I " 1 r - i mpmtmK v.' . 'PAGES 91 TO I ,-3jt. . PftRT TWO ' ft a m i 'MMW4 -?, NO. 50. YOL. XXII. PORTLAIST), OREGON, StQJDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1903. ? jrr!rrrr2m2rjJJ fp J&mffetti rrC jf jr io oiS!i mm mm mm mm mm c -e em a a a aa o aa aa aa mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm a aa aa aa aa aa a mm a a a mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm . mm mm aa aa mm aa aa mm, mm aa aa aa mm mm mm aa aa aa mm mm mm a BOOK NtWS Book Store Offerings and vSug'g'estions Favorite Poets Bound in embossed seal leather, illumin ated title pages, round comers, red under gold, illustrated silk ribbon bookmark, handsome cover design,50 fiQs titles. Publisher's Drice $1.50 our price New Gilt-Edge Poets Bound in silk-ribbed cloth, printed in clear tvrie on fine oaoer. eilt edee and title printed in gold. Publisher's price $1.00 our price Household Edition of Poets The Household Edition is printed on opaque paper. Each book is appropriately illustrated, bound in cloth, with a neat design in gold on cover. Publisher's price $1.50 our 2 f & price tpXaJ. Handy Volume Classics This new series is printed on ex tra fine paper, with text illustrations or full-page half-tone illustrations on coated paper. Each volume has a hand some illuminated title page and autograph frontispiece. The series contains 150 titles of famous books by Q famous authors. Publisher's price 50c, ours... L The Illustrated Library of Famous Books. This library contains over 200 volumes of the greatest masterpieces of literature, selected with great care, is beautifully illus trated, bound in maroon silk ribbed cloth, title printed in gold, illuminated title pages, gilt tops. Publish- & er's price 75c, our price --' Young Folks' Library With colored and other illustrations. This series of standard and favorite classics for boys and girls are all illustrated and bound in handy volume size. Bound in English vellum cloth, side and back stamped in gilt from a new and appropriate design, with polychrome pnniea wrapper, ruo- K UllOUbU 1U1 $1.18 insert on side. Each in lisher's price 50c, our price BIBLE SPECIALS The Teacher's Bible The Oxford Teacher's Bible, bound in fine seal leather, red under gold, containing new helps, maps and 124 full-page plates and full descriptive letter press. The illustrations are fresh and well selected. The most valuable Biblical compilation yet published for teacher or minister. Sold regularly at $2.25; our special price The Student's Bible Bound in fine, flexible leathers, red under gold, printed from clear type on good white paper and contains, in addition to the Old and New Testaments, helps to the study of the Bible, beautiful maps in colors, a series of superb phototype engravings, 4000 questions and answers. Sold regularly at $1.50, our Qlff special price J The Worker's Bible Bound in fine, flexible leather, red under gold, minion type, containing Old and New Testa ments, translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; con taining concordance, Scripture proper names, subject in dex, maps, etc. Sold regularly at $1.50 spe- Q? cialat JO TEACHERS' SELF-PRONOUNCING BIBLE , INDEXED. " Bound in flexible leather, large print, self-pronouncing text, indexes, references, helps, maps, etc., etc. BL 7 regular $2.50 our price f. JJ .! i Cr Henty Books G. A. Henry has long held the field as the most popular boys' author. We offer 500 Henty Books, just published, new edition, in cloth, colored, title cover, 44 different titles. Publisher's price 50c, our 0? price .-.-- O' C OF THE GREATEST INTEREST TO THE YOUNG Are the Foxy Grandpa Books, containing Further Adven tures of Foxy Grandpa, Tigers, Alphonse and Gaston Katzenjammer Kids, etc., etc. The DENSLOW Books, with their bright-colored, original pictures and large print text. DUTTON'S beautiful, art colored TOY BOOKS, the pret tiest, daintiest books ever designed for the little ones. Magical Moments (reversible pictures) $1.25 Peep Show (reversible pictures) 60 Amusing pictures (reversible pictures) 75 Pleasant Surprises (reversible pictures) 1.75 Lovers of the famous "Pepper" series will be glad to learn that a new book has been added to the series this year, "The Peppers at School." Also a new Elsie book, "Elsie's Loved Ones." APPROPRIATE GIFT BOOKS A Few Timely Suggestions : The Gourtship of Miles Standish, illustrated by Christy. (No handsomer gift book has ever been designed than this superb edition.) .. An old Sweetheart of Mine Riley and Christy. Dplly Dialogues Hope and Christy. A Checked Love Affair Ford and Christy. The Weaker Sex Gibson. The Forest, by White (author of Blazed Trail), a fascinating, strenuous book of outdoor life, beautifully illustrated by Thomas Fogarty. The College Girl's Record The Men's College Record Two entirely new Record books, compiled and illustrated by Virginia Woodson Frame. For Lovers of Good Literature Who Do Not Care for Novels We Would Suggest: The Great Optimist, and other essays, by Leigh Mitchell Hodges. Hand-colored and very attractively bound. Into the Light, by Edward Robeson Taylor. "Let us choose to us judgment, let us know among ourselves what is good." Thoughts A beautiful compilation of ideal thoughts, bound in ooze leather. "The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the great art of life is to hare as many of them as possible." In Arcady, by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Illustrated by Low. For Lovers of Fun: The Cynico Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1904 rHer ford, Mumford, Mizner. "Many Are Called,' but Few Get Up." Bachelor Bigotries "Man and the Horseradish Are Most Biting When Grated." Widows, Grave and Otherwise '-Widders Are 'Ceptions to Ev'ry Rub." The Limerick Up-to-Date Book. Dennis Fogarty, the Irish Yutzo, by Lord Gilhooley. The Damsel and the Sage, a Woman's Whimsies, by Elinor Glyn. Memoirs, Etc., Etc., for Readers of Solid Literature The Court of Empress Josephine, Secret History of the Court of England, The Grand Mademoiselle (Madame de Montespan)- Letters of a Diplomat's Wife, Love Affairs of Mary Queen of Scots, Memoirs of Madame Lebrun, Madame de Montespan, by Williams; Memoirs and Cor resondence of Mme. Recamier, A Keystone of Empire, (author of Martyrdom of an Empress); The People of the Abyss, by Jack London, picturing the under world of London. THE JEWELRY AND SILVER STORE Confidence is the keystone of success in the selling of jewelry. 'Confidence, in honesty and fairness, of course, but granting us that you wish to he confident of expert knowledge and skill as "well. And herein is the great strength of our Jewelry Store. It is presided over by a specialist of unquestioned ability who has spent years in the buying and selling of jewelry in the very high est lines of trade. Our Jewelry Store has been growing for years. Its beginning was small, but progress and determination were back of it, and today we stand acknowledged among the leading jewelers of Portland. A FULL, COMPLETE JEWELRY STORE IN EVERY SENSE. You'll find the Christmas buying crowds in this section Monday, for we offer remarkable values for tomorrow. If you wish to participate in this sale read every item. There's not one that does not tell of a saving that's extraordinary. Quadruple Plated Silverware FRENCH GRAY STERLING FINISH Money-Saving WatcK $ale In Men's, Ladies', Girls' and Boys' Fine Watchse Men' 7-jewel nickel Waltham or Elgin movement, 16 size, fitted in open face, sterling silver case, stem wind and set Special Men's 20-year fully guaranteed filled hunting case, 16 size, fit ted with 7-jewel nickel Waltham or Elgin movement Special Men's 10-year fully guaranteed filled open face case, 18 size, fitted with 7-jewel nickel Waltham or Elgin movement Spec. Men's Jas. Boss 20-year filled hunting case, 18 size, fitted with Waltham or Elgin 15-jeweJ movement Special Ladies' 20-year filled hunting case, 6 size, fitted with 7-jewel Waltham or Elgin movement Special Ladies' Jas. Boss 20-year filled hunting case, 6 size, fitted with 15-jewel nickel Elgin or Waltham movement Special Girls' 15-year filled open face case, fitted with very fine Ameri can movement Special Girls' fine fancy sterling case, fitted with very fine American movement Special v Girls' fine gun metal open face case, stem wind and set, fitted with fine American movement Special Boys' open face sterling silver case, stem wind and set, fitted with fine American movement Special ? ... Boys' open face nickel case, stem wind and set, fitted with fine American movement Special .' 11.23 8.97 17.83 13.13 15.94 .6.25 4.69 4.69 4.69 2.37 Four-Piece Tea Sets Three-Piece Sets Sugar and Creamers Ferneries Trays Cake Dishes Children's Cups Nut Bowls Crumb Sets Walters Celery Trays Fruit Baskets Bread Trays Baking Dishes Water Pitchers Salad Bowls ALL AT ONE-QUARTER OFF REGULAR PRICES Viennese Flower Vases Austrian opal flower vases, in light and dark iridescent effects, special 75c, 95c, $1.50, $2 each. One-Quarter Off Reg'ular Prices Rich Bohemian Glassware Small Ivories Austrian Bronzes Dutch Silver .Pieces Teplitz Vases Royal Vienna Pottery Dresden Pottery German Steins Copenhagen Ware Austrian Opal Ware Silver Chatelaine Bags Plated Ware Op.al Flower Vases Sterling Novelties French Bisque Figures All articles purchased from our Jewelry Department1 en graved free of charge. Cuff Links, Brooches Scarf Pins, Hat Pins Belt Pins Stick Pins Cuff Pins Baby Pins Lorgnette Chains Pearl Chains , Silver Watches Gold Watches Baby Rings Ladies' Rings Men's Rings Gold Belts Gold Fobs Bracelets And dozens of other items Special Prices on AH Gilt Clocks. Special Prices on All Cut Glass. Special Prices on All Souvenir Spoons BHOfHA w mi .?: la mil :.' : j . iiii4 i wan WW 1 ' ! i M'S I I 'ITi I V 1 I - . V- Men's Department SMOKING JACKET SPECIAL Our leader at $6.50 is the equal of any $7.50 coat. We have finer ones up to $12.00. BLANKET DRESSING ROBES Choice assortment of Blanket Robes and Bathing Gowns, $6.00 to $20.00. EXTRA SPECIAL $4.50 BATH ROBES AT $2.95 Sixty-five Bath Robes, all imported, tan and red, tan and blue, and plain blue with wide border; full regular size invmost desirable patterns. SALE OF MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 100 dozen real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, one-half inch border, hand-embroidered initial, full regular size. All initials from A to W. If you buy them ready laundered you get no cyXr better value at 50c; special, unlaundered -1C BEST 50c NECKWEAR IN THE WORLD Over 5000 tecks, ready-to-wear puffs, shield ties and four-in-hands; up-to-date shapes, choicest colorings and designs. See the 50c neckwear booth with its wealth of neckwear. . Swell English Squares up to $3.50. Men's Neckwear 50c to $3.50 Boys' Neckwear 25c up Men's Quilted Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $5.00 Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to $1.25 Fancy Sox 25c to $2.25 Men's Kid Gloves Fowne's gloves Dent's gloves Men's Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50c to $1.00 each Boys' Sweaters $1.25, $1.50 ...$1.50 ..$2.00 Silk Suspenders $1.00 to $5.00 Xmas Gifts at Little Prices Holly Boxes filled with best paper and envelopes 1-quire box, special... 45c 2-quire box, special... 65c Fancy Library Cabinet containing 3 quires paper and 2 packages envelopes, 2 colors and 3 sizes T ELf special, per box ri- English Holly Boxes, pure white, with extra A,Rc large spray of holly $4.00 down- to rs v Gold and Silver Paper special 4c Full line of the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens. See our beautiful line of Calendars, XMAS Cards, Albums, etc. CloaK Room Bargains An assortment of 50 high-class Tailor-Alade Suits, compris ing all this season's most popular styles, in cheviots, broadcloths and fancy mixed materials in black, navy, brown and fancy tweed effects, selling originally at from $20.00 to $35.00, while they last, 41 U Q 50 Ladies' Dress Skirts of fine all-wool black cheviot, made in the newest full flare shape, trimmed, with stitched taf feta silk bands and fancy braid and buttons, gf f zj regular price $7.50 and $8.50, at PD 0 Indian Robes, $3.50 Suitable for home decoration or protection against cold while traveling. New colorings and new designs. See Display on Second Floor EIDERDOWN COMFORTS , Luxurious, elegant Comforts, filled with purest down, covered with Liberty satins, French sateens, Indian silks, Japanese silks. Prices from $8.50 to $35. Silks Specially Priced The custom of giving a dress, skirt or waist pattern of silk as a Christmas remembrance seems to gain from year to year. Silks are attractively priced. $ .85 Black Taffeta at $ .73 1.25 Black Guaranteed Peau de Soie at. . .97 1.50 Black Peaude Soie at. 1.19 1.50 Black Armure at 1.19 1.50 Black Satin Duchesse at -. 1.19 1 .00 Black Liberty Satin at 79 2.50 Black Satin Duchesse at 1 .90 Also 200 Silk Watst Leifgths, 3H yards to length, at spe cial $2.95, $3.50, $5.00 length. Embracing a wide range of Fancy Novelty Silks. , 25c 75c In tKe Picture Stare The Picture Store displays tomorrow a marvelous array of choice gift-things in the way of framed pictures. .The display tomorrow' will be at its best. VERY POSITIVE BARGAINS Will be offered. Below we quote a few: 500 very pretty colored Artotypes, framed in red gold corners, double mats special 700 choice colored Artotypes, framed in gold with gilt corn ers, landscapes and marine views ?OC special 1000 very new colored Pictures in a large variety of pretty subjects, framed in gold with green mats ?Oc 500 Pharoah's Horses, framed in gray frame, with silver harness buckles special .' 200 pretty soft, brown Carbons, in brown frame, many landscape scenes special 300 assorted Pictures, very handsome "The Girl in Red," "Contentment' "The Young Mothe,', "Pretty Girl Heads," artistically framed just enough left for 7 C Monday's sale special ' 50 pretty Landscapes, a very pretty subject, mttl 0 framed in green special tpitv A collection of all the greatest Musicians and Composers, such as Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Wagner, 4iQ O 5 Liszt, etc. special tpfJ 41 beautiful hand-colored Platinum Miniatures, framed in gold shadow box frame, regular price 2 fiQ $3.50 very special P1,W OUR CHRISTMAS ETCHING SALE Every picture is specially selected to secure only fthe best subjects, framed in a great variety of moldings ,and offered at HALF PICTURE STORE PRICES: Lot 113x23, special. .$1.19 Lot 214x24, special.. $1.79 Lot 315x25, special. .$1.99 Lot 49x23, special. . .$1.79 Lot 5 2 1x23, special $2.79 FRAMED CHRISTY PICTURES An assortment of this famous artist's pictures QHc special -XVJL 200 of Pierce's famous American Girls, artist proof edition, regular price $1.50 very positive " ?Of special - BURNED WOOD SOUVENIRS 500 Burned Wood Souvenirs of Oregon Mount Hood, Latourelle Falls, Multnomah Falls, Portland Harbor each picture is hand-colored, and sold regular at 75c tyr very positive special C7 - WE WILL TAKE YOUR Picture Framing orders for a few days yet bring them. Reg. $6.00, at $5.05 Reg. $7.00, at $5.90 Reg. $7.50, at $6.35 Reg. $8.00, at $6.85 Reg. $8.50, at $7.40 Reg. $9.00, at $7.95 Reg. $10.00, at $8.85 Reg. $10.50, at .....'.$9.35 Reg. $11.00, at $9.75 Reg. $12.00, at ....$10.85 Reg. $12.50, at ....$11.35 Reg. $15.00, at:...$13.25 Regular $16.50, at $14.35 Leat&er Goods Largest assortment of good Leather Goods on the Pa cific Coast. Ladies' Automobile and Chain Bags $ .75 to $15.00 Chatelaine Bags 63 to 10.5a Ladies' and Men's Toilet Cases 1.50io 18.50 Combination-Pocketbooks 50 to 10.00 Traveling Bags 3.50 to 75.00 Suit Cases $5.00, $5.50, $6.50, 7.50 to 32.50 Coin Cases, Cigar Cases, Wallets, Bill Books, Card Cases, Drinking Cups, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Music Rolls, Writing Cases, etc. Celluloid Goods Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Smoking Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Work Boxes, Handkerchief and Grove Boxes, Smoking and Shaving Sets ..50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 to $13.50 ALSO THREE HUNDRED BARGAINS In Celluloid Toilet Sets, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Smokers" Sets, Work Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie, Handkerchief and Glove QQv, Boxes regular $ 1 .25 at, special J Ox HaradRercliiefs Thousands of fine handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes, for presentation. Stx handkerchiefs in a box. Plain white, all pure linen handkerchiefs special, 78c, 98c, $1.23, $1.49, $1.98 and$2.95 box. Fancy embroidered scallops and hemstitched bor der, some lace trimmed special, 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.23 to $2.49 box. Druggists' Sundries Fancy Perfume Atomizers 25c, 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c to $2.98 each. Triplicate Mirrors $2.19 to $1 7.95 Fancy Stand and Hand Mirrors 25c to $4.95 Rubber Toys 13c, 19c, 25c, 39c to $1.23 More Useful Gifts DISPLAYED ON SECOND FLOOR Silk Shawls and Scarfs : .,..$1.50 to $8.50 Ice Wool Shawls 65 to 4.50 .Fancy Wool Knit Shawls 65 to 2.00 Embroidered Flannel Skirts 2.15 to 4.50 Fancy Waste Paper Baskets 35 to 1.50 Fancy Work Baskets 20 to 1.63 Stand Baskets .' I.40to 4.50 Annual Sale Holiday Umbrellas Blue, brown, green, red and black siljvs of fiqest imported qualities, mounted with high-grade imported handles, including barrel, pearl, gold trimmings, burnt ivory, iridescent pearl, solid gold, filled gold, white pearl, silver and gold trim ming, fancy woods, silver and gold trimming, gun metal. mm mm mm 9 m a .KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAA&K.&&.AA...A.A.&AAh.AAAAAAjAA.kb4AAAjAAAAj.AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAtAAftAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAfcA..A..- - . -