THE SUKDAY 0REG0NIA2S', PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. 23 NEW TODAY. BARGAINS REAL ESTATE $3200 1 r.OxlOO on northeast corner of E. 11th and Sherman sts., with new and modern dwelling, which has lust been completca. me ursguu Water Power & Railway Co. s line passes the property on E. 11th st.. and the Waverly & "Woodstock line Is one blook away on 12th st. $1300 of the pur chase price can remain on mort gage at 0 per cent, if required. 50x100, unimproved, on north side of Savler st-. between 20th and 27th sts. 100x100 on northeast corner of Garfield ave. and Going St.. with 5-room cottage; greenhouse 12x 20, 20 fine fruit treoB, handsome lawn and tlowcrs; is between the Williams ave. and Union ave. car lines. IS minutes from Wash ington St. 100x200. unimproved, on north side of St. Helens Road, at 25th st; Immediately adjoins the Lewis & Clark Exposition grounds, and is offered at a very low price. 100x100, unimproved, corner Wy gant and E. 9th sts., close to Highland School and car line. 50x50 on "X" St., near 23d St., with new and modorn 5-room cottage. 50x100 on E. 13th st.. between Tillamook and Thompson sts.. with desirable dwelling of six rooms and bath; nico lawn, ex cellent neighborhood. $1200 $1900 $1600 550 $1900 $2250 $3000 50x100, unimproved, en north side of Glisan st., between 21st and 22nd sts. $6500! .0x100 on Lovejoy St., between )tA itwI 'Mth t .. with modern dwelling of nine rooms and bath. in fine condition. 50x100 on Winona st., Woodlawn, with cottage of 5 rooms and bath, in good condition. 00x100 on E. 9th st.. between Halsey and Weldler sts.. Holla day's Addition, with modorn ntne room house in fine condition, faces east, good neighborhood, and is midway between the Irv ington car line and tho new Broadway line. 50x100. unimproved, on north side of Flanders St., between 21st and 22nd sts. 30x100 on Hoyt st,. between 22nd and 23rd sts., with 114-story dwelling of 7 rooms and bath. $1200 $5000 $3500 $3500 NORTH PORTLAND Immediately adjoining the Lewis & Clark Exposition grounds, and In a neigh borhood which is rapidly Improving, we offer unimproved lots at extremely low prices, and recommond them as certain to Increase in value. CEDAR HILL The cream of Portland residence property. Intending buyers who desire to purchase choice dwelling locations will not overlook this. Tor further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND Real Estate, Financial Brokers 241 Stark St., Cor. Second DON'T MIS THIS LIST RESIDENCE PROPERTY IMPROVED . CIO Enn PciilniMo modern D-room rcsl J?lU,OUU dence, llnlshed In oak, in best lo cation on Holladay avenue. CCKOn Corner lot with substantial brick vOOUU anil frame buildings, producing pood revenue, cennn 100x100 feet, excellent .locality; ipOVJUU modern flat anil 7-room residence; pays 12 per cent on investment. Cijinn Modern 9-room home In choicest ;pOUU locality on Nob Hill, convenient to car line. Lot COxlOO; very desir able. CR inn Modern 10-room house on North 55QUU r,, tf bet 23rd anj 4th sts.; porcelain bath, cement basement; full lot. C 7KCI Modern 0 rooms, Marshall 6t. near 5OU20tj,; KOod locality. CI I fin 9-room modern residence, porcelain 55UU )mtjl n weldler t., bet. Williams and Union ave car lines; 50 feet frontline; corner lot; house cost more than this to build. ci Cfifk 5-room cottage, northwestern part xouv0f cjty; small cash payment, bal- unce monthly installments. EIVE AND SIX-ROOM- COT TAGES A larce and varied list of desirable mod ern cottages In the beet neighborhoods, at from $750 to $3000, Including several new houses Just completed. 1'rlces low annd terms to huit purchasers. Call and get par ticulars. 1 know 1 can suit you. UNIMPROVED In!de lot facing south on Glisan, near 23rd; cheap. Quarter block on "X" (now Roose velt street) in vicinity of Pair grounds. Inside lot facing south on Xorth rup st., near 23rd, with small barn, fruit trees and cement sidewalk. A bargain. 100x100 feet on Raleigh st., bet. 20th and 30th Ms, Willamette Heights. Choice residence location, with magnificent view. Inside lot on 24th st., near Thur inan, facing cast. Corner lot, Borthwick and Monroe tt., Alblnu; very cheap. Two lots. North Alblna, near car line; a snap. Two lots, Hlgliland Tark; a real bargain. 52750 2500 2350 S2250 SI500 $ 500 $ 350 $ no SUBURBAN LOTS Choice selection which at present prices am ure to be money-makers. If you Intend buying real estate give me & call. It is a pleasure to show good prop ertlc. A.H.BIRRELL Real Estate, General Insurance and Financial Agency 202-3 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark WE WILL Build For You! We offer for sale at very reasonable prices the following properties, and we will build thereon for purchasers ir desired, and ac cept payment part cash, balance on time at 6 per Cent: Lot 50x100 feet, on K. 18th st., between E. Morrison and E. Alder; faces west. Tract 100x200 feet at Mt. Tabor; 100 feet frontage on the Base- .Line; commands fine view. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. C and 7 Chamber of Commerce NOTICE! ' Dr. Sandon, the Electric Belt Specialist, has opened elSces at 2S84 Washington. Belts this -week half price NEW TODAY. LAURELWOOD pt- Laurelwood ON TOP. ALL, COMPETITORS DOWN AND OUT. WE SELL. ONE LOT AN Ho oft. Laurelwood OFFERS MORE FOR THE MONEY THAN YOU CAN GET ANYWHERE ELSE. Laurelwood EIGHTEEN DAYS OLD HOUSES GOING UP IN EVERY DIRECTION. Laurelwood BLOCKS HAVE ALLEYS. WATER PIPES LAID IN ALLEYS. Laurelwood ON AN ELECTRIC RAPID TRANSIT LINE, ONLY 20 MINUTES FROM BUSINESS CENTER. G-CENT FARE. WHI Build You a House For a Few Dollars Down and Small Month ly Payment. FREE WATER AND FREE PLANS OF HOUSES FOR A TIME TO FIRST BUILDERS. CHOICE LOTS $35 to $100 $3 Down and $3 Month SEE LAURELWOOD AGENT ON GROUNDS. TAKE tMT."SCOTT CAR, GEORGE BROWN 203 FAILING BUILDING. Phone Main 2129. City Office Open Evenings. NOTE THE BEGINNING of the COMMERCIAL HISTORY of ST. JOHNS 4 Miles from center of Portland THE OREGQN BY. & NAVIGATION CO. built Its line into St. Johns In April, 1002. Since that time the suburb has obtained a VENEER FACTORY an EXCELSIOR MILL TWO SAW MILLS' and the GREAT DRY DOCK while a THIRD SAW MILL Is now being built. St. Johns has a mile and a half the choicest water frontage in Port land still to be utilized for manu facturing and commerce. LOTS $75 and up. $5 down; $5 a month. Acre Tracts Close to car line, on install' ment payments. HARTMAN, ' THOMPSON & POWERS 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. OTHER JEWELERS Arc offering bargains, too, but you can't help paying for their high rent and all other big ex pense. ThU part I can save you In buying your watches, dia monds and Jewelry here. No sec ondhand, no fake goods nono but the highest grades of cases. Move ments kept in stock. Hundreds of fin watches to select from. I won't ask you to buy before you compare prices and qual ity. Please call around. CHARLES W. GOODMAN, 251 Front St, near Madison. INVESTORS With fifty .dollars and upwards should write the STOCK, GRAIN & PROVISION CO., Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. Their plans aro safe , "JA. " '! gljpipgPsH m NEW TODAY. A. J. FARMER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL grocer. Third and Jefferson You can save 20 jier cent by dealing with me. 5-1 b. package Gloss starch. 3oc; 1 package Scotch oats. 10..; 2 package Grape Nuts. 25c, 1 package Shred AVheat Biscuit. 10c. 2 packages Force. 2ic; 2 packages Malta Vita. 25c; 2 packages Cero Frulto. 25c; 1 package Postum or Fig Prune. 20c. 1 box macaroni, 35c. 1 lb. Royal baking powder, 35c; 1 package H-O Buckwheat, 10c; 10-lb. pail pure lara. $1.10; 51b. pall pure lard. 55c; 1-lb. package Folgcr's M. tc J. coffee. 35c; 1-lb. package Folger's tea, 45c; 1 lb. Shilling's baking powder. 35e; 1 lb. Arm & Hammer soda. fc: 1 bar naptha soap, 5c, S bars Santa Clans soap, 25c; 12 bars Royal Savon Foap. 25c; 8 bars Diamond C soap. 25c; 2 packages Gulddust washing pow der. 35c; 2 bottles Snlders catsup. 35c; 1 can Alaska salmon, 5c. 50 lbs. lard, com pound, $4.25; 3 lbs. broken Java coffee, 25c; 1 lb. good English breakfast 'tea. 15c; best sugar-cured hams. lb.. 15c; 10 lbs. No. 1 head rice. 50c; 1 lb. Gunpowder tea, 25c; 1 pack best D. G. sugar, $5.50; 1 sack good hard-wheat flour, 05c; 10-lb. box crackers, 00c; 1 box Acorn matches, 25c; 1 Little Lady broom. 35c; 1 dozen deviled nam. 40c. Deliver on East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY MADE OVER OR EX changed; diamonds, precious stones; loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired; close prices; good work. Tlngry. the Jeweler. N. E. cor. 3d and Wash., Breeden bide., upstairs. NET 8 PER CENT BRICK BUSINESS proporty, popular location and growing In favor. West Side; long lease; perfect In vestment. R. M. Wilbur, 300 McKay bldg. Phone Main 2550. STUDIO APPLIED ART (FORMERLY Mc Kay bldg.). 409 10th. cor. Hall. Lillian M. Candlin advises those desiring her work to place orders early. Tel. West 2S48. FOP. RENT LARGE MODERN DWELLING. Oregon City; good repair; convenient to trains; IB rooms. Write J. F. Appcrson or H. E. Cross. Oregon City. A SNAP U BLOCK. NORTHWEST COR. E. 28th and Salmon sts.; high and sightly; very choice; price, $1000; easy terms. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bldg. ELDERLY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP cr with some capital wishes working Inter est In a paying business. X 04, Oregonlan. VERY CHOICE LOT. WITH FINE HEDGE and shrubbery, on Marshall st.; choice lo cality; at a bargain. Inquire 584 Marshall. $1000 TO $1200 TO LOAN BY PRIVATE PAR ty on improved real estate. G GO, Oregonlan. EPOT CASH FOR GOLD AND SILVER OF every description. 311 Dekum bldg. SHEEHY BROS.. MOVED TO 2S2& YAMHILL St., near 4th. Phono Main 3072. MORTGAGE LOANS ON Improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGSTONE. 224 Stark st. POK SALE HEAL ESTATE. BUY A HOME NOW. $600 Good house of 4 large rooms; barn; chicken-house; 50x100 lot; near car line; $300 down. $700 C-room house on E. 10th st.; full lot; could not be built for the money; sell cr trade. $500 5-room house; $100 down, $10 monthly. $1G50 Neat modern cottage. 5 rooms, base ment; Sunny side; $500 down. $800 Neat -i-room. cottage, near car; $400 down. $1100 New 6-room neat house; $400 down. $57502 good houses. West Side; rents $50 month; fine Investment; easy terms.' Will sell you' a lot on Installments and furnish building material for two or four room house, near car line. Houses, stores, farms and rooms rented. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. 2344 Morrison St., cor. Second. $23,040 t Clear profit; 10 miles from Sacramento, .Cal. Wo have 2CC0 acres of land that can Bo divided and sold In 40-acre tracts For $20 an acre. $5320 will pay All expenses of advertising. Now wo can sell you this land for $0 an acre, but It must be Sold by January 1. 1004, to satisfy A mortgage. Now, If you have the Cash and want something good. Come and see It at once. "Wright & Kimbrough. Oil J, Sacramento. BUSINESS PROPERTY $9000 WILL BUY a good business propeity on West Side; rental value $2000 per annum; occupied by owner with a good legitimate business; if you will conduct business yourself you can make double amount out of It; terms one-half down, one-half time at 0 per cent interest. Ilenkle & Baker, 217 Ablng ton bldg. FOR SALE PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROP erty. Improved or unimproved. Choice lots, quarter, half, fractional or entire blocks; also acreage on new electric line; finest resi dence sites of any suburb of Portland for same money. Let him who questions come and see. T. J. Fording 202 Washington st., or 573 Hawthorne Terrace. Residence phone. Front 17C5. $2500-ELEGANT NEW S-ROOM RESIDENCE, one block from Richmond car line; a snap; easy terms. $1700 Fine residence lot, 50x05 ft., between 10th and West Park; must go this week. . 3300 Elegant new C-room residence In the swellest jiart on East Taylor st. CHARLESON & STAUB. 24514 Morrison st. SNAP C-ROOM HOUSE AND GOOD BARN, lot 50x100; choice flowers; nice lawn: bouse in excellent condition; elegant pressed wood work; full brick basement; wood hoist, sta tionary washtubs, fireplace, bath, toilet, etc; fine location. The price, $2000. Is a bargain. Will make terms. F. M. Johnson & Co., 321 Falling bldg. RARE BARGAIN IN HOUSES $5750 Two good houses in Nob Hill district. West Side; rents pow $50 month over 10 per cent; better than building, better than loan ing on mortgage; easy terms. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 2344 Morrison St., cor. Second. TO CONTRACTORS OR INVESTORS--WE offer a splendid Investment In a lot of 200 feet frontage in the "Nob Hill district, which. Improved with flats and cottages, will yield 15 per cent net; price only $5000. Gold srhmldt's Agency, 200 Stark. . 1 OROOM MODERN HOUSE, LOT 50x125, Montavllla car line; bath, toilet, cement basement: stable, nice garden, about 1 year old; price. $1500; will make good terms. F. M. Johnson & Co., 321 Falling bldg. $4500 WILL BUY A GOOD BUSINESS property, well located In Portland; renting now for $49 per month, which can easily be Increased; this Is a good bargain. Honkle & Baker. 217 Ablngton bldg. BEFORE YOU BUY A FARM IN ANY PART of the United States, write mo what locality you are interested in. I guarantee to fulfill your requirements. Wm. T. Brown, 203 Brown Law building. Lancaster. Pa. 2 LOTS LV ARBOR LODGE, 115 BLOCKS from Peninsular Station and school; $175 for the two. 2 lots, adjoining above, including a corner, $200; easy terms. 44 Hamilton bldg. C-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE. LOT 50x100; rooms nicely tinted: hot and cold bath, toilet and basement. This Is a good buy at $500 down, balance on easy terms. F. M. John eon & Co., 321 Falling bldg. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FINISHED Inside and out and modern In every particu lar; two blocks from Ankeny car line; small payment down, balance $25 month. H. E. Stemler. 122 Third st. NASH'S FIRST ADDITION, LOTS 50x100, $7o to $100 each: abstract free. 4-room house, $SO0: 5-room. $1000; C-room. $1250; acre. $373. on Mount Scott car line. Joe Nash, owner, on grounds. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN WILLIAMS-AVE. Addition. Upper Alblna; 7-room Colonial style house at a bargain: small payment down, balance $20 a month. Phone Union 1375 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT once Choice quarter-block, northwest cor. 17th and Pettygrove sts.; owner leaving city. Call at 272 Front St.. or Phone Black 1974. LOOK AT THIS I! Good lot Holladay's Addition; nico loca tion; an exceptional pick-up at $5S5. Taft & Co.. 80 4th st. : phone Main 12CS. FREE JOIN THE CROWD AND TAKE free carrlde and see those $S0 lots today. "We leave our office at 10:30 and 2:30 P. M. Pacific Land Co., 107 1st. LARGE LOTS ON MT. SCOTT CAR LINE; $80: nothing down. $5 month; also houses built on easy monthly payments. Pacific Land Co.. 1G7& 1st st. TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR TO STEWARTS today and see those largo lots, $80; nothing down, $3 month; agent on ground. Pacific Land Co.. 1073 1st st. FINE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. 30 miles from Portland, 2 miles to Colum bia River; 5.000.000 feet fir; dirt cheap at $350. 102 lt st. THE KNOTT LOT (LODGING-HOUSE WAS destroyed by fire) for sale. Particulars, In quire 3S5 Yamhill. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT NEAR UNION Depot; paying 10 per cent; $1250 cash. V70, Oregonlan. FIVE ACRES OF CHOICE BERRY LAND for jcale. Address C. M. Terrell. Lents. Or. FOR SALE40 ACRES. $C0; $20 CASH. BAL ance $3 month. Pacific Land Co., 167& let. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY . 40 acres, all rich loam, part improved, COO grape vines, 100 fruit trees, house, barn, sprlnghouse. potato-house, abundance of small fruits, 2 acrea beaverdam, grape arbor over spring, nicely watered by springs, good outrange for stock; Vi mile to school and church. Improvements cost you above $1000; In Washington County; . can go out and look land over nnd re turn to Portland same day: on account of sickness will sell now for $S00. 320 acres, all good land, gently rolling, in Yamhill County, all fenced, nearly new board and wire fences: 200 acres under plow; good buildings, 2 running streams of water, 3 horses, 30 head of cattle, 100 angora goats, 2 wagons, harness, mower, binder, rake, plow, all new; 400 bushels oats, hay and straw in barn; good neigh borhood; Vi mile to school, good outside range; will exchange Into Portland prop erty. 20 acres choice land, all fenced, 8 acres cultivated, near Milwaukle; sell cheap or trade. 347-acre improved farm, all good land; house, barn, orchard watered by springs; only 7 miles from Portland; easy terms $13,000. 80 acres nicely Improved; fine buildings, nice orchard, etc; only 5 miles from Courthouse, Portland; tasy therms $15,000. 20 acres, part Improved; 5 .miles out; easy terms $2000. 120 acres of land, 20 acres fenced; com fortable house, barn, orchard, 7 acres plowed, S acres slashed; nicely watered by springs; good neighborhood; good school; near North Yamhill: a bargain, only $1050. Five acres Improved, 250 Winter apple trees, 50 pear trees, small house, barn, fronts on good road not far from Oregon city car line; $1100. SO acres, all good land, all fenced, 10 acres cultivated, nice new house of C rooms, wood shed 10x25, rustic and painted; watered by springs and brook; house fronts on two good roads; corners at the place; splendid com munity; 104 miles from Oregon City; planked and graveled road nearly all way to farm; a bargain; only $1750. Ill-acre Improved farm, all good land, and lays well, good house. 2 barns, .orchard, run ning water, some good timber; fronts on good road, only 0 miles out; the cheapest farm now offered near Portland; very caB terms If de sired; only $00 per acre. 112 acres, all cultivated, good buildings, fine water system, convenient to Portland. 28 acres, nearly all cultivated, fine river bottom land, excellent for hops; garden and fruits, running water. 0 miles out; level road; worth more than price asked. 400-acre Improved farm, all good landj near McMlnnyllle, Yamhill County; a bar gain, only $25 per acre. 80 acres, all seeded to grass; good water; on good road; land lays nice; convenient to school; good neighborhood: good outside range; convenient to Vancouver, Clark Co., Wash.; $1000. CITY PROPERTY 7-room new and modern house on E. 8th St., Holladjy Add.; $2000. C-room n?w, modern, up-to-date house, cor ner lot. In Sunnyslde. S-room house, 2 lots, In Ivanhoe; trade. S-room house, E. 20th sL; $1800. 5-room cottage, Sunnyslde: $1700. 5-room, good plastered cottage, full lot; near Woodlawn School; must sell at a sacrifice now. $S00 Nice building lot on Improved street, Stephens' Addition. Seven-room. new. modern house. Just now completed, ready for occupancy; on E. Alder 6t.. near 12th. Lot 50x100. with two .dwellings, newly painted; rental value $33 per month; on 12th St., West Side; a good Investment; $3000. Neat cottage on Improved street, Sunny slde; all In good order; can rent for $15 per month; easy terms If desired; on ac count of sickness must sell only $1200. A very pretty suburban home, on good car line and not far out; C-room, up-to-date cot tage, large grounds, choice fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn. 100 varieties of roses; price reduced now to $2900. Seven-room modern house, up-to-date, nice location; East Side; on easy terms. HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton bldg. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, 30X100, ON Glisan st. 9-room house and lot, 75x90, Upper Wash ington fit. 4 lots, Nartllla and West Salmon sts. One lot. 50x72, on 17th between Yamhill and Taylor sts. Lots of lots In King's Second Addition. 7-room house and 100x100. East 3d and Stephens sts. 4 lots. East 23d and Hawthorne ave. 81 acres about one-half mllo east of Mil waukle. G33 acres about li miles south of St. Helens. CLAYTON, KING & CO.. 220 Stark st. FINE QUARTER BLOCKS ON GOOD CAR line, $175 to $250 each, water mains In streets, school, postottlce, store handy; you may procuro a building slfe on payments of $3 or $10 monthly;' build a llttlo house on ono of these lots, own a. home and save money. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 109 3d st. DESIRABLE 10-ROOM HOUSE IN PORTS mouth University Park; one of tho best homes on the peninsula; house cost over $5000 to build; price $3200; $1000 cash and balance on time to suit at G per cent. Herbert C Miller. 141 W. Park st. FOR SALE BY OWNER; MUST GO AT A great sacrifice; a new modern, two-story 7-room house; gas and electric lights, two toilets, and full concrete basement; lot 50x100, well improved. East 2Cth and Taylor. 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: WALKING Dis tance; 4 blocks north on Williams ave. from Holladay ave.; price, $2500 half cash, bal ance to suit at C per cent Interest. F. M. Johnson & Co., 321 Falling bldg. $3250 FINE NEW MODERN SEVEN-ROOM house; piped for furnace heat; near 13th st., walking distance; terms. Also have others; one $1700, one $2300. T. W. Pittenger, room it. 24514 Morrison. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. TWO C-ROOM. houses, two S-room cottages; small payment down, balance monthly or will furnish lot and build In any part of city. King. Phone East C75. FOR SALE-30 ACRES, CONVENIENTLY situated, 4 miles from city; fine soil; about 15 acres cultivated; no buildings; must ba sold. W. O. Waddel, 205 Morrison st. $5 PER MONTH BUYS LOT IN MAPLE wood. on Woodstock car line; $100 to $175 each; one mile nearer city than Woodstock. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 232 Stark st. NEW TWO-STORY HOUSE. IRVINGTON. 0 rooms, bath; two car lines; built for pri vate residence, not speculation. For par ticulars address N OS, Oregonlan. FLATS AND STORES. WITH QUARTER block, for less than cost of Improvements; good Income: $3800 down or all. "S" car to 807 Corbett st. Owner. FOR SALE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, BE tween two car lines; on Mallory ave, Al blna, Call 947 Mallory ave., cor. Prescott street. A SHORT-TIME OPPORTUNITY 50x100 AND good, two-story frame building, with plumb ing; only $1250; rents, $15. Geo. M. Strong. Goodnough bldg. SEVEN CHOICE LOTS BETWEEN 22D AND 23d; sewer, streets completed; E. Taylor and Yamhill; fine surroundings. Inquire 385 Yam hill. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, PRICE $1200; one-third down, balance Install ments. Apply S71 East 11th st, North. SOME GREAT BARGAINS ALONG THE line of the O. W. P. electric railway. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Mount Scott car, 5c GOOD HOME IN IRVINGTON, 0 ROOMS; bargain; easy terms; buy direct, save agent's commifcBlon. L CS, care Oregonlan. WE BUILD HOUSES EVERYWHERE easy payments; plans furnished. C12 Com mercial bldg. Phone Main 1940. MODERN HOME. NOB HILL DISTRICT, 7 rooms, furnace, cement basement, etc; price $4350. Owner, F C9, Oregonlan. $35 FOR HIGH AND SIGHTLY LOTS ON ST. Johns electric car line. Sherman D. Brown. 351 Stark st,, opposite library. FOR SALE $1150, PART CASH; NICE C room house, with bath. In suburbs, near car line. M 08, care Orezonlan. TWO BEAUTIFUL G-ROOM COTTAGESON lClh St.; thoroughly modern; cheap If taken soon. Ford's. lC5Vi 4th su FOR SALE S-ROQM HOUSE, IRVINGTON; easy terms. Apply to owner. Save com mission. D GO, Oregonlan. CHOICE LOT. 50x100: NORTH SIDE OF East Davis, between 15th and 10th. E. S. Learn, 309 East Pine. $7000 THREE MODERN SIX-ROOM houses, close In, renting for $75 month. Apply Osborn Hotel. PARTIES WANTING DESIRABLE SUBURB an property, call at Oak Grove store, on Oregon City car line. 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND NICE RESI dence lots, easy terms; cottage for rent. Phone Union C524. $700 CASH BUYS HOUSE. TWO LOTS, fruit; worth $1200; sickness. 774 Michi gan ave., L car. s FOR SALE FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE barn; plenty of fruit; lots 40x123; $750. Otto Smith. Tremont. NEW rt-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IMPROVE rcents, large lot; popular suburb. Owner, E 71, Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS FOR THE WISE WHO StEK AND GET THE BEST BUYS! $500 For a beautiful 314-acre farm, with very fine modern buildings; over 2y acres In cultivation, nopyard that averages over $1000 annual profit; absolutely the best farm in the state for the money; 1& miles from K. B, station. 38 miles Out. $0000 Full corner lot; 22-room flat; month ly rental. $01; pays 12 per cent per annum Interest. 55000 100-acre farm on fine graveled road. C miles Vancouver; lovely tf-room residence, excellent barns, over 50 acres of tho very richest beaverdam onion land; balance up land; over 40 acres growing timber. $4500 For a ntagntncenc palatial suburban residence of & rooms, 100x130 feet of ground; this is an elegant home; near Richmond cars. $3500 For a beautiful U-room residence, with nearly a quarter blocK In Sunnyslde. $3200 tor a splendid 115-acrc farm, 4 miles from Oregon City, on the banks of the Willamette- lUver: S. P. R. R. passes through the place; splendid buildings, 1500 bearing fruit trees, modern frultdrler; fine soil; Is a forced sale and a great big snap! $2850 For a beautiful 7-room residence, quarter black, 1 block East Ankeny cars. $2350 For a strictly modem new and beau tltul lC-room residence, fine lot, Morris St., Alblna. $1850 Beautiful corner lot, with fine 7-room residence, choice fruit and shrubbery; close In on Hawthorne ave. $1500 Beautiful 5-room cottage, flno lot, choice fruit and shrubbery; Kerby st., near Thompson School. $1400 Lovely new and modern 5-room cot tage, full lot, E. 22d. near Clinton. , $1300 For a cozy 5-room cottage. 2 full lots, choice fruit and shrubbery; 1 block Montavllla cars. $12St Beautiful 5-acre place fronting on Columbia River, near Vancouver; cory build ings: choice fruit; a lovely rlve-front home. $1250 Excellent quarter block, nicely graded; 'Rodney ave. and Cook sts. $1100 For a coxy 5-room cottage, beautiful lot; Montana ave., near Kllllngsworth ave. $900 For a lovely cottage home, neat and cozy; choice fruit and shrubbery; on Alblna ave.. near Beech st. $650 For a choice building lot on E. 10th, near Everett, $C50 Lot 50x104. small house, on E. 31st, near Hawthorne ave. 5550 For a beautiful 5-room cottage, full lot. near end of Montavllla car line. $350 Nice G-rcom 'house, corner lot, two blocks school. Park Place. $300 Fine building lot, E. Burnslde, near car barns. $275 For a fine l4-acre place, nicely fenced, In Oak Grove. $275 Splendid C-acre place, near Clacka mas. $250 For an excellent quarter block on Prescott st.. Highland. YOU'LL NEVER FIND THE BARGAINS 1TNTIL YOU COME TO US! THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 14914 First street. EIGHT-ROOM. MODERN, UP-TO-DATE house, best part Holladay's Addition; corner; small payment down, balance Installments. S-room very fine house. Nob Hill; Lots 90x 100; this Is a handsome place and way below price. 9-room house. Upper Alblna. on Sellwood St.: lot 50x150: this Is an excellent buy. C-room modern new house, just being com pleted; sell on Installments; small payment down; near Sunnyslde. 3-room cottage. Highland; nice little place; Installments. Quarter block. Holladay's Addition; very choice corner: -choice buy. Read this Lot In Holladay's Addition: good surroundings; all Improvements In; price only $585. Good cornpr lot. Paradise Springs; come In. make offer and get lot. TAFT & CO.. Phone Main 12GS. SC 4th st. $1050-C-ROOM COTTAGE. -ONE BLOCK TO Union ave. cars: terms. $1350 5-room house. E. 29th st,, near Fine; monthly payments; see it. $3000 C-room nearly new house. West Side; central; $1000 cash; balance monthly. $3500 8-room new Colonial modern house; Holladay Park Addition; a bargain. $1000100x100. cor. B. 30th and. Pine sts.; Improved: a' snap. $50050x100. E. 27th, near Pine: cheap. $925 Three lots, cor. E. 7th and Going sts.; terms; monthly payments to suit. Many other good buys. See me beforo you buy. It will pay you. F. Vr. TORGLER. 100 Sherlock bldg. FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. WEST Side; fine investment; no reasonable offer refused. Box 2C7. city. FOR SALE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROP erty at Fark and Jackson sts. Inaulre on premises. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 10 YELLOW PINE TIMBER CLAIMS, cruise 3.000,000 each; fi good timber claim relinquishments: several choice farm home steads, all well located; reliable cruisers; fees reasonable. Wm. Hawks, room 300. Commercial block. WANTED TO LOCATE PARTY OF SIX people on extra fine yellow pine timber claims, tributary to sawmill; cLalms will easily bring $3000 each; location fees, $10o each. See Wm. Hawks. 300 Commercial blk. LUMBER WANTED 2800 CEDAR OR PINE posts, 4x4 top. 4xG butt, 20 feet long, 30O same. 5x5 top, 5x7 butt, 22 feet long, for California; best timber; no sap. Address D. D 410 Commercial block, Portland. TIMBER CLAIMS: TITLES GUARANTEED; lands good for agriculture or timber; located within a few miles of railroad, schools; can be purchased on installment plan. Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. FOR SALE STUMPAGE ON 290 ACRES, close In, on a fine logging stream; will take partner If suitable, or will sell timber with the land; finest of soil. Inquire 91C Milwau kle Bt, FINE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, 30 miles from Portland, 2 miles to Colum bia River; 5,000.000 feet fir; dirt cheap at $350. 102 1st st. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN large or small blocks, ready for Immediate delivery. L. W. Whiting, 408 Ablngton bldg. J FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN any size tracts, ready for Immediate use. "W. G. Howell, 53S Chamber of Comnlcrce. I BUY AND SELL LARGE AND SMALL tracts of timber. A E. Mathews, 417 Ore gonlan bldg., Portland, Or. B. . SANFORD tz CO.. REAL ESTATE, homesteads, timber claims and state school lands. 212 Ablngton bldg. XO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES OF GOOD LAND. 7 MILES west of Portland, and some cash, for lot or fractional lot between Burnslde and Russeli sts., E. 10th st, and the river. State price and location. Address Owner, N CO, Ore gonlan. 4 LOTS TO TRADE IN TACOMA; STREET cars running by the lots; will trado for house and lot; no objection to. mortgage. Call or address 373 Taylor Bt-, Portland, Or. FINE RESIDENCE, WEST SIDE, CORNER lot; all modern Improvements, for small cot tage or vacant lots; or will sell. Address J C9, Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE INTEREST IN SPLEN dld hardware business In prosperous city for desirable unincumbered real estate. 188 Sec ond st. INCOME-BEARING EASTERN PROPERTY to exchange for Oregon property; about $1500. Addreas Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. WILL EXCHANGE HIGH-GRADE MIN lng stocks for city or suburban property. L. Y. Keady & Co.. 327 Failing bldg. TO EXCHANGE FINE BROOD MARES and 7 heifers for fresh cows. 1212 Ells worth st,, Richmond. FOR SALE OR TRADE-ONE SIX-ROOM house In Woodlawn; full lot, N CO, Orego nlan. CHICAGO 9-ROOM RESIDENCE FOR PORT land property; equity, $2500. F CO, Orego nlan. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR Pi ano or- horses. H C9. Oregoman. FOR RENT FARMS. 7 ACRES, ROOM FOR COW AND CHICK ens; 5 acres In berries; near Montavllla cr line. 23414 Morrison, cor. 2d., room 2. FOR RENT TEN ACRES. ORCHARD, house, barn, near city. Call at 407 Yam hill st, GOOD FARM. SO ACRES. STOCK. FOR RENT or sale. Particulars, Inquire 112 East 10th st. J WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FARM OF from five to twenty acres, within ten miles of Portland, with house and barn. W 55, Oregonlan. WANT TO RENT. FOR S TO 5 YEARS. FOR cash, good farm, near large town. Address L. D. Wcstfall. Tckoa, Wash. CAN HANDLE LARGE OR SMALL FARM; grain and 'hay preferred. C J. Larson, Lents, Or. WANTED TO LEASE. WANTED A SMALL STORE OR HALF store with lease, between 1st and Gth and Stark and Morrison sts. Address W. A. E., 1011 Thurman st,, city. . FOR SALE FARMS. EXTRA FINE 10 ACRES. 4 MILES FROM Courthouse, all In cultivation. 2 acres or chard: fine residence, two barns: spring wa ter; Una place for gardening and chicken ranch; half mile from railroad station. 16 miles from electric car; buildings cost $5000; snap at $3750. $1750 down, balance 3 and 5 years; would trade for house and lot in Portland suburbs. 1C0 acres near Columbia River, 3 miles from Lyle railroad station: fare on boat. 25c; 35 acres in grain. 12 tons hay, 5 cows, 3 year lings, team, saddle pony, chickens, wagon, hack, all farm Implements; bearing orchard; good 4-room house, barn and well; easy terms, only $2100; would trade for house In Portland suburbs. 5 acres adjoining Portland. In high state of cultivation; mostly In bearing fruit; good buildings; easy terms; $3750. 814 acres near Montavllla car. fine for plat ing or acreage homes; In cultivation: $2500. $5 per acre 240-acre stock farm. 40 miles southeast of Portland; buildings, running wa ter will sell or trade for Portland suburban property. 10 acres near Milwaukle. In cultivation; some beaver-dam; 3-room .house, good veg etable or chicken ranch. $500 down; $1100. SO acres 25 mites west of Portland; less than cost of Improvements; $1000, half casn. 1 acre near Mount Scott car. Tremont. $350. Send for our free farm circular. Hou?es, stores and farms rented. COLUMBIA REAL LSTATE & TRUST CO.. 23414 Morrison, corner Second. BEST CHANCE FOR NEWCOMERS OR homo people 50 acres of fine land, mile from R. R. depot nnd close to Portland; 43 acres In cultivation, good 7-room house. 2 good barns (one cost $S0O, the other $300). fine spring of water, nice orchard. 10 head of fine milch cows, 1 bull. 2 heifers 14 months old, 1 calf, 2 fine horses, good set doublo harness, 2 good wagons. 1 spring wagon, all kinds of farming Implements, as plows, harrows, cultivators, reaper, mower, hay rake, potato planter, disc, hay racks, etc, also 50 tons of hay, 75 bushels wheat. 100 bushels oats. 100 tons barley, 1000 bush els potatoes, chickens, etc; this all for say tiSOOO. Don't let this go by. Charleson & taub. 24514 Morrison ht. FARMS. FARMS. We have the largest list of farms in all parts of the State of Oregon. We have been handling farms for 25 years, and know the values of this class of realty in all parts of Oregon. We therefore have the experi ence, and our Judgment cu be reliea on. W. A. SHAW & CO.. 243 STARK. NEAR SECOND ST. SEE THIS WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 420 acres; 1C0 under plow. 50 In Fall grain, balance pasture; some timber; good eignt room houae. barn and outbuildings, or chard, running watar; 230 head various stock; all farm Implements; 75 bushels po tatoes; 10 hives bees; wood in shed, all included. $23 per acre. C. H. Monroe, 110 2d st. SHEEP RANCH $11.000 THE FINEST IN Eastern Oregon; 1300 acres. Including UIO acres of fine Summer pasture; water year round In abundance; 3000 sheep can be bought on ranch If desired; 200 tons of hay in stack, cut on ranch: 30 miles from Shan lko. Or.; terms easy. Call room 41S Dekum. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY UCKJU farms or city property see me; 1 have bar gains in fine farms, stock ranches and city property. Including the most desirable sub urban residences in city. Address" T. Wltn combe, with Investment Co.. 244 Stark at,. Portland, Or. . FRUIT RANCH. 4 MILES WEST OF HOOU River; 40 acres, all under cultivation, as follows: 25 acre.- frult-bearlng iree, 7 acres straw berries, balance in clover; cleans up about $2500 a year; two houses; irrigation; all for $8000. Call room 418 Dekum. 80-ACRE DAIRY FARM. 2 MILES r'tuj. city limits; 40 acres under plow, balance pasture; IS milch cows, other cattle, horses, wagons and farm mncnn.ery; gouU buildings, practlcully new; $4i5u. Adtrtas owner, 125 Front st. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 311 Worcester block. 320 ACRES 100 ACRES IN FINE FRUIT bearlng trees; house worth $5000; 2i barna; fine springs of water; everything goes, horses, cows and all. ''all room HS Dcium. 200 ACRES. WITHIN 33 MILES OF PORT land; 40 acres prunes, tine buildings, un limited outrange, $.1200; ensy terms; worth $10,000; title perfect. Call 1104 1st st. $10 MONTH BUTiS 1U-ACRE FARM, li miles from Sacramento; write for booklet. It's free. Wright it Kimbrough. 011 J st-. Sacramento. C'aL FOR SALE OR RENT SO ACRES. 33 IN cultivation; 400 out range; stock, feed, tools; particulars on application. J CO, Oregonlan. 4000. ACRES FINE SCHOOL LAND. IN quarter sections; good fur stocK ranches; $2.50 acre; call early. Room 418 Dekum. 80 ACRES. 35 ACREs. 320 ACRESj. ALL 1 3 miles of a beautiful city of 5000 Inhab itants; terms to suit. 418 Dekum. TEN-ACRE FRUIT FARM. 22D AND FRE mont sta. ; price. 3.X)0. For terms see owner, A. F. Sloper, 15tn and tremont sts. GRESHAM FARM. GOOD HOUSE. BAUN, orchard, to exchange for central Portland property. F 02, Oregonlan. $200 ACRE NICELY MODERN IMPROVED 55 acre, 8 miles east. Sell or trade. 227 Front. A GOOD 440-ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE by owner. L. H. Davis. Corvallla, Or. A GOOD 440-ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE by owner. Z. H. Davis, Corvallls, Or. FOR SALE. nurses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE A GOOD GRAY BUGGY " team. 1)00 pounds each; good hurness and fine leather top buggy; well worth $300, all for $190. A. M. Holton. 248 Front st. BARGAIN BROWN MARE. WEIGHS 1100 pounds; fine spring buggy and new harness; entire rig $75. Derby Stablos, 13th and Burnslde sts. SNAP $33 BUYS BAY HORSE. 8 YEARS old. weighs 1100 pounds; suitable for ex press or farm work. Derby Stables, 15th and Burnslde sts. A FINE ALTIMONT MARE FOR SALE OR .trade; owner leaving iown. Call between 10 and 12 A M. F. A. Terry. Portland Riding Club. TEAM GRAY HORSES. 8 YEARS OLD. weight 2300, or will sell separate. C. E. Hanson, 20 th and B. Morrison. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE TEAM DRAUGHT horses, weight 2000; also heavy harness, nearly new. 550 E. 18th st. FINE YOUNG DRAFT MARE. 5 YEARS old. Apply J. H. McMahon, end Richmond car line. Phone Scott 4141. BARGAIN BLACK HORSE. 1000 POUNDS; gentle, good saddler; new top buggy ana harness. 585 5th. GOOD DRIVING HORSE CHEAP; WOULD do for light express. 210 Jefferson st. West FAMILY HORSE. FAST DRIVER; GOOD buggy and harness; cheap. 571 Thurman st. WOLFSTEIN buys and sells vehicles, harness, horses, farming implements. 227 Front. GENTLE RIDING PONY; USE FOR WINTER for board and care. G 71, Oregonlan. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP GOOD SECOND hand spring wagon. 284 Front st. FB7-B SALE OF $3000 STOCK OF HARNESS and collars at 211 Washington st. FOR SALE; ONE PLATFORM FURNI ture wagon. Call 107 Mason st. FINE TEAM BLACK MARES. STABLES, 0th and Couch. Pianos. $100 WILL BUY A STANDARD GRADE upright piano worth $350. Call at once. 500 E. Couch. WEBER UPRICJiT PIANO. USED SEVEN months; party needs money; cheap. . M 07, Oregonlan. Standard upright piano. $165. cost $350; Becker. $40; organ. $20. co3t $80. Upstairs. 10414 1st, NEW LUDWIG PLVNO. CHEAP AND ON easy terms. F 70, Oregonlan. j . Miscellaneous. LONG-ESTABLISHED, WELL-PAYING Em ployment office, doing cash business, hav ing regular patronage and good perma nent location; complete Investigation and trial to any intending purchaser who can show the necessary cash purchase price; a legitimate proposition fot a reliable bus iness man seeking profitable opening; in quirers please state name, address and references; no trlflers. Address Business, Box A 70, Oregonlan. FINE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE for $10 if taken at once; a snap. 424 ! Washington. TWO FRESH YOUNG COWS AND CALVES, one Holdteln bull. Address Lynch & Moll, Gresbam, Or. FOR SALE TWO VERY FINE FRESH "milk cow3 at U. S. Stables, 243 Front at- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices Singer. V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic ofiice. S. S. Slgel. Agent. 333 Morrison st. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterlte; It rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlte Roofing Co., 10 Worcester bldg. $125 WILL PURCHASE MY ENTIRE OUT flt; consists handsome bay horse, 8 years old, weighs 1075 pounds: perfectly sound; new top buggy and harness. Call at 20 North 15th. Ask for Dosson rig. ONE NEW 30-HORSE POWER VAN DU sen gaa engine, suitable for mining or any power purpose: can be had at a bargain. Northwest Electric Engineering Co., 300 Stark St.. Portland. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS, CHOICE nannies and billies (registered and unreg istered; also carload of Cotswold bucks. Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or. WILL SELL CHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF GO lng away. Toledo cash register, total adder; all latest Improvements: original cost $150. Call 330 2d. near Market st. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS FROM $23; ALL makes rented and repaired. Rubber stamps. Notary seals, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. BAND INSTRUMENTS. NEW AND SEC-ond-hand; world-beatir silk violin string; expert repairing. York's. 107 "4 1st, upstairs. ONE 50 H-P. TUBULAR BOILER; ONE bO H.-P. Chalmer & Froser engine. Inquire Smyth & Howard Co.. foot of Ankeny st. DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOTGUN, WITH leather case, excellent condition: at bar gain. Room 3 Washington bldg. FOR SALE 2D-HAND i-NUlNKS. BOXLEivS. sawmills, pumps and general machinery by H. C Albce Co.. 248 trand ave. FOR SALE FULL-IIltED POMERANIAN puppies, mother winner of s-en firs; prizes. Apply 770 Hoyt st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. REASONABLE. Includes carpets, piano and sewing machine; all or part. P 03, Oregoman. TYPEWRITER. HARTFORD. NO. 2. DOUBLE keyboard; In good order; used abau.. mx months-. $2C 247 Halsey st. OU SALE SKtwNf MAC....- . V. i. : make; na good as new; cht:i;i. 35m '.i.i.rd st . rhone rront 31. . KiiENCH i:wiviE. CaSiIUO.n s.ic.i.. t-.S. with galvanized iron hood. 14--gaUon 1k.I r. lnqul.e :fcr Vnmhill. FOR SALE FRESH Cu S. huai1 hti.' west reservoir No. 2. Section Line .-.C Phone L nlon 1 14i. $S0 BESON ALTO. SUITABLE FOR CON cert or orcnestru; cheap. 17 N. 3d a-, near Dals. FRANKLIN 'l"ll'UVKlTEn, liOiiU ...S new. for sale at half price. 235 Washing ton st. FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK OK HJKOCBui...-. and fixtures. Call at 3S5 Union n. N- rrr FIVE THOROUGHBRED BLACK. COCIvI puppies for .mlf at ll.4 Park Rt. FOR SALE 1'ttO Fl.SH vO"&. ., ai. j 21st st. Take Brooklyn cur. BEES FOR SALE. INQUIRE AT C4'J E. ISth st. Phone Scott .'513. NEW "QUAKER" RUBBER VAPOR BATH, cheap. P CO. Oregonlan. FO.t SALE LAUi's. SE.'.L COAT. NEARL1" new. () 07. Oregonlan For Rent Pianos. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR RENT; REASON A hle to careful parties. 393 Morrison, cor. 10th. HELP WANTED MALE. TRAVBLING SALESMAN FOR PACIFIC Coast; ambitious. persistent. successful man. one who can sell guods regardless of the demand. We have a strong proposition, with unusual Inducements, and It s a splen did opening for a hustler. Address Man ager, box 130. Minneapolis. Minn. lONxUACluRS. LOGGERS AND MILLMEN. We have moved our headquarters to moro central quarters. Loggers, mlllhands. labor ers, farmhands, etc. always In demand; plenty of work; call and see us. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde st. Branches In eral part3 of the city. SALESMEN WANTED STOCKING SEASON Just opened; liberal datlngs; exclusive or side line; no samples to carry, experience unnecessary- A elx months' harvest ror good men, who can recognize a really golden op portunity and grasp It quickly. Klnloch Paint Co.. St, Louis. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE OF SALT Lake City offers advantages In teaching the trade that cannot be had elsewhere. Avoid schools the Oregon nnd California barbers new laws are ant to close at any time. Write today for our special offer to distant students. WANTED A COMPETENT MAN WITH LA dy assistant to manage a sales office In Portland. Must have a good standing to dig nify a clean, gilt-edge opportunity. No can vassing. Address The Electrus Company, 2O5-201- E. Jeffer3on st,, Syracuse. N. Y. WANTED A RESPONSIBLE MANUFACTUR ES company desires traveling salesmen of good address and experience. Salary $100 per month and expenses. abo commission. State age, experience and acquaintance. The King Tablet Co., Ltd., Kalamazoo. Mich. A RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO FILL RE sponstble position with an established cereal food company. Compensation $3u0O per an num; hlgnest references required and given. Address Auditor's Department, Box 4842, Bat tle Creek. Mich. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade; wu are prepared to continue our business at the same old stand; call or write for full particulars. American Har bor College Corp., 253 Everett st,, Portland. WANTED CARPET SALESMAN WITH experience In other llns, boy for grocery delivery; boy learn dry good3 business; first-class domestic 3aleman. Clerks Reg istration Bureau. 2l't Morrison st. WANTED TWO LIVE. ENERGETIC T1JAV ellng men; experience unnecessary; up-to-date line; reliable house; rererences required J $80 per month) expenue3 and commission. Manager. 383 Wabash ave.. Chicago. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; ONLY two months required; the only system and only college teaching the trade. Catalogue and full particulars mailed free. Moler Sys tem College. San Francisco, Cal. MAN TO BUY ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN a first-class transfer business; salary $73 per month, business paying 20 pr cent net above salary; Price $250u. A good thing. F. M. Johnson & Co., 321 Falling nWg. LEARN DESIGNING OF MANTELS. FUR nlture. Interior finish, building plans, etc., and earn from $50 to $150 monthly. Con stant demand for designers. Russell Car rier, 500 Division st., Chicago. UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP; 14.000 Ap pointments last jear. Free cxamlntton paper and catalogue giving positions and salarie.. Dept. A, Western Correspondence Univer sity, San Francisco. YOUNG MEN WITH ONLY A COMMON school education may secure good civil service Government positions. Full Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washing ton, D. C. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permancnr.t posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De troit. Mich. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN OR PHYSI clan to sell to doctors; also one for Central Oregon; established trade; permanent, re munerative. P. O. Box 858. Philadelphia. YOUNG MEN. EVERYWHERE, COPY LET ters, home evenings; $9.50 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept, S 151. box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO carry quick-selling pocket side line; commis sion 25 per cent; samples free. Address Side Line. 315 Dearborn st,, Chicago. l- WANTED Solicitors In Oregon. California and Wash., to sell accident Insurance: good territory: profit-sharing contracts. U. S. Health & Ace Ins. Co.. 209 Marquam. OFFICE MAN AS PARTNER FOR .A.GENCY buslness. by patentee of combination strainer lid for cooking kettle. Address Northwestern Aluminum Co., L 69, Oregonlan. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; no technical knowledge, but active, all round hustler. Established, well - rated house. Box 524, Detroit. Mich. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON,' capable of producing results with staple line to country merchants. Bond required. Box COS. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE, "EXPERIENCED' traveling salesman for Oregon. We want a salesman: none other need apply. Ad dress" drawer S, Chicago-