2 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAU, PQETLAND, NOVEMBER 22, 1903. BOBS TIP SEEEHELY. Glazier's Latest Batch of Discoveries Comes From Labrador. New York Sun. Captain "Wlllard Glazier has Just reap peared on the scene with his latest budget of Information from the Unknown. He had been traveling In -Labrador again during the past season, and a press dis patch Is in circulation telling of the new rivers, mountains, lakes and other things he has brought home to put on the maps. As some of the best explorers of thp Canadian Geological Survey have been traversing that region in the past few years, it is more than probable that Cap tain Glazier has had his usual misfortune of falling afoul of earlier discoveries. The Captain's chief discovery on his first visit to Labrador, in 1S92, was an im portant river widening in Its course into a series of lakes which, according to his account, had never been heard of by the oldest Inhabitants along the coast. A plodding student was so unkind, a little later, as to refer to the volume and page in which this river and its lakes were flrst described some 20 or 30 years ago. If Captain Glazier had not the elas ticity of a rubber ball he would have been crushed to powder long before this by the unkind remarks of his envious critics. It was this unappreciated ex plorer who "discovered" a little lake, known on the maps as Elk Lake, Just south of Lake Itasca, which he named Lake Glazier and made known to the world as the ultimate source of the Mis sissippi River. The energy with which the Captain blazoned tho news of his great discovery has never been equalled by any other ex- plorer. His map of tho "real source of the Mississippi" was printed by the Royal Geographical Society of London, and Lake Glazier was introduced to the pub lic in many thousands of copies of geo graphical text-books before serious ex amination of the pretensions of the in domnitable explorer began to be made. Before the cdtlcs were through with him, H D. Harrower. of New York, wrote a pamphlet in the sharpest of English to show that Glazier had discovered nothing at all; Russell Hinman, of New York, had proved that the "Meteorolog ical Observations" published by Glazier had been copied, word for word and figure lor figure, from tho observations made by Schoolcraft in 1820: the American Geo graphical Society had told the story how "he succeeded in imposing his Lake Glazier upon the people;" J. V. Brower had printed columns to show that he was "an unprincipled plagiarist;" the Minne sota Historical Society had dubbed him "a perverter of history and a distorter of geography;" the Fifth International Geographical Congress, at Berne, had voted that his pretensions were unfound ed; 70 geographical societies had said the same thing, and the Legislature of Min nesota had enacted a law forbidding the use in the public schools of any school geography giving the name of Lake Glazier to Elk Lake. But Glazier only throve under this storm of denunciation and protest. He has been knocked down repeatedly, only to come to the scratch again with a smiling face. He has answered his detractors by send ing them copies of his books. His distin guished career as an explorer has known no Interruption; and among his brilliant achievements on record in the very latest edition of "Who's "Who in America" (1903-1903), in the notice devoted to Willard Glazier, soldier, author, explorer, are iound. these words: "Located, 1SS1, and verified on his sec ond expedition, 1S9L the true source of the Mississippi in a lake beyond Itasca, now known as Lake Glazier." This is the truth of history, as expound ed by Glazier, triumphant to this day. Turfman No Longer Out of Sight. NEW YORK, Nov. 2L William N. Fleishman, a relative of the Mayor of Cincinnati, who disappeared from Sara toga during the race meeting last Sum mer, has reappeared In this city. Up to the time he left Saratoga he had been in charge of the racing stables of Mayor Fleishman, and it was stated that his secret operations in tho betting ring, by which he was alleged to have become in debted to the bookmakers for more than 540,000, caused the Mayor to announce the retiring of his horses. Fleishman de clares he came directly to New York, and has seldom left his apartments since Au gust, having been 111 most of the time. Hill's Rheumatic PHI haye cured rheuma tism for 100 eurs. only 5c. All druggists. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BEPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 21. S P. M. Maximum temperature. C2; minimum temperature, 42; river reading, 11 A. M., 7.4 feet; change in 24 hours, .5 of a foot; total precipitation. C P. M. to 5 P. M., .43 of an inch; total precipita tion since September 1, 103, 13.30 Inches; normal precipitation Blnce September 1, 1003. 0.07 Inches; excess, 3.72 Inches; total sunshine November 20, 1003.. 0; possible sunshine, 0:18; Barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M., 20.13. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. SI a Wind. tea 3!p So Sa STATIONS. wp Baker City Boise CDureka Kamloops, B. C. North Head .... Focatello ...... Portland Bed Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt 'Lake City. San Francisco .. Spokane Seattle ..r Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla ... i540.20t-0!NW Raining G0 0.0SI10SE iC4 0.30L N uioudy (Raining 400.00:20 E JiU.VVwU c 0.02LlSs J0.00U4.H PL cloudy c: Pt. cloudy Cloudy 0.21.1 .SE 0.34 14 SE Cloudy Cloudy O.GOI 0.00L C NW S NW S S S sw Raining JCloudy uiouay Cloudy 0.08 0 0.24 14 Cloudy 54 0.1848 52 0.10330 Clear Cloud" Cloudy 5010.481 C'S Slight. T. trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Unsettled rainy weather has prevailed in the North Pacific States during the last 24 hours. Rain has also fallen in Northern California, Northern Nevada and Western Montana. It is warmer this evening in Southeastern Wash ington and Western Montana, and the tem perature nearly everywhere west of the Rocky Mountains is above the seasonal average. The Indications are for cloudy weather, with oc casional rain in this district Sunday, with slightly loner temperature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending midnight Sunday, November 22, 1003: Portland and vicinity Cloudy to partly cloudj with occasional showers; slightly lower temperature; south to -nest winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy to partly cloudy, with occasional rain; ellghtly lower temperature; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Cloudy, with rain, probably turning to snow; colder. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. NOTICE! Dr. Snndon, the- Electric Belt Specialist, has opened offices at 288 H Washington. Belts this week half price. COKOffc Each, 3 new houses In Central Al 3OvU blna; full lot; 6" rooms, bath, toilet, laundry tray; full brick basement, terms to suit purchaser. HART LAND CO.. 107 Sherlock bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property. Building loans. Installment loans. WM. MACMASTEK, Sll Worcester block. A BARGAIN 2Sxl00 en. Mill street. 15 minutes walk to PoBtofllce $1250. S 70. Oregonlan. I ! Crlnnr!i4 Water works system In suburbs .jUlCllUlU rr wde. including 3 acres In ptiiivjiu hlghcst cultivation; good bulJd lng, etc For particulars, apply to " Gold chral4t's Agency. 23G Stark st. CLASSIFIED AI.' BATES Ttooms," 'Tlooxns and Board "House keeping RoonuC "Situation Wanted." IS words or less. 13 cents; 18 to 30 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS except "New Today," 30 cents or15 words or les 10 to SO words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 teats, eta first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (cause measure arate). IS cents per line, flrst Insertion: 10 cents per Une for each Additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oreconlan, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oreconlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. LINCOLN-GARFIELD POST. G. A. R. Un til further notice this post will meet every Tuesday evening. JOHN H. WILLIAMS, Com. W. M. SINCLAIR. Adjt. OREGON BENEFIT DEGREE NO. 1. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY, will meet Tuesday evening, November 24, In Small Hall. In Hibernian building:, Oth and Washington sts. N. L. CHILDS. F. C KING. Cor. Secretary. President. DIED. AGNEW At th residence. 018 East 8th et.. November 21, 1903, Bessie Irene Agnew, aged 10 years, 11 months and 11 days. Funeral notice later. LEVY At his late residence. 254 Stout street, Ludwlg Levy, beloved husband of Rosa Levy and father of Neta and Edna Levy. Notice of funeral hereafter. AGNEW In this city. Nov. 21, 1003, at 018 East 8th et., Bessie Irene Agnew, beloved daughter of Andrew A. and the lato Eliza beth J. Agnew. aged 10 years, 11 months, 11 days. Funeral notice later. EDWARD HOLMAN Co., Undertakers and exnbalmers, bare moved to their sew build ing Third and Bfthaon. Lady assistant. 'Phono No. 507. J. F. nNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor, 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady Assistant. 'Phone No. 9. DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers, moved to new bulldinr. Seventh and Pine. Lady assistant. 'Phone Main 430. CLARKE BROS., PINE FLO WEBS, Flo ral designs, 280 Morrison. v F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Tel. East 65. NEW TODAY. BESWICK & CO.. REAL ESTATE AND IN vestments, room 11, 250 Oak street $11,000 i acres, mlllslte, water front, Ham ilton eve. $8000 Quarter-block, East Madison and Third st. $7500 7-room house, 2d et.; close in. $5500 8-room house, Johnson St., Nob H1IL $4500 S-room house. Grand ave. and Hal sey st. $4250 Full block, bet. 10th and 20th sts.; Powell st. $3500 Larse store and rooming-house, Lar rabee St., near steel bridge. $3000 Quarter-block, Kelly st. opposite Orphans' Home. $2600 280 acres, Base Line road, 20 miles out. $2250 Comer lot, Whlttaker and 1st sts. $2000 8-room house, and quarter-block, Kenllworth. $1000 8-room houee and lot, Kenllworth. $1000 Corner lot. Grand av. and Halsey st. $1400 New 0-room house and quarter-block, Kenllworth. $1400 Lot 12, block 3, Evans' Addition; Ruseell eu, Alblna. $1400 Quarter-block, Tlbbetts' Addition. $1250100 acres, 40 in cultivation; house, barns, etc., near Mola.Ua. $1200 120-acre iarm, partly improved; Scappoose. $1100 ICO acres, heavy timber; 3,000,000 , feet; section 28, 3 N.. 3 W. inin vik i.w noow I mnpr TsfTHnnuuKt?.. ;500 40 acres! 1500 cords good fir wood $20 each, 40 lots In Kenllworth. A. J. FARMER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL grocer. Third and Jefferson You can save 20 per cent by dealing with me. 5-lb. pack age gloss starch, 30c; 1 package Scotch oats, 10c; 2 packages grape nuts, 25c; 1 package ehred wheat biscuit, 10c; 2 packages Force. 25c; 2 packages Malta Vita, 25c; 2 packages Cero Frulto, 25c; 1 package Postum or Fig Prune, 20c; 1 box macaroni, 35c 1 lb. Royal baking powder, 35c;: 1 package H-O buck wheat. 10c; 10-lb. pall pure lard, $1.10; 5-lb. pall pure lard, 55c; l-4b. package Folgers M. '& J. coffee. 35c; 1-lb. package Folgers tea. 45c; 1 lb. Schilling's baking powder, 35c; 1 lb. Arm & Hammer soda. 5c; 1 bar naph tha soap. 0c; 12 bars Royal Savon soap, 25c; S bars Diamond C soap, 25c; 2 packages Gold dust washing powder, 35c; 2 bottles Snlders catsup, 35c; 1 can Alaska salmon. 5c; CO lbs. lard, compound. $4.25; 3 lbs. broken Java coffee. 25c; 1 lb. good English breakfast tea. 15c; best sugar-cured hams, pound, 15c; 10 lbs. No. 1 head rice. 50c; 1 lb. Gunpowder tea, 25c; 1 sack best D. G. 6Ugar. $5.50; 1 pack good hard-wheat flour, 05c; 10-lb. box crackers, 00c; 1 lb. maple sugar, 15c; rice popcorn, per pound, Gc; 2 cans sliced pine apple, 25c; 1 lb. citron, 15c; 3 lbs. seedless raisins. 25c; 2 lbs. English walnuts. 25c De liver on East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY MADE OVER OR Ex changed; diamonds, precious stones; loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired; close prices; good work. Tlngry. the Jeweler, N. E. cor. 3d and Wash., Breeden bide, upstairs. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 10TH AND YAM hlll sts.. East Side. Also 160-acre farm in Hood River country for eale cheap. See owners, Portland Trunk Co., cor. Pine and 3d sts. FOR RENT LARGE MODERN DWELL lng, Oregon City; good repair; convenient to trains; 15 rooms. Write J. T Apper son or H. B. Cross, Oregon City. 5 MORTGAGE LOANS v William Dcnholm and Upwards Falling Building Wanted to Rent House on West Side; seven or eight rooms. Address Q 74. Oregonlan. OTHER JEWELERS Arc offering bargains, too, but you can't help paying ror their high rent and all other big ex pense. Thlj. part I can save you In buying your watches, dia monds and Jewelry here. No sec ondhand, no fake goods nona but the highest grades of cases. Move ments kept in stock. Hundreds of fin watches to select from. I won't ask you to buy before you compare prices and Qual ity. Please call around. CHARLES W. GOODMAN. 251 Front St.. near Madison. lkc-(-i"iftlf n 8hort notice, at lowest M 1 1 I I fl I IN raics; accuracy guaran. teed. Title Insurance Guarantees you against loss by for gery, rraua or error. rprnqfe We act as trustee, assignee, ex- luolD ecutor or financial agent. TinnnQ n Improved city, suburban, acre- uuuua age or farm properties, at 5, 6, 7 per cent. Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty&Trust Co. 2O4-5-0-7 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. Sts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our records are complete and up to date. We furnish abstracts promptly. Mortgage loaks On improved Portland real estate. SECURITY ABSTRACT TRUST CO. 3 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST A HOME THEN EMPLOYMENT Both are to be had at St. Johns. Tou can have your own home on payments of $10 a month. free Street-Car Tickets HAP.T1IAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce. $2200 Bargain Choice corner, 50x100,. near 10th and Marshall sts. Easy terms. C H. KORELL. 251 Washington. BUSINESS SITE. An excellent quarter block in a most prom ising center for business. No equal, $40,000. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton Building. NEW TODAY. OILMAN Auction and Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Main 2173. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Residence, 309 College St., between 5th and 6th, tomor row, Monday, November 23, ' at 10 A.M.. i All the as good as new. and complete fur niture and fittings of residence. Including in part fine oak hall rack, hall etands elegant Davenport, In mahogany frame, pretty parlor rockers, chairs and mirror, center tables, stands, lace curtains, leather-seat rocker, shades, bookcase In oak, carpets, fine oak side board, extension table and chairs, en suit, arm chairs, fine complete heating etove, closet, car pets, pictures, complete bedroom suits, iron bedsteads, springs, mattresses, bedding, chlf fonleres, lady's dressing table, feather bed, sheets, pillows, etc., plated -ware, crockery, cutlery, glassware, linoleum, granlteware, linen, tabic cloths, etc. "almost new range, refrigerator, desk. S cords split wood, kitchen ware, etc Buyers will find this a zood op portunity to make purchtaes. Sale tomorrow (Monday) 10 A. M.. residence No. 309 College street. Sale will begin wlUi the parlor furni ture. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE We aro Instructed to sell by public auction on Tuesday Next, Nov. 24, at 10 A. M., at 413 Washington, The almost new furniture, removed from resi dence. Including In part parlor suit, 5 pieces. In velour, sideboard. 0 dining chairs and ex tension table, in oak, pretty iron and brass bedsteads, mattresses, springs, pillows, blan kets, roll-top dsk, blrdseye maple parlor desk, 100 packages frulC In glass, folding beds, Windsor foldlrc bed, lace curtains, portieres, plated ware, china, etc, granltcware, range, couches, wardrobes, bureaus, commodes, stands, tables, chlffonleres in white maple and oak. rugs, carpets, household effects; on general ale Tuesday 10 A. M., 413 Washington st. S. L. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale AT 413 WASHING TON STREET Friday Next, November 27, at 10 A. M. All the furniture of residence from East Side, including parlor, sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen furniture. Buyers will find this an excellent. opportunity to purchase household furniture of all kinds. Sale Friday, 10 A. M., at 415 Washington st. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sales Tomorrow, 10 A. M. Sharp, at 182 First Street Lots of New Furniture Lots of Old Furniture Lots of Good Furniture And many lots of household sundries, which are necessary in any home. It Is useless for us to try to itemize this great amalgamation of household goods. Our auction-rooms are full of Furniture of Every Description, Carpets and Lace Curtains, Eclipse Steel Range with top warming clos et,, several Air Tight Heaters, fine Gas Range, Cash .Register, etc. AH to be sold tomorrow at the auc tion sale beginning at 10 A. M. at 182 First street. H. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Wednesday Next,. 10 A. M. at 182 First St. We have secured permission to sell, WITH OUT RESERVE, all the furniture and other goods from residence, on 5th st. Everything in this lot must be sold. If you want furni ture you won't be sorry If you come to 182 1st st. at 10 A. M. Wednesday next. IL FORD. Auctloner. AUCTION SALE Friday7 Next, at 1.0 A. M., at 182 First Street, This is the sale for rooming-house proprietors. People furnishing up house -keeping rooms certainly should attend Ford's Friday Auction Sale of Furniture. H. FORD, Auctioneer. l-feoifcsrtverific Col Tomorrow, Monday, and Two Following Days, at 402 Wash ington Street, Near Tenth. Consignment of direct Importation from Con stantinople of genuine Persian rugs and flno art embroideries. Sale each day at 2 I M GEORGE BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. MORTGAGE SALE On Tuesday Next, at Baker's Auction House, Corner Park and Alder Streets. We are instructed by mortgagor to sell, un der the power of chattel mortgage deed, the fine household furniture, etc., removed from residence, including fine parlor organ, with 12 stops and double knee swell and couplers well constructed Daenoort of- excellent quality, gondola couch in velour, upholstered parlor pieces, couches and nice pillows, Jace curtains, portieres, two wool Smyrna rugs, 0x12, body Brussels carpets, wolf skln.rugs, pictures, and frames, dining-room furniture In soil oak, Rogers' (12 dwt.) silverware, china and glass ware, moquette carpets, solid oak bed seta. Iron beds, hair mattresses, pillows and bed ding, Windsor folding bed, with fine hair mat tress, wardrobe, dressers, sewing machine, gas range, heating stoves refrigerator; In fact, complete furnishings of residence must bo sold lor spot cash to satisfy the amount of mortgage and costs. Sale Tuesday next at 10 o'clock. GEORGE BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. Our regular Thursday auction will not take place, as we are loyal to the President's com mand. We celebrate and feel thankful, but On Friday Next, We shall sell the furniture, carpets and stovea consigned for our weekly auction. Observe the time of sale, commencing at 10 O'CLOCK n morning and again at 2 P. M. GEORGE BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. To Investors and Contractors We have for sale In the Nob Hill district a lot 200x50, which improved with cottages or flats will yield handsome returns. Price asked only $5000. Goldschmldt's Agency, 2C0 Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS OI improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE, 221 Stark st. NEW TODAY. BARGAIN C01MN CfiOKft 50x100 and modern 10-roozn house. 30OU 10th near TamhUL CC Onn Thlrd-st property, paying 10 per PJUUU cent net on $39,000. Building Lots $ 750 $1100 51250 $1600 $3250 $4700 Lots in Dascher's Second Addition. next to 1005 Fair. Only few left; easy terms. Corner lot, S. W. corner 17th and Madison. For Inside and $1500 for comers, 20th, Pcttygrove and Qulmby. Lot. 18th st., near Marshall; east frontage; cement sidewalk. X.ot (4SxlOO) Twenty-third, near Everett. 110x100. eouth front, on Lovejoy, nw 22d. Over the River C "I5() an(1 up, lots la Fewer s Addition. S 175 Ixts la Norwoo1 University Station. C S00 LoiB Jn Irrlngton. Sonn Lot and cottage. 0S4 East 16th St., ouu near Rhine. S 900 Lot zai cottage. 725 East 15th St. ciqnn3 lots and well-built houso and barn, h10UU Arbor lodge. S1700 50x100' 8 rooms, 751 East Ash, R"!7nn Sightly corner lot and desirable cot Vijj tjjg page st and Gautenbein ave. Q90 HO c acres, facing St. Johns car; best 9UUU buy la tjyjt vicinity. conn 40x00, 8-room modern house, lOoo Q)UUU Mablo st.. South Portland. 59nnn 40 acres, facing Base Line; worth P"SUUU 100 an acre. 591 HO 3 l0t3. S. E. cor. 17th and Weldler, V"1"" Holladay's Add. cOonFractlonal lot with 7-room house, V'400UGrand ave. and East Irving. COJLQ0 3 lots s- E C"31"' 17th d Tillamook. C9.1KnFract,0Ral lot with 7-room house, PAXtvGrand avc and East Irvingv CO ft OH 50x100, with store building and vUUU ming-rooms. East Alder, near East 13th. fSJnn 10 feet, facing Russell st. Al 3OmUU Dlna. j, houaes renting for $35. 39nn Half-block, large house and barn, CQrinfi 100x121 and modern house. Ea3t Ash, VOOVV ncar 20th. ant g offer 5 ft OH ft acres, highly Improved; orchard. vvuuu iarge ,6, home; barn, wlndmllU Could not make Improvements for $0000. Near Mount Scott car. Cn7n Corner lot and one of the most puftju modern and ideal homes on Tilla mook st. Improvements are worth the money. GftOn vvl11 huy one of the finest homes at psuuu Mount Tabor, with two acres ot land. Will exchange for city property. Grindstaff&BIain, 246 STARK ST. SUBURBAN HOME We are authorized to offer for sale the beau tiful heme of J. C. Havely, located on Wood stock car line, consisting ot one acre and a half of ground, all set out in bearing1 fruit and choice shrubbery, with an unobstructed view. The dwelling Is of Colonial design, was built In 1S03 by day's work, and cannot be dupli cated today tor double the cost. Any cne want, ing a suburban home will do well to see this property. It Is going to be sold at a bargain. Part In trade. For further particulars, see Grindstaff & Biain 246 Stark St. Do Your Lots Lie Close to WORK AND WAGES These are the things which make property valuable AT ST. S Where a man can e.arn his living. Every lot or acre tract we offer lies within a half mile of 5 Mills and the Great Drydock, all lo cated during the last two years. New mills are constantly coming to occupy the remaining mile and a half of factory sites which front St. Johns. LOTS $75 and Up $5 Down, $5 a Month Acre Tracts on Installments Aid given in building homes. Forty minutes by electric line. Free street-car tickets. HARTMAN, THOMPSON- & POWERS 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $1350 New J-Room Modern House Large lot, electric cars, beau tiful surroundings, easy terms. Geo. W. Brown 203 Failing Bldg. 3d 'and Wash Sts. Phone Main 2129. v. W. H. NUINN $1250 It on Thunnan. Willamette Heights. $4T5 Lot on Morris, rrear Rodney 5200 Two lots. Cohuntla Heights. -$300100 feet on Edison ave.. Sunset Park. SS0O Your choice of several lots, Maegly Highland. fl$0-Corner on 10th, Lincoln Park. 2C0 2 lots, Ockley Green, near cars. 3903 lots on St. Johns car line. SS50 Lot on Fargo, near Commercial. $400-Lot on Monroe, near Kcrby. J300-rTwo choice lots. Riverside. $300 Lot on "th". near Falling, Lincoln Park. K2 SHERLOCK BLOCK. CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY I now offer for sale the two modern houses, Nos. 73G and 73S Irvine St., convenient to l-oth car lines; each has teven rooms, furnace, cement basement, etc For further particulars apply to George M. Strong, Goodnough bldg. FOE feENT OR SATJ3 Warehouse room. Apply Paclflc Paper Co., wholesale paper dealers. Front and Stark, Portland. For Sale Nice modern C-room house and lot. 50x100: choice location; near -23d and Kearney sts. Price. S4200. C. H. KORELL, 231 Washington st. NEW TODAY. ARTMANl 1 oS. ; B A I I MOIWSON POWERS 3tHAMBERoCQMMERCE Homes fri Irvington and HoIIada Add. We will build a home to suit you in the best part of Irvington and Holladay's lAdd. installment pay ments if desired. COKfjrvFor new modern C-room house. uu,,wlth fully improved street; ce ment walk, porcelain bath, sink ana wash, trays $:u caan, j per month, including Interest; on 21st and Vaughn. 5"lRfinFor 50x100, on the West Side, on ijjxouu0verlon near 24th aL c QriO Fr 4-room house, with 100x100 '""on East Seventh and Skldmoro streets $200 cash, $20 per month. Sliinn"or new modern 5-room house. 'x""wlth bath, hot and cold water; 23 minutes' ride from city; on Mt. Scott line; terms to suit purchaser. Q"Ifinn"or C-room modern dwelling, on v A""" East 20th st.; modern cdnven- lences. C07nFor C-room modern house, new, '' ""with all modern conveniences; porcelain plumbing fixtures; street Improved; on Salmon, near 29th st. 5l SfL0 For modern 5-room dwelling, with pxovWfUji basement, porcelain bath and washstand; corner lot SOxlOS; both streets graded; sidewalks laid cash $300, $23 per month, lnclud , lng Interest. CMjnnFor 2 new C-room houses, with "Pu" 50x125, on Rodney ave., ncar Knott street; porcelain plumbing, cement walks around houses, well finished; within 1 block 10-mlnute service car line; a good Invest ment. COftnflFor T-room modern house, with ?""" 33 1-3x72. on East Ninth and Ash sts., within walking distance of center of city. $9700 ror new- 7-room dwelling, modern f ww throughout. Including full concrete basement, wood elevator, full attic; near corner of Tillamook and Rod ney avenue. C09flftFor 5-room new house. -with 50x v"""ioo. on 30th and East Everett sts.; $200 cash, $25 per month, Including interest. THREE DWELLINGS OK WEST SIDE. (South of Washington Street, 10 Blocks from Portland Hotel.) 7-room house, 52x100 $3230 7-room house, 40x100 S2C30 6-room house, 40x100 $2230 ( . , FLATS! FLATS! Persons wanting property to erect flats on should call upon the undersigned, who has two corner lots, joining together, with front age of 200 feet, and a. depth of 50 feet; the most economical shaped ground on which to build flats, navlnr a south, east 'and west frontage. Is close In, being within four blocks of the City Hall, and best property in the city to erect flats on at the price. Apply to CHARLES K. HENRY.-273 Stark St. WAREHOUSE SITES OR FACTORY SITES The undersigned can furnish splendid ware house or factory sites, quarter or half-block, on 13th st., fronting on the railroad track, or a whole block, with track facilities, or several good sites on the East Side, some of which are on solid ground, with Improved streets. Any Arm or factory wanting warehouse or factory sites, should call upon the undersigned. Apply to CHARLES K. HENRY. 273 Stark et. PARK-STREET PROPERTY Good quarter-block, 100x100 feet, fronting on Park st.. with three cottages, and room to build another one. Only $7300. This Is a snap. WILLIAMS-AVENUE HOME New, modern, well-built fine cottage, with full corner lot, faces south and east. House Is new, with concrete basement, furnace, good plumbing, stationary washtubs. A complete, modern home. Low price and easy terms If wanted. fOLOADAY ADDITION Seve. line lots and quarter-blocks In Holla day Addition for sale at very low prices. Two lots. 100x100 feet, on East 12th St., for only $1100. This is a snap. , $2000 buys an elegant quarter-block on Broad way st. $2000 buys an elegant quarter-block on 12th and Schuyler sts., with new concrete sidewalk along one side; very choice and cheap. $2000 buys an elegant corner. Just north of Judge Bellinger's fine home; very close In ami -very desirable. VACANT LOTS First Street Lot SJS? ??$ 1st st., near Lincoln. hls lot Is close In and Is a bargain. Seventh Street lot eY.Vfeet0nortn- of Lincoln; full lot, 50x100 feet; very desirable and cheap. Other Lots and Blocks infertnt parts of the city for salo at low prices and easy terms. Apply to CHARLES K. HENRY 273 Stark Street Select Bargains Properties contained In this list aro posi tively the best buys In their respective localities. (SQnri A corner lot south of Morrison st.; hOOUU magnificent dwelling: on same, which alone coat over $7000. a? 4 nnn 8-room houso and lot on 13th st., 54UUU south of Morrison. CCKfinTtto modern dwellings, 9 rooms vOoUU each; Rood income producers; choice location; will sell one for $1300. tiK'nA pretty cottage, corner lotj East l'3" 33d St., in Sunnyslde. cirnn Two loto 100x100, northeast corner 5luu 33. 8th and Morrison sts. ClA-n Three choice building: lots on Bel JpXUOU mont st.; will sell one for $400. e flKQ A lot on Eugene st., improved v u"u street, sewer, gas, etc.; fine neigh borhood. t Q firtfl Extra large lot, 50x125, on Brazeo v uuu st., near Union ave. and Kussell st. Q OKi) Choice lot on E. Morrison st. In v OUJ Sunnyslde. You can get better vulue for your money in Sunnyslde than in any other part of Portland, o 900 ' 50x100, cast of Sunnyslde, v w one block from car line. Any of the above properties can be had upon easy terms of payment. F. BRESKE Room 414, Sherlock Bldg., 83 V 3d St. HoIIaday Addition 60x100, on the West side' of East Ninth street, between Halsey and Weidler streets, with modern nine room house. In fine condition. House faces East, neighborhood is excellent, and this property lies midway between the Irvington car line and the new Broadway line. For further particulars apply to R0UNTREE.& DIAMOND BealEstate Financial Brokers 2il Stark St., cor. Second Good Buy ducer. Price. $4200. "Washington. Two houses and 60x100 near East Oth and Bel mont; very central and good, steady rent-pro-C H. KOP.ELL, 251 TEW TODAY. Wa&efield, Fries &. Co. 229 StarK Street. Vacant Lots West Portland ParkVuTs one. ,You can have them at $10; the 15 for $160.- Trnmnnf o3 T ald' 8. block 15; good, ifiUUlUUl jevel lot3. $150 for the two Columbia Heights. ?t& tor $150! Arhnr "TinrifA Take yur choice of an AlUUr JJUU,e even hundred lots; Inside lots $125; corners, $130. N. Mt. Tabor g lot- uo--cor" "RrOWTI Tmpf Tl the Oregon City ca--ill U nil XX HCL nne. 2 choice lots at $25y. Rfl T?,lo off Inlets 4 and 5. block 8; size ouiiietiritjujj feet; price.. $300. Richmond Js& and 10' bloclc 11: pr,cf Mayor Gates' Add.. bils?- a Ankeny sts.: only $W0. BronaughAdd. Eett.l0E8. L,S E. GUsan. E. 24th. 'sts.; graded streets, sewers, sidewalks; prices, $400 to $600. Vfircrnntria lots near the Fair grounds, loiaH3Ub!5 $000 each. SliprTnnlr'c - number otfcholce lots on OUCUULK. S N lst N jvja N 233 gt3 . comers at $000; Inside lots at $750. Portland Homestead TIS?,jaSrB 130, the other 170x230; wo want to sell the two together, our price for the two being- $0000. Ifnllnfl nr P n rlr Several attractive lots XLUUUUUJ .ram that we can sell at very attractive prices. S.E.Cor. 17th and Columbia Sts. 50x100 fept; good building lot. lSth&NortfirupStastrner? LOYCIOY St. ortlx front heU 20th and 24th and Northrup &f?M the Nob Hill district; east frontage. Houses and Lots 1 4.4.1 (IfnnriTr 3f southern rortiand. near-: iii iiiooay est. ly new 5.room cottage 50x100 lot; price, $S00. 782 E 14-tIlN Cor-- Beech, good cot- o xi. j.iu a, g fuU 50x100 lot. "lOfinE "Main Good 7-room house, bath, iwuuij.jaiuu sewer, etc.; south front, age; price, $1000. 1101 E Mfllll Attractive 5-room cot A1V U tage; good condition; cor ner lot; both streets improved; price. $1000. 66 Gondsfll Av near E- Stark, com uuuuuU5)tUAl.fortaWe 8-room house, barn, 50x100 lot; price, $2100. St. Johns Lot3 12 13 and u- blok s, uuu "u"a with house, railroad trackage. $1200. 64.fi Third 25x100 feet lot, with small v3ivj iiiuu cottage. 224 N. 12th 5"room c0"age, with 25x100 Fllltnil Pnrk 100x150 feet, with good x uuuuiUla 5-room cottage and bath; barn and outbulldine. r 251 N 14-fll St 5-room cottagert full 50x 20S-210Hjlll St Two nouses. "nted -uo ftiuiumoi, to permanent ten ants; lot CQx70 feet: $3500. 560 Eli7ahpth St "oxsoo feet, with t- uuujJUiUUeiUDU rom house, $3750. 15th JlTld TTnvt Southeast corner, lot 12th and Ovprton x- "vv- corner. soxioo x-Lii aim v ex iuu lot with two nou3es. renting for $44 per month; price, $4000. ew nouses 23d St Two houses on 23d St.. near Tork; muu kji.. eacn contains G rooms, porcelain bath, stationary tubs, etc; take your choice at $2350; terms to suit. 3tUSellwoodSt.Auf?0et s-rootn h0Use- 772 E TrtvlnrSf Modern, nine -room ences. 565-567 Trvinf? Sf Two modern 8 and vvu uui XAVlUfc, Ol. o-room houses, re plete with all up-to-date conveniences: nothlnir jbetter in the city. Acreage Tracts Convenient to the city Warehouse Properties ess Properties WaKeSeld, Fries & Co. 229 StarK Street. Secure a lot for $3.00 and pay the balance at your leisure. Think of buying a lot in this beautiful addition for $3.00 down and $3.00 per month. Only 20 minutes from the heart of the city. Don't fail to get one. Only a few left and they will not last many days. To see Laurelwood, take Mt. Scott car at First and Al der. Agent on ground. Geo. W. Brown 203 FAILING BLDG. Phone Main 2129 City office open evenings. 30x100, on North side of Hoyt street, between 22d and 23d streets, with lK-story dwelling of seven rooms and bath, in excellent con dition. House faces South. Fine neighborhood. .ror further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND Eeal Estate rJTinancialBrokers 211 Stark St., cor. Second MORTGAGE LOANS On Portlaad real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 1 Chamber ot Commerce. I LAURELWOOD NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. HOUSES AND LOTS House and lot, corner B. 36th and E. Morri son sts.; 5 rooms, new; price, $1800; half cash, balance on time. Cottage of 4 rooms and lot 24x100, cor. E. 2Sth and E. Ankeny sts.; price, $700. New cottage of 0 rooms and lot 45x00 feeC on Commercial St.. near Stanton: price. $2100. House of 7 rooms', with bath; full basement; small barn and three nice lots at E. Taylor and E- 37th sts., Sunnyslde; price, $2(JC0. Modern house of 8 rooms and lot 43x120 feet, on Stanton st.,'bet. Rodney and Union aves.; price. $2730; $250 down, balance $25" a month. New cottage 5 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, lanre attic, full cement basement and two lots, 100x100 feet, "Williams ave., cor. Al berta; price. $2230. House of 7 rooms, bath, gas, electric Hsht, full basement, heater; everythine In fine or der; E. Ankeny -St., close in; price. $4000. House 5 rooms, with bath and full base ment; lot 50x100 feet, cor- E. Oth and Uncoln sts.; price. $2000. House of 5. rooms, largo hall," bath, hot and cold water; lot 50x100 feet, E. Taylor St., bet. E. 36th and E. 37th; price, $2000. House of G rooms and lot, 50x100 feet, on E. Salmon, bet. E. 33th and B. SGth sts., Sunnyslde; price, $2000. VACANT LOTS ?300 For 3 lots, 100x110 feet, at Arbor Lodge, closo to car. $300 For 2 lots. 00x100 feet. In Plttenger'3 Addition to Alblna. $700 Lot 50x100, cor. E. 30th and B. Ev erett, on car line. $0OO for 3 fine lots. 50x100 feet each. In Central Alblna, near car; street Improved; will sell separately. $700 for two nice, level lots, 100x100 feet, on. E. 20th St.. near Powell-st. car. Seven lots. 50x100 feet each, at Portsmouth Station; price, $130 a lot. Four fine lots on Portland Heishts; price, $4000. CHOICE BUILDING SITES In Sunnyslde. Xorth Irvington. Holladay Park. Mt. Tabor, Tllton's Addition and St. Johns at reasonable prices and on easy terms. AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES AT G PER CENT. . ABSTRACTS FUKNISHED. TITLES INSURED. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce JEI LODGE ACRE TRACTS The cream of Portland's suburban property; the location cannot be ex celled; facing the beautiful Willam ette within a few minutes' ride on the Oregon City cars to the center of this city. Some of Portland's most substantial citizens have pur chased acre tracts here and the im provements will be such as will greatly enhance values in this tract. For particulars see . A. SHAW & CO. 243 Stark, Near Second. ?1200-CHOICE BUILJ5ING LOT OX BROAD way and Benton sts., near steel bridge; terms. $1600 Fine 7-room house, on Fareo and Commercial sts.; house In good condition and fine yard. $3500 New, modern house of 8 rooms, lot 77x100, cor. Fremont and Michigan sts. This Is a snap. Investigate. Terms. " $2750 New. modern G-room l-story houso on 20th and K. Stark sts.; fine barn. bath, sewer, streets graded; no trouble to show this; terms. $4300 Fine, new, modern double house, near steel bridge; pays 10 per cent net on Investment; a good buy to live In one houso and rent the other; the rent of one housa will pay for It all. Investigate. $10,000 Fine business block on the West Side, near the Hotel Portland; pays 12 per cent on the Investment. A snap. $2S0O A fine 20-acre farm, all In cultiva tion, on Powell Valley road; a snap. $250 Still we sell those choice building lota in City View Park, Portland's ideal resi dence district; $25 down, balance on monthly payments. SHARKEY & MORROW 207 Allsky Bldg., Phone Main 26S Dwelling Lot 50x100, on South kside ol Lovejoy street, between 23d and 24th streets, with modern dwelling of nine rooms and bath, in fine condition. This place is up-to-date in every particular, and is offered for sale at a very moderate price. For further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND Eeal Estate icFlnancialBrokers 241 Stark St., Cor. Second BEST BUYS ON EARTH el nnn Two 'lots and 2-story house. North $1UWU em ma; st. Johns car. el nnn Two fractional corner lots, with IplUUU small cottage. Goldsmith and Mis sissippi ave. ei(nn East front lot, ISth street. Nob $ouu mil. "ClSflO Quarter-block, 24th and Heed. mionn Quarter-block, 23d and Tork. CQDOn 40 acres, facing Base Lino road; DUU worth $100 an acre. connn 40x100 and modem cottage, 701 $dUU Tavl3. Nob Hill. OQEn Corner lot and 0-room modern house, 356 OU East 13th and Couch. c-snO Fractional block, 24th, adjoining 10C5 JpOOUU FaiP grounds. GRINDSTAFF & BUAIN. 24G Starkf St. F. A. KNAPP Successor to Maxwell & Knapp. Heal Estate, City, Suburban and Acreage Property Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. i TO EXCHANGE! Desirable, centrally located property at Detroit, Michigan To exchange for Portland city or suburban property or timber lands. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 229 STARK STREET. " re tiargain 1800 FOR lO ACRES 400 feet east of Mount Tbor reservoir, on Sec tion Line road. Call Parlor C, Portland Hotel. MERCHANTS NAT10NALBANK STOCK FOR SALE Inaulra at room 327 Marquarn Building-.