The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 08, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Meier (& Frank Company's Daily Store New
Mail Orders receive our prompt and careful attentionAll orders Filed the same day as received by competent shoppers Send us a trial order.
i& II
Custom Shade Work a Specialty Lowest Prices.
" Willamette" Sewing Machines, $15.00 to $35.00 2d floor
Artistic Picture Framing to your order New moldings.
New Cloisonne Ware in immense variety Basement.
Knit Underwear
For women and children at special low prices for this
week All the best styles and weights A saving that
will please every economical woman on the follow
ing lines
$1.00 Vests 67c
Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed
Vests all wool low neck
and sleeveless; black, pink,
white and gray, all sizes-,
regular $1.00 Vest ft7c
Ladies' wool mixed ribbed
combination Suits, "Oneita
style," white or natural, all
sizes; great special 5ftr
value at .-
Children's fleece lined, cotton
ribbed Vests, ages two to six
yrs, cream color only; .
big value for this sale "v
Men's and boys' Winter Underwear in all the best styles
and at the very lowest prices.
The Garment Store
Mi Smmm
' MSB WmWB$m&
F i t
French Underwear
Great special bargains in samples of French Lingerie
for this week All beautiful garments Hand em
broidered and real lace trimmed styles Prices must
interest every woman who prides fine Undermuslins.
French Gowns
About 40 in the lot; all high
class rich styles, beautifully
made and trimmed, finest
material, $7.00, dC! O
$7.50, $8 values PJJ
$2.50 French Chemise, $1.89
$3.00 French Chemise, $2.47
$5.00 French Chemise, $3.98
$6.00 French Chemise, $4.79
$7.00 French Chemise
marked at $5.68
French hand-made Corset
Covers, rich effective styles
in a variety of about sixty
pieces, real lace trimmed.
$4.50 laundered styles
at $3.57
$3.00 unlaundered styles
at $2.47 .
$4.00 laundered styles at $2.67
French Hand-Made Drawers
$5.00 styles $3.79 $3.00 styles $2.47 $2.50 styles $1.83
Brass and Iron Beds, Bedding, etc., Trunks and
Traveling Bags Complete Stock.
Art Goods Specials
Not a day too early to commence Xmas fancy
work. Here you find the largest and most
complete stock in the city to select from.
These tempting values for this week, Second
FM - Lessons in Art
re Needle Work
given daily by an expert.
Colored Linen Center
Dieces. tinted eraoe and
- strawberry designs.
Great special value
low price ot
Tinted Pillow Covers, hol-fe
ltr nfoni firiri rrrrie V SJ
jr gia;v uuu jujjiwO)
big variety to choose Front.
Special value,
low price of
White Laundry Bags worked in red, green
and blue. Great special value of
Special Lot of Stamped Laundry Bags each .
Plain, hemstitched -center pieces,
splendid bargains at
All Satin Covered Pin Cushions in square,
oblong, heart and Venetian shapes at
Free Embroidery Lessons daily. Second
.tl u?tjuz& .ys.'.w
M:fhJlT iSSC V
.'&p w u is;
C" t" S I
. . .25c
Sole Agents for Keiser Neckwear for Women.
"Perrin's" Real French Kid Gloves, $1.50 to $2.25 pair
Lace Bargains
Strenuous price-cutting on Laces and Embroideries
for this week. Many of the most desirable lines are
offered, at prices far below regular selling figures.
Bargains well worth reading.
2500 yards of Venise and
Cluny Laces, galloons
and bands,white, cream
and black, desirable
widths, best designs,
, regular $1.25 C.Q
values t
White Venise All-Overs,
suitable for waists,very
best patterns, grand
bargain for buyers,
regular $2.50 c r
A .7
value, yd. .
Swiss and Nainsook, hand
some, dainty designs, widths
from 3 to 9 inches, regular 85c values, for Q
this sale - C
Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, very finest quality
and patterns, widths trom 3 to 15 inches,
regular value up to $1.50 yard, our price, yd. .
Dame Fashion is sending us her best new ideas Rich, effective outer gar-
ments just as chic and modish as artistic designers and expert tailors can
turn out Here you find styles and variety the equal of any metropolitan
showing in the East and excelling all other local displays combined We
caH your particular attention to the
New Suits and Coats Just Received
The personal selection of our Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, now in the Eastern
markets, his second trip this season The enormous patronage of our.
Cloak Store demanded a second pilgrimage in order to keep the stodk
complete with the latest and best in ladies' and children's apparel New
"Blouse Suits, 200 new garments received the past three days Cheviots,
Tweeds and new materials in plain and trimmed styles, with or without
cape, all sizes and prices ranging from $ 18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00
"to $6O.O0r-New Costumes and Wraps, new Coats, new English Rain
coatsAll the new and popular styles in apparel for children. These
special valuejs for three days'only.
1 (ClAftrt CICAft n4 S!C
Ladies' magnificent three-fourths Coats, in Kersey, Beavers and
Meltons, with or without capes, fancy braid and button-trimmed,
military effects, colors black, blue, castor, tans, red and green,
all sizes, all new, this season s most stylish gar
ments, $32.00, $34.00 and $35.00 values
$ 10, $ 1 1 Walking Skirts at $?.85
Ladies' Walking Skirts, in green,
black, blue and mixtures, tweeds,
cheviots, homespuns, and cash
meres, styles, strapped yoke effects,
fancy stitched yoke and button
trimmed; styles, 9 gores, flared bot
tom, regular $10.00 and v9 off
$1 1.00 values, for 3 days.. P OJ
$7.00,$ 7.50 WAISTS AT $5.98
Ladies' peau de cygne Silk Waists,
tucked, pleated and medallion
trimmed or fancy trimmed yoke
effects, white, blue, pink, gray,
light blue, green and black, all
newest and best styles, the regular
' $7.00 and $7.50 values, C qo
now offered at P J.O
i $10.00, $10.50 Silk Skirts $7.89
Ladies' Silk Petticoats, deep pleated
flounce, rucked and hemstitched,
styles in gray, tans, blue, white,
black and changsable colors, the
best styles, the ordinary $10.00 and
$10.50 values, we are offering these
fine garments at the ex
ceptional price of
Table Linen Bargains
! I Thanksgiving Table Linens are marked at a big saving
and good linens, mind you, John S. Brown's Linens,
kind that gives satisfaction to themost fastidious house
keeperA small port of the bargain budget follows
Great special in fine bleached
satin damask 72 inches wide
beautiful designs tf i jA
In this sale, yard. . V Ol6
Half bleached Satin
in new designs
marked down to, yard
Satin damask Doilies drawn
work borders, with sewed
fringe size 9x9-in.
Great special value, ea
64-inch all-linen Bleached Sat
in Damask in handsome designs, for this sale CJ7
66-inch all-Linen bleached Satin Damask, beautiful
patterns, big variety, sale price, yard
72-inch all-Linen bleachecLSatin Damask, 15 pat- oq
terns, sale Drice. vard -7C
All-Linen Satin Damask Napkins, large sizes,
handsome patterns, sale price, dozen
All-Linen Satin Damask Napkins, large size,
great special value at, dozen
Pure Linen Hemstitched Tray Cloths 22z32
inches, great special values, at, each
Remarkable Bargains in
Beautiful Dress Trimmings
Phenomenal bargains in Dress Trimmings Two great
lots at a tremendous reduction Cold type can't im
press upon you the importance of these offerings
$2.50, $3.50
Trimmings 98c
Silk and Mohair Dress Trim
mings, all beautiful, new goods
in superb styles Black, white
and colors Regular prices
from $2.50 to $3.50 a yard
While it lasts your choice 98c
$1.255 $1.50
Trimmings 48c
Silk and Mohair Dress Trim
mings, very best styles, in
black, white and colors, nar
rower widths than the above-ReguIar $1.25 and $1.50
values for this sale 48c yard.
Boy's Clothing .
Boys' all-wool Knee Pants, serges, tweeds and qo.
cheviots, ages 3 to 16 years, $1.25 values "OC
Boys' Norfolk Suits, in dark blue and gray
mixea cneviots, a to yrs, regular $5 values
Little Boys' Overcoats, all the latest novelties in reefers,
automoDiie coats ana Kussian styles, $5.00
(second floor) to
Scotch Flannels 40c, 45c
and 50c yard
Just' received an immense new line of beautiful Scotch
Flannels in the prettiest of patterns and colorings, stripes
and checks. The largest and best line we have ever
shown and by far the largest ever seen in the North
wesr. 32 and 36 inch, 40c, 45c and 50c yard.
it 3
Y Y-
Men's Black '
Biaek Clothes for Men
Holiday goods are piling in There's, no room for these three large
counters full of Black Suits and Overcoats The costliest garments that
your purse can buy are not more handsome, stylish or better fitting
than these splendid bargains we teil you of today Black Clay and un
finished worsted sack and frock Suits Black unfinished worsted Over
coatsUnfinished worsted and Oxford Prince Alberts Full Dress and
Tuxedo Suits All marked at surprisingly low prices Buy your Holi
day Clothing this week.
Men's Black Suits, Second Floor
Men's Black Clay Worsted and Serge Suits, single and double-breasted Sack
Suits, also Frocks, well made, best linings, great and special q jp
value at the low price of $ 1
Men's Clay "Worsted, Serges and Unfinished "Worsted Suits, sack and frock,
single and double-breasted styles, all sizes, $15.00 would be the q qs
exclusive clothier's price, our regular price $12.50, sale price v 'iJ
Men's Clay "Worsted Suits, sacks and frocks, the stsrles and quality the exclu-
sive cioinier acmanus jjjio.uu ror, our regular price $id.uu. ff-f
Men's Black Unfinished Top Coats, finely made and trim
med, very stylish and dressy coat, all sizes, tq q e
$15.00 values for $yJ
Men's Black Unfinished "Worsted and Clay Overcoats,
three-fourths length, finely trimmed, perfect fitting, all
handsome new Coats, $18.00 values, for C i
this sale at the special low price of P &03
$20.00 and $22.50 Overcoats, for this sale at
the extraordinary low price of
Continuation of the great sale of good shoes for men. "women and
children. The great sale of high-class china, odd plates, cups and
saucers, platters, etc., continues. Sole Portland agents for
"Keiser" neckwear for women new novelties Just received "Oster
man" patent elastic feet mattresses better than hair mattress and
cost less. "Peninsular" stoves, ranges and -wood heaters 50 models
every size and style.
Carpets and Rugs
November values in car
pets, rugs and lace curtains
Attractive prices to interest
the shrewd housewife Third
85c Brussels ?4c
Thousands of yards of hand
some new Brussels Carpets
in pretty parlor designs,
newest colorings, always
sold at b5c a yard, for this week only, sewed,-
laid and lined, yard '. tpC
Coral Bathroom Rugs, washable and reversible,
guaranteed fast colors.
36x36 for $1.25
30x60 for 2.50
36x?2for 3.50
Blue, green, red and assorted patterns.
Outside Door Mats, Cocoa,- 18x24 31c; 16x27 57c:
18x30 at 73c.
The Queen Folding Steel Wire Door Mats, guaran
teed not to rust, best style, 16x24 96c; 18x30 $1.29;
20x36 $1.78.
One-Third Off
On all odd lots of Lace Curtains, 1, 2 and 3-pair lots
Only about seventy-five pairs all told, so come
early Third Floor.
Great Hosiery Sale
Ladies' heavy ribbed Cashmere Hose, in black fast
color all sizes. The very best 50c value "?f
some stores say 60c value. For this sale C
Ladies' black Lace Lisle Hose, assorted patterns,
large variety to select from; all sizes. Great 'iy
special value for this sale 3&
50c and 60c are the regular prices.
! If ;
Special price for this sale.
Men's Unfinished Worsted and Black Clay Suits, sacks and frocks, very best
styles that the exclusive fellow asks $20 for, our regular dji e -jp
price is 4 J
Men's $22.50 Worsteds and Clays at , $19.95
Prince Alberts, Worsteds and Oxfords at $10.95 and $13.9-
Men's Black Clay Pants, all sizes, regular $3.00
and $3.50 styles, reduced for this c e?
sale to, pair $&0J
Men's Black Clay and Serge Pants, fl qi
splendid styles, regular $5 values vOr
Men's Black Clay Worsted Vests,
$2.25 values, for this sale, pair
20 Per Cent Reduction on all Full
and Tuxedo Suits.
Great Book Sale
Tomorrow we start a week's
booksale A splendid chance
to stock up the library at
surprising little cost. De
scription and prices tell the
story thoroughly:
500 cloth-bound books, 12 mo.
size, standard authors, regu
lar 25c values, for s
this sale. . 2C
2500 cloth - bound, 12 mo.
Books, standard and popular titles, the usual
50c values
Special clean-up of $1.50 copyrights at one-half price
Audrey, Mary Johnston; Count Hannibal, Weyman;
Tristan of Blent, Hope; Dorothy Vernon, Major;
Confessions of a Wife by Mary Adams, and doz
ens of others. Publishers price, $1.50;
sale price
5-voI. sets by Cooper, Corelli, Kipling and
others. Great bargain at, set
Popular edition of $1.50 copyrighted Books :
Winwood, The Gadfly, Edged Tools, and
dozens of others
Shakespeare, 1-vol. edition, the Savoy edition.
Published at $2.50; the sale price
Shakespeare, 1-vol. edition, 12 mo. size, good type,
Universal edition. Published at $1.50; eC
sale price 3C
And many other bargains.
1000 copies of popular Sheet Music, vocal i
and instrumental, copy I3C
Umbrellas $1.58
A great special offering for three days of 300 Ladies'
Twilled Gloria Umbrellas, in an immense variety
of the best style handles, princess, horn pearl,
natural wood, plain or trimmed, every one worth
$2.00. Your choice for three days only
at, each