26 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 1, 1903. SITUATIONS WANTED MATE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. t - " ' A YOUNG MAN AGED 17 WHO HAS HAD lx months' experience desires a position as stenographer; salary moderate; object to work up. Address 310 10th at. COLLECTIONS MADE BY RESPONSIBLE party will save you money every month; teims reasonable. Address Collections, room 0, Chamber of Commerce. ACTIVE MAN. AGE 40. GOOD STENOG rapher and bookkeeper, desires position, part ol time office work, balance of time outside. Address C 53. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position as stenographer and assistant book keeper; small salary If with good house. Ad dress A 53, Oregonlan. WANTED BY A RESPONSIBLE AND well-acquainted business man. several busi ness houses to make monthly collections for. W 43, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter, willing to tane situation for experience; salary no object. F 6, Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS stenographer; moderate salary; own type writer. Address H 54. Oregonlan. I A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER OF LONG business experience desires position. Address O 58. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED. RESPEC table man, in hotel and liquor business, de sires position In country town; capable of tak ing charge of office or bar or general man agement; best of references; terms reason able. F 57. Oregonlan. t EXPERIENCED MAN AND WIFE OF GOOD standing desire to take charge of first-class rooming-house or boardlng-nouse; best of references; moderate remuneration. B 53, Oregonlan. CAPABLE MAN AND WIFE WISH WORK on ranch or farm, bachelor preferred; will accept hmall wages with share In results If agreeauie. Aaarefs r .w, icc,uuiim. AN EXPERIENCED GARDENER. MIDDLB aged, with a small family, wants to manage farm for a salary; can furnish best of refer ences. Inquire 20 Thurman st. HAN OF MECHANICAL AND BUSINESS ability will place $100 to secure paying work; state nature of work; no canvass ing. E 14, Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE EXPERIENCED MAN wishes position in "general store in the country; best references; terms reasonable. G 51, Oregonian. MAN CAN WRITE AND READ FRENCH, German, English, would like position in wholesale house or hotel clerk. A 50. care Oregonlan. 1 WANTED WORK FOR COOKS, DISH washers, porters, farmhands, laborers; any body, anywhere Drake. 205 Washington. Clay 445. WANTED A POSITION AS COOK IN A LOG glng camp; man and wife and a helper, good experienced cooks. O 54, Oregonlan. "WANTED POSITION IN SAWMILL OR on construction work, by competent fore man. Box 60. Stayton. Or. BARBER WANTS POSITION IN OR OUT of city; sober, steady; married; union shop. B 43. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLACE TO WORK for board and room and go to school. R 50. caro Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING COLLEGE, wants place to work for board and room. M 46, Oregonlan. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HAB lts. strong and willing to work at any thing honorable. J. S. F.. 448 Yamhill St. YOUNG BOY. GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL, would like position In wholesale house. Phone Front 2333. L. WANTED POSITION AS ENGINEER; city preferred; experienced. Address O 50. Oregonlan. STRONG MAN. 24, CAN SPEAK FOUR LAN guages, wants work In city. E 51, Orego nlan. WANTED A FEW HOURS ANY KIND OF work in the evening. H 58, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION BY LADY STENOGRAPHER; last employment with Chief Engineer's office. Burlington Railroad, Lincoln, Neb.; first class references: will furnish typewriter. Ad dress 445 7th st. ACCURATE. RELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN stenographer would like letters or copy ing to do evenings; will turn out accurate, neat work. Address J 56, care Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER COMPETENT WOMAN stenographer, with tight years' office ex perience, desires position; Is in earnest and willing to work hard. Q 47. Oregonlan. POSITION TO DO GENERAL OFFICE work; understands shorthand and typewrit ing; experienced and can furnish good refer ence. E 55, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DE slres position as stenographer: best of ref- e'renees. Phone Front 3053. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHEER DE slres permanent position: moderate salary; references. J 50, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY LADY STENOG raphcr. experience In lumber business. D 50, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper. D 50, Ore gonlan. "WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED lady stenographer; Al references. C 50, Ore gonlan. Dressmakers. HAVING RECEIVED LATEST STYLES IN skirts from 12 largo suit houses I will make reduction in price for one month; all first-class tailor skirts made for $5 during November. Mrs. Lizzie Kerley. 230 12th St.. basement, city. C. & W. SHIRTWAIST CO. SHIRT waists and shirtwaist suits a specialty. Rooms 211-213-215 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Phone Main 3102. Portland. Or. MRS. McLEAN FANCY STREET AND evening gowns a specialty. Rooms 211-213-215 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Phone Main 3U12. PLAIN SEWING BY THE DAY; UNDER wear and undershirts a specialty. Mrs. Mc Grew. 410 Alder. iPhone Front 1103. MIDDLE-AGED LADY HAVING HER DAYS disengaged, would, like position to do plain sewing. Address D 53 Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER AS partner: established business and up to-date shop. Phone Main 3102. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES work by the day or at home. Mrs. Dunford, 588 Pettygrove st. A SEAMSTRESS WOULD LIKE SEWING IN a few families. Phone Main 2428 after 7 any evening. "WOMAN WANTS SEWING. MENDING. ETC.J ladles or gents, or day work. N 58, Orego nlan. SEWING BY THE DAY OR AT HOME; SAT Isfactlon guaranteed. 537 Montgomery st. MISS DE LANO AND M'KEOWN. DRESS makers. cor. 7th and Oak. Domestics. EXPERIENCED LADY COOK FROM THE extreme lEast wishes a position as cook for a club of men or private family. Phone Union 2055. O 35, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY TWO SWEDISH girls to do ceneral housework In small fam ily. Call 181 N. Cth. from 11 o'clock to 4, Sunday and Monday. Wanted in a private boarding- house. two girls, one for kitchen and for dining-room. 89 5th St., near street. WANTED PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID, by a colored woman. Phone Black 15L 404 Davis. GIRL OF 14 WANTS PLACE TO WORK FOR room and board and attend school. K 51, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SHORT-ORDER COOK. AD. dress 87 Fifth st. Nurses EXPERIENCED GERMAN WOMAN WANTS position for nursing during confinement cases; willing to assist with housework. M 51, Oregonlan. WANTED NURSING BY PROFESSIONAL nurse. 286 Caruthcrs st. COMPETENT NURSE. B 00, OREGONIAN. SITUATIONS WAXTED-rEMALE. House ceper. WIDOW AGED 35 DESIRES POSITION OF housekeeper to gentlemen or widower; competent to take entire charge; only re spectable parties need apply. O 50, Ore gonlan. A MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW OF ABILITY and experience would like a position as su perintending housekeeper or position of trust: references unexceptional. Address K 5S, Ore gonlan. HOUSEKEEPER AN EASTERN LADY OF experience wants situation; expert In plain and children's sewing. Address Box 103. Mil waukle. Or. A REFINED WIDOW. AGE 30. DESIRES position as housekeeper for widower or rooming-house; 7 years' hotel experience. J 57, Oregonlan. LADY OF REFINEMENT AND CULTURE would like position as managing housekeep er in rooming-house. H 51, Oregonlan. WANTED BY REFINED MIDDLE-AGED widow, position as housekeeper for refined widower. G 50, Oregonlan. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP er, widower's family preferred. M 55, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. COLORED HELP FURNISHED FOR ALL kinds Job work; parties served; first-class coffee and punchmaker; man and wife would like place to work together and man forpor ter or ianltor: irood woman cooks or cham bermaid. F. D. Thomas, Phone Front 1249. t- WOMAN OF EDUCATION AND REFINE ment desires position as mother's help or companion: good housekeeper and sewer. Ad dress E 58, Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBERMAID, several waitresses, cooks (also Chinese), housework help. Drake. 205 Washington. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED FROM 8 TO 5 desires to assist family for board and room. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS RE toucher in photograph gallery, or will do piece work. L 51, Oregonlan. WANTEDBY LADY WITH GOOD HOME, to'- board and caro for child not over 5 years. Phone Scott C1S7. WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE WANTS CARE of Infant or small child, by the day or month. M 53, care Oregonlan. A FEW MORE SCHOLARS IN PIANO, BY experienced lady teacher. C 43, Oregonlan. A LADY WISHES THE CARE OF A LITTLE girl: $10 per month. 548 Mill st. LACE CURTAINS CAREFULLY LAUN dered by hand. Phone West 3678. WANTED WORK BY DAT. BY EXPBRI enced woman. Phone West 1906. WANTED DAY WORK BY A COMPETENT woman. Telephone Front 3510. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. PHONE Hood 257. Mrs. Hogan. YOUNG LADY WANTS PLACE AS OFFICE girl. J 51, Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Green 534. WORK WANTED BY THE DAY. PHONE West 1053. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS $50 A WEEK GUARANTEED; Au tomatic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to 10 women; took 10 orders." Time, 45 minutes; profit, over $50; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 min utes; furnishes Its own power; requires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive territory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. PORTRAIT MEN INCREASE YOUR IN come. Protect yourself against losses. Deal with the artist directly, avoid the middleman. Give better work for less money than you can get anywhere. Likeness absolutely guar anteed. Twenty years' experience making highest grade crayon, sepia and pastel por traits. The Siegfried Studio, 422 New Era bldg., Chicago. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield. McKlnley: their Illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deed, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plotting of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 00 per cent profit: freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents In stamps. 90S Star bid... Chicago. BEGIN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF; STOP working for others. We start you In profit able mall-order business at your home; pleas ant work: Immense profits; unlimited possi bilities. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co.. Denver. Colo. AGENTS BE A MIXER; MAKE AND SELL polishes, soaps, perfumes, flavoring extracts, toilet article, proprietary preparations, con fectionery, etc; we have processes for them all: lists free. Wheaton & Co., formula makers. New Bedford. Mass. MALE AND FEMALE TO SELL OUR LINE of silks direct from manufacturer to the con sumer; agents make from $50 to $200 per week; write for particulars; send reierences. with application. Leona Silk Co.. 178-170 Tremont st., Boston, Moss. OUR MEN MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FITTING glasses. Our 24-page free eye book tells all about It- V.'e establish you in business for yourself. Jacksonlan Optical College (Char tered). 104 Main st,. Jackson, Mich. LADY AGENTS A PREPARATION THAT will positively remove warts, moles, etc; written guarantee; excellent seller; write for particulars. Dr. J. L. Robinson & Co., 105 Ellis st.. San Francisco. Cal. AGENTS WE GUARANTEE $3 TO $5 A DAY introducing our genuine "Super-Asbestos'' wicks; light equal to Incandescent electricity; lasts about eight years. Address Fireproof Safety Wick Works, Chicago. PORTRAIT AGENTS-SEND YOUR WORK to us; 10x20 crayon, 34 cents. Our pictures are Just as good as higher priced studios. Give us a trial. Excelsior Portrait Co., 4745 St. Lawrence ave., Chicago. MAN CLEARED S11S2. LADY $020. LAST 0 months Introducing Holladay's Black Marvel Self-Shlnlng Shoe Polish; why not you? Dem onstrated camples free. Holladay & Co., 54, 188 Monroe su. Chicago. AGENTS NEWEST. FASTEST SELLING 30c novelty; can make $10 pcrday: no capital re quired; over iOO per cent profit; winner for holidays. Goodspeed Co., Dept. 40, 05 Wash ington St., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED PORTRAIT: HIGH est grade work at reasonable prices. Send your work to Plttock & Piatt, portrait artists, room 115, 1230 Market it,, San Francisco. MEN WANTED TO DISTRIBUTE SAMPLES, circular, tack signs, etc We have distribu tion for every locality; good pay; permanent occupation. Atoz. South Whitley; Ind. OUR POCKET OUTFIT STARTS YOU SELL lng natural diamonds; defy experts; drop everything: write for outfit. Address Nat ural Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. OUR POCKET OUTFIT STARTS YOU SELL Ing natural diamonds; defy experts; drop everything: write for outfit. Address Nat ural Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. AGENTS MAKING MONET SELLUn'G NEW automatic burglar alarm for doors, windows; retails 50c; state managers wanted. Ramona Co.. 146 West 23d st.. New York. SALESMEN TO SELL PERFUMES. TOILET soaps, etc. to dealers; $100 monthly and ex penses. Plumer Perfumery & Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. $32 A WEEK SALARY AND ALL EXPENSES for men with rigs to introduce poultry com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Par sons, Kan. DON'T BE AN AGENT. BE THE BOSS. Wc start you In business; big money. Par ticulars for stamp. ew Mtg. Co., Kansas City. Mo. PRESENTS CIRCULARS AND CATA logues free to buyers or agents. All latest goods. Address Lofthus Co., Dept. 15. Butte, Mont. STOP RUNAWAYS HITCH HORSES SOLID Instantly; carry In pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Httchlngpost Co., Richmond, Ind. AGENTS MAKE $25 TO $75 WEEKLY SELL lng Allen's Fountain Brush and Bath outfit. Write for terms. Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo. O. AGENTS WANTED SALARY AND COM mlsslon. Room 10. 342 Washington st. Call between 1 and 3 P. M. Monday. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH AND POR tralt agents: our new offer a winner. Rembrandt. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TWO GOOD HUSTLERS. LA dles or gents; big money. SOI Dekum bldg. WAITED TO RENT. .j ED- Ti RENT UNFURNISHED 8 OR 10-room house. West Side. A S3. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT b OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. Inoulre at C13 2d. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL FARM IN WILLAMETTE VAL ley. from 10 to 50 miles out; will pay cash rent: buy some stock if suited; give full description and terms In first letter. B 40, care Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM IN MODERN refined home: no furnished room signs; cen trally located; give full particulars, terms, etc B 57. care Oregonlan. WANTED CLEAN. COMPLETELY FUR nlshed cottage, or part of house, for house keeping, near car; give particulars. C 51, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. NO BAD HABITS, "WANTS room and board In private family, walking distance from First and Morrison ata. U '50, Oregonlan. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD BY Gov ernment official: wife and two children, ages 2 and 1; private family preferred. A 55, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT - OR 10 ROOM FUR nlshed houa, within walking distance, suit able tor boarding. Address W 81. car Or gcnlan. WANTED- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; A 1 raferances gives, if dt tlred. Address W 5L cara Oregonlan. WANTED PLAIN BOARD AND ROOM IN private family by man and wife and 4-year-old child. O 40, care Oregonlan. WANTED TWO CONNECTING FRONT parlors for first-class piano studio. Ad dress L. H. Boll. Auditorium. WANTED BOARD IN SMALL PRIVATE family by young man; state price and lo cation. D 20, Oregonlan. WANTED TO .RENT GROUND FLOOR of house for piano studio; unfurnished. L. H. Boll. Auditorium. WANTER FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED flat or small house; no children. Address K 53. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE OF S OR 10 rooms. West Side; central; adults. C 00. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED boarding-house, by responsible party. Apply at 204V 4th st. THREE ADULTS WANT FURNISHED house for Winter; state terms. K 59, Ore gonlan. WANTED D OR 10-ROOM HOUSE, SUIT able for boarding and rooming. L 55, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING AND SHOES; we also buy valises and grips; every one knows we always pay the Highest prices for everything; for men's clothing a specialty. Fair Deal. C2 N. 3d st. Phone Hood 517. WANTED STOCK IN U. S. NATIONAL, OR First National Bank of Portland; any person having stock In either of those banks for sale, please state number of share and price per share. Address L 49, Oregonlan. OLD CLOTHING. OLD SHOES-HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing and shoes, trunks, valises. Phone Black 3007. Call 27 N. 3d. Orders taken; prompt attention. FURNITURE WANTED OLD, NEW OR middle-aged; we want the goods; we pay the highest cash price, at 52 and 54 Union ave. Phone Union 018. WANTED TO BORROW $700 ON FIRST class outside property valued at $2000. F 65, Oregonlan, or phone Front 520 this P. M. WANTED TEAM; YOUNG, GENTLE. TRUE; 2400 weight; mares preferred: 4 fresh cows, 3 dozen chickens. Inquire 128 E. 33d st. EXPERIENCED MOTHER WANTS IN fant or child; excellent care; reasonable; best references given. M 50, Oregonlan. wanted 2000 cords of dry fir wood on river bank or railroad. Fireside Fuel Co., 308 E. Morrison st. Phone East 4S6. WANTED SECOND-HAND PRINTING plant. Address with particulars and price, Charles E. Hicks. Antelope, Or. WANTED A SMALL PRINTING PRESS; must be cheap. Union Inv. Co., 104 Van Valkenburg block, Spokane, Wash. WANTED WINCHESTER RIFLE IN GOOD j i;uuuiuuii, sutie cauuer uiu price. x. ij. Hammond, 227 Montgomery st. IF YOU WANT A WELL DUG OR LOT cleared, or graded, sidewalk built, drop me a line. D 58, Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL CIGAR AND CONFEC tlonery. with living rooms In rear. K 55. Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL BAND OF SHEEP; must be cheap; state price, etc T 40, Or egonlan. LADY'S BICTCLE TERMS MUST BE LOW and wheel In good repair. C 54, care Ore gonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Scott S013. SECOND-HAND SUIT CASE AND TRAV eling bag. D 59, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR room, with all modern conveniences, to one or two young men; central and reasonable. 211 12th St.. between Taylor and Salmon. BEST FURNISHED ROOMS FOR TRAN slenta In the city for 50 cents to $1, at the Ruby, 251 Alder, near 3d. Everything new and clean; first class. IN NEW HOUSE. 309 MADISON. UP stalrs, bet. 5th and 6th.; fine sunnny front suite; also one pleasant sleeping-room, batn, gas, heat and phone. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, furnace heat, hot and cold water In room; gentlemen preferred; private family. N 50, Oregonlan. 211 12TH ST., BET. TAYLOR AND SAL mon Finely furnished parlor room for rent to one or two young men; all modern con- . venlences. FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO GENTLE- men. West Side. 15 blocks from Oregonlan bldg.; bath, gas. Phone after 6 P. M., Black 131. ! . 190 13TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN new flat, new furniture, modern; with the use of gas. bath and phone; central; board close by. NICE ROOM. SUITABLE ONE OR TWO, furnished or unfurnished, easy walking dis tance; reasonable. 101 E. 11th, cor. "Wash ington. FOR RENT FRONT PARLOR. FURN lshed suitable for lady or gentleman, also one bedroom with or without board. 390 1st st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE residence, with family of two: 85 E. 9th bet. Washington and Stark. Phone Union 31SL FOR RENT LARGE. LIGHT FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemen; gas. bath phone, furnace heat; on car line. 563 5th st. ON CAR LINE. NICELY FURNISHED front room with stove; also other rooms, with or without board. 492 Gllsan st. FOR RENT 1 AND 5-RCOM FLAT ON Williams ave. and Hancock ; rent $10 and $12. Inquire 444 Sherlock bldg. 410 428. LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED front room: easy walking distance business center; good surroundings. Red 377. TO RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED apartments to two desirable ladles. Raleigh bldg. Apply to room 12. Miss Hervey. THE MONTICELLO. 124 12TH ST., COR. Washington; elegant furnished rooms; everything new. Phone Green 480. FURNISHED ROOM; GAS. BATH. PHONE, hot, cold water, three blocks from Washing ton St., opposite Park. 28 Sth st, N. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen. In modern flat with every convenience. 248 Cth st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN only; hot and cold water: xas and steam heat. 163 17th st,. cor. Morrison. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for two; bath, walking distance. Phone West 1024. 435 Everett. FOR RENT GOOD FURNISHED ROOM for one or two gentlemen; bath, gas, heat, $8 per month. 269 Market st, FRONT BAY WINDOW ROOM. OR SIDE room, modern conveniences; private fam ily. 392 Salmon St., cor. 10th. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM ON FIRST floor, with electric light and use of telephone and bath. 240 Park. cor. Main. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, first floor: bath, gas and phone. 28S Jefferson, opposite City Hall. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. WITH pantry and closet; water free; $8; no chll- I dren; upstairs. 342 Grant st. FOR BENT. Rooms. THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED APART ments; everything new; running water la rooms; electrla lights, baths, magnificent view plaza blocks and D. P. Thompson Elk foun tain: for transient and tourists; a model of comfort. N. E. cor. 3d and Salmon. Phone Main 2023. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. AL der and Park sta, formerly the Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the city; entirely renovated, steam heat, gas, electric light. porcelain baths; every modern convenience; tourist and transient trade solicited. THE AVALON. 413 WASHINGTON. COR. 11th New brick bldg.; elegantly furnished rooms, running water, electric lights, steam heat, porcelain baths; every modern con venience; tourist and transient solicited. FOR RENT A HANSOMELY FURNISHED front room on Cherry st., 4 blocks from steel bridge, $12.50 per month; must fur-1 nlsh satisfactory references. E 50, Ore gonlan. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE, modern flat; also pleasant furnished room; no children; gas, bath, phone; 7th sL, near Hotel Portland. A 24. Oregonlan. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, beautifully located; seven blocks from the Portland; in small family of adults; for gentleman wishing home comforts. Red 3631. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS ground floor, front, with or without board; private family. 550 Everett. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen; new house; modern conveniences. 551 Taylor. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AND ALCOVE, light and heat, one or two gentlemen. 270 4tn st. opposite City Hall. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; new brick building, 1st and Oak ets. Apply Ford's. 165 4th. SUITE OF ROOMS SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen; separate beds If desired; bath, gas, phone. 365 5th st. UNFURNISHED PLEASANT FRONT ROOM large closet, near Ml Tabor car, $5. Cor. Spring and E. Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE LARGE FRONT room; heat, electric light,- bath free, phone. 1C8 11th st. 1SS WEST PARK LARGE FRONT ROOM; also single room, bath, heat, gas, phone; desirable; reasonable. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. FIRST floor, in family boarding house; on car line. 430 Goldsmith. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM IN private -family; central and reasonable. K SO, cafe Oregonlan. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN private house; all conveniences. Inquire 201 10th St., cor. Taylor. PASO ROBLES, 30S FIRST NEWLY FUR nlshed front rooms for housekeeping; gentle men and transients. 347 MARKET SMALL NEATLY FUR nlshed room; one gentleman $2 per week; heat, gas, phone. LIGHT, LARGE ROOM. WELL FURNISHED, pleasantly located. 165 N. 16th St., between Irving and Johnson. NEATLY' FURNISHED ROOMS REASON able; gas. phone, bath; East Side. No. 6 North Union ave. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SIN gle or housekeeping suites. Call at 168 13th. Phone West 835. NEW AND NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room on ground floor, for rent reasonable. 07 Williams ave. NICE LIGHT FURNISHED ROOM FOR A gentleman; rent very reasonable. Phone Tont 520. today. FOR RENT NICE FRONT ROOM. WITH alcove, for 2 young men In private family. 33 N. 9th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN A French family; bath, gas, phone. 151 N. 17th, near Irving st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM AT THE corner of 4 th and Morrison, with baths. Alpine Flats. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent at the New Belmont, 103 1st st. Mrs. Zlnsley. prop. LARGE FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, well furnished; very desirable location. 29 N. 11th st. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED FRONT alcove room. ISO 14th. between Yamhill and Taylor. GENTLEMAN WILL FIND PLEASANT, well-furnished single room or suite at 392 Columbia st. 79 PARK VERY DESIRABLE FRONT AL cove room, suitable for two or three persons; bath, phone. NICELY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, new house. 509 E. Davis. Tel. East 797. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW house; private family; all conveniences. 248 Sixth st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire 5Ss 3d st. LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. FUR nlshed or unfurnished. Call 167 First st., room 9. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, close in, phone, gas, $10 per month. 03 11th st. LARGE FRONT BAY-WINDOW PARLOR for 3 or 4 persons; modern and central. 193 7th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. ALL NEW furniture, $5; board If desired. 834 Thurman street. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED BEDROOMS ON first floor; bath and phone. 05 10th. cor. Stark. CLEAN. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bed-room for rent. 120 E. 20th, cor. Mor rison. PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with grate on first floor. 403 2d st.. cor Har rison. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. Phone, gas, and bath. 553 Yam hill. 414 YAMHILL PLEASANT ROOMS. EN suite or single; steam heat, bath, telephone, etc Furnished rooms, $1 week. up. GUman Hotel. 1st and Alder: Tremont Hotel, 7th and Everett A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; bath and telephone. 352 Oak st., cor. Park. ) 251 Yamhill St.. The Ramona Rooms at reason able prices with steam heat, light and bath. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; WILL GIVE breakfast If desired. 205 11th. near Taylor. 231 MARKET NEWLY FURNISHED, bay window room with piano; gas light. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. Inquire 2SS Grand ave. Phone Union 920. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two persons. 4C0 Davis st,. cor. 12th. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. GAS. HEAT and light. Phone Front 179. 290 14th. FIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS: MODERN conveniences. 3S7 11th st.. West Side. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, suitable for two. 542 E. Oak. FRONT AND BACK PARLOR. OTHER rooms; board If desired, at 692 Hoyt st. 265 11TH-FRONT ROOM. WITH HOT AND cold water; gas; use of phone: bath. NICELY FURNISHED RC OM. CENTRAL and private, $5 month. 333 3d st. COSILY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two gentlemenr 254 12th. PLEASANT ROOMS. ONE OR TWO GENTLE men or man and wife. CO N. 14 th st. NICE HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE rooms; close in. S6 10th. near Stark. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: BATH IN CON nectlon: phone. No. 70 N. 0th st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE WITH PIANO. 2 Burnslde st. Phone 4C6. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR two. 434 E. Morrison st. GENTLEMAN WILL FIND PLEASANT room at 289 Salmon et. SMALL BEDROOM FOR YOUNG MAN; $3 per month. 408 Main st, , NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family. 432 Jefferson st. i - TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE i family. 88 N. 14th st. FOR RENT. Rooms. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT; gas, bath. heat, telephone, $7. 215 N. Grand ave. 'EWLY FURNISHED ROOM; BATH. GAS, heat; $6. 460 7th. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 495 Everett st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 230 Clay st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 884 Overton st. s TO GENTLEMAN. FURNISHED ROOM. 2S6 14th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 213 12th st. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. 294 10TH street. Rooms With. Board. WILL OPEN BY 15TH. STRICTLY FIR3T class boarding club, new house, newly tur nuhed, running water. In suites or single rooms, furnlsneu or unturnishea; location 11th and Morrison. For terms apply 195 16th, cor. Taylor. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING THE day can have nice room and board wltn private family; centrally located: terms, $3.50 per week; references required. 1 50, Oregonlan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 16TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; uia of library; Woman's Exchange. AddreanMrs. Anabel Uusiell. superintendent. 510 Flanders. SUITE OF TWO ROOMS. WITH TWO BEDS, fireplace; also large sunny front room, alt newly furnished; board If deelred, home cook ing, gas, pnone, bath. 272 4th st. WANTED FOUR NICE YOUNG MEN TO room and board; $25 per month; steam heat, bath, telephone; a good home for the right boys. 414 Yamhill. MISS HARTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A newly furnished house, rooms and board; sin gle and double rooms; gas, bath, phone. 76 W. Park, near Stark st. GENTLEMAN BOARDER WHO WOULD appreciate good home: by widow lady; no other boarders; German preferred. A 56. Oregonian. WANTED TWO BOARDERS WHO DESIRE first-class home cooking; terms very reason able. 250 6th St., 3 clocks from Portland Hotel. HOTEL BROWN Room- newly furnUned; baths, electric lights, elevator: rooms for transient; on both car line. 271 Grand ave. BLAKELEY HALL. 251 7TH ST Large rooms with first-class board; fine location; four blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2631. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, with board. In modern home; for one or two gentlemen. 53 Ella st. 718 WAYNE ST., BET. KING AND ST. Clair Desirable rooms with board; best locality, modern conveniences. 051 EAST MORRISON NICELY FUR nished front room, with board; gas; bath; reasonable. Phone Union 4536. VERY DESIRABLE PARLOR ROOM. PLEAS ant surroundings, with or without board. 475 Washington St.. cor. 14th. CHOICE TABLE BOARD WITH OR WITH out rooms, home cooking, fine table. 410 Jefferson. West 2222. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board; bath and phone; reasonable. 454 Co lumbia st.. cor. 13th. 16S 10TH-PLEASANT ROOM. WITH board, suitable for one or two gentlemen; table board. 261 13TH LARGE ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; good location; best of references; first class board. 468 YAMHILL. FLRNlSHED FRONT AND back room, with board; heat. bath. etc. Phono West 320. ROOM AND BOARD: ALSO ONE vROOM suitable for young men or students. Phone Main 2831. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO ROOM and board; bath, telephone. 625 East 7th. South. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; 8 minutes from Postofflce. 333 Clay st. 225 11TH ST. DESIRABLE ROOMS. RUN nlng water; table first-class. Mrs. Mulford. manager. COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD; private family; good home cooking. 326 East 0th. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 13TH & ALDER; furnished rooms with board; reasonable rates. COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD for gentleman; good home coomlng. 221 13th. PLEAFANT ROOM, GOOD LOCATION; MOD ern conveniences; good board. 229 13th. FURNISHED ROOMS, BOARD. $15 PER month; $3.50 per week. 32 N. 11th. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEWLY FUR nlshed rooms, with or without board. ROOM AND BOARD; $20 PER MONTH; FOR one or two gentlemen. 802 Kerby st. PLEASANT. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, with good board. 170 12th st. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. PRI vate residence. 75 N. Park st. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board; all first-class. 38S 7th. 367 EUGENE ST., BOARD AND ROOM; $20 a month; near two car lines. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. 15:1 13th st.. cor. Morrlscn. SUPERIOR "BOARD AND ROOMS. MRS. E. Terrell, 515 Morrison at. PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH GOOD BOARD. Mrs. Montclth. 235 13th. WANTED-SIX GENTLEMEN BOARDERS at 372 1st. Phone 130S. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 215 12th St., cor. of Salmon. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND floor, modern. In small family: use of kitch en: suitable for married couple, or two la dles, very reasonable. 595 E. Couch st. Phone Scott 4323. i FOR RENT. TO RESPONSIBLE FEC-PLE First floor cottage, furnished, double parlors, large kitchen and pantry; bath, gas, phone: references; location central. Phone Front 433. 483 DAVIS. COR. 13TH BAY-WINDOW parlor and annex; respectable couple or la dles, with board; no children; If desired, will rent for housekeeping: strictly private. UNFURNISHED TWO NEW OUTSIDE CON nectlng rooms, closet, sink, water and tele phone: rent reasonable. 901 N. E. 6th St.; Woodlawn car line. Telephone Union 5CS5. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing suites, all new, 12 minutes' walk from 6th and Washington, in brick residence. 561 Irving, corner of 17th. North. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, en suite; gas, bath, phone, etc.: no children: also single rooms. Inquire Basement. 191 6th st. TWO LARGE. FURNISHED ROOMS. AL cove. three closets, bath, wood and gas stoves; teleshone: adults. 163 North I6th. Telephone West 100. $9 PER MONTH. THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, pantry, bathroom, free water and telephone. 632 7th st. Terrace, near Caruthers. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; all modern conveniences; no children; references. Cor. 17th and East Morrison. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 3S9 Yamhill, between Union and Grand aves.: $10 per month; no small chil dren. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING 2 LARGE light rooms, private family, all conven iences; well located. 543 3d st., near Col lege. , UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with heat and Ught, or furnished. If desired; also furnished front room. 321 12th st., cor. Clay. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT PAR lor with folding bed. and board for two gen tlemen. $20. 469 E. Stark, bet. Sth and 9th. FINE ROOMS. SUPERIOR BOARD. MOD em convenience; half block from Port land Hotel. Phone Hood 1713. 188 7th st.. 331 12TH TWO NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas. bath, phone; dc--slrable location; reasonable: no children. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, walking distance from business center; convenient to car line. 390 Park st. FOR RENT. Housekeeping; Rooms. FOR RENT FOUR LARGE ROOMS, PART ly furnished: gas stove for housekeeping; rent $25 per month; electric tights; steam heat: water included; furniture for sale. Inquire between 9 and 2 dally, room 25 Qulmby House, 345 First st. 347 HALL ST. TWO. VERY DESIRABLE rooms, completely furnished for housekeep ing; every convenience; no children. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; sink and grate; central; to parties without children. Phone Scott 5404. NICELY FURBISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms on first floor; modern conveniences. S3 7th. Call Monday afternoon. THREE CONNECTING ROOMS. PANTRY; also large single housekeeping, first floor. 391 2d. Inquire 242 Montgomery. 3SS JEFFERSON ST. NICELY FURNISH ed flats for housekeeping; gas, bath and phone; reference; no children. 74 7TH. COR. OAK LARGE ROOM AND closet, furnished complete for housekeep ing, bath, phone: no children. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms. light, sunny, close In; bath, phone; particulars, 471 Alder. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT "housekeeping In private, new home; refer ence, .-so. l jsast 12th st. TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS, housekeeping If desired; also one large un furnished, room. 302 4 th st. FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms; also single rooms; modern conveniences. 426 Alder st. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath and clothes closet; no children. 470 E. luth st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; $10 per month, with water. 5sS Pettygrove st., first floor. FOR RENT TWO FLATS IN NOB HILL district; one seven rooms, one five rooms. Telephone Suburban 764. FOR RENT LARGE UNFURNISHED OF fice rooms; good location; electric light. N. W. cor. First and Taylor. BACK PARLOR AND KITCHEN, NICELY furnished for housekeeping: reasonable; refer ences required. 269 Hall. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FUR nlshed; call before looking elsewhere. 3U." cor. 3d and Harrison. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; gas, bath and phone; no objec tion to child. 175 10th. THE HOWELL. 271 3D NICE. ROOMS, furnished complete for light housekeeping; one block south plaza. AN UNFURNISHED FLAT OF THREE newly cleaned rooms for housekeeping. In quire at 233 11th st. $1.50 PER WEEK LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with use of laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. 511 GLISAN NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with gas, bath and phone. Front 3S73. TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; modern flat, gas and bath. Phone Front 27S7. 4-ROOM FLAT FURNISHED COMPLETE; modern gas; reasonable. 309 Benton st. Phone Scott 11S4. EXCELLENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, with every convenience. 375 Tay lor, cor. W. Park. . ; TWO NICE ROOMS. LIGHT AND PLEAS ant; 3 blocks from Washington. 460 Davis. Phone Main 19b9. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with use of bath and phone. Call up phone Scott 104. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms with sink and closet. 568 5th. near Lincoln. 92 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to parties with out children. THE HEILER FURNISHED AND UNFU fi nished housekeeping rooms to rent. 2SO Grand ave. THE HEILER FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms to rent. 280 Grand a v. 300 4TH TWO OR THREE FRONT HOUSE keeplng rooms, furnished complete; all new and clean. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS 5 HOUSEKEEP lng rooms In cottage; cheap to adults. Mrs. Freeman. FIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; GAS. PRI vate bath, largo yard; references. 361 Wil liams ave. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with phone; no objection to children. 104 N. 10th.. TO LET-ONE FURNISHED AND ONE UN furnlshed housekeeping room. 391 Washing ton st. 410 WASHINGTON ST. 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; hot and cold water. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Call Monday at 3S3 11th st. 545 WASHINGTON ST. SUNNY FRONT suite housekeeping rooms; bath, gaa range, phone. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING: DESIRA ble suite of two rooms. 544 Pettygrove, cor. 16th. FOR RENT FOUR -FRONT ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. 530 East Everett st. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 3S9 6th st. WITCn HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath: electric light, ( NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: bath and telephone. 430 Yamhill st. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 350 Sacramento st. 204 WASHINGTON ST.. SUITE HOUSE kecplng rooms; furnished; $2 per week. FOR RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 270 Montgomery st. TWO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. 464 East Burnslde st. UPPER FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS; RENT cheap. 766 Cleveland av. Take U car. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms and front parlor at 230 10th st. NEATLT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath. gas. phone. 266 14 th st. UNFURNISHED 5 OR 6 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 324 Second. Phone Red 3627. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE rooms; close In. 86 10th. near Stark. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas and bath. 266 14th st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING; no children or dogs. 107 N. 17th st. TWO NICELY" FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; no children. 354 Salmon st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CLOSE TO steel bridge. Phone Scott 5S62. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor. 233 Clay st. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 168 Park st,; no children. ONE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS,' newly papered. umi .. mn at. FOR RENT TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.' bath, gas. phone. 3S5 5th st. 3 OR 4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. BATH and rhone. 67 North 9th. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE, 753 E. Ankeny. Telephone Union 1011. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms- 2SSH 3d st. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. BATIj:- AND Bas. 322 14 th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 168 13th. near Morrison. Ileuses. WANTED WANTED WANTED-HOUSES. HOUSES. HOUSES We" have tenants for all kinds of houses. List your houses with us. Satisfaction guar anteed. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark st. ONE ACRE. 2-ROOM HOUSE. EAST HAR rlson and 33d sts. Inquire 40S E. Sth st. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 400 E. 11TJI st. Inquire 473 E. 12th st. Union 2324. ' FOR RENT. Houses. BEAUTIFUL fl-ROOM RESIDENCE. IN cludlng window shades, carpets, and partly furnished: nicely situated on E. Washing ton st.. Sunnyslde. Handsome newstrlctiy modern residence: furnace, gas and elec tricity; reasonable rent; E. 2ath and Yam hilL. The Dunn-Lawrence Co.. 149 First st. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 387 E. Lincoln St.. 7 rooms $25.00 392 Everett at., fiat, 5 rooms 27.50 372 E. 15th st. N., S rooms 30. U0 l&S Park st, 6 rooms 40.00 tWI Hoyt st.. 9 rooms 43.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark st. 13-ROOM MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE. COR ner 22d and Overton sts.. vicinity of hospital and medical college: suitable for private res idence or good boarding-house; within a block of 23d st. car line. A. H. Blrrell. 202-3 Mc Kay bldg.. 3d and Stark. WILL SACRIFICE MY ENTIRE DRIVING rig for $125; handsome golden sorrel mare. 7 years old, weight 1050 pounds; rides or drives; new top buggy and harness. Call at 26 North 15th. SIX-ROOM NEW HOUSE CENTRAL. EAST Side; $25. Large 6-room house on Union ave. cars; $17. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT The Buehner residence, 315 12th. cor. Clay, for rent; possession Immediately. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. SIX-ROOM FINE COTTAGE. GOLDSMITH aui it.au, -ruum uuuse. iiijl ai.. fu( another. $6.30. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co.. 2.54 Morrison st. t TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR TO STEWARTS today; beautiful lots, $S0; nothing down, $: month; agent on the ground today. Pacific Land Co., 167 1st. TO RENT FOR WINTER TO SUITABLE tenant: old couple preferred ; good 6-room house, 8 minutes walk from street-car. Ad dress J 53. Oregonlan. FOR RENT MODERN HOME AT MOUNT Tabor; near cars; large grounds; streets, etc.; very desirable location. Hart Land Co.. 107 Sherlock Bldg. A 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AT EAST 27th and Clinton sts.; hot and cold water; bath"; rent reasonable. Take Waverly-RIch-mond or Woodstock car. FOR RENT 675 EAST ANKENY ST.. modern 8-room house, very desirable lo cation. Lambert Sc Sargent, 3S3 Eaat "Washington st. FOR RENT-MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE gas, chandeliers: desirable location, 833 Kelly st.. South Portland. D. W. Hoelblng, 250 Stark st. 4-ROOM FLAT. GROUND FLOOR. $20 PEli month; carpets and stoves for sale; on N. Park st. Call up phone Clay 438. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. 468 10TH.' New 6-room house, Sunnyslde. O. M. Smith. 3 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Exchange 2o. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. FUR nlshed or unfurnished; cheap to rlgnt par ties. 90S Belmont. Phone Union 232. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE AT BERTHA STA tion. 2 large lots, chlckenhouse. fine wa ter, $7.30. A 60. care regonlan. 233 MEADE NEAR COR. 2D. NICE 4-ROOM cottage and basement; rent $10; key next door. Owner. 313 Morrison. THE 4-STORY BUILDING ON COUCH AND Front sts. Is for rent, and may ba occupied October 1. Fred BIckel. 0-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. $15; PART furniture Tor sale. 367 Eugene st- Call Sunday or evenings. 1167 MACADAM ST. NINE-ROOM HOUSE. 2 tots; tine shrubbery. Inquire of Beldlng Bros.. 45 3d st. 292 16TH ST. NEW, THOROUGHLY MOD ern 6-room house. Phone Clay 538. iford's, 165 4th st. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. E. 30ih and Harrison sts., Hawthorne car. Phona Union 232. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 343 SHERMAN ST, West Side. Taggart. 518 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH Portland: rent $10. Fred H. Strong. 103 2d st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE AT 694 EVEK ett st. Inquire 685 Kearney st. Phone Front 9U0. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE; RENT reasonable. Apply at 633 6th al. FOlt 1CE.M 11-ROOM HOUSE; SOUTH; NOT far out. Inquire 449 3d st. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. 234 PORTER ST.; $33. Grlndstaff & Blain. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE at 421 Hancock st. Furnished Houses. ' FOR RENT A MODERNLY FURNISHED 5-room cottage wltti large yard, E. 10th and Hancock sts., lrvington, within 400 leet of two car lines, inquire of Ralph Royal, Main 120S. FOR RENT ONE 5-ROOM HOUSE. WITH fixtures; one 4-room house with furniture complete. J. Humphrey. 611 Commercial bldg. NEW FURNITURE, NEW HOUSE. CALL Sunday, 2 to 4:30 P. M., 936 E. Couch St., cor. 31st, TaKe E. Ankeny or Montavllla car. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE In suburbs; nsw. careful parties without children. Phone Scott 644. mornings. PLACE FOR RENT SUITABLE FOR COWS and cnllckens; house furnished. Otto Smith. Tremont. Take Mount Scoct car. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM house, to reuned couple who will board owner. C 55. care Oregonlan. 5-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. ON EAST Side, 1 block from car line. Inquire 475 E. burnslde. cor. E. 9th. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW. ON AN keny cur Itnc; reasonable. 154 E. 2Sth., North, cor. Irving. FOlt RENT IMMEDIATELY, FURNISHED cottage at 251 Cherry St.; rent $25. Call at same. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE ELECTRIC lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th st. GOOD FLAT. FURNISHED, CLOSE IN. 80 10th St., near Stark. 1 Houses for Rent, furniture for Sale. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. 470 MAIN ST.. containing 8 rooms and bath, furnace heat, large yard: parties buying floor coverings, curtains and shades will be given preference In rental of house; many desirable articles of household furniture will be sold at prlvata sale at very low prices, consisting In part. Imported portieres, beautiful parlor set, blrdseye maple bedroom BUlte, pictures, dishes, automatic aewing machine and many otner articles of housenold furniture. In quire at residence, 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. and ' to 9 P. M. HOUSES FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale Special bargains 26 rooms, five-year lease, b-rooin fiat, rent 20. 10-room residence, rent $40. 24-room family hotel, heart of city. 9-room boarding-house. 20 boarders. 8-room house, rent $18, near P. O. LEHMAN &. LEEZER. 27 Wash. bldg. HOUSE FOR RENT WITH EVERYTHING complete for housekeeping fur sale; will not rent except sale of furniture, etc; location central. S SO, Oregonlan, N1NE-RUOM. MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT, 4 rooms downstairs, well furnished, for sale If taken at once; a bargain. No. 13 E. 7th, corner Ash. Owner. $375 FURNITURE OF MODERN 5-ROOM cottage. Including new piano; best location Upper Alblna; rent $14. Address A 54, Ore gonian. A SNAP NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, $25; furniture for sale, complete for house keeping, new; $350. 2S4 Holladay ave. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE ALSO 5-room flat; houses for rent. Call after 1 P. M., 133 14th St., cor. Alder. 1 7-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY FURNISHED, for rent: furniture for sale, $150. 1S7 Chap man, near Multnomah Club. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM MODERN COT tage for sale; house to rent; good location. Telephone Union 3S12. FURNITURE FOR KITCHEN. DINING room, bedroom and parlor for sale; $75. Ap ply 354 Chapman st. A MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. 5 ROOMS. on Belmont st.; $15: furniture for sale, $150. Call at 426 Morrison. r i FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS: good location. Inquire 243 2d at.