2? THE SUKDAY GREGORIAN, POETLAIsTD, NOVEMBER 8, 1903. F,0 R.KENT. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. - 2JOUSE FOR RENTf. FURNITURE TOR sale, stritafcle for -roomlngibouse. Columbia Ileal Estate & Trust Co., 234 Morrison St., cor. 24. ' i TOR SALE FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM nouse. suitable lor roomers or boarders: good location; 'bargain, with lease, $G0O. 2S9 Sal- znon. , l 1 . yTRNlTURE OF 8 ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR rooming and boarding; 8 beds; rent $30; price 5400 Call and see at 52S Taylor st. 2CEW FURNITURE 5 ROOMS. COTTAGE for (tale, reasonable; bouse rent $15; central. Phone Main 3153. 1 .NEW FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM FLAT lor rent, very desirable location. Franklin & Co . 134 Front. t 1 i BNAP PART OF FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM flat for sale; flat lor rent. 203 7th st,, cor ner Madison.' J4-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD FURNITURE, IN duding piano; 2-year lease. Price $95. K C3. Oregenlan. F'R RENT-4-ROOM COTTAGE. SUNNY slde. Furniture for sale to renter. 213 East 35th st. JXR SALE FURNITURE OF TWO HOUSE keepiag rooms In A. O. U. W. bldg. Phone StCtX. S-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT, PORTION of furniture for sqlr. 215 N. 15th st. Stores. STORE; FINE LIVING ROOMS CONNECT s2. barn and acre ground; on car line; good 'oening for business. Apply Wm. KrtcH. 44th and E. Taylor sts. FOR RENT FURNISHED RESTAURANT, complete, 14 tables, C boxes; long lease; central. V 50. Oregonlan. PYiR RENT NEW STORE BUILDING AT City View Park. Apply to Sharkey & Morrow. 20S Allfky bldg. 1 . . STORE ROOM. 25x80 FEET. 90 FIRST ST.. between Stark and Oak. Apply J.- R. Rogers, on premises. 555 Stark et. 23x50 feet, modem, basement; reasonable rant. Apply 314 Chamber Com. "STORE FOR RENT. APPLY 01 N. PARK ST. Offices. FINE OFFICE FOR A DOCTOR' OR OP Tlrlan'fr rent; desirable location. Phono Main -2040 F'K RENT OFFICES AND ROOM 59x60. new building. 109 2d- st. Apply 240-"Washington St. I NFURNISHED "ROOMS FOR OFFICES IN a new brick. Ford's, 105 4th st. Clay 53S. PART OF" QFFICE OR DESK ROOM, ground floor. 242 Stark st. ' PERSONAL. MME. CHAPELLE, THE PEERLESS PALM ist and cardreadcr, positively- reveals the future. If sick or in vrouhle, disappointed in love, business ventures, etc., a visit to this gifted lady will surely benefit you. 223 fe Washington. ; J DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips ecwea up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 Washington, opposite- Cordray's. 1 A DROP-HEAD NEW HOME SEWING MA- chlne as good as new for $20; also a Singer machine slightly used, $20; call at the Singer Store, No. 354 Morrison St., cor. t Park. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaranteed. 1M let st.. Portland, Or. Phone Red 31U1. Residence 24B Harrison st. Phone West 900. MJTALITr LOW. DEBILITATED OR Ex hausted cured by Dr. Kline's Invigorating "ionic Free $1 trial bottle, containing 2 weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute, 8X1 Arch street. Philadelphia. Founded 1871. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 28, WITH $10,000; lady. 20, $50,000; lady, 25, $15,000; blonde, lt. cash and beautiful farm. 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. ., GU7 Fulton St., Chicago, I1L MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN. Don't wait; we can arrange it proposition and happy marriage for you here if you will vrile 'to U8, stating age, sex; both sexes. Home &. Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2: 3 months, $5. Sent secure ly sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke Ac Co.. Portland. Or. I SEEK HUSBAND FOR LADY. AGE 2t. worth S2O.000. widow 30, $30,000 and stock farm. lady. 22. $S000 and beautiful sub urban home. Address Jessie, 1!) S. Broad way, St. Louis, Mo. WIDOW 53 YEARS OF AGE. WORKING 'Hontan, would like the acquaintance of elder ly widower, 55 to GO years of age, who.would appreciate a worthy companion. Address P 5n. oregonlan. WHEN YOU SEE THla PALMO TABLET sign In a drug store window there is wnerc you can get 'Palmo Tablets, the great nerve and kidney tonic. They cost only 50c. bKXINE PILLS ARE GUARANTEED FOR all forms of weakness; $1 a box, 0 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, corner 2nd and Yamhill sts... Portland, Or. MRS. .JANE PIERCE. OR I'EARCE. WHO owned land in Lincoln County, Washington, is requested to kIvo her address to i. H. liloomfleld. Lawyer, Commercial block, city. MRS L, R. CRAM, CHIROPODIST. MANi curing, shampooing, scalp treatment. Room 3lu. third floor, ADlngton bldg. 'Phone Clay 1752. Sundays and evenings by apjolntment. MIDDLE-AGED, RESPECTABLE MAN, Fome means, wishes to correspond with hon est. Intelligent working woman, blonde, mat rimonially inclined. A 100, Oregonlan. Superfluous hair, moles, etc., permanently re moved by electric needle; 0 years' experl enoe in Portland; physicians references; iady operator. 24 8 0th. Phono Main 1109. , GERMAN BOOKS. NOVELS AND MAGA rines. German Bibles and Testaments. German gift books for holidays. Schmale s German Book Store, 220 1st. MARRIAGE DIRECTORY FREE TO ALU Pay when married. New plan. Send no mosey. For particulars address H. A. Hor ton. Dept. SL Tekonbho. Mich. GENTLEMAN FROM EAST. STRANGER IN city, would like to meet lady between 25 and 30 years of age; object, matrimony. Ad dress T C4, care Oregonlan. MATRIMONIAL ASSOCIATION; INCORPOR ated. over 500 descriptions sent sealed 10c; many wealthy; besC bank reference given. H L, Love. Denver, Colo. MORPHINE AND ALL DRUG HABITS cured at home; no suffering nor detention frra wrk. India Drug Cure, 201 Turk st., San Franelsco. FOR THE WILL OF FINICE CARUTHERS I will give one-half and ask no questions. William H. C. Caruthers. 702 Whiting St., Tampa, Fla. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen of re sponsible age, matrimonially inclined. J 58, Oregonlan. We print your name- on 30 calling cards, proper size and style, 25c; 250 business cards. $L Brown & Schmale, 220 1st. Port land. Or. RESPECTABLE MAN WOULD LIKE TO moot respectable worklngwoman. 35 to 45; references; objeot, matrimony. X 00, Ore gonlan. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES gray hair and produces new growth; not dye. Paris Hair Store. SOS Washington, sole agent. FINE DAY! BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL la. Repairing and recovering; two stores Washington and flth and Morrison and 5th. Catdwell College of Oratory and Acting, 1295 Market st.. San Francisco; 19 teachers; posi tions guaranteed; beautiful .catalogue free. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. A MAN ABOUT CO, WITHOUT TIES. WITH some means, can And a good, permanent home Address R 00, oare Oregonlan. Regent Bath Parlors Expert Masseuse, vibra tor massage cures obesity, rheumatism, nerv ous diseases.- 474 Alder. Front G94. OSTRICH FEATHERS AND BOAS CLEAN ed. dyed and made over. Chicago Dyo Houe.40S Wasnlngton st. PRETTY HONORABLE LADY. WEALTHY." wants Intelligent, honest husband. Box 43, Back Bay, Boston, Mass. SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baughs. 189 3d, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. PERSON-AX. JO-HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texasr mestr wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paralysls.'pplnal affections, erpslpelas. neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores" yield to this oil like magic; cures in 8 to 20 days; sample. can 30c, 3ostpaid -.testimonials free; agents wanted. ZL. E. Clinton.; 515 E. Couch at., Portland. Or. Fhons Union 1G02. BOOK OF SECRETS." "THE BEAUTS' Spot," A Hot Tamale." ''Mabel Gray," "Stolen Sweets," "Lustful Love," "For bidden Fruit." "Story of a Slave," 50c each. Joke booRs,- letter- writers, dream, books, speakers, card- tricks, dance call bdbks, fortune telling, palmistry, etc., 25c each. Catalogues free. Schmale, 220 1st. SKILLFUL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. of all diseases of the face and scalp; blem ishes and wrinkles permanently removed; dermatology, massage and electrolysis taught for professional purposes by Mme. Aza Holmes; three years' references of Portland's - leading physicians and citizens given. No risks run. Advice free. 304 Morrison, near Park. A 77 "WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM, irregular, painful or stoppages, lucorhoea' (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam hill at., Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. WD DO NOT PUBLISH, .NAMES OF PA tlcnts, but to those who call we. will furnish unquestionable evidence that we thoroughly understand and .curt nervous and functional diseases and they are Portland people, too; consultation ;roe. ew xotk institute, x aid ing bldg. SEVERAL SAMPLE DROP-HEAD SINGER sewing machines slightly scratched for Eale cheap on easy terms, or big reductions for cash. Call at the Singer Store, 354 Morrison st., cor. of Park. Mme. Vaughn gives scientific Instruction for re moval of all skin blcmlsnes such as wrinkles, tan, freckles, moles, superfluous hair and oth er dlflgurements. at ofiiees, 301-302 McKay bldg. Evening classes. Fine opportunity for women and girls to learn profitable profession. YOUNG MAN, GOOD-LOOKING, WELL-ED-ucated and connected, holding fine position, wishes acquaintance of lady with few thou sand, city or country? strictly confidential and highest rcierences; object matrimony. Addrebs P. O. Box 477, Portland, Or. EVERY WOMAN CAN BE BEAUTIFUL. WE permanently remove facial blemishes of, every naturfe. Complexion 'tablets, 1 month s treatment, $1. Electro massage and scalp treatment. N. Y. Blectro-Theraptlc Co,, llf Mnrnuam Dldtr. Black 2S51. L VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY-DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni. 2d and Washington, Agent, Port land, Or. TO LADIES ONLY. AT THEUt HOMES. FA clal massage and scalp tre'a'tmentsV Phone Main 100S. LADIES' .Tailoring and Fancy'.Gowns. J. F. Huffman, 431-4 MObawk bldp. Main 3050. L. PATTERSON, OSTEOPATH, NERVOUS disease women and children. 3I3& Wash. W. H. LESH. WATCHES. DIAMONDS: EASY payments. 513 Dekum bldg. Phone Clay SW. DR. LAMOTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure, 25c All druggists'. FOR $1 I TEACH YOU ALL THE CHORDS on the piano. Address B 02, Oregonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR FEMALE TROUBLES. 434 Alder t.U Phone West 15S0. O. B. T.. WRITE MOTHER- AT ONCE. IM portant 'from Europe.' ' FINANCIAL. MONEY. MONEY. To salaried employes and wnge-earner-Get our system that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, sales man, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc., hav ing reliable employment, can gtt, just pn his note: Monthly, -mon. Weekly. $50 Repay to ' us $13.33 or $0.05 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us $ C.CC or $3.33 or $1.03 $15 Repay to; us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No inquiries. l Quick Service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 Mc Kay bldg., 102JJ 3d st. MONEY FOP. SALARIED PEOPLE 1 Any wage-earner needing money before pay day "" get it from us; no commission or In terest in advance; no mortgage or indorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi monthly, in amounts from $1 and upwards, thus avoiding payment of the whole amount out of ay one pay day; and have six months' time if desired. NELSON & OTNDLBY, 80S- McKay building. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a position to make immediate loans on Improved real estate or for building pur poses; any amount; moderate Interest. Wo approve loans from plans and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option in. repayment after one year. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, ivi becpno, near stark. I CAPITAL FURNISHED MERITORIOUS EN terprlses. Stocks and bonds underwritten nnd sold under guaranty on commission. Companies In corporated and financed. Good, patents pro moted. Proof of sales furnished. Bank refer ences. Mines, industrials and patents. MacRae & Co., Inc., 519 Emma Spreckels bldg., S. F. A SHAREHOLDER IN A PRIVATE COR poratlon doing a fine paying business in the city, for special reasons, will part with .a portion of his holdings. .at a" price very favorable to the buyer. If applied to soon. Address Q 54, care Oregonlan. , LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel .mortgages, personal, or salary se curity, at low rates. C. WT "Pallette, 213 Commercial block. Telephona Main 1365. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc.. without security: easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolroan. 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATT2L LOANS IN AMOUNTS RANGING from $25 to $5000; rooming-houses a spe cialty. New Era Loan & Trust Co., 203 Ablngton bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co.. room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANB ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. Klnff, rm. 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. on city property and improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co.. 243 Stark st. Money loaned on all kinds of security; 0 per cent building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. "WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY. $125. secured lndorstd note; will pay 25 per cent per annum. P. O. box 77, city. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $100 TO $5000, on real estate centrally located. W 03, Oregonlan. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. B. F. Riley, 008 Cham. Com. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Chamber of Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck. 821 Morrison st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids will be received by the County Com missioners of Skamania County, at Stev enson. Wash., until November 12, noon. 1903. for the- erection and completion of a brick or frame courthouse, according to plans and specifications prepared by C. H. Burggraf. architect, Albany, Or. The suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish an approved bond equal to 75 per cent of the amount of the contract and also a certified check equal to C per cent of tHe amount of .his bid. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Auditor of Skamania County, or at the office of the architect. . All bids must be filed with the County Auditor, and made out upon blanks furnished by him for the same. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bid. Dated at Stevenson. Wash., this 7th day cf October. 1903. (Eigne S) A. FLEISCHHAUER, Clerk of Board, Hlscelmnoous. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The' annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Sierra Ne vada Consolidated-. Mining Company will be held at the Hotel Portland, Portland, Or., on Monday, November 9, 1903, at 11 A. M., for the purpose of electing directors and officers for the ensuing year, and .for the transaction of such other business as may "be properly brought before said meeting. W. $5. pood speed, assistant .secretary. Portland, On,, October 24. 1903., ... JOHN EDWARDS HORSESHOEING SHOP removed from 0th and Ankeny-to 325 Couch str, between. 0th and, 7th.' BUSINESS CHANCES. JOSEPH M. HEALY, CHANCE BROKER, Rooms, 5 and 0, 290J4 Morrison Street. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 30 rooms Corner., good lease: only $1030. CO rooms Corner brick, 30 furnished, long lease: bargain for $2500. 12 rooms, newly furnished; $1100. 9 rooms, rent $25; line furniture ;.$C50. 40 rooms Very central, corner, on oie floor, lease, $95 month; only $4250. 10 rooms Corner, 3-year lease; $o2o; must cell; no reasonable offer. refused. . 28 rooms nice comer; lease $60; only $1000. 22 rooms Very central, low rent; $1500. 25 rooms Sunny corner, 4-year lease; $.t00. 55 rooms 1 years' lease, $75 month; pays well; $1700. 5 rooms; new furniture: $300; can get more unfurnished rooms adjoining. 87 rooms, clears over $250 month; lease $6500. 10 rooms Residence, good corner; only $550. 60 rooms Steam-heated, modern; only $j000. Can make terms on any of the above. Also other good houses which the owners do not -wish advertised. BUSINESS CHANCES. Half Interest In good-paying restaurant. Cigar and confectionery, living rooms; $1C00. Old established bakery, runs 3 wagons; only $1200. 100-room, second-class hotel, city; $0000. Oyster and short-order house In good town; receipts $1200 month; price. S50. JOSEPH. M. HEALY. 290b Morrison st. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. SEE FORD IF YOU WANT . TO BUY OR SELL A ROOMING-HOUSE 1054 4TH ST. - CLAY 533. One of the finest rooming-houses in the city; GO rooms; on Morrison st. See Ford about it. One of the swellest boarding-houses In the city; 50 rooms. Exclusive with Ford. One of the best-established, steam-heated, electric-lighted rooming-houses In the city; price. $10,000. 20 rooms; very central; corner; price, $2300. II rooms, new; very central; price, $1200. Fine transient house, 15 rooms, on Mor rison St.; price, $1000. Very' fine flat of C rooms, beautiful furni ture, close in; $500. . Nine rooms, 3 blocks from Portland Hotel; $700. 15 rooms, fine boarding-house: price. $1050. b rooms, new furniture, cheap rent; $050. 10 rooms, housekeeping, cheap rent; $050. 10 rooms, housekeeping, central; price, $550. 38-room bouse, a money-maker; $900. 28-room house, very fine; $2000. 32 rooms, brick, lease; $3500. 32-room house, corner, money-maker: $1400. 20 rooms, brlcK; rent $45; price, $2000. 23 rooms, brick, corner; rent $55; price, $1S00. 3(J-rooms, lease; price, $5500. 32 rooms, finest In the city, lease; $6500. 7 rooms, very central: $4Qo. 7 roems,very central; $373; 13 rooms, fine transient house, corner; $1300. IS-room; housed rent $00; price. $750. 15 rooms, cheap rent; price. -$1000. 12-room house: rent $40; lease; $1200. patents: . PATENTS! GUARANTEED! Patent guaranteed. Patents secured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opin ion aa to patentability. Send for Illustrated guidebook and list of inventions wanted; fin est 'publication, issued for free distribution. Contains valuable Information regarding pat ents, trademarks and copyrights; how to ob tain and -ell them; 100 mechanical move ments, etc Patents secured by ua advertised free In the Patent Record. Sample copy free. Address Evans, Wllkins & Co., Registered At. torneys, 638 F St., -Washington, D. C THE ENORMOUS PROFITS MADE IN THE manufacture of sugar Is not. generally un derstood and appreciated. Let us send you a little book showingi how a. fow dollars each month can be Invested in a safe, con eervativc. straightforward business enter prise which will Pay enormous dividends In a comparatively short time. No oil well, race horse, gold mlno or gambling scheme. Best bank references. Send for pamphlet; it -will pay you to know more about It. Conti nental Sugar Refining Co., St. Louis,-' Mo. THE AMES MERCANTILE ' AGENCY ARE In possession of the latest information re garding business chances in city or country. Parties looking for an established mercan tile business" partnerships or interest in cor poration are Invited to call at their offices. None but legitimate 'propositions considered. LateBt Two good propositions for $S00O each. Sash and door factory, city. Good-paying country"' stortr. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, . i Ablngton building. $2500-BIG FUEL BUSINESS. EXTREMELY well and conveniently located-and very profit able; no better organized or more profitable business In Portland for the Investment. $375 Forced sale of u grocery In the city; rent only $15; living rooms.. $200 Well-located lunch counter: rent, $25. $560 "24-room-hotel, city; rent. $15. Call 22P Morrison st. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. SEE FORD IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ROOMING-HOUSE. 165 4TH ST. CLAY 53S. IS-room house, rent $00; price $750. 15 rooms, cheap rent; price $1000. 12-room house; rent $40; lease; $1200. 15 PER CENT WEEKLY". You can handle your own money and realize an average Income at the above rate; send for -our booklet, which explains our method in thill. ' James F. Young &. Co,, 121 Geary st-, San. Franc:sco. SNAP FOR SALE, ONE OF THE LEAD ' lng and best located restaurants' in Port land; 125 seats, can put In some more; grill rooms clear from $300 to $500 per month; lease over the Fair. Owner must go to Europe. Will sell for price if taken at once. Address P 57, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OLD' ESTABLISHED AND paying, retail hardware business In flno farming, dairying,- frdlt, hop section; rea son for selling, am preparing to go into wholesale business. For further information-address Gray Bros., JSalem, Or. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY NOW BUYING; wheat on breaks and selling on bulges. We can .do .this for you. Send for" fr?e book, facts and figures, explaining option trading,, The Osborn Grain Co., 17 Chamber of Com merce, Minneapolis, Minn. Members Cham ber of Commerce. DRUG STORE FOR SALE OLD ESTAB Ushed business in one of the most prosper ous W'ostera Washington towns; about $4000 stock; good business; best of roasona for selling;- good terms. Address Drugs, Y 01, Oregonlan. I , FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MER chandlse in one of the best Valley towns, which would invoice about $6000; full In vestigations will be afforded prospective purchasers. Call at Lang. Co. FOR SALE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE OF about $10,000 In one of the best towns In Oregon; doing a fine business; will give tlmo on part if secured; best of reasons for sell ing, K 71, Oregonlan. HALF INTEREST IN A WBLL-ESTABLISH-ed business; good location; good chance for a man of small means to make money. Ad dress A. R. S., 3S4 E. Morrison st. ROOMING-HOUSE. STRICTHY FIRST-CLASS in every particular; new furniture; 3-year lease; cheap rent; GO rooms; price, $0000. Inquire 331 Burnslde. FOR SALE HOTEL OF ABOUT 140 ROOMS, doing an excellent commercial business. In the best hotel town in Oregon, K OS, Ore gonlan. t $050 BUYS 20-ROOM. HOUSE, CENTRAL, modern; nets $132 per month. Call at once: terms If desired. W 00, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUsE, 34 ROOMS. MOSTLY transient, best transient house in city; lease 3 years; price, $2000. Inquire 331 Burnslde. FURNITLRB SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. $400; furniture 8-room house, $600: furniture 15 rcom house, $1000. Inquire 331 Burnslde. GROCERY STORE ON PROMINENT ST.; centrally located; cheap rent; long lease; in vestigate. Inquire 331 Burnslde. CIGAR STANDS TWO GOOD, CENTRAL stands; we also have several rooming-houses and cottages. 331 Burnslde. QYsTER HOUSE FIXTURES. COMPLETE; first-class "location; 3& years' lease; $50 rent; snap. Inquire 331 Burnsldb. ROOMING-HOUSE, 33 ROOMS. SNAP. IN vestlgate quick: first appearance on the market, JlbSO. 331 Burnslde."' FOR' SALE-BROOMING. HOUSE OF 10 rodma; good location; low rent; all full. Call phone West S00. v SviLL SELL 'WHOLE OR'hALF INTEREST In a flrst-clasff livery, sale and boarding stable. V 69, Oregonlan. ' ' SLODN PROPOS1TION.ROOMING-HOUSE above; rooming-house pays rent;price $850. Inquire 331 Burnslde. CONFECTIONERY STORE. LIVING-ROOMS heart of city, $15 rent; 2-year lease. In quire 331 Burnslde. Ff)R SALE HALF EnTEREST IN GOOD paylng btislne'ss; on monthly payments N C5, Oregonlan. ' SIX-ROOM FLAT, GOOD FURNITURE; cheap, rent; price $350. ' Inquiro 331 Burn side. -. , " BUSINESS CHANCES. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS CHANCES. " LILLIAN DE KEATER. 18 YEARS IN PORTLAND. W.ILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. . 425 TAYLOR STREET. . mttwnn 30 rooms, elegant furniture; full lease.. $2500 "CO goor"income; rooms full; time. 8000 23 -fine location; lease 3000 14 " 20 boarders; pays good...... 1300 0 " boarders. 17: bargain ". 650 7 " fine location; "boarders 50 11 ' nice place; -pays well. ....... 850 . 12 " fine place; full; bargain uoo 21 " very central; good place 1675 10 " private; central. 7,50 9 " central: always full I. 600 ID " beautiful furnished: full .000 finest in city, full ,... 3 very fine central.. -.... -; brick flat, central 129 Very central, full - 167; flat. Third st , &Oj nice place, central IOjO housekeenlnc. full .... 1500 21 " - rooming and boarding.... & loO 0 ' elegant furnished, modern.... S50 8 bargain; central; nice....;... w 0 very central, income $00 mo. 850 22 " lease; cent $60; good - H52 20 " very central; Income over $225 16o 10 " modern; central JJPJJ 15 " central; very nice 00 10 " flne furnished, first-class bust- ness; big Income I3 0 " house; central, nice . P 10 " house; central: rent $25.... 00 11 " very central; nice; full...... 1000 23 " House; lease; fine bargain; cheap rent; house full.... 2000 10 " nice residence: bargain 100 S . " bargain; central - 600 0 " very neat; furnished 750 2S " nice private housekeeping lease; rent only $00; al ways full 2000 25 " very nicely furnished; cen tral; lease: rent reasonable. 2600 18, " lease; new furniture , "000 BARGAINS. Can make terms on above. I have lots of bargains: can't list all. List your houses and all kinds of business with me. I will sell quick. Business good. Strengers in city will do well to see me. I will locate you right. IS years In Portland. LILLIAN DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. Bargain Nice delicatessen, confectionery, lunch room, creamery, cigars; cheap rent; one of the very best locations in city. Price, $650. LDLIAN DE KEATER, 425 Taylor.. Rare opportunity to make money Con fectionery, bakery, cigars, etc; roomj above store rent-for over $30. making store rent free. Price, $1200. Lease. LILLLVN .DE KEATER, 425 Taylor. Nice millinery store for sale: doing fine business. DE KEATER, 425 -Taylor. NEW BUSINESS CHANCES Cigar store. One best business street In. city; candles and cigars; lease; low rent; profitable trade; only $250. Rooming-house, 2o rooms, brick, corner, very central, rent $40; lease; $Jo0 down, $1200; another of 29 rooms, partly furnished, $430. Restaurant, teats about 75 people; lease to 1900; fine furnishings; water, lights and . steam heat free; only $350. 1 Restaurant, well" furnished; rent $15; 3 years' lease. $40O down; price, $050. Saloon, good, central location, new fixtures and furnishings; 4 years' lease, $3700; an other, with lease, for $J00. Grocer', one of best In' tho city; prominent corner; monthly sales about $2500; will sell at invoice about $2500. Hotel, 34 rooms; lease 3 years; rent $30; all furniture and fixtures, goes fbr $125. ROOMING-HOUSES." 18 rooms, modern; very line $2250 8 ." an excellent buy $425 20 " part down; lease $120o 9 " lease; it's a bargain $ 050 30 " choice; transient; corner. .. .$2100 10 residence; fine location $750 15 " always full; snap $ 95u 8 " nearly new furniture $ 400 29 " part furnished; profitable....? 430 12 " central; cent $25... v $ 000 Houses, rooms, stores and farms rented. Be sure to' see us If you want .to buy, sell or trade a. house and lot, farm, or any kind of business chance. COLUMBLV REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. 2341f, Morrison st,, cor. 2d. A PARTY WITH $1000 CAN SECURE AN equal Interest and permanent position; sal ary $123 per month, Including expenses; ex ceptionally good 'opening for a desirable par ty; to the right roan experience not necessary. O 03, care Oregonlan. MUST GO CALIFORNIA $300 SECURES nice, clean, light manufacturing business; dally profits $8, $12; no opposition; experi ence unnecessary; part cash, balance out of profits; personal interview only. "W 52, Oregonlan. CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR Busi ness, no matter where located. If you dp slre a quick eale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, 312 C, Bank of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. . STRANGERS IN THE CITY AND OTHERS looking for business opportunities will find Jt to ..their advantage to consult "with us. We have openings in various mercantile lines. Goldschmldt'a Agency, 266, Stark. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business. In suburbs, on good county road, postoffice; cheap If taken at once; ill health the reason for selling. Further particulars Inquire at 107& Sd St., room 1. WHY'D'EPQSIT IN SAVINGS BANK WHEN wo pay 5 per cent weekly. No stock, grain or specu,laton; money guaranteed by cor poration . rated hundred thousand. Louis Stern Co., Tacoma bldg.. Chicago. QWNER WILL EXCHANGE FINE 9-ROOM residence, corner lot. gas, modern .improve ments., central location, Portland, .and some cash for stock general merchandise. O 64, Oregonlan. WILL BUY HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH m(nt, a good timber claim, or invest In good irrigation proposition; state particulars. J. A. Smith, Gate City Hotel, Huntington, Or. ; ' : 32-ROOM LODGING HOUSE ON 0TH ST.; well furnished; 3-year lease; paying well, "and within walking distance; price $1900. F. M. Johnson &'Co., 321 Falling bldg. FOR SALE ONE OF THE. LEADING candy stores in the city, gobd location, reasonable rent, ldbg lease, satisfactory reasons for selling. E 49. Oregonlan. WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR BUSINESS IN estmcnts from $2000 to $20,000, In city or country; what hayc you to ofterf Goldschmldt'a Agency, 200 Stark. I HAVE $10,000 TO LOAN OR ANY PART of It on first mortgage at a moderate rate of Interest; private transactions Is what I ,want Address Y 51, Oregonlan. GROCERY IN THREE BLOCKS FORT land Hotel; good lease, low rent; about $2000; investigate if you mean business; no agents. Q 59, Oregonlan. FINE MANUFACTURING OPENING, ESTAB llshed business; good income-paying proposi tion; good deal to capable man with $40o0 to $5000. J 59. Oregonlan. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY 3N terest or whole of old established mercan tile business In city- Goldschmldt'a Agency, 26C Stark at. NEW BRICK STORE BUILDING ON ONE of tho best corners in city of Hood River: a fine investment. Address Lock Box 7, Hood River, Or. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; good condition, rooms full, good lo cation; good reasons for selling; $1200. B 61, Oregonlan. WANTED SILENT PARTNER IN PROS perous business: will pay 30 per cent per an num, amount $750. Address P. O. box 477, city. i WIDOW WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM some one as partner, paying Investment, ref erence, security. Address W 70, Oregonlan. BOARD AND BOOMING-HOUSE; 9 ROOMS, furnished: bath, electric lights; central; price $400. Inquire room 3, 149& 1st. WANTpD PARTNER IN SAWMILL; also several small mills for sale. Lumbermen s Labor Bureau, 203 Morrison st. $200025 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR; ALWAYS full; cheap rent; lease; terms; clears $140. Walderon, 522 Chamber Commerce. HOTEL LEASE. RENT $30; ALL FURNI ture and fixtures -of 34 rooms, for $125. Seo 234VJ Morrison st., room 2. PARTNER WITH $500 WANTElJ IN A first-class business; pay 50 per cent, month ly. R 53, care Oregonlan. $S0O S.ALOON F.OR SALE: GOQD CORNER; 3 years base; must leavo city.-" Address B 61, care Oregonlan. WANTED-r$2000 AT 5 PER CENT FOR 5 years; extra flne security. . Call at 403 Mc Kay building. 22 ROOMS, -GOOD FURN.'lTURE; PAYS well; close In; good buy; terms. , 012 Com merclal bldg. ' FURNITURE 10 ROOMS.' FINE' LOCATION, $850; 0 rooms, lent $32, .$550. 'Room 3, 193Ja 1st st. A BARGAIN FOR CASH". $1500 STOCK OF drugs, good location; must sell. D 64, Ore gonlan. . WANTED PARTNER TO TAKE 'HALF IN terest In mercantile" 'business. 75 06, Orego nlan.. "FOR SALE GX K G4, Oregon! ipOD SALOON; LONG' LEASE. ian. ' . 28 20 " 25 20 " 11" " 10 " 14 BUSINESS. CHANCES. JENNINGS &.CO. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS, ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR-SALE. 10 rooms, "big- bargain for ..$ 600 ..$ 750 ..$ 650 ..$2600 S " cor. flat, clears over $40.... a nouse, gooa location 12 "I housekeeping, "air full ". 11 "' flat. N. Third st. low rent.. 33 " doing good business .... 36 " good buy, long lease GO " all full, new furniture, lease. 25 " brick flat, all on one floor.... 30 " cor. brick, fine transient.. j.., 20 'l near Hotel Portland- ..$ S30 ..$ 525 ..$1500 ..$4500 ..$6C00 ..S1SO0 ..$2000 . .$1650 TO DO THE BUSINESS , BECAUSE "VYB HAVE THE BARGAINS. 52 rooms. bes house in city 57500 135 new furniture, lease.... 5tvl52 50 hotel, long lease 5300 14 " flat, housekeeping ?x 8 " cheap rent, housekeeping $ 00 25 hotel, near Fair site $1200 18 fine furniture, housekeeping.... $2000 10 swell transient corner s5x2 22 " moneymaker, cheap rentr.. '3592 6 " flat, close In, rent free S 650 24 " flat on East Sido $1300 22 close In, all housekeeping $2000 CAN MAKE TERMS ON THE ABOVE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. We have a good manufacturing plant, making a btapie artlciH. for sale. Any one with ordi nary business ability can run It; good cash market for the product at a handsome profit; price $2150; can give terms. Grocery, flne locality, will Invoice $2000 Grocery, with living rooms, at Invoice.... $1500 Saloon, low rent and good business $5000 Cash grocery, at a bargain; anout $2000 Good-paying delivery business $ 630 Country hotel, furniture and building.... $4000 Cleaning ana dyeing works; good trade.. $ 600 Stock general merchandise, invoice about.$3500 Hotel of 12 rooms, rent only $15; good for transients $ 000 Electro-plating plant, with guaranteed profit; will teaqh buyer the business $1000 JENNINGS & CO 332 WASHINGTON , 1 , O. C. R. ELLIS. BUSINESS CHANCES, REAL ESTATE. LODGING-HOUSES A SPECIALTY. Room 21, 264' Morrison, lOSfe 3d. Houses $400 to $SO00. Call If you want to buy right. Now Is the time. Special 15 rooms, Morrison St.: lease over Fair; rent, $45; pays $100 over rent. Reduced to $1600 on account of sickness. 10 rooms, best residence locality; one of the most-completely furnished In city; carpets, nearly new; rooms all rented and paying 5100 , above rent; $1000. 12 rooms, select housekeeping; long lease; rent, $33; all new, good, complete; price, $1400. i Some cheaper ones 15 rooms, good lease, cheap Vent; $1000. 15-room flat, lease. $25, good buy $ 550 12-room house, rent $45, pays $90 830 S rooms, well located, pays $67 450 - 12' rooms, one floor, lease. $35;.-. 12oO 24 rooms, boarding-house, lease, $50.... UOO 9 rooms, Reject boarding, rent $50 600 Grocery store, new stock, well located in residence section; 3 living rooms; rent, $15; price, .$000. Grocery store, horse, wagon, large stock, good business; rent. $25, including 10 living rooms and barn; price, $2000, or will Invoice. Have two saloons with lodging-houses above; either one a mint for right party; sell tho saloons separate If desired; $3500 and $3000 respectively. Store for rent, suitable for saloon or gro cery; rooms above may be purchased at reak sonable figure with lease on all. Terms may bo made on any of tho above. You will find all the beat propositions on my list that are for sale at lowest prices. Call before you buy. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. - MANAGER-ONE OF THE LARGEST CEK- eal food manumacturers In the United States, located at Battle Creek, Mich., A 1 credit and highest bank and commercial references, finds it necessary to open a branch office in Los Angeles, and we want a capable man who can come well recommended to fill tho posi tion of local manager. Salary, $1500 per year and percentage of business done. Our manager should make at least $4000 per year In this territory; must invest $2000 in accord ance with our co-operative plan of doing business. Address H. E. Harvey, Postotilca Box 2374, Battle Creek, Mich. OUR EXTRA QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS Have averaged 20 per cent qn tho Capital invested. In addition to these extra quarterly dividends our Investors have received every week our regular dividend of 4 per cent. Send for our free booklet, which explains the plan of Investment that has enabled us to mko a such profitable returns. THE AMERICAN ASSURANCE ASSOCIA TION (Incorporated). 526-527 Starr-King building, San Francisco. FOR SALE A CIGAR STORE, BRINGING IN a revenue of 3000 per annum; controls the cigar, tobacco and periodical business of this city; well established, and no bonus asked; $1200 for the fixtures, which are well worth the money, and the Stock, fresh iand sale able goods, at invoice. For full particulars, write or call on James J. Flynn & Co., The Dalles, Or. DOUBLE YOUR INCOME. Do you earn $100 per month? We can dou ble it with a $20 Investment. Larger amounts In proportion. Oldest and best known cor poration in our line. Capitalized for $100,000. National bank references. Write us. Star & Crescent Co., 220 La Salle st., Chicago. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN WITH $1000 to $2500 In established manufacturing busi ness; will guarantee to double same and pay - a salary of $1200 or flrst year; money fully secured: best of reference given and required. Apply Wm. Hawks, 300 Commercial block. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP AND CONFEC tlonery store, centrally located; absolutely free rent on store for two years; this is a snap; on easy terms. Elegantly furnished small flat, cheap If sold soon. F. T. Berry, Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 1841. 10O LOTS FREE FIRST 100 APPLICANTS sending stamp will receive deed of a lot. size 25x100 feet, to advertise Westminster 'Park, suburb. New York. 20th Century Realty Co., 0 Wall St.. New York. FOR SALE 50-ROOM HOUSE IN CENTER of city: flrst time offered; good lease; rent reasonable; part cash, balance long time on Installments: owner going away. Inquire 145ta 0th at., room L FURNITURE 15 ROOMS, CENTRAL; 9 rooms, fine location; 2S rooms, all full, good corner; 5-room. flat, cheap rent; 0 rooms, makes $50 over rent. Call at room 3, 103 Va 1st st. IS-ROOM LODGING HOUSE, ALL NEWLY furnished, and paying well: close In; five- year lease; price $2250. Will make terms. year lease; price $2250. Will make term: F. M. Johnson & Co., 321 Falling bldg. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING GROCERY business; good corner; plain stock; fine op portunity to get an established business. Lambert St Sargent, 383 E. Washington. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 ROOMS. GOOD LOCA tlon, corner house"; rent reasonable; price, $700. Call after Sunday between 10 and 4, 75 N. 9th, corner Everett. , HALF INTEREST PROFITABLE BUSINESS; $125 month guaranteed purchaser; money se cured: $300 takes It Monday. Call room 19, 211 Morrison st. $1400 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 23-ROOM house; close in; clears $125 per month; long lease: reasonabjo rent. Walderon, 622 Cham ber Commerce. ROOMING-HOUSE. 32 ROOMS. EXTRA well furnished, brick building; 3-year lease; good location; price $2000. E. J. Geiser, 205v4 Morrison. SURE TO DOUBLE IN VALUE. WE HAVE 10,000 shares Star Consolidated stock; very cheap for quick buyer. L. Y. Keady &. Co., Falling bldg. A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY WILL PUR chase half Interest In well-established tailor ing and cleaning business. K 65, care Orego nlan. ONE OF THE BEST RETAIL CANDY stores on prominent street; 'ong lease: a money-maker. Goldschmldt'a Agency, 223 Stark. STATE AND TOWN RIGHTS FOR SALE permanent cure for drug and liquor diseases. For particulars, address V 64. Oregonlan. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT, FINELY furnished, flne transient place. In business center; only $1300. Y 16, Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE IN GOOD country town; good location for pork pack ing. Address H 30, care Oregonlan. FOR ONLY $250 YOU CAN BUY A NEAT, cozy, well-located cigar store, with lease. ' See 234& Morrlsdn st, room 2. $500 ACTIVE MAN FOR INSIDE WORK IN factory; $25T,week: can have terms If desired. Call todjty. 324 First 'st. FURNITURE 10 ROOMS, FINE LOCATION, $550; 0 rooms, new furniture, cheap rent. Room 3, 1934 1st st. ROOMING-HOUSE, 22 ROOMS. GOOD FUR nlture, fine location": close In; bargain; terms. 012 Commercial bldg. FOR RENT LOWER DOCK, WITH BOAT landing, foot of Morrison at. Inquire 1SS Morrison. WANTED THREE ROOMING-HOUSES, 15 to sp rooms; lease; reasonable. 234 Main. MINING STOCK BOUGHT. MONEY LOANED, Income stock sold., 215 Commercial block. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE. 15 . ROOMS; LEASE. Morrison St.. dentral. 10 rooms,- Yamhill st.; splendid location. Inquire 331 Bum side. . 1 FOR SALE CIGAR STORE AND HOUSE-, hold furniture; very cheap. Call 101 N. Front. $2300 WILL SECURE A GOOD BUSINESS. K 62, Oregonlan. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. S01 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assayers and Analysis. MONTANA. ASSAY OFFICE, 20S STARK st., Portland. Cut rates for GO days; gold, $1; silver, 30c; copper. $1; lead, $L J. H. FISK. ASSAYER, CHEMIST AND mining engineer. 204 1- Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, aSSAYER 'AND ANA .lyst; gold dust bought. 22SVi Stark st, Blue Prints. PORTLAND BLUE PRINT CO. BLUE, black and brown prints, maps and trac ings made. 29 Atnsworth block. Phono Main 2085. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, storo fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS, shelving, houses built and repaired. 203 4th. Clay 174. Cement Contractors. CARTER &. ELL, cement contractors. 271 Porter st. Tel. Front 2S04. Work guaranteed. Chiropodists and Manicuring. L. MITCHELL, THE FIRST LICENSED expert chiropodist of Portland, has the only up-to-date chiropody and manicuring parlors in this city; best lady expert chi ropodist In the Northwest as assistant. All instruments sterilized. 702 Marquam bldg. Tel. Black 2851. WM. DEVENY'& ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky bldg, Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are look ing for. RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC LADY CHIROP odlst. Call and be convinced by my dem onstrations. Testimonials at ouice, 20 Raleigh bldg. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS in all kinds of coal. Call us up for quota tions. 134 North 5th. Tel. Main 1018. KING COAL CO., WHOLESALE AND RE tail; Wyoming and Washington house coal., smithing coals; prompt delivery. Main 1425. VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B at. . Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchants. Front st. near Main. Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock building, Portland, Or. ALLEN &. LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front & D sts Portland, Or. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C Bayer, 205 2d st. Dancing. . MRS. GRANT'S CLASSES EVERY TUESDAY evening 7:30; dancing afterward. Academy of Music, 2d and Morrison sts. HELEN COPELAND, teacher dancing. Burk hard Hall. Mon. and Wed. eves. Scott 5013. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING, 200 14th, cor. Jeif. Waltzing a specialty. Drefes Pleutlngs. BON MARCHE DRESS PLEATING CO.. 332 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison. Accordion and side Dleatlng; pinking. Red 3200. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean or, 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Main 2513. Educational. PHOTOGRAPH PAINTING TAUGHT AND easily learned in few lessons; trial lesson free. Walters, 288 fe Washington. The Pfell Art School Drawing and keramlc depts.; day and evening classes. 32S 13th st. FRENCH CONVERSATION A SPECIALTY; success guaranteed. 521 Marquam bldg. Electrical Works. PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC trlcal Works. 178 Madison. Tel. Black 2U81. Electroplating-. ELECTROPLATING AND OXIDIZED WORK of all kinds done at short notice. Doctor's in struments a specialty. Airtight Stove Manu-, facturlng Co., f 0 Grand ave. Phone East 710. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of NW.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Seoy. 0 12-1.15 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddled. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale baddlers and harness manufacturers, leather arid saddlery hardware. 80-80 1st st. Instructions. LEAVE OVERCROWDED OCCUPATIONS; learn to teach physical culture, boxing, fencing. If unable to call, we teach by man. Chicago Athletic School, 240 Michigan ave., Chicago. Junk, Hides and Pelts. J. LEVE'S JUNK SHOP IS REMOVED FROM 208 Davis st. o 180 Columbia, near Front; highest cash price paid for all kinds of Junk. Phone Black 1711. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness infra., saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72r73 5th st. Machinery- TRENKMAN & CO., MINING, SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, cast ings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY TO COM pletely outfit shingle mill; boilers and en gines. Wlttler-Corbln Mach. Co., Seattle. THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 24S Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved; at 720 Front, cor. Hooker. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. st. Mussuge. REFINED YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE gives vapor, medicated bath; magnetic and electric treatment; select patrons only. 26 Raleigh bldg. VAPOR BATH. MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC treatments by experienced young lady; select patrons only. H.0J 4th St., oor. Washington, room 8. YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medi cated -baths; magnetic treatment, 20 Raleigh building. Refined young lady, vapor, salt, glow, mag netic, perfume baths; new treatments; delight ful. Invigorating, a luxury. 20114 3d. room 2. LADY FROM MINNEAPOLIS, GENUINE scientific massase; one treatment means an other. Call 351s Morrison, room. 17. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE and magnetic treatment; only genuine baths In the house. Room 26, Raleigh bldg. FRENCH LADY, WITH YOUNG LADY As sistants, gives massage treatments. 208 5th st,, near Taylor. Phone West 1973. LADY FROM THE EAST GIVES BATHS and massage, with young lady assistant from New York. Parlor 4.. 209 4th st. REFINED YOUNG LADY GIVES MASSAGE, electric treatment and medicated' baths. 207 3d, room 4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Japanese Goods. JAPANESE CROCKERY; ALL KINDS bamboo furniture. A. Tanaka, 36G Wash. Medical. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. '.'Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask. your drujsi3t. Chichester Chemical Co.. Pmiadelphla, Pa. Musical. THE POLMATIER SISTERS (ORCHESTRA and String Quintet) close their engagement at the AVinter Garden. Friday, Oct. 0, and will be at liberty to accept engagements for entertainments, private dances, weddings concerts, etc. Address box 475, or phone Main 2SS6. MRS. FINCK-OXER, VOCAL AND GUITAR teacher. 244& 7th St., cor. Main. Telephone Red 3412. Lessons 50c, piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, Iq lln; lnstrum'ts for sale. Mrs. Martin, lotVz 1st. VIOLIN. GUITAR, MANDOLIN, ' . NJO Prof. E. A. Smith. 234. 12th. Brown 3. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT, SUCCESSFULLY treats and cures all diseases of women. Suc cessful home treatment by mail. SOS balmon. bet. 6th and 6th. Dr. Flora A. Brown, dlbeasos of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Oregon Viavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON Sts. Health talk to ladies. Thursuays. 2:30 P. M. Launch nnd Boat-Bulltlcrs. SEE O. P. GRAHAM, 47 E. WATER ST murine anu stationary gasoline engin s. Manufacturing Jewelcra. Old gold and silver bought; jewelry repaired. Kahn & Gaus, 102& 1st. Phone Hood 172.5. Osteopathy. DR. C. W. EELLS. OSTEOPATH; graduate Mo. Otllce 220 5th st. Phone West 1975. DRS. ADIX AND NORTHRUP HAVE RE turned to the'r former offices, suite 416 De kum bldg., phone Main 349. Paints, Oils and (ilms. F.E. BEACH CO.. THE PIONEER PAINT K.O., selling the best things made In paints. J35 1st st. Phone Main 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, gloss, sash and doors- 180 1st st. Fluting. OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 WASII. Pollshlng. plating, lacquering. TeL Mn 2oI5. Patent Lawyers. T. J. GEISLEP. patent and trade mark matters a specialty. 530 Chamber of Com merce. Palmistry. THE FIRST VISIT TO PORTLAND OF MISS Lucile Fontaine, scientific palmlBt. If you are In doubt as to the outcome 3f anything pertaining to your social, domestic or com mercial life, advise with this gifted woman. It will avail you. Hours, 10 to 9. Rooms 5 and C, 207fc Third street. Readings, 50c, $1.00. PROF. WALLACE-HE ADVISES ON LOVE, marriage, divorce, death, health, business, property, speculation, lawsuits, changes, sit uations, rivals, husbands, wives, sweethearts, absent friends, success or failure In business, mining, changes, etc. The Cosmos, cor. 4th and Morrison; rooms 27 and 28. MISS MARION CORELLI. PALMIST AND clairvoyant. 2403'5th st., room 2. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. PHONE Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stenclid. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. Gtn cral repairs. Burglar alarms, fateel ceil ings. Second-hand and steel-lined safes bought and sold; goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 60 3d. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFES. FORT land Safe & Lock Co., solo, agents, 76 1st st. Showcases und Store Fixtures. R. LUTKD & CO., SUCCESSORS TO Dixon, Borgensen & Co., 0th arid Hoyt sts. i , Slot Machines. , TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO . cor. Park and Oak; largest variety; repair ing. Spiritualist. MRS. WALLACE. SPIRITUAL MENTAL Headings, valuable advice on all affairs of life; business and absent friends a specialty. Troubled minds promptly relieved. 165 4th St., room 38. Office hours. 0 A. M. to 3 P. M. MME ADWARDS CRAMER. SPIRITUALISE medium, can be consulted on business, law suits, love, matrimony; unites the separate J, no matter the distance or cause, satisfaction guaranteed. 86 N. 7th, near Everett. MADAME JOHNSTON, CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader, returned; pleased to see old friends. 280 Third st. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, located In room 303, Alisky bldg., cor. 3d & Morrison. Hood 40o. MRS. STEVENS. SPIRITUAL LIFE READER, scientific palmist, 50c. 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. Mrs. Sophio B. Seip, seer and prophetess. 81 7th, cor. Oak. Phone Green 641. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS & FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped, ail work, guaranteed; large 3-story brick ware house on Clay, bet. lbt and Front. Office 123 1st st, C. M. OUon. Phone Main 347. C. O. PICK, office SS First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 5U6, Pianos atfu furniture moved and packed for shipping; commo dious lire-proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St.; household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing- machines ana all movable articles at reasonable prices. Stoves. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC Coast; also hotel and restaurant utenah. . bakers ovens. Loewenberg & Going Co., 2d. and Talor. Trunk Factory, PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies; mimeograpblc work; public typewriting. Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark st. Tel. Mam 1407. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 319 California st,, San Fran cisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GRO cers, cor. N. Front and Davis sts Port land. Or. LOST AND FOUND. BLACK AND WHITE SPOTTED POEn'TER dog, G months old, both ears and right hip black; one large black spot on each side, with, pepper spots all over; answers to Mack. Reward for return to 595 Jefferson. LOST AT OR NEAR WAVERLY GOLF links, a pigskin pocket-book, containing small change, silver locket and sliver knife. Finder return to R. L. Macleay, Arlington Club, and receive reward. LOST ON WASHINGTON ST., LADY'S black purse, containing tickets Fairview to Portland. Finder kindly return Oregonlan Office. i , , LOST A SCOTCH COLLIE. NOVEMBER 3. without collar; answer to-name "King"; re ward. James Ward, 7tn and Stark. LOST A LITTLE BLACK AND WHITE FE male cocker spaniel, answers to the name of Trlxle. Reward at 401 E. Burnslde. LOST GENTLEMAN'S TAN FLAT PURSE containing $73 gold. Finder please return 823 1st. Liberal reward. LOST NATIONAL FRATERNITY HIGH School pin; lettera T. H. K. engraved. Re turn to 01 6th st Reward. LOST STAR-SHAPED PIN. SET WITH DIA mond and pearls. Liberal reward. 573 Irving st. LOST GARNET STICKPIN SATURDAY afternoon. Return to 494 E. Washington st. Reward.