The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1903, PART THREE, Page 24, Image 24

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Charles Hoehn, Who Helped Hold Up
O. R. & N. Train, Reoelves
a Severe Sentence.
Ttn years in the penitentiary "was the
Sentence pronounced by Judge Cleland yes
terday on Charles Hoehn, the boy vrho
was concerned In the holdup of a train
of the O. R. & N. Co., near Corbett In
September last.
(Hoehn pleaded eullty to a charge of
assault with Intent to rob H. L. Stevenson,
the Axeman of the train. Two other In
formations against him In -which he -was
accused of attempting to rob O. 1. Bar
rett, the engineer, and Smith, the brake
man, were dismissed with the consent of
A. I Mohler, president of the O. R. & N.
E. J. Tracy, attorney for Hoehn, ad
dressed the court, stating that there were
extenuating circumstances connected with
the case. "He was attending school in the
faiate of "Washington where there is a
cooperative colony," said Hoehn's counsel,
"when be met Miner, who was the leader
of the party iiner proposed a trip to
aiexico, and the boy agreed to go. They
came to Goble, where they met Harsh
man, whose true name is Williams. After
"wards they came to Portland and pur
chased some powder, the boy not know
ing for what purpose. Next they went
-up tho Columbia River for a few days.
On the night of the train robbery they
went to Corbett, where Miner placed a
rifle in Hoehn's hands and told him what
to do. This was the flrst time the boy
was aware the intention was to hold up a
train, xxe was instructed not to let the
passengers come out of the cars. Miner
came along and asked the boy, "why don't
you do something?' and took his rifle and
flred it oft 'several times to frighten the
passengers. After the failure to rob the
train he proceeded with Miner as far as
"Wnatcom, where he left him and returned
to his old home at Sammlsh Flats and
went to work in a shingle mill. He Is
only 1& years old and did not realize what
he was doinp.
"He was overcome by the superior will
of Miner, witn whom he severed his con
nection after the attempted robbery just
as Boon as he could."
Deputy District Attorney Spencer con
tradicted the statement of the case made
by Mr. Tracy in several particulars. Mr.
Spencer said that Hoenn having pleaded
guilty to one information the others would
bo dismissed. This action was taken by
the District Attorney's office with the ap
proval of President Mohler, of the O. R.
& K- Co., and counsel said this was as far
as thoy should go in extending leniency to
the prisoner.
"Statements made by him In the County
Jail," said Mr. Spencer, "would convict
blm if he was tried before any jury. He
was not led into this crime altogether.
He discharged his rifle several times, and
held up the brakeman. Smith. Stevenson,
the fireman, was covered by Harshman,
and Barrett, the engineer, by Miner, with
a shotgun. After the shooting of Harsh
jnan. and when he was supposed to have
been killed, the weapons he had were
taken by the boy, who also took from
Harshman what money he had In his
pocket. Four charges could have been
preferred against this prisoner. In view
of the fact of the nature of this offense
and that the punishment should serve as
a warning and have a deterrent effect on
others, both young irin and old men, I
think a severe penalty should be imposed."
Judge Cleland, in passing sentence, re
marked that the offense was a serious one
and that in dismissing two informations
all the clemency had been extended which
the court ought to allow when the magni
tude of the offense was considered. In
conclusion. Judge Cleland said: "The
court believes its duty to the public re
quires that you shall be punished and pun
ished severely. The sentence of this court
is that you ba conflned in the penitentiary
for a period of ten years.
The sentencing of Harshman Is posts
poned, for the reason that he is still un
der the care of County Physician E. P.
Geary- The court ordered the release of
James McGuIre and James Bryden, who
were held as witnesses. The men stopped
at McGuire's place at Government Island.
McGulre was brought to the County Jail
several days ago for the second time, and
it was then said that he might be charged
as a principal, but there was not enough
svlceuce to hold him.
.Many Attorneys Testify as to Value
of Services in Land Case!
Numerous attorneys testified in Judge
dears' Court yesterday in the suit of
Bauer & Greene against "William M.
Bray and Marshal J. Kinney, as to what
the services of Bauer & Greene were
worth for examining the title of 100,000
acres of land, and making an abstract,
which took months of constant work.
W. T. Mulr said a reasonable fee would
be $5000 to $7500.
Fred V. Holman considered $5000 the
lowest fee which should be charged.
Judge C. H. Carey placed the amount
at $5000 to $10,000.
Robert T. Piatt's figures were $4500 to
J. C. Flanders testified that $5000 was
a. reasonable fee.
J. V. Beach also considered $5000 a rea
sonable sum.
H. H. Northup, who has practiced law
for 33 years, said $4500 to $CO0O was about
Judge Thomas O'Day calculated $5000 to
5G000 a reasonable fee.
E. C. Bronaugh's figures were $4500 to
E. B. "Watson, ex-Justice of the Supreme
Court, who is familiar with the history of
the land, expressed an opinion that the of examining the title was worth
$2000, but would not say how much addi
tional should be charged for a guaranteed
abstract of title.
It came out at the trial yesterday that
Bray and Kinney lost the $C5,000 option
they had on the land by not paying the
balance of the purchase price, $535,000. The
deal they expected to make fell through.
They had the option extended six months,
but still could not succeed in making
things go as they had anticipated.'' They
intended to sell the land to other parties
at a large profit. Coovert & Stapleton,
attorneys for Bray and Kinney, endeav
ored to make the point that in making
out their bill Bauer & Greene should
have considered the fact that their clients
never finally purchased the land.
Wasn't Asked to Go.
A nonsuit was granted by Judge George
yesterday in the $10,000 damage case of
P. M. Massey against M. Seller & Co.
Massey was injured by falling Into an
elevator shaft and the place was viewed
by the Judge and jury. In granting a
nonsuit Judge George said he was con
vinced from the evidence that If Massey
had not walked back into a dark place
in the store he would not have met with
the accident, and he was not asked to
go there, but went of his own accord.
Woman Thief Must Go to Jail.
Ninety days in the county jail was the
sentence imposed upon Emma Johnson
in the State Circuit Court yesterday for
stealing two dress skirts from Mrs. E. C.
Goddard. The young woman pleaded
guilty several days ago. Her husband,
Admer T. Johnson, is serving a five years'
term in the penitentiary for robbery.
Eight Years for Ten Cents.
Edwin Arpln, who pleaded guilty to rob
bing C. A. Fletcher of 10 cents on the
public highway at the point of a revolver,
was sentenced to eight years in the pen j
tentiary by Judge Cleland yesterday. Ar
pin had nothing to say when afforded an
opportunity by the court to make a
speech. Several days ago he fainted when
brought into the courtroom to be sen
tenced, but yesterday he succeeded In
controlling himself. He was born and
raised in Portland, and at the time of his
arrest confessed to numerous robberies
and also to the crime of arson, all of
which he afterwards denied.
Court Notes.
Frederick E. "Wyatt, who passed a,
bogus bank check for $10 on George A.
Xane, was sentenced to two years and a
half in the penitentiary yesterday morn
ing by -Judge Cleland. "Wyatt pleaded
guilty, and had no excuse to offer.
The St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
Company filed suit against the Arrow
Navigation Company to recover f!52 for
insuring the steamer Telephone. Of this
sum $217 is alleged to be due for taking
,a builder's risk of $27,000 on the Telephone
and $225 for hull Insurance placed by
M. C. Harrison & Co. The Insurance was
written In June, 1903, and cancelled last
September bj' mutual consent.
Lake Shore Issue of Fifty Millions
Secured Under Contract.
XEW YORK, Nov. 14. Debenture bonds
of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Railroad, authorized last week to the
extent of $50,000,000, have been taken under
contract, according to the Herald, by J.
P. Morgan & Co. It Is likely that a
large block will be taken abroad and the
balance underwritten by a local syndicate.
At a, special meeting of the Lake .ghore
directorate the plan for marketing the
bonds has been discussed and approved.
At the meeting held last week a debenture
bond Issue of $50,000,000. bearing Interest
of 4. per cent per annum, was authorized
to care for the unfunded debt of the com
pany. The great bulk of this debt was
incurred by the purchase of a half inter
est in the holdings of stock in other lines
acquired by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. for the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The notes
for this stock, aggregating $25,000,000. ma
ture In January.
Relatives of New York Man Know
Mafia Society Threatened Him.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Since the Rev.
Father Joseph Cirrlnglone, pastor of the
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Con
ception at "Williams Bridge, in the north
ern outside of the city, left his home
Thursday night, not a trace of him has
been found, and his friends and relatives
fear he has been kidnaped or murdered
by members of the Mafia, who had threat
ened him with death. The police are
seeking two mysterious men who by pre
tending to be city detectives, enticed the
priest away from his home.
Temperance Folk Wreck Building.
BiXJOMINGTON. 111., Nov. 14. A mob
of several hundred men, women and chil
dren, at Colfax organized this morning
and "proceeded to a building Just erected
by F. D. Radeke, a brewer of Kankakee,
known as "Cold Storage" plant, and com
pletely wrecked, the structure. Threats had
been made by the temperance element,
but the contractor employed a large force
of carpenters and planned to resist any
attack. They were outnumbered, however.
"Warrants have been sworn out and tbe
trial Is set for next "Wednesday.
Stole Roommate's Belongings.
LA GRANDE, Or., Nov. 14. (Special.)
Sam "Welsh was arrested yesterday morn
ing and tried before Justice Grant for
stealing the belongings of Sam Johnson,
with whom he was rooming. Johnson had
gone tt Pendleton and left his property
with "Welsh until his return, when ho
found It gone. Welsh was convicted and
sentenced to the County Jail for 30 days.
PORTLAND. Nov. -14, 8 P. M. Maximum
temperature, 40; minimum temperature, 40;
river reading, 11 A M., 9.1 feet; change In
24 hours. .1 of a foot; total precipitation, 5
P. M. to 5 P. M., .S9 of an Inch; total precipi
tation since September 1, 1003, 11.29 inches;
normal precipitation since September 1, 1903,
8.30 Inches; excess, 2.99 inches; total sunshine
November 13, 1903, 0; possible sunshine, 9:30;
barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M.
Baker City !48!0.10'10SW
iO,V.WUW, 3
Kamloops, B. C...
North Head .......
Portland .-
Red Bluff
Roseburg ..........
San Francisco
0.18112 Nv
0.30 NW
0.00 12 ;W
C20.04 10
0.50 iSW
0.S4 S
0.5014 W
Pt. cloudy
Spokane 32
Seattle 40
Tatoosh Island 40
Walla Walla 40
0.18 34 S
1.16 ZS W
0.20! SS
Pt. cloudy
Light. T. Trace.
The storm central yesterday evening off the
mouth of the Columbia River has divided Into
two parts; one of which Is now central over
Western British Columbia and the other over
the Great Salt Lake Basin. This disturbance
has caused severe gales along the coast and
high winds on the Sound and Straits. At the
mouth of the Columbia River a maximum ve-
improper Food Often Leads to To
bacco and Drink.
Improper food creates abnormal tastes
and there are many cases on the medical
records where the llauor habit and tobacco
habit have been caused by wrong food and '
have easily been cured by the use of the
scientific food Grape-Nuts, which so thor
oughly nourishes and rebuilds the nerves
that they stop the cry for stimulants.
A business man says: "For 30 years I
smoked on an average of 10 or 15 cigars
a day and then my nervous system col
lapsed and I had about made up my mind
that it was all up with me for I had tried
many times to break off from the to
bacco, but it always failed.
"Last May I was so run down I only
weighed 111 pounds, and I realized that I
must stop smoking and stuck to it for
about 10 days, but was so nervous and
out of sorts my family told me I had bet
ter go back to smoking, as It was impos
sible to live with me. It was just about
this time my wife brought a package of
Grape-Nuts on the table one morning,
and as I could eat nothing else, she ln-
I duced me to try a little of that. So I took
j a teaspoonful of it and, strange to say.
ii uisiea boou, udu uy ino ume l naa
it down I knew it had gone to the right
spot, so I took some more, and It was
the first food I had relished for weeks.
"So I kept up the use of Grape-Nuts
and as my appetite came back added other
foods and I am now back to my old
weight of 133 pounds, never felt better in
my life and, strange as it may seem, I
have no further craving for the tobacco
and I thoroughly believe that only the
courage and ambition I got out of the
food Grape-Nuts has given me the
strength to quit smoking. If everyone
knew the power of this wonderful food
you would not be able to build a factory
big enough to supply It." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Look in each package for a copy of the
famous little book, "Tho Road to "Well-vIlle.,,
g S Wind.
S go
SI -4 H
3 S o
loclty of 04 miles an hoar from the southwest
occurred, and at Seattle SS miles from the
southeast Is reported. High winds also pre
vailed in the interior districts of the Pacini
Northwest and in California. The storm
win probably pass eastward during the next
24 hours, and cause a continuation of rain in
this district west of the Cascade Mountains
and rain turning to enow In Eastern Oregon,
Eastern Washington and Idaho. It will ba
colder Sunday in Southern Idaho and Eastern
Oregon. Owing to the low temperature pre
vailing In the Willamette Valley and tho Sound
countryman occasional flurry of sleet or moist
snow Is possible Sunday.
Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours
ending midnight Sunday, November 15, 1003:
Portland and vicinity Occasional rain, pos
sibly part snow or sleet; south to west winds.
Western Oregon Occasional rain, possibly
part snow or sleet; south to west winds.
Western Washington Occasional rain, pos
sibly part snow or sleet; diminishing south to
west winds.
Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho
Occasional snow north, rain or snow south
portion; brisk southerly winds.
Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Rain,
turning to snow; colder: brisk south to west
winds. A B. WOLLABER,
Acting District Forecaster.
"Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House
keeping Rooms," "Situation Wanted." 15
words or less. 15 cents; 10 to 20 words. 20
cents; 21 to 25 words, 23 cents, etc No dis
count for additional insertions.
"New Today." 30 cens for 15 words or leas;
16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50
cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional
insertion, one-half; no further discount un
der one month.
"NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate),
15 cents per line, flrst insertion; 10 cents
per line lor each additional Insertion.
dressed, caro The Oregonlan, and left at this
office, should always bo Inclosed In sealed
envelopes. No stamp is required, on such
letters. y
The Oregonten will not be responsible for
errors In advertisements taken through the
Members are notified that Brother Matthew E.
Murphy, of Olympic Court, No. 028. will be
buried from Su Lawrence Church, Third and
Sherman sts., at 0 A M.. Monday, Nov. 16.
All brothers who can attend 'are requested to
do so. J. K. STANTON, Chief Ranger.
OF THE MACCABEES, meets every first and
third Tuesday at S P. M., In I. O. O. F. Hall,
corner 1st and Alder sts. Full attendance
desired next meeting; special business.
dies of the G. A R., will meet next Monday
evening, November 10, 1003, at 8 o'clock, in
Calldonian Hall, SE. cor. 2d and Yamhill
sts.; entrance on Yamhill at. A full attend
ance Is requested.
MYRTLE UNION, NO. 71, O. OF W. Social
hop given November 19, at Foss Hall. cor.
Hawthorne and Grand aves. All comrades and
friends welcome. Union music.
Pythias Interesting lecture on "Damon and
Pythias" Tuesday evening, Nov. 17. Visiting
Knights welcome. PHILIP GEVURTZ, C C.
dles of Security will give a whist social to
members and friends, Monday evening, Nov.
10. at Artisan Hall. Abington bldg. Admis
sion free. NELLIE L. GUST1N, Pres.
A L CHILDS. Secretary.
JAGER In this city. Nov. 14. 1903. Erlck
Jager, aged 30 years. Notice of funeral here
after. .Remains are at Flnley'a chapel.
WHITE In this city. Nov. 14. 1903) Clara B..
wife of T. H. White, aged 20 years. Notice
of funeral hereafter. Remains at J. P. Fin
ley & Son's chapel.
DALY At Ms late residence. In this city, the
Palmer House, cor,. Park and Alder sts., Nov.
14. 1903, J. C. W. Daly, aged 52 years. No
tice of funeral arrangements hereafter. Re
mains at J. P. Flnley & Son's Chapel.
GILLEN At her late residence, November
13, 1903, Joanna Glllen, aged 47 years.
Funeral will take place Monday, November
10, at 2 P. M. from her late residence,
"212 E. 30th. Friends Invited.
MURPHY In this city. November 12, 1903.
Matthew Edward Murphy, aged 42 years 3
months 7 days, member of Council 078,
Knights of Columbus and of Tacoma Lodge,
No. 35. A O. U. W.; also of St. Vincent de
Paul Society, St. Lawrence Conference: mem
ber of the Order of Hoo-Hoo. Funeral Mon
day, November 10, 1903. from late residence,
COS Third street, at 8:45 A M.; thence to the
St. Lawrence Church, corner Third and Sher
man streets. Funeral services at 9 A M.
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully
Invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary
WEBER In this city. November 14 1903
Joseph A Weber, aied 22 years. Funeral
Tuesday. November 17, at 9 A M., from resi
dence, 1712 Macadam St., thence to St.
Joseph's Church, cor. 15th and Couch sts.,
at 10 A M. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery-
Friends Invited.
FORESTER In this city. November 13. 1903,
Margaret Forester, aged CO years, mother of
Mrs. Delia Hodler. Funeral Monday, No
vember 10. at 9 A M., from residence. 340
14th st.. thence to Cathedral, cor. 13th and
Darts sts. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Friends Invited.
THOMAS Friends and acquaintances are re
spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices of Dunbar Thomas, which will take place
today at 2:30 P. M.. from the chapel of J. P.
Flnley & son. Interment Lone Fir cemetery.
EDWARD nOLMAN Co., Undertakers and
embalmcrs, have moved to their new build
ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant.
'Phono No. 507.
J. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors,
cor, 3d and Madison. Of lice of County Cor
oner. Lady Ashtant. 'Phone No. 9.
DUNNING & CAMPION, Undertakers,
moved to new building, Seventh and Pine.
Lady assistant. 'Phone Main 430.
ral designs, 289 Morrison.
F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East
Alder. Lady assistant. TcL East 52.
2 acres and 8-room good house, :: b.ocks from
car line, best buy In tho city, $2000.
Dairy ranch, within 2 miles of Portland, at
$20 per acre; level land; no rocks or gravel.
132 acres at R. R, Station, near .Portland;
75 acres in cultivation; suitable buildings; all
fenced; $1500 cash, balance lonjr time. 0 per
For 55800 we can sell 2 stores and 4 flats
that will pay 18 per cent per annum.
14 lots In Hawthorne-Avenuo Addition, $S40.
TTVz acres. 25 acres In cultivation; water
piped to house and barn; 100 fruit trees; good
5-room house; larce barn; young team; 2
wagons, 5 milch cows, 0 hogs, 1 plow. 2 culti
vators, 1 drill and cultivator, single and double
new harnesses, cream separator and dairy tools,
all necessary hand tools, $3500.
2S dwclllnc-housea for sale from $550 up to
elegant homes.
Lot. E. 12th, near Stark. $1350.
House. 5 rooms; good modern Improvements,
$1050; 13th and East Oak.
Farms, all sizes and descriptions. LOW
Our list of HOMES in the suburbs cannot ba
duplicated by any agent in this city. Call and
see us; no trouble to show property.
Height & Higley,
Phone Hood 1752. Room 100. Main Entrance.
Abington Building, 100 Third Street.
Two of those three new, modern 7-room
houses, which are nearlng completion, on Co
lumbia st.. near 14th. are yet to be sold.
Close In, fine locality: porcelain plumbing,
first-class, and only $3350. F. D. Warner,
owner, 354 32d st. Xorth. Tel. Red 3032.
r - jiU jmA
tiny. lV& 1 1 BT tI J.f-1 1 f "1
Successor to
Maxwell & Knapp.
Boom 2, Chamber of Commerce.
Auction Sales
Tomorrow, 10 A. (VI. Sharp,
at 182 First Street
Only visit our ' Auction Rooms at
182 First street and view the grand
display of white enameled metal
beds, many varieties, from the low
priced to the very richest in design
and finish. Also some very swell
oak bedroom suits, best YY springs,
common and hair mattresses, oak
extension tables, buffet in pol
ished oak, chairs, rockers, center
stands, mantel beds, Windsor fold
ing bed, kitchen treasures and a
lot of choice fruit preserved in su
gar in half-gallon ars, cook stoves,
neuters, etc., etc.
H. FORD, Auctioneer.
Tomorrow, at 2 P. M. Sharp at
Residence, 275 Hassalo St.
Mr. De Boret has Riven us tho privilege of
celling, "UxTHOUT RESERVE, all his house
hold goods, which are almost new, and Include
a very, fine cook, ranee, oak bedroom suit,
choice Brussels and Ingrain carpets, matting,
lace curtains, new airtight heater, with cast
iron top, kitchen treasure, couch, YY springs,
fine feather mattresses, pillows, dining chairs,
rockers, center stands, crockery, good granite
ware, laundryware, etc. These goods are al
most new.
Take L car for No. 275 Hassalo St., at 2 P.
M. tomorrow. H. FORD, Auctioneer.
Wednesday Next, 10 A. M.
at 182 First St.
There will be sold at auction sovcralj different
lots of furniture, etc, which we have promised
to clean out. Only give us an offer for the
goods you want; we will do the rest.
H. FORD. Auctioneer.
Friday Next, at" 10 A. M., at
182 First Street,
Furniture, Carpets,
Lace Curtains, Portieres, etc.
There will bo a full assortment of household
goods in this sale. Everything must be sold
to enable us to keeD on the move the vast
volume of goods continually passing through
our auction rooms. H. FORD. Auctioneer.
Saturday Night, 7:30 P. M.
at 182 First Street
Men's and boys' suits, raincoats,
overcoats, underwear, boots and
shoes, ladies' underwear, skirts,
shoes, dry goods, etc.
Sale Saturday night 7:30, at 182
First street.
H FORD, Auctioneer.
Sale of Elegant Mahogany and
Golden Oak and Birds eye1
Maple Furniture, ail Brass
Bedsteads, Velvet Car
pets, Etc., Etc.
On Tuesday Next at 10 A.M.
We are favored with instructions
to sell the superb Household Fur
niture of residence, removed to
corner Alder and Park streets, for
convenience of sale, comprising:
Elegant mahogany Colonial rockers
and lion-head Roman chairs, pretty
cabinets in mahogany and gold leaf,
solid brass ana" onyx-top jardiniere
stands, costly couches, large court
pictures, Arabian lace curtains, tap
estry portieres, velvet and Brussels
carpets, fine Axminster rugs, 9x12;
oyerstuffed easy chairs, HAND
fine hand carvings, round dining
table, China cabinet and six high
ly polished chairs en suite, HEAVY
ive iron beds and solid oak bedroom
suites, all complete, with best Yum
Yum springs and fine curled-hair
mattresses; live goose - feather
pillows, bedding, HANDSOME
PLE and solid oak, commodes, oak
and white maple chiffonieres, com
bination desk and bookcase with
fine carvings and French plate mir
ror, sewing machine, large-size wire
plant stand, cook stove, kitchen
utensils, heating stoves and other
effects. All the above goods are in
first-class order and recently were
selected from the leading furniture
store of the city. Parties furnish
ing will secure high-class goods to
great advantage by attending this
auction. On view Monday. Sale
Tuesday next, at 10 A. M.
Auction Sales on Thursday
Next at. 10 A. M,
And resumed on FRIDAY at 2 P.
M. All furniture and goods for
those sales must be at the Auction
Rooms the day before the sale.
On Portland real estate at lowest rates.
Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished.
Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
7 Chamber of Commerce.
William Denholm
nnd Upwards.
Failing Building
On Improved city and farm property. Building
loans. Installment loans. WM. MAGMA STER.
811 Worcester block.
Homes inlrvington and
Jioliaday Add.
We will build a home to suit
you in the best part of
Irvington and Holladay's
Add. Installment pay
ments if desired. )
SOnn For modern, convenient home of
vjj slx rooms wltn porcelain bath
and sink, wash trays In baso
ment; highly finished; on West
Side, 21st and Vaughn streets.
CO70n For 5-room new modern cottage,
. ' uu with attic, on ;; full lots. Includ
ing two corners; 25 fruit trees,
grapes and other small fruits; near
Wllllams-ave. car line.
C-9nn2 acres, near Portland boulevard,
s,lMUl'feff blocks from Arbor Lodge sta
tion, on St. Johns electric car line.
C-f)rFor C-room
1DUU East 20th
modern dwelling, on
street; modern con-
SlSOn1701, 5-room cottace. new and mod
lt";u ern; lot COxlOS; Kast Side; on cor
ner; good surroundings: near Wllllams-ave.
SI 000 For Quarter-block. Wnh four-room
v "" house, on corner of East 7th and
Skldmore streets.
S14-ftnFor new 1-storj 5-room cottage,
""" with bath; hot and cold water, in
tho Mount Tabor district; all con
veniences. COnO For 6-room new, modern house,
P i uj on East ath and Salmon streets;
porcelain plumbing fixtures; street
improved; high and sightly.
S4.J.00 For 2 ncvr C-room houses, with
vx:xv 50x123. on Rodney ave.; porcelain
plumbing, cement walks; within
I block -of two car lines; rent for
$-10; a. good Investment.
Sfiflft For "?room modern house, with
.?uuu 33 1x7t on East Ninth and Asi,.
walklnsr distance of center of
city; a very good buy.
COQSA For C-room new modern home,
""" on East Everett at.; lot 50x100.
near car line.
GsfiSftF01" nevv "-room modern dwelling,
v""wlth 50x100, on E. Couch st., 2
blocks from Ankcny car line; all
modern conveniences.
On West Side
South of Washington Street. 10 Blocks from
Portland Hotel.
7-room house, 52x100 $S.250
7-room house, 40x100 $2,050
G-room. house, 40x100 ,. Sf2,250
We are prepared to offer
these properties on in
stallment payments if de
sired. J. W. 0Q1LBEE, Room 11,
1451 First Street "
5 0 HO One choice building lot on East 0th
"u" street, near Lincoln.
CO'nn Fine quarter-block near Clay and
VhOVU Bst 7ta streets.
C lynTwo lots In "Tlbbetts Homestead,"
P. ou on East 15th street.
C9J.OO 2s acres, about 10 acres ln cultlva-
P6V'V tlon, with house, barn, orchard, etc;
Johnson Creek rnuning through the
place; 14 miles from Lents; about 7
miles from the Morrison-street
bridge. This is very convenient to
the city, and a substantial invest
ment. Cfinn Easy terms, 0-room house, 414 4th,
JpUUUU cor Hall. lot 50x71U. Inquire Beno
& Ballls, 54 Front, cor. Pine.
Auction & Commission Co.
S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer.
Phone 31nln 2473.
Auction Sale of Household
At Nos. 413 Washington street
and 108 Eleventh street,
Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 10 a. m.
Comprising the almost new and fine
furniture of flat and East Side resi
dences and including a Gondola
couch, adjustable, oak dressers
and commodes, with very pretty
tinted iron bedsteads, springs and
mattresses. Buffet, extension ta
ble, dining chairs, Wakefield rock
ers. Morris chair. Mantel and
twice folding beds, 9x12 rugs, car
pets, odd stands, reclining chairs,
center tables and library tables;
50 bed comforters, white cotton fill
ing, blankets, Rogers plated ware,
large, mirror, flat top desK, range
and stoves, parlor rockers, chiffon
iers, feather pillows, wardrobe
couch, box couch, parlor
couch, Chicago style, and all the
furniture of a cottage is included in
this sale; computing scale and large
coffee grinder, show case, letter
file for office, complete bedroom
suits, with springs, mattresses and
oak wardrobe. Buyers will do well
to attend, as the goods are first
class. Sale, Tuesday, 10 a. m.
Consignments secured at any time.
Thursday, Nov. 19,10 A.M.
413 Washington St.
Friday, NovO, 10 A. M.
Both these sales will include
all the furnishings and fittings of
residences on account of de
parture. Comprising Parlor,
Sitting-room, Dining-room and
Kitchen furniture. Sales Thurs
day and Friday at 10 A. M., at
413 Washington St. Consign
ments secured at any time. Cash
CRORn 50x100 and modern 10-room house..
;puuu 16tn aear Yamhilh
$38,000 ?ZT$fov.aylas 10 per
Building Lots
C rfKn Lot In Doschers Second Addition.
'" next to 1005 Fair. Only few left;
easy terms.
1 inn Cotner lot. S. W. corner 17th and
5JXAUU Madison.
lOftfT01" Inside and $1500 for corners,
VXmW 20th. Pettygrove and Qulmby.
?1fifinLot. 18th st-. n?ar Marshall; east
luuutonlate: cemenr sidewalk.
COOSA Lot (4Sxl00) Twenty-third, near
"-ou Everett.
S4700 110xlo uth front.
on Lovejoy,
Over the. River
S 150 an4 up lots ln Feurer,s Addition.
S 175 Lota ln I"'orwood University Station.
C SQ) Lota ln Irvington.
OHO Lot and cottage, C34 East 10th st..
J oUU near Rhine.
S 900 Lot and cttace, 725 East 15th st.
CI Qnn 3 lots and well-built houso and barn,
5oUU ATbOT iodge
CI "7 AH 50x100, S rooms, 731 East Ash,
5)1 iW near 22a.
S170ft Sightly corner lot and desirable cot
"I,1IUU tage; Page st.. and Gantenbeln ave.
$9fM1ft acres, facing St. Johns car; beat
uu buy In that vicinity.
COnnn 40x00, S-room modern house, 103tJ
5P6UUV Mable St.. South Portland.
Mable St.. South Portland.
SOflflfl 40 acres, facing Base Line; worth
mUUU 10o an acre.
COinn 3 lots, S. E. cor. 17th and. Weldler,
9wXUU Holladay's Add. ,
K9,J;ftFract,ona' lQt with 7-room house,
H6tUUGrand ave- and East Irving.
S24-00 3 lots s E 1cor" 17lh and TiIlam0Ok'
QO-inFractlonal lot with 7-room house,
v""" Grand ave. andEast Irving.
COnOfl 50x100, with store building and
"uuu living-rooms. East Alder, near
East 13th.
C9flO 100 feet, facing Russell St., Al
ipoUU blua; U houses, renting for $35.
C9flA Half-block, large house and barn.
PO-lU East i5th and Rhine.
COn 100x121 and modern house. East Ash.
POw,u near 20th; want an offer.
ffijoxn Corner lot
and 9-room modern
house, -East 13th and Couch.
C,nflnft C acres, highly Improved; orchard,
"""" large modern home; barn, windmill
Could not make Improvements for
$C000. Tfear Mount Scott car.
CX7j:n Corner lot and one of the most
puiou modem and ideal homes on Tilla
mook st. Improvements are worth
the money.
Cflr,n) Win buy one of the finest homes at
huvv Mount Tabor, with two acres of land.
"Will exchange for city property.
We are authorized to offer for sale the beau
tiful home of J. C. Havely, located on Wood
stock car line, consisting: of one acre and a
half of ground, all set out ln bearing fruit and
choice shrubbery, with an unobstructed view.
The dwelling is of Colonial design, waa built
ln 1S93 by day's work, and cannot be dupli
cated today for double the cost. Any one want,
ing a suburban home will do well to see this
property. It Is going to be sold at a bargain.
Part ln trade. For further particulars, se
246 Stark St.
This beautifully situated property
is unquestionably the cream of all
of Portland's suburban homesites.
It fronts on the Willamette River,
Oregon City ars run through the
tract it being but a few minutes'
run from the center of the city. In
tending purchasers should carefully
examine this tract, as there is no
property on the market that excels
it either from an investment stand
point or as a homesite. For full
p'articulars call on or address
243 Stark, Near Second.
$150 Choice lots on car line, Willamette
550 Lot on Cleveland, near Alnsworth.
5473 Lot on Morris St.. Albina.
$200 Two lots. Columbia Heights.
S.T50 100x100 on Edl.on ave.. Sunset Park.
$300 Lot In Maegly Highland, one block to
Williams ave.
5180 Corner on 10th st., Lincoln Park.
5300 Lot on "th, near Falling, Lincoln
$130 Lots In Willamette, near St. Johns car.
$350 Lot on Fargo, near Commercial.
$130 Lot Ockley Green, near cars.
$300 Lot on Monroe, near Kerby.
$300 Two choice lots in Riverside.
We are now offering either of
those new and elegant residences
on the southwest corner of 12th and
E. Morrison streets, for sale. For
prices and terms see
Parrish, Watkins & Co.
250 Alder Street
Wo have for sale the convenient 5-room
cottage, No. 1101 East Main street, corner
Thirty-seventh, Sunnyside. House Is ln
good repair. City water. Both streets Im
proved. Convenient to two good cur lines.
Phone Main 85. 229 Stark, near Second.
Desirable, centrally located property at
Detroit, Michigan
To exchange for Portland city or suburban
property or timber lands.
On Improved Portland property.
Abstracts of Title
Furnished promptly.
3 Chamber of Commerce.
C9"nn Each, 3 new houses In Central Al-v-o""
btna: full lot; 6 rooms, bath, toilet,
laundry tray; full brick bAsement; terms to suit
purchaser. HART LAND CO..
a07 Sherlock bldg.
Own a Home
Of Your Own; It is
More Profitable
Than Paying Rent
ChoiceLots, Albina Heights
5 OCA to $400 each on easy terms.
Jv Small sum down and bal
ance in monthly payments. City
water, close to public school and on
electric car line.
We have a large list of choice
building lots in all parts of the city
that we can sell on easy terms.
Call and let us show you our list;
we can make terms on anything
we have to offer for sale.
A Few Special Bargains
C90AA New 6-room modern house
4JLLIV cement walks and base
ment, on E. Ninth street, Lincoln
Park annex, $1000 down, balance
easy terms.
CQKQA New 6-room modern house
J J JUu on Hawthorneavenue and
Twenty-Second street; will make
C0CAA 7-room modern cottage on
4 UUU MhVaukie street.
(TJEAA For a lovely 10-room mod-4)4-JUU
ern house, lot 100x130, all
kinds of choice fruits and berries,
on Waverly and Richmond car line;
uuu cash; balance terms.
This is a bargain.
$70ftft 9'room modern hquse,
$""" barn, cement basement,
sidewalks, quarter block in Holla
day addition.
C7A0A 11-room modern house,
pi JJJ f5ne iawn, garden and fruit
trees on E. Davis street.
Farms for Sale
We have several fine farms
proved; also a large number of
acre tracts that will pay if you are
looking for a profitable investment.
If you intend buying city property,
farms or small acreage, call on us.
1S5 Morrison Street, nt Bridge.
Telephone Main :il4:t.
Title Guarantees Trust Co.
Cottage of 4 rooms and lot, corner of E. 2Sth
and East Ankeny sts.; price. $700.
Ilous-e and lot, corner E. 3Sth and E. Morri
son sts.; o rooms, new; price, $1S00; half cash,
balance on time.
New cottage of 0 rooms and lot, 4oxOO feet,
on Commercial st., near Stanton; price. $2100.
Modern house of S rooms and lot 45x120 feet
on Stanton St.. bet. Rodney and Union rtves.,
price $2750; $250 down, balance $25 a -month.
House of 7 rooms, with bath, full basement,
small barn and three nice lots at E. Taylor
and B. 37th sts.. Sunnyside; price, $2000.
New cottage of 5 rooms, bath, hot and cold
water; large attic (finished), full cement base
ment and two fine lots, 100x100 feet, on AVill-lams-ave.
car line. cor. of Alberta St.; price,
House, of 5 rooms, with bath and full base
ment, lot 50x100 feet, corner E. 9th and Lin
coln sts.; price, $2000.
House of 5 rooms, large hall, bath, hot an!
cold water. lot 50x100 feet; E. Taylor St., bet.
E. 30th and E. 37th sts.; price $2000.
House of C rooms and lot 50x100 feet on E.
Salmon, bet. E. 35th and E. 3Cth sts., Sunny
side; rrlce, S2C0O.
Modern house of 7 rooms, bath. gas. electric
lights, full basement, heater, nice lot, select
neighborhood; price, $1000.
Three nice lots ln Central Albina. well lo
cated. Improved street; close to Wllliams-ave.
car line; price, $300 each.
Two fine lots. (100x100 feet), on E. 20th, near
Powell St.: price, $700; adjoining quarter Is
held at $800.
Four fine lots on Portland Heights, com
manding magnificent view; price. $4000.
Seven lots. 50x100 feet each, at Portsmouth
Station; price, $150 a lot.
Three and one-uunrter acres at St. Johns,
facing on the car line; water piped to the
tract; price, $1500.
Headquarters for Sunnyside.
Fine building lots in Sunnyside. $350 to $400
each; city water, sewers, electric lights, new
street improvements; fine car service. Sunny
side is only ten minutes from the center of
the city.
Title Guarantees Trust Co.
C and 7 Chamber of Commerce.
100x100 feet, southeast cor. 27th and Thurman
sts. The close proximity of this to tho
Main Entrance
Of the Fair grounds gives this property special
N0,rTTnC0C Two C-room cottages., on 23d
Lmuuscasti near yor; porcelain
baths, stationary tubs, all conveniences; these
attractive homes can be sold on very reason
able terms.
New Modern Homes ThVnd "tm
house"?, 505 and 5G7 Irving st., replete with
porcelain baths; sanitary plumbing, open
grates, furnace, cement basement, walks, etc.
Mt. Scott acres, choice acre tracts ln Overton
Park at prices and terms to suit.
Bargains in Arbor Lodge
Bargains in Bronaugh's Addn.
Bargains in Sherlock's Addn.
229 Stark Street.
$1600 front
lot, 18th street. Nob
Si 800 Quarter-Dlock 24th and Reed.
SI 800 9uartei:-b,ock. 23d and York.
$9()f)0 40 acres. facing Base Lino road;
-uu" worth $100 an acre.
CJ.9K0 crner lot and 9-room modern house,
-ou East 13th" and Couch.
SrirtDO Fractional block, 24th, adjoining 1905
."POOUU Falr pounds.
2SO0 cedar or pine posts. 4x4 top. 4x0 butt.
20 feet Ionr, 300 same. 5x5 top. 5x7 butt, 22
feet long, for California; best Timber; no eap.
Address D. D., 41C Commercial block, Port
Six houses on corner, central location.
East Portland: pay 10 per cent net; terms
easy. Call 227, Falling Bldg.
G O x r Easy terms: 8-room house. No. 2G0
ooor HaU t- near 4th inqUire owners.
Beno & Ballls.