THE SUNDAY OREGOISIAN, ORTLAJsT), arOYEMBER 8, 1903. 21 ,v I bcr qWb old-tlme friends met to wish him many more happy returns of his 4 birthday. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien. Mrs. J. F. Shea, Mrs. J. Halinan. Mrs. J. N. Sutton and Mrs. Wiley wero the patronesses. The enter tainment committee includes: John M. Gearin. T. A. O'Gorman, A. E. Kerrigan, J P. O'Haro, Walter J. Gearin, John X. Casey, Dr. H. P. O'Connor, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hydo opened their now homo on East Yamhill street last night. C. F. Hall, brother-in-law of Mr. Hydo, and wife were present from Oak land, Cal.. to enjoy the evening. The Veteran Male Quartette was present and rendered a. number of selections. The Tuesday Afternoon Club met at the home of Mrs. "Warren Whlto. Zii Hall street. November Z, and was enrtalned in a most delightful manner. , Mrs. "White was assisted was Mrs. J. F. Davis. Cosmos wore used for decorations, and delicious refreshments were served. The November party of Gilbert Camp Auxiliary, No. 1, Spanish-American War Veterans, was given on Monday evening at the new Woodmen HalL A large number of guests were present, and the excellent music provided by the hostesses made the dance very enjoyable. ' The Knights of Columbus, of Portland Council, No. 678, gave a pleasant dancing and card party on Thursday evening at Parson's HalL About EX) guests were present. Parsons' orchestra gave a de lightful programme of music A pleasant young people's party was given on Tuesday for Miss Margaret War ren at her home, 899 East Taylor fitreeL The evening was spent in music and games. A very pleasant surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. M. Epstein, of 6S8 Third street, on November L to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. "" Mrs. B. L. Thompson gave a card party on Friday afternoon, entertaining a largo number of her women friends at the game of whist. Miss Buckenmeyer and Miss Jeffrey gave a pleasant party at Parsons Hall last evening for their junior class. WEDDINGS. Montgomery-Stanburrough. The Mlzpah Presbyterian Church was the scene of Its first wedding on Wednes day evening, when Emma May Younger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stan burrough, was united In marriage to Nathan Mark Montgomery. The pretty little church lent Itself graciously to the simple decorations of ferns arranged by the Mary arid Martha Society, of which the bride Is a member, while the vestibule was embellished with the oars and colors of the Portland Bowing Club, of which the groom is a prominent member. As Miss Anna Flledner rendered the beautiful strains from "Lohengrin," the ushers, Frederick E. Forbes, brother-in-law of the bride: William King, George Luders and George Houghton entered, fol lowed by the groom and his best man, Charles Clark Duncan. Mlss Carrie Scougal, the maid of honor, was daintily attired in pale green silk organdy with arm bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The bride on the arm of her father was a beautiful picture In her simple robe of organdy and lace with veil fastened with smllax and carrying a shower bou quet of bride roses. During the reading of the Impressive marriage service by the Bev. Jerome B. McGIade, Mrs. Berta Grimes' rich con tralto voice was heard in "Oh, Promise Me," the strains of which melted into the Mendelssohn wedding march as the bridal party left the church. A reception from 9 to 11 followed at the family resi dence -on East Fifteenth street. There the white and green color scheme was con tinued, the numerous tiny electric lights placed throughout the house 'and porch added greatly to the already charming scene. The numerous gifts attested to the high esteem in -which the young couple are hold. In the gift room Mrs. Ferris poured coffee, the bride and groom being served from china used at the wedding of the bride's grandmother. Punch was served in a cozy nook under -the stairway by a bevy of daintily gowned young ladles, while Mrs. Alan Welch Smith presided In the dining-room. The bridal party took their places in the parlor while Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Forbes received lnthe reception hall, Crichton-Glenn. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer gives the following account of the wedding of James rlchton to Miss Grace Glenn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenn: The parlors were beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums, cosmos and roses, in fact were converted Into a perfect bank of flowers that were studded here and there with an occasional spray of Oregon grape and Ivy. In the center was an arch of white chrysanthemums. Beneath this arch stood the wedding party while Bev. D. V. Poling pronounced the words uniting the happy couple. While Miss Lota Kel say, presiding at the piano, played Lohen grin's wedding march, the party entered, Bev. Mr. Poling followed by his little twin daughters, Helen and Buth, clad in pink and blue, looking as If they had just emerged from fairyland, carrying the ring. Then came Mr. Crlchton, accompanied by his brother, William Crlchton, followed by the bride and her sister. Miss Edna Glenn. Later in the evening refreshments were served in the dining-room, which was most tastefully decorated, and there the young couple received many remembrances from friends. In the shape of substantial and cobtly presents. Yesterday morning Mr. and Mrs. Crlch ton were accompanied to the 4:15 train, where, under a shower of rice, they started for Victoria, B. C, expecting to be absent for a w eek. On their return they will make their home at the Williamson resi dence on Fulton street. Double Wedding. At 429 E. Burnslde, on Wednesday, No vember 4, at 8 P. M., occurred a double wedding. H. Walter Peterson and Sadie Neale and Otis Welch and Mattle F. Neale being the contracting parties. The home was beautifully and profusely dec orated with vines, ferns and white chrys anthemums. Forty-two guests were pres ent. At the sound of the wedding march, played by Miss Anna Welch, the bridal party entered the parlors. Miss Anna Neale upon the arm bfher father and Miss Mattie Neaie upon the arm of her brother. Bev. William S. Gilbert pronounced the service, after which the guests repaired to the dining-room, where a sumptuous dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson will live at 690 East Bumslde after a week's stay In La Grande, Or. Mr. and Mrs. Welch.left for their home in Hepp ner. Livermore-Bevis. At high noon on Wednesday. Septem ber 30, a pleasant home wedding took; place In the suburb of St. Johns. Tho' occasion was the marriage of Jean Fern Bevis to James F. Llvermore. The cere mony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wood. Bev. J. T. Hoye officiating. Only a few immediate friends and relatives were pres ent. Mr. Wallace Tyndall was best man and Miss Ethel Dennis was bridesmaid. After the ceremony the guests repaired, to the dining-room, where refreshments w ere served. The happy couple left in the qyenlng for The Dalles, returning on Fri day. Sester-Hofman. Adolph Sesfer and Miss Llsette Hofman were married Monday evening, November 2, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luedke, on East Nineteenth street. Bev. W. G. Fisher, pastor of First United Brethren in Christ Church, officiated. Tho .home was lighted with Japanese lanterns and decorated with smllax, holly. Autumn leaves and flowers. August Sperling was rbest man and Miss Marie Adcox was bridesmaid. Miss Annie Luedke recited a bridal poem. Mr. and Mrs. Sester will be at home near Gresham after Novem ber 9. Grant-Reifcnrath. On Wednesday, October 23, at St. Jo seph's Church, Mr. Fred S. Grant and Miss Elizabeth Frances Beifenrath were united in marriage. At half-past 8 o'clock tho bridal party entered the church and was met by Bev. Father De Boo, pastor of the church. Miss Nina Schoeps was maid of honor and Mr. Walter Gadsby acted as best man. After the service a wedding breakfast was served to relatives and a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are at home at 2C9 Halsey street. Gran-Morgan. A very pleasant affair was the marriage of Albert F. Gran and Miss Margaret Mor gan at tho residence of the bride's par ents, Midway, last Wednesday evening, Bev. C. A. Lewis, of Sellwood. officiat ing. Herman Naylorerved as best man, iiiiu jtuaa Agnes uran as onaesmaio. a. sumptuous dinner was served, after which the newly wedded couple repaired to their new home in South Portland, where they were tendered a reception by their numer ous friends. Knoll-Chamberlain. At the home of the groom's parents, 435 DaviB street, on Wednesday evening, November 4, Arthur Knoll and Miss Myr tle ChamberlainSvere united In marriage, Bev. J. F. Ghormley officiating. Miss Henrietta Arnsplger was bridesmaid and Mr. W. J. Hopfer was best man. The house was handsomely decorated, tho ceremony being performed under a large bell of cut flowers. An elaborate wedding supper was served to the Sridal party.. , Bergstrand-Childs. Last Monday, in tho presence of a few friends, Bev. F. E. Coulter united in marriage Mabel, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles T. Childs, and Verner A. Bergstrand. Both young people are well known in Portland. Hurlbut-West. Mrs. Eva M. West was married on Oc tober 30 to W. D. Hurlbut, of Falrhaven, Wash., at the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church by the Bev. Dr. H. J. Talbott. McAlpin-Oglesby. The wedding of Miss Pink Oglesby and Mr. Arthur B. McAlpln took place on Tuesday. November 3, at Trinity Chapel. Tho ceremony was performed by the Bev. A. A. Morrison. " COMING EVENTS. Tho William G. Eliot Fraternity of the Unitarian Church Is preparing for an ac tive and profitable year. The society, un der the direction of Miss Caroline Willis, chairman of the social committee, is ar ranging for a supper on the evening of the 13th of November, to which all the ypung people of the Unitarian Society are in vited. A study of American literature, beginning with tho literature of Oregon and the Pacific Coast has been inaugurated under tho leadership of Miss Carlotta Parker-, chairman of the literary committee. The second literary meeting of the frater nity will be held on some evening during the third week of November, at the resi dence of Dr: and Mrs. Cressey. The members of the Portland Fruit and Flower Mission are making preparations for an advertising fete, which will be un doubtedly one of "the most unique enter tainments ever given at Parson's HalL Tho Flower Mission girls will appear in a gaily costumed programme, which is to be followed by a dance. The Indo-American Women's League will meet on Tuesday at 2:30 P. M. at the home of Mrs. S. V. Hill, 161 Twenty-third street corner of Irving. All women Interested in conditions of childhood are invited. Bev. A. A. Morrison, D. D.t is to ad dress the members of the Woman's club next Friday, his subject being, "East and West A natural Autlthesls." Miss Fletch er Linn will be the soloist. Tho members of Multnomah Chapter, Daughters of the American Bcvolutlon, will meet on Wednesday, afternoon, No vember 18, at tho home of Mrs. Brcyman. Invitations are being sent out for the dances that are to be given by the Third Infantry Band at the Armory this Winter. "B" Company, O. N. G., will give their second dance of tho season at the Ar mory on Friday, November 13. The Carnation Social Club members will give their second dance of the series Monday evening. November party of Portosla Club will be given on next Wednesday evening, at Parson's HalL ENGAGEMENTS. Mr and Mrs. Lewis W. Bobertson an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ota Lorena, to Francis Bowsey Hanlon, of Chicago. The wedding will take place November 23. The engagement is announced of Miss Clara M. Knowlton, daughter of Mrs. D. A. Knowlton, of Freeport, Illinois, to Mr. Frederick H. Strong. The engagement is announced of Miss Ellen Eliot, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot to Mr. Frederick Weil, of felead vllle, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Clay A. Simpson announce the engagement of their daughter Mayme to William M. Powell, of this city. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery left on Wednes day for St. Louis. Mrs. T. M. Word is expected homo to morrow from Boseburg. Mrs. Herbert Hoyt Is expected homo this week from Kalama. Miss Marlon Chase left yesterday morn ing for a short visit in Astoria. Miss Lila Sutheiiand Is visiting, her sis ter, Mrs. Holland Mills, In Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bowen and daughter left on Monday for Southern Minnesota. Miss Minerva Montleth Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Casper Van Dran, at Pendle ton. Mrs. C. L. Thornbury left on Saturday for The Dalles after spending four years In Portland. Mrs. Leopold Bosenthal and daughter Carolyn, left for their home In Spokane this morning. Mrs. Tyler Henshaw, of Oakland, Cal., arrived a few days ago to visit her sister Mrs. Sidney Cawston. Mrs. Samuel G. Fulton leave on' Wed nesday for a visit with friends and rela tives In San .Francisco. Mrs. Minnie Markham, of Dufur, Is vis iting Mrs. E. C. Warren and other old time friends In this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schulderman have returned from their honeymoon And are at home at 6G9 Kearney street. Mrs. B. Sommer, and daughter. Miss Sommer, left this morning for California where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Josephine Anderson, of Mount Ta bor, has left for Idaho, where she will visit her uncle, Mr. Gustav Erickson. Mrs. Herman Winning, who came to the wedding of her sister, Miss .Belf enrath, has returned to her home in Pomeroy, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer, of Mount Tabor, attended the wedding of their eldest son, William, to MInnio Wade, at Columbus, Wash. Miss Irene Brotherton, of San Francisco, who has been visiting relatives in this city the v past month, left for homo Saturday, visiting over in Salem Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. W. N. Gatens. Mrs. W. A. Mears leaves on Monday for California, accompanied by Mrs. B. A. Lawbaugh. They expect to be at Del Monte about two weeks. Mrs. William Sheeky has returned from Chicago after a visit of two months with her daughter Frances, who Is studying music under WHllam H. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Friedlander arrived from California yesterday and will re main at the home of Mrs. Frledlander's parents at 735 Flanders street until the completion of their new home. Mrs.L. EL Bockwell Is in attendance at the executive meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society at Baltimore, McL- SJie was elected delegate by the Columbia Blver branch at Its recent an nual meeting. She will visit her father In Connecticut, and also her son Foster, at Yale, before returning. v At the Woman's Union. Miss Carrie Sherry is here for a tem porary stay. " v Miss Angela McGregor, of Sylvan, was TffffTfln'?'i'.""Wl!tift..illLlLawH n"' " PTrYi 1! i 11 jrHV Y tte tho guest of Miss K. Quinn, over two nights last week. Miss Esther Weltman, of Chicago, reg istered on Thursday. Mrs. M. Byram, of Boise, Idaho, was a newcomer on Wednesday. Miss Jeannle E. Thompson has again taken up her residence here. Miss Hazel Anderson has returned from her visit to her homo at The Dalles. Miss E. J. Cochran, of Boseburg, has taken up her residence at the Union. Miss Lena Maley, of Newport left for home lately, after a week's residence. Miss Emma Stoker, of Newport, was a recent transient guest en route to Tho Dalles. -Miss Lillian Madison, of Albino, was tho guest of Miss Sherry at dinner on Sunday. Mrs. H. Kulper, of Dayton, paid a visit to her daughter, "Mrs. Cahlll, one night last week. The Misses Frieda and Selma Schlbth, of Mount Tabor, were guests at lunch on Monday. Miss Winifred Ackland, . of Delaware, Ontario, Canada, Is the' latest" name on the register. Miss Cornwall returned on Friday even ing from a ten days' trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Mrs. B. G. Connor, of Cascade Locks, accompanied by her young son, Stanley, was the guest of her sister. Miss Hannan, on Wednesday. Curtis Indian Photographs The exhibition and sale of the Curtis Indian photographs will continue at the Portland Hotel through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mr. Curtis has made a scientific study of the Indians of tho West for ten years and today possesses the finest collection of photographs that exists. All lovers of art are urged to see them. H. B. Lett. A beautiful line of Champagne collars in evening tea and theater wraps from tho celebrated John C. Stratton. Exclusive and marked at close margin. Also sev eral cases street coats from 25c to 50c Piano Students, Attention. A harmony class for beginners will bo formed by Professor Bettlnger the com ing weelc All who desire to Join should apply at studio. 301 West Park street. Terms reasonable. Dancing. Mrs. Nina Larowe will form a new class. Apply now. Beferences required. Dancing, Parsons Hall. Monday night class. Parsons' orchestra. Celebrated Strattons Garments, only at Litt's. Full dress suits to rent. Lion Clothing Co., 16S Third street. . A grand operatic and ballad concert wjll be given by Slgnor G. Ferrari at Parson's Hall, Tuesday evening, Novem ber 17. The grand duett, from the Opera I'Purltanl, for baritone and bass, will be .rendered for the first time In Port land. OREGON. Medford. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sneli left Tuesday, for several days' trip in Northern Cali fornia. J. M. Hansborough, of Boseburg. spent several days hero this week hunting at the Bay Dam. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bosenbaum, of Mer lin, vlsltea Mrs. C. A. Blddlo Thursday, returning the same evening. A very pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. G. C. Noble, when her eldest daughter, Miss Alta Boston, was united to Edgar Whiteside, Bev. James Kelso performing the .ceremony. The parlors of the Noblo residence were handsomely decorated with chrysanthe mums, laurel berries and Autumn leaves, forming an arch, where the couple stood while the ceremony was being performed. I Promptly at S:30 o'clock, while Miss Al- vlra HIbbard played the wedding march, the bride and groom entered, accompan ied by Miss Dalla King as bridesmaid and Mr. Arthur Poe as best man. Many useful and beautiful presents were re ceived. Only Immediate friends and rel atives were present. The young people will make their home with the groom's mother on S&th street during tho Win ter. Tho Halloween party given by the la dies of the Lewis and Clark Club Satur day evening was largely attended and a success In every particular. The opera houso was decorated with Jack-o'Lan-tems, strings of corn and apples, making the effect truly Halloween. The supper was served by several ghosts, personated by different' ladles of the club, and the supper was delicious. A short programmo was given during the evening, Including a vocal solo by Miss Enid Hamilton, a ghost story by Mrs. J. T. C Nash, and a song by the seven ghosts, In which "John Brown's Body" was duly interred and "his soul marched" one by one off the stage. Games were prepared for the children, and at the end an impromptu dancing party was enjoyed. The ladles netted over $50, which will be applied to- ward establishing a free reading room in Medford. Eugene. Mrs. S. EL Sloan is visiting friends In Oregon City. A. E. Martin, of Wyoming, Is visiting his brother, J. M. Martin, near Eugene. John O'Brien and family, of Leaburg, have removed to Eugene for the Win ter. Mrs. J. C Small went to Drain Wednes day to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Condon. t Tho Pastime Whist Club held ono of its regular parties in the Armory parlor Tuesday evening. Thursday afternoon Mrs. F. W. Pren tice entertained a number of women friends at high five. . "Mr." ahd Mrs., C. Stuart, of Mohawk, wilt remove to' Eugene next week and will spend the Winter here. v Mr. and Mrs. Lur Powers left Wednes day for their home in Bedlands, Cal., after a' several months' visit in Eugene. Mrs.D. E. Yoran and Mrs. Drew Grif fin entertained a number of women friends at the home of the former, Thurs day afternoon. John Kauffman and wife arrived Wed nesday from Olympla to attend the mar riage of his sister. Miss Katherlne, to Fred Strange, Thursday. The family of W. A. Wann arrived home Wednesday from a trip to Idaho. TJhey were accompanied by Mr. Wann's sis ter, Miss Wann, who will spend the Win ter here. Mr. Ferdinand Strange and Miss Kath erlne Kauffman were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. Kauffman, the ceremony being performed by Bev. F. G. Strange, of Jacksonville, father of the groom. Only the immediate relatives were present. Tho young couple left Thursday morning for Walla Walla, which la to be their futuro home. McMlnnville. Mr. and Mrs. S. Howorth moved to Portland last week. , Mrs. C B. Hamblln entertained the S. I. Club Thursday afternoon. Mra. Wirt Fellows, of South Bend, Wash., Is visiting relatives In this city. J. A. Donnelly, of Byan, la., visited a few days last week with W. T. Vinton. Mrs. G. G Taal, of La Grande, Is vis iting with her mother, Mrs. F. D. Hilary. Mrs. M. M. Hodson has returned home, after a short visit with relatives in, Seat tle. A vers pleasant farewell party was giv en Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cable at their home Saturday evening. They leave for their future home in Portland this week. Miss Lutle Neal and Mr. Charles Co gill, both of this city, were married on Wednesday evening at the - Baptist Church, Bev. Flo. i H. Adams performing the ceremony. "" The wedding was a very quiet one, as only relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Coglll will reside in this city, where Mr. Coglll la assistant agent of the Southern Pacific The marriage of Miss 'Lucia G. Mosher, of this city, and Mr. Charles T. Blgelow, of Portland, was solemnized Tuesday, No vember 4, at the residence of the bride's parents, Bev. Henry T. Atkinson, pastor of Clark M. E. Church, Portland, per formed the ceremony, Sidney Mosher, brother of the bride, acted as best man, and Miss Ollle Stlllwell was bridesmaid. Promptly at 12 o'clock the wedding party entered the prettily decorated parlors to the strains of a wedding march, played by Miss Maggie Boone, of Lafayette. The bride looked very pretty In ..white organ die and carried white carnations. Miss Stlllwell wore pink and carried carna tions of the same color. Mr. and Mrs. Blgelow wllL make their home in Eu gene. ' Astoria. G. W. Lounsberry has returned from a short stay at Seaside. , J. Walter Seaborg, of Ilwaco, spent part of the week In the city. Miss Lucille. Cole entertained the Sat urday Afternoon Club this week. Mrs. J. H. Turner, of South Bend, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. G. Malar key. Mr. and Mrs. M. Pomeroy spent part of the week visiting with friends and rela-f tives at Bainier. A large number of ladles spent a -very enjoyable evening Wednesday at the Irving Club bowling alleys. Mrs. Gearhart entertained the young people of the Presbyterian Church with a Scotch sociable Friday evening. The Misses Elmore entertained tho young ladies of the Thursday Afternoon Club this week at their home on Franklin avenue. . The Wednesday Evening Dancing Clab gave one of their pleasant dances, in Hawthorne Hall this week that was well attended by the members of the club. The young ladles of the Saturday After noon Club and their friends were enter tained Tuesday evening by Miss Bertha Hobson at her home on Bond street with a crawfish supper. The game of New market was played, and prizes were won by Mr. Frank Woodfield and Mr. Jack- Allen. Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell enter tained a. laree number of their friends in honor of Mr. Colwell's birthday Tuesday evening. The parlors had Teen very tastefully decorated for the occasion and progressive euchre was played. Priz'es were won by Mrs. J. E. Hlggins, 'Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen, Mr. parlton Allen and Mr. Eyre. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs George D. Fell are visit ing relatives and friends in Heppner. Mrs. James A. Fee's mother, Mrs. P. Deer, of Walla Walla, is vlsftlng here. Mrs. E. J. Summervllle and daughter, Esther, are visiting relatives In Walla Walla. Clifton Beach Johnson, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Johnson, has arrived in this city for a visit. Miss Daisy Stewart has returned to her home In Portland, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harl Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Furnish have gone to California, where they go in hopes the change will benefit Mr. Furnlsh's health. Atthe Elks' ball given on Thursday, something like $200 was netted, which will be used to furnish an Elks' room at the new hospital. Mrs. N. Berkeley entertained a few la dles In an Informal manner at her home on Thompson street. The afternoon was devoted to bridge whist. Dr. Henry Sheldon gave a very Inter esting lecture on "Child Study" before the club women of thl3 city on Monday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. S. P. Sturgls. Word has been received from Mrs. B. G. Thompson and daughters, and Mrs. Leon Cohen, that they had arrived safe ly in Now York City, and are domiciled at 101 West Fifty-eighth street. Mrs. F. E. Judd and son, and Miss Mary Boberts left Thursday for the East, where they will visit relatives In Portsmouth, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. Mr. Judd will go on In December, and after a short visit he and Mrs. Judd will return to Pendleton. Miss Boberts will remain Indefinitely. La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Oliver returned Tuesday from a visit to Wallowa County. The women of the Presbyterian Church gave a tea at the home of Mrs. E. W. Bartleet Thursday afternoon. The X. T. C. Club held the third dance of the season Wednesday evening, and it was a highly enjoyable affair. Miss Margaret Pbrter arrived in the city from the East Thursday to visit with her sister, Mrs. L. D. Beavis, dur ing the Winter. The women of tho Neighborhood Club met In the clubroom Tuesday afternoon. The subject of the meeting was "French Art," and was under the direction of Mrs. Clara T. Lyle. Mrs. F. E. Moore entertained the mem bers of the Kaffeo Klatch a her apart ments at the Hotel Foley Friday after noon. The time was spent very pleasant ly, and the daintiest of refreshments were served. Mrs. J. C. Gulling entertained the Tues day Evening Whist Club at her home Tuesday evening, and prizes were award ed as follows: Mrs. F. L. Lilly, first prize; Mrs. FredKIddle, second; Mr. P. Thleson, first prize, and Mr. W. H. Bo h en camp, second. MesdamesK Fred Kiddlo and William Al lison entertained a number of their women friends at a military whist party at the home of the former In Island City Thursday afternoon. Prizes were award ed to Mesdames Stlnecamp, Gulling, An drews and Moore. f Independence. Grandma Irvine has returned to Inde pendence after a visit in McMlnnville with her children there. Miss Minnie Lewis has gone to Mc Mlnnville, after a short visit hero with friends and relatives. Lako Denis and wife, of Eugene are visiting with Mrs. Dorris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hedges. Mr. Dorris will leave for California for his health. Mrs. George W. Skinner returned to her home at Independence the first part of the week. Mrs. Skinner has been absent for about two years in Ashland. Mrs. B. B. Paddock entertained at her home on Monday evening to a number of the ladies pf the town. Light refresh ments were served and a pleasant social time was chronicled. t The ladles of the Independence Beading Club gave a very entertaining mettlng at the home of Mrs. L. Damon last Wednes day, at which a large attendance was present, and a pleasant time enjoyed- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hooper entertained a number of the young people at their home on Halloween evening. The meeting was attended entirely by members bt the Y. P. S. a B. of the Christian Church here. On Halloween evening a number of the young ladles perfected an organization of a young ladles' club. They did considerable serenading over the city, and will hold meetings over the town during the Winter season. Ashland. Miss Bella Boss is visiting In San Fran cisco. W. J. Virgin has returned from a visit to Southern California. E. M. Miller and wife are visiting in San Francisco and Oakland. Mrs. E. A. Smith and Mrs. George Owen are visiting in San Francisco. Miss Carrie Stingle, of North Yakima, Wash., la visiting in-Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. H- E. Br.dger have gone to Palo Alto, Cal.. for the Winter. T -n. Segar, of Eugene, has been spend ing 8everal days the past week In Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCarthy have gone to Albany, where they will reside this Winter. Bev. J. S. Smith and family of Grange vllle. Idaho, have returned nome from a visit of some weeks In, Ashland." W. B. Yockey and Mrs. Elizabeth Stelnam, both of this city, were married Wednesday by the Bev P. F." Phelps. Mrs. S. S. Norrls, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. W. Paulson, had re turned tc her home In' Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. E. A. Woodward, of Wellington, N. D., and Mrs. M. E. Painter, of Amboy, IlLAaro visiting their niece, Mrs. F. H. Carter Newberg. A quiet, pretty wedding took place in Newberg on Thursday evening, October 29, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooper, when In the presence of Immedi ate relatives and a few invited guests their oldest daughter, Blanche, was united In marriage to Wllber W. Gaines, of Port land. As Miss Leora Buchanan played the wedding march the bridal party took their places under a silver wedding' bell draped with whlto chrysanthemums and smllax, where the ceremony was per formed by Bev. F. C. Stanard. The bride AN OPEN LETTER . MADAME VAUGHN DOCTOR OF DERMATOLOGY v OFFICES: 301-302 McKAY BUILDING PORTLAND, Nov. 7. Friends, Patrons and the Public: ' . After several months of practice in this city I feel I have earned the right to recapitulate the things I have done to earn the confidence of the community in my methods and my ability to perform what I promise. I have never heralded myseli as a Beauty Doctor, but simply as a Dermatologist, and masks, enamels and cosmetics are not employed in my practice. Briefly stated, I have successfully treated all physical disfigurements submitted, and can confidently appeal to the testimony of every patient treated, without a single exception, as to the benefits received. In several instances I have permanently removed all traces of deep seated smallpox pittings and restored natural charms long despaired of. One of these, !Mrs. O'Donnell, completely relieved from pittings and wrinkles, was viewed with amazement when exhibited at my offices by hundreds who had known her during her-former pitiable condition. I have also removed many flaming birthmarks, "without leaving a vestige of previous repulsiveness behind. Many haggard and prematurely wrinkled faces, now transfigured and comely, owe their redemption to me. As for minor blemishes, such as freckles, pimples, moles, blotches, superfluous hair, coarse pores, hollows, bulging eyelids, etc., I can safely-claim to have cured hundreds of such cases in Portland. Respectfully submitting what I have done for others as a guar antee or what can do lor you, 1 beg Yours for health and beauty, carried a cluster of lovely white roses, and was dressed In white albatross, trimmed In white silk lace and white ribbon. Miss Mabel Cooper, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Leila Littlefleld were bridesmaids. They were dressed In white and each car ried a bunch of white chrysanthemums. Tho ceremony was followed by congrat ulations, after which the company re paired to the dining-room where a sumptuous repast awaited them, the table being tastefully decorated with roses and maidenhair fern. The bride Is a very es timable young lady who has a host of friends in this vicinity. The groom comes from good old pioneer stock, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner P. "Gaines, of Port land, and grandson of John P. Gaines, who was the second Governor of Oregon, and a grandson on his mother's side of Jesse Looney, a Marlon County pioneer of 1843. Mr. and Mrs. Galne3 will be at homo to their friends In Portland after Novem ber 15. Baker City. Carl Adler has returned from a two weeks visit to San Francisco. . The Uniform Bank. Knights of Pythias, announces the second annual ball for Thanksgiving at the Armory. Senator Levi Ankcny, of Walla Walla, Wash., spent a portion of two days in this city the, first of the week. Mrs. Molllo Wlshard, of St. Louis, is visiting her sister, Mrs Nat Cooper. Mrs. Wlshard's son Paul accompanies her. Tho Bachelor Button Girls, one of the leading social organizations of this city, are arranging -to give a minstrel show soon, the proceeds to go to the fund they are raising to build a woman's clubhouse in this city. The White Swan Band gave a dance at the Armory Thursday evening, which was well attended. It was one of the social events of the week. The band recently lost several Instruments In the City Hall fire, and the proceeds of the ball were turned Into the treasury to mako good the loss. The Blue Mountain Literary -Society met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore Monday evening. The subject for discussion was a paper by Mr. N. C. Has call on "Lynch Law." The criticisms were both spirited and pointed. Those Tender S&ins are cleansed without the slightest irritation by the mild, soothing lather of Woodbury's Facial Soap Delightfully purifying and refreshing. Clears and beautifies the complexiongives it the fresh, smooth look of perfect health. A shin soap. Your dealer has It. 35 cents a cake. norial nffpp Our booklet, trial size package apeuai uuer of goap and Facial Cream set for 5 cts. to pay postage; or for 10 cts. the same and samples of Woodbury's Facial Powder and .Dental tJream. Aaaress uepi. THE ANDREW Sole Owners, IM'iaiMKnafliiuiii to subscribe mysoJt, MADAME M. VAUGHN. who favored and those who opposed lynch law were about equally divided. Corvalils. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Davis visited Eu- gene friends this week. Miss Maud Morrison, of Albany, visited over Sunday with Corvalils relatives. Friday afternoon, October 20, Mrs. H. S. Pernot entertained about 50 ladies at her home on Fifth street. Yellow chrys anthemums were the prevailing decora tion. An elaborate lunch was served. The first meeting of the Social Club was held Tuesday evdning at tho homo of Miss Lulu Spangler. High live was the amuso ment of the evening, at which Miss Sarah Jacobs received tho first ladles' prize, Mr. Grant Elgin first men's prize, oad Mr. Ed Wilson the consolation. Sixteen mem bers were present. One of the most novel and successful afternoons ever given In Corvalils was enjoyed at the home of Miss Helen V. Crawford by over 40 of her friends on Saturday. October 31. Being Halloween tho entertainment took tho form of thlng3 mystical. The shades were drawn, and tho rooms lighted while the fire In the grata burned low. The decorations were slmplo and artistic. A short programme was rendered during the afternoon; mystics, clad In ghostly garb, told the fortunes or those present, after whicTT a delicious re past was served. Salem. Mrs. L. F. Moody is visiting friends In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Blch have gone to Portland to visit friends. Mrs. Eugene Breyman, who has been visiting in Portland, has returned. Mr. Oscar Norton, the talented Indian tenor, of Salem, left for St. Louis. Mr. Fred Wilcox, of Blair, Neb., has been visiting his undo, F. B. Davis, for a few days. Mr. John D. Minto, of Portland, has been visiting with his parents In this clty for a few days. Mrs. A. E. Densmore left Thursday for Los Angeles, where she will spend the Winter with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo B. Petersen, of (Concluded on Page 23.) Trade mark "lw face on. each paciago JERGENS CO., Cincinnati, 0. i:nffluiuanjajntf asH 1 K? f - N i s