PORTY PAGES 4 YOL. XXIL NO. 47. POETLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1903. PRICE FIYE CENTS. NEXTRASE SSI Legislature Wilh Con vene December 21. CALLED BY THE GOVERNOR To Correct Defect in the Phelps Tax Law SPECIAL ELECTION ORDERED Session Not Likely to Last More Than Two or Three Days The Cost Probably Will Be Under $20,000. The law, the error In which are the cause of the calling of the special reseton, -was Introduced In the last Fesstos by Representative Phelps, of Morrow County. The purpose of the act was to amend 12 sections of th statutes by merely changing dates so as to make taxes pajable In the Fall. It had the effect of abrogating com pletely the old law, according to the decision of the Oregon State Supreme coart October SI. which held that t under oxlstlng laws, no tax levy can 1 be made in January, 1004. SALEM, Or., Nov. 2L (Special.) A spe cial session of the Oregon Legislature "will convene in Salem at 10 o'clock A. M. Monday, December 21. The session was called in a proclamation issued by Gov ernor Chamberlain this morning. The rurpose of the session is to correct the Ccfect in the tax law arising from the amendments made by the passage of the Phnps bill last Winter. The law as It f lands now, docs not authorize a tax levy In January, and without a change in the law the slate, most all of the counties, and all the cities and school districts, would bo without funds and would be paxlng lntorest on warrants for several years to come. The Interest expense from this cause would be -from ?100,O00 to 5250, Qfi. Tho. cost of a special session, If Irrief, will not be more than 530,000 and will rrobably be much less. Governor Chamberlain also ordered a special election In tho Nineteenth Sena torial District, composed of Clatsop County, to fill the vacancy caused by tho election of C "W. Fulton to the United States Senate, and In tho Ninth Senatorial District, composed of Crook, Grant, Kla xnath and Lake Counties, to fill tho va cancy caused by the election of J. N. Williamson to Congress. Tho special elec tions will be held on December 1C. The Governor's call for a special session cf th Legislature is as follows: Proclamation. X George E Chamberlain, by virtue of the Minority In me -vested as Governor of the State of Oregon, do hereby direct the con vening of the two houses of the Legislative Assembly of the Stato of Oregon in special session at the Stato Capitol in Salem, on Monday, tho 21st day of December, A. D. 2P05. at 16 o'clock A. M. of said day, for the purpose of meeting tho objections mado by the Supreme Court to, and curing the de Sects In. an act entitled "An act to provide o. moro efficient method for the assessment nsd collection of taxes, und to amend sec tions 3057. SOG0. 30S2, 30S4. 30SS, 2000. 3003. riOfi. S107. 3112, 3110 and 3120 of Bellinger & Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, passed by tho Legislative Assembly cX the State of Oregon at its twenty-second regular session in 1903. All who shall at tho tlmo hereinbefore r-amed be entitled to act as members of a.d Legislative Assembly are hereby re quired, to take notice. Given under my hand and the Great Seal ct the State of Oregon at the Capitol in Salem, this 21st day of Nov ember, A D. 1903. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. By the Governor: Governor. F L DCSBAE, Secretary of State. Tho writ of olection, issued today to the Sheriffs of tho counties named is as fol lows: Executive Department, Stato of Oregon Writ of Mection, Salem, November 21, 1003. To the Sheriff of Clatsop County, comprising the 19th Senatorial district; and to the Sheriffs cf Klamath. Lake, Crook and Grant Counties, comprising the Ninth 'Senatorial District, greet ing In the name of the State of Oregon: Whereas, by reason of tho election of Hon. C W Fulton to the Senate of the United Slates by the Legislature of the Stato of Ore gon at its 22d regular session, and his accept ance thereof, the office of Senator for tho 19th Senatorial district has become vacant; And, whereas, by reason of the election of Hjtj. J. N. Williamson, Senator-elect of tho late Ninth Senatorial District, to the Congress cf the Vnited States at the last general elec tion in the State of Oregon, and his accept ar.e thereof, the office of Senator for said Sen sorial district has become vacant; And, whereas, at tho 22d regular session of the Legislative Assembly of the Stato of Ore gon tho paid Ninth Senatorial District was changed so as to include only the Counties of Klamath. Lake. Crook and Grant; And, whereas, it becomes necessary to elect a. Senator for the Nineteenth Senatorial District r 2 the Ninth Senatorial District as now con rU luted, to nil raid vacancies hereinbefore mentioned, because of the fact that a special rsssljn of the Legislature has been called to convene at the State Capitol on the 21st day of 3ejnber. 1IX. New, therefore, by reason of the premises and by virtue of the power and authority la me vested as Governor of the State of Crcgn. I 4 order that at the date hereinafter ramed a peclal ejection be held in the Nine teenth aad Ninth Senatorial Districts of the :aie of Oregon to nil said vacancies. And you. the raid Sheriffs of the counties e.npostRg the said Senatorial districts, and e h of yow. are hereby commanded to forth w notify the several judges of election in eaus and all of the several election precincts 1: your respective counties to hold a special e.cclon Is ech of said counties and precincts ca Tvc4nea. the 10th day of December, A. X , 199. in Manner and form as general elec tions are hold, and pursuant to the statutes In tttoh eases ade and provided, for the pur pose of filling the vacancies caused as herein before stated in said Senatorial districts, and for the unexpired term of said Senators, who offices have become vacant aa aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State of Oregon to be affixed at the City of Salem this 21st day of November, A D.. 1903. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor. By the Governor: F. L DUNBAR, Secretary of State. A copy of the proclamation was mailed to each member of the Legislature today. Soon after the Supremo Court rendered its decision, holding that a tax levy can not be made In January, there wero nu merous requests that a special session of tho Legislature be held. Governor Cham berlain was then on his way home from "Washington. Upon his return ho sent to members of the Legislature a circular letter. In which he asked for their opinion of the need of a special session, so far as their local affairs were concerned, and also said mat, if a majority requested a special session, and gave assurance that they would oppose any other legislation than that correcting tho tax law, he would call them together, but otherwise ho would not. When asked today con cerning the responses he has received, Governor Chamberlain said: "I have received letters or telephone messages from moro than a majority of the members of tho Legislature, giving assurance either that they will oppose all other legislation, or that they will oppose any other unless It bo of vital Importance or arises out of an emergency. The man ner in which these assurances were given satisfied me that no other legislation will be taken up, unless the welfare of tho stato demands immediate action, and hav ing been satisfied upon this point, I called the Legislature to meet in special ces sion." Tho call for a special session merely makes reference to tho. act that needs correction. When the Legislature has or ganized, the Governor, as required by the constitution, will deliver to them his mes sage, stating the purpose for which they wero convened. Governor Chamberlain said today that he has not yet consid ered his message, but thlnKs he will merely call attention to the defect in the law, and make no recommendation as to what should bo done to remedy the de fect. Judging by the views expressed by some of the members of the Legislature, the Governor is of the opinion that some of tho leading members will confer and prepare a bill in advance, which will euro tho defect and leave the laws in harmony. Secretary of State Dunbar said today. In answer to an Inquiry, that he will not purchase any of tho stationery baskets, paper knives, file books, etc, such as are always provided for regular sessions of the Legislature. Neither will any print ing be ordered In advance, except, per haps, a few copies of tho roll call. Mr. Dunbar says that, so far as preparations for the session aro concerned, there wlU be no expenso incurred. The Senate and House chambers are ready for the mem bers to take their places next Monday morning, if they should be here, and it is probable that not even an extra 3an- itor will bo needed. Tho Secretary of State evidently believes that tho session will last but two or three days, and thatj no miscellaneous legislation will be taken up. The Legislature, according to the gen eral understanding here, must perfect a new organization when It convenes in spe cial session. The adjournment sine die of the regular session put an end to the or ganization of that Legislature, and when convened again a new president of the Senate and a new Speaker of the House must be chosen. It is generally believed that the old ofllcers will bo re-elected, in order to expedite matters, unless tho old officers prefer to let some other members receive the honor of occupying the presid ing chairs. Tho president of tho Senate is Georgo Brownell, of Clackamas. The Speaker of tho House is L. T. Harris, of Lane. OTHER LEGISLATIVE SUBJECTS May Not Stop With Correction of tho Tax Law. SALEM, Or., Nov. 2L (Special.) Since tho Governor announced his special ses sion proclamation this morning, discus sion in public places has turned to sub jects of legislation. While no one doubts that a great majority of tho members will stand firmly for an Inexpensive session of two or three days, tho belief Is expressed by many that legislation will not stop with tho correction of the tax law. Unless Pleasant Armstrong should gain his freedom before tho Legislature could act, it is certain that the correction of tho law relating to hangings will be urged as a matter which should receive immedi ate attention. A special session of tho Washington Legislature was called for no other purpose than to correct Just such a defect as this. Should Armstrong go freo before the Legislature meets, the correc tion will not be necessary, for Armstrong is the only man under conviction of death whose crime was committed prior to the change in the law. It Is generally agreed also that the 5300 exemption from taxation should not have been repealed and several members of the Legislature, in their letters to the Gov ernor, or In Interviews, have expressed tho opinion that the exemption should be revived at the special session so that it will be in effect when tho next assess ment is made. Tho position taken by Representative Johnston, in the Interview In today's Ore gonian favoring the repeal of the portage railway appropriation of $165,000, has start ed an agitation In favor of the repeal of that act in view of the prospect of tho construction of a canal by the Federal Government. Since the repeal is favored by the father of the bill and representa tives from the portion of the state this railway was designed to aid, the proposal to repeal the appropriation seems to be growing in favor. NOT AN EASY MATTER. Short Time in Which to Elect Suc cessor to Williamson. SALEM, Or., Nov. 2L (Special.) Tho nomination of candidates for Senator to succeed Senator J. N. Williamson will not be an easy matter. There are 25 days be fore election. The Senatorial district is composed of Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant Counties. There Is not time to hold primaries and conventions and scarcely time to call county central committees to gether. Men here who are familiar with the situation in those counties and the poor facilities for communication, say that the only practicable way to make the nominations Is for the state central com mitteemen from those four counties, or the chairmen of the county central com- fConcluded on Page 7.) 1 II IE Great Crowd Sees Har vard Eleven Lose. SCORE SIXTEEN TO NOTHING Crimson Were Weak in Play at Critical Times. OTHERWISE THEY EXCELLED Result Is In Great Doubt In the First Half, but After That It Is Plain That Old c Will Win. : i SCORE FOR TEN TEARS. 1903 Tale, 16; Harvard, 0. 1902 Tale, 23; Harvard, 0. t 1901 Harvard, 22; Tale. 0. 1900 Tale, 28; Harvard, a 1599 Tale, 0; Harvard, 0. 189S Harvard, 17; Tale, 0. 1697 Tale, 0; Harvard, 0. 1890 No game. 1895 No game. ,, ISO Tale, 12; Harvard, 4. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 2L Harvard struggled bravely against Talo today In their annual football match, but was de feated, 16 to 0, principally because her offense weakened, and Yale's defense grew stronger, when tho crimson players were within striking distance of tho Tale goal. Nearly 40,000 persons witnessed tho game, and while It was not as spectacu A PRESENT THE LEGISLATURE WOULD LIKE FOR ITS .-a j, atiL... -..,. . ---,?- i .,. ., -j- v I'll .i A . .- n ii wft ' lar as that between Yalo and Princeton a week ago, better football was played, and for the first half and several min utes In the second half the scoro was small enough to mako tho result uncer tain. In factr after Harvard had shown sufficient speed' to get twice inside of Yale's five-yard line in the first half, her supporters were well-nigh convinced that the team would not only score, but win tho game. Yale's defense proved too strong, however, and, backed by 15,000 voices, who yelled, "Hold 'em; hold 'em," the blue line stood firm beneath its own goal-bar, twice capturing tho ball there on downs, and In the third instance tak ing advantage of a fumblo by a Harvard player. In the second half Harvard got within six Inches of the Yale goal, and could not score. The defeat, under theso circum stances, was exceedingly bitter for the crimson. Tho fast play of the team be yond the Yale 10 and 15-yard lines greatly encouraged the Harvard supporters, and proved one of tho features of the game. Yale Scores on Blocked Kick. There was some fumbling and several block kicks, ono of the Yalo scores being directly duo to the latter. There were several end runs for 15 and 25 yards, but as a rule the play, especially so far as Harvard was concerned, was a series of fierce lino plunges for short gains of one, two and three yards. Tho kicking was below the average, especially on Harvard's part, and was a great disappointment to the crimson sup porters. Mitchell, for Yale, covered 3SS yards on 14 kicks, while Lemoyne and Nichols, of Harvard, covered 220 yards on eight kicks. In rushing, Harvard had slightly the better of It, gaining 218 yards on GS rushes, while Yalo made 130 yards on 47 rushes. Yale ran back kicks for. 64 yards, and Harvard for 103 yards. Yale had eight first downs, and Harvard 20. Yale was penalized six times for 65 yards, and Harvard threo times for 40 yards. Yalo won the toss- and choso the west goal to gain tho little benefit of tho faint west wind. Lemoyno kicked off to Mitchell on Yale's five-yard' line. Mitchell ran the ball back 20 yards before he was thrown by Clothier. Yalo kicked on the second down to Harvard's 35-yard line, but the Yale ends camo on fast, and Marshall was thrown before ho was well started. Harvard Is Penalized. On the second play Marshall, by a quarterback run, covered 17 yards, bring ing tho ball into tho center of tho field. Two rushes moro carried It four yards, and then came a penalty which set Har- (Concluded on Page 7.) -i I'll II W ' ' i Iff ' - THE HUD President Elliott on In specting Tour. LOOKS INTO NEW PROJECTS Columbia River Bridge Site Is Visited. PORTLAND TO BE SEEN TODAY Northern Pacific's New Chief Execu- tlve Regards the Lewis and Clark Fair and Pacific Northwest Interests With Favor. T e- "I desire to say that I am favorably impressed with Portland and the Northwest in general and the impor tance of this territory shall not be overlooked. "It is because of this that I have hastened here first to learn the geography of tho country, to meet tho men who look after tho business of tho road here, and to discover those Interests of tho district that are the Interests of the road. X wont to sec what properties we have and what condition they aro in and at a later time I shall bo able to tell what I will do relative tc Improvements and other similar matters." .,, -4 President Howard Elliott, tho newly elected head of the Northern Pacific rail road, arrived In Portland yesterday af ternoon on his first official visit to the "" CHRISTMAS STOCKING n04rtSit IS Oregon terminus of tho road. He was ac companied by a large party of Northern Pacific officials and will spend today in tho city looking over the properties and various interests of tho road in Portland. Tho party was met at Tacoma by As sistant General Passenger Agent A. D. Charlton, local representative of the line, who will have charge of the entertain ment of the vlsitora while they are here. The officials arc housed at the Portland Hotel and an Informal reception was held In the parlors of the hostelry last night, that Mr. Elliott might meet and become acquainted with some of the leading busi ness men of the city. The tour is in the nature of a trip of introduction for the new president of the road, that he may become acquainted with the geography of the country through which his road run3, that he may make tho acquaintance of tho men who handle the business of the line at various places along its route, and that he may learn tho interests of Northern Pacific patrons, to enable him to draft and carry out tho best possible policy regarding the opera tion of the great transcontinental road. To accomplish theso ends, he Is stopping at all points of Importance along the route, studying the various situations noting needed improvements and gather ing data that will bo used at a later time. Mr. Elliott says he realizes the growing importanca of tho Northwest, and for that reason hastened here to mako his first Investigations in this territory. Ho has no information to give out about pro posed Improvements, extensions and such like, but. to use his own language: Comes to Seek Information. "I am here to learn what we &ave, to meet tho men that will work with hie, and tc see what the interests of the road are In this territory. Other matters will re ceive their attention in due course of time. I am not giving information, but seeking it." The party left St. Paul a week ago and traveled rapidly across the continent, making only brief stops at points between the East and the Coast. They traveled In a special train of four palace cars. The special reached Vancouver at 3 P. M. yes terday afternoon, and the party spent an .hour looking over the properties of the recently consolidated branches of the road at that place. A special street-car met tho visitors and brought them over (Concluded on Page 3.) CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAPER. General. Senator Hanna will be a candidate for Presi dent ,and if he cannot win will bring out Herrlck. Page 2. About 30 Italian miners in Pennsylvania mine lose their lives by rushing back to save their gold. Page 2. Federation of Labor re-elects Samuel Gompers president. Page 2. Chicago carmen's strike is down to a basis of bargaining. Page 7. Utah convicts who reported attempt to break Jail ore rewarded. Page 15. Panama. Colombia, accuses America of being an oily to Panama rebels. Pag 3i- American ships Kearaarge and Massachusetts are ordered to Colon. Pace 3. Colombia asks Venezuela for aid in suppress ing Panama. Pace 3. Congress. Northwest Senators fare well in committee as signments. Page 1. . Secretary Root stands by Major-General "Wood. Pago 2. Mondell introduces a bill chancing mode of exchange undor lieu land law. Page 4. Foreign. Italian sovereigns leave Britain amid great demonstrations. Page 3. Santo Domingo offers to give America Island If she will aid In subduing rebels. Page 3. Fnclilc Coabt. Governor Chamberlain calls extra session of Legislature December 21. Page 1. Hearing of Armstrong murder case at Baker City postponed. Page 6. Proposed shincle trust In "Washington. Page 0. Elopement from Pullman without happy end ing. Page 6. Stubblefield will will be contested. Page C. Flro destroys barracks at Fort Gibbon. Pace C. Commercial and Marine. Dull trading In New York stock market. Pago IS. Week in "Wall street. Page 15. Weekly bank statement shows unexpected loss In cash reserves. Pace 15. San Francisco dried fruit market. Paga 15. French bark chartered yesterday at an ad vance over former rates. Page 11. More lumber schooners chartered to load for Orient. Paco 11. Sport. Tale defeats Harvard, 10-0. Page 1. Bragg wins the mile and a sixteenth handicap, the chief event at Oakland. Page 14. Scores of Pacific Coast League: Portland 0, Los Angeles 2; San Francisco 4, Sacramento 0. Page 14. Duck-shooting on the Deer Island reserve. Page 14. Northwest Football. University of Oregon, 5; Agricultural Col lege, 0. Pace 14. Mount Angel, 6; Columbia University, 0. Page 14. Pacific University, 6; Holmes Business College, 0. Page 14. Albany College, 20; Chcmawa Indians, 0. Page 14. Seattle High School, 28; Portland High School, 0. Pago 14. Portland and Vicinity. President Elliott, of Northern Pacific, 'im pressed with importance of Portland and Northwest. Page 1. Taxable property of Multnomah County in creases In value, 51,215,000. Page' 12. Dr. Laura Smith Wood sues to recover pos session of child. Page 16. Evidence is all presented in Indian murder trial. Pace 10. Price of coal will advance unless suspension of duty is continued. Page 11. Three negro thugs assault and rob aged man. Page 12. Legislature may amend portage road bill In extra session. Page 10. Saloons will fight churches at coming Van couver city election. Page 12. Call for special session gives but short time to elect successors to Congressman Wil liams. Page 1. Features and Departments. Editorial. Page 4. Church announcements. Page 37. Classified advertisements Pages 24 to 27. Land frauds in the West. Page 31. For the big dinner next Thursday. Page 2S. Rehabilitating Vancouver Barracks. Page 33. Diamond famine threatened. Page 30. Where our surplus has gone. Page 33. Chaos In English politics. Page 32. Baron Munchausen comes to town. Pago 30. Recollections of Thomas Fitch. Page 30. Chimmie Fadden. Page 31. Frank Carpenter's letter. Page 32. Social- Pages 20 and 21. Dramatic Page 18. Musical. Page 23. Household .and fashion. Pages 34 and 85. Youth's department. Page 38. Senators Know Their Committees. FOSTER MOST FORTUNATE Mitchell Gets Place of Simon on Judiciary, FULTON LUCKY FOR NEW MAN He Will Be In a Position to Do Great Work for the 1905 Fair Ankeny Gets Desired Appointment. i rLACES FOR NORTHWEST. 1 MITCHELL J Coast defenses (chairman). ,, , Interoceantc canals. o . Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. ' ' Judiciary. ' Postofllces and postroads. ,, , Woman surfracer" ' FULTON , Public lands. , i Irrigation. Expositions and claims. " Minor committees. i ' i FOSTER ' ' ' Commerce. t i t " Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. . Agriculture. ' District of Columbia. ' ' Pensions. i i ANKENY Banks and banking. ' Coast and insular surveys. , Irrigation. ' i Forest reserves. 1 Protection of game. , , Minor committees. ! .. 4 OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Nov. 2L The make-up of the Sen ate 'committee, which is now practically agreed upon, but which Is to bo verified in caucus jan Monday, gives to Senator Foster, of "Washington, far better recogni tion than to any other Senator from the Pacific Northwest. In addition to secur ing the place on commerce, which was eagerly sought by both the Oregon and Washington delegations, Senator Foster becomes chairman of the committee on geological survey, and retains his mem bership on the committees on Pacific islands and Porto Rico, agriculture. Dis trict of Columbia and pensions, but sur renders his places on manufacturers and fisheries. Senator Mitchell retains his committees of last Congress, namely tho chairman ship of coast defenses and membership on Inter-ocean canals, Pacific islands and Porto Rico, postofllces and several minor committees, and in addition is made a member of the committee on judiciary, filling the place made vacant by the re tirement of Senator Simon. For a new Senator, Mr. Fulton Is fairly well recognized. Ho becomes a member of the committee on public lands, irriga tion, expositions and claims, and will bo given the chairmanship of some minor committees, not vet designated, which will give him a committee-room and supply hlm with stationery throughout tho next two years. With the aid of Senator Foster, Senator Ankeny has also been well cared for. He will succeed to Foster's old chair manship of the committeo on "coast and insular survey. In addition he secures membership on the committee on banks and banking, Irrigation x and forest re serves and protection of game, with pos sibly ono or two minor committees. Senators All Fare Well. In a way, each of the northwest Sena tors has been appropriately recognized. Senator Foster has secured his first choice among all Senate committees, and tho one that puts him In a position to do a great deal for his state and for tho State of Oregon. Senator Mitchell, on judiciary, will be brought Into an atmos phere quite congenial to him, and Senator Fulton finds himself not only In a position to wield an influence on various forms of public land legislation that will present themselves this session, Including proposi tions for amending the existing land laws, but he Is on the committee that will primarily handle the Lewis and Clark Ex position measure introduced by Senator Mitchell, and on the committee that will make whatever changes deemed neces sary In the National Irrigation law. On the commitceo on banks and banking Senator Ankeny will be at home at once, and on the irrigation committee he also will deal with a problem pertinent to his section of the country, as he will on his other Important committee. The Washington delegation is confident Representative Jones will secure a place on the river and harbor committee of the house, in which event Oregon during the Fifty-eighth Congress will have to look entirely to Washington for the support of its projects that are to be provided for in that bill. Both Foster and Jones, however, have repeatedly expressed their willingness to look after Oregon Interests, as well as their own, and Columbia River Improvements especially are likely to be cared for almost, if not quite, as liberally as if Oregon and not Washington held these Important committee places. Leonard S. Allen. , CHICAGO, Nov. 2L Leonard S. Allen, formerly general passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line, Is dead at his home here, aged 53 years.