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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1903)
zfcy 2k ""t raptm i PART POUR PAGES 29 TO 40 i -- --A VOL. XXII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. NO. 46. Umbrella 5ecials It's certainly umbrella weather now; these three specials are certainly of sufficient interest to merit your attention: Child's 50c Umbrellas at 39c Steel rod, natural handle, twill cover. Women's $1.25 Umbrelias at $1.29 Steel rod, pearl and metal handle, gloria cover. Men's $1.50 Umbrellas at $1.19 Steel rod, natural wood handle, serge cover. Hosiery Specials We are going to establish another high-Ode mark In hosiery-selling tomorrow, and we are going to do this by giving- values away ahead o anything you ever saw. Women's 25c Hosiery at 1 9c Choice tomorrow of entire stock of women's lisle, cotton and woolen hosiery which sells regularly at 25c, and is best value in city at that figure, for J9c. All of it bears the trademark of Topsy. Boys' 25c Bike Hosiery at 16c Knee Pants for Little Three very bargainy offerings in boys' knee pants. Pants will wear jut before the coat this sale gives a chance to piece out at very little expense: Boys' 25c Knee Pants at 15c These in all sizes, made of strongest cottonade and wool mixed cheviots. Boys' 50c Knee Pants at 35c Made of all-wool cheviots and kerseys, in blue, black and mixed colors; also some made of corduroy Boys' 75c Knee Pants at 46c Made of strictly all-wool cheviots, kerseys, casslmeres and serges; black, blue and mixed colors. Dollar Kid Gloves ?9c To thoroughly introduce our Dollar Glove in a hurry we place them on sale tomorrow at 79 cper pair. They come in all the wanted colors and black. Every pair fitted and warranted. Golf Gloves for Women and Girls Complete lines of these so comfortable and stylish hand coverings, at very little money. Best values possible to procure' anywhere at25c, 35c, 50c. This is tne strongest siockiijij umuc j.i is sun mm puuuie, yet unn L will not fade and it takes a mighty strenuous youngster to wear (0 "" V o You Need Towels? lGx32-inch Turkish Towels 40 lSx34-inch 15c Linen Huck Towels 11 16x30-inch 20c Damask Towels '. 40 20x40-inch 20c Linen Huck Towels... 60 lSx34-inch 25c Hemstitched Damask Towels 90 19x34-inch 25c Fringed Damask Tow- ejs 90 19x3G-mchi2ic Turkish Towels 90 We Are Out of the High-Rent District ti rfifeisnii Seventh Street, between Morrison and Alder Linings Cheapest Mere j. 36-inch 30c Mercerized Satine, black and colors 220 36-inch 12y2c Twill Silesia, black and gray , 80 36-inch 17c Jwill Silesia, black and gray 0 28-inch 35c Moreen, black and colors.... 27 32-inch 12c "Percasilk," black and colors S0 36-inch 20c "Sunbeam," black and col ors 1.40 36-inch 25c "Spun Glass," black and colors S0 36-inch 25c Mercerized Satine, black and colors 80 $ 1 .25 and $ I .38 Dress Goods 9o Twenty-five pieces to pick from in cluded are all-wool meltons, broad cloths, zibelines, cheviots, Venetians, Scotch novelties, etc. They are 50 to 56 inches in width; full line of colors. The Thanksgiving Sale Continues This sale is a tremendous success. The volume of business .transacted last week was nothing short of absolutely phenomenal. People came from everywhere. Yesterday morning the sale started onts second week with even better advantages than before. Stocks are as full, as fine and as fresh as at the opening a week ago, for every line has been reinforced until the counters and tables are filled to over flowing with the best of tempting values. If you arev interested in the procuring of- i This Season's Most Fashionable and Best-in-Every-Way Merchandise, Then Come $9.5 to $ i S Dress Patterns A dozen or so very handsome, exclu sive dress lengths, marked to close. Every one a beauty. Black and colors. In the Busy Suit Section "Values Extraordinary" characterizes the condition of things in that one particular part of the store. Aside from the remarkable under prices the beauty of the garments is such that cannot but help to appeal to the artistic sense. $14.50 to $16.50 Suits $IO.dfl These man-tailored suis for women are made of all-wool zibelines, tweeds and novelty suitings; styles are latest Louis XIV and Prince Albert; the coats all silk or sa fin-lined; the skirts seven-gored and showing latest flare; handsomely finished throughout $20 to $34.48 Suits $ 1 6.86 These man-tailored suits for women are made of high-grade all-wool zibelines, cheviots, voiles, etamines and novelty weaves. Styles are as elegant and ex clusive as you can ask for Louis XIV and Prince Albert, and half-fitting; superb silk and satin linings; skirts are seven-gored; show newest flare; all handsomely trimmed with braids, velvets and buttons. $gg.50 to $30 Suits $31.00 These man-tailored suits for women are made of high-quality all-wool zibe- lines, cheviots, Venetians, coverts and novelty weaves. The styles are the' very latest masterpieces from the shops of New York's best makers Louis XIV, Prince Albert, half-fitting and corset coats; lined with superb silks and satins; seven-gored skirts, in the new flares; splendid, rich, elegant trimmings of braid, velvets and buttons. There are many suits at this price which if bought elsewhere would cost you $50. $1.5 Walking Skirts 68c $$.50 to $10 Coats Made of dark Oxford gray wool melton, five gores, in verted pieai uniMieu wiui smciiing. $2 Walking Skirts $1.48 Made of black wool melton and novelty skirting, finished with stitching and buttons; graduated flounce. $2.8 Walking Skirts $1.98 Made of novelty cheviots, seven-gore, inverted pleat, fin ished with straps and stitching. $3-3.5 Walking Skirts $2.48 Made of meltons, serges and novelty materials, in black, blue, gray and fancy mixtures; about a dozen styles. $S-$6 Walking Skirts $3.98 Ma'de of all-wool meltons, cheviots and the like, too many different kinds to describe; variety is large enough to suit any one. $?.50-$9 Walk'g Skirts 5.98 Choice at this price of the best of our walking skirts. Many of them you could not buy elsewhere under $12.50. These coats for women are made of zibelines, meltons and beavers, in black, blue, gray, brown and green. Splendidly lined and made; trimmed with straps and tailor stitchings ; mostly half -fitting styles. $11.90 to $15 Coats These coats are made of heavy kerseys, zibelines and beavers, in brown, tan, navy, black, green and gray; all of them lined with heavy satins; trimmed with straps and metal and pearl buttons; yery handsome styles. $ 1 6.50 to $ 1 9 Coats $ 1 2.48 These coats you can't help but admire on account of their many points of beauty. Made of all-wool beavers, kerseys, in black and colors; extra heavy satin linings, handsome hand-carved pearl and metal buttons, and straps, used as trimming. $20 to $25 Coats $16.48 Grouped at this price-lGS-you'll find the handsom est coats of the season made of panne, cheviots, beavers, kerseys, in black, tan, brown and gray. Very latest ideas in corset coats, Prince Albert, and also the new military coats; all lined with best quality of silks and satins. Winter Clothe: Right Kinds The Clothing we sell is "right" in every particular no matter how low the price asked for any one particular suit you'll find the materials worthy, the linings good, the entire garment well put to. gether, in everyway. Just now we are not trying to make any pro fits the long continued warm weather has made us perspire in more senses than one. Sell we must, we're sure of selling if we sell cheaply enough said, but read what follows. Al! our Mien's suits and Overcoats have been grouped at three prices to-facilitate choosing. Men's $5 to $8 Suits and Men's $8.50-$II.50 Suits and Overcoats ST.S5 Men's $ 1 2.50$ 1 7.50 Suits and O'coats $11.45 KlsElgc a nuns s r.sRSJHBCSk vVj? Ejfff i '-'&&&?& These for Children These Suits and Overcoats are for children aged 4 to 15. Every one of the garments is made of good materials, and is well put together. Choice of the entire stock at these prices. Chidren's $2 and $2.50 Suits $1.49 Vr-sW&V Millinery Is Cheaper You'd buy a real Stylish hat if you could buy it at just half of what it cost four or five weeks ago, wouldn't you? That's the state of affairs here in a nutshell. We have to keep our workroom force busy, and now hand you liandsome and vcy .stylish trimmed hats at the cost of materials charging rou not one penny for labor or style. Trimmed Mats at $2.48, $2.98, $3.48 Three great price groups, the like of which is not to be found elsewhere for less than double their prices. Street Hats at Half Value We bought all the street hats a wholesale dealer had left Got them at our own price, of course. You can now buy here at 59c, 88c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.48, hats that a very short time ago were sold at just double these figures. Child's $3 to $3.50 Snits and Overcoats Child's $4 to $6 Suits and Overcoats $348 These for Big Boys These Suits are for big boys and young men. Cut along the very latest lines of styles military shoulders, front and all that. Choice of the entire stock of Boys' Suits and Overcoats at these prices. Youths' $5 to $6 Suits and Overcoats $3.49 Youths' $6.50-$5Q Suits and Overcoats Youths' $9 to $12 Suits and Overcoats $7.ftd A Great Men's Underwear Sale This sale is an event every man who has present or futur part and parcel of our Great Thankssivinsr Sale, a sal of them all. 40c Underwear at 29c Men's fleeced shirts and drawers, silver gray, finished seams, pearl buttons, round neck. Wouldn't overstate facts one bit if we'd say the value was 50c, as many stores ask 50c for same goods. Limit of two suits to customer. 50c Underwear at 39c Men's derby-ribbed fleeced shirts and drawers, gold or salmon color, sweater neck, silk front, pearl buttons, fin ished seams. At same price we also offer tan-colored wool fleeced shirts and drawers. e underwear needs .should attend. This underwear sale is e which is bringing crowds to the store, and making friends 85c Underwear at 63c Two kinds: Dr. Wright's sanitary wool-fleeced shirts and drawers, in natural gray, sweater neck; and salmon-colored derby-ribbed wool shirts and drawers. These have satin front. $1 Underwear at 8c Men's pure Australian lamb's wool shirts and drawers, silk finished, round, French-shaped neck, fine pearl buttons. Many stores sell underwear no better than this at $1.25. S