The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1903, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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Stock Market Yielded'to Re
peated Attacks,
Heavy Selling of Steel Stocks .Ex
plained by Depressed Condition
of the Metal Trade-Large
Gold Movement Expected.
JTBW TOHK. Nov. 1. Trading In todays
etock market was listless and narrow. Oper
ations were on too small a scale to offer any
thing of a representative character. There
were a few points of strength, including Chi
cago & Alton, on a revival of rumors of Its
possible absorption as a connecting link In a
larger srstem. The market, as a whole, Jailed
to show any continuation of yesterday's- move
ment to cover shorts, and prices drifted rather
The bank statement proved decidedly more
farorable than the forecast had Indicated, but,
nevertheless. Its publication was followed by
c brisk selling movement, which centered -upon
Pennsylvania, costing that stock the greater
part of yesterday's gain. Reading and Amal
gamated Copper also lost more than a point,
and the whole list receded to below last night.
The decline In the-ash reserves of the banks
proved to bo only $2,018,200. Testerday's esti
mates indicated an outgo for the week of
C4.000.000, without allowance for yesterday's
arrival of foreign gold to the amount of nearly
$1,000,000. The deposit liabilities of the banks
havo been reduced by $14,029,000, principally
through the loan contraction of $10,240,500.
The reserve requirement Is thus diminished to
tho amount of $3,057,400. leaving an Increase
In the surplus of $744,200. With the falling
off of the movement of currency to the Interior
and the supply of foreign gold afloat for this
port, the money market prospect seems to offer
no occasion for uneasiness, without counting
the likelihood of a considerable further move
ment of gold this way. The market closed
dull and heavy.
Enormous selling of United States Steel se
curities, followed by selling of a similar char
acter In Pennsylvania, has disturbed tho stocn
market during the week. The sympathetic ef
fect of the weakness of these stocks was re
elsted for a time, and the general market
showed a degree of firmness, but ultimately
succumbed and yielded to a lower lever. The
source and the motives of the selling have been
subjects of wide conjecture, much of which ap
peared In the form of assertions that could not
be verified. The diligent activity of a large
and well-organized bear party accounted for
uome of the rumors sot afloat, and a large part
of the dealings In the most prominent stocks
was evidently for professional account In the
form of trading in and out for short turns on
the movement, without affecting the actual
holdings of stock permanently. But the success
attending these professional operations, and the
steady downward course of prices pointed to a
process of actual liquidation and of impelling
causes for It which undermined speculative
confidence and weakened the whole market.
The course of the United States Steel stocks
had for the most obvious explanation the de
pressed condition of the Iron and steel trades,
now freely acknowledged. The professional
leaders of the bear campaign against these se
curities apparently fixed for an objective the
price of 60 for the preferred and 10 for tho
common, and those points were touched by both
stocks and overrun ay a quarter for the pre
ferred. Large covering of short contracts then
followed, and rallied both stocks.
The developments have Indicated the futility
of the United States Steel Corporation as a de
vice for maintaining stability In the trade, as
had been hoped for at Its formation. The re
straint which the corporation had been able to
exercise upon the rise In prices during the pe-
nou oi active aemana was proved ineffectual
to conserve that demand, and the present cuts
In prices point to the necessity of old methods
to stimulate demand afresh. The result has
been to arouse fears that former precedents of
an Interval of extreme depression in the trade
must be faced. Greater confidence is now felt
In tlie power to restrict production and prevent
the unprofitable accumulation of stocks. But
the effect of this process upon earning power
and dividend payments Is dreaded. '
The depression In the Iron and steel trade
had a direct bearing on the movement in Penn
sylvania, owing to the large tonnage of iron
and steel products carried by that road. The
falling off In the coal trade, both anthracite
and hltumlnous, was also offered as a factor
In Pennsylvania's weakness. But the principal
causo of tho selling of this stock was believed
to be the large expansion In tho capital of the
system which la in progress.
Tho extreme weakness of foreign exchange is
attributed, in part, to foreign subscriptions to
the new railroad bond Issues and heavy offer
ings of bills against cotton exports, which have
forced the exchange rate down to the gold Im
port point. In spite of measures by foreign
bankers to protect their gold supply. The gold
movement Is expected to reach considerable pro
portions, and relief from the Interior demand
upon New York for currency Is thus felt to be
The recent notable absorption In tho bond
market has been halted, but prices have not
yet yielded materially. United States 2s de
pllned and the old Ss and old 4s & per cent
below the closing bid of last week.
Another Large Decrease In Loan Item
Striking reature,
NEW YORK. Nov. 14. The Financier this
week says:
The striking: feature of the official statement
of the New York associated banks last week
was the decrease of $10,240,500 In loans, fol
lowing a" reduction of $11,413,000 In the pre
vious week, making the total decrease for tho
fortnight $21,053,500. The reduction last week
was probably due to liquidation of speculative
accounts on the Stock Exchange, and also to
some contraction of loan accounts because of
tho comparatively low condition of bank re
serves, notwithstanding the drain of money to
the South and "West for crop purposes. It may
be noted that the total loans are now only
$78,872,000 above the minimum of the year,
which was recorded on January 10.
The banks lost $2,013,200 .net cash during the
week, which amount is $1,312,1)00 below the
sum which 'was estimated upon the basis of
the traceable movements of money. This com
paratively slight discrepancy, however, may
easily be accounted for by the operations of
tho average system. The deposits were de
creased $14,020,000, an amount $1,475,000 great
er than the sum of the loss of cash and with
the reduction in loans; hence, the statement
Jails to balance. The required reserve was
diminished $3,057,400 through the decreased de
posits, and deducting from this amount the loss
of cash leaves $744,200 as the Increase In sur
plus reserve, which now Is $0,138,423; calcu
lated upon the basis of deposits, less those of
$30,021,700, the surplus Is $15,30S,850.
The loans are in excess of the deposits by
$30,430,000, against $32,050,800 in the previous
week. Indicating that the banks ore employing
to the fullest extent their available loan re
sources. Including capital. It may also be in
teresting to note that the cash holdings of the
banks, and likewise their deposits, are the
minimum of the year, the former being $2,013 -200
and the latter $14,020,600 smaller than the
amounts previously recorded. Circulation
shows the slight increase of $105,800 during
the week. The statement was undoubtedly
made on rising averages for cash.
The statement of averages of the clearing
bouse banks of this city for the week shows:
- decrease.
Loans ....-..$889,855,000 $10,240,500
Deposits .... ..,... 853,415,100 , 14.020.000
Circulation 45,083.000 lOS.SOO
Legal tenders ......... 03,050,400 80 000
Specie .... -. 150,441.800 2,094.100
Reserve 219,402.200 2.013,200
Reserve required ..... 213,353,775 3,057.400
Surplus 0,138,425 744.200
Ex-U. S. deposits.... 10,3CS,S50 070,075
Money, Exchange, Etc.
LONDON, Nov. 14. Bar silver firm, 27d
per ounce.
Money, 3ff3 per cent.
Rate of discount In tho open market for
short bills, 44 per cent; for three months'
bills. 44 per cent.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Money on call, noml-
wu, uu ivuud, uuw iwiua, ticuu), uv ub.)h, ana i
00 days. C per cent: six months, St&66 per
cent: prima mercantile paper, 0 per cent:
sterling exchange, fair, steady, -with actual
business In bankers' bills at $4.83254.83375
for demand, and at $4.70509-4.7075 for 00-day
bills; posted rates, $4.804.81 and $4.84
4.B4& commercial' bill. $4.7824.70..
Bar silver 5SJ4a
Mexican, dollars 4c
Bonds Government, steady; railroad, steady.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. Sterling on Lon
don, CO days, $4.80; do sight, $4.84.
Bar silver SSyjc.
Mexican dollars Nominal.
Drafts Sight, 2c; telegraph. 5c.
Atchison 12,100
do preferred ........ 100
Baltimore & Ohio... 0,800
do preferred
Canadian Pacific .... 400
Cent, of New Jersey.
04 W
Low. Close.
03 634
73U TS4
117 117
27 27
20 30
67 68
14 14
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 000
Chicago & Alton.... C.10O
oo preierrea .....
Chicago Great "West.
do IS preferred
Chicago North-West.
Chi. Term. & Trans.
, do preferred .......
C, C. C. & St. Louis
Colorado Southern
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred....
Delaware & Hudson.
Del., Lack. & West.
Denver & Rio Grande
do preferred .......
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred..,.
Great Northern pfd..
Hocking Valley ....
200 1G2 102
52 51
20 20
..... 150
20 20
03 65
47 47
...;. 100
127 127
V.'.'.'. 33
90 99
13S 1BS
112 112
40 49
83 88
30 30
115 115
M& 54
19 19
111 111
..... 05
38 38
22 22
..-. 07
44 44
..J. 12
135 135
..... 172
41 40
17 17
72 72i
22 22
10 17
25 20
70 70
. SJ
32 32
10 19
34 33
ao preierrea
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ......
dft preferred ........
Kan. City Southern.
do preferred
Louis. & Nashville..
Manhattan L .......
Met. Street Railway.
Minn. & St. Louis...
Missouri Pacific ....
Mo., Kan. & Texas.
000 12S
do preferred ....... -.
Nat. of Mexico pfd.. 100
New York Central.. 2,100
Norfolk & Western.. 400
do preferred
Ontario & Western.. 300
Pennsylvania 05,300
Pitts., a c. & st. l.
Reading 11,800
do 1st preferred. ... ...... .....
do 2d preferred ...
Rock-Jsland Co 3,700 23
do preferred
St. Louis & San Fran
do 1st preferred...
do 2d preferred..
St. Louis Southwest
200 44
do preferred ...
St. Paul 17,500
do preferred .......
Southern Pacific ....
Southern Railway ...
do preferred
Texas & Pacific....
Tol., St. L. & West.
oo preierrea .
Union Pacific .
do preferred
Wabash ......
do preferred 2,200
Wheel. & Lake Erie
Wisconsin Central .. 300
do preferred 200
Express companies
Adams .- ......
American ........... ......
Unltod States
AnnU. Copper 10,000
Am. Car & Foundry. BOO
do preferred 800
Am. Linseed Oil
do preferred ..
Am. Locomotive ....
do preferred ....
Am. Smelt. & Ref..
do preferred
Am. Sugar Refining.
Anaconda Mining Co.
Brook. Rapid Transit
Colorado Fuel & Iron
CoL & Hock. Coal...
Consolidated Gas
General Electric ..
International Paper.
do preferred 100
International Pump.. ....
do preferred
National Biscuit
National Lead ..... 900
North American ....
Pacific Mall 100
People's Gas 700
Pressed Steel Car... 200
do preferred 300
Pullman Palace Car.. ......
01 01
Republic Steel
do preferred
Rubber Goods
do preferred
14 i
Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 800 2S 27
U. S. Leather .....
do preferred
U. S. Rubber
do preferred
U. S. Steel ..
do preferred
... 17,100
... 24,000
Western Union
Northern Securities
Total sales for tho day, 235,300 shares.
U. S. ref. 2s, reg.1001
Atchison adJ. 4 s..
ao coupon . ....iws
C. &. N. W. con. 7s.
u. fa. s, reg 107
' do coupon .... .107f i
D. Al R. G. 4r
North. Pacific 3s..
u. b. new is, reg.134
do 4s
South. Pacific 4s..
Union Pacific 4s..
ao coupon 137
U. S. old 4s, reg.llOft
do coupon 110J
U. a 0s, reg.. ...101
U. S. 0s, coupon.. 101
Wis. Central 4s..
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Nov. 13. Consols for money,
87 11-10; consols for account, 87 13-10.
Atchison .
do pfd ..
Norfolk & Western 00
66 do pfd SS
Ontario & Western 20
Bait. & Ohio.. 75;4JPennsylvanla 08
Can. Pacific 121SRand Mines ...
Ches. & Ohio.... 2S
vjmcago j. w.... lb
ChL. Mil. & St. P.141
De Beers 20VJ
D. & R. G 10
do pfd 00
Erie 27
do 1st pfd 68
do 2d pfd 40
Illinois Central ..123
Louis. & Nosh..l02
Mo.. Kan. & Tex, 17
N. Y. Central 120
do 1st pfd..
do 2d pfd..
Southern Ry .
do pfd
Southern Pacific .. 42
T7lnTt T3iHfl rroi
do pfd 88'
U. S. Steel 11
do pfd 54
Wabash 105:
do pfd 33
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of tho
Northwest yesterday were as follows:
, Clearlnza. Balances.
Portland ...$440,441 $ 07.054
Seattle 045.595 130,980
Tocoma 300.S45 44.002
Spokane 440,000 74,532
Clearings- of Portland, Seattle and Tocoma
for the week were as fallows:
,r . Portland. Seattle. Tacoma,
Monday $ 074.2SS $ 831,090 $ 423.959
Tuesday 709.047 824.034 400 001
Wednesday .... 7S9.5S2 77S.102 320 208
Thursday .. . 749,743 729.001 383 900
Friday 067.240 702.30C 412.303
Saturday 440.441 045.595 30o!s45
Totals ...$4,390,947 $4,511,418 $2,037,320
Clearings for tho corresponding week In for
mer years were:
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma.
189S $1,033.CS0 $1,532,907 $ 870.950
1899 .... 2,440.050 2.592.202 1 140 log
1000 .... 2,702.540 3.000,004 L419I33G
1901 - 3,5S0,3OO 3,b29.895 1 5421378
1002 4.52S.017 5,170,301 2;240S59
Imports and Exports.
NEW TORK. Nov.- 14. The imports of dry
goods and general merchandise at the port
of New York for the week were calculated at'
$10,033,002. Exports of specie from this port
for the week were $443,350 In silver and $41,
000 In gold. Imports of specie at the port of
New York for the week were $24,320 in silver
and $792,509 In gold.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. Today's state
ment of the Treasury shows:
Available cash balances $223,144,399
Gold 115,955,731
Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc
Extreme dullness rules In the wheat mar
ket. Tho farmers are holding tighter than
ever and practically no grain Is moving.
Quotations are nominally unchanged.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 71c; bluestem. 75c
Valley. 75ff7Gc
BARLEY Feed. $20 per ton; brewing. $22
rolled. $21. ' '
FLOUR Valley, $3.7503.85 per barrel
hard wheat straights, $3.0084.10; clears, $3 55
3.75; bard wheat patents, 4.204.50: Dakota
hard wheat. $4.90S5.00, graham, $3.75; whole
wheat. $4; rye wheat, $4.755.
OATS No. 1 white, $1.07; gray, $L05 per
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $20 per ton; mid
dlings. $24; shorts, $20; chop, U. S. mills. $18
linseed, dairy food, $19. -.
HAY Timothy, $10 per ton; clover, $13;
grain, $11; cheat. $11.
CEREAL FOODS Flaked oats, 00-pound
sacks, $5.57 per barrel; rolled oats, 00-pound
sacks. $5.25 per barrel; 45-pound sacks, $5.35
per barrel; 0-pound sacks, $2.00 per bale; oat
meal, steel cut, 00-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; oatmeal
(gxound), 50-pound sacks, $7 per barrel, 10
pound tacks, $3.75 per bale; split pleas, 50
pound sacks, $5 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes. $1.30 per box: pearl barley,. 00-pound
sacks, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25
pen box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per
Vegetable, Fralt, Etc
The new oranges recently brought up nave
not colored enough to do business with. A
car of cranberries arrived yesterday. Po-
Ltatocs are firmer on a better demand at San
Francisco. .Tho last steamer took down
1400 sacks. Onions ore also stronger.
VEGETABLES Turnlpr. 65c per sack; car
rots, 75c; beets, 90c; parsnips, 5075c; cabbage,
l&lc; lettuce, head, 15c per dozen; hothouse,
$1 per box; parsley, per dozen, 25c; tomatoes,
$L50 per box; cauliflower, 76c6$l per dozen;
beans. 4j0c; egg plant. $1.50 per box; celery,
S5G5c; pumpkins, llc per pound.
ONIONS bellow Danvers. 75c$l per sack.
HONEY $363.25 per case.
RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown, 7c;
3-layer Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached seed
less Sultans, 63ic; London layers, 3-crown,
whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75.
POTATOES Oregon, choice and fancy, 00
70c per sack; common, 50c per sack; sweet
potatoes, sacks. 2c; boxes. 2Uc
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 60c
per pound: sundried. sacks or boxes, 4$?5c;
apricots, SGJOc; peaches. 00c; pears, SffSHc;
prunes, Italian. 44Nc; French, B(?3Hc; figs,
California blacks, 5e; do white, 7c; Smyrna,
20c; plums, pitted, 43$c
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, 76$2 box;
crabapplcu, $1.25 per box; pears, $1L50 pr
box; grapes, Tokay, $11.20 per crate; Verdell.
$1; Niagara. 75c box; Concord. 0-pound crate,
1720c; cranberries, $910.50 per barrel.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $2.7533.75 per
box, oranges, Valencia, $4.60; grapefruit, $3.25
3.50 per box: bananas, 53x6c per pound;
pomegranates, $2 per box; pineapples, $3.5034
per dozen; persimmons, $1.4001.50 per box.
Butter, Eggs, Poaltrr, Etc.
Chickens aro weak with (or too many
'offering for the demand. Turkeys are do
ing better.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 27$30o per
pound; dairy, 202lc; Jlore, 1016ttc.
CHEESE Full cream, twins, 15315c; Young
America, 16316c; Tillamook, 14814c;
Eastern cheese. 15c.
POUTLRY Chickens, mixed. 1010c per
oound: Snrlnr. lonelier hens, lie: turtcev.
live, l5Q'10c per pound; dressed, IOQI80;
aucKs, $0fcf7 per dozen; geese, 7Q?c per
EGGS Oregon ranch, 30C?32c; Eastern, 25 g
OUa. "
COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil. cases, 23c per
gallon; water white oil. Iron barrels, lC&c;
wood barrels, none; eocene oil, cases. 25c;
elalna oil. cases, 23c; extra tftar, cases, 26c;
headlight oil. 175 degrees, cases, 25c; Iron bar
rels, I5c (Washington State test burning oils,
except headlight, c per gallon higher).
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24c; Iron
barrels, 16c; 88 degrees gasoline, cases, 28c;
Iron barrels, 22c.
BENZINE 63 degrees, cases, 22c; Iron bar
rels, 15c
LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrels, 49c;
genuine kettle-boiled. In barrels, 01c; pure raw
oil. In coses, 04c; genuine kettle-boiled, in
cases, 00c; lots of 250 gallons, lc less per gal
lon. TURPENTINE In cases, 80c; wood barrels,
76c; Iron barrels, 74c; 10-case lots, 79c
LEAD Pioneer. Collier and Atlantic white
and red lead in lots of 000 pounds or more,
0c; less than 000 pounds, 7c
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
COFFEE Mocha, 2C2Sc: Java, fancy, 209
32c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 108?
20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18820c; Costa Rlcs,
good, lOlSc; Costa Rica, ordinary. 1012o
pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $11; 50s,
$11.25; Arbuckle's, $12.13 list; Lion. $12.13.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 5c; No. 2,
5c; Carolina head, 7c; broken head, 4c
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails,
$1.05 per dozen: 2-pound tails, $2.40; fancy
1-pound flats, $1.80: -pound flats, $1.10:
Alaska, pink, 1-pound tails, 75c; red, 1-pound
tails, $1.20; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.60;
1-pound flats, $1.00.
SUGAR Sack basis, per 100 pounds: Cube,
$0; powdered. $5.85; dry granulated. $5.70;
extra C, $5.25; golden C, $5.15; advance over
sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels,
25c; boxes, 00c per 100 pounds. (Terms:
On remittance within IB days, deduct , per
pound; If later than 15 days and within 30
days, deduct c; no discount after 30 days.)
Beet sugar, granulated, $5.55 per 100 pounds;
maple sugar, 1510c per pound.
NUTS Peanuts, 6c per pound for raw;
88c for roasted; cocoanuu. 8SHQc per
dozen; walnuts, 15o per pound; plnenuts,
1012c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts. 16c;
Alberts, 1510c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds,
1415c; chestnuts, 10c.
SALT Bale, $2.25: fine. 00s. 40c; 100s, 75c;
Liverpool. 50s, 00c; 100s, OSc: 224s, $1.00; half
ground. 100s. $8,25; 00s, $0.25.
BEANS Smallwhlte, 4c; large white, 3c;
pink, 3c; bayou, 3c; Lima, 4c
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc'
HOPS 1P03 crop, 1222o per pound, accord
ing to quality.
TALLOW Prime,, per pound, 45c; Na 2,
and grease. 23c
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up.
1515c per pound: dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15
pounds, 12c; ary. calf, No. 1, under 0 pounds,
10c; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less
than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 00
pounds and over, 8G0c; 00 to 60 pounds. 788c;
under 00 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls,
sound, 0Q5c: kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c;
under 10 pounds. Sc; green (unsalted), lc per
pound less: culls, lc per pound less; horse
hides, salted, each, $1.502; dry, each, $1L50;
colts' hides, each. 2550c; goat skins, com
mon, each, 1015c; Angora, with wool on. 25c
WOOL Valley, 17lSc; Eastern Oregon, 12
15c; mohair, 35g37c
Meats -and Provisions.
BEEF Dressed, 0Gc per pound.
VEAL Dressed, small, 8G8c; large, CSOlic
per pound.
MUTTON Dressed, 45c; lambs, dressed,
PORK Dressed, C7c
HAMS 1014 pounds, 15c per pound; UQ
10 pounds. 14c per pound; 18320 pounds,
none; California (picnic), 0c; cottage hams,
10c; Union hams. 40 pounds, average, none;
shoulders, 10c; boiled hams, 22c; boiled plcnlo
hams, boneless, 16c
BACON Fancy breakfast. 20c; standard
breakfast. 18c; choice, 16J4c; English breakfast
bacon. 11014 pounds, none.
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears.
104llc smoked; clear backs. 10c salt,
llc. smoked; Oregon exports, 2025 pounds,
average, none; dry salt, none; smoked: Union'
butts, 1018 pounds, average, 0c dry salt, 10c
SAUSAGE Portland ham. 13c per pound;
minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17-c;
bologna, long, tsc; welnerwurst. 8c; liver,
0c; pork, 10c; blood, 0c; headcheese, 0c;
bologna sausage, link, 0c
PICKLED GOODS Portland pigs' feet, -barrels.
$5: -barrels, $2.85; 15-pound .klu
$1.25. Tripe, -barrels. $5.00; -barrels, $2.75:
pound kits. $2.50.
LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces, 10c; tubs
10c: 50s. 10c; 20s, 10c; 10s, lie; 6s, llc
Standard pure: Tierces, 0c; tubs. 0c: 60s.
0c: 20s, 9c; 10s. I0c; 0s. loc Com
pound lard: Tierces, 8c; tubs, 8c
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. The official
lng quotations for mining stocks today
as follows:
were $0.10
Andes $0.14
Occidental Con ...
Sierra Nevada ....
Silver Hill
Union Con .......
Utah Con
Yellow Jacket ....
Belcher 1C
Best & Belcher... L30j
Caledonia 00
Challenge Con ...
Con. Cal. & Va, ..
Con. Imperial ...
Crown Point ....
Gould &. Curry...
Hale i Norcross.
closed as follows:
13. Mining stocks today
Adams Con $0.10 Little Chief ..,
Alice 15 Ontario ......
Breece 10 Ophlr
Brunswick Con .. 3 Phoenix
Com. Tunnel .... 5 Potosl
Con. Cal. & Va... 05 Savage ,
Horn Silver 1.00 Sierra Nevada
Iron Sliver 1.70 Small Hopes .,
Leadville Con .... 2 Standard .....
. 4.25
. L30
. 12
. 50
. 15
. 2.00
IS. Closing quotations:
,$ 4.00
Osceola $55.50
Parrot 15,50
Qulncy 83.00
Santo Fa fVinrvif 1 ";
. 21.00
iiingbom ....
Cal. &. Hecla,
Copper Range .
Daly West
Dominion Coal.,
Isle Royale .....
Old Dominion .
Tamarack 80.00
Trinity 5.00
United States ... 17.25
"J1! 20.50
Victoria niw
ona 7.75
Wolverine C5.00
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. The demand for met
als from consumers was on a limited scale to
day, and prices were not materially altered
from those In force yesterday. Prices for iron
were reported more or less nominal at yester
day's basis. Lead was quiet at 4.50c Spelter
was dull and nominal at 5.75c Tin was quiet
and nominal at 25S25.12c Copper waa quiet
Lake, 13313.00c; electrolytic, 13.25c; casting'
13c 1 '
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Not-. 14.-The cotton market
opened easy, 7 points lower to 5 points higher
and closed at about last nlcrht'n ,.,.. ..'
vcmber, 11.04c; December. 11.23c; January,
" t, rcuruoi, xi..Dc; janrcn, n.30c; April.
11.30c; May. lL33c; June, lLSOc; July, lL32c;
uplands, 11.60c; do Gulf, 11.75c; sales, 200 I
bales. . I
Grape Season Comes to an Abrupt
End-Choice Potatoes Firm
-Hops Are Duller.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14. (Special.)
Dried fruits in this market ore quiet. Quota
tions are no lower, but offers at a shade under
present figures would doubtless bo accepted.
Figs and evaporated apples aro In some de
mand, the latter having declined c during the
week, except for fancy. There is no great
pressure to sell anything, as stocks are mostly
in strong bands. Sales of prunes have been
mode during the week on a 22c basis for
outside stock, less 5 per cent. The raisin sit
uation Is unsatisfactory, as too .many are held
outside the combine, which aro offering below
association prices.
California walnuts are moving well at firm
prices. Almonds are slow, and prices seem
The grain market was "easier, owing to con
tinued rain, but wheat acted stubbornly, as
Chicago prices were firm. Bears made some
capital of a large quantity of barley which
arrived from the north on the steamer Montara.
The heavy storm brought the fruit trade al
most to a standstill, and prices were nominally
unchanged. The season for grapes came to an
abrupt close.
The firmness In potatoes and onions continues,
but only choice stock is wanted.
Hops "were quieter, but choice grades remain
Butter and cheese are easier, but no lower.
Eggs aro firmer. Receipts, 25,000 pounds but
ter, 7000 pounds cheese, 17,000 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. C075c; garlic
466c; green peas, 24e; string beans, 3f?4c;
tomatoes, 3575c; okra, green, 5075c; egg
plant, OOQGOc
POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 14018c; roost
ers, old, $4.505; do young, $3.00SG.0Q; broil
ers, small, $333.00; do large, $3.5034.00; fry
ers, $55.50; hens, $536; ducks, old. $435; do
young, $536.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 32c: do seconds,
25c; fancy dairy. 24c; do seconds, 21c
EGGS Fancy ranch. 40c; Eastern, 22328c
CHEESE New, 13c; Young America, 13314c;
Eastern, 15310c
HAY Wheat, $13.50317; wheat and oat. $13
16; barley. $0.0013; alfalfa, $9311.00; clo
ver, $9.00311.60 stock,, $8310; straw, per bale,
WOOL Foil, Humboldt and Mendocino, 12
14c; South Plains and San Joaquin, 0llc;
lambs, 20322c
FRUITS Apples Choice, $1.25; do common,
25c; bananas. $1.2533; Mexican limes, $434.50;
California lemons, choice, $2.50; do common,
$5; oranges, . navels, nominal; pineapples, $2
POTATOES River Burbanks. 60g75c; Sali
nas Rurhanka- tl loffl !; .trn. i inni ox.
Oregon Burbanks. 75cS$1.15.
MU-LSTUFFS Bran. $10320; middlings, $23
RECEPITS Flour, 14,045 quarter sacks;
wheat. 1020 centals; barley. 2395 centals; beans,
40S3 sacks; potatoes, 4975 sacks; bran. 785
sacks; middlings, 00 sacks; hay, 201 tons; wool,
6S bales; hides. 1889.
Receipts and Prices at Portland Union
Stock Yards.
Receipts at the Portland Union Stock Yards
yesterday were 00 cattle and S3 hogs. The fol
lowing prices were quoted at the yards:
CATTLE Best, steers, $3.50; medium, $3
3.25; cows, $2.5032.60.
HOGS Best largo fat hogs, 0c medium large
fat hogs, 4c
SHEEP Best wethers, $2.75; mixed sheep,
Stock Raisers May Form Combine.
PENDLETON, Or., Nor. 14. It has now
developed that the stockralscrs of the great
Interior of Oregon, lncludlpg Grant. Harney
and other counties, havo -forrfed a beef
trust. This fact has leaked out through
O. N. Prather. of Klllbride. being In this
city In the Interest of the Interior cattle
men, looking for a retail market location.
It is tho intention of some cattlemen to
form a company with a capital of $00,000,
through which they will sell their cattle
direct to the retail butcher, and thus dis
pense with tho middleman. They will em
ploy regular traveling salesmen, who will
make regular trips to outside cities.
This action on tho part of the stockmen
has beon rapidly brought to a head this
Beason by the low prices offered by the Coast
and Sound buyers. There are buyers In the
country, but they are rrtrino- n-t., vt
last year's quotations, and even at those
prices iney will buy nothing but tho cattle
which aro in prime condition.
Burns Cattle Sale.
BURNS, Or., Oct. 14. M. M. Cushlng yes
terday sold to Mrs. Jennie Jone3 his herd
of 104 head of cattle, all ages, at $14 per
Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha ana Kan
sas City.
CHICAGO Nor. M.-Cattle-Rrfcelpts. 300.
Market nominal. Good to prime steers, $535 70
poor to medium, $3.454.75; Blockers aid feed
ers. $234.25; cows, $1.5034.10; heifers, $235
canners. $1.6032.40; bulls, $234.60; calves'
$2.2537.60; Texas fed steers. $2.7523.65; West
ern steers. $334.00.
Hogs Receipts today, 13,000; Monday. 30 000
Market steady at yesterday's close. Mlxed'and
butchers, $4.604.05; good to choice heavy
$4.0034.85; rough heavy, $4,303-4.05; URht!
$4.0034.00; bulk of sales, $4.6034.80.
Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market steady Good
to chojeo wethere. $3.7534.50; falrto choice
mixed, $333.75; Western pheep, $3.2534 25
native lambs, $3,7555.85; Western lambs. $3.73
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 14,-Cattle-Recelpts
1000. Market steady. Native steers, $2,153
5.25; Texas and Indian steers, $1.7533.25; Tex
as cows, $1.5032.25; native cows and heifers
$1.4034; stackers and feeders, $2.0034; bulls'
$L5032.75; calves, $2.5030; Western steers'
$2.2534.40; Western cows, $1.6032.75. '
Hogs Receipts, 4000. Market strong; bulk
of sales, $4.0034.85. Heavy, $4.4034.80; pack
ers. $4.7034.80; mixed. $4.8034.00; light. $4 80
34.07; Yorkers. $4.0034.07; pigs, $4.75
8heep Receipts, 2000. Market strong. Mut
tons. $2.6033.05; lambs, $2.0085.30; range
wethers, $2.1033.25; ewes, $2.2033.45.
OMAHA, Nov. 14,-Cattle Receipts
Maricet nominal.
Hogs Receipts, 6500. Market strong.
$4.4534.60; mixed, $4.4534.00; light,
4.75; pigs, $4.6034.75; bulk of sales
Sheep Receipts, 500. Market steady,
cms, $3.3033.65; wethers, $3.1533.40;
$2.0033: common and stockers, $233.85
ewes, lambs.
Upward Movement Continues In This Grain
at Chicago.
CHICAGO, Nov. 14. There was a good com-mlsslon-houso
demand for wheat, and the mar
ket, ruled Arm, after a slightly, easier opening.
Continued favorable weather. In the face of
predictions to the contrary, and rather disap
pointing cablet caused some selling at the
start, and initial sales of December were un
changed to Vi lower, at 7GXS7ffJ4c Outside
markets were all higher, however, and this
fact soon resulted In creating a better senti
ment here. Minneapolis reported sales of flour
there yesterday and an excellent demand for
cash wheat, and In consequence the Northwest
markets showed decided istrength. "The cash
demand here was also good. New York repott
ed the December option strong, and prices at
St. Louis showed big gains. Al these In
fluences were factors In causing a better de
mand. December sold up to TTHc, closing at
77S77c, a gain of Ue.
Corn had to contend with weather conditions,
which were most favorable for curing the new
crop. December closed sfiHc lower, at 42ci
Oats ruled steady on a fair demand from
commission-houses and shorts. December
closed a shade lower at 63 He
Provision were firm, with a eood deal of
covering by local shorts In evidence. Buying
of lard was the feature. January pork and
ribs closed 5c higher, lard was 2c higher and
ribs up 5c
The leadinjr futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
December ....$0.70 $0.77 $0.70 $0.77
-Uar 76 77 70 77
December .... 42 42 42 42
i-ay .. 41 42 41 41
July 41 41 41 41
December .... 33 34 33 33
May ,....-.... 343$ 35 34 345$
January ......11.72 11.82 11.67 11.07
My 11.82 12.00 11.80 11.80
December COO
January c.00 0.95 C.S3 C85
: e.80 0.00 a.75 0.77
January .... 6.22 0.27 0.20 6.22
May 0.32 0.37 . 0.30 6.S0
Cash quotations wero as follows:
Flour Quiet and easy; Winter patents, $4
4.20; straights, $3.7034.10; Spring Patents,
$44.30; straights, $3.6033.80; bakers' $2,503
Wheat-No. 2, Spring, S03Slc; No. 3, 7779c;
No. 2, red, 773S0c
Com No. 2. 42c; No. 2 yellow, 43c.
Oats No. 2, 34334c; No. 3 white. 34
v: o. , ofjC
Barley Good feedinjr. 3033Sc; fair to
choice malting, 40332c
Flaxseed Xn 1 fi"- TSTn 1 VZnri Trn-oatorn
Timothy seed Prime, $2.S3.
Mes pork Per barrel. $11.G2311.70.
Lord Per cwt., $7.0537.10.
Short ribs Sides, loose, $7.2537.75.
Short clear sides Boxed, $a.0236.37.
Clover Contract grade. $10.00.
. . Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 27.500 21.400
Wheat, bushels 120,100 207.S0O
Corn, bushels 42.400 825,400
Oats, bushels 202,800 390,000
Rye, bushels 9,000 4,300
Barley, bushels ..173,300 15,100
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Flour Receipts, 23,
000 bushels; exports, 9S00. Market steady, but
quiet. Winter patents, $434.35; Winter
straights, $3.9534.05; Minnesota patents, $4.55
34.70; Winter straights, $333.35; Minnesota
bakers, $3.7033.85; Winter low grades, $2.80
Wheat Receipts, 188,200 bushels; exports,
16,700 bushels; sales, 1,200.000 bushels
futures, 15.000 bushels spot. Spot, firm;
No. 2 red, 85c f. o. b. elevator; No.
2 red,S0c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern
Duluth, 87c f. o. b. afloat. December wheat
had a strong advanco this morning on reports
that mills had bought up all the red wheat
here. Otherwise tho market was quiet all tho
forenoon. Tho close was very firm at c
net decline. March closed S2c; July, 7Sc;
December, 83c
Hops Steady; Pacific Coast, 1903. 2132Sc;
1002, 21325c; olds, 0312c
Hides Steady.
Wool Firm; domestic fleece, 2S333c
Petroleum Firm.
Butter Receipts, 2000 packages. Market Ir
regular. Creamery, 1622c; state dairy,
Eggs Receipts, 5500 packages. Market
strong. Western, 22330c
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 14. Wheat and bar
ley, weak; oats, easier.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $1.371.0; milling,
Barley Feed, $1.1231.13; brewing, $1.16
Oats Red, $1.221.35; white, $1.221.35;
black, $1.5031.65.
Call board sales:
Wheat Weak; December, $1.20; May,
$1.35; cash, $1.40.
Barley Weak; December, $1.11; May,
CornLarge yellow, $1.3531.40.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 14. Wheat Decem
ber, Os 4d; March, Gs 3d; May, 0s 3d.
v Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Coffee futures closed
steady. Sales, 65,250 bags, including Decem
ber, $5.00; February, $5.80; March, $5.85; spot
Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice, 0c; mild, firm;
Cordova. 712c.
Sugar Raw, nominal; fair refining, 3c;
centrifugal, 00 test, Cc; molasses sugar, 3c;
refined, quiet; No. 0, $4.30; No. 7, $4.25; No.
8, $4.20; No. 0, $4.15; No. 10. $4.10; No. 11.
$4.05; No. 12. $4; No. 13, $3.05; No. 14, $3.00;
confectioners A, $4.55; mold A, $4.05; cut
loaf. $5.30; crushed, $5.30; powdered, $4.80;
granulated, $4.70; cubes, $4.03.
Dried Trait in tho East.
NEW TORK, Nor. 14. The market for
evaporated apples Is easy under quiet demand.
Common ore quoted at 435c; prime. 535c;
choice, C3Cc,. and fancy at 7c
Prunes are quiet: and about steady, with
prices ranging from 2c to 7c for all grades.
Apricots aro steady, with choice quoted at
Peaches show no special feature, remaining
quiet at recent prices. Choice are quoted at
737c; extra choice, 73Sc and fancy at
Klnber Buys Hops.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. Nov. 14. (Special.)
ncrman Klaber today purchased J. C.
Bush's 115 bales of hops at 21 cents.
Klaber has also taken theErop of 15S bales
of H. Betth. of Toledo, on eonslgnmcnt
with an advance of 1S cents.
. Dairy Produco at Chicago.
CHICAGO, Nov. 14. On tho produce ex
chango today the butter markot was steady?
creameries, 1521c; dairies, 1418c,
Eggs, 2224c Cheese, easy, 10llc.
Wool at St. Lonls.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 14. Wool Nominal. Ter
ritory and Western mediums, IS 19c; fino
medium, 1517c; fine, 15310c.
B LIndenberger. Astrl
B S GIbbs. N Y i
C M O'Brien, Chgo
C W Tyler. S F
C Arnold, Adair La
Mrs Harrison, S F
D J GlldermiBter. do
V Q Megler, Brkfld
Mrs Megler, do
5 Orebeck, S D
A Spencer, S F
P Rothschild. Mich
J E Ransom, Utlco
E J Bussey, Omaha
Miss Long, T Dalles
Mies E T Long, do
a a Osborne, st Ls
W S Spencer, S, F
A Goldstein, do
A E Rosenthal, Chgo
E G Greggs, Tacoma
R Arkely, Ccntralia
F W Valllo, City
E H Selby. N Y
T P Robertson, S F
S T Robinson, ChKo
Dr B C Brooks, Mont
M Kohn, N Y
V Dunn. S F
II Greene, Spokane
Mrs Greene, do
E J Malx. St Louis
M H Well. N Y
A Cohen, S F
H Robin, St Louis
J W Cuthbert, N Y
F Young, do
A Ehr, do
S M Cooper. S F
J Robertson, Los Ang
M M Austin, Chgo
Mrs Austin, do
V Sirattuck. St Paul
D Wilson. Spokane
H W Green, Seattle
Mrs Green, do
H M McKec, Spokane
F R Whltcomb. N Y
S Meyers. Boston
Hrz McKec. do
A H Peas, Htfrd Cnn
J Harris, S F
Mrs Peas, do
A Off, Boise Ida
Mrs Off. do
S Slchenbour, S F
E Lezynsky, do
J Lyons, Kan City
M Stlfcl, Chicago
C W Hickman, Tacm
J F Wooster, S F
C Stiner, N Y
D Royse & slstr. Chg
ii b llogan, do i
S O Jameson
E J Frasler, Eugene
D Laubaugh
A L Loftus, Boston
N B Whitney, Seattle
Mrs H A Gerdes, S F
B J Hirsch. do
T Burford, St Louis
W Hughes, N Y
M C Harrison, S F
G S McLavere, Seatl
A W Lynch, Chgo
G Dletr, N Y
C B Bradford, Mgr.
DeWolf Hopper
A H Campbell. Chgo
B Campbell, daughter
and son. Chicago
G C McPherson,
Louisville Ky
A Fink, San Fran
S M Cohen, Omaha
J S Hardey, Lsvl Ky
L M Makln. Jr.. Fhld
B H Bennett, Tacma
Mrs Bennett, do
T P Robertson
W Klipper
J C Glaccum, N Y
Mrs Glaccum, do
J P Brown, Butte
H Eppcl. N TT
S Bessinger
G A Labbc. Scattlo
F J Moore, S F
R E Cranston, Sacrm
J D Bowman, S F
;J S Smith, Pittsburg
;J N Ashman, Pullmn
H i Woodruff, S F
H B Rowland, St Ls
Mrs Rowland, do
P Greenberg, 8 F
F Burbrldge. SDokn
J 31 Halg, New York
u (raasnaw, St Joe
A Whlto, Llttell Wn
R E Earley, Brdl VI
II Rummel, McMinnv
N Plckard. City
J F Meehan, ao
G A Verdes, St Paul
W F Desmore. Seattl
G F Egan, Spokane
Mrs J A Dennis, Klso
W S Hostetter. do
H D Smith, For Grv
E C Klrkpatrick. ni
Downing, Hopkins &Co.
Established 1893.
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
W Land. Garfield
IB A Williams, Texas
O M Barnett, For Gr
A C Rhelnhart, Union
S J Idusts, Minnesota
lO A Stevens. Vancvr
A F Brookman. Bkltn
J M Walker. Mrshfid
Mrs Walkort do
M E Leach, Arllngtn
E Davis, Denver
A H Rice, Heppner
A L Parkhurst, Rdfid
Mrs Smith, Indepnd
A D Rothstpn. KontH
H Peterson, do
Mrs A Newton, Ind
Mlfs Newton, do
Elizabeth Scheinfeld,
Terre Hnute Tnrt
G Mcacham, Ostrndr
A Elllngwood, Evrtt
w Mcstotte
A D Morrison
C Niem
V Carlson
P H Coffey, S F
W Moust. Montana
Miss Van Tu'yl. Wtcm
Mrs C IT Tiivl 1n
T F Boylen, Pndlton
F S Stewart, Salt Lk
A W Arnold. Stvnson
J W Chute, S F
B it Munz, Astoria
Mrs Munz, do
A II Grecnberg, Seattl
F Largerer, Pndlton
R II Lee, Richmnd Va
Mrs T.Pf dr
C A Rawxstead, Nap
.u. -ttawxsieau, do
Dr H Reamer. Calif
E Armende. Condon
F Hardestv. CVilfn-r
J M Sweot. For Grove
Ed Martin, Seattle
Mri 'Martin, do
J W Seavey, Eugene
W A Wann, do
G W Lloyd, Cot Grv
W C Dutcher. Tacoma
Mrs Dutcher, do
S J Mossman, do
W E Belford, Houlton
F Fisher. Monmouth
Mrs Fisher, do
A B MagruderT Clty
J J Portwood, do
W A Dunn. N Y
W F Davidson, Seattl
W Meehan
J M Grant. Dallas
v a Iceland, S F
Master Leland, do
F S Enos, do
O P Hon. Salem
A K Olds, McMInnv
Mrs Olds. in
F Coats. Albany Foot
uaw xeam.
W Englehard, do
D Morrison, do
C Rupert, do
S Mack, do
R Crow, do
I Stock, do
J" Griffith, do
S Dolan, do
W Francis, do
C Underwood, do
C DuPIus, do
C Bllyeu. do
W Walte, do
C Masters, do
Frltchard, do
B Nelson, do
C Steinberg, do
R J McFadden. do
A C Gilbert, do
M L Barnet, do
H E Thomas, do
Mrs E Shaw, Dallas
MlSS R ("Villon An
Helen Dougherty, Mt
Clemens. Wash
R Huntington
Doc Wallace, Albany
b' E Gates, HUIsboro
W W Alllmrham. Eiiir
C T Rnhprt Choh.alf
J W Holmes, Chicago
fc Marrow, Astoria
C Wesley, Seattle
Minnie Winn, Jnc Cty
Lllllo Winn, tin
E J Starbuck, Tacm
E Olson, do
J E Shirley, do
Mm Shirley, do
R N Dunn. Tndlnnn.
J L Dunn, do
L E Campbell. N Yak
L Butler. Hood River
Mrs Butler, do
R B Campbell, Astor
W Winters, Spokane
S- ?Jlcely, StIIlwtrw F McGregor, Astrl
H W Lloyd. Phlladl
P Stuart. For Grove
i jfecK, Helena
D V Haskell, City
C S Carlyle, Locks
ley Hall
L L Rush. WniH
F Dletrick. do
Miss T Strlbeck. do
Miss I Smith, do
V A Andprsnn Vnptir
C W Gowan, Burns
Lulu Pouting, Lwstn
r uowon, rac umv
P F Tappendorff. Vcv
G W Handsakor. Euir
Mrs Slow, do
G Hunt. Walla Walla
M'Baumelster, do
Dr M Wonceslom, SF
J D Olwell, Cent Pt
J M Arthur. Clty
H M Peyser, S F
Pi S Bridge Boston
A W Martin. 'Los Anir
!' uwens, San Jose
Mrs Owens, do
Alice Owens, do
11 Owens, dn
J K McGregor, Bucda
Mrs M J O'Brien, Du
luth T V Richmond. Seattl
G W Furey, N Y
G Henderson, S F
F W Wheeler. Boise
C Johnson, Shamkn
Mrs Johnson, do
I. A Mattis. S Bd Ind
W A Jarvln, St Louts
B Huston. Hlllsbor
W A Cannon, Albany
it. i Aiason, uo
G Wilson. Clty
JH Albert, Salem
D J Cooner. 1 T".-!lc
Miss O Patterinin. do
J B Roo, N Y
V II Hughes. Chgo
Mrs E Beckett, S F
Mrs S A Mulkey, Eolla
Emma Hanks. Stcktn
r L Green, Seattle
a B Ruddell. N Y
R A Miller, Or City
J T Albert. Salem
P R Miller, Bak City
R C Boch. Cn.1
W A GIran. La Grnd
F R Stratton, Dufur
Mae F Putts, Pocatll
C Anderpon. TInirnn
W B Bailey, City
C Lane, Mist
A Day, Stm Turtin
J A Beare. Brkfld
C Dayls, Vancouver
W Underwoott
F Larson
A Ames
E J Rowland, Wash
Mm Rowland, do
J Schmidt, T Dalles
Mrs Schmidt, do
H J Rupert, Albany
C J Rupert, do
E Lovegren. Stvnson
F Bartols. Or City
G W Miller
C Russell, Haley
II "TO" Williams
J G Foster, Hoqualm
II B Williams
F Thlere, Stella
C Rupley
W F Jordan, Hbbrd
W Martin
A H Tarbell. Warren
N Sylvester. City
M Aschoff, USA
J Snurgeon, do
Mlrtie McLane. H Rlv
G L Jennings. Vncvr
D W Kaup. City
O D Lovonder Astoria
Lillian Irtvln. Rorlnir
J H Elgin, Salem
M J Elgin, do
A B Gleason. Hhhnrd
J S Bowman, Nwbrg
Mrs m Turner ; chll
T A Robertson
Mrs Robertson
R O Colli?, City
N H McKay, Scapp
M Z Burton, Plsnt n
C Haggerty, Bk City
F M Brvan. dn
G H Graves, Ills
W M Kinney, Shaw
Mrs R Crete
D E Scott, Rainier
Henry Caler
C W Lovegren, Rnr
F F Colo
J H Thomas, Goblo
Mrs Thomas, do
A Binsell, Chamawa
Hotel Brunswick, Seattle. r
European plan, popular rates. Modern
improvements. Business center. Near
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma.
First-class restaurant in connection.
Rainier' Grand Hotel, Seattle.
European plan. Finest cafe, on Coast
Hdqra. naval, military and traveling: men.
Rooms in suite and single. Free shower
baths. Rates. $1 up. H. P. Dunbar, prop.
The St. Helen Hotel, Cliehnll.
American plan. First-class. $1.50 to t2.50.
?.& T,
This magnificent Tourist Hotel Is
Seattle's most prominent architectural
feature being situated upon the high
est point of land in the down-town
district 300 feet above sea level. It is
however, easy of access by private
tramway, by regular hotel conveyance,
by street car or by carriage. The
scenery from the Washington is the
most auperb to be found on the Pa
cific coast. The appointments and fur
nishings of the Washington are en
tirely modern and high-class; the cuis
ine and service most satisfactory. Tie
rates are exceedingly reasonable for
a. fashionable tourist hotoL
Write for Illustrated Booklet, j
If so call and see tho Old Chinese.
2S0 Burnside Street.
If I cannot cure you I will tell you ao
and charge you nothing for my service.
Any case I undertake I guarantee to
cure. My long career of success war
rants mo In making this strong statement.
I TiSj V- a.
Fit T
1 V Ttm if "(H-Cf W4
Dr. Davis' original treatment for VARI
COCELE cures by restoring to life the
diseased nnd weakened veins, not by de
stroying them wltfi the knife or other de
structive methods. Those who are suffering;
with Varicocele, Urethral obstruction. Rup
ture, etc., do not want to be maimed or
have their parts mutilated by surgery. Dr.
Davis' treatment cures these troubles with
out surgery, thus preserving tho life of
important organs.
References : Best banks and loading busU
ness men in this city.
To Stay Cured
Nervous debility, private diseases of any
nature, stricture, liydrocele, rupture, ac
quired blood poison, kidney and urinary
diseases, etc.. and all reflex complications
and associated diseases and weaknesses of
men. To these maladies alono we havo
earnestly devoted the best years of our
lives. Wo make no charge for private
counsel, and give to each patient a legal
contract to hold for our promises. Is it not
worth, your while to investigate a euro
that has made life anew to multitudes of
Correspondence llany cases can bo treat
ed successfully at home. If it is impossi
ble or inconvenient for you to call at our
office, write a full and unreserved history
of your case, plainly stating your symp
toms, and you will receive in plain envel
ope a scientific and honest opinion of your
case, free of charge.
Office Hours 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5,
and 7 to 8. Sunday and Holidays, 10
to 12.
Professor J. L-. Bohannon's Cancer Doc
tor Co. ia now In Portland. We have
proved to the world that we can cure any
cancer before it poisons deep glands. A
lump in a woman's breast ls cancer. Any
lump anywhere is almost always cancer.
No doctor can draw the line so fino as to
tell whore a tumor ceases to bo a, tumor
and becomes cancer. Lumps or open sores
on the face, lip or any portion of the body
for six months Is cancer. Cancer may
give but little pain until cure is hopeless.
We have 30 years' practice and have per
manently cured more cancers than, any
doctor living. Why experiment with tho
swindling X-Ray until your case is hope
less? The X-Ray has many names, such
as Chemical X-Ray, Roentgen Ray or any
new name to attract attention. The X
Ray or knife never cures cancer. Wo were
here one and one-half years ago and
treated ani cured a number of persons,
some of whom you can see by coming
to our office. Others that were treated
with the X-Ray and others with the knifo
are dead, while our patients are well and
hearty. -Come and investigate.
We treat cancers of the tongue. Up or
woman's breast In one and one-half to
five minutes. One treatment is ordinarily
sufficient for a cure.
X L Bohannon's
Cancer Doctor Co.
23H Market St., Portland, Or.
One of Portland's best licensed doctord
in charge.
Evsrjf Wssnan
is interested and hoold know
aooatthe wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
TheNewLadleV Svrln.
xeat. naiest. Moat
ilk Tar tlranht for It.
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JSARVKI,. accent no
other, bat send Btamn for il
lustrated book Rives
full DarttcnUrs and directions in.
Taloable to lad!e MiRVKi, CO..
Rosia 360 Time Bdc.. Naw York.
L All LJj
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(xyi S rm
Mis Dennis, do
Mr 3 Klrkpatrick, do
Vox sole by. "Woodnrd, Clrk