THE SUNDAY OBEGOMAJKT, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER - 13, 1903, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oresonlaa'c Telephones. Coun tin ET, Room Main 6G7 H. TV. Sott. Editor Main 811 Jlanatfne Editor .....Main 033 City Editor Main 166 Compoelnc Room Main 635 East Side Office "East 01 Superintendent Building Bed 2823 AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER Matinee this after noon 2:15; tonight. 8:15, "In ther Palace of the King." SHIELDS' PARK, Thirteenth and "Washington Vaudeville. EMPIRE THEATER. Twelfth and Morrison Matinee 2:15: evening, 8:15. vaudeville. CORD RAT'S THEATER. Washington Street Evening, 8:15, "The Legion of Honor." BoARDECG-HbusE on FittE. A quantity of paper in the basement cf 128 Park street caught flro at 9:45 o'clock last even ing: and filled the structure with, smoke. The building is used as a part of the Countiss boarding-house. A telephone message brought out the department, and three minutes after an alarm was turned in from box 133. Cordray's Theater ad Joins the building, but though a little smoke drifted Into the region behind the stage, the audience was not disturbed and no panic of any kind ensued. The blazing paper was soon put out. Street-Car. "Was Wrecked. One of the rough paving stones on Second street worked its way above its proper level yes terday afternoon, and as a result car No. SC, of the Lower Alblna line, struck it in front of the police station. "With a mighty clang and smash the car left the rails and bumped along on the stones. The body of the cot was lifted from the trucks and the framework was wrenched out of shape. Sunday Troiaet Trips. Ot Tv". P. & Ry. Co. Motor cars with trailers every SO min utes to Oregon City, Willamette Palls and Canemah Park, through Sellwood, Golf X.inks and Milwaukle; every 20 minutes to 3It Tabor, East Side reservoirs and ilL Scott. To Gresham and Boring, 7:30 and 9:50 A. M., 1:30 and 4:10 P. M. Cars leave from First and Alder streets. Summer Seaside schedule of A. & C. R. R. to be discontinued after Sunday, Sep tember 13. Beginning Monday, September 14, the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company will discontinue the special Sat urday afternoon Seaside service and re sume regular schedule of trains, leaving Union Depot daily at 8:00 A. M. and 7:00 P.iL Bishop Scott Academt Opentng. The Bishop Scott Academy will commence Its 34th year on Monday, September 14. The opening services will be held in the school chapel at8:45 A. M. upon that day. Rev. Philip K. Hammond, of Oregon City, will give the address to the cadets upon this occasion. All are cordially Invited to at tend. To Canemah Park. Take your Sunday outing overlooking Willamette Falls. The park is provided with all the facilities for the picnicker and pl&asure-seeker. Motor cars with double trucks, open trailers, leave every 30 minutes from First and Alder streets. Round trip, 25 cents. Music end refreshments on the ground. W. C T. U. to Eiject Officers: The annual election of officers of the Central W. C. T. U. will be held on Monday after noon at 2:30 o'clock, at the headquarters of the society at 229& First street The annual meeting of the Oregon State W. C. T. U. will take place at Salem the last week in October. New Minister Arrives. Rev. A. A. En gelbart, of Oregon City, has taken charge of the First German Evangelical Church, on the corner of Clay and Tenth streets. Rev. Mr. Engelbart resides at 391 Clay street, and offers his services to the Ger man people of this city as a minister of the gospeL First-class halftone cylinder pressman, lately employed as foreman of one of the largest and finest pressrooms In the coun try, will give a course of instruction in all the latest methods. Only a limited number instructed. Fee, $25. Address E. D., care of Peaslee Bros. Co. Finest river trip in the world. To The Dalles on steamer Bailey Gatzert. Leaves Tuesday morning, 7 A. II.; returns Wednesday, 2;30 P. M. Meals the best. Secure berths and tickets early. ILeave Al der street dock 1 A. M. Round trip, 50 cents. Phone Main 934- Congregation Beth Israel. The an nual allotment of seats will take place at the Temple today at 2 P. M. sharp. Mem bers as well as nonmembers are earnestly requested to attend promptly, as this will be the only opportunity to participate in the distribution. A. B. McAlpin, photographer, will re sume business upon the completion of new building In their old location, 129 Sev enth. Orders for outside work, duplicates, etc., may be left with Moorehouse & Co., Seventh and Alder, where photos may be called for. The members of the Portland Laundry men's Association have decided that af ter October X 1903, all monthly accounts must be. paid not later than the 20th of the month following that for which the ac count has been rendered. J. A. Cook, Secy. Ladies! You can earn your Christmas money In a delightful way, at the same time learn the latest home decorative work. No sewing. Easier, cheaper , and nicer than embroidery. Call 9 to 5, 372& East Morrison street. Oregon City Boats. Take this river outing and spend a few hours on the river. Boats leave Taylor street Sunday at 8:30, 11:30 A. M.. 3 P. M. Last trip for Oregon City 4:30. Round trip, 25 cents. Factory or mill site, fronting on the river and deep water, having solid founda tion and rail connections. Anybody want ing a factory or mill site should apply to C. K. Henry, 273 Stark street. Warehouse site, a half-block of ground on the West Side, also several on the East Side, solid' foundation, with rail connec tion, at a very low price. Apply to C. K. Henry, 273 Stark street. A rare collection of Oriental rugs that has no rival in size and completeness will be opened at 411 Washington street, be ginning Tuesday, the 15th inst. BtTTTERFiELD Bros., manufacturing jew elers and opticians, have removed to their new location in the Mohawk building, corner Third and Morrison. Wb have everything in the vehicle line and, being "Studebakers," we are willing to take all chances of pleasing you in whatever you might order. David Khoury, Oriental rug importer. Temoved from 411 Washington street to 347 Alder. Part of our fall stock just arrived. Call and inspect it Blank books, tablets, school supplies, novels and our complete stock of station ery at cost to close. Rogers, 323 Morrison street. Borquist & Reffling's lriije&jtatioris of exclusive woolens for Fall and Winter wear all received, 231 Washington street. Tbxnity Episcopal Sunday school will meet today at 9:30 A. M. sharp. Full attendance desired, Free dispensary for worthy poor, Tues., Thurs., Sat.. 1 P. 1L St. Vincent's Hosp Dr. W. C. Shearer, now permanently located, rooms 80-S0S Dekum building. Huffman, ladles' tailor, rooms 432-34 Mohawk building. Exclusive patterns. Dr. Lillebellh Patterson, Osteopath. Office 343 Washington' street. The founfstory brick building on Front and Couch streets is for rent. Mrs. L. Evans has re-opened her Music Institute. 521 The Marquam. Impoetant. Delinquent tax sale. See clr-sslfled column. Dr. George W. Schmidt, 407 Dekum. Phone Main 2216. Studebakers cap the climax. Buy one and try it. Miss Maki, masseuse, returned, 405 Ab- ington. W. B. Knapp, dentist, 10-11 Hamilton b. Drs. Cauthorn and Kelly, Mohawk Bldg. Dr. McElroy, Oregonlan bldg., returned. Dr. Swain, Dekum. Phone Brown 492, C. C. Newcastle, dentist, Mohawk big. Ss. Alva D. Walker, Mohawk bldg. Studebaker Bros. Co., Northwest, have the largest vehicle repository In the Northwest. 330-33S East Morrison street. Wanted Threb young ladies for booth work at Carnival. Inquire at HEADQUARTERS, MULTNOMAH CLUB. Acme Oil Cp. for fine coal oils and gas oline, -wholesale and retail. Phone 'Mafn 670. Office 212 First street. Dr. Lola Johnson, room 427 Mohawk building. Phone Main 30S6. R. phone Main 1622. Dr. J. H. Miller, dentist, moved to 415 16 Mohawk building. Phone Main 746. Wanted 10 carpenters, 20 laborers. Dry Dock, Vancouver, Wash. Baseball today, 24th jand "Vaughn, 2:30. University vc. Rainier. Go to Studebakers fio find the best wagon on earth. Wooster" sells fat Havana cigars. 7th and Morrison. Lustigh Brueder Picnic at Rohse's Park today. Dr. Moreland, phone Red 32SL Dekum. KNOWS HIS FRIENDS. Stevenson Rancher Sees Only One Side to Steamboat Controversy. STEVENSON, Wash., Sept 12. To the Editor.) Come, let us reason together upon this one-sided war, for sueh The Dalles-Portland steamboat situation ap pears to an impartial observer. The Reg ulator Line is a matter of growth, of a proper start, intelligent perseverance, a disposition to serve the whole people and the ability to do so, gained through years of doing so under all sorts and conditions of water and weather. The Regulator Line has grown to a place of importance in the development of the riverside regions of Oregon and Washington arid their chief city, Portland, the seaport and metropolis of the Inland Empire, regard less of state lines. The rapid and sub stantial growth of those localities,-v ever since their beginnings, dependent upon the Regulator Line, is the best evidence of its thorough management. The Spencer may have been all right at towing, a plodding pull; but when it comes to the maneuvering required when approaching and leaving landings, she cannot get there, and falls to make the placarded promises of arrivals and de partures by from two to three hours. The Spencer leaves out all landings between Vancouver and Washougal, and she Ig nores the Important points of Corbett's, Mount Pleasant, Cape Horn, Butler, War rendale and Moffatt's Hot Springs. Above the Cascadesno calls are made at Ntlsqn Creek, Smith Creek, Wyeth, Cook's, Viento and Drano, from which points the Davenport Bros.' Lumber Com pany, the Arnold & Carlson Lumber Company, the Oregon Lumber Company, and the Washington Lumber Company, respectively, receive their supplies. Be sides the foregoing named, several land ings of Importance to ranchers are as cheerfully Ignored. The Spencer has re fused to take on board horses, cattle and the time-honored Immigrant wagon, say ing they could not accommodate this freight. But the Regulator Line has learned to accommodate all sorts and con ditions, and during the past Summer's un usually high water Its management char tered a railway train to rush transfers at the locks. P. S. C. W. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. Opens 3ext Tuesday "Week. From Butto Miner. That magnificent new stone structure on top of a mountain peak overlooking a fertile valley of miles of farm homes at Mount Angel, Or., about 30 miles from Portland, will be occupied for the first time next Tuesday week, when the Bene dictine Fathers open classes there. Mount Angel College Is a noted insti tution of solid teaching parts. It has turned out hundreds of boys well fitted by educational and moral training to win. their way in the battle of life. The most remarkable part of all is that this superior training is given, including noard, washing and laundering, for only 5200 a year. For five times that amount, a boy cannot get better training nor find a more beautiful and healthy location for his school years. Quite a large number of Montana boys attend Mount Angel, as It Is far superior in all that a boy loves in outdoor sports, beautiful scenery, splendid climate and glorious opportunities for learning, to any institution In all this land west of the Mississippi River. To. see the place is to fall in love with Mount Angel College. THE "SILENT WORKMAN." In remodeling your house, putting In new gas or electric fixtures, mantels or open fire places, repairing bells and batteries, rewiring eta, the famous "silent work men" of our establishment are a blessing indeed. They are all work, no talk,no time lost, and, consequently, no exorbitant bills Getting latest and good designs In these articles at the very moderate prices ve offer is one Important item. But even more Important is the promptness and capabllty of our "silent workmen." THE JOHN BARRETT CO., Established 186S. Sixth and Alder. THREE FOR TEN CENTS. Recruit, Cremo and all standard 5-cent cigars, three for 10 cents, or JL50 for box of 50. The Cut Rate Cigar and News Store. Handley & Kelley, props., 291 Wash ington, between Fourth and Fifth. INTERESTING READING. Profit and pleasure combined await all who peruse .McAllen & McDonnell's ad. on page 12. Read It! Hoods' Sarsapanna creates an appetite xooa. HaveYou a Good Watch? Silver as Above, fC.BO. We have ladies' and gentlemen's gold-filled chains from $2.50 Solid gold from $8.50 up. UP MULTNOMAH CLUB PINS, Only 25c We liave just made several hundred of them for the carnival. WATCH FOR OUR BOOTH when you go there. JAEGER BROS. Sun 200 MORRISOX STREET, NEAR. FIFTH I . .TO R IKS.. These lenses meet our unquali fiecLapproval and we never in dorse opticial novelties until as sured of their merits. WALTER REED i T H E OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH ST., it WANTED IN MINNESOTA. Robert Louden Arrested for Alleged Timber Land Fraud. On a charge of attempting to defcaud the Government out of timber land, in Louis County, Minnesota, Robert Louden was arrested on the streets yesterday morning by Deputy United States Mar shal Roberts. A certified indictment from the United States District Attorney of Minnesota was the immediate cause of the arrest. Louden was taken before Commissioner McKeo, where he gavo bonds of $500 to appear at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Louden refused to say anything about the case when he left the office of the United States Marshal. "It doesn't amount to anything," said he. The affidavit signed by "William E. Cul-J Kin, .Register 01 mo jjuiuui j-iiiuu uujet:, Is to the effect that Louden in conjunt tion with others Induced a woman named Annie Stensland to declare her intention to buy a tract of land In Louis County, whereas she was acting simply as the agent of Louden and his friends. Louden told the Commissioner that he had resided In Portland for two yeafs and that he could bring excellent proof of his Innocence. He seems to think it is a case of mistaken identity. LAST OF THE SEASON. Concert no Be Given liy Brown's Band at City Park Today. Following is the programme for the last park concert of the season, to be given at the City Park today at 2:30 M.: Grand march "Coronation" (new) G. St. George "Waltz "L'Estudlantina" Waldteufel Overture "Merry Wives of "Windsor".. Nlcolal (a) Idyll "Bird Notes" ' (b) A National song "Our Country Grand".... Mrs. June McMillen-Ordway iFantasla burlesque "Arkansaw Trav eler" Reeves (Note This piece is Intended as a me dium through which the individual player may display his humorous tendencies.) INTERMISSION, 15 MINUTES. Duet for cornet and trombone "Mis- ererl," from "II Trovatore" Verdi Messrs. Livingston and "Whan. "Reminiscences of Meyerbeer".... Godfrey .(a) Plantation Episode, "Cows in the Corn" Hall (b) March Comlqu. "Epplers "Whis kers" Hacker Excerpts from "Foxy Qulller".De Koven For the last time, "Hiawatha" Moret Charles L. Brown, conductor. PROPERTY-OWNERS. Building residences, stores, factories and hotels will do well by having M. J. "Walsh Co. furnish their electric and gas chandeliers, mantels, grates and tiling. They also carry a complete line of elec tric and gas appliances, such as desk lamps, wall brackets, telephones, call bells, buzzers, door trips, "Welsbach burn ers' and supplies; wiring of residences and stores a specialty. See them at their show rooms, 343 "Wash, st, or ring up by phone and have their representative oaU on you. CARD OF THANKS. To the friends and neighbors who were so -d to my wife during her sickness and death we extend our heartfelt and sincere thanks. C. E. HOTT AND FAMILY. Enlargement and Inflammation of the pros tate gland are cured by Oregon Kdney Tea. Dr. Knoder, dentist, 322 Mohawk bldg. SMART CLOTHES Made for Usby The Stein -Bloch Co. Wholesale Tailors at Rochester, N. Y Every Pattern a Picture I i Every Garment the Work Suits and Overcoats Buy a Salsbury Hat a $3 Hat for ; S2.SO s Famous Clothing Co. COR. MORRISON AND 2d STREET Are you thinking of getting one? And if so, would you like to save a little money? We bought too many watches and cases and are overcrowded For room. To reduce the sur plus we will sell them for one week at 20 Discount Ladles' Silver Watches $ 6.50 and up Ladies' Nickel Watches 3.00 and up Ladies' Gold-filled Watches. . Q.50 and up Ladies' Solid Gold Watches.. 18.00 and up Gentlemen's Nickel Watches. 2.50 and uo Gentlemen's Silver Watches. 6.S0 and up Gentlemen's tild-fGUi Watches, 9.50 and up Gentlemen's Solid Gold Watches, 30.00 and up W ! X OBEGOXIAN BLDG. THROW IT AWAY Some of Our Clean Impoited CONFETTI Just to Have a Good Time TRY IT THE CURIO STORE D. 3L AVE RILL & CO. 331 M-ORRISON STREET WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant; fine private apart ments for parties, 305 Wash., near 5th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner 50c; first-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Chicken dinner complete, 25c; everything else at popular prices. .229 "Washington street, near iirsu oirouse s lauranu Perkins Restaurant will serve regular chicken dinner S5c From 12 M to S P. M. D. M. "Watson, proprietor. .Have you friends coming from the East? If so, send their names to the Denver & Rio Grande oince, 12 xmra. street, Port land, or.. The old lady bad just dropped a coin in the beggar's outstretched hand. "You ought to .say 'thank yon,' " she suggested. "What! for a nickel 7 ' he retorted. Chicago evening fOBt . TOURISTS' CURIOS We carry the largest and most complete stock of Japanese and Chinese curios in the city, consist ing of Bronze Cloisonnie ware, Silk Embroideries, Ivory Carvings, fine Dec orated Porcelain, etc., at lowest prices. ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4th and Morrison SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 of an Expert Tailor at $15 to $40 X JW Display of Styisi Apparel for 7fen anci ffioys THE SHOWING EXCEEDS BY FAR ANY HERETOFORE MADE IN THE NORTHWEST; THE VARIETY IS GREATER AND THE BETTER lines are made by custom tailors Steinbach's is the only house in the city showing the celebrated "Brokaw" and "Rogers-Peet" clothing, .which means the finest ready-to-wear clothing ever produced Every Fall garment that our Mr. Steinbach had tailor ed while East is now in and on display. A TRUSS FITTED BY US Always gives relief and Is always comfortable. We guarantee satis faction or money back. Send -for booklet and prices. M(00DARD, CLARKE & CO. ' PORTLAND, OREGON COAL Domestic and Foreign, Tho best In this market. '. The Pacific Coast Company US - WASHINGTON STREET. Charles H. Glelm. Agent. Rock Springs Coal Secure your Wlnter'o supply now. Special rates S tons or more, on either tho RAMOEJ or LUMP COAL. This U the best toousa coal sold. VULCAN COAL CO. Phone ilaia 277 &. It. n. track. Front &ad GlUan. C C. NEWCASTLE Dentist 412 Mohawk Bldg,, 3d and Morrison COAL ICTSG COAL CO. baa the best. Get It now. Special rates oh 5-ton lots or better. Phone Main 142S. EDUCATIONAIm Oregon Conservatory of Music OPENS SEPT. 1 One of the best equipped schools on the Pacific Coast. Prepares pupils for professional careers, church positions, th.e concert, operatic and dramatic stage. " Piano, pipe organ, harmony, musical form, voice, violin and all stringed instru ments. . . Elocution, languages and art. music, kindergarten method, lectures and recitals. Examinations quarterly. Rudiments, theory and history of muslo free to pupils of the Conservatory. L. H. HURLBURT-EDWARDS, DIRECTOR Woshlnirton and Seventh. Sts.. Brooke Bldff. POUTLAND, Oil. Portland, ' Oregon. Lower School of St. Helen's Hall CAREFULLY COORDINATED. Primary Department.... Nettle Simpson Intermediate Department Edith "Waterman Preparatory Department-EHzabeth K. Matthews OPEN SEPTEMBER 14. NORMAL. Kindergarten Training Classes open.... Oct. 1 Model Kindergarten Class opens Oct- 15 Mrs) Allen's School For Boys and Girls College' preparatory and general courses. Seventh and elghth-grado work ot grammar school also. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M. Cata logue, address MARGARET y. ' ALLEN, TiS Bisth street, Portland, Or ' w - CLOTHIERS Xjr SOUTHWEST CORNER. FOURTH SOUTHWEST $ine Jftall SuiiSj Overcoats and Cravenettes for THE STYLE of our garments is never short of perfect. THE QUALITIES of the materials are the best that are produced. THE PATTERNS are a few hundreds selected from many thousands. THE WORKMANSHIP is the same as in the finest cus tom-made garments. MEN'S SUITS $10, $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30 to $35, X OVERCOATS $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $35 to $60. CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS, men's, $10, $12.50, $15, $20, $24, $30 to $35. jfre the &oys Steady for Sohool? If not, bring them down tomorrow and fit them. You'll find school suits, strong, sensible and stylish or boys of every age, from kindergarten to college. CHILDREN'S SUITS $2.15, $2.85, $3.35, $4, $5 anS upwards. Ttfen's sffats' Correct JW Styies All the popular new blocks and proportions for Fall are repesented in our superior, exclusive lines. All hats are scientifically shaped to conform to the head. ARTIFICIAL EYES? YES! OF COURSE WE HAVE THEM! We carry a complete stock oMbd celebrated Muller Eyes, made In "Welsba den, Germany, for which we have the agency for the Pacific Northwest. "We carry eyes of all sizes, shapes and colors. Give us a call and we will show them to you and explain why they are the best uu txurui. 284 Washington St. Betvreen Fourth and XTlith. Street. EDUCATIONAL. University of Oregon School of Music EUGENE, OREGON A School of Music with University Privileges and Aims Strong Faculty. 122 Enrollment Last Year For Catalogue, Address 'REGISTRAR, University of Oregon," or I. M. GLEN, Dean lerke Musical Institute 655 Flanders Street. Phone Main 252i. The school that produces artists. Quickest way to develop technique, tone production, phrasing and ex pression. Graduation from the Dierke iyiusical Institute guarantees a thorough knowledge of all branch es of musfc. Numbers of graduates are teaching with greatest success throughout the States. Piano Charles Dierke, Beatrice- Dlerko, Pearl Smith, Aimy May. Violin Frank Griffln. Cello Ferdinand Conrad. Har mony, Composition E. Fink. CALDWELL COLLEGE OF ORATORY, ACTING, OPERA AND AUTHORSHIP 1205 Market Street; San Francisco, Cal. Diplomas and Degrees Conferred. Fall Term Begins September 7. Departments Practical acting oratory, elo cution, opera, and vocal music, authorship, playwritlng; literature and fencing. 17 teach ers In faculty. Position guaranteed to all graduates. "Write for lOS-page, beautifully Il lustrated catalogue, free. LAW DEPARTMENT OF THT3 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Eighteenth annual session begins October 8, 1903. Lectures delivered at 7:15 in the evening. Address C. TT. Gantcnbeln, Ij-Ij. B., Dean, 723 Chamber of Commerce Building, Port land. THE MISSES RODNEY Late Principals of St. Helen's Stall. Instruction In Voenl Mnsic, Piano, English, History, Lite rature and languages. No. 128 22d STREET, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY THE D AXLES, OREGON. Boarding school for girls. Fortieth year. Remarkable record ror excellent health and thorough Instruction In every depart ment of an academic curriculum. For catalogue address. Sister. Superior. AXD MORRISON STREETS. en M Air PQRTLAHDiOrEQi Hili Military Academy 2-ltn and Marshall Streets. PORTLAND, OR. A Private Boarding and Day School for Boys. New buildings, modern and complete; manual training, military discipline, char acter building. Boya successfully fitted for all colleges. Principal of 23 years' ex perience in Portland. Boys of any age ad mitted at any time. Write for catalogue. Fall term opens September 16. Da J. W. HILL, Principal. j Mt. Angel j I College I Opens Sept. 15 in the new stone structure. Price $200 per year. Address Rev. Pres- I ident, Mt. Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oregon. HitchcockMilitaryAcademy San Rafael, Cal. Preparation for Eastern and West ern Universities, U. S. Academies, etc. Separate building for little boys. WilLopen after vacation, Au gust 17. Write for Catalogue, etc. Portland reference: Captain Brown of Brown & McCabe, stevedores, 35 Second street, whose son is at the Academy. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Seventeenth aannal session begins Sept. 38. 3903. Address 8. B. JOSSFHL Z,. 17ms. SMl Dekum fcld., Portland, - - Scientific Sl v Manufacturing-Opticians-