 rooms 16.00 742 First st, 8 rooms 18.00 209 North 18th st, 5 rooms 18.00 712 Brooklyn st, 7 rooms 20.00 363 East 8th st, 7 rooms 22.50 330 Harrison st. 5 rooms 25.00 367 Eugene at, furnished. 6 rooms 25.00 609 B. Taylor st, furnished, 7 rooms.. 40.00 347 11th st, 8 rooms 45.00 667 Irving st. furnished. 8 rooms 50.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 229 Stark st FOR RENT 2-STORT HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, bath, gas and furnace; beautiful location; one block from river, cor. Broadway and Larra bee; 50 feet from L car. Also a 6-room cot tage on Benton, near Broadway; large yard and numerous cherry trees. Apply at 373 Ross, cor. Broadway. 13-ROOM MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE, with heater, gas and electric light; corner 22d and Overton, near Good Samaritan Hos pital; suitable for residence or boarding house. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT AND part of furniture and fresh Jersey cow for sale Owner must leave town. Easy terms. M 26, Oregonian. FOR BENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE: gas and chandeliers; desirable location, 833 Kelly st. South Portland. D. W. Hoelblng. 250 Stark st NEWLT PAPERED AND PAINTED SIX room house; barn and chicken-house; So fare, two car lines, 25 minutes from city. 67 1st st FOB BENT NEW 6-ROOM 2-STORY MOD. ern house; first class. 461 North Union ave. Inquire 311 Washington st Phone Main 1667. FOR RENT MODERN T-ROOM COTTAGE; East 17th and Belmont Address Valen tine Brown, Room 520, Marquam bldg. $25 NEW, MODERN 7 ROOMS. BATH, electric light; partly furnished. East 21st and Hawthorne avenue. Dr. Darling. DONALD G. WOODWARD. Z46 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. UNION ave. and Market See M. H. Carter, room 505, Commercial bldg., after noon. FOB RENT A MODEBN 5-BOOM COT tage; 383 E. 1st st N., between Hancock and Broadway sts.; $14 per month. NO. 1011 WILLIAMS AVE. NEW 6-ROOM fcome.wlth all modern improvements; Apply John Bain, room 2, 224 Stark st A LOVELY HOME FURNISHED OB UN furnished; ten rooms, large yard, shrub bery, fruit E" 31, Oregonian. HOUSES 4 ROOMS, $8; 6 ROOMS. $15; 18 rooms, $27.50. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co., 234ft Morrison st NICE 8-ROOM HOUSE. ONE BLOCK FROM Brooklyn School, on car line; $18. Call 232 Stark. Phone Hood 317. TWO NEW SIX-ROOM MODEBN HOUSES, on Gantenbeln, between Beach and Falling. Phone, Union 6507. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 221 CHEBRY and Lanrabee Apply James Wiseman, 395 East First st, N. FOB BENT. $5 SMALL COTTAGE NEAR Hamilton ave. In South Portland. 635 Cham ber of Commerce. WOTTSR AND B LOTS. NICE LITTLE KTTTU urban home: cheap. Address W. P. Lyman, Postoffice, City. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE, JUST COM pleted, close In, East Side. M. S. Rentery, Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT A MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE; good location. Inquire at 800, 24th and Thurman st FOR RENT $20, HANDSOME 5-ROOM house, very desirable for small family. 335 Sherman. A NEW. MODERN. 7-ROOM HOUSE, E. 16th and Belmont sts. Inquire 25 North 9th st THREE WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, with piano. 106ft North 10th st FOR RENT, $20 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM house; Ankeny car line. Phone Scott 3112. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NO. 609 East Ash; bath, gas. Apply 615 East Pine FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE, 650 East Ankeny st Inquire 404 The Dekum. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. COR. EAST ASH AND 15th; rent $16; bath, gas for cooking. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. LATEST IMPROVE ments; Sellwood st, cor. Rodney ave. FOR BENT 6 ROOMS AND BATH; $15. IN quire 1082 Front st. South Portland. HOUSE OF 7 LARGE ROOMS; 31ST AND E. Hawthorne. Phone, Union 33L MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE AT 731 E. TAT lor, near 22d. Phone East 624. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. S. 17th. M 30, Oregonian. NICELT FURNISHED 8-ROOM MODERN house. Phone East 697. FOR BENT 7-BOOM HOUSE. 994 EAST Taylor st 7-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. 731 OVER ton st Furnished Houses. HOUSE ALL IMPROVEMENTS; LARGE lawn; partially furnished ; will rent house, sell furniture cheap If taken at once; party going East Telephone Union 4372 Sunday, 11 to 2 P. M. Address T 35. Oregonian. WILL RENT TO RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, lower floor of 3. rooms; everything new and modern: finely furnished, including new piano; rent reasonable. 494 Columbia, near 14th. FOR RENT A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage, with gas, bath and cement basement, to adults only. Apply to 393 Washington st; references required; rent $45. PART OR ALL OF FURNISHED COTTAGE to let Call 335 Montgomery st I FURNISHED HOUSE, GOOD LOCATION, i nice-yard, 528 Taylor.