THE SUNDAY OHEGONIAN, PORTL"a:N!D, SEPTEMBER 13, 1903. A 'Tfce Different Store," 5tE and Washington Sts. MAKE THE SEASON'S OUTFIT XATCII FROM TOP TO TOE. SPECIAL Multnomah A. A.. Flags for decorating purposes on sale in Men's Furnishing Section 1st floor. Of heavy white paper with club design printed in red on both sides. Suitable for Inside decorations. In stores, offices and -windows, pretty for home trimmings. Boost the Carnival by decorating with the club flags and colors. Full size flags mounted on sticks, 10c Full size -flags, un mounted for stringing on wires, strings, etc, or window decorating, 5c "OPENINGS?" Yes there are oth ers and there are "Has Beens;" that's where ours will shine. Olds, W pitman & King Not "How Cheap," but How Elegant and Reasonable Olds, Wottman & King's "Old Homestead" Thototighfate Store AUTUMN MOUNTS HER THRONE AND FASHION WAVES HER WAND With graceful poise she stands, commanding and erect upon her pedestal, her eye scans the scene, she is satisfied and from her lips issues the command to faithful votaries, "READY, LOOKl" She lifts the ve2 what stands revealed? THIS STORE I Alone. Out and apart from the heterogeneous mass of Autumn offerings cast at her feet, one stands pre-eminent in a class by itself, and 'tis worthy this store's Autumn Exposition. Fashion's outstretched arm descends with commanding gesture it stops Her magic wand rests upon this store she bids her subjects: COMEl 'Tis well a fitting recompense for Herculean effort, extraordinary preparation and unparalleled gatherings of splendid merchandise from the marts and makers of the world for OUR GRAND FORMAL FALL OPENINGS I , THIS WEEK, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Sept. 15, 16 and 17. Thousands of enthusiastic shoppers who attend the Merchants' Grand Carnival this week, under the auspices of the finest, cleanest athletic association in America The Multnomah will be privileged to revel among the wonderful scenes at this beauty show. A gala week, indeed! Our openings are the society events of the year, and this time we have planned upon a scale hitherto unknown. A mammoth store is at your command with their best service strongly reinforced for this grand occasion. The exposition of new styles in newest merchandise is an attraction absolutely unapproachable. With their usual foresight the management of this 'Different Store" arranged our OPENINGS at a time when most people may be served and profit by them. Simultaneously with the opening of the Big Carnival, when low rates prevail on all railroads leading into the city, at a time when Autumn showings are complete, people living at a distance may share the privileges of our good Portland folks, as Special Reduced Prices Prevail on Every Railroad leading from points- hundreds of miles away and terminating at OUR GRAND AUTUMN OPENINGS THIS WEEK. Visitors to the Carnival are cordially invited to attend our openings, roam about the store, leave your parcels here and make this store your downtown home during your stay in Portland. Arrange to meet your friends here just say "I'll meet you in the Woman's Salon, on 2d floor of Olds, Wortman & King's" it will be pleasant as well as interesting to them, as well as to yourself, and we shall be glad to have them inspect everything here, without feeling any obligation to purchase. This event -has wrought wondrous transformation throughout the store see the window showings they are the cover to the book come inside the volume is open and a chapter from "Arabian Nights" spreads before your gaze. Don't miss a floor extra elevator service and extra helpers will assist your tour thro'. The aisles will flash colorfully, and wondrous feasts of new merchandise will spread in all directions. Preparations have been made for a busy week. OPENINGS OCCUR, remember TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 3 days with a change of showings each day AN ENTIRE NEW SHOW. With our mammoth stocks it would be simply impossible to display all in less time; so in order to witness this GRANDEST FASHION SHOW EVER EXPLOITED BY AY HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO, YOU MUST COME EVERY DAY OF THE OPENING, and -we promise you new scenes to gaze upon each day. COME! Fall Season '03 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thtttsday, Sept. t5, J 6,, J 7 The Millinery Halls are on second floor. WALK or DRIVE along any of the fashionable boulevards of Paris the Champs Elysees or the Boisde Boulogne and then deny if you can that Paris is still imperial in fashion. At this establishment Paris is fully repre sented as usual. The Millinery Event of the season is undoubtedly for the entire Northwest section of country the Olds, Wortman & King Opening. You may be familiar with the names of the style creators:. Camille Roger Rime. Sussane Maison Lewis N Esther Meyer - Caroline Reboux Deffontaine Mons. Viron Mangin Maurice Georgette Leontaine Paul Virot et Bertha Henri Bendel and others these besides our great leading American authorities, Gage and Connelly. Art and trans lations are here with the choicest selections from American makers of reputation in Fashion's Halls and original and inimitable creations and adaptations of our own artist designers. Who can doubt, after look ing at the assemblage gathered in our beautifully decoratedshow-rooms, that millinery ranks among the fine arts? The theme this season is military. They are beautiful. They are odd original as they can be. Variety and novelty seem to be the one aim this Autumn. The flat idea is forgotten. Crowns are beginning to show, though they are almost hidden by the high rolling Tims (they never rolled as high as they do this season). They look like a soldier's hat, even more so with their nodding plumes, tinsels and braids. The Hats Are Napoleonic Four of these latest models are three-cornered Continentals to remind one of Napoleon and the bat tlefield. Ojhers on the poke bonnet order and somewhat picturesque effect take us into Napoleon's court and where Empress Josephine was the ruling spirit. These poke effects are more feminine. There is something about the way they fit and frame the face, the way they cling close, to the hair in the back, something about the soft effect the tie gives the throat that flatters all who wear them. But the colors ! There's where the beauty is. Begonia shades, and dahlias in deep rich tones stand first Smoke color is another London smoke, you might say. Pretty blues are fashionable, as well as burnt orange. All of them are shaded from light to dark Some of them blend so artistically they look like a painting. Black and white still holds a favorite place. Velvets and zibeline cloths are the materials. Plumes, birds and spangles are the chief ornaments. But the best part of the display isn't here and cannot be expressed the feeling and individuality of the hats. Invite you? We've already done that between the lines. Prices to Suit Every Perse, $5.00 to $50.00 Even this Full Page will not allow extended mention of all departments more follows tomorrow and Tuesday morning we'll only say today, The New Lines Are In, and openings occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, of Gloves for Fall, Hosiery, Ladies' "New" Neckwear, New Laces and Ribbons, Trimmings, Men's Furnishings, Shoes, China and Cut Glass, Curtains, Rugs, Housef ittings, Bedding, etc., all readyfor this week's openings. Every department stands at READY I DRESS FABRICS FOR TJJAT NEW FALL SUIT (Annex First Floor) Fall -Openings Tuesday, Wednesday and Tlmrsday Foil showings now in READY! Platfthat new gown now. Most Important feature is correct material, not a difficult task here our dress goods showing includes nearly nine hundred numbers in its" variety, entirely latest Autumn receipts. As low as 50c the yard, and from that to $5. We mention a few jotted down at random, a sort of hop, skip and a jump among the shelves. Blacks and colors. High-class fabrics, made only for such stores as Olds, Wortman & King's goods for finish, "style and durability cannot be duplicated. All the new fashionable weaves Zibelines in the following: Rftrror, Broadtail, Panne, Boutonne, Iridescent, Chameleons, Silver Haired, "Wavy, Knub and Plain, ranging in price from 50c to $5.00. New English and Scotch Suitings, in every new wpavefrom 50c to $3.00. English and French Canvas du Faucet, in plain and knuhbzd effects, from 50c to $2.25. And scores of weaves too numerous to mention, such as Roxancis, Canvas Curl Cloth, Crispin's Sharkskin Canvas, Silk and "Wool Crystal Crepes, Mohair Sanglie Cloth, Silk and Wool Chiffon Barege, in fact every weave and color to be found in any first-rate dress goods department, and all marked at prices that make the public wonder how. we can do it, especially after their shopping, around and seeing the fancy prices charged by others. NEW FALL SILKS X Black Taffetas in Swiss, French and domestic makes, t9 to 36 inches in width. Better values cannot be found. 50c to $2.50 (including our own special warranted make). Black Peau de Soie, in pure yarn dyes, specially adapted for the swell three-quarter coats, and costumes gathered direct from the best makers in the world, 19 to 36 inches wide, can be had here from $f.00 to $2.75 per yard. New Shirtwaist Silks, an exertional collection of new choice designs, and the latest color combinations for the tailor-made and fancy waists, in invisible checks, neat stripes; Poplins, with neat flecked designs: French', Scotch and satin barred plaid Taffetas, Armures, Poplins, Bengalines, Faiies, Floral, Dresden, Persian, and Polka Dots; in fact, everything desirable to be found in the world's market, from $ J.OO to $5.00 per yard. 24-inch all-silk Crepe de Chine, in every possible shade $f.00 24-inch all-silk Pointelia Crepe de Chine, in every possible shade $f 25 24-inch all-silk Cupe Milena, in every possible shade - $f.50 42-inch ail-silk Fancy Colored Grenadines, a beautiful collection i n Fetching Features of Fall Styles, Magnificent Variety of New Fall Models, More Elegant Than Ever Before Shown, Even by This Style Store. Grand Atttmn Openings Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 1 5. i 6 and ft 7 Fall J903. ("Women's Salon Second Floor.) x . Saits, Skirts, Jackets, Wraps, Waists and Charming Costumes, Reasonably Priced TAILORED GOWNS IN BEWILDERING VARIETY. - "Suits" they are commonly termed, but American tailoring has developed info such an art that the result is more like a privately niade dress than a ready-to-don costume. In less than forty years the tailoring business of this country has jumped from seven millions to seven hundred millions of dollars a year. Today it stands next in line to the textile and iron and steel indus tries. Such is the extent and importance of garment making. Yet the garments themselves are more eloquent than statistics. They show won derful thoughtand genius. One doesn't wonder to look at them at the way women are taking to them. They embody every hall-mark of exclusive ness, even to as perfect a fit as one could expect from an individual dress maker, and cost much less In fact, it's in these outfits one gets the most expert -tailoring services that not a hundredth part of the American women could afford if they sought it indi vidually. The designer realizes this, too; he sees where he can get ten times as muci business by doing it on a large scale. "We've heard of cutters under thirty-five years of age getting more than a president's salary designing women's garments. But the larger advantage of this Olds, "Wortman & King store is in the variety one has at their disposal. We don't take all from this tailor or all from that ; we sift the good points of all the fashion makers and get each one's best. A half hour daily during our Openings this week touring among the styles will give the tourist a complete idea of Fashion's latest thoughts and what are they REFLECTIONS OF THE PERIOD OF 1830 1 when grandma wore her full skirts, with hoops and horizontal trimmings. The hoops are minus now but the trimmings are plus. Fringes in spots (by the yard no more), fanciful buttons that resemble gems in brilliancy and Tiffany jewelry in pattern. Laces galore ; never was such a lace year three or four kinds of beautiful laces on a single costume. Braid and pendant ornaments in plenty. Dresses go to extremes, extremely fancy and severely plain; those with military effect buttons, and all that remind one of the German soldiery and scent of the battlefield, loose, "capey" and military capes to match. The simple gowns are beautiful all cut long and "coaty." Those with shaped close-buttoning Prince Albert coats have a style at once swagger and stunning. It's the long coat the Napoleonic effect that ruled at the Court of France in the time of the beautiful Josephine, that brought about such decided change in the skirt. It must be full and straight to give dash and swing to the coat. This means good-bye to the clinging materials. If s zibelines now, broadcloths, panne cheviots, or pebble or etamine cheviots. Plain colors and mixtures are both good : some of the latter are very "Scotchy" and remind one again of grandma's days of the rag carpets she used to make. Prices range from $J75 down as low as $J7. New Fall Waists Fot All. Little pleats, big pleats, lace, buttons, braid, have all crept into these new waists which are flying into the store from all parts of tne country. Even the humble little waist of black sateen has appropriated enough of the beauty touches not to be put out of coun tenance by its more stately sister. For business needs are waists of mohair, tailored, trie. full of style. A -sun M III